HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-11-22, Page 8'2 if Z EXE 1 3 It '21.11E13, NOVEMBER 22nd t9O61
New heady -to -«•ear Suits and Overcoats for Men and Boys.
Tell you t% hat .t'e are doing a nice trade in Our new Men's Store -
better ('rot. in and see what we are showing. We will be pleased to
show you through. The new Styles arc very catchy.
For a very slick Black Over-
coats, full long length, well
liee•d, a good looker and good
hu'• a swell new Black Vien-
0 Overcoat, long and full
w•.th cre•aaeedSean,s and long
sect". This is a snap.
For Alen's Suit that we are
0 prepared to stake our rep-
utation or. We know
t :ere is no such value in the
trail.- lee the simple reason that
we 1..,%- then) for spot cash and
151,8 lid hack of every suit with our
gnat:tnwee-your money hack if
you .ire not satisfied.
Fr th i brit Kersey Over
coat we know of. Long
swagger style, with centre
vent and hip creases, regu.
lar city style. See this line.
For Boyb' fancy Tweed
Overcoats, small neat pat-
terns and shadow over -
checks the kind that the
$5.0uand up to the moment.
boys like to wear. Smart
For Men's Ready -to-
ss ear Tweed Suits im-
mense lot to pick
from. Every suit thor-
oughly tailored and perfect fitting
Men's and Women's Fur and Fur -lined Coats
Nearly a hundred to pick from' ‘Ve don't think there is an-
other such a fur stock in the county. Come in, we will be delighted
to show > Ott through. The saving will be all yours.
For Christmas
Don't fail to see our Beautiful lot of Japanese China . It comes
•.iirect to us from Japan, the spot where they know so well how to
make that thin dainty China, so much admired.
Come, you are welcome to a See.
Produce is as good as Cash
Butter, 21c per lb.; Eggs 20c a dozen; Dried Apples be a lb.
Mrs. John White Is t lei ting friends
In St. Marys.
Mr. ;and 1Lra. Itumo}►r visited in
Seaforth Last (week.
Niru. Jar!'. Shaddock visite3 friends
in London this week.
Mrs. S. Fitton left Tuesday night
for a trip to Toronto.
Miss Rice visited nt herr home in
St. Marys over Sunday.
Revs. Going and Martin %%i3 ex-
ohange pulpits next Sabbath.
Thomas Beldon, of Ingersoll, was
in town \Vednesd.ly on business.
Miss McArtor, of London, visited
Mrs. Jas. Murray over Sunday.
Mass C. Sweet, who has boon illt
for tiomc week,. is .rapidly re .ovcri-
Mr. Chas. Tebbut t spent a few
day at the home or his trareats itt
John Mallett, clerk of they Central
hotel, is laid up ,with felon on his
right hand.
Inspector J. E. Toa', of .Goderich,
spent last week inspecting the Ex< -
ter public school.
Miss Hattie' Follick, who spent
eewet'aI weeks visiting in 61. 'Marys,
has returned home.
Mrs., D. Johns and Miss Li!1a, who
were visiting in 8t. Marys returned
house on Tuesday.
'Ihc Inboters employed dein„ I he
esc:ay.ttiou Bork :at tate C:annio.r fac-
tory l:ast. Thursday morning est ruck
for higher wages. They were paid
what they asked.
Mr. .1. W. llora,rl.h, of Hills Green
leaves S. 8. No. 1.3, fiay, at the end
o[ the present y.:;t,r. having been en-
gaged to teach Eden &hots!, S. S.
No. 4, Usborne, n"xt )•esr.
:lir. C. E. ilackne•y int 4:11411: ;Ito!(1-
in; ,an auction tole of 21 horses on
Lot 25, S. T. 11 ,on \\'edn'id.y, Nov.
28th. Mr. Hackney announced it
for the a)th but line changed the
date to the 28th. The 14110, rone-
metice's at once o'clock. A Is.'auti,;'
fully mat abed trade is .11110 ng �t 110
number to ix: !sold.
