Exeter Times, 1906-11-08, Page 8T E EX ETER '1:1 MES. NOVEMBER 8th MK gTEWART'S U R 5 Are with us a Very Strong Point We believe we show the Largest and I3est Selected Lot of Furs to be found in any one retail store in West- ern Ontario-• that is when you leave the cities out of the question and when you want Fur Values you must leave trtcin out for we beat them all out on Values. Why, be- cause our expenses are so much below city expenses and Luying all for cash direct from the makers, puts us right nn the bottom ground floor. COME IN and we will prove to you that our Furs and Values are "IT." $32.5 II1S,I1IH11!IlttlIWtltltt :Il IL ltulputh For Mens' Fur -lined Coats. Good .hell, lined throughout 0 with Baby Wallaby and ooilerand reveres of Marmot Ot- ter. They are great values. $4oto5 $19 $I5 t55 Market Report. -The tollewtas t the report of Iseult markets. sor- rectcat up to November 8th. Wheat. 69 Io 70 cants per bushel. Oats. 33 .to 34 cents per bushel. Barley, 42 10 44 costes per bushel. Peas. 7U to 75 cents per bushel. Shorts. $20 per ton. Flour. $2 per cwt. Bran. $18 per ton. Hay. $8 to $18 per tort. Potatoes. 95 cents per lalg. Feed flour, $1.20 to $1.255 per cwt. Beans. $1.30 per bushel. Clover seed. $7 to $8.50 per boa. Eggs. ter. a dozen. Butter, 2.0c. a pound. l'o�i. i.tlp ver ton. Hogs. dressed. $8 per cwt. (fogs. liveweiglrl, $5.70 per cwt. Lar.;c on•ons, 60c a bushel. Chicken. 9c. per pound. Hens, 7c to 8c per pound. Duck::, 10e. per pound. Geer:•. 9c. per pound. Turkeys. 13c. per pound. Dried Apples, 5c. per pound. For MD. made frotn selected al Coon ats. Guaranteed free from yeSkiiins and every Coat sold under guarantee. For our famous Black Yak Fur Coat. the hest man's black fur coat we know of. Strong, soft hides. full -furred and all guaranteed. Yes. you can get cheaper coats but they will be dearer in the end. For Mens' Natural Grey Wallaby Fur Coats, looks like Coon and wears well. hut, not so heavy in the fur. Ladies' Black Kersey Cloth Coats lined throughout with choice Ka- luRa Fur and Targe Storm Collar and Reveres of choicest American *35 to 42 S42t048 For Ladies. Bokaran Fur Coats with chotceet American Settle Collars and Reveres -they are Beauties. For our choicest Ladies' Bieck Bokaran Russian Blouse Coat. Collet. and Blouse fronts of the very finest American Sahle-with best Rope Silk Girdles. We show nearly a hundred Fur Coati. Yes. our stock of Neck Furs and Ruffs is also large and prices in favor of the buyers. COME TO US for your furs we will use you well. Produce is as good as Cash. Butter, 21c per lb.; Eggs •_'Oc a dozen; Dried Apples 5c a lb. Tttl'ItSDAY, NOVEMBE1t 8th, 1906 J A. Sn2'EWA.Ra" I ••••••••••••••••••N•••; 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOCALS •••••••• *•b••••• Division (court will be held here • next. Wednesday. , c : t'on of Thetcurk <m tnu,ltt the tanning lectory ii progressing Y.tp►idly. Mr. Fred Wells is moving hir family from Dashwood to Exeter. Mr. Richard Beldon. of Ingerscli, Ivisited his son hero on Saturday last. Mr. R. Elston has completed a colo - Intel cement veranda en the front of his residence on Andrew street. Rev. Martin will preach in the Blyth Presbyterian Church next. Sunday, owing to the resignation of Rev. Mc- Lean. Mr. R. G. Seldon and family are this week moving to town ani in future ' will snake their home with Mrs. G. t 1 e Samv 1. ( Thomas Hendford's houhe which + was moved from the booth end of the 1 town a as placed in his property on 1 Andrew street Lot Friday afternoon. DIAMONDS I 1, t)i:ttnonds for those who ad- mire them, and who doesn't We have a beautiful stock of perfectly cut diamonds exquis- itely eet in RINGS, PINS, and BROOCHES Our Diamond are bought loose direct