HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-11-15, Page 8:..''4. 111,s ,.' 've lerfirerealut M. My TEWART'8 TS and OVERCOATS New Rcady•to wear Suits and Overcoats for Men and Boys you w hat rye are doing a nice trade in our new Men's Store- c'r ,i in and see what we are showing. We will be pleased to ou through. The new Styles are very catchy. CIAL VALUES For a very slick Blaen Over- coat-, full long length, well lined, a good looker and good weal er. For swell new Black Vien na Overcoat, long and full with creasedSeaws and long ‘,•eete-. This is a snap. For Men's Suit that we are 10 prepared to stake our rep- utation on. We know there ie no/such value in the (nr lh s ple reason that r spot cash and y suit with our money back if fled. Fr the test Kersey Over 2 coat we know of. Long swagger style, with centre vent and hip creases. regu lar city style. See this line. $4.00 $4.25 For Boya' fancy Tweed Overcoats, small neat pat- terns and shadow over - checks the kind that the $511 boys like to wear. Smart • and up to the moment. $7.50 For Men's Ready-to- wear Tweed Suits im- mense lot to Pick from. Every suit thor- oughly tailored and perfect fitting omen's Fur and Fur -lined Coats Nearly hundred to pick from. We don't think there is an- such a fur stock in the county. Come in, we will be delighted ow you through. The saving will be all yours. For Christmas can't fail to see our Beautiful lot of Japanese China it comes to us from Japan, the spot where they know so well how to tthn Minty China, so much admired. Come, you are welcome to a Set. Produce is as good as Cash. ,iter, 21c per lb.; Eggs 20c a dozen; Dried Apples 50 a lb. ;s SWT ••••••••••••••i Work at the evaporator stopped Ion Saturday. 'MON DS 1 Diemoade for those who ad- rnit* them. and who doesn't have a utiful stock of monde exquie- and BROOCHES fought Loose cutters and with a gusr- ving special we have in they will `25.00 dia- at value. rtment tested free. g Rings r�ha�0 NNN••N HIND kat all the Good Chances past are likely to need a new next six months you a teelf a favor by getting antage 'al Discount of Man oto a readv- ves-fttake the Suit $ the Man .and to fit him ft were his own Suit -not wed one. If You want •e have the reputation of be- fog a correct dowser let US do t;he Telloirng for you, and you Will ever be sure of terials good Fit, SpecialWork- manship M ork- manship and petted, finish. Tollosb, Mr. and Mire. T. II. McCallum etre visiting in London. Mr. Donald McInnis returned last Saturday from ithe Northwest. Elder Elliott. of London, tiieited his parents Sunday and Monday. Mr. Hobbs, of Bier, is the •guest of hle daughter. Mrs. (Rev.) Collins. Miss Ethel Sweet. of 8t. Marys, was at •her home here dant week visit inr Mrs. Lyons and daughter, of Lon- don. visited frionda in town dust week. Mies Daniels, of Strnthroy, visited Miss Gertie Harvey from Friday telt Monday. Miss Penwiek, of Port Huron. vie - ted Mrs. Harrow's at the Commercial Iaet week. Mr. W. Prout of 8t. Catherine,. is visiting his sister, Mrs. James Atkinteon. Mr,,. Al. Bedford. of London, vis- ited her pewter. 'Mre. Curtis harness on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Ford, who we•,t out 'to the Northwest !ant npriu3, stave returned home. Miss Stanbury, of Bayfield, was the guest of Mr. and Mre. J. G. Stanbury het week. Mr. and Mrs. David Richards, who sent the past summer in the North- west, returned home Monday. Mr. Ifendereen and Minn Haw- thorne, of 8eafortle were the quests of Miss I. halls Saturday and Sun- day. A DcIIGdtcThroat Probably you haven't had any trouble for several months bet you may have now. Cool nights and snappy mor'ninge may bring unpleasant reminders of a delicate throat. If you grow hoarse, without any apparent reason, if no ugly little hack arises. you need Howey's Syrup White Pine & Tar at Once it soothes and heals, and beat of all, it prevents those severe spasms of coughing which are so likely to produce soreness of the lungs. Price 25 cts. W. S. HOWEY Phm. B. Chemist and Optician Next door to Post -office. Exeter �-..._....,.:?ate-.• Market Report. -TM following is the report of Exeter markets. ser- rated up to November 15th. Wheat, 7Ua. per bushel. Oats. 34c. to 35o. per bushel. Barley. 