HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-01-17, Page 2t 2 1 l NEWS ITEMS! 6 6IIANGMAN" PAYLOFF 3lltflIN MERRY OLD ENGLAND 1'11011 ALL O%4:11 1111: GLOBE. I•' Brlefa from Aar O„n Oilier Couulrles of Recent CANADA. 'Nt'w Brunswick had 45 business fail- ures in terse Talo Grund 'I conk wilt build a new slalion and hotel Lit Ottawa. Mrs. Patriot: Clint died at Kingston, or. Saturday, in her hundredth year. The Deeu(nion Government have de- cided to regulate the export of electric power. Mr. Lawt)ira Mulock has given W.- GOO 10:GW to the Toronto Deepital for Sick Children. A new steam yacht costing sixty thou- sand dollars is being built for Dr. Orua• yah'kha at Picton. The surplus earnings of Praultord's waterworks, owned by the town, total $29,342. The balance duo the Government from the purchasers of the bed of Cobalt Lake, Sa76e.00, has been paid. Louts flolyea was killed at Belleville, r on Saturday, by brick falling from the ruins of the ilotel Quinto. Tho Provincial Government is consi- dering the advisability of estublishin. two more agricultural schools. Ilainlllon customs collections for 1900 total $1,GS9.591.57, an increase of $301: tie6.68 over the previous year. a 0 The United States Steel corporation ►s said to be about to build u plant lit Sandwich to employ 5,000 men. The Dominion Iron & Steel Company aro buying coal cocas, with the inten- tion of producing their own coal. Humid Illaclanore, a young English- man, stepped in front of a train at Stur• geen Falls, on Saturday, and was killed. The grain crop of the three prairie provinces totalled 201,020.145 bushels, and to date 53,720,100 bushels have been marketed. Michael Kaminsky, a Galician, was , murdered at Roslhern, Sask., and his Idead body stood up against a fence In front of a dwelling. A. G. Hamel, formerly of the Montreal City Treasurer's staff, who was sen- tenced to seven years in St. Vincent do Paul, has been released on ticket of leave. The Berlin and Waterloo Street (rail- way has been valued by nrbilrotots at $75,200, and this the. Berlin council will pay for the plant if the company will sell. The Lands, Forests and Alines Depart- ment Is advertising for tenders for the right to cul pulpwood (,n an area of talo square mites in tho Nipissilig dis- trict. Mr. Fre,lr'rick Dane, of Toronto, hes Leen app titled to the vacancy on the Teneskanling & Northern Ontario Bail - way Commission, succeeding Mr. C. 13. Smith. At Halifax 36 Turks bound to the United Slates, are being detained by the U. S. nflletals, who fear their being token to the 1=end of the free in violation of the alien labor law. Tho report of the International Water- ways Commission recommends That a mew survey be outdo of the Lake Erie Luundery line and that the Chicago drainage canal's supply of water bo Iln- ile•1 In 10,000 cubic feet a second. The bill vvitich is to be Introduced by Mr. Otter to amend the Dominion Lands Act. proposes lo IIiruw open for settlement Iho cdd numbered sections of western lands with the right to the set- tlers to purchase 160 acre adjoining their homestead of a similar acreage. GREAT BRl'1'.\iN. British Insurance companies have re- pudiated all liebililies arising out of fho Valparaiso earthquake. William O'Brien's paper, The Irish People, 13 deinan(hng on investigation of the way the Itedmondites Wive spent tho money subscribed for home rule. 