Exeter Times, 1906-11-22, Page 1r►
Secure our Clubbing
We can give you rates for all
daily and principal weeklies pub-
lished in Canada,
Auction Sale Season
is Here.
Advertise your sale in the
TIMES so that every person in
he District will know it.
eo����NN��NHN�NN� H
Phone No. 32.
When you think of Christmas Linens, it is of
the prettiest, most handsome goods YOU ever Flaw.
If you come to OUR STORE you can really see
Shams, Dresser Covers, Side -board
Drapes and Tray Cloths
in drawn and hemstitched work on Linen also neat
cut-out braided patterns on fine Muslin. A speci-
ally nice range of Table Linens, with napkins to
match. Quality of pure linen and very dainty
Goods I/
All the numerous articles made of wool are to be
found here. Ladies' cream Shetland Floss, Shawls and
FascinatorsHoneycomb Shawls in Cream, Grey, and
Black. Children's Hoods, Toques, Clouds, Infants'
Hoods, and Wool Jackets, As pretty as Ribbons and
Silk Stitching can make they!.
Ruling Prices botfi fid-
Cash paid for Poultry. Taken in
every day.
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade furs and dress goods.
JW. BROWNINU, M. D.. M. 0.
• P. 8., Graduate Victoria Uni•
oven*Moe r idenenos. Dominion.
�as. and Surgeons. 800eeseor to De. J. A.
Roldna. Office train street Ratdenee, east
ttlh Ant street north of Post Office. Exeter.
gtR8. Y. AND H. M. COWAN, 304
Piccadilly Street, London, Ont.
one ISIS, Long Catena* 000nectioo.
attention given diseases of women and
ops Oxford or C. P. R. Streetcars to
street take you almost to the door.
. rr4os
!No other city office. Special Hospital and
other arrangements for patients from a
DR. 111cllllIDE, L. R. C.. P.S. EDIN•
who has taken a course In the
Edinburgh, London and Paris hos-
pitals, will look alter Dr. .\icLaugb-
tin's practise in Dashwood, while the
latter is taking a further course in
medicine in Europe.
DR. A. R. KING . L.D. 8. D. D. 8.. RoomO sats
f>f Tomato University. tie.
•attested without pus e
Wetter etter ousts. Moa le T
son's Moot. Wast side of Mele
arose. IRxM r•
R. A. F. ROULSTON. L. D. 8..
D. D. 8., Dentist. Member of
C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OPVIc :—Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental pulon.
we bores lathe amount at private fates is
aim11sw ane sad vi lys properties at lowesto.
Barrbtu.e 8otiottors. Mita Si metas.
• t+lNieitses� Notaries Ogees=
Masse Ishan a1 lowest rases of hapset&
0/11(32 9-1041.111 STARRT. I<ISTIgt,
allitaine .a.
lii anusr. windrown. money to loan
N �Mrsr a sadneens tQMarse,
tett to Ifs rIu.. s at m7
li'ttoebet PRI resolve proetot altos
have aalimftse trate fonds for invest
sas yesr false**taros impiety el bwee
Or,ranist of 'Miitt Memorial Church, Exeter.
Rano, Or4'an, Harmony an.I Theory 01 Music
Terms on Application. Exeter, Ontario.
R. s. mate., !leveed.tuotioneer for the ('o nty-
M H, ,
tm,Cha �cwmladen
e All communication, snat�t
a.ldressealo .
t 1 ... M,illi 11
ps, a mvl
1, or orders left at a
Times Ofri,.•e will marl,. prorupt attention.
The Meaers. I'almer, Stoneman,
Brown and Itannie, the males Qucrrttet
of the Methodist church, took part
la the concert ut the Methodist
'harelt st Stales on Monday evening.
Kr. Jelin Torrance. Liceuae In-
utestat' paid a visit to our town on
Mies I'.odd. of Woodham. visited
Loi sister. Mrs. W. J. Wilson, last
Mr. Robert Carlisle, Jr., of Lon,
dost, via:itcd his parents on Friday
Mrs. 1i. Nesbitt is spending
couple t,t weeks in Toronto trenewin
Mr. Itobt. Connacbic, of liarriaton.
la visit+ug tin the 'neighborhood.
Mr. J. W. Ont Wein. Ikaven Ifo
Montreal shortly aon a purcbanin
tour. s t . dalset
Mr. 1t. Blatchford, of Exeter, topent
Saturday in our village.
