HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-11-15, Page 514" - ft 1 HE EXETER TIMES, NOVEMBER15th I916 �r ..i • i• .40 e -- \1 eee ; to f,R oi • v 'A''r'c• tsar R^bbcre it you want a neat. .mart, accurate fie"—Wtrelees from e. X.1 wc.,.,.,1. %.' u:ic.•.t 13 ae:ane. Lieiet aa"l eiiablo, because no wear -destroying adulterants are finest rant guru. Conl!::m t.) Mho l.hapo of the shoo—givo a glove -like, accurate, Etv1tsh t°.t•. :at• i a shape. Near long. ��•s.ao..ma 1 Crediton DR E. J. McCUE, MEMBER ON- TARIO COLLEGE PIIYSICI. ems axed Surgeons, Successor to Dr. Z. A. Haist. Oreliton. Ont. The Sunday School of the Melba - dist church intend holding their an- nual Sabbath School entertainment en December 14th. Great prepara- tions ure being made and the pro- gram will consist of oontatas, drills music, etc. Mrs. Chas. Zwickcr spent Friday in London. TENDERS WANTED — Tenders will be received for the caretaking of the Mothodiit church. Orediton. up to Tburaday, November 22nd. Are information as to the caretak- er's duties may be had from Thos. Trevethick. to whom tenders are to be handed. Word has been treoeived from Mr. 8. Switzer, of Shipka. who •is ape'nti• In.. a few weeks hunting in Mus- koka, that he bus killed dela two deer and is thavin3 lots of sport. Mr. Frank Northocatt. who learn- ed the 'tinsmithioa with 'Messrs. Yount Tiros., and who has been west for some time. paid otar village a visit on Sunday. Mr. August Hier and daughter3 Wallin and Aline attended the fun- eral of thcyltete John \Viokenwader on Mon Mr. visitin Mr stn. Mrs. August liaiat ere friends in Huron Co., •Mich. arry Eilber 'returned haat atter a visit of a few weeks her siateir. Mrs. S. Eilber ,of Y. Mich. The reaidence of 'Mr. Alfred Bed- ford was sold on Saturday to Mr. John T. Bedford. Mrs. C. Dryer is at present on the sick list. Mr. 11. F. Either and Mr. 'Wm. Brown wore busy putting down a well at liderton last week. A number of our business men are bavina .telephones installed in their CREDITON our Mills We have installed a PEW ROLLER PROCXf.$8 .in our Mill for the roll?** et-ljets. and can now fill proms v any Or- der to roll Oat trHoreee. We still ve our Chopper and can 111 orders in this lino proinpUy. :Sweitzer Crediton. stores. Mrs. Harry Dyer, who has been visiting wet!' her parents left for her home in Detroit on Friday last. Jacob Haist, Sr., who has 'been ill for some time, is able 'to be _out again. Rev. M. C. Morlock, I'. E., of Chi- cago district, 111 Conf., is Chia week visiting .hue parents and relatives in the village. The many friends of Prof. L. P. Jones were pleased to see 'him in the villa a again after an absence of several weeks. Augu3t Hill, landlord of,the Central hotel spent Baturt'dny in Lon- don on business. The Epworth League of the James street Methodist church. Exetr, is expected to visit hhe League of the Methodist church on Monday even- ing next. Mr. and Mrs. Shwanz, of Benmil- ler. Colbourn, are visiting with their daughter. Mrs. Christ. Halst. Mrs. Nickel Beaver and son. Edgar who have been visiting Mrs. Bea. ver'a daughter. Mrs. Art Glanville, Manitoba. returned home on Friday morning last with favorable reports of that countre. Miss Blanche Smith, of Devon, spent Sunday visiting Mies Lydia Finkbeiner, The Evangelical Sunday school have added to :their already well eouipped school a large blockboord, 'to be used by the Superintendent in illustrating the lesson. Mr. George Brown. Sr., who has been very ill for the peat fow weeks weeks, is slowly improving. November 25, the National Tem- perance Sunday. Rev. E. H. Baan will preach temperance aermons. German in the :morning and English in the evening. Mr. W. II. Bruce, Manager of the Merohants Bank, Granton, spent Sunday with Mr. France; Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Sam'I •Brown spent Sunday in Zurich with Mr. and Mrs. John Preeter. Mr, Christ Ei:ber, Zurich, was in the village Tuesday last on business. Mr. J. Lawson, our genial jewel. ery-rnan tae the youths of r ho vit. lago an exhibition with his grapho- phone, and many were soon surround - leg his shop. Rev. J. W. Xndrews spent Friday in Parkhill. Mrs. J. Finkbeinor had her prem't- .es greatly improved by moving the fence along the front to the back of the hone•. thus letting the lawn run out to the ''idewalk, and it now looks quite city like. Do not despair of curing your sink headache when you can so easily ob- tain Carter's Little Liver Pills. They will effect a prompt and perman- ent cure. Their action is mild and natural. TO CURS A COLD IN ONE 1)AT Take Laxative Drone Quintet Tab. lets. A11 druggists refund the mon- ey if It fails to acre. S. W. G-nvs's .ign ttnre is on eaeh box. lye. Dashwood Mr. Sam. N'iukeneedor arrived Lome from the avast to attend the funeral of his father ti:e late Mr. John W iukenv'.der on Monday. Mr. Geo. Uidericla, oft Seaforth, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. 