'I tie London Daily Melt quotes an in- timate friend of the late Lady Iturdetl- (',,utts ns shying it Ls unlikely that her will contains targe bequests to charity and !hat the hulk of her fortune will go to her hnst►nnd, William Lehman Mb - plead Itnrtlett•Ilurdett'Cou113, who iS a son of the Tato Ellis Bartlett of 1'ly mouth, Mass. UNITED S1'ATE.S. A tholsnrd dnnlage suits for car short agte are threatened ngaine% the Northern t'aeitic and Great ,Northern Railroads. Application has been mode to have the New York (Allton Exchange denied the use of the melts on account of al- leged fraudulent prncticcs. \Vitt one b1o:v of his flst, Cherlcs Smith Tuesday night killed D. F. Myers on the street in East St. Louis. Mrs. Snaith told her husband that Vx urs had attempted to flirt with her. Smith struck Myers a swinging blow on the jaw, and Myers' neck was broken. Seven Bullets Fired Into the fro - curator's Body. A degpalch from SI. Petersburg en):s : Lieut. -Gen. Vladimir 1'aviolf, alto Mili- Iary Procurator, sir Advocate -Ge neral, generally known :Alice the late Parlia- ment as "Hangman" Pavlof!. (tont 1(to epithet constantly applied to him by the Radical depute_,, was shut and killed ul 1') o'clock on Wedmwelny morning while walking in the garden of the chief mili- tary court building, near the Moika renal. The as elssin, who, apparently, \was disguised a, a workman, was cap- tured after 11 lung chase through the crowded city Mavis, during which he fired about forty shuts from two revol- vers which ho carried, killing a police- nuul and accidentally wounding a boy. MMUR1)lil% C.ltEFULLY PLANNED. The crime showed evidence of 1110 saute careful preparation which was characteristic of the nturderets of Gen- eral Alexis Ignalieft and Von der Latin - its, net was undeubledly curried out by 1110 5111110 organization which has Sen- tenced Emperor Nicholas and several of the Minister, to death. The a_asassin, who wore alto uniform of a military clerk attached to the court, obtained an entrance in the garden under the pretext of submitting a report to the Military 1'rocurator. USED BAPiD-FIRE PISTOL. Ile approached the unsuspecting Gen- eral within nn arm's length, drew n pis- tol and fired the whole toad, seven :dol.:, into l'avh,1l , body. Every shot wits well aimed, and two of them lord a gaping wound in his breast. The Gen- eral expired while being carried to his apartments in the same building. From the nature of the. wound., it appeared that the steel -jacketed bullets were flat- tened in order that Utey might inflict 111010 serious wounds. ASSASSIN'S RACE FOR LIFE. (tastily slipping another "clip" of car- tridges into his revolver and drawing a Eait'I.Oe1l) IN 111-ItUN. Seventeen f:epfn)(es of (:a. %loll,. 1n- jured. Several 1'))11111 . A despalcll from 1)01,1n stow \ 1 n.lrous explosion occurred 111 a •• e. • if the Alliance Gas ('nnipany un 'TIM ay, Seventeen of the employes vv.le emelt. .,Mlle' of ihem so severely (11:st •w are not . \peeled to live. The canoe 1110 c\i.t.'., ,n 1111, the fusing; of an rlers 5q clrie wire 111141,' I"" ga. N‘"' 141"n.(erred hoot 1he whirl, hou-e In the 1!:•. in outer. The purifier was bluwu up. 1 $1.10 to F higher. wet* wry re 1'0 new of .Il second weapon, the assassin ran nems: the garden to 11(0 curr:ago entrance. Threatening the porter with his pistols and dashed down Gtittka Street, post the Imperial Opera 1inu.'e, with a crowd of thirty house pollees and court at- taches in close pursuit. A policeman sta:iuned in front of the opera hou'e at- tempted to seize 1110 11ss1eL-ill, cut was S1101 down by the latter, who also wounded a boy. The terrorist then re- sumed his flight, firing at the police officers and house porters who attempted to bur lois way. His ammunition be- c.e110 exhausted e'1d he was intercepted and captured when he reached l.untern Lune. \Vheen taken to the police station General 1'nwloffs slayer was in high spirits and answered the °ulcers' ques- tions with laughing je=sts. A 111.001/41 MISTY OFF1(:EIl. The entire career of General Pavlof(, who was 115 year.; old. married, and had two children, was spent in the judicial department of the army. After ser1'111g sevorol years as n military Judge he was appointed Judge Advucute-General of the \\'lit' Ministry, and later Procura- tor of the Supreme Military (:ourt. General Pavlof, was delegated by \Var elinister Rudiger to answer tho Interpel- Ial ions of the Government in the lower House Of l'urlianlent in regard to the Baltic Provinces and In Poland. The Milder? I'recurutor justified these nets with such cold-bloodedness and (lit!