HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-11-22, Page 7IMMENSE IIAMAGE BY FLOODS The State of Washington Is a Severe Sufferer A despatch from Tacoma, \\'ash., enys: A flood area of 300 guiles in North- western Washington was tete a 'suit on Thursday of heavy rains and melting snow, which for le hours had rushed from tete slopes of the Caiscade Moun- faille, causing nearly aft the streaurs in north-west to great! over low I:c S Seattle eatttc aged scares of towns have ber12 ter :iii hours cut off from out- talk side CoanrilUuicatiun. Bridle -is have Leer, anti even houses, forced the rescuers tack. The Northern Pacific Rr•i4lgo across Stuck River went out on Wednesday. and soon after rugae u suspension of riilroa(1 traffic between Tacoma and Seattle, the tracks being under water iii orally peau'( .;. The Northern Pacifies is able l5 1 maintain .' r n its s 'vi et ce to lee -Hand. .. it ..,ar tet bol{: etesei,e shouts me THE WORLD'S MARKETS :r� V.Z.,15}',c)trtrtwn, :2.75 .x; 1,0.11,.,.,$.:::,GOt`e heavy rc+c'clets, s3.7U NDENSED NEWS ITEMS ebort-keeps, $3.80 to $t. Mi!th a ulvs-1 atrtice, $40 to $;50; coin- ...__ 11 TUB LEADING nee), !2Y to $35; springers, $25 to eel. Gott,;--cluotutiuns aro 3c to Ge per Sheep and Lambs -Export evve 5, St - 50 to $5; backs and culls, $3 to $3.5O; lun►b•, *5.:'5 to 0.1)0. Hog, -Choice selects. $5.65 per cwt. arra lights and fats, $5.40. tEP011T 9 F110 tlt.� l E CEL t IU, . Pikes of Cattle, Grain, Chew* end Other fair_. Pr•oitace at Home and Abroad. Toronto, Nov. 20. - Flour -- Ontario wheat 90 per cent. patents aro quoted at •82.7u in buyers' sacks outside for ex- port. Manitoba first patents, $4.511; t<'cond patents, $4; and strong baker's', $3.90, Toronto. (:oro --No. 2 old American yellow nominal at 53) c, Toronto, and at 51',1c; outside. Bran -The market is 'teaely at $16 to Advice, received at the (Alice of the; quoted r►s $18.50 lc 5t;► utrtsith'. Northern ['acific say the water in Greer'' \Vhrictedlu. 2 %►tight offered at 72c It: r canon is h a feel higher than outside, and No. 2 red winter at 71 , c duriiez the 11. u is of 19113, wool lite rail- outside, without bids. Ni.:2 mixed swept ,►« ay', rauh gad trach tvushc<1 out, road was lied up for Iwo weeks. telee� \\ feet has occurred east of Auburn j sellers. No. 1 Manitoba hued offered- at rtaph and telephone wires torn and west of tete slopes of the ('ascacles e sic track. Point Edward;No. 1 \ nthem down. As far as can be learned half a rant only be conjectured. That great l et 79►e.'c trach, !'vent Edward. with 7:'c dozen lives have been Lost. r damage has been done to property and r bid, fuel No. 2 Northern oftener at 77c When dacha s id! on Wedne•sdayr ii‘,sh k is evident, but alt !wires lee- trail:, Point Edward, without bids. night wale h.•r from the highlands saw tween Hot Springs and Auburn are lh ii ley --No. 3 extra offered at 51c east, nothing except an exl,iutse of va+er, down. With tic bid. with dere and theft' the tops of sub- Every railroad in the north-west isI Peas --No. 2 offered at t•.tc east, with merged housos, on some of which water- tied up, and though a kw trains arc! 80c bid alaiCleft,(,t gonad per•Sot1S could l,e seen signalling being run, no attempt is mute at u sate -j 81c tt11, Lid either on ttley «ell t ' ] t peace that 1 v: (�.'t'.It. \lest of street -car for heli'. Some utterrrpted rescues Were dale. The tracks have been washed Oats --bite cars of N:., 2 white sold at are beC00)1111, an army of imperial de,- a grade, but the mall rush of swollen away In many places on the different 3r;c arta ac rain to Toronto, and nioro fence, and they reign at being; the itttelli the _71h rust, waters, carrying ryirtr tr+< s, snags, lumber, reads. 36c on at :l6 c on a 6c rale December l geneof branch of the servicer when the ; The employees of the London G.T.R. _ b tt ur calls for see ..1)ce . '!' wanted at 70c on (:,P.Il. north, without SOME DESPERATE DEEDS PURLOINED A BATTLESHIP AND ABOUT EVERYTHING ELSE. Their Operations Carried Them Over Many Seas and Three Continents. The first fire nt a new army has been lighted; the world hes a new lighting force, the lighting force of "The Lost Legion." The Legion of I'rontiersnten, says the Lundell `ketch, have )lade their lir•�t bivouac, not, indeed, as they would have wished it, under a sky red- dened by the glare of battle, Int that they night notify in time of ,e rear y in time of Mille- They HAPPENINGS FROM ALL O%'F:A Tat GLOME. TelegraphJ. fillets From Our Own and (/ager