Darin,; the convent :11 the opera
house last Monday night several
boys and young then Loo. (made Iso
much noise that the' (:1st slumber on
the program could hardly be Ihcard.
If the boys only knew stint the nudj-
e'nce thought them empty •headed in-
s+tc.ld of cute and manly, t hey would
behave t hetnnelves. The mann.3e=-
ment should have :a ee•nple of chunky
Try to fit a Man into a readv- chaps hired, for 1 k' benefit of
made Suit, we make the Suit those (who attend 'entertainments t
to Fit the Man and to 86 him make :a racket, and Ilex content
as if it Were his own Suit -not t hey r tart dump t hem uncoremon-
a borrowed one. If You want iously out on the street.
to have the reputation of be-
ing a correct dresser let l.'8 do
the Tailoirng for you, and you Use tlowey's "Cream of
Will ever be sure of good Ma-
teerielh Food Fit, Special Work-
Diamonds for those who ad-
ntirt then', and who doesn't
We have a beautiful stock of
perfectly cut diamonds exquis-
itely set in
Our Diamond are bought loose
direct from the cutters and
every stone is sold with a guar-
antee. We are giving special
prices on diamonds we have in
stock, but next year they will
be higher. See our $25.00 dia-
mond ring, it is great value.
Optical Department
Eve:- scientifically tested free.
Wedding Rings
fl• Marshaod
I),1 not let all the (food Chances past
you, it you are likely to need a new
Suit during the next six months you
will he doing yout+elf a favor by getting
it now.
Take Advantage
of our Special Discount. of
manshtp and perfect finish.
the Skin so Troublesome
vv. ur. Taman .at this Time of the Year.
;M•trcM•ne T.itotr, i Only 25c. a Bottle.
Roses" for Roughness of
Market Report. -The tollowhas 11
the report of Seater markets. sor-
rectcd up to November 22nd.
Wheat 68 to 70 ceetaa l►er bushel
Oats. 34c. per bushel.
ilarlcy. 43 le 45 ctr-tr per buelsel,
1'e;ars. 75c. to 780. per bushel.
Shorts, *20 per ton.
Flour, $2 per cwt.
Bran. $18 per ton.
Hay. $8 to $10 per ,ton.
Potatoes. 95 cents e'er bag.
Feed Flour. $I.20 to $1.25 per cwt.
(leans. $1.30 per butibel.
Clover seed, $7 to $8.50 per bus.
But ter. 22c. p .r poems.
Eggs, 22c. per dozen.
Hors, dressed, $7.50 per cwt.
Hots. Iivewcight, f5.50 per cwt.
('o.)i. $.7.60 per ton.
Large 011:uns, 60c a bushel.
Chicken, tic. per pouna.
Ilene, lee per pound.
Duck: , ltle. per pound.
Geese. 9c. per Sound.
Turkeys. 13c. per pound.
Dried Apples, 5c. per pound.
••••••••••• •••••••• 4•••
•••••••• ►•N••••
Five weeks to Christmas.
The Exeter Salt works closed down
on Saturday Inst.
Miss Jackson spent Sunday wilt
friends in London.
Mr. Anthony Nevin, of London,
was in town Friday.
Mr. Fred Gould, of Seaforth, spent
Sunday in town visiting hill parents.
The new brick smokestack for :the
Harvey dour mill has been complet.
County 'Warden 11. Spackman was
In Godel'iclt Tuesday en County bus-
Mrs. A. Ilowey and children event
a felt days last week ;with friends
in llens;tll.
Miss Lottie Hazlewood has accept-
ed a position as clerk with Mrs.
W. D. Yeo.
Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Carlin re-
turned Friday evening from a trip
through the south.:rrn states.
Mr. J. R. McDonald la3t week
rt(o%ed .a barn on hi.4 property on
Main street. corner Victoria.
Mr. and 11Lrs. \\Zu. Beaman. oif
London, (;pent Sunday 4 h guest :of
their on, Councillor W. J. Beaman.
Itev. E. A. Fear will ,take for .his
subject ext Sunday evening "Money
how to make it and how to keep it.
