HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-11-01, Page 6HEALTH
The greatest physician in the world
Is the sun. Here ars' a few examples
of his healing powers.
Consuulpliot of the lungs has been
successfully treated by means of a con•
tate mirror 'overlaid with blue glass.
In -figuring lupus yields to the chemi-
e:tl rays of the sat, ultiwugh the electric
light is found more convenient in prac-
Pneumonia, diphtheria croup, neurd-
g a, chronic rheumatism, rheumatic
gout, notions, amierau, and chlorosis
have all leen treated nest successfully
L'►• concentrated sunlight.
Even disease's of the kidneys, stomach,
brain, and spleen can he overcome by
s'rong sunligfht. although it cannot pene-
trate to these deep pants. It acts, in
these cases. by stimulating the surface
-and drawing away the blond from the
congested organs.
The sun can cure sleeplessness, tone
the nervous system, improve the appe-
lil( and Ike nutrition of the body, make
red blood. strengthen the heart, and
brace the whole system.
Resides curing disease, the sun pre-
vents it, for sunlight kills consumption
microbes in dust, cholera, and typhoid
microbes in drinking water, scarlet fe-
ver and measles microbes iu infected
There is no remedy so easily obtained
as water, and yet nine persons out of
ten will pass it by in the emergency
to seek for something of less efficacy.
There are but few cases of Illness where
wittier should not occupy the highest
place ns a remedial agent.
A strip of flannel or a napkin folded
Icngthoise and wrung out of hot water
and applied around the neck of n child
who has croup will usually bring re-
lief in a few minutes. A towel folded
several times, then 'quickly wrung out
of hot water end immediately applied
over the seal of the pain in toothache
re neuralgia will afford prompt relief.
This treatment in colic works like mn-
gic. Cases on record having resisted
other treatment for hours have yielded
to This treatment in ten minutes.
Pieces of cotton batting dipped in hot
water. then applied to all sores and new
(MIS. bruises and sprains Ls the treat-
ment now generally adopted in hospi-
tals. Ilot water taken freely half an
hour before bedtime Is nn excellent ca-
thartic In the case of constipation, voile
It Inas a soothing effect on the stomach
and. bowels. This treatment. continued
fc o n few months, together with proper
attention to diet, will alleviate mild cas-
es of dyspepsia.
A Remedy for indigestion. --Poke the
white of an egg beaten to a stiff froth
and stirred into a wineglass of cold
water. iL should be taken after each
l'ul a sprained ankle into hot water
fr r len minutes as soon as possible after
the accident. If the pain is severe. ap-
ply a bran bag dipped into hot vinegar.
Never neglect u daily lean if you want
e c'ear skin and fresh complexion, anti
remember that n pleasant face and
cheerful smile gill go a long way lo -
wards improving the appearance. No
nonan is really beautiful if her ex-
p••ession is not bright and cheerful.
Puffiness under the eyes can sorne-
tintes le helped by the following itis-
s:ige•treatntent. Use both hands, place
the Anger' -tips directly henceth the
eyes, press gently around the outer cor-
ners and upward. following the con -
four of the eye. Try this movement
fifty limes n day.
A len minutes nip is a wonderful aid
to !rayl. The writer knows n delicate
woman. mother of o large family. who
1, enabled to do a great amount of
vt rk by slipping away once or twice
daily for n fen minutes sleep. The
habit may be induced and it becomes
n veritable dip into the fountain el
';:cry of Slave Suppression of the Ililgl
In the days alien .lave Traders dealt
Legally Dally in slaves. they often carried
teem from port to port in "slave
An English naval officer, Captain D.,
nn the lookout for slave trotters. eight -
• one morning what he thought was
n slave dhow .(11111 gave chase. On cuul-
ing up with her he went on board. and,
feeling n. toes there, deitnn li .1 from
the captain his papers, showing that he
dealt in slaves. The captain declared
eetphali. n!ly that he carried no such pa-
per.. therefore the Englishman had to
rt tire.
The sante day some sailors on the
English ship caught a shark, and on
culling it open. found inside a spall
bundle of impels. which proved that the
ollicr ship had slnvcs on board.