Countries of Recent Occurrence. CANADA. The Great Northern track -layers have reached Brandon. The Legislatui a will be called probably the second week in February. Berlin's population, according to the PEOPLE CALLOUS TheMultiplicity of Executions flakes Them Indifferent lIOf11ioRS OF DEPRESSION. The London '!'hetes' correspondent at -t. Petersburg cables as follows: -People hero have become quite callous to the horror:, of repression, and scarcely any. assessor, is 1,,I.4t. 1 elletati4,n is now paid to the daily batch u ,. A '!t 1 L a 1. r executions. �c a rt 'EUI } fo + t. titan tt• � erect 1, a i c f tofc• Sor' Ku�nlitt tiara. slave mill at Rainy River. cr c a rg, '',lett expr•e ses deep indignation in The The Fort Francis peat fuel works )cavo ltliss of Wednesday because a woman close(' for the winter. e as executed for coltnplicity in nn al- dose(' percentage of street railway te'nrpahhel l,nnrb outrage, altltuuglt she earnings for Oetol,er was 821,688.38. was at,vut iu becoute al ululher. 'Thirty' thousand immigrants have passed through Toronto this season. BIGHTS Felt 1ll:Jt12L'\t:S, The estate of lion. Junes Sutherland A despatch from St. r'etersbur ► says: has paid succession duties of $32,5(x). It is nut}toritlrlively stated that flea - The Mitchell council ext,ecls to have a sures for relieving the Hebrews of many $3,'X,(1 surplus at the end of this year. i►t their• dtsabilitics «ill bo published as Toronto will receive $70.(100 as its tenrpurary' leg isluiivu before iha convu- share of the last half of the license fees i rancor of I'arliarrrent, as tures share in for Ibis year. 11. Slolypirr's communication of Septern- fenders and safety ger 1;. The full extent of the reforms is appliances will be made in Tc,ron!o 012 Mill a flatter for disrlJSSlntt by the Cab- ' inet, but they comprise permission for Hebrews to live in the country as well as in the cities within the pule, and the re- moval of certnin restrictions placed on llel►rew merchants and artisans in cities outside tho. pale. The full settle- ment of lho Hebrew problem Is left to Parliament; the Government not being willing to venture deeply into the mate ter for fear of stirring up a storm of anti-etnitic opposition. CONSCRIPTS REFUSED OATII. NEGRO KILLS FIVE MEN. The Colored Man Was a Dead Shot \'. ilh Revolver. A desl>ulch from Asheville, North Carolimn, says: Fighting bravely in de- fence efence of their lives, Police captain I'uge, Patrolman (:has. tblackstock and \Vnr. Bailey of Cris city, tt•ere shot to death on 'l'ue•sc}ny by a negro, who also Mile+d one negro and fatally wounded -another. The murderer gave his name as Will Harris of charlotte, N.C., a desperado for whom a large reward has been standing for some there. Prior to the death of the two officers, a negro res- taurant keeper named lien. Allmon, was shot and lolled by Harris, without pro- vocation. Another negro named Torn , winter sets in many large Companies Neil tic's nu,rtaliy a -entitled, he, too, be- i wilt be formed to extensively operate Ing shot lx•f�•o the otlieers took a 'rand ` their pruper'ies. Experienced ruiners In the melee. Harris:, starting out on who have already visited the place stale his tour, fired into two houses. Later (hart tltt lirtdings and formation are as he wounded Allison. On Main Street lee rich 11s those recently discovered in per bag, navvy, book agent peddler of photo -1 Dredging w ogle has been started eneounteree Tom left and fired at hint. ierthe►'n Ontario, and will undoubtedly fort tr •-- ' •� g 1 of trnan ltrld iron ►e t ! umac ran sage , Police Captain Page and OfficersBaileye 1 t 'I ogles fresh killed 13 to f r n he a r the ne i g, OI io attract a largo influx of )liners to this . - y ' ' w Ai,C.R. and 13Jarkslo<k rushed trout police brad- district. Maidstone is the most ac.�es- l.,c; cher keel dressed, ti to t)c ; alive• f, hr'r'Ih«Utit 1 oiicc-all in two years. tunnel l•eltvicen \\'inolsor and lletr.ait clelivet;v, with 36c bid; 3:►'/.,c bid for 10 carS outside'. No. 2 mixed offered at 3..5aec on a 6c rate to Toronto, with 3;.c Corn --No. 2 American yellow offered ret 54e Toronto, prompt shipment, and No. 2 Canadian yellow offered at 52c track, Toronto, but there were no bids. Itye-No. 2 offered at 7.3 ec cast, with- out bids. Buckwheat -No. 2 offered at 54» c out- side, with 55c bid. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Beans - ifand-picked are selling at 81.7 5 .end primes at $1.60 10 81.65. Iloney-S1raintcdt, quoted at 10 to 12c per lb, and cointas at $2 to 82.50 per du7len. flops -New, quoted at 18 to 22c. [[ay -No. 1 timothy scarce, and quoted at $11 to 811.25 on track here; No. 2 gimlet] at 88 to $8.50. Straw --$6 to $6.50 per ton. Potatoes-Omlarios, 55 to (isle per lerg; on track, and New Brunswick, 65 to 70c RICH GOLD NINES. There h Great F.xcitenent al Maid- stone, Saskatchewan. A despat<•h from Maidstone, Sask., stay's: A gran named Joyce, an experi- enced ruiner, who hal; been prospecting between Maidstone and Billing, arrived there on Tuesday and reported having discovered rich placer diggings just east of Otis town. The samples brought In are similar to that found at J3irling, and it is possible the gold will cover u much larger arca tttnn Was at first reported. (Great excitement prevails, and people are rusting; here in great numbera, many claims taring already been staked, and it is thought that before •hty re-: shops have begun work on the winter present the true frontiersmen, men who schedule. have worked hunted or foug.lt in Nita The bank of liloiitreal has purchased a countries or at sea, the brotherhood of site for a handsome building at Portage the camps. Guerrilla tactics are second la Prairie. nature to them; and so it is that they The church of the Ifussian Orthodox will act as guides, scouts, pioneers and mobile forces for raiding. Wherever underongregation at Winnipeg will be sold their slumbers are sufficient they will n►rtgnge, have a command. Two lncliurts were fined $100 and $40 Typical of all are their founder and otterctively, for shooting; beaver and honorary secretory, Frontiersman otter at South laver. It is said the Iloger Pocock end the London cont- Government will Intre- mnndettt, Mr. De ![ora. Both are born duce legislation whereby the Province adventurers -we use the word in its will obtain a direct revenue from the mines. A by-law will be submitted to the rate- payers of Toronto to authorize the ex- penditure of 83,000000 on a trunk sewer. in Detroit the proposition to give a territory. A despatch from Cape Colony SOJ: FOIL,M OF SKUNK, long-term franchise 10 the street railway reports that twelve cape colon farmers The [.ondon, Ont., Water Connrnission- company was defeated ley u majority of have joined 1 Y things.ers have a scheme for taking water irotn i 1 Y l ! rho raiders. '!'here of the He was clerk in the cable ser- g , two to one, followers of Ferreira, lite Boer guider, vice, a laborer on a fruit farm in On. h°retokn, a distance of ten miles. Pres}dent Roosevelt has dismissed in have been captured. Onen vice, insurance borcsk soar ha n Judge Elliott at London decided thatbattalionI f the prison- ' Y It►e butchers doing business on the mar- disgrace they a efudof colored troops be- eis is a brother of Ferreira. "boots" in a hotel, or navvies, milk- butchers cause they refused to disclose the ide n man's bookkeeper, log hauler, railroad ket were liable for business tax, lily of a murderer among them. e en Fire on Wednesday night destroyed an ear ►1►s d 'r the (' 1' nutonlobile garage at Twelfth and Oak Streets, at Oakland, California, 0041 two ; do, alive, 7 to to 7c per Ib. fowl, alit'', 5 to 6e; \\ bile, trooper he took part In the forced Kingston doctors tate agreed to quit adjoining houses, Incurring a fuss march of forty-two miles a anyfor alt contract and lodge practice. They are 51;,1).000, Twenty-five automobiles lure f ducks, dressed, lOctic b se f f R toPotting tl older sense, deprecating the fashion that has distorted the term Into mean- ing A despatch from Moscow says: Dur- ing the swearing in of conscripts here on Tuesday disorders broke out, over half of them refusing to tuko tete usual oath of loyalty to the l iipere,r on ac- count of the phrase pledging thein to defend his .\faje.tty against 011 interior enemies. 'Proops were summoned, but bloodshed was finally averted. DEATH ,T rl Ful. I,e IM1,- t Irii(1wINc. A despatch from Odessa says : Five terrorists, including n. girl, were tried by court -martin! arc 1\•e<lnes lay for having thrown a !tomb in a eft and thereby injured two persons. Two 111 the ►nea and the girl were sentenced to death. The other two 111011 were given seven- teen years' pellet servitude. CON \'1015 ESCAPE. A despatch from Cronstadt, Russia, says: Twenty -live .auletrs vele) were sentensec1 to hard labor in the games for life nett 1• having been convicted of par- ticipation in the August Inuliny ese•aptel on Tuesday night while awaiting de- portation. They were utlowed to visit the baths, under an