Itev. Mr. \Nilson. of Staffa. preach-
ed in the Methodist church on Stto-
day. In the evening he agave a
temperance discourse in view of the
local option catnptaign to be theld in
Miss Maria Giliann has returned
from .her visit to Soaforth.
Rev. J. E. J. .D1illyard, of Burr,
will occupy the pulpit in the Metho-
dist church on Sunday ,next. quench.
ins missionary sermons.
Mr. Thomas Hudson and dcunily
visited in Seufortah on Sunday.
Mr. James Logan and wife visited
Seaforth on Monday owing Ito the
illness of Mr. James Troyer, Soamnert-
ly of this place. who was kicked in
the stomach by a horse en Friday
last. IIe is slowly improving.
Chas. Troyer. tax collector of Hay,
wail at the Queen's on Monday.
Where Tuany of the fartnees met to
pay their taxes.
R. J. Livitchelt, of Seaforth. gave
our village a call on Thursday. last.
Mr. John Zuefle was called to Sen-
ferth on Thursday Jest in order to
help \\',ills' Shoe Factory get in
rilnping shape, John haviea iesd
cos 5idorablc experience fn t! " line
of work.
Mr. Ambrose Smith, Manager of
the sovereign Bane, A>1mor, calitb
on his old friends here on Saturday,
Mr. Smith was tonmerly on the
staff of the ALolnon's here.
Mrs. Chas.Witeon has returned to
Ler home in Listowel after epentT-
ing several weeks with her son
Town Treasurer Mr. Joseph F•llis
was in Goderich last week having
the town books audited by the. Pro-
vincial Auditor.
Mr. W. M. Harburn returned last
week from his hunting -trip .bring-
ing ,back the largest deer seen in
these parts for some time,
Hiss Flornce Pope has returned
to her position at J. C. Stoneman's,
hav'ing fully recovered from her late
$1.00 per year in advance
Miss Virtu hell. of Lumley is vis-
iting ,Air. and Mrs. Thos. Coward.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Talbot. of
Iltake, visited Mr. and Dire. John
Routley over Saturday and Sunday
of last week.
Mrs. William Taylor, of Chicago,
Mrs. Dodge. St. Johns. Michigan.
Mrs. Henry Taylor and too Ikirold,
of New York. and Mira. I'incomb
were all the aucstts of ?Ir. and Mrs.
\Vm. Delbridgo during last week and
with the exception of 'Mrs. Dod_,e
and Mrs. Pinoomb are et.ill r'njoyiug
a the beauties of rural life.
3 Sunshine Sunday school have- oom-
menoed to practise for their annual
entertainment to bo given on Xmas
night. This Sunday School has
r more than an ordinary reputation
it for having a splendid program laud
It is expected that thin year will ex-
cel anything that hails ever been
presented in the church.
Mr. Frank Durdke returned home
on Saturday after working the sum-
mer in Brussels at the butter mak-
ing .business. Mr. Durdle is a euc-
cessful butter inakar and has been
re-engaged in tho same factory for
next summer at a good advance In
Tht - Y �N111 Alms gored
Fine weather yet—may it continue.
Mr. James Hannah Jr., and wife
1443 Mr. Ezra Brenner .and wife vis-
ited the tatter's father ,and other
friends over Sunday.
Mr. Joseph Brenner let the con-
tract last week for cutting off the
tope of the poplar t reem which grow
along the front of bi.s residence, and
no doubt a1,y person wanting wood
for the winter could procure a sup-
uty from the contractors, Atesars.
Ritmo and Gratton.
Mr. John 'laird h.s been laid up
for a few day's but rte hope to Ices
him around a,;.tin in a feu' days.
Mr. tle:,m;u+ Std the' misfortnne
one day Iasi nce.k to loose one 01
his deer—a buck about 2 ye.tre old
He was killed ey the older busk
which hooked him, taut t ing one of hri
prone clean through i,im.—ifs no
doubt knew /leer icnson was in.
Mr. Fred Page has purchased a
ewF r '
horse. which will I no doubt prose
good investment.
ior.ris Brenner is e-1 present
building a large ice Jiou+ct for Ilse
convenience of himself ea well as
sly ()theist w b., want arty summer
Dole r.
