HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-01-17, Page 4boat rage n ill the nay eli- re• the tlto for io ur- St. tali 'to y's ley of tea AA - 00. •ch ► of good st, i, Oil of Uiycer- . a half teaspconful Tho desired eau mit he obtained unless the sr,eredie.its.ie mare, It is therefore hrltPI' to put•ciutsethe ingredients AC- varatrly and prepare the Inixtiu'c euois,•It. Viigin 0)1 of Pine (Pine) be purcnssed in the original nxlCout.ce vials, which druggists bit boa dispeesieg. Each vial is securely .0 4► round woudeu case which protects toe Oi+ from exposure to light. Ar,ur:ti the wooden case is an .1 wrapper w it li the uauue— "1 • La.. Ilii it Pine (Pure•)"—phtinl7 Ni :•,. , I r.ere(n. There are many iun- t.4too,-. and cheap productions of Pine, heft i t.4.: a only create nausea, and neve er effect the desired results. TEACHERS' SALARIES IN WEST HURON lle.v 1he 111ininrwn Salary Provi- sion Affects This, In_Spectorate, In tho inspectorate of West Huron there ;,re 93 rural public eohoot sec- tions. lucre axe 10 as3ivtant tcstch.- ors employed in these 3oh,ols making 106 teachers in rthe rural salamis of this ir.spcvtorate for 1907. Under the "minimum salary" eshemc, 27 sections must tory the principal $500 38 sections roust pay 8450, 27 sections must pay $400 and 4 sec - Dona must pay $350 each. The ns• sistant, must receive at least $300 each. Four principals and three tIs,isc- tants receive more than the mini. - mum salary. In Usborno town3hip all the 'tonobere 'receive $500 and in East Wawanogh not ono Irecoive3 $500. There aro nine teachers In each of those municipalities. The total amount of the salaries of the 106 rural public school leach. ere in West lluron for 1907 will be 48;025, whist' is $225 more f(.han sum of Itho minimum salaries. In Abe sum paid t'ke 106 rural as $38,360, sand in 1905 it 1 townally• „rants tion and aalxrls urshnr in ries on • ore aIOld I1r3.l.'t:f.1/Y7«_'t.7 Jio,yrJrn Surd - ,4ixJrrn_l • �Avu J 'd • liperniai !h Cmdwrctt J;ds • ferd- C,ri/ud . CsiEall,Clicerful- t.Con fids 11Ciili T Or'pbit a nor Mineral. ZlL'OTIC. T 1 M E S, JANUARY 17th 1901 ASTORI For Infants and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of • Aperfectilcmedy f�rConstipa- tion, Sour Stotiach,Diarrtiocd. 1Vorrns,Convulsions,fevcri sh- ncss end LOSS OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of -rr6fc NF,W YOE?if. oat'se-151110!/ X.ACTCOPYOF WRAPPER. U for Ov shirty Yea CASTORI ..•c c,n.•ca eo.sa*NV. SUM 401114 Cr? 1F YOU ARE "ALWAYS TAKING COLD" it shows that the throat is sensitive and bronchial tubes weak. Make therm well and strong with Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam It heals irritation and inflammation—strengthens the membrane of throat and lungs—arid not only cures cough., but also protects you against catching another cold. 25 cents a bottle. At druggists. NATIONAL ("nue a. CHEMICAL CO., Lnriiro 1'• • old tr.c to Cult. it Cold: Saskatchewan Wheat Land For Sale. As I inspected tht• lands 1 have for sale, 1 can .;ice you some of the best bargains to be olfored. Lands from $9.00 to $30.00 par mere. some of the best snaps about $12 to $14 for immediate buyers. Don't delay, next week it will 4a iii; her. Lands sold last eprin; for 87, now $15. Be sure you stet rue before buying elsewhere, Snaps aero; don't t% ;tit. A. E. IIODGERT BEFORE MY LADY'S MlltltOlt Tbo "Reflections' of a looltin;- ,glass should make interesting raid• J Log. It's a wise shopper who ksion i heir own mind. "Imitation on the face of it"—the other :girl's complexion. There arc women who %till die for yuan, but .thero are more who will dye. A plague on ,my beau's jealousy" cried the pretty shop (girl. "Why wasn't I born plain like 11 he Society Beauties." The nvera;e woman would a•ather own to a "double life" 'than a "double 'bin;"—Waller Pulitzetr in the February .Delineator. III/7(0N Will positively