HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-01-17, Page 7ABSOLUTE
Aittle Liver Pills
Must Dear Signature of
See Pae: -Slott* Wrapper Below.
Parr oaaan alto as ear,
Ss take aa tato2.
FON flAIACii[.
FON ,IL'litNIt3.
isii":71': ss"723,. Y� •
. 117) la
n ended lo mean "
chaps in the sense of
Uteri atter Io.s transgress(
he tree of life." 'There is a
u11y here, however, which 11
n solve. In the 'rebuild the ex
given is that wills G'xl one tiny
thnu:aud years, and that since
act ally did din w llei1 he was only n
hundred rind thirty yours old tho 11►r
was carrict{ out consistently with its in.
tended ineanulg.
4. Ye shell not surely tile—The temp-
ter's 1181 denial of God's word.
5. Your eyes shall be opened, and yo
.,hall he as God (\large, Codd, knowing
good and evil --The tempter holds out
114e hope of a grout hotel to be secured
disobedience. 'The immediate re-
;ard, adroitly though fallnci:u<ly put
onward. thus; sets out of sight the re•
ruler penalty." \Vo note also the
mstiuu of jealousy or envy on the part
i God confined in the tempters wards.
siu,iler (suggestion is found in 1110
ury of the Tower of Babel. 'There
ills to havo been among t►11 ancient
ewes a notion that then* was a real 1
ager of great men and heroes becolu-
like gods. (fence jealousy and envy
man is a quality very often ascribed
the gods (compare especially (;reek pi
Ihology. The ancients had no ado- ►
to c nICeplinit of the vaslneses of lite
'erso or the infinitude of els Creator,
wenre in their minds there seems
to have been the sam0 great gulf
1 between the finite and the Infinite,
een man and God, which exists in
'1'o be desired—Or, desirable to look
. 1'erha:'s the profoundest touch of
Mire narrative is given in verse 7:
the eyes of them loth were
d. and they knew that they were
I." Vero; 7-12 should be treated as
,f the lesson.
What is this thou hast done?—
sks lints to elicit from both the
Ind 1110 woman a full admission of
Cursed art thou above all cattle—
tither is still accounting fur ori -
here he explains the pcculiur
of scrpeels.
I. shall bruise (Marg., lie in wait
(y head—\\'e. note that to tho ser -
similar prornise is given in the
thou shalt bruise his heel. 11 Ls a
nal conflict that is foretold; but, a,
tun ha, pointed out, "a conflict
ed by God, in which the serpent is
I evidently as the offender and
.;or, cannot but end in the
1 of its opponent." The promise
woman contained in this verse
hikes at the outset of the history
•nlption the note of promise and of l orange peel. \loi,trl Iwo pounds of
proved b
which is o
ing sheet,(
cream candies.
t tuella and ambo
quantity ul a time
adding Hurdling a
Cut into tiny . Lchs al
paper. A drop or iw
cinnamon, sassafras or
slake it pleasing varlet
while chocolate, orange
juice are coloring agents
al hand. A 9vor1 1t3 to p
Beller rosalls are obtained
only comas In contact oil
ugers and thumbs and el
in the bund. Use buttered
sharp knife to est into site
and it (tot wrapped in wax p
on slightly buttered plates ape
each (Mgr.