Air..l,L•n Sour Iwo( t t-irited in Lort-
on list week bring railed ro 1 ha
uneral of lass son -itis -13%v. ili re-
cturned en Saturday.
That tired languid feeling and
dull headache is very disagreeable
Take two of Carter's Little, Liver
Pills before retiring, and you will
find relief. They never fail to do
' Civil Engineer& Architect
(Late department of I'ut,li• works, Canada.)
Connthing Enjineer for N tifsicipal and County 'I
Work, Lle•tri.• railroads, Sewer•a,re and Waterworks (
System Khan es, Rridisand Re -enforced Concrete, r
then 2220 London Ontarn
Don't Monkey
•:;"6, with that Cough
Howey's Syrup title Pry liar
Big bottle
fur a quarter
Ten• .anniversary services on Sun.
d iv last were very largely attended,
((et'. Dr. Warner. President of Alms
Co!le,re, St. Thomas, occupied the
pu!i i' and preached two very elo•
uuent and prariioal sermons. Thu
Trustee !loans. wore Fncccsslut in
raising the required amount of imon-
ey needed.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. Hind. of Exeter.
spent Sund,y last the guest of Mr.
and Mrs, E. Coul(i..
Mr. John Andrew was confined to
the houa.ye for a few days with an
attack of sciateta rheumatism,
\tr. it. T)elbrill a and daughter. of
Ete:cr, spent Sunday Nith Mr. Geo.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright 'pen,
Situr,!ay visiting relatives in Str,t•
The C. O. C. F. had .a fr'c srrd
r •s„ rani wiped of eon.ts, Teti t a t ion.
rt'atdtnyY, let't!•c)R•s acid grani tnhen
selections. A very pie of hour
was spent.
!taster Arthur neatly had h1n
hand operated on lust S itucday.
Master John Wi'I:.ams Is suffer:n-1
from a sore knee. 1)r. Campbell i•,
n attendance.
I,. O. i.. No. 591 h is en!12ee1 Mr.
W. J. White for rho entertainment
in Aix rdeen hill on the nieptlt of
IN c. St 1. qtr. \\' lisle w::i apl'ea. in
different rh:rraet.•rs.
Ttie annivers-ary of the Kirkton
Methodist church will trbetel next
Sorrily. lieu. Anderson, of list h,
wilt en -copy ih` pulpsl h• th morning
alai! evening.
The services in Si. J'1111'S church
Will tt dispensed with n'•st ?unlay-
onaccount of the ane,iv •r .try servi-
ce.; ill the Method 1 ,t chtrch.
We understand Mr. ',tackler is
moving into his new bens,. this
Fill start Mr. 1'letch•'r 31111
i Fo•ter agoing.
Per bawds is sad Chlllres.
1M Mud Yoe Nave Always Ii
Boars MO
Illirnataro of
DIJsy Jean 1'rinyle is tho guest of
Miss Vera Campbell this week.
Mise Josie Westlube left Saturday
to visit J1iss Ada Kerslake near Exc.
Mr. C. hackney bad a Not\j'Suo-
cesstul sale of horses at Exeter last
At the recent exams ut lit:IIarys
Collegiate Institute. R. D. Turnbull
and W. A. Gardiner took lt:hn two
highest standings in the second forte
Congratulattonn boys.
Wedding belle will be ringing in
our made in the near future, !sortie.
ulars later.
Rural telephones are .lhe rage
around here these days.
Master John Riley, who has been
en/aged wit h Mr. Chas. Harris, dur-
ing the past sum -ober returned borne,
Mr. Andrew hackney Is staving :tiro
brick drawn for hie new residence.
.14ess Janet Balientyne, of Exeter
visited •)'r iesrente here over Sun-
The fermata around thin vicinity
are taking adirantago of the fine
weather. and are 'fitting their
ploughing completed.
Mr. Wm. Paestmoro is Suffering
from nn attack of appendicitis.
Mr. C. Ashby ie the quest of Mr.
John Riley also Mr. Victor Davies.
1:XI.TKIt flOt1KCII,
The adjourned meeting of aha
council was held Friday evening, all
members being present except Coun-
cillor Fuke.
The Reeve and Clerk +veru ap-
Loiated to investigate the matter of
Geo. Mc\VLlliams, now oon(intid in
the asylum at London, and who. ac-
cordin„ to she reoorde of thy asylum
was seat from Exeter in 1878. Ac-
cording to an act passed .by the last
Legislature each corporation 19 re-
sponsible for the keep of inmates
sent 'to the asylums. to the extent of
ten tents a day sepals.