43 to 45 aet•-t.& per buehet. Peas, 75c. to 70e. per bushel. Shorts. $20 per ton. Flour, $2 per (-wt. llran. $18 per ton. Hay. $8 to $10 per ton. Potatoes. 95 cents per bar. Feed Flour, $1.20 to $1.45 per cwt. Beans. $1.30 per bushel. Clover seed. $7 to $8.50 per bus. Egos, 20c, a dozen. Butter. 21 cents per pound. Hogs. dreamed, $7.50 per cwt. Hogs. liveweiirht, $5.50 per cwt. Coal. $7,00 per ton. Lange onions, 60o • bushel. Chicken. 9c. per patina. Hens, 7r per pound. Ducks, 9c. per hound. Geese, 9c. per hound. Turkeys. 13c. per pound. Dried Apples, 50. per pound. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15ih, 1908 ••••♦•N LOCALS I I RUFFS and STOLES Doing something in FURS these days. Good quality, and low Prices account for it. We sell Good Furs. Reliable l Furs and you know as well ,as we do that in Puts, it pays to Pay for quality. Most people want good Furs and that is the kind we sell. FUR JACKETS Ladies Attraoitan Jacket, bright cur), Collars and Reveres of American Sable, with belt. Selling at $45,CO, FUR -LINED JACKETS k,.. .TiiLadies' Fur -lined Jackets. 46 inches tong Collar and Reveres of Sable, 00.00. Ladies' Fur -lined Jackets. Col• lar and Reveres of Isabella Fox, very stylish. $00.00. • ***Oa******NMWe have all the popular Furs including Alaska Sable, Anterican Sable, Isabella Sable, Red Fox, Grey Fox, Ruffs and Stoles, Division Court wart held here yes- terday. Mr. Garnet and Mise Elia Heywood spent Sundry in Mit hell. Mrs. Glanville is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Sweet. k. W. Gladman attended Division Court at Zurich Tuesday. Mr. E. H. Fish, of London. was a caller in town a few days during the past week. Mrs. George Eaoret t. is visiting friends in Mooresville. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was in Code - rich Monday on legal business. Miss Charlotte Sweet, who - has been seriously ill, is now improving. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seldon vis- ited relatives at Ingersoll over Sun- day. Mr. John Muir and son, Will, lett Wednesday evening for u trip to Scotland. Mra. Spearin, of St. Marys. spent a few days of last week with her sister, Mrs. Tapp. Mrs. Jas. Thompson. of Seaforth, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. John Muir, of town. Mrs. Davis, of Hamilton, has re- turned home after a short visit with her mother, Mrs. I'. Fisher. Mr. William Trott, of Beamsville, and a former resident of Exeter. vis. lied in town a few days last week. Mr. George Barton. who was in the west during the past spring and summer, ,returned home Last Friday evening. Mr. Andrew lIodeert, of Farquhar, brother of A. E. Ifodgert. Exeter. returned theme from the west Sat- urday. Mr. William Fletcbor, who some time ago purchased'the realdeotre of Joseph Cobbledick, moved into town T ueaday. Mra. Percy Luxton, of South Bend Ind., arrived in town Tuesday night 'to visit her father Mr. Thomas Wil- lis. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harton, with Mrs. \Vcatcott. of Deadwood, N. D., spent last week with relatives in Strathroy. Mra. John Jarrott and daughter, Mrs. Edwin Jones. visited last week with Mr. and Mira. Harold Smith. of London. Squire Leathern moved Ito London last week and will. remain tthcre dur- ing etre winter with hie daughter, Mrs. Hund. Mr, Joseph Senior, town clerk. took a trip down to Blenheim the latter part of last week to visit des father who is ill. Mr. Al. Motet.. of St. Marys, tor. reedy clerk for Snell & Rowe, is Eli with typhoid lever tit the Noma of his parents in 'Mitchell. The Ladies Guild of the Triv$t.t Meinoriat church purpose bolding their annual bazaar on Dec. 7tb, af- ternoon and evening. Fuller an- nouncements later. At a meeting of the directors of the Canning company held Monday evening, it was decided to use brick in the erection of thhe building in. stead of cement block. It is reported that the Duke of Connou;ht, Inepcotor-General ot Forces. will- make an official tour of Canada, after viaitinx the Far East. He will be accompanied by the Duel - es. and Princess Patirici:a. The Duke will start on hie tour next month. For the three 'months ending Octo- ber 31st, Mr. John Torrance, license inspector for South : Huron. se- cured nine conviotiona for infringe- ment of the liquor Act. Every ease enteral by Inspector Torrance has resulted in a conviction. Mrs. George Hart and family and Mrs. Richard Jones and little eon, who have been visiting 'their parent. Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. of Exeter. for two menthe, returned last week to their home in Seattle. Washington, taking with them their two neicaes, Misses Lizzirc and Annie Cochrane, of Hills (seen. The town council met Monday night for the regular transaction of business but on account of the ab- sence of Clerk Joseph Senior, (he meeting was adjourned until Tues- daq evening. Aa only .he Reeve, Councillor Beaman and Clerk senior appeared the meeting was further adjourned until Friday evening. The Conlon Knitting Co. Ltd., are advertising in another column for 50 girls to learn to run knitting ma- chines. This company built a new building last year and egnipp d it with the most up-to-date maoh.rwtry they could buy and claim to have the finest factory of the kind in Canada. They holier^ 'n grrtyin,( the highest wages 'to • best work and this polity h. ,;.teirently prov- ed eucceenful as ,several thousand dollars worth of new machinery has Wen lnat.illed recent!, to meet the increased demands for their ,goods. This should be an excellent oppor- tunity for girls to earn good wages, at picasant employment near ihottne. FURS FOR THE YOUNG LADIES The Children and Mis- ses Fur needs are carefully and economically looked after by us, we give special attention to, Greg Lamb Furs, Caperines, Ruffs, Stoles and Gauntlets at very reaeouable prices. SNELL 7c ROWE Mr. Wm. Sweet to town last week Inca and are now street, and family moved 1 from St. Cather• living on Mill -for- M r. Wes. Neelsle the we,'t, during months returned weak. Mrs. 11. C. Darn, of Zurich, was a visitor in town a few days ktet week prior to leaving for Winnipeg. Iter new bonne. Willie Snell, son of Mr. and bars. Ell Snell. who has been muttering trom oppendicitus was operated on last Friday morning and is now i;omewhat improved. Rev. Alexander Henderson. of Lon- don. preached in the Caven Pres- byterian Church last Sunday in the absence of Rev. Martin, who took the -pulpit .at Blyth. Mr. W. I. Chisholm, 1(1. A., of Kincardine, who was kat week cleat. ad as a representative of the Ad• visory Council on oduaational 11 ab. tern, is a cousin of Mr. W. D. Weekes. We recommend our readers do eub- eoribo to ithe Farmer's Advocate and Home Magazine. the been tsgricul- tural journal in America. The Times and Farmer's Advocate Olen now till Jan. 08. $2.25. The anniversary isrovione of the James street 'Methodist Church will be ),cld Sunday..neeembor 9th. Rev. Dr. Daniels. of the Colborne 'street Methodist church. London, will tlko charge of the nervines. Mr. Albert Greenlaw tis been engaged .as bees soloist. A 'happy event took place nt the residence of Mr. Peter Frayne on Wednesday, November 7th, when his daughter Ella, was married Ito Mr. Samuel Jory. Only the immediasto relativo.i were present and ithe ceremony w•aa eerfortned by Rev. A. H. Going. Mr. and Mra. Jory swill reside on tlw 2nd tonceesi,on of Ste- phen. Mrs. G. W. Davis and family left Tuesday for Berwick, Lteiny River district. where she will join her husband. Mr. Davis has an interest in a granite quarry there, the Ease being Hooper. Hookys and Davis. Mrs. II. C. Doan. of Zurich, eccom- penied Mre. Davis, being deatined for the same town where her hus- band. Dr. Doan, lntenda locating in a few weeks. The evening of Ocl. 9th, the 65th anniversary of Ilia elajesty King Ed- ward VII wars celebrated by it num- ber of nen and boys setting fire to the bruit' heaper at the cost end of John street. The illumination could be seen for mites and ninny of ties country folk thought tome building watt afire in town. During the. day flags were flying from several Iyd. Ings in honor of our beloved/ Sov- ereign's birthday. (( The canning factory has con.plet. ed this work of canning this year's crop of tomatocn, and are now w rk- ing, on apples. They .put upis year 400,000 cane of tone-U.oee, etl�1 they expt.et to do up !about ten eats loads of apples. Tho past season has been a profitable one for tomato growers. H. Lavender received $Ik0 for his crop on 1 3.4 acres. Wit- ter Jnm's, son of Wm. James, re- ceived $191 oft 2 1-4 acrea. Geo. 