(:ocounut Cream Ren.—Melt two
spoonfuls of butler in a granite pun
add one end one•htaf cupfuls of 30
with half a cupful of milk. bleat slow
to boiling point, boil twelve minutes, r
move from lire, aild one-third cupful 0
shredded cocoanut and one-half leaspoollr
fol of vanilla. Ileal with a spoon until
creamy and the mixture begin, to sugar
at (ogee, then pour in buttered lin and
cut into burs. The tiniest drop of blu-
ing water will make llle candy pure
Are a True Heart Tonle,
d Mood Enricher. They build
while, Int
(:ream Nut Fudge.—Bring slowly to end
belling point two cupfuls of granulated teras
sugar and two-thirds of u cupful o[ milk. has
Buil hard until a soft ball can be formed ural
by dropping a little in cold water, then with 00
add one Tablespoonful of butler. !remove Ile seli
11•unl lila lire and add vanilla to suit the he was 5
taste and one cupful of chopped nut- with the
meals, stirring until smooth; then pour mal. Ile
into u buttered pan to the depth of half grow about
an incl, and block into squares. �� ill the old o
Fruit Nougat.—Ileutove Ike brown skin the appcaronco of hat
from a pint of roasted peanuts and ono- head of hair.
quarter of a pound of almonds by drop -
11 is statc,l that Ilte •teneher, whose
ping forn in nnenl into boiling water.
. Hate, for obvious rmasnns, was not
(:hoe, 000•lalt a (41111 each of (igs, cilrml, (give`s, was very jealous when "Dina
raisins (seeded or seedless) and candied ( Alma" (poke to other Hien, and that
hu was tori 11 by ufree ! of offending hint.
The promise has sol inappropri-1 sugar with a lime v,negau•, add a heap- (loth in Puts nm[ in Breslau the teach
teen called the l'rolevunp;diuul of ing latlo,poonful of butler, and cook' rr ons frequently warned that all wee
teach -
redemptive history. In1111 ata "t Isnot, but not brittle. Beal not right with his llaucee, but he laugh-
_ well, adding the fruit and nuts. pour on e; at all suspicions.
wcl clulh and cull up like a pudding, \lediral men think that "Dina Alma"
slicing u[/ candy in pieces otter it is must have hypnolizcd "her" unfertunale
Tell as to Sunshine, And Are an Index cold. lover. Dina Alma lett an unp;l! 1 bill
of the Annual Rainfall. Ilicl:ory-tut Candy.—Buil two Cupfuls er 4G) marks owing io the landlady et
of Sllgar and one•hnl(n cupful of water the pelsionnal, w'hn will have 10 re -
b s of it will thread, and when from the box lull of Tare.
to n nor h tuber perm ,nor , 11 has been found that the rings g � together until Icoup herself
ear:; first in \\•.'dint. _ 1, growth visible in the trunk; of trees 1 done flavor with n teaspoonful of 1091011 1 drove's, costly emh:.i'h ries, silver
alp have a far more Interesting story to tell! and vanilla together. Turn quickly into r t•:nlcknacics, and false dwnuauls, which
envy of the devil death Bev. into ihe' 111011 has usually been suieposed. Every- the healer while o[ nn egg (having the ,
world.' Compare also Bev. 12. 9. "The' I ite; v9•onclerlul D;na Alma had ar;;unul-
01d serpent, le Ilial is called the
Devil { 0410 knows that they indicate the 11uu1- bawl set in cold waler), stir in one cup-, Inled. The police a'so tumid razors
' whole bt•r of year.; That llto tree has lived. But (ul of hickory -nal n►cals, turn into a 19vial which it se01I13 "Dina Alma"
and Salim, the deceiver of trees as well Curry in their flunks n re flat Lutlerrd dish and, when cold, break I smoothed away all hirsute growths
cord of the weather °auditions that have into squares. (role "tic," taro.
prevailed during 11►e successive year of \larsl,nulllows. — I)i�<olve one-half a' The brother of "Dina Alma'' is in a
their growth. pound of Blear while gum arabic in one lunatic n.eylum. Their mother one al -
Several trees, each more Than one pint of water, sh•ain, and add one -halt so mentally infirm.