Captain 1).. on discovering This. gnve
chase ngnin. and carne up with the
other ship inn port. avheresbe was un-
loading her cargo. Ile deunniled In see
the captain. and. casting few words,
q:ro.1ue,'d the lunel'e of papers. \\ lien
Iht sieve Trader saw them he milled
dea111ly pale, and. slinking with fright,
inn.le n full confession, how he had
teen carrying slaves to sell at the port.
and, on seeping the English ninn-of-war
following hila. he throw- the papers nver-
boerd, little thinking That it would be
swallnw,d by one of the sliat•ks follow -
Ing the vessel and come to lighi ngnin.
this is confirmed by the fact that the
original judgment Is in a frame. and
k on visit' In the Royal Museum. King-
tton, Jnntaies, and a phnkieeraptt of the
iocunivnl Is in the possession of a To-
ronto gentleman.
The cnit• inn great Eur•tpcan capl-
tots tint hate meter been cnxupltst by a
foreign foe aro London and SI. PMcrs•
The Mark
That Telis
Trade a uked thus io a
essay of tyles. fabrics and
prices for women, wen sad
charism. Fore Fined.
Dealers are authorised to
replace imtsaty and at our
cod, any Ps-Astie bl-
oat faulty is a iwertal
at staking. Je
Pea -Angle trade-
mark (in red) ori
every Pen -Angle
garment, tells you
it will fitandwon't
shrink, -your
own dealer so
guarantees it.
Underwear thus
trademarked is
softer, warmer,
more flexible,
better wearing.
nog OR iamb of tames ms.gieg.• alio
LiOj CURTAINS torsZIA 11,7wA.""
Write to ue about your
411111ITIIN altsslsmA 8Tsttla ea. se: teal, aMatra a
Be our Agent in your locality, earn
money in your spare titre selling our
Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet Requisites and
Flavoring Extracts, articles that are
used every day in every home; 50 per
cent. profit in this for you. Write us.
The J. B. Eager Company, Toronto.
Fruit Growers, Attention
Having no commission to pay, and selling for
cn+.h,'rhe Vaotern •townships Numeries ars thus
able to offerou Standard Apple Trees 4 to 6 feet
high• grown here, Randy and thrifty stock fur fail
and Spring delivery, for $15.00 per hundred.
i turenceville,Que
F..y s..n •r•,.• .heli 1...
lets .. Dower foe 1100
t,d .w alba& aor...rti.►
May 113,000see rat.
D,...r b • r..,Lti.s .4100.000.
t. in Parr et. meisti.. ,71 rat
its l.lblf-aalli.a e[.
(disry rwaLsee lets i. iiariete emery MA'
total tray oma 173. t. 11.011..rl
Washington Heights
Tl. tart.a ..1 mesa .yi,ts .SJiei.. is D....R
• fersiekieey . Mri•ri view of Pit.. Pahl lbd tie
Reeky Mare... far • Ji...... qf 7S pile►
O.rleekiy,Wa►aye.s I.A. As egad Rat
Lot. 25x12,5 Fut for $100
9 THIN M ". AMU- a.k.tl..
g..u....Iw wt:. t. �l Ea 1.11 «rs:••L .
ars w • ....esti tan. Y i• r taus ..:arm.
C1r,. I.. r th.. sk• wawar.... t, ort.
..•+ r w .+..Ise 1..,.. 1....t:y a.r.
n. Can." mw+.., • ,. . Dr... C.s•.s.
11 ,.. 1sw .r.rb w iter A..+...rt -
Gold Cuff
at $4 Diamond
Hall has a vast array of solid
gold Cuff Links -made by
the store's own skilled gold-
Notable value is found in
our $5.50 pair of 14k. Gold,
dumb - bell shape, suitable
for monogram; and our Cat.
alogue pages show many
Articles are sent post free,
of course.
n -or are pedal card owl ere •.7f
send Iva f.rr of -hemi our largo illus-
/!rthaled catalorwr.
Ryth, Bi05
A somewhat unusual operation in
wreck -raising has been carried out In
Kiel harbor. Some lime sine the tor-
pedo -heal "S 126' sank In port niter
collision with another war -vessel, and
notwithstanding the known eondihon of
the sunken boat, the authorities derided
le have it brought to ghe surface. For
this purpose two floating cranes of for
mitlahle dimensions were utilized. and
the broken nisi twisted hull arts fished
up from the deplhc and swung through
the air Ilkc a tale of merchandise to a
lighter. on w hi.•h it w as laid. The boil
was of steel, and it is proposed seri-
ously In essay and turn the nparenity
inextricable mass to sonic use.