escort et sixteen soldiers, anti' overpowered and disarmed the guard, killing one loan. The con- victs then dunned civilian clothes ani disappeared. Only ono of the fugitives has been recaptured. TERRORISTS GE'l' MORE LOOT. A despatch from \\'nr•saw says: Tithe ty Terrorists attacked the railway sta- tion at Suehechlek, on the Vistula Rail- way, on 'Thursday, killing a gendarme, overpowered tiro officers, cut telegraph wires, and destroyed and rifled the safe. They carried off sonto secret mobiliza- tion plans. Frontiersman Pocock has been ninny quarters in pur.int, Captain Page, who siblo silt%ay point to the diggings. met the negro its Main street received a bullet in the arm. 1'ag.4 retitled! upon JAPAN'S NEW UATl7,FSIIIP, Mackstock to lire. but be[ure the allicer could do so Blackstock fell dead with a Exceeds the British Dreadnought in 1►mllet in the chest. Bailey fired twie•c) Tonnage. without hitting and the negro then shot and killed Bailey. The negro escaped. A despatch from Tokio says: The et - 'nest interest Wats felt in the launching r': the new battleship Satsuma, which ERNEST K. CATE'S St'iCIDE. took place on i'ur.�day at Yoknstrka in • they presence of the Emperor. '1'Ite keel A Hamilton Boy Shoots Himself at 01 111(.' SaIJirrna was laid on May 15 cf North tiydncy, last yew*. She 1:ns a length of 482 fret head beam of t3:t', feet. Iter draught is A despatch from Halifax, N. S., rays: 271 feet. Der tonnage, which is 19,21(0, A shocking Tragedy occurred In the .\tea- eviceeels that of England's biggest hat - Ion lt+etel, North Sydney, on Tuesday Reship, !ho Dreadnought, by 1,20x1 halls. rets 01) 111 9 o'clock, when Ernest K. Her h erse-power•. it is said, will he 18,- C. e, r1 native of Ilan111lon Ontitre) (i011 e , Iter speed will be 20', tenni;. While placed the muzzle of a 4S -calibre revel- this is sloe tr than the Dreadnought it tier to lags forehead and blew his brains out. 'late unfortunate men came to North Sydney about a month ago, and wee rked for a short period us chemist at the Nova Scotia steel plant. at Sys!. rte • Mines. y ut R. Ile held that position f )r orgy a few days, quitting work of hie emir accord. Tho general opinion e. Hutt he left his job in a fit of melt ! at erration. As evidence cif this a let- ter was found in a pocket of the de- ceased neictressed to Lord Stmathce,nn, in whirl) (:ate asserts his inability to attend to ollic• e) work. (arto lett his father but a short time t:efere the dread- ful net was coutnlilte 1. They hail been relaying ar g;nrne of c l'ibletge at a nearby h,;(4.1, when suddenly the boy got up, ( ,put an Ines t ► the ten -glades and hold -tips in illi., went rah alt n hundred yards to his city. orad miteilfistantling the veritable own sleeping place, locked himself in drag -net that has been thrown out by his ronin, Mood before the mirror, and the public rcetectors fired the fatal shot. tips and btirglar•tes continuos int reach U.t publie. In the fashionable east end seclie,n of the city, where most of the recent crimes have been committed, the 111. S. SOLiInEn.s FiGHT. tic,arse of \V. A. Forman a prominent methane -el engineer, was enured by Artillery'*/ and Infantrymen Attack t,trl•glnrs between midnight and dav- h �1 with K i leer• It. leer days from Regina Prince Al-. pet tog to agreement in writing. burned. The fire was starlet!, it is re- pot'. DAIRY Jt.\IIICE"I'S. bort, in u orcin endeavor to percent they The Grand Trunk Railway is to re- parted, 1►y the dropping of a match into Northwest rebellion; but it was not lies move its eel,aie shops trot) 01 ()WO to U pool o: water heavily coated with oil. r -!'entad rolls aro gaoled at :2 fortune to finish, save under elle Red ;►limico. E. 11. 1Iarrirna►t has stcu►•ed control of the Illinois Centr,•tl t.ailway. A thirty-foot flywheel, weighing teelity i3utic 1 t 23c; tubs, 20 to 22c; large rolls, 19 1c) ! cross. Half w a he was frozen and so 22c. (_'rcnntery prints sell at i'G to 27c, tuns invalided wan n pension. The Government hos approved of Pee' and solids at 24,, to 25c. +\• i . County Cantor rl s plan for the improve Ergs --Quotations ride from 22 to 23c per doien. (:hecse--Large cheese, 120; to 14c, and twins, 14% to 14%c• Next he was civil servant, trader, 1 tuns burst c t 'I i i war corres ,modem, missionary, sell-' meat of IOt1 1 1 Y iron works, \\ heeling;, \Vest Ve g;inia. 711011 with \'oko1iit is pirates. robbing. Mr. William Skirls, Governor of ,\ large Se !ion of the roof of (ire nen Sandwich ail, has received