•c- gard of the sentiments of the nu=mbers lIiat it aroused tho indignation of al- most the entire Iloilo:, and he was driven from the rostrum with cries 01 "murderer," "hangman." "as;t..;hl." Ile was not allowed to speuk again. The murdered general wits It large land- owner. After tho dissolution of Parlia- ment he organized the 1'rotective tical Leugue to combat Itadi,•al plojevls fur the expropriation of landed c.lales. Di5(.It.ACE TO THE COUNTRY. Cattle Are Dying on the Prairies From Lack of Food. A despatch from Calgary says : S. G. Manns 11114 S. Beveridge, ranchers from Splingbank, have returned from a visit to Brooks. about 150 guiles east. They say the cattle siluution is a disgrace to the country. Manns found a bunch of cattle in a corral sturving lo death and hundreds lying around in the same con- dition. Ile and Beveridge assisted in un- loading and giving Them a car of feed, 1 ul ninny cattle were so weak from star- vation they look no notice and appeared dozed. From inquiries ho believes Min- dreds, probably thousands, aro lying dead on the prairie for fitly milers west of Brooks. end lite cause is the neglect or owners to put up feed. Timentire aro principally the native breed. itOAD PAVING WEI.1.. The Net Earnings for Ten \twill's Were 81,9,071. A d•:spatch from Toronto says: The Provinces! Government has received a return irons tho'i'e►niskaming and North- ern Ontario Railway, showing the net earnings of that railway from Jan. 1st, 1906, to the end of October, of the same year. to be $1:59,071. For tho ono:tlh ..1 Ot'tober alone the gross earnings amounted to 85:,818, with oi►erating ex- pelu0•s of $3:,168, leaving the net , a111- inga al 811,5611. For tho correpeoedingg month of 1935 the gross comings annulled 10 $.12,623, with operating :x- pcns,'s amounting to $16,056. TIt'I\6 TO tCIII-:('K IlO1'('.OTT. Viceroy Ilas Ordered Arrest of Leaders of alovenlent. • A despatch ft'otn Hong Kong says: Tho Viceroy of Canton has ordered the arrest of Ile, leudere of the proposed anti-American boycott meetings. 1'la- corda on the subject ere being; destrny- ed, and n w•spapers are prohibited from mentioning the topic. w ilk Ike N \� it lit\ 1 loaf t:t►1►1. loath of nu \•1"d 11:sn 1.1n - hoed in n fewer \list. Ilneb o rs g•,.l. eady to firm. hs are a oil• m. Grain• re al;(:; t r heaveA. -le 11• t,, , ' .1!n, 1.11.. 1111 1,.•• I 111:111, 011101 I nn1i1':I yelp tine Paper \1,11 illerritee death on '1'hitroday. 11 Bunte rete... n chitin ol- lengrappling iron caught in awltjhe letek into ti's leg and Ininu, from its socket and •dy. Ile died in a te•.v • .. BY BitIBING 11I.tIN CREWS. An Effective Way to Get Grain Cars in the West. A despatch from Moosontin, Sask.. says: The Royal Grain Commission, which resumed its session here on l'uew•lay, brought out rather startling evidence. Several wllnesscs swvl►'o pea• lively that train crews had token an under) udeanlage of reported shortage el curs, using this as an excuse for a delib :rate hold-up of shippers. They declared Mitt flu' only way some of the dealers could obtain a car was to bribe crews to sidetrack o car for Meth, and they invariably found there WAS 11 plentiful supply nt $b) npic'ce, and sev- eral eweral conduclors had found this a most lucrative means of adding to Meir in- come. NEWS BY MUL AfIOL'T 1011N OEM AND 1113 I'EOI'Wt. Occurrenros In the 1.111141 [hal Reigns buprewe In Ole Commercial World. A woman of sewt'nty-three, living at S1ain►•ridge, Essex, who has been a widow twenty ye urs, %vias married to a man aged sixty -live. The King purchased twe West high• land heifers at the Birmingham te' Stock !oh)w. The receipts of the sh were £1,227,,2J2 as against £1fur year. Marred In 1816, tt Toperott, Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. John Gardener have re- sided ever since in the sand house, where they have now celebrated their diamond wedding. So urgent aro tho orders from the United Staten for S;olch iron that iron nter'chunls at Glosgew are placed in the enviable position of being able to name their own prices. At a poll at King's Lynn to decide whether a new school should be puilt, only 6:15 voters out of 3,600 Iruubled to record their opinion. 