HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-11-22, Page 6Ite HEALTH 4 Wee* i IGG'S DISEASE. This troublesome affecUon is an in- flammation of the gullies and tooth sock- ets, which, although at first of slight 2• tnoment, may cause. if neglected, severe neuralgic pains and loss of the teeth. It occurs usually in adults, but may be scot in children who habitually have uncleun mouths. Fur its production a combination of constitutional suet local causes is gen- erally neceissary, the c'nsttlufonul cause being probably u 6 y (tile so-called uric -acid diathesis), and the local cause a lack of proper attention to the mouth -not necessarily a neglect of cleanliness, but either that or a failure tc have the teeth regularly inspeclal 1•y a dentist and the tartar removed before It has litho to work into the tooth Buck- ets. The use of an improper tooth -powder -one that contains insoluble gritty material-- is a common cense of the dis- ense. Tho inseduble material, or the tar- tar, which may be deposited in the t r L , cleanest of mouths, accumulates little by little between the teeth and the lip of the gum embracing it, and gradually separates thein. This excites c little irritation of the gun) with a resulting slight discharge, and this leads to the deposit of more tartar, and so the condition aggravates itself. As soon as the gum is lifted away from the tooth, particles of food begin 1) collect in the pocket so formed, and their decomposition adds to the trouble. The affection goes on at first unob- served, or at most the patient has no- ticed a little looseness of the teeth or. Borne tenderness, or the gums bleed readily when the brush is used. After a while matter forms and causes a slight aching and feeling of tension in the gum, and it the tender spot is pressed upon a drop of mutter can be squeezed out. Sometimes the pain is more severe; it may not bo felt as a toothache, but may simulate neuralgia of the face and de- ceive both patient and physician. This mistake niay be made the more readily as the tooth may bo perfectly sound and not even loose, the gum having closed over the pocket in which the matter had formed, thus hiding it from casual in- spection. The more usual course of this disease i4 to progress without much pain until the teeth become loose, or even fall out. When the disease is far advanced it is beyond the reach of home treatment. and is a matter for the skill of the dentist. 1t may be prevented by having the teeth inspected and the tarter cleaned off every six months. -Youth's Companion. Before you get Pen -Angle garmeab all the shrink is taken OUt. Pen - Angle Underwear keeps you corn- y as well as warm,becausc the short fibres that make some under- wear itch are taken out of Pen - Angle wool. MO teen 1a a variety of fabrics. Myles a n d is all sizes for guaranteed by e11, a and your own dealer. children. and tt'+ar Patents Secured Free ! prepare patent oppl::a1ions free of charge. 1f you have un invention send sketch to -day fur tree opinion. 2-t years' experience. 1' II. Millis. 52 St. James St., Montreal. ICE FOR NOSE BLEED. f)r. Hirshberg, In the American Maga- zi.ie for October. writes entertainingly of popular fallacies. "Faulty logic is at the bottom of most of the medical fallacies of the day," ho says. "1•:a1Lse and effect are confused or imagined, and hasty generalization does lite rest. A case in point is afforded by certain homely remedies for nesse-bled. Ninety-nine (lines in every hundred Hose -bleed will stop of itself within a few minutes. But the sufferer, unaware of nature's skill as a healer, is eager to give her aid. So he presses his upper lip, and when In a short while tho flow of blood stops, he thinks that it does so because he has compressed the arteries. As a matter of fact, the arteries which reach the nose are deep in the face, and utterly beyond pressure from without. "Another favorite method of stopping nose -bleed is to drop a cold key or a piece of ice down the patient's neck, or to put a beat upon his head. In this madness there Is some method, though its advocates, in all probability, could offer no sen?Ible account of the relation between cuuso and effect A sudJw1 fright or unexpected shock causes a spasmodic contraction of the small blood vessels, vvhich forces the blood into the larger vessels, and gives the little ones litho to repair injuries. A piece of ice, in the course of its uncanny slide (limn (he vertebrae. produces a shock. A blow on the head with a brick. or a boiler eeploe.ei next door. would pro- duce an equal shock and curd nosebleed just Os effccti%cly. THE FEATHERWEIGHT :. ILLI 1 11..