HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-11-01, Page 8i vv Pi. n �. FIJRS! �--- UI! Are with us a Very Strong Point We believe we show the Largest and Best Selected Lot of Furs to be found in any one retail store in West - R ern Ontario-• that is when you leave the cities out of the question and when you want Fur Values you must leave them out for we beat thein all out on Values. Why, be- cause our expenses are so much below city expenses and 1 buying all for cash direct from the makers, puts us right on the bottom ground floor. COME IN and we will prove to you that our Furs and Values are "IT." a identille uulsnattjulutuu,»un, u, For Mens' Fur -lined Coats. (,food shell, lined throughout 3 2 s ir; O with Baby Wallaby and ooilar.and reveres of Marmot Ot- ter. They are great values. $40 to 5 $19 Si 0 For Men.' Natural Coon Coate, Guaranteed free from Dye, made from selected Skins and every Coat sold under guarantee. For our famous Black Yak Fur Coat. the best man's black fur coat we know of. Strong, soft hides, full -furred and all guaranteed. Yes. you can get cheaper coats but they will be dearer in the end. 5 F'or Mens' Natural Grey Wallaby Fur Coate. looks like Coon and wears well, hut not so heavy in the fur. S55 V Ladies' ]Back Kersey Cloth Coats lined throughout with choke Ka - Juga Fur and large Storm Collar and Reveres of choicest American Sable. $35 LO 42 For Ladies. Bokaran Fur Coats with choicest American Sable Collars and Reveres -they are Beauties. S42 tO 48 For our choicest Ladies' Bieck Bokaran Russian Blouse Coat. Collar and Blouse fronts of the very finest American Sable -with best Rope Silk Girdles, We show nearly a hundred Fur Coats. Yes, our stock of Neck Furs and Ruffs is also large and prices in favor of the buyers. COME TO US for your furs we will use you well. Produce is as good as Cash. Butter, 21c per lb.; Eggs 20c a dozen; Dried Apples 5c a ib. J. A. STEWART ••••••••••••••••••••••• _ I Mr. ‘Villiama, of Simooe Bt., is on DIftMONDS 1 Diamonds for these who ad- mire then,, and who doesn't We have a beautiful stock of perfectly cut diamonds exquis- itely set in 11 RINGS, PINS, and BROOCHES Our Diamond are bought loose direct froin the cutters and every stone is sold with aAuar • 1e rick lost.Mr, Abram Drearing is moving in. to JamesParson's house on Simcoe street. Mrs. James Ferguson. of London, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. W. Christie. Miss Edna Brock. daughter of Mrs. Thomas Brock. is ill nvith typhoid fever. Mr. C. W. Christie, !who has been ill for a couple ,of weeks With jaun- dice. is now considerably improved. Mr. and Mrs. John Charlton, who spent 'ten weeks travelling through the northwest. returned home on antee. We are giving special (t'rids3'. prices on diamonds we have in Owing to the illness of Miss Win - stock, but next year they will t►ona Howard. her •roeem in the public be higher. See our $25.00 dia- school was closed a few days during mond ring, it is great value. • the past )reek. Optical Department Ever scientifically tested free. Wedding Rings H• Marshaotl •••••••••••N•••••••••• GOOD CLOTHING Do not let all the Good Chances peat you. it you are likely to need a new ‘Suit during the next aix months you will be doing vouaelf a favor by getting it now, Take Advantage of our Special Discount of TWENTY PER CENT. WE DON'T Try to flt a Man into a ready- made Mutt, we make the Suit to Fit the Man and to tit him as if it were his own Suit -not a borrowed one. If You want to have the reputation of be- ing a correct dreeeer let L'S do the Tailoirng for you, and you will ever he rare of good Ma- terials gond Fit, Special Work- manebip end perfect finish. W. W. Taman Mr. end d Mrs. Will tiweet, who vIs. ited the fee titer's Lather ttorwaver.. el weeks, returned Ito their borne in 8t. Catherines on Tuesday. It has been definitely- 'Nettled that. Miss Stella Gregory will, art