HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-01-17, Page 5H JXI;'('Ltt '1 1 M
Stock Reduction Sale
We must reduce our Stock within the next TIIIRTY days and oiler Goods at
Do not fail to take advantage of this sale. Great Reductions in Men's and Boys'
Ready-made Clothing. Ladies' and ehildrens' Mantles at half the regular pric's. Nice
up-to-date goods, this season's style but we intend to clear thele out.
Remnants of Dress Goods, Tweeds, Cottonades, Prints, Flannelettes, «'rilipt rettes,
Carpets, Etc., at bargain prices. We have it lot of them. Call Early to secure a bargain
in those lines.
We offer 25 pieces of Dark Check Flannelettes, good \\-idtlt regular r+e t(.r 5i rr }'aril.
We have 8 Ladies No. 1 .A-strac'han Coats on which we will oiler :t liberal Discount.
5 No. 1 Dark Canadian Coon Coats, -eve oder then] cheap- -buy now and secure a bargain
Do not Miss This Sale. Our Price Will Interest You
Highest Prices paid for Produce. Until the 25th of January we will pay 7 rents a pound
for Dried Apples'
C. ZWICKER, Crediton, Ont.
Flour Mills
We have installed a NEW
Mill for the rolling of Oats, and
can now fill promptly any Or-
der to roll Oats for Horeee
We still have our Chopper
and can also fill orders in this
line promptly.
H. Sweitzer
Highest Price Cash
all kinds old iron., cop-
per brass lea(1 zinc, pew-
ter, rubber, rags, wool
pi(;kingrs, hot se hair,
Steel stone boats, :mule -
yarding, iron posts.
Sell or exchange for the
above goods.
near the old market
Main St. Exeter
Kellerman attended the dirst meet• I ary Directors, Hon. Nelson Monteith
ing of the Stephen Councilheld in
Crediton on Monday.
The ,;rst meeting of the Literary
Society was held last Friday even•
in; in one KA 'the rooms of the mew
school. There wore several grama-
phone selections, a piano dwelt by
the Dlisses Clerk and Ella 13eavelr, evere largely attended. Itev. Goin;
piano solo by Mise Olivia Boltzmann of the James Street church, Exeter,
paper on places of note in Great Bri-
tain and Ireland by Mrs. C. I3luett,
Plano duet by ithc Misses Clark and
Ella Beavers. The meetin; was well
attended. Tho Literary Society 'viii
hold its next (meeting in the school There seems to be eemetlline
on Friday evening of this week and wrong about 'the :omit of the »par,-
thero will bo a mock pairtiament, row heads which were secured in the
and n debate Itho subject of which sparrow contests of it couple weeks
will be • the Present System of tin ago. One side claims to have won
migration" whether aatisf.actory or by about 2,000 dreads while the settler
unsatisfactory. side claims that if those aIle;ed to
Our Public School has now 18 have been secured from the Motjie •
well hunters by (the liirkton winninz
side, were thrown out the, result
would fellow Mooro's ride winners by
about 100. The a;rhement eves that
the losing side should pay for the
Minister of A,;'1., G. 11. McIntyre.
M. P., 13. 13. Gunn. M. 1'., harry
Eilber, M. 1'. 1'., D.r. \V. 11. Carr.
Aueleors, A. 11. Doupe ; \Vm. Moors.
Sec.-Tre_Is., Autos Dente,.
The missionary se.rvices conduct.d
in the Methodist church last Sunday
had charge of the services derine
the day. Rcv. Goin; is an excellent
speaker and his sermons were lee
tentively listened to by the ]arse
congre,;al ion.
pupils in its mew department.
Cure a eo1d in a day -Cole's
Cure -a -Cold tablets 15 cents a box
at Cole's Drug, Btoro,
Specie! snn•Icees are elle being
continued in Mr. .1. liartleib's (fall
The Annual Bu3ines3 Meeting of oysters, but owing do the thea,gree1. I Liv week.
the Crediton Amateur Athletic As- rnent In the count the supposed Rev k' '1 .ervl'es trasc I his week
secs scion was held in !the fire Sure losers refused to put up for the sup- been commenced in the Evangelical
on r onday night last. Thera eves a ' [er, the result being that Marshall's
good turnout from the village, 'Pile aide (lou;bt 'their ow•n oyster3. Now church.
meetiee was called to order by the the other side intend having an oys•
presid'a.t Mr. J. 11. lloetzmann and ter sup(#er of (their own. One ,good
after a few %tell chosen remarks by thin; is, there sire not so many spar•
way of explanation called uu 'the rows as there were anyway, so that
Honorary eir(•sidont to take the chair helps a lot.