hundred and thirty years old. were a, pound of refined sugar and place on
tolled, and the order and rcla111.0 %•kith Ili' lire, stirring cnnslantly until the
of the rings of growth in their trunks sugar is disolved and the mixture Ls of
were found to agree exactly. the const tellcy of hrnu,y. Add gradually
This feet showed that all 1110 fres bed Il+e• beaten whites of tour eggs, stir con -
experienced the stone stimulation in ver- ',many 1111 the mixture thickens, so it
111111 ye.u';. Assuming dant the most raj,oill not adhere 10 the finger. pour into
gid gruolh had occurred in wet y'cara. ;, deep dash o• lin dusted with corn
it was concluded that out of one tem- ot:u•c11, and when enol cut into cubes
Poed an oo
up and anew aif tho warn out and wtard r Cn C0415idP1'rd alltepg; all
oftheboo .andrestoreperfecthealtb—(.r�.ty; ,
. u•imilive tmple, to
and vigor to tit• •atln fyYtea..
Nervousness. al. Lack of
Prost. • S. whom the peculiar habits and knit of Iho
a, Braila Pa*. Lack of Vitality, After
P-tlects o! I -a Orlppa rtnarmla, weak and serpent appears herr as the a11►x,cliunen
Visas :veils, toss of rle,nory, Pelpnattoe et of subtle wisdom in a tuJ amuse, hal
the t • et can •f L' u r i using
Breath, etc., can all be cured �y nein; Ilial the Ilat'r•111fwe (tact( dors I14,1 identify
the serpent with Ratan, This ideunlilica;
I'rtec . r Heart and Nerve Pills. lion belongs 2i , 841(1
Price S*^. n limo- for j1.15. All dealers or
Tax T. tlttsvrx c'o., 1.11l1FXD, Toronto. Oat
y I prunnl,9e and bun, i i
INTERN 1.'. IONA!, I.i:sting,
JAN. 20.
Many Women Suffer
Lesson III. Man's Sin and God's Pro.
mise. Golden Text': 1 ('.or. El. 22.
Bused on the text of the Revised Ver-
sie en.
Gradual Development of Ilearew tiler:
down for
in wee
down for our gufd11ncr in the Old 'festa- form
t out In previous inns g"Word
Il: n
his s
Jchmalt God The personal name of
rho God of the Israelites was "Yahweh"
written sometimes ''Jallvrh'•t of which
( mast Int 11: English "Jehovah" is 14 cnrruptd d
n they thin( i. 1. {rein, ,•c-ra1'e l 1111(•111 studies upon which we have cell- been
the I lcout I considered d the per-
. oftc , I
"Fen -vile Ittu«-e3" There is 1.., ten:ale trouble !(reds 'l'he law o[ orderly development conal name of God loo stereo In be
than they think. Women suffer from backache, 1., which we referred In our first Intro ,ronnuneed, In speaking and rending,
l alae+.. nervouene a. irritatisty, amt a duclury Note as a fmchunclual law of Iherrfore, they regularly substituted for
dr ° ih0 universe, Is (otInd 10 1:0 operative
drepaln t -.low:, fee/Ing in the loin?. 1 do men, also in the separate singes of God's it It:e Hebrew word "Adennie moaning
r.'n,de.'• R'hy, "Lord:' f1 the later Christian centuries
and they do not have female ,
your trouble to tee mule nl•raw 1 !urger eternal creation flute mend ►his. viten the Hebrew Ifnigunge no longer Bred and lhirly•(our years covered by tt,ih a very sharp Lnite.