A child of three years old is half the
height that It will ever reach.
A Wealthy Man of Schenectady. N. Y..
Has the Must Complete Ou1Gt
in His (louse.
Time, 7 a.nt. The electrical awaken-
ing alarm over Katie's 1 ed goes off, and
she opens her eyes languidly. But, with
n sudden realization Mat the masters
breakfast must be ready in half an hour,
site becnite more tie.oke, and, reaching
erre hand from the bel, she touches a
button entbeddect in the .wall nearby.
1'tiis button is niar•ktd "Ten Kettle.'
Then Kalio touches in succession other
btttons, labelled "Porridge," "Oven;'
and "Bath."
Leisurely she arises, dons her cloth-
ing. and goes downstairs. 1n the kitch-
en Ile, len kettle is boiling merrily, tics
per•rid;.re is steaming away in its recept-
acle, and as she opens the oven the blast
of heal indicates that all is ready for
placing the breakfast rolls, made the
argot before, in the oven fur quick bak-
Upstairs the master cnn be heard
splashing in his mot -fling bath, which
has been heated to just the right heir
perahu'e. In n• few minutest another
maid comes downstairs, sets the table,
n11(1 promptly at 7.30, when the mister
nppears in the dining room►, breakfast
is set upon the table, prepared to per-
Who did it? Katie wns the "first one
up" in all the house. Then who started
the kettle boiling? Who turned on the
fire under the porridge steamer? \\no
get the oven ready? 01.e extra servant,
an unpaid, wired servant, w'ho never
Weeps. but is always nt the call of any-
one who will touch the button. And
the servant's name Is Electricity!
Tho house is the Electric house. It
is no fancy dwelling, for with the ad-
vance in electricity is has become quite
possible. indeed, one such residence al-
ready exists and Ls quite successful. Al
Mr. H. \V. Hillman, a wealthy man of
Schenectady, N. Y., is the inventor. and
owner, and occuppant of the (louse of
l:l)11.1) SCtitt:i:1.1'
A IWeumulic Sufferer lured by Dr.
Williams' fink Pills.
Itheunralisii is rooted in the blood -
that is a medical fact every poor rheu-
mune. sufferer should know. Liniments
and outward hppliculiots cannot pos-
sibly cure rheumatism. They are u
waste of money, and while the sufferer
is using thein the disease is steadily
growing worse -Is slowly but surely
taking u limier grasp upon the entire
.'.steer. Rheumatism must be treated
through the blood. That is the only
V.ay in which the poisonous 'acid caul
lis driven out. Dr. \\'tllfan►s' Pink l'ills
actually make new blood and thus al-
ways cur. rheumatism. Every dose of
these pills helps to snake tiew rich red
blood which sweeps the poisunous acid
from lite system, loosens the aching
joints and muscles and gives the rheu-
matic new health free from pain.
Among tho-e olio can hear witness o
thetruth of these statements Is Miss
Dotsina Langlois, of St. Jerome. Que.,
for weary months she suffered from
rheumatism and had begun to think
she was incurable. "I could not straight-
en up," says Miss Langlois. "Sly lintt�s
were almost useless, so stiff were they.
Fur many months I endured such pains
as only rheumatic sufferers can under-
stand. Although only thirty years of
age the suffering 1 endured actually
made me look like an old woman. I
used liniments end tried several medi-
cines, but got not the slightest help un-
lit almost by chance my attention was
directed to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I
began taking lhern and in the course of
it few weeks 1 could see they were help-
ing me. Little by little the pain began
to go, and the stiffness to leave any.
joints. 1 continued taking the pills for
several nfenths when every symptom
of the trouble had disappeared. I have
not felt n twinge of rheumatism since,
and 1 Mess the day Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills came to my notice."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills never fall to
cure rheumatism because they go right
I'' the root of the trouble in the blond.
!That is why these pills cure all the com-
mon nflments clue to poor and watery
blood. such as anaemia, headaches and
beet:aches. Indigestion. neuralgic, St.
Vitus dance. general weakness, and the
distressing irregularities that afnict wo-
men and growing girls. if you need a
medicine you will save money by tak-
ing Dr. Williams' Pink fills at once.