from the cutters and every stone is sold with a guar- antee. We are giving special prices on diamonds we have in stock, but next year they will be higher. See our $25.00 dia- mond ring, it is great value. Optical Department Eye^ scientifically tested free. Wedding Rings Mdr6lidllU H•••• • BARGAIN LIST OF COLD WEATHER NEEDS Miss Bruce, of Clinton. is visiting Mrs. It. Murphy. Mr. Will Muir spent Sunday with friends in 111( a:own. Mr. 8. A. I'oplcstone visited his mother in town t week. Miss Jones tis vesper. at the home of her rester, Mrs. Mann's 'Jensall. Mrs. Wtn. Davis. of London, vis- ited friends in town during 1_the week. GOOD • CLOTHING It is tinders* 1 that Mr. Beverley has cancelled the two remaining r,. . certs of t hr bealsons course. The pat- ronage hes not been up to expectations and the two concerts already given „ 1loss financially to a Haid rn ,le nc � were c ey Mr. Beverley. 1 Mr, :,1 Jackson lest Sit'nrday pur- chased t he 11 rskerville property on Main Barret, s.,uth of the p leer house. Mr. Jac coon Mittel, waking exlentive repairs to the hui!.I,lig Kiel stable. I Mr. Basket vire is se, present working in Iwtntl"n and intends moving his finely tlit it DRESS GOODS 200 yards plaid dress goods. all new colors,ab out a dozen difTet eat patterns sl•lendid value at tiOc; oa sale for 48c a yard. 108 yds heavy tweed dress goods 51 inches wide Guaranteed pure wool. Splendid for suits or skirts. Regular price 75c; On sale for sot. a yd. 600 yards of dress goods, pretty tweed effects in blue. green and grey. Dark shades. Regular price 75c; os sale for Soc a yd. 300 yards black dress goods, heavy quality. pure woo1.44 in. wide, regular price 85c; on sale for Sec a yd. 125 yards plaid dress goods in blue and red, also blue and green, excellent for children's dresses, washiug mater- ial, worth 15e; on sale for toe a yd. GOLF JERSEYS --Ladies all wool Golf Jerseys. in nay.y, white, green, cardinal, blue and black made iu new- est fashion, make yourself comfortable by wearing one. Price ouly $2.00. WOMEN'S COATS We are showing the very nicest kind of Coats, Coats not to be set elsewhere and net leper- sive. Pretty Tweed Coat at $5.00, $8.00, $10.00 Pretty Fawn la kC tt$10.00 10.$12 Pretty aa$00 $100, 2.0 Commissioner Ilissett its this week giving Main tercet its usual fall cleaning. The Mi: les Weekes attended the funeral of their uncle at Lambeth last week. Mrs. W. D. Clarke left Seeterday for London. where Hae will ;remain during the winter. The Ladies Aid of Cavell church purpose boldin„ It social and sale of work en Nov. 80t1t. Mr. S. Spple. of 1''ullerton's Cor- ners. moved into Mr. D. McInnis' house on Tuesday last. Mrs. John !Willis, of dtodgerville, Is this week umoving+into Exeter and will live with her eon Ed. over 'the barber shop. Charlie Dyer, of the Molsons staff. Denman, is oft duty this owing to illness and is at the of Iiis parents here. Miss Chesney. of Goderich. has been visiting her cousin. Geo. McLeod, left Wednesday Seaforth to visit relatives. Owing to rush of business this week. we have not had time to change our ad, but we are offering ,treat bars ins just the same. -J. A. Stewart. The Ladies Guild of the Trivitt Memorial church purposes holding their annual bazaar on Dec. 7th, af- tcrnoen amt evening. Fuller an- nouncements later. The organ of the Trivitt Memor- ial church having been repaimed and retuned. ,the organist. Brawn will rive n Leif hour irecital ee. Sunday evening after service. Mr. Ambrose Cottle received an ugly cut on lee forehead lata Satur- day \elicit necessitated several stitches to close and laid him up for (CT C . C ..::3 Loi::e :with a buzz saw• when a portion of :7 board flew up striking him in the face. the cut being