there. blame ail yo •
With heathy kidney., few women will ever I n the onward
'. morels otrury cataclysms, oras ex erevrly spoken ant vott•e'I 1,H! lite ut lite trees, six bud LM`n ex- I'cnr►ut Itrillle. —broil together a cup
have "((mats disorders." The kidneys are �o �� ry there101* al's? 110 nrbll nin'`a were inve11tetl in assist 111('.! l( ill eneht of 1)101.1.8 sugar n11d tllnlauup-
el with all the internal Drawn., n•, sudden and complete 10.1.' with the n•n;le•t:; of Iho• Ilrbrrw text to pronu+lnce ate�nnge, as 1.10 Ilio supply0of moisture, t• ith Neo lr.blespumnluls of taller and
eerie!), connect
that when the kidneys, go wrong, everything Hest. no ushering 111 of new preparation cnrreclly, rite vowel of text, 19
1mr'' nineteen dry, eight very dry, and six one Inblspionhll of vinegar. Ween a
Dee wrong. Much distress ..Delo be eared 11 i (inns for which eon pre iregularly ()riffled with Ilia consonant, of
ghas not been made in pr.•rmding; theism- 1rxlrn11u•ly dry. bit of IIIc nlix1,u•e will crank brittle
women moult only take have sometime. hien Bis- the .curd letter -eh" 1n remind the reader
But when the retards of raintnll run- dropped In cold wailer Adel n cupful of
saline;. Men lin 11131 placee one word Was 11) be pronuunt•rd ' tun tarts as far as (SIO were consull('rg, 11.11111 the Ilre
posed M regard 1110 coning et Chrial, for In of 1110 oilier. Through careless.' K
example, a such an abrupt beginning iiO4.4 Zr ignorance, however, men began ages(saill�helnyuflelh.' bice,►lively into buttered dish. ul n ne.v era. Jn .ne 9wu.g indeed lx.rn nt about 1500 A.1). (first known Imago 1:,13) The. conellhe record oras I f the re r•rnrhe d
Turkish D ligl t \ delicious conte(
veer of
at n h slated lime. andme irk the the
1 � hmneunco the ward ns print•.(, ceen• � Ihnl Ile record of the rings conturtt'tl '1
•t stated intervals.
Price b0 cents per i,oe or three boxes for $1.23,
all dealere or sent direct on receipt of pries.
L. Doan Kidney Pill Ib.. Toronto. Out.
Does Your
Digest Well?
She Offers In Share the 1'uni,luurut Of
an Alloy(' Illtpamisl.
An unusual s:nry of a 1':marl'e shyer
lion wens told ul Birmingham, Iii gglend.
the other day.hrn Ernest ,enter(
Srnilh Was coaRf111101 for Trial for
After the flied marriage. 111 F•oplember,
11101. had been proved, Florence Mabel
Lessee. said that she t..nt Ihrnugll a•
blun'led pennut4, retnme �• Knuth 111 1.IQ.1.
aid a 31(1111 1,•asponnf ll o1 baking soda. 1 `rt ll:n of
Marr was married.
heat herd and pour n o n , ( - "1'140(1 why did you n10iry hits?" the
' •urkis n e n ,—'
similar to gumdrops but more deli- s11p••ndiary 111ked. : r answer "lie. lion . ,In 6 , I untried him," was Ili
erste i. made by 41isoils-nig Iwo 11411(
s{x►0141111c of gelatin in one-third of 8 nettle le had no mune 111111 no (tient
co1,1 water. Add one cupful of `I lank `ti`1 as canon tri th1.e 1 Ilia
was at service, and 1.hc
with me. ,tit 1
"Ile 11
a tri
your n( lila birth alt miter even ; i more than a mere index of the entreat
world's hIslory are now reckoned, for- u bitting Iho vowels of ",\donai" with the 1 rainfall: that it showed Whet 1110 charac
ward and backward. ihll for 11,,11 event I coneonanls of "Yelo•eh:' Phis cmnbi-' I 1 1 n
the whole sacred Mater( of a chosen
nation, anti nlot''e, was n necessary pre-
paration. Like vi re fpreparatoryrcreation
'eAti inliof
num an age-e.nir
When the fo el is imperfectly digested
the fall benefit (4 not derived from it by
the Irrl y and tho purp,se of eating is de.