the new year, assume the position of first assistant teacher in the Exeter High School. Word was relived listre Tuesday from Ifanley, that Mr. Joseph Pum- phrey had sustained a .'fnaotured »boulder blade, caused by Catlin/ from a building on which lie wa; doing carpenter %work, WE CARRY HOT WATER MOTTLES in large variety, A hot wator bot- tle often prevents a serious illness. it mete only a small sum but man) a time Psavese a big drug and doc- tor'. bill. IT'S GOOD DRUG ADVICE to tell you to have ,a hot writer bot t Ie handy eo as you n:tn use it at tnidni,tht if We needed. Look over our druggists' sundries and buy what fou need while our ,tock 15 fresh I and neW. W. S. HOWEY Phm, B. Chemist and Optician ;Matp+ahatntl Tailor, Next door to Post -office. Exeter the sopart ili:etar markets, ssr- milwarwiam reoted up to Nov. 1st. Wheat. 88 to 70 scents per bushel. Barley. 40 to 42 cents per bushel. Oats. 34c. per bushel. peas. 70 to 72 cents per bushel. Shorts. 820 per ton. Flour. 82 per cwt. Bran. sf 17 to 818 per ton. Hay. $8 to 810 per ion. 1'ota tore, 95 cents ver bA Feed flour, 81.25 per cove i[• Beans, $1.30 per bushel. Clover seed. $7 to $8.50 per Eugs, 20c. a dozen. Butter, 29c. a pound. Coal, ti 7.00 per ton. Hogs. dressed. $8 per cwt. Hogs, liveweight, $5.75 per cavi. Lange onions, 60o a bushel. Chicken. 10c. per pound. Hens. 7c to 8c per pound. Ducks. 10c. per pound. 9c. per pound. Tu keys. 13e. per pound. Dried Apples, 5c. per pound. bus. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1st. 1906. •••••••••••••••••.•••••••• LOCALS •••••••• •••••••• Mr. T,bo+. 13. Elliott is on the Rick list 'this week, Mr. T. 11. Jones, of Point Edward, was in town a few days during the, past week. Mrs. Kestle. of Ildcrton, is visit - in;; her father, Mir. Thomas Rowe, )vrso continues ill. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Ifstirt, of Hen - sail visited Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ja& Ron - cotri on Tuesday of last week. o n City, '�it�3h aAtryiA1N L!ST UP COLD WEATHER NBEDSt'rHE OLD RELIABLE DRESS GOODS +�.+.��.. all o.. DRESS GOODS `:x 0 yards plaid dress goods, all new 106 yds heavy tweed dress goods 51 Inches wide Guaranteed pure wool. Splendid for suite or skirts. Regular price 75c; O■ sale for floc. a yd. 000 yards of dress goods, pretty tweed effects in blue. green and grey. Dark shades. Regular price 73c; sale for aoc a yd. Soo yards black dread goods. heavy quality. pure woo1,41 in. wide, regular price 85c; on sate for floc a yd. colors,about • dozen dr ereot patterns splendid value at 00c; on sale for . 8c a yard. l2S yards plaid dress goods io blue and red. also blue and green. excellent t for children's dresses. washing water- iai, worth 15c; on sale for soca yd. OOLP JERSEYS --Ladies all woof Golf Jerseys. in navy. wtitte, green. cardinal. blue and black wade in new- est fashion, make yourself comfortable by wearing one. Price only $2 W. WOMEN'S COATS 'Lure showing the very nicest kind of Coate. atB not to be seen elsewhere and not expen- sive. Pretty Tweed Coat at $5.00. $8.00, $10.00 Pretty Fawn Coat at 510.00 and $1800 Pretty Black Coat at *8,00. $10.00, $12.00 BOYS, SWEATERS. Boys alt wool sweaters in blue, cardinal a��d black with fancy col- lar and cuffs, heavy weight, every boy should have one for school wearing. Price only 50c. CHILDREN'S TOQUES Big assortment of wool toques, honey comb knit, heavy quality, all colors; special at 25c. WOOL HOSIERY Women's extra heavy all wool hose (Burritt's make) warranted to wear, size 81, 9, 91;on sale at 35c Children in Baine quality; price according to size. Mrs. Windsor. of Brown _ was here for a couple of weeks vis- iting; her father. ,.tr. Thorn•... Motive UNDERWEAR Men's shirts and drawers. a lot of different makes in Wools. Un- ions and fleeced lined. all selling at the same price. Special 50c a gsrment, Black Tights for Children Misses and children's black drawers in extra good quality. col- or guaranteed fast. Price 38c to 60c a pr. BED COMFORTERS 60 different styles of Comforters alt colors and all qualitiee.one very special line; selling at $2.50. WOMEN'S GLOVES Women's Mocho gloves in all the new shales. warm and good wearing. On sale for 50c a pair.: CANARY BIRDS SALE.