The following bills were passed
and orders paid: J. Wood. .gravel,
*1.20: James Derr. labor. $3.15; Fred
Kerr. tile- $2.1.22: Quern City Oil Co..
$3.95; Times printin,, 402.75; Thos,
Creech. labor, 36.25; It. Davis, labor,
$3.50; G. Atkinson, labor 113.00:
Eli Snell. labor, $1.50; Thos. Sand-
ers, labor. 32.00 W. \Vestoott, labor,
$1,38; John Gill. ni„htw•atch, $1.50;
Chris Luker. nitthtwatch, 31,50; John
Woetcott, nightwa tele $1.50; Silas
Ilandford, labor. $1.75; Mra. White,
scrubbing, $1,25; Thos. Itoulden, la-
bor, 31.00; Geo. Cudmore, Labor $4;
eisborne Council, rent road scraper
$4,00; W. Davis. labor $5.00; W. .1.
iiia et1. salary, $32.00; W. J. Dissett
meals for f r:s.mp, $1.25; John Ford,
salary. $27.00; C. i1, Snell, electric
lighting. $95.00; !toss & Taylor, lum-
ber for cemetery residence, 4100.00;
Fred (
,I 1
E ft
labor, 31.00; John
lessee street water ing Jn snr;ng. $20.
Considerable controversy arose over
the p,ytn^nt of the c!tctrio li.ht bill
Mr. Sne'll's :account was cut (rorn
$100.60 to $95, with the undees.tand-
in:r that he have toe arc dynamo in•
rt,llcd before tilt• next nl<eting,
A e1elegalion composed of itrv.
Collins, .1. J. Knight and T. !Hawkins,
waited oil 111,' (.o11neil in referc•uce to
the eosin", up ,;f Daldnt in street int- t
meditate!). .,:orth of the Trivitt Metn.
oriel ehurelt and deeding it Fick to
the church. Rev. C'ea!lini explained 1
that the street was a part of 1 1
property purchased by the church
and tome tears ago turned over to ,)
the rorper, tire. an action which %% ae
:if 1h.% time di=t,Ftcfut to ,cr.:Le of
the church people. The street, air.
Collin-, contended. is of very tittle
Ilse to the village. an.l the church
d; nidus of having it back
ar.tin. if bring t heir sae nese to rake
a lawn of it, •:ud be..utifv-
ing it by ul::nting trees. Any
expense incurred by rctson of
the trans!r i= to be borne
by Ah erhurch people. The matter
by the church ('refile. The /natter
council until the church people r in
get those who are fx`nrfitted by the
street. 10 eonlvn7 to the c'o'isg up
of the street. n until such consent
is given, the p,ssing of i bylaw
transf0rin'r the property hick to the
church would he of no (avail.
A pet ippon of ., number of resi-
di'n:s was i'id. asking 11►tt an elec-
tric 1.: -tnt or netted at the ro nor of
John atrl Andrew streets. The rr•
(lural t4•,. ttr:urtrd end a light will
be place(' on the corner. Another
tight w i11 h • '•ut uta :e-1 11,0 ror'n,.r of
Ilnron .and \i t;ii.rul fteeots. 1 he
deputy setu.rni.ir officers land p,nll
clerks. who aet^et 'viten er` ante was
11144n it 'r.'n the Cinnin r f'rte ry
g'0,0.0 ware ,nlnin'C11 to ,rt it t1,
January election
The rot' ri' ss :Ii meet 1,f -in on
November 00th.
Larry Invites the Gov
! masa,,...
It's a foine thin; to Ire un tin'
eid once frinds, what can ehpako th'
!same languidge an' be th' same dia-
ilect aa yersel, an' whin Oi met ants
!old fried Frank Davis av Saintebury
Ith' ithct afhtcrnoon. Oi settled
down ft' an' evenin's entertainment.
Prank wtsz corrin' along th' eht.rcet
whin Oi ran anroit Lim singlet'
'Oi'll dhre s her up in silks so fine.
