Exeter Times, 1906-11-29, Page 2• YOUNG FOLKS A NARitOW ESCAPE. Sister Annie was sick, and Johnnie and his little :Ister Marie did not know what to do with themselves. They wandered gloomily about the house and ard, disconsolate and lonely; fur Annie Ila•[ been tho life of their party, the lea ler of their sprees, the very light of the household, end Annie wits ao sick the could not beer teem to make any noise. To step softly across sho room hurt her head ereadfully, and to whis- tle, or slog, or shout -0 toy! mother said that would never, never do. You can imagine what a relief it was, then, to bo sent over to grandmother's on an errand. This was distant about two ini'es, and quite a little of the wt ary time would be consumed in going and coming, and when Mrs. Tuylor consented to the children remaining un - V. after dinner with their grandmother, their joy was complete. It was midwinter, and very severe weather, and Johnnie was anxious to take the sled and go down to the old ludy's on the ice, the river being frozen over. Marie could ride on Iho sled, and he would put on his skates and skim a.ong with tine rope in his hand. 11 would just be fun to haul her that way. But Mrs. Taylor shook her head decid- edly. "The Big Walnut is a most trencher- cus stream," she said. in reply to the children's pleading. "You never know whether it will bear you up or not. The current is so swift and strong D due; not freeze solid enough, and it is ahvoy's so full of air -holes. 1 would to perfectly willing for you to go that way if it was safe, Johnnie boy, but, as it is 1 muse decidedly say no! it is not t`o much farther by the road, and you may take the sled and coast down all the hills anyway." Johnnie was not half pleased. ile thought he knew best. Mother was too silly for anything to be afraid of the Dig Walnut. \Vith the mercury almost down to zero, of enurse, there wouldn't bf. any danger. 1( only boys and girls didn't have to mind mothers, he'd prove le Marie that the eco was all right. However, Johnnie had been trained lc obey mother pretty well, and 1 e hadn't. tine least idea of doing anything else when he started to grandmother's. But he talked regretfully all the way, and when at the dinner table the hired mon, Sam Phillips, assured him that the Rig Walnut would bear up a team with - cut n doubt, his wish to venture home upon the ice Lecnme so strong that it grew into a resolution to do so. He wbts p(s1tive that mother would not care. She had said that she would be perfect- ly willing if it were only safe -Sam Phillips said so; and, of course, •,e knew all about it. Rut Johnnie had not reckoned on lit- tle Mario having objections. That was oanetly what the little girl revenled. h nwever, ns soon as he bronched the subject when they had started home quite early In the afternoon. "\Iniher snirl not!" exclaimed the tiny girl sturdily, "and it. isn't good to dis- o; ev mothers. ever! ' Rot she said sho was willing if 1t was anfe," persisted Johnnie, "and Sum says it is. I'll throw rocks on it first and try it. and go nut with a great big club mid pound on it. and lel you see. it's en fine ridnng nn the Ice. \inrie. 1 hav- en't g +t coy -kates; that's the only thing. nut 1 can slide a long ways at a time and pull you right Meng." "Well,' said Marie. wavering lefore the. temptation, "if you're sure mother motel ctrl*-" "1 know site wc:n't," said Johnnie. "And you must, pound it awful!" "Y.'s. 1 will." said Johnnie. going oat on Ili, g'itter•ing surface and pounding here and there with a heavy stick. "II erne;., d!" erica! Marie, in alarm. ' f heard it just as pinin. It cracked aw- ful! Came back. right away, Johnnie Tav1.)r!'' ih1', Mast It wns Ino tate for Johnnie to velem. With a load report the ice word behvs en him anti the shore, and here and there it hent and yielded nett Lr••k.'. unoll Johnnie's refuge was only a line Mand of ice al the mercy of .he et'rrent. "0. 