- p 1 Mr. Reg, Elliott. Manager of the fewctbicc tat, Andm:)abury hollers Diolsson's Bank. T•flrtvich, ;was in ATTENTIVE town a few clays during the pastSingers, at W. If. Mills, Centralia. week. A series of buoys :ire being, pia ;ed ASTRAY .--A flock of 'tame ducks SSERVICEin Lake Erie to mark the boundary to 6:wu'l. McCoy's. Cehtralia, . between Canadian and Ar'ric:,n %va. about six tweeks ago. Owner ,can ters. _ have same try ,:.exwnses. Y M. Y. McI::an. of Seaforth, waspass in in town Saturday Mrs. k . J. Knight loft Monday paying the prize morning for Ont.urio. Calif., where money for the recent South Huron fall show. she will virfi<t her mother, Mrs. Ed. Drew durnig the win,ttar. Rev. and Mrs. Cranston, of Crom- arty, were 'the guest:* of Rev. and Mrs. Martin it he fore part of the week. Airs, M. Gardiner. accompanied by her ton John, and two daughters, left Friday evening for Regina. their new home. Mrs. A. E. 'lodger t' :gave an. after- noon tea Thursday to 'Mrs. M. Gar- diner and family prior Ito 'their leav- ing for she west. Miss T. McKellar, nice of Mr. A. E. llodgsert Sown. of Cromarty, is learning the dress -making with the Misses Lang and Ramsay. Mr. Sample is teaching Miss 'Vas - per's room sit the public school, ow- ing to the latter being confined to her home through illness. :Mss. John Goodison and Mrs. Will Goodison and son, of Sarnia. %vho were visiting Mrs. D. Johns. lett last week for their homes. Frank Frtxquisar had the miafor- t un,e to dislocate •hie wriest one day last week. Ho was riding+ this bicy- cle down from Hensall, %when ho fell oft, the Injury resulting. Mr. P. Gardiner, of Blyth, was in town during the past week look- ing atter the funeral arrangements of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Halls, who died on Friday. We recommend our readers to sub- scribe to /the Farmer'., Advocate .and Home Magazine. the beat togricut- tur:tl journal in Americn. The Times and Farmer's Advocate .from now till Jan. 08. 82.25. Some miscreants last Frid;,y ni3ht threw the well digging anparatut belonging to Mr. Thum. timate* down the .school well. Mr. Smale is look- ing for the guilty party and if he finds hits there promise:4 to be trouble. FOR SALE.-Hotese on Huron 8t. with three lots. There is ales,() a smaller house on the p,ropertty. For further palrticulars apply ito Ed. Maguire, Exeter North or C. Dor- wood. 115, 16 Front Street, Pullman ills. Owing to Rev. Fear taking chr•,te of the ,e.rvices of Rhes Ilensall Meth- odist church and the anniversary services being held in •the Presby- terian church, 'the Main r:t'rcet church remained dark last Sunday ravening, DR. OVENS EYE ANI) EAR SUR - gone will be at the Co m meroia l Hotel the first Friday of welt month. Hours. 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Glaws- ea properly fitted and diseases of eye. ear amid now treated. Next visit Friday, November 9th. For a thoroughly enjoyable lentn.r- tainment there is no attraction be- fore the public ,that so complet..iy fills the hill as Harnett Bros cyclone of fun. "uncle Dudley from Missou- ri" which will appear in the Opera [louse, Exeter, on Friday evening. Noe. 2, Uncle Dudley from Missouri IA one of the morst. !rresistahly fun- ny comedies 'which appieal to all etasees. The plot. while not deep, is clean cut and deeply interesting. The di:slncrura are bright and the humor is original. There is not a dull moment during ,the entire per- formance. The latest tvaudavill© specialties are introduced between the nc.ts making et rontinuouv per- formance. No waits. At the request of the inspector the Public School Hoard net bn Mondry evening last to listen toa len fit by address by him on the sub- jest of t,ublic school ventilation. Tie. gond t ren,o,al of some supc•rf1u• on boxing and tho enre'ful working of the pr reDrot ;tertian' ..s tttei' . hjee- tion was offerees vstem Pi tee In our nehoal. ' . \ wiper is to be 'held •frcr, from only until the let of September. 