notice of t 11 the lvarehouses o1 seal rookeries; free 1 f was blown off and heavy pieces Ilew 500 lance jotirnulist to British Columbia,i dismissal yin connection with the suicide feet against neighboring ►Jon(; special correspondent at Kootenay min -)of Chris, tipindle�nran in the jail. plants. The floor of the. engine-r•o,en) was driven ing; camp, then e new creation; photo - Capt. Griffin o! the steamer Princess through 1h♦ round. The grapher, keeper of a cigar -stand, painter; \'ick,ria, which ran clown a ferry made their escape. wurlctucit of photographs and newspaper agent in stranger near \'artcouvcr, has been ac_ the 111110 J1ouniains. Then home called quitted of the charge of manslaughter. and ),e started ns a novelist, but it was; Iniethitants from the French islands not long l,efore he wars buck in the wilds of St. Pierre and Aliquelun in the St. as n cowboy in Alberta, gold miner and Lawrence are locating in the 'Temiska- cirptain of a pack train. A little later ruing district. he placed to his credit what is probably' Joseph 11. Crenier, charged with rob - the longest lone ride on record --froth bing his employers at Montreal, is al - Fort McLeod, Canada, to the City of j lcged to have lost large sums of money Mexico -3,600 miles of rough country, in Toronto bucket shops. covered in 200 days. in the South Afri- John Burson a prosperous �. roes resid( n { I 1 to of can war he was in turn in a looting Kirkland, N.B., while hunting, lost hes corps (unpaid). whose business it was to: way and died from exposure in rho capture Doer food supplies, and in the National Scouts. His most recent ex- pedition was up the HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs in car lois are un- changed. Bacon, long clear, 11'% 10 12c per tie in case lots; nese port:, 821 to $21.50; short cut, 823. Hams -Light to nred'urn, 15 to 153c; do, heavy, 14 to 1l etc; rolls, 122e; shoul- ders, 11 to 11';c ; backs, lei to 17c; s expected that the Snlurna's !Ilya- brealafast bacon, 15'/, to 1GC. i,;ra hollers will give her greater steam- Lard --Tierces, 123,c ; tubs, 12'%c ; ing stability. 'The nr•rrmment will rest. Pails, 12%c. list of four 12 -Inch guns, ten 10 -inch RUSI\[;SS AT MONTREAL. reel rel , 1 2 let) A1\ t 1,11115. TheJapanese e Montreal, Nov. 2O.--flusiness in. Mani- u::1a1 11rellitecls have utilired in the ' constrict ten of the Satsuma the vetlu- soba wheat was dull, cables being out alele le: sons learned in the late war. of lute. There is no change in local rnnr•ket for oats. ['rices are 39 to 39'/,c At(1Rf: CRIMES NEAR PITTSBURG. noire) r o. to in store; e; 40 o 40 Buckwheat.- _ifor No. 3, �, 56. to 57c per bushel in shore. Atneri- Seen Cases of Robbery and Assault eon corn, No. 2 yellow, 5(i% to 57c, and Added to List. No. 3 mixed, 55;', to 56c in stork!. A rte:patch from Pittsburg,, Penn., Flour -Manitoba spring wheat, $1.60; eeys: J)espite the efforts of city officials strung,• bakers, 84.10; winter wheat pa- ned the police department !,r ►r t tent.;, $4.10 to 81.25; streigiht rollers, 8.075 to $3.s(►; do, in bags, $1.65 to ere t n wea. j ,. P1 al o ( titch .I . nt ► t r c n 1e Wyoming, , \ )ung.. et1:)'s: A desperate tight o.•t•urred en the streets of ('heyenrlt' on 'Tuesday night weer' a detarhntent of alfillerytmen from Fort Rmsq, 11 ranched a manlier 4,f infantrymen 1111 nn letter, Each Fide freight desperately with knives. Five 'nett were crit and strutted, one of Wh,ein Is expect( d to 1110. l'I:e W1)1111(1(11 were taken G, the hospital. 'i'tie cf1use of the tight Is an old feud existing between the two arms of the service. Oa ,.Irl on \\'ednesdny morning. Among the artieles taken by the thieves; wee an auinrnali' revolver recently purchas- e(' by Mr. Ferman to protect himself eg;:rinst any oe•rnsi,.n of this kind. Despatches to the Assieinter1 Press from points in Alleghriny ('grunts' out- side of Ibis city, and els° 10nln5 In Might oring counties recount seven et lies of crime and violence. tluscia fins disfranchised all city and railway employees, MAY INVADE WEST ONTARIO anadian Northern Is Consldering the Question A desparch from \\ inn ipigsays: ►,. nlc1nis have been deluged d1 urin; t t o$nntl ...instruction during the past month 11 1?ti irst.tas 1><(n greater, end 1iOS 1,1111 With !ear new line tetwrett Parry ac complished than in any other month Smile! ravel Torot,lo crmiIg►p. 1.