0, nr wallet! \far!,. running up amt down the bank helplessly; "went shall we do. Johnnie Taylor? if yuu had Jest needed neither!" ,\e; 1 viale l 1 had tar(,, said 1 Jetannie, dolefully, "I guess I'm going 1:, drown. 1 nm n very little buy to draw i. too. such n little hey to die. C'eledn'1 you do soma ti ser Marie lnekel all about and screamed as mild as she could, lout the farmhouses were a long distance away. and there w'ns nn one in sight. \lenntinw there war Johnnie -her Johnnie -In dnnger r f drowning in thecold. iev water. c a - ten1y h r m•es fell on the tang, slont rune alterhed to the sled. She sprang I, tele! it. and lessen In untie the knee; free( -illy. Johnnie snw what she was al nut, and cheered her nn. "You're the smartest anti pluckiest tette pirl 1 ever snwr he do -tared. "F'ls'en one end round tett little Inc.e Marie. and sling the other en) to me; 1 gii.'s you enn do it. Not guile. Try 10 ngain: don't get diaenitraged. Now! 1'bm's i1; I've got it. \raw• f ran pull myself In the share all riehl." And he ilid. not ,without n i;notl decal of difficul- ty but he manage! it. "It's n mighty goo.) thing 1 didn't go %ere fir nut on the Ice," said the boy, TvIi n he hod rolled the rope In the sled. furl they wen• nn their way hnrre. "if 1 had you enelitieI hnve reached me with that tops." "It's n gon'l'r Thing that 1 didn't get nn the ire," said Merle. sinking her wee little head. "or there wnnldn't Lnvc been any one in throw you the repo find we'd hath been drowned. And it's tho gentle+t thing to mend mother -the of Aller 'That's so" sell Jnhnnle: "we'll e1 • ways do it after this. Marie." "What did part say" "lie showed me the door." "And what did you sayf' "i /raid 1l was certainly a very handeerne door, but not whit i hal come I.a la:ic atop. That made him laugh, bad A alflute later you were miner PEN -ANGLE is a veneer of styles. &brim sad prices. ire eremite. mem sad paa&ss. Foos- food. Dsales we inel►onaed ea emplace iatlaady and M ear cat asy Pea- Aegis ea.Ae is gamest faulty is maten.l of ..kis• Pen -Angle Under- wear is form -knit so it can't help fitting your figure, -it's made of long - fibred woof so it won't shrink —and it's guaran- teed besides. The whole idea is to make it so good you can't afford not to buy by the trademark (in red). tee UNDERWEAR �Ing 1 Cleaning! re. w lees oast some par ..ea s. the HYMN AMIIISAM SUING N.. Les •r sass is par sews. es mad etre, . • NeetrelbleTer'oates, Ottawa, Qu.b Patents Secured Free I prepare patent applications free of charge. It you have an invention send sketch to -day for free opinion. 24 years experience. F. 11. Gibbs, 6! St. James St., MonlreaL • a0[S LLSWC81 $AO e[tuuaeslxn eV1 ' ► fa tut sol Sun GILSON aA*OLCOC ENGINE oveteP. mriWea FCMOS chinforctalUglazes s GILSON trio. CO. low t M WMltiaste, lfe. 14, 011 SALE -IF SOLD AT ONCE, butcher shop, stable and slaughter house, free from mortgage, in the thriv- ing Town of Milton ; population about 1,800; within two miles of two large brick works, the largest in Canada ; one capitalized at 350.00.00. the other at largo amount; within 3 utiles of 4 lime kilns employing in ail about 200 hands or over; wages from $1.511 to $3.50 per day; average daily saks between 40 and GO dollars; a phoney -maker; a chance in a lifetime; don't write. cone and sec for yourself. GEORGE PATTERSON, Box 3, Millon, Ont. sass„oWla s •C ,BUYSwA HOME seats t..ia... t... t►t�D. we+«um Ivied st s.000 ..., mat. ..r W • "am arias\ reputation d /MM.De. 1e e.e yrr. tk ,.q"LI... will meek eke Ln-wi11:.. murk. Orliery r.:a.... 1." 1. Ju.,..% .Lads Nrs- lated Mise bee 1730 t. SI.oa rack. WI Alt LAYING OUT A NLW ADDITION Washington Heights TM►ietset meal r." ei,kdy dli.i.+. a Deaver: h,raiek:.((m parlors sine .f P 1.'