HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-11-22, Page 4THE EXETER T1M138, NOVEMBER 22nd 1906. THE DADDY OF THEM flL6 1 PEWS WE 111111 FOR— Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice able to see some value for stoney. NOTE ANI) COMMENT reemromr 'tlrls Hon. Adam Beck will do a bid Or- rice to Ontario if ho carries to com- pletion his i,l•tnr for cheap Niagara power The totem of Pict on has ,eleven i canning lactones now in op- eration. Th".re is luck in odd scum• 1berg. !o Exeter is ulri,rht 3•t't. Some of the municipal itSpirant 6 1are already I)erinninir to plume itheir tcatit0rs so and all troubles of the Throat and Lungs. Sate for the Infant in arms. Effcalial at all ages. 25 Cents a Bottle. --ONLY AT -- Brownings Drug Store. The Exeter Times THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1908. r January. that doesn't necessarily mean chit you should ex- oect a turkey on your doorstep about election time. The Provincial T:eaaurer required a loan of $3,000,000 and advertised the fact iu Ontario song: months since. It is now annuun•'ed .that al- MOS1 11110 whole amount has already been subscribed at a 1-2 t(ter cent. Exeter i.; tv:lhoul a Division Court Clerk with npparently poor prosliects of a capable man accept- ing the office under present condi- tions. Chief Gill thinks he knows the cause of the trouble. The I'rovincivat Government is credited with a desire to re:u-r_vt2o the con;tituences at the next session of the Legislature. So len, us they don't make us a parti of London we sit South iluron will pot object. The arFrezate of the Succession duties for the past three Gears in $1,528,000. This year alone under the Aot passel by (the Ontario Lesistt- cure in 1906 (about $1,000,000 will be taken Brom dead men's I, nc•fici:rriete George C. Gibbons, K. C. President of the London Reform Association swore that wv1ic•n Jerry Collins de- manded a government position, or 1.e would cau'e trouble flee told him to co to h—I. It was unwise of George for Jerry tvrnl,— Ind raised 'tile devil. J. J. Hill the I-. S. railway nate 91x3 been .advocating reciprocity with Canada before r. ChiT.ago audi- ence. With (hp aVCra'e AmetrAKn tariff about 50 per cent and the average Canadian tariff about 25 per cent. it would bo well for ,him to urge the knocking •eff of 25 per cent as a starter. One hundred and ten thousand im- migrants worn landed at the port of Quebec thin season of navigation, 28.000 more than last tear. The im- migration was composed not only ,of a superior Class of new settlers from the British isles, but of people of fair means. The last two 'Shins brought out suite a numtx'.rI of for- eivncr,, including Norwegians. which is unusual at this season of t -he year. 111E 'fAIt1I'L' CHANGES The proposal of the llomlition Government to stake borne de -ad- justment of the tariff at the ap- proaching kession of Parliament has caused a stir among those who scar that the changes maY not be to their liking. Always alert to hold what they -have and :to be on the look -out for more. the ,manufacturer,/ have been buzzing about itbe Capital for endeavoringtiptoe time impress the Ministersthat they were in of more protection and that if nal reduction were made the great in- dustrial institutions of the count.rY would be ruined, It is sato to any that Sir Wilfrid remembers having heard this smokeless chimney story before and is not being wtampeded, but the farmers have done well to take no chances. Besides laying their view's before the Committee ot the Cabinet, as it visited the differ- ent sections of the country, in a etrour statesmanlike and intelligent manner combatting the arguments of their high -tariff opponents. they too have had their 'representatives constantly on the watch at Ottawa oressinz for a lower tariff based on the prineip142 of 'tariff for revenue only. Only last Friday`tsuggested th were called upon to oppose !tax of 33 1-3 per cent in Lavorof the industry.tinsolate larrgely usedand occupiestsuciis ison important !lace in the average citi- zen's economY, a brotes;ive tax would form a considerable .