the result. - DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR - goon, will be at the Commercial Hotel the first Friday of oath month. Hours, 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Glees- eaof properly fitted and diseases o ear and nose treated. Next visit Frid.'y. November 9th. The Uncle Dudley from Missouri Company hilled to play here last Fri- day night failed to he convinced by the advance agent that Exeter is a good show town and failed to put in an appearancd. Several cau.e in from the country and were disappointed when they learned that the company would not play. Do not let all the Good Chances past you, it you are likely to need a new Huit during the next six months you will be doing vouself a favor by getting it now. Take Advantage of aur Special Discount of TWENTY i'ER CENT. WE DON'T Try to fit is Man into a readv- utacle Suit, we make the Suit to Fit the Man and to fit him as if it wete his own Suit -not e borrowed one. if You want to have the reputation of be- ing a correct dresser let U8 do the TailoirnR for you, andou will ever be sure of good Ma- terials good Fit, Special Work- manship and perfect finish. W. W. Taman :Merchant TeelIor. A VIViD STORY becorn=a doubly ebsorsing ‘% 114./1 you have ,, sr rod! (. rlasees to read with. Ia They i 'niri•t 4.11 et reit' from the eve:. i( yea ever fee! any ill. cf('': (roan eeldi•:;(, teeter let us F:S A A11 \ is YOUiR i•:YES We'll do it with utmost etre. In rase you a a+1 glass's, we'll fit you with .a pair exactly salted to your 11.0 • pay .for 1 he sola: ries only -not for c.:•.' ,.kilted tmrvires. W. S. HOWEY Phm. B. Chemist end Opt ir;sn Next door to Post -office. Exeter Bank week 'tomo who Mrs. dor BOYS, SWEATERS. Bova all wool sweaters in blue, cardinal and black with fancy col- lar and cuffs, heavy weight. every boy should have one for school wearing. Price only 50c. THE OLD RELIABLE A Spire is Suggestive UNDERWEAR Men's shirts and drawers, a lot of different makes in Wools, Un- ions and fleeced lined, all selling at the same price. Special 50c a germent. CHILDREN'S TOQUES Big assortment of wool toques, honey comb knit, heavy quality, all colors; special at 25c. WOOL HOSIERY Women's extra heavy all wool hose (Burritt's make) warranted to wear, size 81, 9, 9l;on sale at 35c Childrens in same quality; price according to size. SNLL & Rowe Black Tights for Children Misses and children's black drawere in extra good quality, col- or guaranteed fast. Price 3S. to 60c a pr. BED COMFORTERS 50 different styles of Comforters all colors and all qualities.one very special line; selling at $2.50. WOMEN'S GLOVES Women's Mocha gloves in all the new shales, warm and good wearing. On sale for 50c a pair. Mrs. A. holland left Tuesday for dl. Marys to attend the funeral of Mr. 1'. Arm.ttrong. Mr. McDonald is moving into his new house opprosite Main street church. t hi'+ week. Mrs. R. 11. Coltine and :Mss non thron entertained a number of their lady friends Tuesday evening. Mr.. D. .loans and Miss Lille left yesterday for 81. Marys where' they will visit for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Carling left Wednesday morning for a trip throu,;h the Southern states. Mrs. N. D. Hurdon returned Tues- day evening from England where he visited for two months. Miss Ethel Bissett who has been merged as milliner at Watford is at her home owing to illness. Mrs. Taylor, of Chicago, is visit- ing her brother, Mr. Wm. Bowman and other relatives in this viz.inity. Mr. I,ee Illatchford left for Lon- don Monday where ho has secured a position in the electric works there, Miss McCallum. of Midland, who was visiting at the thotno of Mr. T. II. McCallutn, returned to cher home last Saturday. Mr. Percy We, taway, who was a visitor at Mr. 5 'd Mrs. A. Ford's for tome weeks left for Torontio last week. Harsh. purgative remedies are fait giving way to the gentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver Pills. It you try them they will certainly please you . Mrs. Theo. Swept and von Allen, who have been visiting here w•it•h friends for some few weeks left on \Vednesdpy for Winniiree to join Mr. Sweet. who h:s.