1.)ieterich last week. Mr. 'teary Stanbus left last week for the lumber wo'ad•i at South Riv- er. .Mr. John Eidt was in liensall en Friday of last week. The ,stage belonging ,to Mr. 11. Guenther met with a teriout seri• dont on Thursday last. In some way the neckyoke broke and the ,horses took fright. Mr. 11. Hoffman. the driver. turned the borics towards n rail fence whets ahoy fried ahem, selves and after trunning u short distance one hawse dell into the ditch and was unable to set up. and kept the other horse from running any further. Tho 'top of the stage was broken and the wagon damaged. The home was :res,ued from the ditch niter same trouble and was found' to be none ;the worse for its tumble. Mr. Harry llodtman was unable to drive the stage the fore part of this week owing to sickness. Mr. Ernie Buswell and Mr. Ed.. Beaver, of Exeter. repent Suneloy wit h friends in Dashwood. Mr. John Ireland. of Clinton. was in our village ear a few days last week. Miss Lydia Baugh is visiting her sister, Mrs. Adam Mirk. Mr. John Graybiet oat visiting al his home on Sunday. The flax milia commenced work last week and are now busy finish- ing the flax. Mr. 11. Bossenbarry, of Grand Bend, paid our villa;,''o a visit on Monday. Mr. Chas. Weimer, of Fort Wayne, attended the funeral of the late Mr. John Winkenweder. which look place on Monday haat. The dearth on Thursday, November 8th, of John Winkenwader Tens/oven the fourth member of that afflicted family. Mr. Winkenwader ons one of the first to be take hill with typhoid fever. and while lying ,sink had to witneae the sad acenea of the remains of three of hi.v children be- ing carried to 'their lsa resting place. The number of deaths in one family in such a short space of time ie without erecedent in this section, On September 30th Edward. aged 22, died from the effete of the dreadful disease. On. October 19, Lavine, the youne,e,at daughter„ succumbed to the malady. On Nov. vembcr 4th, Melinda, another daughter pasted away and last Thursday the father was taken. to be with his deceased children. An- other son is in the eloepital at Lon- don. a sufferer from the same dis- ease, and is in a critical condition, while still another eon at 'home is confined to his bed, but is improving, So many falatitien in the family has aroused the sympathies of the en. tiro community. Tho beat of medi- cal attention bele been given the af- flicted family. but' the disease berms to bo of such a virulent typo that its ravages could not be overcame. Mr. Winkenwader was an early set. tier in 'thin locality and was highly respected. • The services were held at the Evangelical church Mon• day afternoon and was attended by a large number of sorrowing friends. The interment was made. in the Goshen Line cemetery. —4,.- oaas ri ORNAACM.sildd sena tks .A � Mestere st IN DIVI DUAL INSTRUCTION TELLS The fact that we give individua instruction and make a specialty of each pupil enables us to qualify our pupils for situations in the shortest possible time. It will pay you to join our classes Catalogue free. W1e� mss Ci1ie 110 Dundas Street, London, Ont. Wm. C. Coo. C. S. R. Principal. W, N. Yerex, Principal Commercial Depart went WINTER CLOTHING ARRIVALS at CREDITON'S CHEAPEST STORE C. ZWICKER We are receiving regular shipments of new up-to-date Overcoat, Snits, Men's Reefers Bo 's and Childress Overcoats, and some now patterns and styles of Ladies' Mantles, all a • ted at the closest prices. We are also adding to our stock cf furs this week some extra nice Coon Coats, also Ladies Blk Bokaran Coats, blouse style with girdle, sable collar and ineall lines Sables thisRuffs, sMufffs etc. Our prices are the lowest. We are giving extra yalue New Styles in Our Underwear , Special Bargains Millinery Stock is Complete we have again received conte new styles kbeforelthe relem. seaeon closes we after s�pe cal Ilargaine in all lines. You will fled prices all reduced in this Iry onr new Ready -to �t'e"r Nat' for $1 On. x$1.25. $1.i'iO and .2 