•.1, the f4,t years past. Itenhziiig that w inter Cnnadifn Northern are now reedy to 11:+s at hn11.1, when «ot•I: W. 111(1 1/0 Consider not „1113' a (0nn001lc•11 1•• 1weett reread)* suspended, the connecters have Parry Swindon(' Pert :Arthur, bol the rushed (heir work with 011 possible tapping of western Omaria. Which of rj ee-'d, the lack of Lien, however, being the two projects wall receive first al(en- a greet hnndi;a+p. At the close of the IIs n has not been nrlmnnneecl, but the threshing Reason tete ranks of the rail- likelihood is that both schemes will t•c road builders mere cen'ideral lv atrg- work, 0 s nutllnneennsly, n;cnteed by the engagement of a large I'he executive agent, ![ugh Sutherinnel, numb: r et Eastern harvest hands, the of the C. N. it., at present in Pert Ar- h'illl pay offered being an itrele ernenl !bur, 1, cort«idering the retry projec• to them ie terinu►ntc' their May in the lion of the railway crest to ore t the line West e otolith or Iwo later than usual. just opened at Parry Scone). When that A noticeable fact has Leen the large eonnectinn is rma.le& the C. N. It. will Manlier of application, nalnet:e.3 of lia'e a 11)1-01)011 tow (Fern Toronto 10 il•pliraliein• leer the core tltt••tien of new C'tnit►nl• n. Announcement is expecte:I 1'e. )els (ri h which the 1' , 1iicir2f Govern- In a few days. $1.75; extras, $1.50 to $I.60. Feed- .ttanitoba bran, in bags, $20; retorts, 822 per ton; Ontario ',ran, in begs, $20 to $2(.5(1; shorts, $22.541 to 823; milhel mouiltie, $21 to $25 per fon, and straight grain, 828 to $30. 1't'ovistotts- itarrels short cut mess, 822 to $24; halt- l.arrets, $11.75 tn $12.50; clear fat becks, $23.50; Long cert heavy )less, $20.50; half-bitrrels do, 810.75; dry salt long clear baron, 1_„ to 12,V, bnrrelq plate '.eel, $12 to $13; half -barrels do, $6.50 to 87; barrels heavy 111055 beef, $11; half - barrels do. $G ; compound lard, 8 to 9;,c; pure lard, 12% to 13e; kettle ren- dered. 13ee to 14e; brims, 14 to 15j;c; breakfast. bacon, 15 to 16e; Windsor ba- con, 15 to IG'.'c; fresh kedged abattoir dressed hogs, $8.50 to $14.75; alive, $5.85 to $6. Eggs -Selects, 2 -le; No. 1 cancllcel, 20", to 21c. Cheese --Ontario, 12 In 13c; ()mew°, 12% to 1214c. Rutter --- Choicest creamery, 24', to 9j)/, -,.,,,e - ret► es of road in the courtly e s ,t tar• s, • ay atthe Whitaker \VES'!' COAST OF GREENLAND. i►ir. De [[oro, the well-known mining; engineer, who was born on a stock ranch in California )ltd brought up as a cowboy, fins a unique record in that at the early age of three and twenty he stole a battleship. Ile had been before the nutst, pearling in the S011I11 seas, and, scenting further adventure, lie threw in his lot with a revolutionary leader, and, aided by a boat's crew, speedily gathered together, contrived to Meal the war vessel iluascer from Peru, In her lie committed piracy on the high seas by stopping a [lrittsh tramp steamer, with tete result that he had to fightH.M.S. SW). Ile wits badiy beaten, but escaped, only to (iridt it necessary to surrender In the ruling government. 11ia next expedition, rnnd0 in partnership tyiltt the former rceo1►• Winery leader, ended In the discovery of the famous Maghellan treasure-. $2,060.000 in a sunken Spanish galleon woods. Hon. Dr. Rename urrdertvent n minor operation on Saturday and will bo laid up for about ten days. On account of the Quebec City Coun- cil refusing to endorse the request of the Ross li}flo Company for an additional piece of lend the company will move their plant for the manufacture of sport- ing rifles, shotguns and automatic pis- tols to some other place. in a hotel brawl at itegine, J. A. Dar- win and H. Schwitzrr were stabbed by a faun taborer, the former being fatally Injured. Brandon's postofllce accommodation will be enlarged by the addition of 400 boxes and the installation of a slamp- errrstng machine. The Hamilton Weird of i•aTer t C ha4 en- dorsed a scheme by which the city will be advertised in the important T1CWS- papers of the country. The Cntarnct Power Company offers the City Council of Jlnnlilton a strl►stxn- tint reduction in street lighting, provid- of the seventeenth centra spoil ing the contract is made for five years. promptly confiscated by schooner Sent So that they may not be interfered [ I Y with by the Lord's Da Alliance the by the Argentine government, whose Pratt k Letchworth Malleable iron Alliance, Mr. De Hera galena n little letter patty will prove from Brantford to Atont- at the head 01 three hundred cowboys real. e diurn grades 2:1" to 23;;c. hom th(' It►o Negro. Jt was he nlse) who Sa,Skni°on haA b•cen lnqulr(ngl; Into the e '' led Celonl