cure sick headache and prevent its return. Carter's Little Liver !'ills. This is not talk but truth. Ono pill a dose. Seo ad- vertisement. Small pill. Small doss. Small price. That tired Languid feeling and dull headache is very disagreeable Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring, and you will find relief. They never fail to do good. Tho rails dor the' C. & G. .railroad have arrived at ,Blyth and are now being laid three 'miles west of the village. The ballastirt3 has been done for nearly 15 miles but it is not expected trains will be runt ing over the Stew- nroetd before nexii lay. You hardly realize that it is med- icine when taking Carter's Little Li- ver I'ills : they aro very small : no bad effects; all troubles from tor- pid liver aro relieved by their use. CORDIAL INVITATION ADDRESSED TO WORKING GIRLS 1 Milo. Robitaille Tells How Mrs. Pink. ham's Advica Helps Working Girls. St LONDON, ONT. IHE NEW WAY! CASTOR A i'+,i:r• For Infants and Children. Howeu's The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Cure -o -Cold t3iguatur o of CAPS U LES Only 25 eats a Box b540 Per Year Hiss Snell, formerly of Bluevale, is receiving $45 per month from the Cal- gary Milling Co., Calgary. !'his es- timable young fatly had only acorn. mon school education, and in a few Months with Its prepared for the above situation. With a few years' experi- ence Miss Snell will receive at least $75 per month. S' ENOORAPHY 1, better than SCHOOL TEACHING Intl. we ),,nye done for others we do ter you. Enter 8lny time. iu- du t: 'nslruclien. r I s' ler catalogue. Clinton Businehs College toted with SVinghnin Business College) penton Principal. B. Itumbull, son of Mr. F. of Clinton, diad on Sun. - •t the ago of 07 years. was born in Clinton entire life was .;pent the jowlry trade, ars ago ,retired to the Licit Tele- tricken with apo and since health. A ni tyle be psia IEW W If your are Constipated, dull, or bilious or have a sallow complexion, try Lax -eta just once to see what they will do for you. Lax-ots aro 15.tic toothsome Candy ,tablets—nice to eat, nice in effe (. No griping, no pain. Just a geniis: Laxative :effect that is pleasingly desirable. Ilandy for the vest pocket or purse. Lax• etc meet every desire. Laxeets come ) you in beautiful lithograph. od metal boxes at 5 cents and 25o. Sold by W. 8. llowcy PUBLIC NOTICE 1 hereby give notice that I will not bo responsible for any !leets con- tracted by eery wife. W. 11. ELLIOTT, K1rklon. January 9511, 1907. FARMERS INSTITUTE MEETINGS. The regular !meetings of the South Huron Farmers' Institute will be held at • EXETER, JANUARY 17th 11RUCEFIELD, JANUARY 18th EXETER At the Exeter afternoon meeting the eppeakere will be W. Elliot, Galt, on "Tho Cultivation of our Farms" and J. Gardhouse, IliShficl3 on "Caro and Management of Horns," and addresses by M. Y. McLean and 11. S. Phillips. A lady speaker is expected at both nft, rncxon and evening meeting,. In the evening Mr. W. Elliott will speak on "Things we ought to think about" and Mr. .l. G,irdbouse. oti "IIow to Improve Present Farm Condi) forte." 13i1UCEFIELD in the afternoon Mr. Elliot, of Galt, will ,peak on "The cultivation of our Farms" and Mr. Gardhouse on "('etre and ManigemeIII of Sheep." Addresses will oleo be given by 1). Forrester, of Clinton, coal W. Lew is, Crediton, in the evening ,lir. Elliot will speak on "'Things we ou;ht to think about" and Mr. Cardhouse on "lino to Improve Present Forming Con- ditions." The afternoon meeting.a will com- mence at 2 o'clock sharp an,' ey, n. (ng meetings at 7.30 sharp. W. D. SANDERS 1t. GAi(DI\I:u 'r. Secy. l la: .1 l 01,11 IN t)NK !DAY x,,: h• Promo lluinin' Tab (4u1giuts refund !tot moo Girls wlio work a r e particularly susceptible to fe- male disorders, es- pecially those who are obliged to stand on their feet from morning until night in stones or facto- ries. Pay in and day out the girl toils, and she is often the bread -winner of tho family. Whether she is sick or well, whether it rains or shire's, she must go to her place of em- ployment, perform the duties exacted of her—smile and bo agreeable. Among this claret the eyrnptotns of female dise'as'e are early manifest by weak and aching backs, pain in the lower limbs and lower part of the stomach. 