The 1J:asurcr and s.ecrteary teave week.
their reports whish 8howc<t up n Aberdeen 11/111 was crowd.•1 last ,lir. and 'Sirs. ilorn, who have
balance in the 'treasury antouutin; evening by the sparrow killing en- ; been v'isilin; their parents in Dash.-
to $71 The officers and committee thusiasls, that as those that are wood have returned to those Lome in
desert praise in the way in w'ti h muppoeed to have 1o31 the contest of i Buffalo.
they carried on last year's celebr:t• i ° °Plc wetjka azo. �ard ft ( Mr. Norman Ruby has returned .to
tion and other business. The fol friends. The occasion was the otheoh• Lintsoo(1, ,
lothewingens,.ficengyet'm woreIlanaorappointed Lrcm., {or come of this side laying for their If you want to ;et a nice fur, or
uiar.ry '
own oysters. TGn igallons of (tete a nice fur coat at a good reasonable
Mr. W. Lewis anti henry Eilber, M. luscious bivalves wen disposed of price call at W. Shrumrn's store.
1'. 1'. I'res., Dr. McCue, hecrttary. and the ;e neral opinion teas that Mr. Solomon Miller bas ;one to
Mr. C. Iiluctt, Treasurer. Mr. J. G. mapper
contests should be an annual London ae elevator boy in Ithe To -
Young. It was unanimously tieride i affair, at least Ilia oyster upper cumseh Hotel.
I should. After the oysters were. dis• ' Mrs. Daniel Ila:rlleib is vi.itin; nt
to again celebrate Victoria Day in,
the right royal manner, and a `posed of a ]cn;thy program was illi. Jonas Ilartleib's.
I given. (onsistin; of Helectitons by 1 guess we will either have 110
sirens committee was appcin.e'1 to local talent and Mr. G. L. Money. of move the Town hall. or build a now
look after acme. Btratfold, who was spcaally en. one in Stephen. Stay with the
Mrs. Itosina Finkbeint+r accoanpan• (g;►;ed for the occasion. Mr, Wil- game Dashwood.
•e-1 icd by her son Wes are this week at- gate Atkinson, the •newly 4.10 -ted firs, John \Vinkenwed•'r ham spray.
tctldinz a funeral neer Hersey Mi -1t ( councillor for Csborno acted ns ed into elle house recently vacated
and niece of the former. Mr. Bert chairman. by John Hoffman. \Ve %eelcome
Clarke will 'take cher go of Mr. fink• I I Mrs. Winkenwcdor as a resident of
beiner's business. ARE YOU SUBJECT TO STil'i'\I•:S(• our town.
The annual business nicotine of Perhaps it is in the neck or -Luul• lite boys of our town certainly
DR E. J. McCItE, 11F:ti11(511 O\ -the choir tees held Wednesday even.
arts and Surgeons, Successor to Or. 'Elie many friends of Mrs. J. M:,.
S. A. Hoist. Creditor'. Ont. I Isaac ere 1114 to hear dhrlt she si
Miss IReaie Eilber, of '/,uriele is on the inend.
Visiting at the home of flims Marche
The„t w' council hies wt 'Slouday'
Wentzel at present.
last for 'the transaction sof bustinc-ss,
Miss 'Stehle Itolld. of \Va•:d
who has boon visiting Ler
Mrs. \V. J. \Vilson, for the eiast tw
weekte left for leer house on .Monday.
Miss Goldie Mill>, of \Voodharn, i9
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. \V. J.
The remains of the late W. 4. Mil-
Ier arrived hero on Thursday list.
The fuser 11 was Liken cheese of by
the I. 0. 0. F.
Mrs. Roberts, of 5t. Mary's, is al
present visiting her daughter. Mrs
(Rev.) Toll.
A number of the members of )elle'. pnd others attended the
funeral on Monday of this week of
the Lite John Gibson, near ' Jiruee•
field. Deceased was 66 ye'a's of ago
Interment took place in Bard's cern-
01(l y.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Manns aro
visiting friends in Exeter (hie week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ilod;ins are
visiting near Oras; .this week.
Mrs. C. Cook returned on Sat un•
dey from visiting in Wroxeter,
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. 6inimon3 left
on Monday for their 1.ornc in file
more. Sask.
Miss Millie Petty, of Winnil,ez, ar•
rived home on Monday Frornin; for
a visit after train; aoseent for Hoare
three years.