. Peak .J ,L Reeky 14eavataise ier a al...... of 73 rails Or«M.kiel,w«lovas. Park. A. ilea] get Lota 25 rt 125 Feet for $100 �•,{ Y CASH - L PER MONTH l..". ..1....,1.. ,f. Ir ".. c./ It emn rai r....—I4_••••••,••• ��� :r.....«.. t.. ...s,. .. ".,.."...r. • . 4N..arw ....e1.ar'......swat. .rel.".".. TM CENTURY LOAN AND TRUST CO. Ts. Cess ed/.r e..•.. C.....0. H... tit" waeww...s le D...r...l. Illa.sms�.=.101taftw1 • Watches fora 1 Half Century FOR ova half a century --ever since 1854 -the reputation of this store has guaranteed the reliabil- ity of any Watch purchased from it. increased rrunufacnring and buy- ing facilities now enable us to give you tie ben Watch values in Canada. An instance is our 115.00 special. It consists of a guaranteed 15 -Jewel Ryrie Bros. Movement in Ilk gold- filled case warranted to wear twenty- five years. rine es • taste! earl and .e neN tend ion free of charge our la,ge,7lss- traLd catalogue. (11 esssessemese- Tato,Ont. "if there were twenty chickens in a cent)," said the teacher. "and Iwo %v,et..• missing one morning, how' ninny t' ..iild you haver"\\'el);' 8111 the leading ratan of the class, "if they were my chickens to ecgin with I'd have eigh- teen. belt ff they were somebody else'., 1d have only two." BtatOISM OF A CONVICT. 1>icaka the Nall of a (louse and Disarms a Lunalk. An extraordinary act of bravery per- forated by an escaped French convict hae resulted in his obtaining what is practically a tree pardon. The nein is Francois levet, who, sev- en years ago, was sentenced to death for murder. file sentence was afterward commuted to penal servitude for life. 1 vel, however, succeeded in escaping, and nothing more was hard of hint until :h day of two apo. when he reap- peared at Nantes under ey,+ordinary circumstances. A lunatic barricaded himself in his !muse, and from an upstairs window fired shots from a gun at the people an the street. Several persons were in- jured, and great excitement prevailed. Suddenly a man sprang forward, and, sealing the wall of the house, wrenched the gun out of the ntadinan's hand. The Mayor of Nantes specially con- gratulated the stranger on his remark- ahle coolness and bravery, when sud- denly a policeman present recognized hire as the missing convict. He was arrested, and was taken before the tribunal. The trial was short, but sensational. The crowd cheered and applauded Pivet, and clamored for hint to be set free. Instead rat being sent back to penal servitude for life he was sentenced to ono Incotti's imprisonment, after which t:e will he free, "in consideration of his heroic deed." STARVED BY ANAEMIA. Health Restored by the Rich Blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Actually Make. Thousands and thousands of young girls throughout Canada are literally passing into hopeless decline for the (rant of the new rich red blood so abundantly supplied by Dr. Williams' ['ink Pills. They aro distressingly tweak, pale br sallow, appetite fickle, subject to headaches. dizziness, alto breathless and the heart palpitates vio- lently at the least exertion. The doc- tors call this anaemia -which is the medical name for bloodlessness.. 1)r. Williams' Pink ('ills actually make new blood -they cure anaemia just as sure- ly as food cures hunger. Here is n bet of the strongest kind of evidence: "Dr. Williams' fink Pills and nothing else saved my two daughters when doctors had failed to help them." This state- ment is mode by Mrs. Joseph Mortes, St. Oliver street, Quebec. She adds: "My daughters are ages respectively tw enty-two and twenty-three years. For Iwo years they suffered from the weak- ness and distress of anaemia, and had I learned of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills earlier, it would not only have saved ilia motley, but much worry and anxi- 013 as well. Doth girls were as pale it a sheet. They suffered from head- aches. poor appetite, and grew so feeble that they could hardly go about. They were under a doctor's