011. worth more money, hat we /larkipil them at clearing prices. are Our Underwear stock is complete in all lines of Men's, Ladies' and Child- ren's sizes in Penmans unehrinkable goods which are unsurpassed for quality. We bought before the ad- vance and it will pay you to buy here. We are giving special halweins in Flannelettes and Wrapppeeretts, also a hill line of Flannelette Blankete,heavy weight 11.4 site at regular $1.25 value for $1.01). See our King Edward wool Blankets. Cent's Furnishings See our up•to•date Gents Furnish- ings. We have something extra nice in men's and boys' Mweaters, Toques, Mufflers, etc. We have just received for our Grocery Department the Choicest New Fruits, feels. etc. We are open for any quantity of Dressed Poultry, Butter, Eggs, etc., for which we arc paying the highest msrltet prices. A call solicited. BUILT UP HER HEALTH SPEY CUE OF MISS ECC.LSON Sbe b Made Well by Lydia E. Pinks ham's Vegetable Compound, and Writes Gratefully to Mrs. Matthew. For the wonderful help that she has found Zula Eeclison, 6 Erie St., East, St. Thomas, Ont., believes it her duh• to write the following letter for publication, in order that other women afflicted iu the same way may be benefited as she was. She writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham " I heartily recommend Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound as a tonic and regulator for female troubles. I suffered for four years with displacement and no one but those who have experienced the, dread- ful agony can farm any idea of the physical and mental suffering those endure who are thus affected. Your Vegetable Compouud cured me. Within three months I was telly restored to health and strength and now my periods are regular and painless. What a blessing it is to obtain such relief when so many doctors foil to help you. Your medicine is better than any doctor or medicine I ever had." No other medicine has suele a record of cures of female troubles as has Lydia E. Pinklaam's'Vegetable C'oii pound. Women who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, bloating (or flatulence), displacement of organa, inflammation or ulceration can be re- stored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia E. Piakham's Vegetable Compound Mrs. Pinkhaul invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Her experience is very great, and she gives the benefit of it to all who stand In need of wise counsel. She is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty -flue years has been advising sick women free of charge. Address, Lynn, Mase. CENTRALIA Rev. Baker, M, A. of Ailsa Craig, '.% ill preach missionary serm,ns here next Sunday. Rev. J. W. Andrews will preach in Ailsa Craig, Mr. Wm. Moffatt has had hie attble moved down to the new place. Ile has now an up-to-date hotel and stable The Misses Alvina Wilson and Clo- ver Short, of Maguire, visited at the former's home here on Sunday. Mies Margaret Handford, of Exeter spent Sunday at her home. Mrs. Richard Hicks returned home last week after it pleasant visit with friends in Newbury and London. EVER HAVE CRAMP81 Kind of fierce to be tied up tin a knot at midnight with cramp+. Keep Nerviline handy. Ten drops anlete cramps instantly. Used oe- casionally Nerviline prevents this trouble entirely. From Stratford, Ont., Wm. Dee writes: "Nothing 1 know of will give such Quick relief to cramp& polio or pain In the'stom• acts as Nerviline. If you feel aquem- leh or sick, just Wen drops of Ner- viline in water and .you're wet• next minute." Think of the protection and comfort contained in a 25c bot- tle of Nerviline and get it to -day. 111•: \ i,11.1. Mr. W. Wilson, our prosperous tncrchant, was married on Wednes- day. Nov. 7th, Ito Miss Mnry Rodd, of Woodham. Rev. Hector. the Black Knight, preached in the Presbyterian ohurce on Sunday morning and addreslicd a mass meeting in the 'Methodist ohurch in the afternoon and preach- ed in the same church in the even- ing. On Monday evening he gave n temperance address in the Presby- terian church. Ilis wife and dnnglr- ter sang at all the servloes. Rcv. Mr. Toll acted as chairrn.:ln on Mon- day evening. The lecture was full of rouse common sense and the ser- + vices were well at tended. A number of the ladies of the Stores and Furnaces Are you thinking of putting in a Furnace, Cook Stove or ITeater if so remember we can supply your wants at reasonable prices Ileaters from $3 to $36 Cook Stoves all I'rices