Me% and Mrs. Alex Det,}eat.ty, of
Gilbert Plains, N. D., aro visitin;
Mrs. J. Sparks. Mr. Del;rabty .has
been away from hero for thirty
years, and 80.04 great ehan;e9 in the
country since ho left.
Mr. John rLonrc, of Seaforth, has
taken a position as head ,moulder in
the foundry ,hero, andmoved hereon
Saturday Last.
From the experience of Mrs. •1 no.
Panke, Saskatoon. "At times I was
.,onfined la my 't,ed and couldn't do
any work. 1 was (run down in flesh
lo:.: streneth, Amy (appetite failed my
:ol.or was pallid. \Very end cast
down, it seamed tes •though I could
not aitch up. Ferroizone started
a new kind off life in my blond,
built mo up, vitalized and strength..
en0d my nerves, and finally cured
my heart and stomach pains." Fere
rezone is a re -builder ltbel h.'8
Ip('cial virtue in female 'ailments.
Hold everywhere in 50e. boxes: t ry
Mr. Jacob:i and sister Mies Jacobs
are visiting their brother Mr. John
Jacobs for a few weeks.
Mr. 1'. Mclsanc delivered a Li;
load of furniture to Baden ' this
Mr. Henry Motz, Jr., who moved - --- --
to Elkton. Mich., fourteen years azo 01.0 OFFENDER CAUGi3T.
is at present visiting 1113 father nod lmtioe,ele to escape bein; cured
trionds in the village. ' It you apply 1'utpain'+ Oomn ,1'. -
A very ,liboral collection was elk • 1 ra:.tor to tee worst corn on is.c••,rd.
en up in elle Evangelical 8und.3) Painless Safe laid 0a4t•4 only a e i in
01:1h001 on Sunday. last in did of elle any drugstore.
Ereo hospital for consumptives, Mu-'• ; _ ____40._______.
Mr. Barry Larkin spent Sande). at 'f1,e 1113111(5, Read fresh. 3 ai 131
Otis home in Granton. church will this year dispense with
The many friends of Dr. McCue•the annual leo, but the anniversary
ore glad to hear of his •'re:ovcry(servict•m on January 271li will he
Iron) his late illness. made seecially et1r.lcllee. It..v. W.
The election of officers in Ube 1.1. Clark, o1 +hi. first Presbyterian
dors. First thin; is a ,toed rub of
Ncrv'iline. No more speedy remedy
can he adopted. When lapped In
tho Innrcics Nervilitiezi4t i ilium
flexibility and vizor , ,inflanimetien,
soreness and 3tiffne•.; di`apir.,,r.
"Whether in (the rd: -•sI .1•r throe]
nothing can surpass Nor% slime„
%'them 0. 13. .Denton, Lu331104• (net'.
cbant at Oak Bey, N. B. '•Rubbed
on at night, trouble is eons by mot -
great medicine." Everyone nays q ho
same and Nerviline always makes
good, 25r. bol flee Bold ever) where.
The efelhodist church, of ('entrel-
la will hold no oyster Supper rut!
grind concert in 'the church on elon.
day. January. 234th. A fir8t class
proz'ram has been •preptrcd, consist -
,Noun; People's Alliance hook place 1 church, teeet,.n, will d0livc r the in; o[ local and (ores;n talent:.
On Wednesday last and resulted est serin,ns. I'ur: b: r ,Inn ,un ens nt t forflio will be oysters in abuudan j
for everybody rind a good time is
31 (' assurrest everyone who at tcnde. The
admission will be a5 cents for adults
and 25 cents dor children. The oys-
They are simply dried bile, made ter will be C' 11 wort!, the prize of
up of rrywalline and nonstitiente of admission alone, and will) the cxc.I•
that fluid. \cry common is Ibis lent program that iris leen prepay-.
411saetas' ;pion{ nlerchanls, elor.)•n1011 ed there should �1) a 11r40 Atoms -
shop Ill 3041 those 01
'sedcntaa) dame.
habits, Prevention consists in main. 31 r. ;Ind lira. ,IntnOm N-11 shier•
tolrung correct nein is the Ir (1111 (1 m4.4er11 of at heir friends ono
evening last week 'lo a row1 dinner.
The occasion was 'the dirks( en1n_; of
their Coon est son. '1'h" •v1•nin;
41 33 ple:Is int Iy pent by Ito 11r;e
number of invited ';awls, and III
went away %%fill a kind re{:'rd for
the hospital'ty 5114.4.33 by MI. avid
Mrs. Neil.