Mr. Alvin Ilrintnell. who• is n'tl-
tending Model school at Coderich,
spent Sunday under She parental
Mr. Thos. Bissett, who has been in
Wallaceburg ,during the past three
months, returned home Saturday
The Trivit t Memorial church has
purchased from Mrs. Thomas Sweet
two Iota south of S. Fanson's resi-
dence on Andrew st,re.t,
Mrs. A. J. Ford and son Charlie,
were in Paries last week, being call-
ed there owing to the illness of Mrs.
Harburn, i$ster of Mrs. Ford.
Mr. Alvin l�rintnell, a graduate
of the Exeter High Schssol, filets been
engaged to teach in S. S. No. 1.
Usborne, for 1907, at :t sa!11ry of
Miss Verdes Lovett, of London, who
was attending Wil.lie knoll, who- was
operated on lust week tor tappendici-
tc.a, left Monday for Ilenmall to vis-
it friends.
The choir of the Presbyterian
church will furnish the music .at
the anni%ersarY entertainment of the
Kippen Presbyterian church on Nov.
The Ladies Guild of 1 he Triviitt
Memorial church purpotie holding
their annual bazaar on Dec. 7th, af-
ternoon and evening. Fuller an-
nouncements later.
Ambrose 1'. Smith, u►:►nagar of
the Sovereign b'lnk, Aylnear, former-
ly accountant of the 8ovcreizn bank
here, was in town a few day:: test
week renewing acquaintenccs.
Mr. John Soul lioott. of Grand Den.1
visited friends in ktown last Friday.
He was returning from London
where he attended the funelrai of
his son-in-law. the late \Vulter Vin-
It is the intention of Mr. M.
Jackson, who recently purchased the
Baskerville property .on Main street,
to rn:tke extensive reeai.rs. The. old
}louse will b^ rebuilt and :►ddit:•ons
\Ve recommend our reader', do sub-
scribe to the Farmer's Advocate ansa
Horne Magazine, the best t;agricul-
tural journal in America. Tho
Times and Farmer'', Advocate ?from
now till Jan. 08. 82.25.
Several of the members of :tiro
Epworth League of 'the James est•roet
Methodist Church event to Urediton
Monday evening to visit the Ep-
worth league of that burg. The Exe-
ter league durnislred the program, af-
ter which rofre.,hments u•ert 'served
by the Crediton brethren.
A me'e't ins of 1 he curious wan held
In t he Toe n II 111 friday ,night for
the put 10:.'' of .,,rir'Irlijatiort ; laugh
Spackman w is elected i(on. fres.: N.
I). Iluraon, President : Sam'L Sweat
Vice -Pres.; (:enc►. Anderson f404 re.1,
Arrangements have been made with
11ir. wden for the rink on Tues-
day, Thursday and Saturday even -
legs and every afternoon except
Saturday. Any one wishing to •join
can hand his name to tl.c 8ec'y, O.
'l')te annivera.kry services of the
11ain street Me'tlwdiit church. will
be he/r1 on Sunday, December :!,ad.
•`lerrnnA will h^ preached at ,11 n.
111. rind 7 p. rtn. by itev. T. N. 11a'en
of Gexlcrieh. Appropriate rnutIe is
,being arranged for this occasion by
the r.hoir of the ne • . 1 mn>+s
naeetinr of alio chi l..,.re•nts and
friends of the Sand y ,.ehool will be
held in the audience room at 2.45 p.
111. (when addreeeseee will be: ,riven by
Ree. Haven and others.
0,1111 One be 11401
Sews the
Doing something in FURS these days. Good quality'
and low Prices account for it. We sell Good Furs. Reliable
Furs and you know as well ,as we do that in furs, it pays to
Pay for quality. Most people want good Furs and that is
the kind we sell.
Ladies Astrachan Jacket, bright curl, Collars and
Reveres of American Sable, with belt. Selling at $45.00.
Ladies' Fur -lined Jackets, 46 inches long
Collar and Reve=res of Sable. $50.00. Ladies' Fur -lined Jackets, Col-
lar and Reveres of Isabella Fox, very stylish. $00,00.