'Young made $175 off two aerea. Lewis Wigle grew , $900 worth. - Leamington Poet. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Delbridttie returned last Friday tram an ex- tended trip ,through the Northwest. Mr. rind Mre. Delbridgc, although they enjoyed their 'trip, were in two train remelts. The first one wan the Sudbury wreck in ,which so many People were killed. The other oii,; wan near Brandon. but wits without any fatalities. Two engines . oamii together. but wore going et - low Tedspeed. 'rhe only person injured was . cook on the dining ear, and the passengers bad to forego the plea- sure of their mid-day anent in con- eeqttene . The Kale of thoroughbred im- ported Clydcedalea. held last Fri- day wen not as successful as antic* pated. In all 'there were about 46 horses brought hero tin he nuctioned but only a dozen were rod. The prices offered were too low for bit Marriott and the owner called the Nilo off. They wrre @hipped to Chab. ham to be disposed of there. There wars a tar's crowd present and the expreesione of several who could bo heard, were that the Canadian bred horses in this tonality would compare favorably with Abe im• ported ones. The Season who has been in Coughs Colds the past our and to Exeter lust Is at hand and everybody is lia- ble to catch them. No cough rem- edy has ever been discovered that will cure every cough, but we are sure we have one teat cornea a lit- tle nearer to doing it than moat of them. It has stood the test of years and has given entire satis- faction. Why experiment when you can get instant relief with Gole's Gough Guru THE QLD RELIABLE Which is scientifically prepared. Absolutely harmless to even the smallest child and every bottle of which is guaranteed. Your money back It not satisfactory, Large Bottles -25 -Cents --AT-- Cole's Drug Store A Spire is Suggestive Mrs. \V. R. Elliott, of Centralia, is the Quest: of Mrs. di'owell. Miss Mary Knight, of Ildertoo, is visiting relatives an town. Mrs. H. Hooper is in London this week attending the W. C. T. II. con- vention. on- vention. Messrs. 8. Fitton and R. Sanders left Monday for Whitechurch tar a few days' shooting. The Trustees of B. B. No. 10, les - borne, are advertising dor a itcaoher at a iulary of $500. duties to com- mence the first of the year. Miss I)onrington, assistant teach- er in the High School depatntmeor received a telegram from Uxbridge Wednesday morning conveying the sad intelligence of it he death of her aunt .there, Miss ,Dorrinztoo had in- tended leaving for Uxbridge Friday but the sad mews compelled her to give up her duties yesterday. and she left on the evening titin. The stud- ents of her /room had intended anak. ing ;jter a Irieaent of at handsome ewioging ket tle Friday afternoon but the presentation ,was made ser• terday instead. Miss Rice, of St. Marys has bion engaged to !faith Mtse eDonrrngton'e room until the /jest of the yeorr when hiss Gregory prliteipal of the •Erin public echool will take chatgo. After the evening s-rvicn at the Trivitt Memorial church fait Sun - (lay. Prof. William Brown, the gift- ed organist and 1e -ocher of music gave a short recital of high-class selections on Atte church, organ, which was highly uptiteci:ated. The edifice was crowded to 't he doors and everybody left with the impression that Mr. Brown is the most talent- ed organist that has ever pinyed in Exeter. Tir. Brown has irece-ntly been offered the appointment as organist ot the St. John. Anglican ehurch, Berlin, but declined the of- fer. as he bad a large clientele le Exeter. 