Mr. W. 11. Elliot I shipped a car,.
load of hor m s Monday to London.
The ,1111713Is were •111 purzhemed in
this vicinity, end acre of the )cave
Ur. Joseph Lawson dripped a c.tr•
tu,d of (AI Ile S (i rd'0 In 'I'monto
and Byron llicke on Monday shippoi
a earlo•1d to London.
Don't for,te1 the {rand tronccr1
and oyster supp4,r to the 11 (Italie]
church on the with.
follows: President,sig rlssiu la ter.
Brown; Vice•I',resident, ,ll r, Ilrr-
bort Eilber'; 1tec.•Secretary, Miss, tIIiS ORIGIN OF GALL STONES.
Clara Kienzlo; (or.•Secrelary, Miam
(Melinda Trick; Treasurer. Mr. 11.
1lrown, Jr.: Or -genie), Mary Ann
t(orlock and Miss l)Itvia Boltzmann
Chorister. Miss Clara lttri9t ; Librtr•
tans, Lily Feltner and Frazer 13ro4411,
Skating has been fine for the gist
of week. ver
The election of officers of Mol and bew'(14, which is test accolnp..
Junior Y. P. A. took place on Sun- fished by Dr. Ilemilton'4 ille, (chi h
day 1x41, which remitted ae follows: are the safest and beat for tamely
Eiulerintendant, Mrs. J. 31. Voltz -1 tls0e insist on hiving only I)1•.
mann; \-ice-Superiutendant,Mrs, J. span's.
let Mandrake Ind Bute
H. Bean; President, It settle leek.! 25:. pear box et :Ill .I .I.
Leiner; Vice -President, J.ucille.
Swartz: lice.-Scoretary, Eileen (:.•i• K1ltK1'ON
seer; ('or -Secretary, \1•aILta" Bean 1! ---
leasurer, Ervin Feltner ; Or; mist 1( The annu11 meetin; of 'tete Iden•
Adeline Fiukleincr, 3111dred Memel sherd A reeeety was 1101.1 in Aber•
iLibrariane, Ot to Ewald, (icor ze Ito.]• deen 11 III, Kirkton ort \Vednesday
ver. !afternoon of 1 ist week. The I'reei-
3101er+. George Eilber and W. A. (ler I)(. %s . It. Carr o: rupi..1 all,
Finkbciner attended the alooti 34. chair, 1'he See-Treas. report wes
search at Contrason 1 ridgy jaat. ! read 44111 'h showed 1,1:e pest year to
,t1 r. Thomas Ilaist end •oste•r Fut. 1:)00 11003 the test in the+history of
pia returned to ;their home in 1'i;• 11., arises, fin,arrcially.
eon Mich., on Ft .4.1.1y last ales' a a(tlarl;c 011 Hand $291.011. Th •
lthr•:0 weeks visit with friend: in number of paid members 8mount.•.1
Ibis vicinity. ( to 253, for the past year. The fol.
MissGertrude 110,4n01 returned tetlotvirg officers were appointed fog
London on Saturday last after 14 ! 1 his year. fres. Samuel Donne; 1st,
$tires w'eek's visit with Mr. A. Cun• • "ice. John 11tzr'Iwot'l: end. Vier.
•nthem• 3:obert Dirr:tors are -Alex,
Measr+. Ilerrry 1.rkin and i'ratnk t rcightor; ,las, Beatty; Rich. b'., -,u.
rthcott spent Sunday at the fvr• tear; . Routley; J1• panties
home In (:canton.
Venule Rottva 1 J .,er _ flus, n,... u,_...
.1.i hA Rubinson • \V111 111201tv'md :
'1 he Lldies' Aid of the MLIholist
rhurclr here intend l:o5line a bort
se:i 11 on \\'ednedstl ty evrninz, Jen.
30th. Every one welzorne. Ladles
twin; your boxes and come and en•
WE take
we Ode
The Good Work cowmen
ling more for their money than
store is new -no old bankrupt 1i
This is 0
We nre bound to keep 010 sloe
new stock. We 030 heti id to keep
and hand it over to you. We are bo
A Wonderful Ba
2 Ladies Fur -lined Coats were $4o now $30
1 Ladies Astrachan Coat was $28 now 20
1 Ladies Astrachan Coat was $25 now 18.75
Sable Neck Ruffs were 12 50 9.25
Men's Persian bash Caps were ?9 for 6-75 Ise
Men's Galloway Calf Coats w ith Dog
Collar $35 fur 26.25 Men's Sui
• Elands
Dress Goods that were 1.50 a yd. now 1,10
llress Goods that \verc 1'25 a yd. now 95c
Dress Goods that were $t a yd. now 7$c
Boys' Sui
Men's Ov
Boys' Ovb
Highest Price
For Produce
Hensall, Ontarii
Mr, 11. Anderson entertained his
friends and relatives on Frilly
Miss Katie Ellcrin;ton lspclnt dein
holiday season with tier brother and
misters in Toronto.