\ 1'111\ . 1 Enough cans t be said of full. .n t1 d f 1. (, deep breathing. It is no hobby or wild no- tion. but if you would prove its benefits, practice it daily, and you will increase the cir'ulation, purify the blood. and send it rich and hot to warn) Cie feel. make ruby lips and plant roses nn the cheeks. it will add your digestion and give you a clean. sweet breath, promote sleep, quiet the nervous system, strengthen the throne and vocal organs. mei ictcave, ITC chest capacity. Il \ \ Yid' also cure your asthma. catarrh and bronchitis, and prevent lung trouble. •♦— MIC -MAC ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR HOCKEY SKATES IN USE Light In Weight the AND HEART ACTION ON SHIPBOARD. Surgeons Surgeons Find That Vibration Bothers Their Diagnoses. "All hearts sound alike on these mod- ern ships," sail the surgeon of u tr us- atlanlic liner. "Although the hull of the average modern stcuuier is bigger arra supposedly less subject to lite violence of the sea, the machinery to drive the enlarged hulls has been increased in size. Willi the increase in the size of the en- gines there bus followed greater vibra- tion. "It is this vibration which snakes it impossible for us to read truly the ac- tion of Ike average human heart. 1 huge Tried repeatedly by all manner t 1 means to overcome the influence of the vilrati':n on the heart, but 1 find that b)' even swinging a patient in n hunt - mock, where the shaking up is not great- ly felt. the result of the heart reading is far from satisfactory. "The first day at sea in the ship rn her maiden voyage 1 had occasion 'o treat an Eng'l,htnun who was en rause tl Canada on business. 1 was startle.' t . hear his heart. Yet lie had the lin- tel hind of cardiac act:on, as 1 ascer- tained once file ships machinery stop- ped. I have since found it to be an invariable rule that the engine's vibra- tion makes it nppeur as though the heart of the average man was going !o stop before 1 could get the stethoscope away from his breast. "Vibration does not hurt lite heart any. Do not make the mistake of Sup- p, ;sing that it does. It just sounds as though the end was positive, and while the patient's heart is leaing in regular forst the shaking of the ship deceives even the practised ear." Exceedingly Stiff latter feature secured by using a web bracing. THE FINEST TEMPERED STEEI Cala? USED. STABS QUALITY Throughout THE STARR M'F'G. CO., LIMITED. DARTMOITII, NOVA SCOTIA. IIRANCii : 12,6 Wellington St. West, • Toronto. Write for 1906 Catalogue. F.\ -111E11 OF 33 CI1ILDI1EN. There I. in the Selly Oak,\Vorkhouse nn inmate named John George Stratton, win Is the father of Ihirly-iltreo children, say's the Landon Chrontele. Itis case calm before the guardians this week, when inquiries were made ns to a main- tenance contribution from his family. Stratton is 00 years of ng'e and his third wife. whn Is with him in the institution, 1, 17. His thirty-three ehildren are scat- tered all over the world and sane is in ai position In asses( the father. ills first child was been two months after Queen Vielorin crime to the throne. it was girl, who tins now attained the age of 61 and lives In London. tits youngest child is 21. 50 It will Me seen them is a difference Fetween the first and last of forty-five years. "We went a man for nor Informntlnn bureau," said the manager. "let he must is nne Min can answer all sorts of questions and not lose lila head." "That's me," replied the applicant, "lent the father of eight children." $5.00 Brooch Does it strike you as "almost too good to be true'? It is only one instance of the price. attractiveness of Diamond HaII's stock -- backed by its half - century reputation for quality. This Brooch (Catalogue No. 31683) consists of a inch crescent of solid 14k. gold, supporting a lily -of -valley spray set with 16 pearls. It is sent post free in dainty satin lined case. err send upon re most f.eVef.Aarre our longe ,ilrslrared . a!alcgue. lywrSo.Ont. EACII MEAL AN AGONY. W1IAi SHE WANTED. She was newly married, and did not know a little bit abuse either housekeep- ing or shopping, and site was giving her first order. It was u crusher; but the grocer was a clever totl, and was used l) all hinds of orders, and could inter- pret them easily. "1 want 10tb. of paralyzed sugar," she begin, with u businesslike air. "Ye_s'in. Anything else?" "Two tins of condemned milk." "?harem." Ile set down pulverized sugar and condensed uhilk. "Anything more, ma'am?" "A bag of fresh salt. De sure it is fresh." "Yes'm. \Vhat next?" "A pound of Je:AN:rated codfish." Ile wrote, glibly, "desiccated cod." "Nothing more, notion`? We have some nice horseradish just in." "No," site said, "it \veiled be of no use to us; we don't keep u horse." Dr. \%'illianls' Pink Pills Cure Obstinate Indigestion After Other Medicines FAIL "When 1 was first troubled with indi- .gestion l did not bottler with it; i thought It would pass away 11111ul;illy. But instead of doing so it developed el - lo a painful chronic affection, which 11 spite of all I did grew worse and worse until 1 had al andoned all hopes of ever getting relief." These words of Mrs. Chas. M.;Kay, of Norwood, N. S., should serve as u warning to all who sutler (distress after meals, with palpitation, Lro\wsines and loss of appetite -cut ly warning. of a more serious trouble to follow. "1 used to rise in the morning,"said Mrs. McKay, "feeling no better for a nig: is rest. I rapidly lost llrsh and after even the most frugal meal i al- ways suffered severe pains in my stomach. 1 cut my meals down to a few mouthfuls, but even (hen every morsel of food CatLSed agony, my di- gestion was so weak. Some days f could scarcely drag myself about tno house. and 1 was never free from sharp piercing pains in the hack and chest. 1 g l ew so bad that I had to limit my diet to milk a'.d soda water, and even this cuu;e•1 severe suffering. in vain 1 sought relief --all nitdicines 1 look scent- ed t -epees. But in the darkest hour of my suffering help carte. While rend- \\'III•:N TIIE VALUE Gi1O\VS. "We never realize the full value of to thing until we lose it," remarked the man who was fond of moralizing. 'That's right." replied the practical man, "'specially if the thing Inst Was insured." SII1 LIKED IT. Torn -1 ki-sed her when she wasn't 'coking. (:lira-\\'hal did she do Tom -Kept het eyes closed the rest o! the evening. WHOOPING COUCH CROUP I:NTIIUSIASI'IC MOTHERS. When mothers become enthusiastic over tl medicine for little ones, it is safe to say that it has high merit. Every mother who has used Baby's Own Tab- le's speak:' strongly in praise of them. and tells every other mother how much good they have done her children. Mrs. Alfred Marcouse, St. Charles, Que., says: "I strongly advise eery mother to keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house always. 1 have used anent for teething troubles, colic and other ills o: chi'dh,lod and found them the most satisfactory medicine 1 ever tried." These Tablets are guaranteed to contain no poisonous opiate and no harmful drug. They are equally goat) for the new born baby or the well grown child, and nre a sure cure for all their minor ailments. Sold by medicine dealers r'r by mail at 25 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. TREASURES FOUND. i11g: a newspaper I cattle across a cure that was quite similar to my own case, wrought by the use of 1)1.. Williams' 1'ir,k fills. 1 thought if another person held been cured by !nese pills of such suite ring ns I \vas experiencing, surely there was hope for me, and 1 al once sent to the druggist for n supply of these pills. The first indication that the trills were helping me was the disap- pearance of Ise feeling of oppression. Then 1 'wenn to take solid food with but little feeling of distress. 1 still eon- tinned la':ing the pills with an improve- ment every •'aye. until 1 could digest t II kinds ref fond without the least trouble n•• (lislress. 