1907, the Dotard be- lieving the strain of n wintrr'tt %cork too .rreat :, risk In the pressen f ron- ditien of her health. The sscheril Supply Committee 5re en the look- out for a supply for the Ent.rans'' ctep;,rtment end look for little diffi- culty in filling .the -position. Proper attention to our cus- tomers is the mainspring of our steadily growing success. No trouble to show our goods at t�'antcd -frond reliable tad Lo - any time. We carry everything yor! you would expect in a first-class deny for our tailor-made cootumes 1 and skirts. Write quickly,--Domin• Drug -Store ion Garment Co.. Guelph, Ont. Misers Anna Martin +and Jessie Dow. of Toronto, visited their par. andour stock is always kept strict- ents .here over Sunday. They assist- ly up-to-date. We make a speci- ed the Presbyterian church choir at atity of high grade prescription the anniversary ,hc,r'vices. work and are prepared to give The .field day s_portd of the IIigb ideal service. Your patronage is school will be held in the Ap;ri,cul. always appreciated and it will be tural grounds tton*arrow afternoon, l our aim to sell worthy drug& at Miss Laura MCFalls Loft Monday i right prices at for London where she has accepted n Vb. IMMIIV A Spire is Suggestive One should Aspire to have their P'irw's Name just that suggestive. should always bring to the reader's wind the choicest quatiitand vari- ety of goods in one's particular line of business. Our naive stands to the i est in liue of; Dry Goods Our Stock of New and Natty Dress Goods Is the most complete in all the leadiag clothe. We are ehowing this week �-v the largest stock of Models. Ladies' WAISTS --AND Ready to Wear Skirts That we have ever shown. very latest designs and cut from Arnericao We do not carry Ladies' Jackets but can sell you from Catalogue showing sample of Cloths from the best makers, Highest price paid for produce. BUY NOW ! 13UTTEK 20c per pound EGGS 20c per dozen DRIED APPLES 50 CARLING BROS. • The Power of Money Saved 'The systematic saving of someeth n each week -- even $2.00 or 3.00r � will, in a few years enable you tto take to course at college, to buy a home, take a trip abroad, or get almost anythingelse �' you may wish for. Commence to save today. $1.00 opens i$11 account and intendit Rid 4 �a a ye is t Lie SweI1rBankoICaIiada CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. OLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors position. ' Cole's Drug Store 'Work commenced this week an ; (Western Real EstateA GOOD COOK I3xchrn,ge, Limited. 78 Dundas St., London the addition 'to the Times f f lee. When completed our mechanicalroom will be twice its present size ;gra. Barrows and Mies Mabel and wtib ttho addition of ngw ma.I spent Sunday in London. c.hineery ,we will h the one of the ,beat , Messrs. W. 'Elliott and T. Iland- eauipped job ni:I...ts in Western On. lard returned'itomo from the weft trtrlo, on Saturday East, The anniversary services in con- hirrs. Wat':tntu nec1ion with the Caven Presbyter- lost %vtek fromitlirn theINorts11wesret %%herorned Ian church were held :last Sunday, she t,ut in She kununmor. Rev. R. W. Roes. 11. A.. of Knox Kr. bhiriey Hobier assistant' regent church. Guelph. officiating. Owing I at the ,G, T, IR a • Have you a farm that you want to ..11? Write for our terms of eel- ling trtdporty. We have the most Constitute a matchless combin complete method of advertising and t twig property in Oanada. Do you anon for Baking day. to the disagreeable ))oft}rer the at- {been transferred Ito tllamiltlotte•' has; want to buy a farm or business SEE icndance at tbo morning tservice %vete Mr. It. 