'Twenty-three were ne favor and 612 against. The new teinature rifle designed by tho War Oflice for use by rifle clubs and schools gave excellent results at the miniature itisley held under the au - Spices of the National Rifle Association. A Chiswick woman complained that her husband had not paid her under a maintenance order. Ile trust go to prison,' said the 1ingislrate. "Thank you, sir," returned the woman. "God bless you." The Ipswich gu ns, who have been paying I%d gallon for milk, have deckled to purchase cow's, at an expenditure of £1,500. so as to ensure a pure milk supplp to the inmates .1 the workhouse. . '1'o the thirty-two widows caused by the explosion at \\'alstown Colliery. Rhondda, in July, W05, 1110 owners have awarded £7.000 in excess of the sums payable tender the Compensation Act, see a total amount of £510 each. At a fat stock show held at \Vadhurst. near Tunbridge Wells, a competition was organized among the formers to guess the weight of the largest bullock. Two of the competitors estimated 1110 exact weight, namely, 85 stone .61 pounds. Waller Marsh. the ex -soldier, sent- enced to death at Derbyshire Assizes for the murder of his wife at Chester- field, has expressly instructed his soli- citor to slake no effort to obtain a re- prieve, as he is prepared to die, death i ving no terrors for him. finder the pillow of a woman named Catherine Gale, who calls burnt to death a: Torque), (Devon) in her bedroom, wos found a bank deposit note for 5150, a savings bank book stewing £50 deposit, three £5 notes, a will, and a gold watch. To furnish eat rtninment for the pa Ishioners in .alto winter evenings, a 1:: augment a fund for n new organ, 777777www. series of penny readings were orrnng- ell et Handley (Dorset), but no one came 1! Il:e gird entertainment except 11►o per- f,'rIncra. \Villiam Turner. a toolmaker "in the hondsown line," (lectured 10 the (:lerk- ('nlvell County Cont that he had earned nothing for .throe months. "Now -a -days," he said, "people buy ready-made boots and Mho's, instead of Leine: measured." Tw•o years age. Joseph Knowles, an other,' servant, obininet' £10 by falso pretences al Gravesend. and went In Atner:cn. "Troubled by conscience," a+ Ito explains, he has now returned, and surrendered to the police. At Gravee end ho was ordered six months' hard In: or. C. P. It. TO ADD '1'0 FLIN=T. (lead of I)rparneen1 Will (10 lute (hies. lion in ):n!)I:old. A despatch from Niunti\'al says: \1r. P,cr,, head at the C. 1'. It. steamship d''parlmo;nt, left for England on Friday nn business, and expects to be on the other side a considerable time. Ile admitted that one of tho mutters which he is going In look into is that of en- larging the company's fleet. Matter.- have atti-have not yet gad far enough for an au- thoritative anlrnrnCOntent to be endo nt tho company's plans. \I(iN1•Iti:•ll, FIRE 111•:PAIVII111:N'f, Underwriters Not Satisfied With its Mannpgement--Nay increase Rates. A despatch from Montreal says: The ('.alt,d.nn Fire CliderWriteri. A35,1C4111'111 have writleu to the Mayor, calling div attention to the need of an in)oJig:I- tion tied remedy for 0143 present lurk of fire protections. The I1Ssocialiun Ihlealon to rake the rales or else reduce the amount fit Insurance they ore car- rying in lite biesineso disci t is. ci n• sidernl►1e dLssatiafaelion 13 exprresed with the tnanagemcnt of the Ore