care, but did not improve a bit. 1 despaired of ever see- ing theta in good health again, when a friend called my attention to Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pilis. Soon after they he- gan the pills there was an improvement In their condition and in less than a couple of months they were again en - j: y:ng good health, active. robust girls. I ani so grateful for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis have done for may children that 1 strongly recommend them to every to:other who has a weak, pale- faced alsf:.ced boy or girl." Dr. Williams'Pink Pills do only ono thing, but they do it well -they nctu•tl- tv ninke new, rich blood. They don't tinker with symptoms. They act in the hotels. They simply change bad blood into good blood and thus strike slrnhiht at the roet of such comrnnn ailments as headaches, sidenches and backaches. Indigestion. anaemia. nerv- ous exhaustion. neuralgia, St. Vitus dance. partial paralysis, and the special peni li secret ailments n( growing girls noel women. Sold by all medicine dent - ere or by moil at 50 cents n box or -ix ',Goer for $2.50 heron the Dr. \\Interns' Me licine Co., Brockville, Ont. • ETHICS OF DEBT. Extraordinary Defence of a unitarian Mitlistcr. An extraordinary defence, which slid not appeal to Justice Willis, was out her yard in the King's Lynn County Court by the ter J. M. Barnes,nes . a B.A. of Cambridge, England, who was formerly Unitarian minister in the town, and who now lit ea at Streatham. Ile was sued by a King's Lynn firth for ,e2 les Id. for groceries supplied to him, and, while admitting that lie owed the mount legally, Mr. Barnes said his defence to the action was en- tirely an eternal one. Ile claimed that now, +having no set- tledtled income, the debt should bo can- Ettically speaking, he end!! not regard l.imself as a debtor until the Stale ell - al onkel him employment of a kind in keeping with his education, and with sufficient ntn011ieralion 00 which In support himself, his wife and family. Until this was done Inc the thousands like iiintself, who Through no fault r their own were before the abyss, tie c.,uld only regard the plaintiff as his debtor, in that, having more of this world's goods than lie needed, he owed 11 to society to give of Ins surplus to those who in the struggle for existei,-e had not been so fortunate as to obtain an ecunemic advnnlage over others. Ile asked the judge to enquire of the plaintiff what was his ethical title In Ili' wealth he possessed, an 1 not what Iiia legal clnini wart mein the debtor. Judge \\'bili.; said that tie should do no such thing. He was surprised That Mr, Barnes should have advanced such s defence, and he would get no sympa- thy (ruin hits. Ilse gave jiilgment for the amount claimed, and said that he would order Mr. Ilnrnes ethically, and with due te- g.erd to all interests, to pay lOs per month. She -"Jnty 4141 you know 1 was vine 1n wear nby hair curled this evening Ile -"1 saw it m Iho papers this morn - lug." CARE OF THE BABY. A mother's work and worry In car- ing fur her little ones is greatly light- ened if she has un hand a safe remedy ter the cure of indigestion, coke, sour stomach, constipation. diarrhoeu,siutple fevers and the other little ailments that are apt to Cu►ne to children suddenly. For these troubles liuby's Own Tablets are bolter than any other medicine. They are mildly laxative, prompt in their action, and a few doses usually leaves the child in perfect health. They de not contain an atom of opiate • r poisonous soothing sluff. They always do gond-they cannot possibly do harms and may be given with equal safety at the new born infant or well grown child. Pers. Reginald James, Fenagh- vale, Ont., says: "1 have used Ruby's Own Tablets and (Ind thele unexcelled 03 a medicine for children. They pro- mote sleep and general gond health." You can got tete Tablets from