► secured a position in that city. Mr. Geo. Davi, formerly of Exe- ter, and now of Choppcle, Rainy Riv- er di.otrict. had his household gaods A number from Exeter attended the .lea at the Sexsrnith church, last Monday evening. The affair twee equal if ,not better than city pre. virtue tea and the program Avas thoroughly enjoyed •by the Targe au- dience. Sewe•ral from 'Exeter look part in 'the program. anter$ w•iom wet' Misses Howey and Murray, who fur melted readings; Misses Follick find Howard a .1uct1, and Miss Musgrove, of Condon, n read- ing. The Ilenaall quartette oleo took part and were heartily received. Tire resident ministers gave addres- ses. It was rumored a fete days ago (bat several gentlemen. whore credit at the bank does not exceed their deposits. thou;rht the establishment of anot her bank in town woad be about the prop':r thin,: to meet their demen4is and a stock company was imniediatele formed. i'rovision. a1 di•rctora were elected, cashiers, manager, teller.*, took keepers, Orbi- ters, etc.. appointed, but att.1 the only one who could produce the amount of the first payment et his Mock laid .him tw•enty'-five cents on the liar and '.,bel "come on boys let's hare anuzser," and the Pusillanimous promoters of this pseudo corpora• Hon ire waiting for another who can raise 1 he price. Even fettle all,releinta are 11 little skeet ice! about religion. One of thein was (aping us a few days ago of a woman, who is a regular at. tendant at the devotional czar. ids of fellow.J,ip tneelirtgs held every Sunday morning, coming tette this' pl,se of bre.=Incas each Monday ing with a haske'tful of "strictly treah" cogs, which ' Isein t can- delcd are found t t he variety rraerved for the .onc'xieue thespian who treads the footlights. Snare believe that defrauding the govern- ment is not n crime, •whiln others hive the came idea whin it comer to dealing with merchant. "'rhe glory of being in the mercantilel hueinees is not what it is cracked up to tie" mild he, "when dealing wltlt th clay of people." YOU SHOULD USE Off'S BKING POWR ,Vhen you want light, wit tious tea biscuits and cakes. It Never Fails One should Aspire to have their Firm's Name just that suprestive. It should always bring to the reader's mind the choicest quality and vari- ety of goods in one's particular line of business. Our name stand* foe Dry Goods the test in line of, Our Stock of New and Natty Dress Goods Is the most complete in all the leading cloths. We are showing this week the largest stock of Ladies' WAISTS - -AND- Ready to Wear Skirts That we have ever ehown, very latest designs and cut from American Modeb, BUY NOW ! Catalogue showing sample of sell you from do not carry Ladies' Jackets but can nt Cloths from the best makers. Err20 �,o per pour Highest price paid for produce. EGGS 20c per dozen DRIED APPLES 50 Under proper conditions to make delicious and wholesome food. Leads in Popularity Because it Leads in Quality -Ask for CARLING BROS. Assured Your Future A savings account in The Sovereign Bank makes you happily independent of the future, which keepsyou from worry in the present. Open a savings account to -day. Deposits of from $1.00 and upwards received. Interest paid 4 times a year. T�e Sovereign Back of Canada CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors C 1 B