-burden. The Finance Jtinister is said rte have a;,iven the farmers' deputation n Sympathetic hearing. Tho farmers of Canada have the natter in their own hands if they tvonid only look at rt and w- ail)! as the manufacluestrndolenend the politicians go hang. WHO PAYS THE PIPER' er..s The custom la.t3 sO grown o,mong governmental bodies lately to ap- for the other purpose. this, hnt pthe taxpay- ing public is in danger of becom- ing co accustomed to hearing sibout It (hat they may not stop to con- sider who pays the piper. Func- tions of government which former- ly rerc and still should be pnrLorm- cd b3' the representatives of the 'Apple wh;, are paid handsomely for just such duties aro stow handed over to others and the ,public treas- ury is drown upon to provide the hard cash for soft berths for politi- cal friends ot the government. The responsibility rest di. rectlYonth shoulders oofdthese nc- cnun'ahle to thio elector's i9 nougat to be shifted. Work which should he there by departmental rlerks under the 'su- pervision of r, Cabinet •Minister is twolc•(o appear so important and as rcuuirin;• such special stern that: a Contulis�iun toast be appointed and .1 few more of the squealing .hard of office seekers is given a swerved place at the public trough. Let the reader run over in his ,mind the number of these co4t1Y adjuncts of government nrhirh have been thrust upon the coutltry Lately and tsse for himself how many of thein ran be justified. The public accounts will Blow 1 hotl sands of dollars squander• cd in chi, ty,y and we should be TRY THIS FOR YOUIt COU(iti To relieve a cough or Sneak .up 'a cold in twenty-four (hours, the dol- towin, simple formula, 4.11e ingred- ients of %%laic' can bo ,obtained o,f any .good prescription dlspgiidt nt small cost, is all that syklzr- io (re- quired: requircd: Virgin Oil of fine (Wore); one -halt ;ounoo ; Glycerine. two oun- ces: good whisky. a half pint, Shrike Lyell and take in itoispoonful dories every four hours. The desired re- sults can .not be obtained ,unless the ingredients are ,parr. It is there- fore better to purchase the ingred- ients heparately 'find pret.l.r•o the mixture yourself. Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) should be purchased in the original half -ounce vials, which druggists buy /or dispensing. Each vial in securely sealed in a round wooden cafie which ,protects the Oil from exposure to light. Around the wooden case is an engraved wrapper with the name—"Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure)"— plainly printed thereon. There are many imitation,/ and cheap productions of Pine, but these. only create rause, and never (effect the desired results. 2-9-07 Wea/kLungs Bronchitis For over sixty years doctors have enuor.ed Aycr's Cherry Pectur31 :or coughs, colds, weak lu;; fs, bronchitis, con- sumr'h n. You can trust 2 medicine the hest doctors ap- prove. Then trust this the next timr _ 1,1ve a hard cough. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS An OLiD Awn Wtt.L-TRItn B iiDT.—Mr oW1sl.rdow's t�tl.oaotnl► t 81rap has beam mothers Mor their ehildrea�~while teethiinng..oeena perfectencce.n 11 cooties" the ohlid. softens the gnntc, allays all t>•1 wand collo. and In tho best remedy L.ale it Ic vleasant to the taste. Sold In every part of the world. 36 cetW a ite yaIoe is lncalenlabl.. Be ante and take Mrs Wfnelow's Soothing Syrapanil ask for no other kind. T*.