your drug- gist or by mail at 25 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. TALLEST WOMEN. The tallest woman in tete world is said to le a native of the Tyrol, who has just arrived in Vienna. Twenty- seven yeers old, she is 7 feet 5 inches high, and tveighs 374 ies. She is spare rattler than stout, hard of features and voice, and somewhat of the ina-culine type. Her father and mother are nut above ordinary stature. The emcacy of !tickle's Anti -Consump- tive Syrup in curing coughs and colds and arresting infanunatio.t of the lungs, can be established by hundreds of testi- menials from all sorts and conditions ref amen. It is a standar.i remedy in these ailments and all affections of the throat and lungs. R is highly reco;.t- mended by medicine vendors, because Vey know and appreciate is value as a curative. Try it. Parson Tlrnmins-"Well, John, how did you like my sermon?' John -"Very well indeed, sir. 1 always did like that sermon." W IIAT DO PEOPLE N I(Rf) who are rue dowse, anemic. pal.. liatlees' "Ferrorim,•' the teat Ionic. It builds, makes strong. It Rites new life. There are man) (malas but ou1y on. "Fre rovla" "Intelligence has just reached me-" began Mr. Blocker, as he sat d -yen at the dinner -table. "Thank goodness if it has nti last," exclaimed Mrs. Blodger, and the food was partaken of In silence. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart sets directly and quickly. stimulates the heart's action. *tope most acute pain, dispels all sign* of weakness. ■uttering, sinking, smothering, or palpitation. This wonderful euro to the sturdy ship which carries the heart -sick patient into the haven of radiant and perfect health. Gives relief in most acute forms of heart disease in 30 minutes. -11 "That mon may seem to bo somewhat uneducated, and yet he snakes a fine living by his pen." "Why, 1 would never take him for a writer." "Ile isn't; he breeds pigs." Give Holloway's Corn Cure a trial. 11 removed ten corns from one pair of feet without any pain. What it has done once it will do again. Mistress -"Why, Bridget, whet on ear h are you doing with all the broken dishes on the shelf?" Bridget --"Cure, plum, you towed one 01 w ur to replace every ono Oi broke." 17'Ctt, Ysnge, Prairie Borateles ane every torus of contagions Itch on human or animal* cured in 30 mir:utes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Rinks -"You're putting your boy early to work." Jinks -"Yes, he's a clever lad. for he's learnt everything the mas- 1,•e know,." "lie has?" "He has that. That maser said: '1 can't hammer any- thing none Into that head of his." These Worrying Piles I -One appllca- cation of Dr. Agnew', Ointment will give you comfort. Applied every night for threo to six nights and a cure is effected in the most etuhborn cases of Blind. Bleeding, or Itching Piles. Dr. Agnew's Ointment cores F.csema and all itching and burning skin diseases. It acts like magic. 35 cents. -15 "So she was led to the eller at last?' remarked tho girl in blue. "Led!" re- pented the bride's deaf est friend; "lea! 1 inn: y you didn't see her. She didn't havo to be led. When she started do -en the aisle you couldn't have driven nee off with a regiment of cavalry!" 11 5 EAST TO UST a cold hang es. Rash nighit it with as. Alien' liens Balsam wad day we are sure It will be ill'chueck Its ad. mance aid More health. MODERN BULLET WOUNDS. A most interesting and far-reac'3Ing experiment on a large scale was per- fornie:l at the batllelleld of Mukden. Several sanitary nflirers with gond sur - gloat trninine being present. mit of 100 soldiers wounded in the abdomen 50 were operated upon by lapnrotnnly, the .r,0 others left alone. the only treatment consisting of ah;olute rest and In keep - Ing the externnl tt-nund opening clean. 