See that the full name, Dr. Williams'
Pink ('ills for Pale People is printed
on the wrapper arnund every box. Sold
by ill medicine dealers or by moll at
51; cents n lox or six boxes for $2.50
from The Dr. \\'illiams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
fn kitchen appliances the Hillman
house surpasses all others in the per-
fection and up-to-dateness of Its elec-
trical equipment. Arid if a cook can-
not be contented in this house, she can
be contented nowhere.
This is nn age when the science of
yuan is bent nn saving the precious mo-
ments, and in the Hillman keine no time
i; lost. The electric kitchen equipment
is simplicity itself. It consists of a
wooden table equipped with many regu-
lating switches for turning the current
or, and off. Thi u, heats_ can be given
-tine maximum, medium and mini-
mum. In the morning the girl turns a
switch in her room when she gels up,
and by the bine she Ls dressed the ten
kettle is boiling, the electrical frying pan
and coffee pot are as soon ready, and
breakfast can be cooked in less than
half the time usually consumed with
the gas or coal stove. The three heat
switches are used, so that the cooked
food cnn he kept waren until used.
Water can be healed, and an egg
cr.oked nn the stove in the wonderful
time of 'hue and three-quarter minutes.
Other cooking utensils are equally as
fust. and prepare the food in a manner
to tickle the palate of an epicure. The
oven can be healed ready for baking in
less than fifteen minutes. Most interest-
ing about the kitchen utensils is the fact
I4,nt so many combinations have been ar-
ranged. Tho hot-water heater is later
used to cook the porridge, then to boil
the eggs, and later the potatoes are
steamed in it.
In the laundry. in the basement, the
nine -gallon water boiler keeps a steady
supply of lint wafer, all the machinery
is run by electricity and the clothes are
iroiu•:1 by n six -pound electric nal iron,
which is always ready for work.
is equipped with a small table wired for
the channg dish and coffee percolator,
where pleasant evening dishes can he
Ile m
t on
is of the house areheal-
with the luminous electric radiators.
The radiators nre Instnntniteous, and
ns snot ns Ihr' switch js turned the Ilre
glows and throws out n strong heat.
hey give more heal then any gas heat-
er. do not use the oxygen in the room,
and nre far cheaper. costing less than
seven rents en hour for hent.
The bethrout is replete with elcdri•
cal ventios and mcnic\Wal
in tInhe hathngel iscnhintedencgmicklys. witeh-
nn intrncn.e roil. In forty seconds wa-
ter can he healed in the shaving mug.
The miscellaneous electrical conh•iv-
once.s nhnut This house are almost with-
out ninnies', and are being lidded to
every day. The sewing is done on a
sewing nlnrl:ine run by n :stein ntotnr,
and n little Three -pound electrical flat-
iron in the sewing -room is inure than
ticeful; it is n necessity. An electrical
mnssnt;e motor is nnnther device. There
Is nlsn the electric hotting pad, which
takes the place of the nig hot-water bol-
Ite. 11 is as light ns it blanket. and cnn
Is' kept for hours at the same tempera-
sooehes in the house nre an unknown
quantity. Cigar -lighters' ein the veron-
(,nh. in the den -the only places where
n:nteht's would he used -remove etery
excuse for n twitch in the Rouse. There
nre ntcn telephones upstairs and (own.
A greet many of the deviees 111011-
tinned cnn be used in alntn•.t any home
where electric lights are ioe.l. such as
the shaving nnrg, tea and coffee pots,
ehniing-dish, nit -irons, eigtr•llghter,
sewing =chine motor and laundry
The general prosperity of New• Yea -
hind is remarkable. Otil of it popula-
tion of n little less limn I.0nnsin0 one.
third hove motley in the savings banks.
'The wealth per bend is nearly A3(kl
which is the largest nt nny country in
the world. Stall -ties show for New Zen -
land the highest health and the lowest
death rate of any country.
Cure for Steeping Sickness Said to (lave
Been Found.
Two Europeans are reported to have
been cured of sleeping sickness in the
\Valentine! Hospital.
The authorities decline to give details
at present, but 11 is understood that the
treatment consisted of the injection of
strychnine and ['Myr!.
British, French and German investi-
gations have been made in Africa to
combat this strange disease, which has
swept away hundreds of thousands of
natives. hitherto it has been regarded
as incurable.