Ane iball dhrink lb' best av
Ile japers! but we'll cut ;t shoiue
Th' day whin what's iter name is
"Larry" sez Frank, "are yez alb -
ter readin' about th' Dook and Dook-
ess av Castle something in France,
jet tin' divoorced. an' th' D•cokess av
Marlebough givin her husband $100,-
000 a year to kapo him in enough
shpendin' monncy, so that Ilex
mother won't have to bo afther put -
tin' patches on hes pants, to !,tape th
London fogs out aV hez aistem. Be.
gorry it's it good Lesson for our
Canadian git•-ris not to he thry'in' to
be punetua1in' their names void high
ferlutin :titles.
-Larry Oiv bane re-adin' that 1'rer!-
ident ltootsefelit has taken a thrip
down to i'annyma to easncrintind th'
job av diggin' th' big ditch acrort
th' continint an' Oi wuz thinkin'
what a feline thing [would bo to
stave tit' Goveriner Gineral come uu
here art' sooperintind th'-buildin' av
th' E(imvilIe ditch, what ez Sero'
dust forninst mY place. Ifo japers
we'd give him n foino sec ption, an'
he wuddent be afhter havin' to wear
his frock Boat far shtyla, rz tet' dig -
gin' av ditches doesent nada any
shweIl furbelows. Oi drink if we
could get him up here, he would be
shtruck wid tit' countbry. Wed
get Gas Gahr, th' man .who bosses
tit' machine, to Fhed hes toil cloth
coat for th' occasion an Harry Colo
bert would put on a divin' suit, to
ch0wnhboimgonIhrya,t tw�ee marueany whin
ikIcosIInPowoweoita to shwimmin under vther.
DaiLvckis, 1e-dyfo'yien.ashtNO,iorlllshtuTein dDctt
iver handled a cudgel or boraert ter
that nlattber. Ex near ez Oi can
renumber he wuz born in Tipperary,
an' bcjnpers yed think so if yes
could only hear him ellpade a few
lolrres av Girlish dialect, Then Oid
rind an invitasion over to me wind
Billy Wade at Grand Hind, es Oi
know he'd be planed to ntoet th'
look Oi mean th' Governor. Gineral,
an' Oi wuddent ruoind •nein' .him for
a sheen mese!.
But gettin' back to what we will
do whin th' Governir Cineral tures.
Oi want yez to underahtand Oi don't
want yo to bo gettin' into a foigbt
wid everybody from nnesilf down to
tit' preecher, not because yen are not
good natured, but ivory wan will be
thinkin ye have indigestion an' ya'il
be grellin' :t punch in th' eye, an'
will be :,fhter havin' to take pepsin
pills an' dhrink half :t barrel lav
trot wither afore break( ant if Jez g,:t
too frisky.
"Oi suppose' th' Governir Gineral
do a thing to that ditch whin
he at rvives" sez
"He will straiten things out all
rite scz Prank. 14inin' back in ilea
chair an' orossin' hez legs as if he
was satisfied to hive me on tit' re-
ception con►rnytee.
"Oi ran Nee hint now. Loike ea 1tot
;ill els' s w,Ile whoopin'
around nresi kinident' <pcecJars,ill ,ii' )pro.
Itevington from Mooresville will be
on ll:
rad retain' poetry, :un' th'
Governir Gin'ral will say •hn 0i d1•
laighted an' n•:11 take off hez caret
ani' roll lap .hez shirt ahleet-('s, an'
tell Gus Gulir to sit down :t tninnit,
till lie shows hilt bow to oar' r ire ,hez
.conn shovel, an' he'll snake us t pink
insoi,le nv forts seconds that wo are
in our infan'y whin it comee to di, -
gin' ,!itches,
Ar 7(01,0 we'll have to have :t
In � e _ t' t
+ c , ion a m: .• r -
t c m tt an !ro t
r ee
!ora r)' 111 rsl.alls an' Vice Presidents
an' other excuses for nearin' b,dt.-s.
They will all ,Star'( out behoind Lint
e1•1 1lt' Cent rIli' b:n,1 p,l iyin' a dig•
elf ied wedding march, an' tet' fir?t
using we'll know th' Governor
will be huatlin' ,long so fast that
'1' bu:'I wi.'1 fall ore t h' bass
drool. an' by a h' tr,irne they have got
th' biro) en it; feet agin, an' tit'
t tenlbon0 player hez unthtt allowed
1e' lithe end av th' horn, Ii,' ditch
rill he sluarted.