01 the 50 soldiers operated upon 40 diet. of the non -operated 40 survived. This striking result Indicated the man- ner of treatment of abdominal wounds throughout the whole war. Laparotomy nn or in the renr of the battlefield was at- terwnrd hardly ever performed. but strict caro was taken That all soldiers wounded in the abdomen had absolute rest for the first three days. S:,ndv and his master were waiting al a waysi•le stilton. As a train op- proaetiel Sandy said: "1bre.s y'r Irnin. sir." Mauler -"Thane not my (rain, but rather the train ern going by." But 11 happened In be a specie! train. and didn't stop nt the station. wherteull."l Sandy es-latmed: "We're haith wrang, ter it's fe ither your train nor the one were goon by; but It'a the ono that's gaup by you!" reph. \\'onden--"Mildred, 1 offer you my heart, my hand, my love, my demo• lion. my whole life." No reply. Wooden ---"I lay my proudest nrnhitiona, my brightest hopes rat your feet. \\'ill you not speak. Mildred?" efildred- "\\'ho owns the grocery stare at the corner - rot nr vr. ur brother?" \\'soden-"i do." Pfl!lne.l -"\Veli, why didn't you say that at arair CLERKS AS HUSBANDS. Pee Users Saki to be latntune Prosy Struggles of the World. 13/ virtue of his calling a clerk must perceive tl:e value of money; that it is easier to get into debt than out of hl; that by taking care of the pence sho pounds take care of themsehe.; and that ec'onozny is a great revenue," sagas a writer in Pearson's Weekly in th3 course of an article un "Do Clerks Mahe Good IlusLands?" "Furthermore, a clerk has it regular income." he continues. "Itis wife knows to a penny what sho will receive for housekeeping, for dress, for this, that, and the other, and can make arrange- ments rrangestents accordingly. "Possessed of an assured, unt'nrying (come, a clerk is free from the cure which besets the tnan whose pocket, full of money one month is empty the next. Tile struggles with the world, the everlasting race with the busy competI• lion of trade, which turn grey the hair of the employer do not affect the clerk." Not a Nauseating Pill. -The exelptent 01 a pill is the substance which enfolds the ingredients and makes up the pill mass. That of 1'armelee's Vegetable ['ills is so compounded as to preserve their nlols;ure, and they can be carried into any latitude ' without impairing their strength. Many pills, in order to keep them from adhering. are roiled in powders, which prove nauseating to the taste. Parmclee's Vegetable I'il!s are so prepared that they are agreeable lo tho most delicate. The Doctor -"You have a bad cold, Mr. Jiggs. 1'11 give you some pills for i1." Jiggs-"Oh, never mind, doctor. You can have it fur nothing." MARK THIS DISTINCTION ; A purely meal disease of the skin, 1ik• barter'. itch. is caret lar Weaver's !Cerate alone. But where the blond is loaded with impurity, snrh as Salt Rheum, Weaver's Syrup also should be used "Je=sse, i've told you agi.in and again not to speak when older persons are talking; but wait until they slop." "I've tried that already, mamma. They never d , slop." Kidney Duty, -It is the particular Pune. tion of the kidneys to filter out poisons which pass through theca into the blood. When the kidneys are diseased they can- not do their whole duty. and should hate tho help and strength that South Ameri- can Kidney Cure will afford in any and all forms of kidney disorder. It relieves is 6 hours. -14 "1'11 give you r position as clerk to &art with." said the merchant, "aryl pay you what you are worth. Is that satisfactory?" "Oh, perfectly," replied the college graduate; "but-er-do you think the firm can afford it?" lIow 10 Cleanse the System,-Pnrm(e- lee's Vegetable Pills are the result of scientific study of the effects of extracts of certain roots and herbs upon (11' 'i- gestive organs. Their use has demon- strated in many instances that they regulate the action of the liver and the kidneys, purify the blood, and carryon al' morbid accumulations fi'o►n the sys- tem. They