North's exploring! expedi- tion Inst of dan)rning the Sortlh Saskntche- L,tiTTI:U "1'A'1 hs J1;1[tKE'1:5. tion legal Brazil to Ecuador. Thus art- t+,ar. at Snskuloon, Engineer i'roudfoot Ci. Louis. Nov. 20. -- \\'heat -(;n h, s•r•r'Iure followed n4lvrnture� until the has estimated the cost at a quarter of n it' c; tlree n+t►er i;3'!c; May,7i''e,"tint African wnr broke nut. At tat. •, •" time he wits acting ns training; engineer] million' James J. Hill fins (teetered himself strongly in 'favor of rec•ipre►city beteten Canada and the United States, GENERA L. Russia is complaining that Japan is advancing too for into Manchuria. '1'lte french 'Treasury report shows a deficit of $35,000 000 for the year. Morocco hasapologized 0 .e d l0 I7 1 g France for assaults on French sailors at Tangier. The falling of a part of the cone of .\fount Vesuvius has occasioned great alarm at Naples. itelations between Germany and the Vatican are strained over the Poii:h school eluestion. -4- E A T DOGFISH EX;GS. They are as Good as hen's Eggs and Taste Very Similar. A despatch from London says: Gov- ernment Anally;' Thorpe offers hope to cg•g•euters when here's strike. Reporting to the Fish, ries Committee of the Corn- wall County Couneil, he says that the eggs of dogfish when boiled, are very similar to lanai -boiled hen's eggs, and that they are wholesome and highly nutritious. BOER RAIDEi14 REINFORCED. Transport Drivers With German Forces Join Them. A dt'spntch from Berlin says: A tele- gram, (feted \\ indo' kt, 411 rnlnn South- west Africa, Wednesday, says that four Boer transport drivers attached to the German expeditionary force that is operating a F4uirtst the rebellious Hererros, hove joined the band Fer- reira Is leading in (rep' co1011y. The German frontier stations have Lccn ordered to disarm nil (trnled Boers who may ettempt to cross over into British LARGE LUM1(;It.tTION. [luring the Season 110,000 Strangers Landed at Quebec. A despatch from Quebec; says: The season of oat ignition of tete St. I_nt.•- rence is drawing to a close, and only 1110 nmeerr. passenger steamers are duo this tall, 11 knelt will close tete itrin+igr- lion, according to information del ive,1 from the agents here. one hundred and tent 1lieeus:Ind immigrants mere landed at the pert of Quebec this season of navigation. t«r'(1ty-tight thceusand naso teen) last year. 1 ha ir:anrigration was composed nut eenty of a sug,cr:1' class of new settlers [rule the British islands, but of people of fair rneaIIS. The Inst 1wo ships brought out quite a number feircigners, including Ne,rwegians, ttIto It is unusual at this season of the year. iMIJII:IRI:I) N ASYLUM. Deputy Falls From Horse and Finds •s7firrrn•1 throaty Jt• smile (:gent Engen 7.ichy, n !imminent de- play, o-play, great traveler and millionaire, . t Budapest, liungaty, declares that, be has been wrongfully confined for six weeks in a lunatic, nsylun►. ile says that last June, while sho'et. ing, he find sunstroke, and fell from horse. For four days tie remained (l►- eon,c}ou;, and when he recovered wpm tricked into entering a private asylutr:. When he realized his pesitinn Ile was prevented from leaving the place, rine letters written to Mende were not d: litrred. Perrmi&sion to see his seen war: refused, and the (:meat says that guru;•; the whole 'irne it required all hie strength of mind to prevent him really beemning mad. Finally the president of the Lower Hungarian Chamber paid hirer 8 visit and secured his liberation, when the darters declnred hien sane, The )tatter was raised by Deputy tl , n ', e Ugron at a sitting c I r 1.1 t t 1 n tel I1 Q g the other (lay rend the standing committer) 'alio watch over the irnrnurtity of rmetrt- ers was directed to make enquiries. EARTHQUAKE AT JAMAICA. Two Severe Shocks, One the ilea ied for Many fears. A dt'epntcfi from Kingetton. Jnrnairi, says: An eeiceedingly sharp earthquake was felt south and north of this Island ret 11 n'cloc'., un Tue-(lay night. It was 1r.71.1wrd immediately by a second shock w like) tuns the heaviest experienced here in many years. 2tlinnenpoli ), Nov. 20, -- tVhr;rt-De• ih Jufinnnrsle►1rg;. rind, .ening; the slate At Reston, !teat., 10 SRt? acres of school 9 cernt,er•, rt►!; to 76 4e.; May. 7:1,c; July, the' city tya+s tike'', to get into, he raised lends were sole! for 178122,010. The price FO'; tri 80';c; Nn. 1 hi"' &) ;c; No, 1 rnng;ed from S7 to 817 an acre. '!'hr. ate urges of sir hundred neutrals to act to ndence at the sale was rood end bid - Northern. 