• best kln-1 of a testimonial — "Bold t.tr over slaty years." -w". .s.c. • -. t . Alc o.. T.�w�ll, Mase. par .. star• of 11 SARSAPARILLA. rsi%12 RtIR Y1GOR. tSe' •• SO. Tile! WePeb!taa ,p, .• •' et' our faAteivis. i1I • AI e/r,~dsysativ. ve;+ ange llaxative. Auction Sale —ot— IiORSES Messrs. White and Cameron have been instructed to sell by y,uhlic auction on J,OT 25. B. T. It., I'SBORSE A\'egetab:e PrcparationforAs- simitatiflg thefood andRegukc- ling the Siolnarhs Hatt Bowels of CASTOR For Infants and Childr The Kind You N Always Bough Bears the Signature of Pronwtes Dige stion,Clteerful- ness andRest.Contains neither Oplutn,Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. RSa/0'dIY `tlf6'IZPIIClfra Bersif,;. Snaf' 11.o4JJ4 .Lla - Irx J..d • I �yr Ndo&, • flew r.•.t - Aperfect Remedy for tion, Sour Stontach.Dfet>}i►oea Worms ,CORYUISionSfeverish- [less and LOSS OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. U For Ov Thirty Yea LXACT COPY OP WRAPPER. 1 ?INC C ?are COY►aay, NCO/ 7Oea C17 SALE ADS I 300,000 ANTED Aa Advertise your N arin and your Feet Feet Sale of Stock and Implements, or Town Praperty. s000 Readers i will see your advt.== All Kinds of Saw-LogsTIMBES FOR SALE FOR SALE -20 white Wyandotte Cookrels, thoroughbred, for breed. purposes.—ii. Powell. CANARY BIRDS FOR BALE.— A few choice lit. Andreasbury Rollers Singers. at W. 11. Mills, Centralia. FARM FOIL SALE. -100 acres, be- ing tot 11. conoe.lsi,on 2. Stephen. central position. being about 2 1-2 miles from Crediton. Centralia and Exeter, For further particulars ap- ply on the promises. or Jas. \Vulkarf Crediton East 1'. 0. FOR SALE.—house ort Huron St. with three lots. There is also a smaller house on the property. For furt her particulars apply ito Ed. Maguire. Exeter North or C. Dor- ; wood. 115, 16 Front Street, Pullman I Ills. LOST,—A two-year-old steer. red with horns on, strayed from Lot 4. concession 5, HIay. A suitable re- ward given for information leading to its recovery. Any information regarding the steer may be left with John Rowe or at the Times office. 11-29-6. Wool Blankets Shipments of all -wool Blankets just arrived which we have marked lower than the lowest From $3 to $5,50 per pair Our $5.50 Blanket is a winner, guaranteed all wool, seven pounds full weight. Fur Stoles Only two Ladies' Fur Stoles left at a bargain. Rubbers Full line of Men's Heavy Rubbers just received. Vt a have a full line of Men's Heavy All Wool Underwear at 2.oc a suit and other cheap lines. COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the matter of the (,tate of Samuel Parkinson, late of (the township of Huron, farmer de - the Cpunty cca Fed. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., 1897, chap. 129. that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Sam- uel I'arkifa,;on, who diad on or about the 17th day of November, 1896, are required on or before the 15th day of December. 1900, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Glad - man & Slanbury, of thn village of F:xeter, Solicitors for the Adminis- trators of the said dc:,elscd, the London & Western Trusts Company. Limited. their christiul .and surnames. addresses and 41e- serietions, dhe full orrlicul- ars of their claims. the statement of their accounts and the nature of the seen? Dien, if any. held by t hem. And further take notion that niter such last mentioned date the said administrators 11 proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among 1110 parties entitled thereto. having regard only to tho claims of which they shall then have notice and that the said Administrator will not bo liable for t ho saiil assets or any part thereof to nny person or persons nt whose claims notice shall not have herr rcerivcd by them at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STANiIUItY, Solicitors