Rated ; no matter how grad rho food or
how carefully adapt^d to rho wants of the
bo ly it testy lie. flue the dyepeptin often
beamles thin, weak and debilitated. euerr!y
is li e:kia;{, brightness, snap and vim aro
last, and in their plaeo come dullnc'e, loot
appettto depression and Isngour. It takes
no greet knowledge to know when olio hes
tndtgeslion, some of thn following aymp•
ones generally exist, via : constipation,
.our etnmaelo variable Appetite, headache,
heartleirn, gas in the stomach, et.r.
The great point is to ,:ere 11, to get back
bounding health and vibor.
process was nerrfill 1 vlo 1141 1111.10.
1ns 100.
God's special g
winded down intact fell heay.11, 1t
grew on the soil of Judaism and lathe -
tinnily. and this soli had to he prepared.
As written lnunuseripts (h(((oed printed
books, so oral Irndiliun pre eedcd written
narratives and history. "111 the pietur-
esgi1e, (•nuerele forte of popular tradi-
tions we llanled the thoughts,
the bele
(1100 e
(mare(( before writing
nnlion produces the wool Jehovah,
I ter of the season$ had been as o s,. • cliphll of
which lin; now become thoroughly Eng- sit nr, lenqu•ra(tire. evapnt•1111nu. rrg;l1• granulnled sugar, heel twenty minutes,
lilt. The 11141110 "Yahweh" siguifles "lllutity, 0r irregularity oil
f the supply o'
nal That 1 mn' ; or 1114,10 exactly, "1 nm tlloislure, and the like.
wont In be flint which 1 nn► %vont In bee. i +�—�"
or "I will he that 9.141011 1 all 1►e,' ihis
significance of its usage being to hull.
cite that Gods nalure eon he defined
only by itself, and Ihnt he, in dislinrtion
t1 non-existent heathen deities, really
does exist; and lhie. not simply in an
nitslrurl sense, but actively, cxpre.ssing; Netvv touched 4ttiney, Auslrn;io, re•
himself ronlmlally 141 octi'lfl amt dubs cenlly f eon 1110 Ni vv 1behridcs of the re•
were Iransl manifesting himself In the world,
markable manner in which the tour- Cheese fritters are an economical
etas the Rlncies, arta the experi• Said trete the wmmrn—'leiter s• ryes nt 1,(� � 01411 .demlte00 hisdeulg Missionary, the Ile.. C. of cheese) into slices Dated Iwo inchpieces of cheese. es
of preceding
VOWED TO hill. \\'11IT1': M.N.
A Nails('Nails('of ;\e% Hebrides Murders a
then odd the juice from linIt a lei41nn and
hall an orange. \\'hen removed from the
Ileo pour in one teaspoonful of extract
of strawl•erry Qud (punier of n cupful of
chnpperl nut inmate. When cool cut in
small squint's and roll in red sugar.
generation," fur gins by nddre sing the 1'1m,n, w hi) ha•i
hernn►e not hrrsetf netunlly In' ud Ili' ).l..11al i \Ir. GnddCil was hlnlioned (It Aobaone. inch, aprinkl" will cayenne
ninny c • • 1,hlnth The Inurd• ter had served sev• per anti dip in melted huller. Dip
conunon. '('hen gradually, when pout (i nal herself aclunlly breed Ihm I,rulul'i 'rel year' imprisonment t1 irons in i piece separately, in Ir: ing baster,
rill anti social conditions Interne more I alone (compare Gen. bI he, This prole- ueet1 bond on n charge of ulle;iip in i fry in boiling till 1111 a light gr
':al,le' and 1.11,1•4110,0, earn began to ►.(lien the serpent therefore first di Unml,•r. and n,011t sl his treatment >n brmvn, drain in paper Ise( le 1
write down Ihr Choicest Ire:penes of ' Inds. Peas hall► Gad said. 1 shill '$•• •,,, �ch Ilett he wetted hr could murder and serve ger in p %(111 parsley.
their peetlior racial and national Irndi-I eat of any Tree (\lar;g., all the Ire.', .