79�;c; No. 2 Northern, 77''c ' No. a armed police. '1'!.c',e diel (heir work' din b Nn. 3 Nrnlficrn, 7� to 7;,c, Flour -hint until the arrival ret Lrerd ltoberis when+ g was brisk. patents, gl.:rl to $4.3:5; second Patents, iheir nrg;anizer ic)rnanlly bended overt This has been the greatest building; $1.10 lo $4.20; first clears, $3.25 ter 8.1.:1:5; seeend clears, $2.10 to $2.60. Bran -816.25. \til«•allkee, Nov. 2n. -- \\'heat --No. 1 N er(11e'r'll. 78 to VM; No. 2 Northern, 75 to 77;►;c ; .ttaey, 79. bid. ity.'- No, 1, til;40. Barley -No. 2. 5:41-.2.; '.1rnl►le' 425 le 50'. Cern-- No. 3 en' -h, t6:e to 47e' \lay, 43,, a asked. Duluth, Nev. 2m.---\\'he:►t- -No. 1 North- ern. 79';;e; No. 2 Neerthe'r•n, 78%c; No- v• -tater. '; %c; December, 7G c; May, 7.e' e•: July, tleryc. CATTLE NfAill:CT. 'r'.eaonto, Nov. 20. --Trade at. the Cily ( loth" \lni-krt (hitt meriting %vas little riranged from int tteek, bh'incss In rill lutes being ran-Itlerrd fairly I'.xport rattle (:hniee, g4.:,e► to $1.75; medium, $4 tae Q1.10; entyc, $3.'►e) to $1; bulfk, firm, ret $3.75 to $4. ligate her Crit;le- --sluice, 81.25 to c1.'i(': me' linin $3.7a to @l: eemrm:gin, 52.75 to 03.25: brills, $'.75 in 51. Stockers and l'e tiers -Choice, $3.25 111" place to the Cnl't' of Cnpinll Waller year that ilrnrrtford :,ns known. Three Kirton, also, by the way, of the London' hundred nil ten building permits have command. Surely a difficult record to. been issuer'. representing structttre:s eclipse. worth nearly •$400,x100. -'�---- 611E 1T 11111T:%IN. BOUND 'f0 GRUMBLE. I.nn.lnn Times warns United States A man who 1wns given to grumbling t filet Hearst, though beaten, is not at everything 011.1 on every oreasir,n ''1)0010.1. teas allecl:ed by incl:rnlrnalory rheunrn• 1 i.iverr► ,01 \fernery nd1 i -es Canadian 1itin1, and was carehrli)' tmrrsed i.y bus hnnit. to «urn Ilrilish ince goes Opunst wife, tt leo was wery devoted 1.) hien in a «•ii(1•c ret schemes. Freto of his fault-finding disposition, Ills suffering caused her to burst into tears snmehntee ns she sat. at hi:, feel• side. One day rt friend of the invalid carne In rind asked hint hew he was getting on. "Ila fly, bra fly''' he e'iicfnimcd; "and ir',- gall rely 11 fe:s merit.,, Is it I,os.�ihlc?'' askeed the friend in s'irrcrice. "1'e•:. The rlcx`Ior tntel rue that rlarnp places were lead for me; end there's Hint Boman sits need cries just to snake the a:: moist In the room." GN1 FCD S'FA'I'i:S. A San Frani-leen crirlain:tl 11115 con• fussed to a large number of murders and robbcrie;l, ,\ «01)1811 and her four ehihlre�n tvero sttffoe• ilea in a lire in a Nee )(irk teno- 11,ent on \\'ecJnri.iary. S. call large e•erpnrntir►ns In the United 51r.tea hat e given all-round inerenses of salary to (heir P/1)14(1003- United The Congressionel elections 108',0 both parties m0e11 ns they «ere, with no marked gains for either bide. Relief Money Which Never Reached the Committee A d spntch from Son Francisco says: A l,e•W intestigiatien 13 progre,-ing, ire the 1 .ur.s° of deteloprt►enis in the leen) graft seaside!. It New n1,l. ars that many sums of stoney, large rind ,moil, .. nt from different Stales to Sim Tran- ciseo for lite relief of the earthquake and fire sufferers, net er readied the relief committee. S'nne of these armuunt,, tt titch aggregated a large surer, t•. ere (mil, d to the cnr' of \favor hrnilz. F. J. Miley. Delcrtivr \\ In, Burns, and Mem tote Government neem' hove i..eti making irrw.'>1ig:►tie.n. I'rc:"i,10rt1 [(•, ,•,tett 15 the ►not Mg spirit )s"hin J lhe •'e,rtutry ;rnel h+r deelorr•s that nr. Man 7.111 Iv o1 eliverliergf the' )►`i} t full': Anti r:e.•pe' j•Istie',', rip cae•rs Conte tti'h:n the jurisdiction of the Ft •1• ► urn! nnilanrilieis !,••reh`g of the infor- `:t1) 0 character of 1he 1,oc.t:t) et ryes., which It is alleged) 11 )5 crrnainnlly Inrlt• 041 V. 111,, a '. tt-i•1. gable cure of money WAS :els,, cent Iterettgh the ''xpre.SS 041111• g nni•.c anal \\'ells Fargo, wliieh 43(41►)• 1' :fie•; are (1011 lnlest,g:nling the dr:. atl.pcairance of $10.!i.Wt sent in ntre age trim the citizens of Senrehlight, nevae[:I. which the relief c•etnrnitleo mot they never r.'r.et e(1, and which conrpniiv 111 3 ten, (Irlivere,l to the ret►• nese ntative;l of the r_omrnlltee lo wlrenn it 111.1 ed•Irrseerel. 1 he erin:4' ret f-trg:rpy is said to 1,04 enc llalr 1 in the °fleec, s 01 the realer., of the rel:.'f (nntribmtie,ns. 11 is .td,1 that in etre nggregafe 1114' sfcatln,gs will t.ui„ant 1(, a million d•.Itara. .1 .. r,,,�r�.