depart. meat. SHOWERFD B'� MO�IEN ME1 Fiery Stream s=lowed Four Feet Deep in Pittsburg Foundry. A de'.palch from Pitt -1.4400. I'n., she.: As a ri•snit of an •eel... el of n furnace et the Eliza furnaces of the Jones & Laughlin :tee: works on Wednesday night Iltree at.' known In I.e dread.:s't'em are 111 n ho.pital with fatal burns and in)ut i.'a, and 21 are missing. Ill\ alt OF (ICON. 11„' a elo.i.,n wos eau 1 le an nc• cumulation of e':1' at ths t -e of 11.,' turmice. tlr,,ein'I 1%teeh 3., • workitlg. Of till these but 1441• 74.,11 e. - caped injury. \\ 11110111 wilrnine end 411 with a near like artillery, tune of meth ti a1' 11,011)1 were pan', d u\ or 111e workmen. sit 14o( n teurtsr 1 in Ito' tnnzs of steel, and Ihr 1 ,11nIed. \1 '...r ,,'J ,•.!, 1, r,•.,.,In corn.' rl ria.• :m 11 ('! • I I'• I , 11::, h fin: eh•71. ..., .11 .1 'r. •' . thirty feel ' •. . !: r:,gur(5l, Ile v1 .I „ ! , hoyni:el. I11/111111'I.\ 14 1;'• 11. 41 '1.1,1. 1 i and ter n space of thirty feel of".ut 111.' (nt•m• . II..' te'IaI r:ul. 11,010 lig ei volt vete to a depth of lour or live t' • 1. Ill'I11EI1 IN ' 11'.1'1. 1„ 1'wn 0lorms of lire 'At 1e nci• 1 %Met 111, and alt 111,' 1111)1.111:4)19', - rtty were iiiksI. S,"•n 111.. ,. w, ls ee:s wane able to eeeng"' (rem tee lie! '11x1.1► t' with their livres were taken t•, het 1 but all the missing. it Is 1. iNe • t, 111e 110.. .1 A1001 !., the 11,1,11.!.e are :1•M'. tole 1111' iuI!Il Ilfflcla 1 .'r that not nil 1::. a.., roweled, rette'I,g ,. n. In IIS oleos n ::. I.1 1., 'Med mg, i, every- ; ..1 lie 41001)1' 1. .• :, I,, • 1. n 1 , ,1 1111' 1'. tie% 1.,, y i i/• 1•:e. (11.1': it - •,,. 7. • • . !„7.II 1 0.i,11 COI.. ANUIIII:FF SHOT. A de•putch from leets., Iter -sire Po- land, says: Colonel Pelki, Andriefl chief a( the gendarmes of the Lodz district, 10805 Sliol nal killed on Thnrsrtay morn - mg on 1'olndmiowa street. A passing infantry patrol tired a volley el the as. sessln, but only wounded several inno- cent en'onker's. 'tete: assassin escaped. P..htdin•,wa street vitas VisrCd by troops end the police began making a strict search of all tho houses fronting upon It noCI).1SSOFF \V tltNI:D. A despatch fr'on! St. Pelersl.i:rg snys: Vice -Admiral 1),)Itrrsnif, t I'. \ rnor• General of 51 ,:47.:10, and at I r1,•et a nlenlber of the C'.11nei1 of 1110 Empire, has re •e wed 11 91111 nli'um 111111 meatier ot'empt upon his lie! old be mode. - Itus,la 10(11 sh•,rlly un:l.'r•llke Iherrt!- organ':zation of her navy. Input will insist on having Rttsela - ,pen the Sumgnu i River to 09mi:tierce. The bus• Iso Premier has Itskrd for n ndditional S(5,l11kl,(Jtlt for famine t•etief. The Amir of Afgawmistnn bins cros,.1d the Indian frontier on his visit to the \'teeny. 1'he I'oli.sli National Lcamie Is fictively agitating for the indepcudenee of 1::: country. ` s1\ veer- !'1i!,'d In 1111 (-n^0)111• 11.t 11•:.11 tit.. lo...:' a :7t an Itnailthorized Ineeh,)g hs Ilrntil. Foreign merchants In Manchuria claim IW+OO they are divcrimin.tleJ against in Itie olio: on Ow Mnni'h,:.11:; pathway. (;,,•i!a 1•. -t , I,- leo! o, 1 that the Chine.;.' 111 1 Jap u,.. • v. O he become nlas'0t5 of Ito. '.• heti nations. A diel w:ih army rev,•ia is took place en \V' ilnos,tay rear Tar:- i et ween Iwo youni! FI enol! n!fllrers. Premier Clemeneen ha* ordsred Non expallnlon 01 the Belgian Syndicale 1 os•••'..•ia•n of Ilse goring tn8les t Torg ('111145. Presm'rs' S.lotypin act n nunllx'r Conservative trendier.; of the n r,,binet 11'110 received leper•: erring terns lerrn1'k' . '1'110 German (:hnneellnr dna nnnnuneej !hal the It•'icltalag( vwna disulho'1 ill ohlet to f1•ce 1110. Government Irnm de• ixnden:e tin the etericali and to strengthen the Lila(`rnls. 1 A t:II to prevent n:t toef,ir ewroier• cine dis"rinlinalion and 1• .•t.pu•tatiote .e. deet is unit 'rsbo ,'I 10 hr /heel, a4sirst the standard Oil Company, 1 c^n (fled in the Mal soclluse113 bar.