1 nut in splendid health le -day and all tete credit is due to Ur. \\'illinnlc' fink pills." Dr. \Viltia'rs' fink Pills go right to the root of indigestion and other trou- bles by making rich. red blood which tones and strengthens every (mean •4 the body. That is why they cure anae- mia, wi'h all the headaches and back - ie he, rand sile.,ches, rheumatism and ueuro!gia and the special ailments rt growing gills and women of n11 ages. 5011 by all medicine d04119s or by mail a' 5) rents n box or slx boxes for $2.!O by wr:ling The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Crockville, Ont. Don't let the child suffer. Instant relief and a permanent cure is obtained with OR. $LOCUMS It heals and soothes throats Cu. aro worn and inflamed with caughin; arrests the progress of disea-.c, ace ea'ects a complete euro speedily. Sold by all druggists. Price hoc. an'1 25c. per bottle. Dr. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. "I used ler think," remarked Meander- ing Mike. "ilial I wasn't popular with dumb animals." "Are ye?" inquired Plodding 1'c•le. "Tremendously. i met three dogs to -day, and every one of them thought 1 was nico enough to cat.„ Dilapidated Residence Furnished in Gorgeous Style. The death from heart failure of an old woman in Belfast, Ireland, has led to an extraordinary series of discoveries. The woman, Mrs. Agnes llearst, was formerly a domestic servant In Bettie - say, Scotland. Some years ago she went to Belfast with her husband and purchased a large, dilapidated house in one of the most squalid streets in the centro of the city. Iter husband died seine months ago. She was found in the house dead In bed. On entering the pince the police were struck with the remarkably luxurious appointments in every room. Every article of furniture was of a gorgeous character. in a systematic search the police found many silks and satin dresses, enormous quantities of costly handkerchiefs, a butter -dish was filled with gold watches and jewellery, Ono of the rings being valued at four or five hundred pounds, therm were cameo brooches of the rarest description and a line display of antique china. A safe which was opened contained £1,280 in gold, notes, and foreign bills, ntuny of them mildewed and frayed at the edges; a draft on the Bank of Ireland for £600, and a post -office bank book, showing a sues of d:60 es. 6d. due to the owner. In a lumber -coon were found several oil pointings, all thought to be valu- able, and one which experts declare is almost priceless. The latter picture Is ons depicting two nude figures. The most curious find, however, was a hal-box Cellnet Willi i 0 U's signed by Olen in nervy ranks of life. It is be- lieved that the valuables lind been the property of Mr. Restates mother, who wos at one lime housekeeper to a Scot- tish gentleman who left her all his pro- perty. -+--. HIS TCItN FIIIST. "Maria." he said, ns lie entered the house, sneaking before his wife had lime to any a weird, "this house is in nil r ion." and up c \ ayf began. "\\'hyo llenry—" she ire t. Se ' \'n11r. 1f heiI1- 'r'a1W' "Don't try to ex te'rupte<I. "I.00k of This room! 1 wos going In bring n friend home with me. but 1 refrained for fear the house would be just in the condition that 1 find 11 in:' "If von find sent word, Henry---" "Send word, Mnrinf \\'Icy should anyone who claims to be n house- keeperhave to bo notified, so that she reran scurry about and snake, thinks look respectable" And that (tress, Maria! It's outrageous to be dressed in that fashion at the; Utne of day." "1 could have changed it--" "Oh, 4f course. You could have done lots of things, but you (didn't. You should be redly to entertain your hus- band's friends al any time. l suppose the dinnA' Is coil too." "It's not so All as it was. You're late. you know." "Of course, and if 1 had brought my friend with inc he'd have had to sit iinwn to a cold dinner or one that was. burnt to a cinder. and we should have both felt humiliated, and should have Maria! isn't right, \Ile It g , had to apologize. It Isn't right at all." And when he had settled down In his cram-chnir niter dinner, he chuckled to himself and muttered: "But 1 should have got a roasting for being late if 1 hadn't started first" 11,14MINamalaamaaaa 1l Keeps the Muscles Pliant.