We have all the ropular Fars including
Alaska Sable, American Sable, Isabella Sable, Red Fox, Grey Fox,
Ruffs and Stoles,
The Children and Mis-
ses Fur needs are carefully and economically looked after by us. we
give special attention to, Grey Lamb Furs, Caperines, Ruffs, Stoles
and Gauntlets at very reasonable prices.
Mrs. Dodge, of Bt. Johns, Mich..
is visitin,t_her brother, William Bal -
1‘111Y. Henry Taylor, of New York,
Is visiting her uncle William 'Bal-
Ilarry Hoffman, (she geni ►t mana-
ger of 'tire •D.ishwood 'stage, 45 con-
fined Ito his home ,suffering from au
attack of typhoid fever.
Mr. J. G. Jones NVaS in London
don on Friday on business.
Miss Addie Moriock is virsiting .rn
London f'or a few days.
Miss Eiutna IIal1 rand Pearl Ford
left last w:ek for London, • tivhere
they have secured situations in the
McCormick biscuit factory.
The annual. meeting of the 'Huron
014 Roy's Asao•ci:ation of Toronto 'will
be held in the Kith ,Edward hotel.
Toronto. on leridaay evening, Novenas
bet 23rd.
In renewing his eubsoription Ito
the Times, Mr. Samuel Kellaway, ;t
former resident of Exciter. and sow
of Killarney. Man., days he is always
pleased to hear from his old home.
He also says Manitoba is O. K, Mr.
Kell,►tvay is f inning just outside the
town which its supposed to be the
prettiest spot in the {province, and
extends a hearty invitation to any
person tesul Exeter •:•o call on him.
"Anyone from Exe!er ;a always wel-
come" rays Sam.
"The election of Mr. 8. Martin,
principal of St. Masr•ys Collegiate
Institute, us ons of the repreeeenta-
tives of high 14C11oo1 'teachers on
the Advisory Council of 'the Educa-
tion Department of this Province,
is a tribute to his worth as a tea-
cher. and an honor to our 1tixlser
seat of learning. Mr. heartin is one
1010 1; he most tsu,ccssfuI education-
ists in Canada. both as a teacher
and in the work of improving and
directing educational methods. 11-ia
services to tlhee department will bo
of distinct advantage."- $t. Marys
Argus. M.r, Martin is a brother of
Mr. Samuel Martin, of Exeter.
The concert given by the Arnarican
Jubilee singers at tits Opera (louse
Monday night was n success. The
attendance was L.:trge and all were
dcli/hied with the excellent program
The American Jubilee Sinors are on
the line of the old Fisk jubilee sint-
ers. Some of the pleasing numbers
were "My 0!ei Kent u•:ky Donee,"
"What kind of shoes you (:wine to
\Vear", "A Chinese Quartot" ra
humorous slumber sang by a quartet
composed of two men and tlwo worn -
en, was highly appreciated. The
r‘'aclings given by orae of the lady
mornlrers weirs ales) very pleasing.
MSS iti,e, 0f St. Marys, last Thurs-
day commenced her duties as ke.aeittr
in the room of .(he's Iiigh School
m ide var.lnt by The resi,rnat ion of
Miss ilorrington.
Now 11•at the season. of market-
ing poultry is at hand. u few sug-
gestions might not be out of pl,ase.
If any one will take it he trouble to
visit several stores, they will see a
striking differences in ,the way
l,oult ry is tl.ressed. in it tie first
place in,te,ad of �:tatrvin„ fotwl for
:a (ttw he,11r•a t►!'fnr.. killing, 1 hew np-
1►,,rcntly ;rive 'them :,n extra big
feed, for when placed on 't 11e rolln ter,
their 1.'41101 are 111:1 111 the burst's;
jinint. This if done puri(r'sly is
didhoetesc, few while chicken feed is
worth only half a cent it %round,
the merchant has to pay !when he
buys it in 4 111 w:13' 10c. a Ih. for
it.. 'i'I,en attain, very often fowl
are l,ad ly plucked. &►nme 'farmers
have a h list of dow:in; '111e elllok•
inn into hot ww,tter before pluckin“.