N•ee.NNNNNeee Don't buy a stove until you see the Worlds Favorite. If you want to see the- wonder of the world in a washing machine call on JONAS HARTLEiB D AAHW000 ONTARIO THE BUSY I RE3ADV S. B i STORE With Every Cold Weather Nee Ready now for every kind of Business you see fit to bring us, and supremely 114 satisfy you every way you expect satisfaction. Fur Quality and Value for Best Satisfaction [,dfflcs Furs Mens Fur Goats A big range of Ladies' Black Astrachan Coats (superior to any). Eve' v C teed by our manufacturer. This is au important point. Big line of Stoke en all prices. Also Ladies' Fur -lined Coate, shell of best quality goods, Mink trimmed with Sable Collar, Coon, Wombat, Wallaby. Russian Dog, Calf, Yak, Etc., coats in all sizes. Our Fur -lined Coate and Coats lined with Astrachan clot med with Fur Collar at a cheap figure. This coat is as warm ab a fur. and puts up as good an appearance. Also handle a Hine range of Kobe►+ chased a Large quantity of Huge ata bargain. See Theta. Received another shipment last Saturday and the very nicest kind of Coats. Coe be seen anywhere else and prices the lowest. Call before purchasing elsewhel•a. Special price on Dress (foods for this month, see our pile. Regular 05c goods l'eduo and the regular Sew and 40c to go at 25c. These are bargains, do not miss tl.ent. A range of new Dress Goode in latest fabrics. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Bring in your Dutch Sets, Alsike, Red Clover and Timothy. A tai Ladies Coats Dress Goods Flannlette and Wool Blankets At Lowest Prices, S. B Presbyterian church, drove to, Brucefield on Tuesday rto attend a meeting pf the Presbyterian. There was a meeting of Ithe Presbytery on the same day, Miss Anna Papp!e :ems in Kippcn last week visiting 'friends. Mrs. Chas. Cook, who has been vis• iting relatives for ,the past few months has returned 'home. Miss Million. who has been visit- ing in our village tar the pact few months returned to her home in Goderich this week. Mts. Shirray and daughter. Miss Aggie, of Detroit, are visiting Mrs, Sblrray's son, William Shirray. Miss Maggie Pepper has returned from the west where she has been visiting. Mr. Peter Melvin has returned from the west where he has been for the past few •months. Iteeve Petty is this .week .making some alterations and improvements to the house he .recently purchased from Miss Wag -ring. Mr. J. W. Drtwein has rented a number of lots in our village for ease purpose of growing onions on .next year. While Mr. Norman Cook and his lit.tlo deice were out tdriviog on Thursday last 'the .horse became frightened when passing a ditch, where workmen were at work pot- ting in .tile. Mr. Cook was thrown out of 'the buggy and escaped ser- ious injury while dho little girl was also thrown out and dragged cr short distance, receiving a Scalp wound and a cut in the lace, which reuuired several etiitches. No dam- age was doe to the buggy. Mrs. C. 11. Cook weep has beecn vis• iting here for 'the past few mdhnthe left 'thee week dor her tomo in Ala- bama. .• Mrs. I'Batire of Aylmer, is visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Ewen. Itov. R. F. Wilson of 'Waite will preach at both eervioes in the Meth- odist church on Sunday next, Rev. S. L. Toll will will preach annivan- scary sermons in Staffa. Miss Eva Warren, of Shipka, bar household effects to Berlin last week and leaves this week for 'that oity where mho will ;make ,lar future home, Mrs. Patterson wus Clinton Ileepital lust dcrao an operation. Mr, Wm. Cantelon, of Clinton vis- ited his son 'David one day last week. Mr. J. 11. hoover, of Clinton, was In town on business last Wednesday. Mr. Chas. .Dyer ,who has been 'at his home in 'Exeter for 'the poet few weeks owing to illness hat ngnin re- sumed his duties in 'the 'Molaon'e Bank. Messrs. Geo. and Enoch !Worker re. turned this work from a 'hunting trip lo Muskoka. They 'brought two deer with 'them. Mr, J. Ellis had n fine cariboo sent him on 'Monday from ,the AI ;co- ma district, Mr. end Mrs. W. Wilson viaited friends in Woodham •on Tuesday. taken to elle week to 'un - sore tb IM KIM Yes No Akio NO d THE REV. iRL R. il1CKS 1907 AL- MANAC The Rev. Irl R. Hicks has been comuclled by the popular demand 'to resume the publication of his well known and popular Almnnao for 1907. This splendid Almnnao is now ready. For sale by newsdealer& or sent postpaid for 25 cents, by Word and Works publishing Oompane, 2201 i.ocust street. St. Louie, Mo., pub- lishers