Line .))Cr. Ilsehi; o.tl roun+rw, with a birder o! 1' 1
(rlyd and enduring term. tits (Intl- the prohibition as 11111, /1 ainrthe Doubl4 i .I .11 , (1 '. , • lo'el: Hare nl the extreme. w•idr. lent into it •t 11 p u le e
e.e mid solves\tea seal lered lite +'. and �tt,ptcinns ore sole in the betel of i
I '
1'•lsare4 in lura trulshed to later I the oilman, and she is ready a hoes 1,•11 (had Ir119-rdlt•d alt a.i,%he re assassin. d- end apples. nrid 10 elesa•ed 1 a tgj l icrrll1
tt tiler: the 'node,' �sour00 mal. r int for later to hear without protest the lee,'
Tie, d trua murderer cage viol
in crnl.cr,nsin. eggs with belt n pial of milia,
nn ounce of sifted sugar. 1'
fruit and halve in n mode
half an hour or 1,11 set.
to n stiff froth, pile r
dung, du -ting lig
relurn 1hr Y
enlnt• bgl10i1{y• nn
Ited 1'u
ding! ak1'111 lel
early dinner
stewed fruit
ler, it shoal(
lade in a sale
of burger and 1
13 halt a pound 0
In en blended n 1
p;Awtl•a and a •p1
quarter of n pound
egg. add i1 l0 lint
dotllirg1ll1.. ort ler
of a 11inntt
into die
ihr II' mere PlatnlYilr 01141 count( t,l mih drt11111 o[ 6 )41 . (',111111111111 by IIIC (Culp•
ratioes. '1'11 nos rule of gradual dr.el,P• ter.
!wee me n,issionuly, bol as \ire budder'
no nl Iwe literature of the Deletes' Ample`. 2. The wmm�n said --She Cnrreefs the wn, leasing lite hal he slenfthil crept
r.ervrd for us in the O:ct 'I'cslnn,r111. serpent and show, Ihnl Fite Is fully' up I,ehunl (tint. and, pob11(111g n rifle
! I nw•nre. of the strictness of the prohihi• el''.s hi IILs body, diecllarged the wen -
ss n ,' in it very d• Ihlile and exalted 1 lion.
pet . The bullet shin11ereti the mission-
f mr insnt•eel up 1:.1.;itIl be f:mned in1
:I'Ile gnrden--.\purl frnin ,he neeo,nt thigh. and inn crippled cnf wen -
1,1•„v no rxcei.li a, Itnnl 11'. I'ro,411 11 ' , h • made a frantic attempt In escape.
( 4l.u•irs 1'.,.1. r Lel,l has pnurle'I out hi a given in the provtLag chap.er '(;en, Y Folluwitt his .Intim. the enraged na-
1,•• lir-t 9•.lunl,• nt Isis Rludrnl'+ Ohl pt•b7) %e hove no dada mncrrning 111(
1.•.,la 1. t. lit. "le -led d I,y inl1114'0 nn•rd. I18ra11inn of 1'ntaduse as pirl,sfr+l 1(y Ili,, lice ntad4' n drepr/a1,• tush al \Ir, find•
a Ihr• Mori.... preserved in ,Ile opening I(e tre•o narrator. The craelle ni hunien' deft. 1)nnlly k111in4 hire by incline 01 11
1 teaks 01 the (►!d 'Te+tanl,nl are foetal to fly 1a, lrleved ly Its Hebrew.; bo be tomahawk.
p18cw'�; a unique sai'1:', f"r 1h'•y rclleel „ine9vlere reel of 1'nleslinr, probably \ native attached In the nlis:on aM1
84,.•1' e- tel ale) I, in or near Ilabylenia; and 11'et•e, srnne- rived on the scene 111 111e n,onten' an.1
not merely Ili, ext curried the Iwoly of the 1neeatnary lu
those early eel end id. •i1- nt the where( in the• wen -watered region be, lu4 own hal. Ile then /4"\''
o' inforrnnhrnl
I:IPii1r3 1'ienil (Il,l•'a!t' liuet g.e'1'-:gll:d IwM`11 Ire t'1"e1 - Ion 1'' I-1,) \9ll:e'h Illi:
knee. Ihr• I too, and toe leiplir leo Haid t9'ilirh I•vl In 11 s' arlr,i of I.,c minden r.