'h,, I'iopr:trd pr�rty in any part of Ontario4 t not ass large as it %%ould ,otl'er)virso M , •tv.}ro has been for our list. We have some have been. The congregation in the 'voat for i home pass! few months re- Sends6as. evening almost filled the edifice and 1 turned This week. AND STAR �I LUQ a more instructive sermon was nev- Messrs. %t'm. 13awden and Al. Me- r listened to, than that preached Donnell lel'! lctsot Thursday on a by Itev, Ross. The Ree. gentleman I purchasing trip to I';ngland land Inas an may delivery and his .words Scot land. were full of thought. In elo:.in his ' Arthur Ii. S Davis Ieaverl tthi;s week remarks lie made special mention of 1 for England where her will remain the music furnished by 2(110 choir. ; during the n, 1I© Make - Rev. Rose has preached in .a number cli;ri.*e of a earwi-terlaid of rattlewill tg, of places and stated that the music!ifl r !shipped by ;;trh Dravis. given by the Presbyterian choir was' Aicscsr5, W. IiJo. end:�I red Bill. both the best and most suitable Tor the :of Toronto. were in 'town this week occasion he hail ever t'oird. 'attending the funeral of their bro. Death of Mrs, flans, -The death of i they GeorgeH.. whodied in Regina Mary Ann Andrew, relict of the late en Oct. 24th and Was buried koro. James Halls. which occurred' on Fri- Mary Last Monday work oonllrncnce4 on day .morning, was not unexpected, ns the excavation for t het new atoning her illness Tor two weeks 1115 I)ro- factory foundation. Work wilt he flounced crit ical, and her doctor t rontinued as fast aslpossible .so that could hotel nut no hopes for her re- the building will he in sin '.1 ,com- covery. The fur,:•ral took lilac., Mon. n'enco business in the sprint, day afternoon from her slate resi- %Yomen's Instituto.- The rezular derice on Andrew street and the ire- meeting of the 1Vonten',t Instituto mains 11110r,e41 trrs:i<le those of her will bo held in Senior's hall on Fri.. I:,te husband in 'the I:lirnviJ!e eeene- day, Nov. end at 3 o'clock. Sub- tcry. The deccf5Cci was born 72 sects: mince meat, ancr years ago in Devonshire, England, sunprors,_Miss Halls, 1 r prep hot t and carne to ((him country in 1848. Hastings, Sec. Mrs. was afterwctrdss married to the late John Jlalt,, and lived on their faun A meeting .f ihockey e'ithusi.1stt5 rc:;r Eiisn%illc until the death of the was held Monday evening %Ind the latter five years 1,;0. Shethen totlotrintx officers were. t•Tect rd: moved to Exeter :11141 Inas resided 1 i'residen;, W. ,Aiart111 t�c•cty►-Treav, here vvt•r since. Although in poor hi, Southeott Captain. T. Carling; t•calt h .lite to ;t weak h^:art, Mrr=, Manager, F, 13a%vcler ; ('vnrtnit fro to Il:slis was on attendant at the James be composed of thee foresoingt' officers erect Methodist churrh, or which she was 11 member. Shn leaves one eon and four daughters: Fnink, of Chicago: Mrs. 1'. • Gardiner, Myth: Jeru,ie, at ,horns, and Lottie u nd Lil- lie of Toronto. and 1I. Ilie+se<•t.t. A deputation was appointed to s+ee Mr. Hawden in view of securing the rink ,Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7 t o 8 j Exeter, o'c look. ++ Death of George Earnest Hill. The blocking up of Mailsst rep• t for The esd newss of 1t he death of George several days during the grist week, f arnesf 1Iill. nt }teprina,twas repels. ))!t h an empty house being inoved from the lower end e,f 'the town to Andrew street, ntevr the ,tc•aeol, eautsed no end of inconvenience to the nu•rohants in front of whose places of business it stood I1 rom Wednesday evening until Monday morning, r1 s %) ell t ; pedestrians, who hod 'to wade through mud to get acroea the street and aim vehicles. A he.tvy rain canoe up Wednesday evening which delayed the moving ,of 't•Ir' !struoturc. We are not n)vare whe- ther t 1►e viI1-1ge