Miss Vera Glenn, of Fveaforthv
spent her holidays .with her parents
Mrs. S. Dickson and itau;hter
Maude, of Seaforth, who spent the
past wank or so herr returned on
Miss Maggie A. McQueen is on an
extended visit to friends in London,
Chatham and 8t. Thomas.
Miss Annie Horton, of Harplcy,
spent (be past week with hor :seeteu'
Mr. Stanley Stewart, of Wcllin;-
ton oounty and Mr, Royal Ettowart
of Toronto, bave.leen visiting their
cousin, Jack Glenn for the past two
take pride in the victory of two of -t- our rvpresentativvm as reeve and STOMACII MEDICINE IS USELESS
deputy reeve in Stephen township, Impossible to cure catarrh in the
which was Manifested by celebrating nolo by dosing rt ho (stomach. Bond
their victory in cannonading and the healing vapor 'of Cntrurrhozonol
lorchli.rhtin; the town. The sound after rtho .germ and you nL once ao•
of the powdered anvil Wal heard compile!) ,good. Any ,naso of eatorr
three guiles distant. is curable,- all it hat's needed is
Ther.' is a move in 111.' richt de inhale Catarrbozono-you stop 'haw
.13(11on in the building of a new Lu• ins. nostrils ere cleared, 'throat
therin Church. healed and freed of phlegm;
vestige of I(l'o trouble is
driven f ram 411e eyatern.
want permanent cure for
throat trouble or +broncbiti
arrhozono is a stand by. T
25e. and $1.00'at all dealers.
Messrs. Ed. Appel, \\.nl. G. Iles;
81141 W O'Brien 140.10 1-10:141 a3
Polio! 'Trustees, of Zurich.
The members of the Hay 'township
Fire Lister:il):e ('otupeny held their
annual mcetin2 in Zurich on 1'uc-sday
of last week. The retiring directors
Mesmre• \Vile. (tuned, \\'m. Lamont.
and Chris Stade w'l•r•• r -etc:ded by
acclamation. A special meeting 4415
afterwards held when C. Stade wa3
elected president, \Vrt1. Lamont, vice-
president, 0. llol1znl 11111, :general
anent and 11. Either Sc:y.•TreaS.
The linancial report shuw'3 t he cont•
van in •0o1 etand;n_.
The 4Ist annual meelin.r of tIt:
Hay Brawl) Agricultural 5or'ele,
Wall 601(1 in 1114. Town hall on \Vcd-
nesday, Thu :1l lcnd.111:c was 1.11l i11.
3iessrs, \V. T. C:tldw'cll, 3. Pfaff 110(1
E. %site r (verc se -elected to
the offi:es of !'resident, 1st vice and
2nd vice respectively, and the follow•
III{ are the dill e:tors (01 the (.119110 14
e.Ir: Louis ltade•r, .Icahn Uechrr,
Jahn G164(1, 1) v..1 Schnell, John
Hey, Jr„ Chris Eilber, C. Oswald
Fred \\tiller t and 11. ;4, Phillips. At
.1 HIllimellUtillt MVO i114 Air the 111344
Board, 31r. 0. S. Faust eels appoint-
ed Sec-'J'tele.
One by ono (be old settlers of, Llay
township nre Roil; savor •lo the
"silent majority" and family ton-
neetioul and friendships of long
)oars s(:unlinz pees away like a
dreaul. 1.1381 tvicek the death of
Mrs. D lnie! Su.rerus, Sr., occurred et
11,0 (1111 Iloneetead, Bronson Lino,
,1(101 r.•,Ic•bin; 1ho ndvunoed aa0 of
ci4hty•Ihrte years. ifer aged ,•a
faithful partner its life, who is
ciehty•fivc and a ferrety of
daueMels ale left to mourn
d0.lh of It kind .end tit
phot her.
Mr. Henry Welter,
eighteen years n .re
state ot Michigan, for
tOweisbip. is visiting
For the Holiday
int; some superior 1
of the
We carry the very finest lines
and when we say this we do not wi
as right without first comparing
Call and See our Fin
We have a nice line aasj at
n Plat