Its ravages have been described by
i.ivingstone, Selous and other pioneers
of exploration nn the Dark Continent,
and Col. David Bruce discovered that It
Was caused by the parasite "trypano-
some," which is carried by the iselsu
The disease Is at first often put down
to laziness, but develops until the vic-
tim cannot keep himself awake, and
may fall asleep at any lime, even w•hilo
eating. Ile wastes to skeleton, and in
eight months at the outside is a dead
"1 thank you with all niy heart for
what Baby's Own Tablets have done
for my little girl." says Mrs. Antoine
fharelle, Jr.. of St. Boniface, Que.
\\ hen 1 legan giving her the 'fnblel,
slit seemed to he pining nwey, but nf-
lee using less than a Lox she was rap-
idly gnining and she is now tt fine bat
healthy lillle one. and 1 write you This
ns the ncknowledgemettl of a mother
who will never forget what Inlet's Own
Tablets hove done for her child." Let-
ters like this must bring (tope nil cont -
foil to nil mothers who have feeble . r
sickly children. Baby :s (nvn Tablets
will cure all the minor ailments mud
ran be given Just as safely In n new
horn baby ns to a well grown chill.
If you cannot get these 'Iablels frotn
your dealer write The Dr. \Villimns'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Oil., and get
then) at 25c a box.
"\\'.dl. Harry," said the hostess to
her small guest, "did yotl rest well last
nig lit?"
"1 don't know." answered iinrry.
"You din 1 know!" eelmed the lady.
"No, nta'nit." replied the little chap,
"i was asleep all the time."
Made is Caned, end Sold by 61
This coupon le grxxl for one ten
exit (lee.) Trial nettle of the ocle-
Dr. Leonhardt's
• .neo Darn for Indigestion. Hiltons.
nevi, a►y.pepsia, Constipation and
all ailments arising therefrom.
Mailed free. Ina plain ppaaekage on
roceipt of name and address. F ill
to your name and post office address
on dotted lines and send to
Maim Falls, OM.
What Is Going On In the Highlands
and Lowlands of Auld
Major 1:. W. Blunt, the husband of
the Countess of Croniartie, has nssunu'ei
the name of Bluul-\luokenzie. ller sur-
name, like that of her son. \'icoutt
Turbid, remains --Mckenzie.
Tho laest quofi ett has
ever breirgbr.wgltt toantity KirkwRstall duIlring a
peroid of four days, was landed there
recently, 13 lurg.e Griwsby trawlers
landing 200 Ions of lith.
The top stairs in a house in \\'almer
Crescent, Ibrox, a fashionable Glasgow
suburb, collapsed the other day, and
brought down the lower staircase. The
lerlarei$ were rescued by means of a fire -
The coining of nge of Mr. John Peter
Grant, jr., of Itnlhienuurchus,, son of
Sheriff Grant of Itotliieitu•chus, was
celebrated by several functions held al
the Duuno House, Ilothieinurchus, near
The death has occurred at Berwick
of Mr. 1'hoia.s George Turner, n well-
known townsman. Mr. 'Turner was ".i
years of age. He had been for the past
quarter of a century secretary of the
Berwick and Twecxlntouth Gas Com-
Sir \\'m. While Is a believer in ttie
turbine for maritime propulsion pur-
poses. In a lecture on the 2611t alt in
London, on "Modern \Varships" he re-
fered to the turbine machinery of the
Clydebank -built Cunarder Carmaniu ns
a marvel of modern engineering. lie
expressed salisfactiun that the turbine 's
to be adopted in all new British war
After six years' wailing. the Victorin
cross and donation, together with the
usual annuity, has been received by John
Ross, who was a trooper in the High-
land Mounted Infantry. at I'aordeler•g,
and at great personal risk ran to a
wounded ollicer's aid and curried hint
out of tete zone of fire. The incident
wns seen by General Lyllellon. Ross is
now a gardener in the employment of an
Elgin nurseryman. He is 33 yea's Of
age and a native of Aberdeen.
Information has been received nt
Stornoway of the death at Lucerne of
Mr. \\'illiain Lees, an old and well-
known citizen of Stornoway. The de-
ceased, who was 81 years of age, was
in his early life a shipmaster. having
served his apprenticeship with his ra-
ther, who was a well-known vaster
mariner, sailing out of Stornoway in
his own vessel, in which lie visited
nearly all parts of the world. After his
retiring fcont the .5011, Mr. Lees was ap-1
pointed harbormaster and collector at
Mr. George Ferguson. the oldest rnns-
ter joiner in Glasgow, has died nt his
residence in Lenzie. Ito•n eighty-four
years ago at Carstairs, deceased became
n joiner on his own account ns fir back:
ns 11416, and nmo►g his contracts were;
Coats' Spinning Mills, Paisley; Kelvin -I
grove Art Galleries, and the Technical
College. Ile was a widely travelled ratan,!
and wns a keen culler and bowler.