ernTrusts Company, td \VAd- mini9t rotors. Dated at Exeter tI' 21::t day of No- vemlx r, 190fi, —os1 -- E.DNiESD;\Y, NOVEMBER 28, 1906 at one o cl.:,ck sharp the following ar .s • he car 1 four yea. o d _' :ding ' shred h a Y Kin,; of the Castle; I l,0neral pur- pose, nr(re 6 years old with (1x11 to King of the 0:1n1 le; 1 gen,•ra1 pur- po0 mars r yearsars o 1 er 1Y h l ;riding 3 Scars old, sired by Bel- slats/sir ; 1 41ra11,711' fifty 3 yearn year old ceding sired by 4fnndsome John, 1 1 w n year /,'d filly sired by Handsome John. mat rhea leant: 1 filly 2 years old sired by Gl:asnisk ; 1 two year ofd filly sired by Clan Macgregor : 1 Iwo Year 0141 filly, sired by Premier; 1 t wo year old filly .sired by hies of she Castle; 1 two year old gelding sired day ('rem• irr ; 1 two year ofd gelding sires) by 1,a::haan Gruen's: 1 Ivo year old ge',li0,1' Fired by Golden Thisib I gelding one year old sir -ti by Gol- den Thistle: 1 geldinii 1 year old sired by 0trbinerr: .1 'endings one ve,r old sired by ilt:ark itrxl ; ,1 fil- ly one year old sired by Clan Mlf- 'renor; 1 ti'ly one year old sired by t;ofd^n 'rhi s'ss TERMS OE SALE Six months' trod I wilt be given 00 furnishing now ved y'int nolOt, or a discount of 5 per rent. per annum for ra.11. C. E. HACKNEY, Prop. TIiOS. CAMERON .and .10.4, WHITE ,\0.•a inner r•. THE CAl'$F: OF BORE FEET 'X•171c them r arc funIv and you'll I I erotribly (find corns. \Vhillh'r hard soft or blrrdin., sprits. Putman''+ ('ora Ext r (.•t,.r. II', painless. it's sure, and Clove 111 quirk to art. In• sisl en astit '' iu l n l in's." Scrofula eOAsO asagoWed. though Bad bys.toaiair.Impure water.mong Its came& t is � •stbe KA tor taberchs.and where allowed toe rends i tubsrctit- losis or ooasampdas p' spry to take roots. Hood's _ entre. Get •. Of Removes ranallmile was 1g NMI ea Swift% M& It_ a cls. Low•° new wtIN6NIM BUSINESS GENE Indiyidual instruction No vacation Gold medallists as teachers Highest standard Ask for catalogue Modern business practice Bookkeeping a specialty Ugly towards sluggards Shorthand and typewriting Interested in graduates Newest office systems Enter anyitime Students literary society Sympathetic teachers Commercial correspondence Ornamental penshtp Learn telegraphy Lucrative positions Excellent text books Graduates successful Enter "NOW." Boo. Spotton ASTRAY. --A flock of t:tnle ducks came to 8am'1. McCoy's. Centnalia, about six necks ago. Owner 'can have same by paying expenses. For which we will pay Highest Cash Prices. Call and ace us before cutting the Logs for lengths and Prices. 50 GIRLS WANTED To learn to operate hosiery knit- ting machines. Beginners paid $3 per week and put on piece work •ai soon as they +can cern more. Should be earning from :$1.00 to H1.25 per day in from 6 to 8 stocks. Expert operatorsearn as high as $2.50 High- est wages paid to experienced hands. We will procure good board at $2.25 to $2.50 per ,week !or applicants if desired. The most coutfoldstble, larg- est and best equipped .ltosiesy factory to Canada. Running all the year. This advertisement will be with- drawn as soon as these posItiona are tilled. Apply early to TIIE CLINTON KNITTING CO., Ltd. Clinton, Ont. 11-29-06 Principal. Auction Sale —oI— iHORSi:S, CATTLE AND 1'IGS Mr. Thomas C:tmnrc,n has received Instructions to sell by public :auction on Teacher Wanted. The RossTauIor Go. LW., Exetor. FINE FURS Jackets, Neckware, Muffs, Etc. SEE TOE NEW SQUIRREL TIE BELTZ'S Teacher holding second class pro- fessional certificate wanted (for S. S. No. 10. Usborne• Soervices Ito com- mence with ithe new year. Salary y $500 per annum. Apply 2t Cann, Thames Road. Z(,1t1C11 Mrs. Erecter and %Miss Certie Reader were the guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown. of Crediton, n few days last week. henry Brown has returned home from the Northwest. Mr. I)an Ayotte, of Michigan, vis- ited at J. P. Itau's Last week. Louis Weber, of Rochester. N. Y., visited driends in (town Inst week. Rev. Geiger, of Elmvale. Was hots attending the funeral of his mother last week. 1.