Iwo °there. the r,111,0 of wheel n( i, nn• The trial will (,eke !dare In Pali• before
p (edible al p:r'•: a nl In determine r aloe. the Biel' C:onnnissiunce for Ihr Weacrn
r•.•tr111inn Ihn•"t:+:h them l,une•'n
is e,nstsntly effecting core' of (1P rpa,a ( elbow •• Ihr sa ins .later. t tee -
ay Nies ell tho organs invulv0 4 111 the (• •„ 111tart+, 9wintr In111'mime ► Is,dl t lentiy 1..1(11 „dud,'grngraph)', the authorra cev4 of digns(i..n, rene"vin;f all cloggingit 11 ars' .r. (.rlyd 110' Iee•hrfe. the a..:,h-to^:rled lidera.
les %w ties and making easy the work u -..Inns
auee it eels in a natural yet it rotten gals hinit.ly nn a.' Ir:,lr trpn•sen•
digestion ere! assimilation.
Mr. R. D. 1[arrey, AmeliasLnrg. Ont ,
writes: "1 here been troubled with dh-s.
pepsin for enrnrnl years ar.P1 after neu:g
three 1w•1'tee of Runl.w•k 11'x.1 Bitters 1
wse e„,m{,L••t••ly eure'I. 1 cannot praien
11.11 eaau,l'1 for what It has dons t r
me. 1 herr n•.t had a eig•e 1,1 dyspersle
Do not ar,vpt a Isabelita'., 'or MR U.
flare to n.aehine " jest u good.,•
and 1h.• eternal truths he'd 1'" I 1•,, .tall net eat of (1, neither rha11
the generation, 9t tech reeeiv' d ace • t, tuunh 11 I'.t,• rout! hate knm.41 of
Inasnnd Ili. m,' 4 tree rnriy narratives tills )...debit:"n only through .\d1tn1
r1 (h•nesis, therefore. p' (•11•ay "not etre••- - .less "liken , ft ' +1 Ins,lulnd, 101,1 ('\it '
ly fhe' rxle•1•ha1 bol nae. the ni iibil nn'1 i A;.•rnlnl Ire e'.n,nae.nd In ler n11d made
spir,lual 1,1" ut the Isrurpih,h g'•''1' e ! it hlr,rler II1'1 it I''vllly was." The 018111-
'..;n n, (.eel 9t o, 1luining h> sane,' P•v• •
411:11)11 a. 12.1% en In \d,un saki nnlhing
token nal reu'•le•a4• the fetid.
trot 3e the the commie, explatnntem
of 1.1111.1ll',; w -eel "f•.r i11 It.e dee 1ha1
Verse 1. The :wriwnl 1 as neat subtle Guru eat(wt there .t thou hhatl 16111.0118
pe rimer.. 1.. mater bosom n he. 441,1x. Ins
I.,,t l,•,..•
1.) the+ W'14111.''
ea,e .e�••..re...menk,
('.f►\\"`I EFFIGY IN 1.111'11( 11.
\Icuu,ri,tle to animal, aro feirly toll -
441.141, binl there is only Pint` in (:net (11.1
os(,ling inside 0 church. 'T -h., ie
(Nagy ill is row displejell in 1111111am
I:aIleetral. '1 r.tdihnn 11.14 Os (hal 11 111-
pinced Ilion. 111 firth r to keep in n'rnern•
)ranee the f:•rts relating 1', the leorial
within 111.' r neral edifice of Ihr n•n:.0 is
of St. l'uU11,ct 1.