1n consequence of frequent wetting of the feet, petiole become pain- ful and irregular, and frequently there are faint and dizzy Fpc•lls, with lose of appetite, until life is a burden. All of thew symptoms point to a derangement of the female organism which can ho easily and promptly cured by Lydia E. l'iukhaut's Vegetable ('onipound. Mlle. Alma ltobitaille, 78 rue St. Francois, Quebec, Queltcc, tells what this great medicine did for her. She writes: Dear Mrs. 1'inkbani :— ' overwork awl long hours at the office, together with a neglected cold, brought outs very serious female trou)10 until finally I was unable to go to work. 1 then thought of n friend who lied taken !',tufa E. Pink - ham s Vegetable compound when her health W1I' iii the saint. condition that nine way will straightway went out for a bottle. 1 finished that and took two more before I really began to improve but after that my recovery was very rapid and 1 was soon well amiable to go hack to work again. I certainly think your medicine for sick women worthy et praise and am indeed glad to endorse it." It. le to Fuell girls that Mea. rinkliam holds nut a helping hand and extends a cordial invitation to correspond with her. She is daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pink Inuit anti for twenty -live yearn has been 5th icing Fick women free of charge. Iter long record of Fucceed 111 Treating wornan's ills makes her letters of advice of untold value to every ailing working girl. To stop a cold with "1'rcventics"- is safer than to let it run and cure it afterwards. Taken at the "sneeze • stage" 1'reventics will head off all colds and Grippe, end perhope sive you .nom pneumonia or bronchitis. 1'reve tics are little toothsome candy cold cure tablets selling in 5c and 25c boxer, 1f you are chilly, if yon begin to sneeze, try Prevents:'s. They will surely check the cold and pleloo you. Sold by W. 8. llowcy. FOR SALE. — House and 1 hr••e.- fiftlis acre of larnd, four rooms, two bed rooms, front room and kit- chen, wood shed and good et•Ilar, all kind of fruit trees, Simcor ntr.' t Exeter. Apply on prcmiaes.—John A. Iley wool. Annual Meeting. The ;annual rncetin,; of the i :4, borne & Ilibi,ort Multi il Cit.- lea+. Co. will be held in thea Puhli 11111, Farquhar, on Monday, February 4th, 1547 at 1 o'clock p. in. Itusiness,—Receiyinl Ilio 1)it'0No:'• annual report, Auditor's rel.,! t : elezl ion of Directors and Anditnrs, the :transaction of any business in the interests of the (3•nnpany• I'ol. icy holders tare invited to nttend, A Meal in a Moment Bovril will do it for you A meal prepared with the help of a chafing dish has a great fascination for many. But the woman who mesa chafing dish and hasn't tried what the addition of a few drops of Bovril will do, has yet to find out how delightfully piquant and appetising, a chaf- ing dish preparation can be made. Not only does "Bovril" add to the richness and taste, but also very materially to the nourishing qualities, and that's best of all. BOVRIL is A Household Necessity " There aro 'Maple Les(' Itub• Isere 10 118 all sizes and shapes eat men's, women's and children's shoes "—Wireless from "the old woman who lived in a shoe." Fit neatly, snugly and accurately, too. Leave no openings for the water to sneak in at the sides. Get a pair and keep your feet dry. Maple Leaf ubbers_ PAIN Pale In the head—pain anywhere, hue tie mato. Illus lecongatlon, pain 1s blot'•1 pressure—nothing W as usually. At least. so sari Pr. Shoop. and to W ove it he ha, created a little pink tablet. Thal Mblet—called ear. Shoot's I1.