()T 9, N. T. It. i'SBOitNE —on— TIIIiIISDAY, NOVEMBER 29, .1906. Commenting at one o'clock sharp the (ollowin. stock. 110RSES-2 draught fillies ricin; ;I scars olc); 2 draught 1 elding9 rising 3 Years and ; :1 draught foals by Lord Ilotc al:u.n ; I drivin:r marc; 1 foal rol by Golden Case ; .1 year old road• Kier by Golden CIOs CATTLE -2 rtL calf r ( foot t 1 row to calve in December: 1 tow to calve in Janu•art• : 2 farrow cows 4 steers risinrr •t years old : e steers 2 Neirs 40141: 4 heifers riving 2 Ienrs old: -1 sheers rising 2 years rod: heifers 10 months o!d. i'It;S— 6 thoroughbred Yorkshire sores 10 creeks old. TERMS OF' SALE 12 months' credit will be ,given on furniMltine :approved neves or 4 pet r0n1 off f ,1 r.Ish. \VM. M10N'r1E'i ll, T. CAMEiRON Prop. Auct. DIt. OVENS, E at E 'the I Commercial SU - goon will ISO Hotel the first Friday of each month Hours, 9.30 a. m. to 4,90 p. rn. Glass- es properly fitted and diseases of eye, ear rind naso treated. Next visit Friday, December 7111. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE TIMES SUM;IBE FOR THE TIMES MEE'rlxG OE THE HERON C01•NTY CO1'NCIL The council of the County or ihtr- nn will meet in the .nnnril chir,tber in the town of Goaerirli r,t three o'clock p. rn. /.n the fir: t TucsdaY in 'December neat. All nceounl3 do come before 1110 cautrit 'must bo placed tti'h the Clerk before first d,y of Isle -lino. W. LANE. C'erk. 11,tc,1 Nev. 20th, 1906. 143 Dundas St. London. FURS made to order: Repaired and Remodelled: Highest price Paid For Raw Piing; THF. LEADING COMMRRC1AL SCHOOL. TO CURE A 00I'.) IN ONE IlAY Take Laxative Promo Qulnin t Tab. lets. All druggists refund a he mon- ey if it falls to cure. E. W. O •nve's signature is on each box. 25e. CENTRAL /; i' $TRATFCAJ. O'tiT• ` --YA ' This school is recognized to he one of the hest Commercia schools in America. You can safely judge a school by the ap- plications it receives. This teras we received applications from firma in six large American cit- ies and from for more towns and cities of Canada including Sask- atoon, Sask., on the west and Charlottetown, P. E. 1., on the East. Our reputation means much for our graduates. Write for our catalogue. D. A. McLachlan W. J. Elliot principal Farmers' Poultry 200 *- Ton S Tons of all kinds of old scrap iron wanted at M. Jackson's EXETER 4F M.JACKSON &SON r Main -St. Exeter. We will pay the highest cash rdi ceor exchange fence posts for same. One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. a, 1 + +++++.H..14'#f.H.* W. wast all your P.tt11b'y, ante .r drusils awl will soy hs IIIIG5EST !RICES kr it. Your poultry may be delivered at:— Henson, Buyer wanted Clandeboye, buyers 8. C. Chowan Jno. Trevithick. G. Bloomfield. Granton. Buyer R. T. Raycraft. Dashwood, buyer W. Shrumm. FLAVELLES, LIMITED, London 6LSIMA8 JWRY. If You Suffer with Rheumatism w Inc Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Firer incur-- anse Gompanu Head Office. Farquhar, Ont.. Or. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy WM Bring the Utmost Relief that Medicine Can. Pres.:—J. A. NORRIS, CROMARTY P.O Vice-Pres.:—J. L. ROSSSLL. RIISSFLLDALE. P. 0. DIRECTORS. W.11. PASSMORE, FARQVEAR P.O WM. ROY, BORNHOLM P. O• WM. BROCK WINCHELSRA P. O. - T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. O.. AGENTS. JOHN ESSERY. Exeter. agent (or Usbotrne and Jliddulph. OLIVER HARRIS. Munro. agent for Ribbert, Fullarton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secy.Treas. Farquhar. OLADMAN & STANBURY, Solloitgra 'The one remedy which many physicians Iapon to free the system of the Rheumatics ons which are the cause of all Rheum Lumbago. Sciatica, Gout. Is Du.Snoop's YAT10 RelaAny. Dr. 5 cop spent twenty fear. In experimenting be- fora he discovered the combleed ch. u,arals which made posalbte one almost always certain cur. toe Bbeumstism, etc Not that Da. SIIOOP'e RadV- �� VATIC oao turn bony 1 totnta Intel) again—thstis / Impo.stb%* Buttecan sad w 111 drt,I from she blood /1e ((( w h t 0 1 DNWed the t 4 4 palinnet feta eodlotn he ala sad welltar. theendofthe suf w/ tering—thee.° of Rheumatism. :�7 Thtsremedyneret falls where °cure (9. ' possible. It 11 tow put up In tablet or Igum either. Yo(1 who have `.,� Kuffem1 and ere suf. ferloz today from panne and aches wlfeb you know to be Rheumatism; you sho expetlll lameness or twinges of pain in dump wisibirra ysoppnsrent esw,e t}Ni(gtcry Dai SHtaOP S war MATZO CURE. 1141 lust the tied of t eamed! that accomplishes results. Sold and teoef► mended by There is nothing more appropriate as a Christ. mas gift than jewelry. We carry the largest stock in Western Ontario to choose from and are showing excepti- onal vellum in DAINTY BRACELETS BROOCIIES BUCKLES STICK PINS OPERA GLASSES LEATHER PURSES PEN DANTS W TCIIES DIAMONDS G fl• want &60• Condon Ontario. Specialists in Diamonds and Cut Olas. OUR PIANO SALES W. S. HOWEY. • For the past month have been. very satisfactory both to our -'- selves and our customers. This,- we his'we attribute to our exceptionatC good values and easy terms of. payments, OUR GOODS PILES QUICKLY AND ) ro3tTt v:. lv cured with Dr. Shoop's Magicoint- ment. Its made for piles ansae—and it docs the work surely and with sa t- istaoLton itchln(, >afn[ul, irr tr d ing of blind piles di appear like mag- ic by its use. Large, Nickel cap— ped glass jars A Howey, and recom- mended by Ily• are the finest the market afford!' and our. terms most liberal. Do not listen to the men who say 411 manner of evil of too but call and see and fudge for yourself Sewing Machines Our Sewing Machines are O. K. Also a fine Line of Statio nery Cheap. S. MARTIN & SO. FARM FOR SALE A choice farm in the township o1 Fullarton, 75 acres. good bank barn. stables and drive house. Five acres, of maple bush. Good drilled well. with wind mill. Good orchard and. nil in high state of cultivation. Fee' terms and p►artioulars apply to Thos.. Oa merest. Farquhar. VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE 1 village 1, r: • e T u a of Fa9 Ilett aero in rll g I on which there in erector! 4.1 large ' brick building fitted for store and' dwelling, and a neat brick oottIUSP land stable n 'l1 be sold separately rnt e1f or in one Moak. THOS. CAMERON Farquhar. •N••••••••NN••••N•••N! •N+N Z THE 1'1OI.SONS BANK • (iucoi•potated by Act of Parliament 1885) • CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • • • • • $ RESERVE FUND • • S3,000.000OO ItoBranchee fn Ontario, (author. Alberta BritishColumb(° and Manitoba FXRTER BRANCH Open every lawful stay from 10 A. W. to 3 P. M. except rotundity 10 A. N. to i T. M. Farms rte Bole Notes+ cashed or collected. Forme supplied On application. 1)ItAs'Ts nn n11 points in the Dominion, Creat Britain and Un- ited stere., bought and cold at lowest rate. of exchange, SAVINGS OEPARTMFNT Deposits; of *1.00 ani upwards received. Interest cam• pounded half yearley, and *deed to principal June 30111 and, December 31st. De- potits iteceipts else t. -red and highest current rates of Interest allowed. Advances* merle to farmers stock dealers and husinese men at lowest rates and on most favorable term*. Agents at Klett? for Dom. Oe.eraseset, t1N•DlCkfcn•N•N+••& fers', fr tet inN D••••••••••••••••••H URDON, Manager. •o+e.•o+•••••nnNN•N• 1