by -I:, W:c vont ftin n 41:1t2e regarding 1111 moving of buildings through r he t►uhlie streets or not. If not, the Council +houtd ti,^ vntr,e f'XPrtion lo have 0 h1 -law nasw.l. whereby those tnnvin; build. ings through 'the streets eshould fee tain permits and became responsible for any damage which the corpora- tion may suli+tain by reason of Jaw. suits being ,"tarted by merchants or others. whose business interest% nre PILES QUICKLY ANI) POSITIVE. injured can account o1 patrons' being iv cured with Dr. Shoop's Magic Dint. to restores, in meat.rnt, itis neer, for Wile, alone-andand citiesunable pr,rmitsatch, ts•eslhetr to be !akar' out it does the work surely and with sat• for the removal of buildings., and t isfactlon. Itching, painful, t,rotrud- Noes n1 money deposited Ito pay an ing of blind pitch diacipeeer I ike mag. inyp,ector )vhose ditty it is 1,11 vee IC by its urre. L•trgt'e, Nickel cap -- that the work ts rnrrft's on 11hout 1Ded glaaa jars. 50e. Sold and rreom- y• ,, ela :NUMB mended by W. S. Howey. OLD HENS WANTED. We will pay the Highest Cash Prices forlive old hens, also spring chickens, ducks and all kinds of poultry, Mention this paper. The Canada Poultry & Yrodu ce Co., Limited, Stratford, Ont. I am paying this week for Wheat - 70c Oats - 34c Barley 39 to 40c Full stock of Lime and Cement always on hand. Richard Seldon y his tither her' on Thursday last. A few days previous s mem. sago was (received that he wan ill %vitt' typhoid 'fever in the 1tegina hospital and the next Information received 11•:1s tt bait he feel passed away on Oct. 24th. The deceand was 30 Tears of age and was horn In Exeter, %% Isere he Lived up to three years ;ego. when he left for the Nort)t{t'egt. 11e was a carpenter by trade and .followed that occuppa. tfon in this new home. The rsimalnr )vete forwarded 4o Exeter and ar. rived here on Tuesday morning, the funeral being thele from the home of his father in the afternoon. Mr. MU wee n youn,a man of exemplary character and had a Host of frionds hefts, w `3 meal hize 1111 h his ram. Ile 1n their bereavement. Iln ids sur. vived by his father and two broth - era 'William 11. and Fr'd .1. of Tor- onto. Centralia and Clandeboye That you'. (;OOK is not rendt- capped by having to �s - other Hour. capped see that you get Harvey's Star Flour at your (grocers. HARVEY BROS. EXETER, ONTARIO. $TVGT,F FARR FOR HUNTERS. r:oin•r October 91h. to Nov. 8th. T., ill t:Dints in Ternagnmi. points in T..m:a,,:Im1. points M11towct it o fort :1 rt hut' to Sault Ste. Marie nrxl Port .\r•t)tur via N. N. Co., ito Georgia* i111 and Lake Hurter -tor point,' via N. N. Co.(to pointy on N. N. Co. extra cl►,rgo will be made for meals and 1►<•t1115 returning,), to certain Quebec' DIA ntY. (:OJN(, Ot••t•• _5111.. TO NOV, 6th. 11) Pertet:1n,:, Midland, i.sp� p,eld all Wilts Severn to Nort•ti 1111Fi. Ar- gy le to Cobocank, Lindsay to Bali. t►urton, M idawark•s to Depot Hat- tx,r• Muskoka Laker, Lake of Bays :: n,l NIay,netewan river pointe, iti:T1•HN LIMIT DEC. ROI IN* For tickets and full information mil 00 J. J. KNIGIIT, Il+ep,ot Ticket Agent J. 0. McDONALD. District I'asrienger Agent, 1 aronto I M PORTE D High Grade Training e kind the famotr» pave and that is tbnum SUITINGS We call your atten- tion to our large stock of imported Suitirrgs. The best offerings from English and Scotch mills, representing the most fashionable weav- es and fabrics. W. J0811TS Merchant Tails Ir TORONTO, On. 1, Gives to its students. Re- `"� cent, students have taken positions at salar'eti froni Pik per month to $100() per Annum. it is a well•known fact thin elm school is the hest of its kind in Canada. This month is a splendid time to enter. All gradu- ates get position.. The de- mand it, nearly twenty time e the rupnly. Write to day for tnignificient. catrilogite, W. J. Elliott. PrinGipal ('er. Ynt'?P nod Alexander + fitreets. +++++++++++++4-1•+++ +++ 1