Thi, ht:1rk••11:j i In skirt :and ',lives the
bird :t dirty Zook. Fowl !should he
dry picked and ),koala be • picked
clean. '1'o sum up. farmers in .pre-
n:trin,r their fowl for ma rket, should
dry pick, pick clean and starve for
-r1 few tours before killing. If r1hese
direction.. •,i ' observed, there will be
no kicking on the part of the mere
chant P.
The new way, take HOW}Y'S
"CURD -A -COLI) capsules, only 25c.
a box.
one week 011Iu
to advertise
our tooth
Grcmc D6ntr11166
With every tube of the paste we
will give a first class ,25 cent tooth
brush for 10 cents. Creme Dentrifice
possesses unusual merit.
Once used always in favor.
Do not miss this opportunity. A
tube of tooth paste and a 25 cent tootb
brush for 35 cents.
Cole's Drug Store
Mr, Richard Delbridge, who re-
turned a couple weeks ago front a
trip through the welt, is Loud in
his praises of the new country. Al-
though Mr. Delbridge took in, the
Creator portion of the Manitoba ,sec-
tion, he, with his good wife, who ac-
companied hitm. Spent. most •of the
time at llamiota and Crandall. Mr.
Delbridge is no novice at farming, ns
he conducted a farm in 1!sborno for
a number of year.). retiring Ito Exe-
ter about ;t year ,ego t.o enjoy a
( well caused rest. However. he has
children living at Ilam:otatt and just
took a trip out tl:erc to 'see how
how they are getting along and en-
joy their hospitality for La ,few
weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Delbridge did
enjoy their hospitality an we' 'as
that of acquaintances living there,
who formerly lived in this eectaon.
In speaking of the Northwest Mr.
D. says he was greatly ,taken up
with the threshing operations out
there which were going on a -l1 the
time of his visit. "Tice crops are
good" says he, "and everyone saoms
conlentcd. The threshing machines
are mural larger than we •have in
O t:trio, and the men owning the
[n•act roe's start at six o'clock ill the
morning and work .away until. eight
o'clock at night using a large
searchlight in front of tits engine
for night work. The later' et all sup-
plied by the machine man, with the
exception of the handling of the
grain and this is clone by the firmer
himself. In a good many carers the
farmer has eight or .ten teams haul-
ing gratin to t he t:le.w.rt or'. 1'he: %wa-
gons are backed up to t )re 'n ,chine
and lor'de'd, after ch It)tey tilrc
driven to t)•^. e.l,:t',t Cr, the grain
(weighed and unloaded. The wagon
18 driven on Its!: scales Anil aft: r be-
ing weighed is 1 .I teal se► that the
hind end is lower than front, allow-
ing the grain to I un into a hopper.
In case the fanner tio•'ss not mare to
send bis cereals to s he elevator,
small granaries ear.• used to store
Spire is Suggestive
One should Aspire to have their Firtn's Name just that suggestive. It
should always bring to the reader's mind the choicest quality and vari-
ety of goods in one's particular line of business. Our name stands for
the best in line of,
Dry Goods
Our Stock of New and Natty Dress Goods
Is the most complete in all the leadlog clothe. We are showing this week
r:�, the largest stock of
r a.
Ready to Wear
That we have ever
shown. very latest designs and cut from America
\Ve do not carry Ladies' Jackets but can
sell you from Catalogue 'showing sample of
Cloths from the best makers,
Highest price paid for produce.
I3UTTEE 20c per pound
EGGS 20e per dozen
Your Future Assured
A savings account in The Sovereign Bai&
makes you happily independent of the
future, which keeps you from worry in
the present. Open a savings account to -day.
Deposits of from $1.00 and upwards
received. Interest paid 4 times a year.