are easy to take, and their action is mild and beneficial. As it steamer was leaving the harbor of Athens a well-dressed young passen- ger approached the captain and, point- ing to the distant hills, inquired: "whit ;s that white sluff on the hills. rap - lain "Thal is snow, madam," answer- ed the captnin. "Is it really??" reniark:•d the lady. "I thought so myself, but n gentleman has just told me it was (Treece." PT.ACF.D AT TiER IIACR OF TIM SPINE, ' The D k 1. " Menthol Plmter allays norrens et- cite rcite meet, They are equally as eff.,•rcioas b nen relate, backache and muscular pain► "Ah, me!" exclaimed Mrs. \aggctt, "\fy shopping vas most unsntisfactoiy to day!" "Indeed!' grunted Naltl•ett. "Trying In get something for nothing, 1 suppose?" "Yes, dear; I was after n birthday gift for you." Nervousness, Dyspepsia, feminist ion, and kindred nilments, take wing+ before the healing qualities of South Am"ricin Nervine. Thomas Hoskins, of Durham. Ont... took his preacher's advice, followed directions, and was cured permanently of the worst form of Nervous Prostration and Dyspepsia. Ile has recommended h to others with gratifying results. It's a great nerve builder. --12 "Well, doctor, do you think it is any- thing serious?" "No. no -just a sore !)lore of your neck. But you trust keep nn eye On 11." Chenpest of all M^divines.-Cnnsider- ing the curative qualities of hr. Thu- r,,ns' Eclerlric Oil it is the cheapest medicine now offered to the public. The nose required in any ailment is small and n bottle contains rnanv doses. If it were valued at the benefit it confers it enul,l not bo purchased for many times the price asked for it. but 'n - Creased ennsttrnptien has simplified and cheapened its manufacture. Husband -"You'll hnve to dischar;Io Jane and do the conking yourself." Wife -"Good grnclous! Why? Are you los• ing your money'' Ilu'band-"No; but 1 m losing my health." \\'ifs -"Oh. I u -e." 11uiband---"Yes. The doctor says 1 eat ton ;nueh." MRS. HUNTER'S STORY Says Results are "Truly llondertel." Mrs. 1. Hunter, of 111 Rnglan Road, Kingston, Ont. says: --- "I have sirflere.l tv th kidney rind liver boobte and chronic rmstipn- tion for virile time. 1 Was vol+jert In dinine.se, bilious headache, nerv- otcness, drowsiness, Mrs. 1 Ilunter.pains in tete bock and side, and tired, weary feeling nearly all the time. "1 tried almnst every medicine, was treated by doctors and druggists with little or no benefit, "I tried Dr. Leonhardl's Anti -Pill, and the results have been truly wonderful. i am so much tetter. Anti -['ill is a most wonderful remedy." All dealers, or the Wilson-Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, OnL That aosads geed, doesn't It? • Never a cold or a cough but always perfectly weU and hearty. You could be like that with a little care and COLTSFOOTE EXPECTORANT Keep it in the house and use it at the slightest Olga of an approaching cold or cough. It positively cure, Colds. Coughs. Croup, Meowing Cessib. Asikaa and all ?meal and (tamp troubles. A pure vegetable syrup. Your druggist keeps it and ee onsinetds it. Mee, tali COMM. 61113PCIPPC1 'EXPECTORANT RAILROADING NAATED r"T'1.' t.Nn ISRAiiF.M11:11j boor all Italltrwd,, slAxper:ence to sae spry. Firemen Nae, bet•onie en eere ,aaA ears iso• sseet0ly. irakers.a fye, h•eome conductors and cru tisso. Nulltieaa awaiting yelling,strews. 