Now Larry whin a V Z rent' down
)•• r,r•f'11 not to 11,. a irryin' \\'ea-
er- dirl:11.0,lit:1;trievrso.r y••i 1 1„' *1(44)4]
:ina•r thfines an' shot fu11 av
1r0741', Y'ran 0.1rrl'::11'itrullav exceii• print ler ale.
ftin'1:, 1111: he shore an' ihtop up alt'
sl•t•our w'id a prairie, so ye won't he
-if liter leakin' anny sr it,
ernor General.
Meat, vegetables,
and all kinds of
food with Sargent's
Gem Food
All Sizes in Stock from $1 to $2.50. Raisin Seeders from
cents to $1.25.
and Stove Store
Our Christmas Stock
Is complete and contains everything in the Jewelry
Line, -
Silverware, Cut Glass and Fine Hand.
Painted China.
We have the Swellest Line of RINGS and LOCK—
ETS, latest styles, latest finish and best equality,
combined with PRICES that ARE RIGHT. We
feel sure we can please you, call and see for yourself
S. Fitton,
P. S.- -Wedding Rings a Specialty.
Issuer of
Marriage Licenses
111 II :ORM ilt pilIt•1141,11 R 7llttWyle flli s
We have just received a large shipment of all kinds of
Christmas Chinaware suitable for presents for anybody.
Toys and Dolls of All Kinds
Everything in stock to please the Children. Bring them in and let them bay
a good time. Berlin Wool all colors Scents an ounce; Slipper.Solee all sires. e
Saskatchewan Valley Lands For Sale
I have souse good Bargains listed with me. Have just returned from the
West and have seen all the land I have for sale. Call at the store and see
samples of the Soil also samples of wheat and examine the maga of the eotinttt'y
Now is the time to buy if you want to make monev as land is rapidly in-
creasing in value.
We have a beautiful selection of the latest designs.
Come and get our prices, all !narked in plain figures.
We ask you to cone to this store for furniture because we believe you
will get the kind you want. The stork ;includes all those pieces that
appeal to good taste on account of their design. finish. character and richness
We can show newest idees and the most popular furniture:for the hone, that
can he found any place, town or city.
it wuz deroided betwixt us to sine
i1a' i!•titasion down to 11 v 11ghness, OPERA BLOCK. Leading Furniture Dealer and 17ndertaker
an' ez F'r:ank his a betttsn:' way av
setditt' cut its•ilasions, that is th'
wordin' av f him than Oi have, Oi
1of1 eta' tnOther \i•t
tet' Governor Girter .1 w:!l arroirf'
,fore 110 trinther r'.:� -
LIKE A 'rIJJEI• iii 111F: N1(iIIT
Tr lata' ) ow paid rr),nt}, We n:1
noir nn,lopen 1'in=1'w, 701 ntiif 'i.k
or ..e.r0 hick. l'erh,ap.s coot off r0>
oaickly ;a(Icr exertion— rdn0ntn,ti•m Canadian Pacific Railway Lands
devrfcp=. Sp�•nd what you mis. bail
monev r1n•t buy nnythin,r ►,slur
We arc offering for sale a number of personally
f7 ,elected Sections of`J
Sala l'(t.on•s Nervil,ne. it•s pine•
!satin,: power ,nrh!t••' ,t tr. tr.,rh
,trop ti moues,—lbit'+ wily it r ireq
rr1,04 that nil 'I..e. r^tt't tenth. For
foil ii it,t ap,alir 11 i•' -1t w 0 jo'r:n+t •^0
rite tittles more ,irenrlla than in
n. other Ihinrent, lr,•.yRutty it'4
rakes. and ,s su-.' •.e 1 Is' M•reafter
r' a t r•r. e, 13•11.4 ,crypt ., 'nh.
for Poison' \-rviline v.hi'h
e • he one rreif h0u.nfir.l41 banal -ea
of ,,i day.
Canadian Northern Railway Lands
Canada North West Land Co's Lands
Those lands are 'situated in close. proximity to the new towns on the flan.
aliwo Pascoe, Canadian Northern end Oran(' Trunk Pacific railroads, and
ha,veall peen carefully selected Iry rn•. Tues' land% era bound to increase
rapidly in t•alnr. r,w L, the time to purrhw•o. Very littoral terms allowed
on atle of above land,. For further informer:•,n a 411 on or write
Office at Residence, EXETER, ONT.