5Lr. Brown's work as oraaelst in Exeter hes met with many eompliments and Ilor a youog man ;ties an excellent prowl's for the future. Ile has tresently oompos- L sverapieces of music of tif► higher 1 ' i Town Clerk Joseph, Senior has received n communication from 'the Inspector of neylums *hat a man by the name of MoWiiliame is an inmate of ithe London asylum and was tent from Exeter ih 1876 and that, acoording to an act passed by the lint iezislature, the corporation sending insane persons to an asylum 19 responsible for their keep to tho extent of ten cents a day or $36.50 per year eaoh. commencing January last. A number of the older reel - dents recall McWilliams. who was known as "Sunny McWilliams" arta also recall his eccentricities, but some are under the impression that he was Fent to the asylum af- ter the family left Exeter and mov- ed to Detroit. In that event the corporation will not be responsible for his keep. however, the records at the neylum show him an being sent from Exeter and the .natter will be investigated. OiJ•TO�=L. fans w _A TM lied YR_ Alm I dA Stadia One should Aspire to have their Firm's Nameust that suggestive. li should always bring to the reader's mind the choicest quality and vari- ety of goods in one's particular Zine of business. Our name stands ter the best in line of Dry Goods Our Stock of New and Natty Dress Goods Is the most complete in all the leadiag cloths. We are showing this the largest stock of Models. Ladies' WAISTS -AND- Reddy to Wear Skirts That we have ever shown. very latest designs and ct We do not carry Ladles' sell you from Catalogue. Cloths from the best freak !UTTER 20c per pound Highest price paid for p EGGS 20c per dozen DRIED APPLES 5c BUY NOW! CARLING BROS. Your Futuro Assured A savings account in The Sovereign Bak makes you happily independent of the future, which keeps you frorn worry in the present. Open a savings account to -day. Deposits of from $1.00 and upwards received Interest paid 4 times a year. The S°verelgflhlank of Canada CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. 78 Dundas 'St., London Have you a farm that you want 1 to eellt Write for our terms of sel- ling property. We have the moat eomplete method of advertising and selling property in ()amide. Do you want to buy a farm or business 1 property in any part of Ontario? Send for our list. We have some bargains. TURKEYS WANTED We want t) buy your Tur- keys and will pay the highest market price, Write for par- ticulars and state how many you have. The Canada Poultry -a. Produce Co., Limited, Stratford, not. I am paying this week for Wheat - 70c Oats - 34c Barley 39 to 40c Full stock of Lime and Cement always on hand. Richard Seldon Exeter, Centralia and Clandeboye IMPORTED SUITINGS We call your atten- tion to our large stock of imported Suitings. The best offerings from English and Scotch mills, representing the most fashionable weav- es and fabrics. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Corn! Corn! We havAjust received a (ter of old Corn of excellent quali- ty which we are selling at reasonable prices.'" Exchange' We will be pleased to change corn for Oats, Barley Peas or Wheat. We hhndle all kinds of Grain. HARVEY BROS. EXETER, ONTARIO. GRAND TRUNK SY'SEM SiNGLE FARE [Felt HUNTERS. Gni r October 90. to Nov. Sth. To , points in Temagami. points U, T , mi, points Matnwa it o Pert Anhu alt Ste. Marie and Part Art� hur 11 ' N. Co., Ito Georgian ItN.a- trtrrlor Ixinta vra N. t'e.i N. N. Co. extir* oTwiti 1, rn a for yneala sod certain Quebec Iroint'. GOI\ii (I(.T 25th.. TO - )h To 1',nr n,c. Midland. Lakefield all ticein t srvcrn Ito North Bay, Ar.• gyl•' to Cobrcoak, Lindsay to Hall- burion, N1 .4,w ;.I.ka to Depot lint. elunkeki Lake.., Lake of Bays like g tic t. e s u river points. l►cali:. n urniva;), bor and itFTrrlt' LiMIT DEC. 8th 1006 For tickets and full int,rmation aaLL on J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Ticket Agent J. D. McDONAI,D, District Passenger Agent. 1 sronte "High Grade" Training pays and that is the kind tee famous 111881117 TORONTO. ONT. Gives:to its studvnu. Re. cent students have taken positions at salar'es from $50 per month to *Pial per annum. It is a well•knowo feet that our echeolis the hest of its kind In Canada. This month as a splendid time to enter. All gtndit• ates get positions, .The d.. mend b nearly twenty times the revolt..Write to day for atagoit catalogue W. J. Elliott. PrinGlpal Oor• You and Alexander