- Men given to tnu:cuter sports and exercises turd those who suffer muscular pains (rem tricycle riding will find Dr. Themes' Kclectric Oil something worth trying. As a lubricant it will keep tie muscles pliable and free from pains which often follow constant use of them, without softening theta or im- pairing their strength. For bruises, sprains and contusions It is without a peer. "And Is this man come unto this court with unblushing footsteps, with the cloak of hyl:oc riay in his mouth, and to draw fifteen bull's k•t nut of thy client's pock- et with iniptnidy?" asked a barrister. There was nu reply. IdAKE A NOTE OF I'1', "The n & L" Menthol Master te guaranteed to cum the worst case of backache, headache, stitches. Avoid aubetitutos. list the genuine maim; by Davis ,t Lawrence Cu. Little Sister: "Any new studies this tern?" Little Brother : "One-elocu- lion." "What's that?" "It's learning how to read a thing so it will sound as if you was at the oilier end of a drain- i)iPe. The efficiency of I3Ickle's Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup In curing coughs and colds and arresting inflammation 'ef the lungs, can be established by lain - duels of testimonials from all sorts and conditions of men. 11 is a standard re- medy in these ailments and nil uffec- llr.ns of the throat and lungs. It is highly recommended by medicine ven- dors, because they know and appreci- ate Its value as a curative. Try it. \i:4 C rp -_ I o paid this 111 once" Raker --"indeed, ma'am. I'ni very sorry that i d dn't rceollect it." Miss Sharpe --"I dare say Dint you are sorry that you didn't re -Cullet it, but 111 take ,are of that." Do not delay In gelling relief for the Id l r Ex - fn folks. Mother t e Grn\ c.s' Worm t Iermtnalnr is n pleasant and sure cure. r If you loco your child why do you lel it suffer when a remedy is so near at hand? "I hear you end ion,s have been nut shooting." "Yes: just got hack." "Did you have any luck°" "1 should say 1 did. Jones only bit ire once." Agents Wanted is Eery Tleilll in Canals 1'h• mac with a fender .kin sail a tunes beard may nolo .AuN A'tnKU w ith comfort and safety. s.nuur uisa u,.1 out M offraz I lk.y cauuut cal theruss:vet. '(1,. &sf.ty aivs/ Chs p.'lKi draw eat and dw+ alt .erappi It R has arJge1ksnlleinprepsrpestle•whit hgive .better a'ntrnl. 'I he sabots do.+c• is adjustable and can be turn• ed Ir•'m right 1' led hind without removing the blade SAFETY RAZOR ttet.r.l pace feel ouc d as good ar is os s ur .1y gar ms auteel, and i. toll u uCaved r. {aid s• the cutis ba+her tag+r. Send for ouvulsre and iltlorumjiou W OEO' W. KORN RAZOR MFG. CO , - LITTLE VAl.1.EY. N. Y. A Pleasant Duty.—"When I know any- thing worthy of recommendation, I eon - eider t Aider it my duty to tell it, says Rev. Jan. Murdock, of }tamhurg, Pa. "I)r. Agneeei Catarrhal Powder has cured me of Catarrh of fivo years standing. It is certainly magical in its effect. The Brat application benefited me in five min- utes." 50 cents. -9 "(fair is getting pretty thin, sir." "Think so?" "Yes." "But it was much thinner about thirty years ago." "But you do not look much older than that." "1 was thirty yesterday." THEY MEAN iT. No one should suffer a moment long- er with Piles, for Dr. Leonhnrdt's Hetli- Itoid will cure any case. • No matter what kind you have, Blind, Bleeding, Internal, External, Itching or Suppurating, Dr. Leonhardt's Hcn•Iloid will cure you. This statement is supported by a thou- sand testimonials from those who have been permanently cured. if you aro not cured you gel your nIolley back. $1.00. All dealers, or The \Nilsen -Fyfe Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. "How in the world, Mrs. Wisely, do you manage to have all of your three duughters in so eauly when they spend the evening out:'"' 'The last one Bosse has to get breakfast next morning." Eat what yen Ilke.-Oive the digestive organs s ,me work to do. These functions need e:ercioe as much as any part of the human anatomy, but if they're delicate, give them the aid that Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets afford and you can eat anything that's wholesome and palatable -60 in a box, 35 cents. -- Visiting uncle -"There is no beast that has a roar so terrifying as a lion." Small Nieco--"Did you ever hear papa when dinner wasn't ready in time?" wetemMiP AS St'NSHINE atter store[ Is the rolief whoa an obstinate. pitiless cough hat hien driven away by Allen's Lang Balsam. No opium in it. The good effect lasts. SAW 111•:13 F'I ASST. " ie tell your minima \'isilnr- \\ 111 that 1 have come In call on her." \Vl11ic-"Mamma's not at home." Visitor (shocked)-"\\'hy, Willie, I'm sure I snw her looking from the parlor window as i cone up (he street." Willie (stoutly) -"No, you didn't, nee ther. That was Sis peeping through the parlor blinds. Muni saw you corning from upstuirs." NOT DOING A THING. "Yes, Indy," said hungry Iligglns, "'Tette., persecution ruined shy life. Why wizen I wnz first arrested. ears ago, i hadn't been does'n+' n blessed t i► .' "Poor man," solei the kind old Indy; "here's n dime for yo't. And wlrnl charge diel they trump tip ngainst you?" "Vagrancy', ►no'onm. " OSHAWA' Made Water, Stcrm and Fere Proof Steel Shingles. LO01:0 on 411 Four Stdos Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from S°.SS to $5.10 per hrndred square feet covering measure. This is the most durable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for blouses. Darns. Stores, Ele- vators, Churches. etc. Any handy ntnn can lay the "OSIIAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips aro the only tools required. We are the largest and oldest ecempany of the kind under Ms Pettish flag, and have coveted thousands of the best buildings tt:roughout Canada. slaking thcrn FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING -PROOF. We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets. Conductor Pipe and EA\'ESTROt'GII, Etc. METAL SIDING, in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS. in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 1411 and free samples of Write today. lrgm 3PDZirbi.a.alLIEL PPx , Yon. gonnagonnae. Ottawa, ORI. Toronto, Oot. 10111100, OnlW1111111%( VoncolYer,B.C. 6913 W Craig at.423 'runes et. 1I Colborne st 169 Dundas at. 1Wt76 Lombard st. 61* Fender at. gon Write your Nearest Office.--USAD OFFICE AND WORKS-OSHAWA. Out "OS11A\VA" Shingles. A young; shirk or bamboo stretching its head above the ground looks nnu•ih like a stalk of asparagus. in Japan these young shoots are as much sought for food as asparagus is herr. A Smell Pill. but Powerful.- They that judge of the powers of a pill by its size, would consider l'arrnelee's Vege- table Pills to be Iackine. 1t Is a little wonder amongpills. . \\lar+t it leeks in n alto It makes up In potency.. The re- medies which it carries are put up in these small doses, because they are so powerful that only swill! dog's aro re- quired. The full strength of the ex- tracts is secure'' in this form and do their wnrk thoroughly. CRAZE DEFINED. "Whet do you mean by saying snme- thing is the latest craze?" asked the man helm abroad who carries a notebook. "A craze." answered Miss Cayenne, "i4 snmclhing that amuses other people, hot in which you yourself do not hap- pen to be interested." Tour Doctor Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, but - why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hisprescription filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain n bottle of SHILOH'S CURL for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly? Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for thest thirty-four toears : let SHILOH be youdoc- r whenever a Cough or Cold appears. SHILOH will care you, and all druggists hack npttis statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with SHILOH YOU CAN SAVE $13.15 $1135 A SUET TO -DAY W• will present every Reader of Oils paper who places an order for our cele- brated 311.&S Suit with the two most serviceable Prem- iums ever offered to tie public et Canada. Our Great Free Premium Offers One Pair of $6.00 Trousers (made to measure) and a really elegant pa- tent Suit -Cass given entirely FREE with every order. YOU ARE UNDER NO OIILiGATION TO BUY, and we will REFUND your money If Ice find eltber the Special Sults or the FILEN CIFTs are NOT EXACTLY as advertised to Agents Wanted. this paper. We will send you, FREE OF ANY CiiARGE whatever, • handsome range of patterns, including our wonderful value Blue and Black Sergei and Cbevlot Tweeds. together with our la'cst New York Fashion Platen. THEN JUDGE FOIL YOURSELF. Our home measurement eyntem Is to SIMPLE that wen require only 6 measurements (which anyone can take) to enable us to give a PERFECT FIT- TING tailor-made garment. All goods are shipped 5 days from receirot of order. THE MAIL -FIT CLOTHING CO. Royal A, McIa.Csa. <ti Don't fall to mention name of this newspaper. Judge -"And your wife alined at and sttbre your head with a cups' Witne.s -"Yes, sir." Judge -"Well, all 1 have to say k that you ought to be very proud of her." They are Carefully Prepared.