Ft Sovereign Bank of Canada
Western Real Estate
Exchange, Limited. ,
78 Dundas St., London We have just received a car
of old Corn of excellent quali-
Have you a farm that you want
to a sell, Write for our terms of eel- tty which we are selling at
ling property. We have the most reasonable prices.
complete method of advertising and • •
aelLing property in Canada. Do you - - - e ----se- -
want to buy a farm or business
property in any part of Ontario,
Send for our list. We have some
We want to buy your Tur-
keys and will pay the highest
market price, Write for par-
ticulars and state how many
you have.
The Canada Poultry & Produce
Co., Limited, Stratford, Ont.
1 am paying this week
Wheat • 70c
Oats 34c
We will be pleased to ex-
change corn for Oats, Barley
Peas or Wheat. We iii, rdle
Going. October 91.L. iso Nov. nth.
7'o all points in Temagarni. 1,011 pt.
i in 1. !Wigali i. ',flints J1at awn .t o 1'orrt
` Art!oir (0 Sault Ste. Mar' ndi Pew$
Arthur vii N. N. Co., Ce'orgiVs
Ila} and •R
( t p.. N.
N. C41.(to Irt.it&l:. on N. N. . exerts
Barle • 43 to 45c charge ,till Ire made for 1110115 and
berths returning), to certain (lumber,
Full stock of Lime and 2511,TO NOV. h.
Cement always on
Richard Seldon
them in. These r••. on runners and Exeter Centralia
are 10 ft. (wide, 1.' 1 . 10t1, and 7 ft For tickets and full intetrn,ation eau
and Clandeboye
To i"•neta11 , Midland. La kefield
all mints Severn (to North Hay, Ar-
gyle to Col►ororlk, Lindsey t 0 Hall-
burton, M'1dr►tvask•a to Depot flas-
her Muskoka l.akcre, Lake of flays
411.1 '.1,,t!11..e4 vwan river points.
RETURN LiMIT !)EC. Ath 906
high and will 1•x)1,1 a1)0111 700 bush-
els. They are term 'd -deg' hoarsen''
and farmer.: owning them :arse Liber-
al in loaning and '4 bink noth-
ing of borrowing; r them. Tit" charger;
for threshing are l rents for bar-
ley and oats and 5 cents for (wheat.
The ,rrsin, however, at 1)rr;e. 1►riec s,
111urst be ssks. ,\ higher price
is charged when the grain is in
sto:>la.. The % li' -. t sunr. from 26
bushels upt%11tist to 1 110 acrr, moat
of it brie; No. 1, I, on. However,
i[ the grain 13 111 :44041.04 arid gets
wet, 11 ble;icll08 :11141 is not consider-
ed as good. '•Thf' threshing hills."
:says Mr. 1)elbrelsse would ,nate, one
open his :'yea." On" ruin paid over
$900 for t hre,lsl►i11 4, and had 26 acme
of oats besides net t hrrahed. The
drain i' not stored in harms before
thterhini, and only enough straw Is
kept for bedding and fodder, it he reit
being ua'd for fuel fel- .the 'thresh•-
inr engine. Mr, nellrridge broutght.
back with hirn a anmpie+ of grams,
used for feeding horses and cattle.
T1,is grass is somewhat 4mili,ar leo
,warp grass in Ontario. but the
anima!* enjoy it.
4Di11• OATAIL.
Dome the STM RIM Yie IIM
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Ticket Agent
.1. I). McDONALD,
District Passenger Agent, 1 •iroOtp
We call your atten-
tion to our large stock
of imported Suitirtgs.
The best offerings from
English and Scotch
mills, representing the
most fashionable weav-
es and fabrics.
Merchant Tailor
High Grade" Trai
'pays and that is the kind the f
(lives :to its students. 11e -
cent students have taken
positions at salar'ee from
$50 per month to V10(X) per
annum. It is a well-known
fact that our school is the
hest of its kind in Canada.
This month 18 a splendid
time to enter. A11 rade[.
Ates get positions. The de-
mand is nearly twenty timers
the rupnly. Write to day
for tnagniflcient catalogguee.
W. J. Elliott. PrInGIpal
('or. Yung and Alexander
•F+++•'r-1--Q ++r+: -++++-1.1'+4•i•