•adache Tablet— eoaxes blood pros:aro away frim twin content. Itsefectlscherming.plrasinglr,' 1igbtfol.(;entl7, Ibouah afely, it suruly octualin s the bh)0+1 circal. ,.►1e•. 11 you have a headache. it's blood pressure. 1111's painful periods with women, same ranee. If you are sieepirss, restless. nervous. It's bI„od son5estlon—hl00i pressor,. That surely 1. a esrtalnty, for pr. Sh•'up's Ih•a•la• hr Tablets stop tit 1n oa minutes. Anil the tat,l.•ts simply distribute Ohs unnatural 1,100,5 pr. -cure. Bruise your anger, and doesn't it rel red, and swans. and Darn yon! Of course it dors. Wit nut• Oleon, blood pn-,sure. 5"uu' I1 find It where pato lrattrays. It's simply ('nun 4) sense. Waall at 26 cents. and cheerfully recommend Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets W. S. HOWEY. iL CENTRAL6Y 2 STRATFORO., ONT .��.!� The Leading Commercial School in Western Ontario. Our courses ore HMO Mill anti p1 #et cal w bile the teaching is i14'1 5' by able instructors, '1 he :ambit boas young wren and young women who desire to get the hest possible commercial train. ing pate, nine this school while h11sitiees men 4410 in search of our K1 'vitiates 1r 1111 responsible posit it n9. 'l'ne' hest tone to eu- �• ter our classes isfreeNW. Beall- LI e.tn- -'- x !slut eatsIogu•• O. •. I:LLIOTI& 1rcLACEILAN, j- �j• Principals 4-14++++++++++++++++++ +++++ Croup ,can positively ,i►; stopped in twenty minutes. No. vomitini-- nothing to siekon or distrote your child. A ?meet pte:,alnt and s., f•. syrup, called Dr. Shoop'' Croup Cure, dec'9 the work and dues ib quickly. Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure le for croup alone, remember. It duce not claim to euro a dozen ailments. it's for ......... 41..44. .11 al.J.* 4.... 411 " Hotel For Sale The Metropolitan Hotel, Exeter. for sale.—Tbis hotel le well buil4 is largo, with number of rooms. Hart license also good barn in connection. • For toms and particulars apply to • Thomas Cameron. Farquhar. If riot told privately on or before the 24th of January will bo sold by, publics auction on February Istlb. Farm For Sale Being Lot J4, Con. 4, Usborne 104 acres, log dwelling, good bqnk barn and drive house, good orchard, 5 acres hardwood bush, 10 acres fall wheat, 20 acres plowing dose balance needed to graat: Convenient to cburch and school, 4 miles tram Hensel' and 6 from Exeter. This farm 19 well drained and fenced and in good state of cultivation and it not told privately on or before too 18th of January will bo sold wutbi the chattels by publio auction Oa, February ,1st, 1907. For terms and. particular, apply to G. Srnallacombe - Proprietor. or Thos. Cameron, Auae tioneer, ha.rryubnr, FAiRM Folt `+ALF:. -71, f ex hoot farm, Lot 17, and sons 11 half of lot 18, concession 5, Stephen, is ors (ered for site, This farm is situated 3 utiles from Exeter, and is :good risk clay loam and contains 150 aores • There is a frame Louse of 9 rooms and summer kitchen and woodshed. ;e ,bank barn, 50 by 61, with ce. went floors. There are driving sheds ,and other outbuildings. Tho tarts is well fenced and well drain8. ed. Abcut 6 acres of ,good hard. wood bush. Price $8,000, The river Saublo runs tisrouall lbc farm!. Apes. ply on the prenii,e'+ so Abr:,hanr 11(•1ring, Sr. DIED JA('QT•F:S_-1n !'shorn", on Jant}a rS- I111i, 1907, David Jacques, a;ccl 67 t •• r f4 motif its and 2 clays. SI?LT-_1n Lucknow, on January 1411> ✓'itr•:I, 11tuksh.,w, rets'! of the late John Ss•Ii in tis 76th year of her age', SF:MOIL-1n Blenheim, on January 125b. Charles Senior, father of Mr. Joseph Senior of town, aged 71 psi ret and 9 months. Piles ;et quick relict from Il `ibex►!!'• Ma;ie Clint 'tient . Herne ber it's made alone for pilc9—a1 works with cor4ainty tool rot !ion. Itching. painful, pros of blind piles dig, pp'•lr lik d