kiPoder -- o e s a ng W The Kind that never fails to please at Cole's Drug Store SIR THOMAS BARLO\V ON CAN- CEIt RESEARCH AND THE LAY I'i1ESS According to Sir Thomas Barlow, of London, physician to !the royal household, before leaving New York for England recently expressed him- self as follows in regard to the var- ious alleged discoveries of i he, cause of cancer and especially, in regard to sensational et:atemcnts in the fay p rees. "It ie really something that should not be +,liscussed in the lay press." shipped from here last ?week. Mrs. said Dr. Bartow to a Poet-Despatell Davis left last week to jolt/ her reporter in +the Murray ,dill ilotel, husband. just before 'he started for the steam- ship pier. "Undue alarm *nee be created among ,the ignorant and fair:- hopes aroused. 1 have seen countless publications concerning cancer and rite probability of pea cure. I n.erupulous practitioners have n -:cited tth:.t the germ of dis- c 'reef been discovered and w'ilb u •n of an the discovery k he pral cl w antitoxin which would destroy it as we destroy i11e germ of diphtheria. "Tito trtRIt ia that the medical profession is no nearer 'the cense or the cure of castor itoday than it was a hundred years ago. \Vc still a,re delving and hoping. \Ve are pinkies progress slowly, but we are mit yet within eight of tho gout. Assertions have been adeby irtos ,o ns' bh PhY- We recommend our readers to sub- o:ribe 10 'the Farmee'lt Advocate •aria Home Magazine. the best tagricel- tura) journal in America. The Times and Farmer's Advoci.te .from now tilt Jan. 08, 62.25. If you had taken two of Carter's n Little Liver Pelle before retiring you would not have had that coated ton- gue a the this morning. Keep a vialwi h you for emotional use. Notice. The lax collector annoeneea that Ire will be at ,the tower hall every . red 1 to5 Saturday from 9 'to 12 a up to Dee. Rile for the receiving of sicians that the •germ less b:•cn iso - taxes. He will be at the town hull lated. The statement is false. The on the 12th, 13th and 14th of Decent- germ of aircer i,' 'yet to be discov- ber. _ er . (MOWING OLD BEFO- RE YOUR TIME VE Broken In spirit, weak in body, ner- vous and discouraged. Something is wrong, and each day sees you failing away. Just one thing to do -Build up. To do this. use Ferrozone. What a tonic it is! Appetite, why it makes you eat tremendously. Digest. indeed you will. Rich red blood will carry nourish- en),o every part of the body tired .gens take on new life, color, spirit and ambition are restored. Per- fect manhood and abounding health is the unfailing product of Ferrozone- try it, 50c per box everywhere. -IJt nature is on eseh box. 15o. AN ENGLISH AUTIIUR WROTE: : e ^ _+ ____ "No shrine, no shine, no fruit. no 8. 5 O 3, t'SBUItNi: flowers, no leaves -November!" Many the following in the pyrrMntafio Americans world add no freedom s obtained by the pupils in 8. S. No• from catarrh, which is so aggravated during this month that it becomes constantly troublesome. There is abundant proof that catarrh is a con- stitutional disease. It is related to scrofula and consumption. being one , s Sar- saparilla Hood of the wasting dt bas shown that what is cap- able of eradicating scrofula, complete- ly cures catarrh, and taken in bine prevents consumption. We cannot see how any sufferer can put off tak- ing this medicine, in view of the wide- ly published record of its radical and permanent cures. It is undoubtedly America's (ireatestMedicine forAmer- ica' Greatest disease -Catarrh. All disorders caused by a bilious stare of the system can be eared by Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. 