of Word and Works, one of the best dollar monthly magcxzines in America. One Almanac goes with every suhseription. - No one knows .better than those who have used Carter's Little Liver i ills what relief they have given when ''ken for dyspepsia. dizziness, pain in the side, constipation, and disordered stomaeh. WOODIIAM lti+s Emma Davis his Warted to. ;earn the dressrnaking a't Mies White's. Mrs. William Sinclair. Sr., is re- covering slowly after .the recent op- etation under the care of 'Miss C. Switzer, nurse. Mrs. Futcher spent f3aiturday and Sunday at her home Downie. ELIMVlL1.i' Anniverawry services will the he'd et Elimville next Sunday. Rev. Dr. Warner, Principal and Prof. of Al- ma Ladies College, St. Thomas, will preach in the morning at 10.30 and evening at 7. THE NEW PURE FOOD AND Drug Law will mark it on the label of every cough cure 000ntaining Opi- um Chloroform, or any other etup• ifying or poisonous drug. But it passes Dr. Shoop's Oough Cure as made for twenty years. entirely free. Dr. Shoop 011 along has bitterly op- posed the use of all opiates or nar• cotics. Dr. Shoop'', Cough Cure is absolutely safe even for the youngest babe—and it 'Dunes, it does not tsimp- 1v suppress. Get a safe and reliable Cough Cune by simply insisting on Dr. Shoop's. Let +the law be your protection. We cheerfully recom. mead and tsell it. Sold by W. 8. Howey. GR N N There panned away 011 'Tuesday, Nov. 13th, at the lwrne of hit bro- ther Col. H. A. L. 'White, St. Mary's, David 1B. White, of Grantee, brother of the lalte Jahn white. founder of thin paper, at the advanced age of 73 years. death 'resulting from -a severe attack of acute indigestion. The deceased was ,born in Newtown- stewart. County Tyrone. Ireland. In 1853 he came to this country with his 'parent@ and dived for .t time in Markham township. After tris rnanriage to Margaret Sparks, of Victoria Sauare. M,arklrom. Mr. and ell -A. White moven; to Granton, whore thee made 'their home. His wife predeae,ased him several years ago and the 'remaining member$ of the family are 'two sons at Norse, Alaska. one daughter in .Dakota, Mrs. J. Jamieson. wife of the 'bown- ship clerk of Blanshard and one daughter and one tion at Granton. The deceased was a Methodist in re- ligion, an Orangeman, and a life long Conservative. The 'remains will bo interred in the Granton Cemetery ho -day, (Thursday.) Mr. Andrew Prem the we hearty. Mr. Wm. Flc his +farm to •M.r..11 . a '• = ed to Exeter on Tuesday. Mr, C. E. Ilackney is •hav of horses in Exeter to -day, day). Mr. W. II. Kay, who hat packing ripples. wound up el nese last week. Mr. W. Westlake hats tree position with Mr. B. W.F. l Miss Maud Campbell web been holidaying with tri Blanchard returned home oil day. Mr. Pringle, of Blanuhai� Sunday with Mr. E. Camp To get relief- from indiges tousness, constipation or tort without disturbing the atom purging the bowels, take a 1' of Carter's Little Liver Pill' will please you. HURON On Friday last 'there pasts( in Seaforth 'M•re, Henry You for many years iw,as a 'resp Clinton, coming 'them liwit husband from Goderich b where they l vel tor. Yount died a adeaoa about two yea a a,do his w to Seafoaaf to dive with She had reached 'the 'rips 87 years. The tunerral Clinton cemetery m3. A GUARANTEED CURE F Itching, Illind, Breeding, in; Piles. Drueeists are to refund money if Pazo fails to cure in 8 to 14 d FOR OVER SIXTY Y Alf OLD AND WILL-T71ID Window's Soothing SSyrap bas ever sixty . • by nel.lose of cblidree w • ' .. t • wi it soetbss the Misitrgiestina It le by drasrlatl to every wetsa Its rare and take se up and ask ter CHARLTON'S We have just received a large shipment of all kinds of Christmas Chinaware suitable for presents for any Toys and Dolls of All Kinds Everything in stock to please the Children. Bring them a good time. Berlin Wool all colors Scents an ounce; 81i Saskatchewan Valley Lands Fo I have some good Bargains listed with me. Hass jt.rt West and have seen all the land I have for Bale. Call .' samples of tb Soil also samples of wheat and examine the Now is t me to buy if you want to make money creasing in JOHN CHA STOVES AND FURNA If needing stoves call and see our both new and second-hand ones. lot of bargains in stoves and wi we send out. Now is the time will deliver it when you want i stoc Let us give you an estimat your furnace work. We always endeav- or to install systems to give the beat results and we guarantee results. W. Moore Kirkto