- fills which dissipate themselves in the stomach cannot be expected to have nnuch cfftrt upon the intestines, and :o overcome co=hotness the medicine ad- ministered rnu,t influence the action .1 these canals. 1'tu•rnclee's Vegetable fills are so Made, under the supervision of exports, that the suhslanee In Them in- tended to operate on the intestine's :s retarded in action unlit they pass through the stomach to the bowels. The young physicinn looked r:eastsl and confident "\\'ell;' he began, "i rhenet say that with my (Inst patient 1 ',eve succeeded remarkably well." "Of vv hat did you relieve hint?" his friend asked. "Five dollars," sold the younger inns. Itching, Burning, Creeping, Crawling Skin Dieeasee relieved in n few minutes by Agnew's Ointment. Dr. Agnew a Oint- ment relieves instantly. and cures Tetter, Malt Rheum, Scald Head, Eczema, Ulcer.. Blotches, and all Eruptions of the Skin. it is soothing and quieting and Sets like magic in all Baby Humors, Irritation of the scalp or Hashes during teething time. 35 cents • boa.-? -The Cathedral of Alexnnder hev�ki. SI. i'etersburg. Is said to have the finest choir in the world. AN VOLT FAMILY of skin diseases Is the one generally described by the wont Eczema. in all ts forms it resists ordinary treatment but Is completelycured by W Conte used In con• eectton wth Weaver's Jyrt+o • \faster- "When was Rome. built?" Kid -"In the night, sir." Master-"Ilnw der ynu make itint ad?'' ICkI "\\'rte, everybody says (tome wasn't built in a day." ITCH, Mango. Prairie Reratches and revery tote of contagious itch on human or animals cored to 30 minutes by Wol- ff -141's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. The most curious thing about the bul- ti rtly Is the size of the ruse from which the insect proceeds compared will► the size of the Insect's body. The case is rarely more than one Inch long, and a quarter of an inch in thickness: the butterfly covers a surface of nearly four inches square. TRh;AT\IENT. "So you don't believe in the falai cure?' "Not entirely. 1t awnys lnoked to le i ittlle like trying lo regulate the tem- perature by putting, the thermometer in the refrigerator." CLEANING ..AR'af. LADIES' ... suiTS' Ilia be dere eerfectly by oar prunes Process. Trp +a SWUM AMEIISAR Mora CO. taoNTRfW TOtOWILI, OTTAWA a QUEnIo `TANTI:1)-REI.I:ARLE PARTIES to do machine knitting for us at home; 5? to 510 per week easily earned; wool, etc., furnished free; distance no hin- drance. For hull particulars address the Dominion Knitting Co., Dept. W, °tithe, Ont. MUCII Br•,1TEB. Husband -"I saw the doctor to -day. 11•e say; 1 must go away and rest." Wife - "Did you show Calm your tongue?" Husband -"No, but i told hint about yours." FF.RRovI5f, "11.5'1' Is IT? It 1, the earn° of Gil best tonic. 11 hnibls up the .y dem, Kiva' new life, m..ke+ pe.,p!e well 33,1 st:ung. ate sue° you get the genuine " Fennvim.' . Faulty Kidneys. nave you ha'karh" s you feel drowsy? ? Do , Dyour limbs fir t Y o heavy? Have con frequent lends, bee Have you tailing si-inn? Have you d,s:-r feeling ? bre you depressed ? is your skin very? Have you a tired feelin.t? Any' o1 these signs prove kidney disea..e. F.zperlenee hail proved that South Ameri- can Kidney ('ure never tall,. -6 "i hear your firm discharged you.** "Yes: but 1 wouldn'1 mind that so much if they hadn't lidded insult to hejury." "Hoe?' "they ndvertise.l for a boy to til shy place." There are a number it esrielie, +f corns. Holloway's Corn Cure will . re- inowe any of them. Call on rout ante gist and get a bottle at once. Mrs. Ilcnpeel:—"If you marry Dick, you need never expect me lo revue to see you." Dautrhter- "Jurt any 111n1 In. In the gramopheen, w'on't yon, p!0iI5 ' Mrs. 1fcnpeck-"What for naught. i•.- "1 wr,n to give i1 to Dick as n eeddiflg present.,, CAMERON'S Asthma Cum has n',er fsi'a1 to rnM th .e. !':f?orinE from t'an.&: Il; nren,'t 11h (Ilene. 1r :ars—tat WRITE FOR Fagg SAMPLE, awl IN as convince yen that we here • tale—ow tact rsrwe be stay eare•L /sate RA MILE sent to any *1drs,s. D. A. CAMERON & 00., Owen Mourn, Ont IS'eiA% NO. 16 t