78 Dundas St., London Have you a farm that you want to selif Write for our terms of sel- ling property. We have the molt complete method of advertising and selling property in Canada. Do you want to buy a farm or business property in any part of Outerine Send for our list. We have some bargains. TURKEYS WANTED We want to buy your Tur- keys and will pay the highest market price, Write for par- ticulars and state how many you have. The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Limited, Stratford, Ont. Corn! Corn! We 11avo just received a car of old Corn of excellent quali- ty which we are selling at reasonable prices. Exchang 6 j We will be pleased to ex- change corn for Oata, Barley Peas or Wheat. We bindle all kinds of Grain. HARVEY BROS. EXETER, ONTARIO. GRAND TRUNK "YS""" this am paying th s week for Wheat - 70c Oats - 34c SINGLE FARE GLE F RE FOR HUNTERS. Going October ttth. to Nov. 6tb. To all point,: in Temaga111i. pots In Ternal!,mi. poinlft Matett'a 1 o Port Arthur t•, Stull Ste. Marie and Port Artiste- w i t N. \. Co., ,1., Georgian Bay and l.ak.• superior point,' via N. N. Co.(e, 1.0ir1•. o:1 N. N. Go. extra Barley 39 to 40c elLlrge v.111 be made fur meals and ' lI , r, r e,r ,'n (plebe* Ix, t s l r uing), to c t l (1 i Ire's • d points. Full stock of Lime are i (,peek; or le 25th., Tt) f. eerie Cement always on l 10 Pellet me, Mrdl,nd. Lakcfield hand. Richard Seldon xeter, Centralia I For tickets and full inform:16on call all retiree eleven!' Ito North flay, Ar. gybe 10 C..Issonk, Lindsay to Halm etre, t button . i•,da e•let to Depot liar - using Carter's Little Liver Pills. No bot Muskoka Lakes, Lake of nays pain, griping or discomfort attend- ing their use. Try them. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itoltias, Blind, Bleeding, Protrud. IE 1 and ,l:rgnetcttall river pointe. • RETURN LIMIT DEC. 8th 1306 and Clandeboye 00 J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Ticket Agent ins Piles.. Drugri;ls are authorised .1. D. McDONALD, to refund money it Paso Ointment I I)istric i'assenger Agent 1,ronto fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 60e. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Lasativo Brotmo Quinlni Tab- lets. All druggists refund the man- e if It fails to cure. R. W, O •nve's OLMIiMioMl w�lh -•. Sears w _A seems .1, t'sbornc. for the rnonth of Octo- ber: Sr. IV. -Currie Copeland, 78: Milt•n McCurdy, 76: Laura Clark, 69 Alberta Clark, 69; Rey Francis, 60; Myrtle Stin,ton, 58: Ads McCurdy. 54 ; Itcrtie Delete, 51. Jr. iV-Eth- el Shiro-, G.3: Jeavi0 McCurdy, 46; Victor McCurdy, 45: ter. TiL-flow. and McCurdy, 81 ; rlohn Francis. 80 Mita Shirr, (;5; Advt. Copeland, 6R; Isabelle Tnrnlull, 55; Oliver McCur- dy. MIS. 8r. I1. -Leonard 1larrb., 81 ; Ele snot Doter-. e5. Jr. Ii. -Janie McCue:vele 81 ; Ida Irvine, 80; Reg- gie Doupi . 76 : ()peer Copeland, 54. Sr. 1't. 11. -Fen Franrt^, 74; Grant T)nne.n. 74. Sr. 1't. 1 -Roy Fletcher 100; Tenni'' R7: beater Mc. Curdy. (1:.. Jr. ('t. i -Gordon Cope- land, 5!); Grnrl!o ((arrow, 53; Lillian Kay. 50. ISABBELLA 14. cA1itU1NE13, Teacher. IMPORTED SUITINGS We call your atten- tion to our large stock of imported Suitirrgs. The best offerings from English and Scotch mills, representing the most fashionable weav- es and fabrics. W. JOHNS Merchant Tail' s ! pays and that is the kind the famous "High Grade" Training d• Lvet TORONTO. ONT. Gives to 11* stridents. Re • cent etlldentll have taken positions at salar'es from $:ill per month to COW) per annum. it is a well•known a fact, that vire school is the hest of its kind in Canada. This month is a splendid time to enter. All gradu- ates get pesitinns. The de- noted o-meed is neer!! twenty timM the rupnly. Write to day for n►egnililient ratelogue. W J. Elliott. PrInGipal ('or. Menge and Alexander Street*.