1.sapeteat yes ars. ((date ate, height and waist*-(isaporkant.) Name posltted preferred. RAILWAY ASSOCIATION. kL•om 1ty. It7 Monroe int„ Brooklyn. N.Y. 4 LADIES' BEAVER SKATE Skaters who make a polneof good appearance like the Ladles' Beaver, which is also to be recommended for the comfort It affords the wearer. It's the skate for r:ak use. FOR SALE BY ALL UP-TO-DATE DEALkIte. MAi)E BY The STARR MANUFACTURING CO., Limited, DARTMOUTH, N. 8., CANADA. BRANNCH, 1 .:.11Inas`een TORONTO Manufacturers also of the (annus Micmac" and "Hex" thick ey Sticks (Copyrighted.) " OSHAWA fSteel Mind, Water, Sterns and Fire Proof Shingles. Looked On al Four Sides Mode frnm Paintel or enlvnnieed Steel, at prlees varying !ram 8?.85 In 10.10 per hundred sglinre feet covering treasure. This is the most durable erre ering on the market. and is an idem covering for Hcu:,es, Barns, Stores, Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tomb required. We are the largest and oldest cconbpany of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buiidings throughout Canada. making them FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING -PROOF. We, also manufacture (',crrugaled trot' in long sheets, Cor.dactor Pipe and EA1'F.STROI'GI1, Etc. METAL SIDING, In intention of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,00n designs. Write for Catalogue No. 1411 and Tree samples et 'l SIiAWA.Rtingles. Write to-drty. T$�3 SPg7DIa-MIL R► pMICDIP :7s ireal, Oce. Immo, Ord I torn, oat I lorgoo, OM. I 'PRIM. Mao. 4 Varcouyer,R.C. 11!14 W Craig Wel SUSussex st. 111 Colborne st Du ii er ndas st. 71 Lombard PS. 1 els 1'•ad.r * Write year Nearest ODUc..-11RADOYYICEAND WOSKtl-OSMAWA, oat The " Blue Grass " Event will be the 7th Annual Kentucky Thoroughbred Sale --44 3'EsIEsim - 'PiptoZIL acv. COMPRISING G27 MID OF TIIOROIY:IIIIRED STALLIONS, %*AIRES, 1VE:\NLINGS, YEARLINGS and HORSES IN TRAINING. s:ile will be held at WILSON'S HORSEMEN'S HEADQUARTERS LEXINGTON, KY., TIbASt sf;IVI\•G 1\'i:E:K, L'i•:(IttN) - Monday, November 26, 190J6 A\i) N% ILL CONT AIN A ell' WIITT 01' Qt;Al.171 in the 17 Stallions, 370 Choice Mares 'Dim': of Winners;. aft 11'canling3 (from Winning lomihcs), penal 191 Venrling% and Iinrrhorlcs in lrainutg. Dispersal .d Capt. s. S. Brown's Sen,r- Its Stud, t'haa. V. McMeekin's Oaklawn Stud, It 11. Anders..n's 'l'es's Over rind, Dtse 10 la inb Holmdel Ntu•1, ({. W lIsadly's itoeeme vto Mid. frill J. E. CIT41.0008 NOW READY. Write fat- copy to M'IAmsld. Constr;•unonts from J•.h•s 1:. 11video's if amber,: ['Inc., Stud. 5n't•.n Young's Meiirsthlans stud anal °Ole✓ pr.,miucnt breelers. FASIG m TIPTON CO 11Aul30'4 'GUAR,' GARDEN .f new tiukt<. 1 i "Yon tall' .1 nil through any solo,' s:aie the iniee Oiin a little resentfully. "Oh. that's all right." said the chatter- ing person; "1 wasn't saying any Thing ) uu would cars about hearing." Pleasant ns syrup; othing equals it lie a worts medicine; the name is Mather (irate,' \Lorin Exterminator. The gre,lt.:,t a urn de.troyer of the rage. Are:0111)1NC TO CONTRACT. A man w!I* was v. ry ms -poly hoarded un his sl,Ic'.- of hay year after year in 11•e h .pce of innktng double the price ►.e w'as od fur them. A well-kfferenown hay and straw buyer in the district ono day asked Inc price ' f a stack. An enormous price was asked, which pted. "Howthe aboutbuyer the teraccems of settlement?" askel the old miser. eeVoll, you see," said the buyer, "my terms are to settle when I fetch the last load sway,'' "Th at:3 hargealnothersaid ra, slsppir,g the s hand. Thethe old choiserp entree) et ery load en away exnept the last, arid Hiatt the bu)er never did fetch away. l'O\IPF.II I-, I':\ 1.11E1.11.. 1:\U. Lwont (at beak sore) -"t .utt In get. a good novel In rend nn theIrwin s intelhing rather pathel:c." Salestnan-"Let ate sec IIoaP - w- ul1 'The Last Days of t'or,,pcii do • i.ady--"Pompeii? 1 neve Klin. \\ hal did h^ die of? Snlestnnn-"1'm not guile at --some kind of an eruption, 1'v Dear Mother Your little met are a coed Fall mad Waiter westiver. catch cold. Do you know a,.. C,enarapbos Gee, the Lunn •1 whet it i ss does for a massy) it is M be the oily selsabte seatedy for tt$ dories of the air passages is c)iMrea. Is is abwkMely harmless ard pleasant w mks. k M gaussse.d 10 care es Iwo weer h seeesd. The pts, a 2Se. per boldo. Gad a1 dealers is tadcas sefl Iy SHILOH palm* eith mid be is rear ►essebolli LSel ;L Dom, 17 -Cf.