The Docks and Pilotage Committee of,
the Aberdeen Harbor Board reportedi
that they had under consideration the
subject of providing an additional pan -I
loon dock. They recommended that, ns
suggested by the harbor engineer. the
dock should be 150 feet lung, 42 feet
wide, with draft on keel blocks 16 feel,
and a lifting capacity (deadweight) of
G00 tons, to cost £17.830.
There has passed nwny In her hun-.
drettlh year Miss Macrae, who resided
with tier nephew, Millie sweetie,Bceeh-
wood. Nairn. She retained n11 her
faculties up to the last. and could tell
ninny stories relating to stirring limes
of Inst century. Miss Macrae wns pre-
sent in Fcrintosh Church when the joy-
ful newts of Wellington's victory at
\Vaterino vas announced, and she could
recall the rejoicings in Aberdeen on the
coronation of Queen Victoria.
Mother -Now, iskier, go and give the
governess Hess
er n
isidor-No, thank you, not me. 1
know her. She will give c mc slap on
the face like she did papa.
DO NOT ALLOW ,ourself to become alarmed
becauseou Fare los your appetite ani are lode`
flesh. but commence taking " Verrovtm " the beet
Ionic. 11 will build you up quickly.
Ethel: "i rather like that young
Doulledny. 114' has n gond Mtn mouth
and chin." Myrtle: "Goodness! Has he
been kissing you, loo?"
There cnn be n difference of opinion
on most subjects, but them is only one
()Onion ns to the reliability of Moths'r
Grates' \\'oral 1:\terI11111u101•. 1l is safe,
sure and effectual.
A gentlemen who was on n visit to
Niagara (when the car raised and low-
ered by steam -power wr:s in use) went
into the sterling -house to mimeos the
descent, teing lou tttnfd 1n g,'n down him.
self, After the ear started, hilly im-
pressed with the danger. he turned io
the elan in charge, and said. "Suppose
the rope should (,real:?' "Oh," replied
Iho Irma. who hal no eye for anything
but business, "they all paid before they
Dear Mother
Your little ones ere a roadant ear* is
Fall .ad Witter weather. They will
catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's
Coartm ptio• Cure, the Lunt Tonic, sad
what it hs.s dose for so many i It is mil
ea be the only reliable reatedy for all
law d tete air passers it children.
itis absolutely harmless and pleasant to
take. h is vsrsaseed so cue or your mosey
is retlrised. The pries is 25e. per bode,
sad all ds ire is imagine sell 314
,716 sash tits i he is «047 itets.heldi
of the highest medical authority in the land you are earnestly advised to we
for Colds. Coughs. Croup. Whooping Cough. Mittman. and all Throat
and Lung Troubles.
This famous remedy is a pure Vegetable syrup and should be in
every home. Your druggist not only keeps it but recommends 15.
" OS H.AWA t'
sow. q.r:,fraaf) isvs
OOdds eiasefef of -O Odil0•.✓'�
latch _ t� I+
Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices vetoing from $2.£5 to 15.10
per hundred square fret covering measure. This is the most durable cov-
ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for douses, Barns, Stores, Ele-
vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHA\\'A" shingles. A
hammer and snips nee the only fools required.
\\'e are the largest and oldest ccompany of the kind under the British
flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada.
making thein
\Ve nlso mnmrfacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and
E4\ l.STII0E1:11, Etc.
METAL SIDING, In 'inflation of brick or stone,
M1tl:TAi, CEILINGS, ht 2,000 designs.
Write for Catalogue No. 1411 and free samples of "OSIIAWhw Shingles.
Write to -day.
T$1E] paDl.e. L FCI, Z°lam,
MoaUeol, One. I Oibwa, OohTOMO, Oat. [cinder', Om. Nfompeo, Man. J Yancouver,B.C.
111-1 W Craig 811 423 Sussex et. I11 Colborne it 160 Dundas at.' Lombard st. 1 615 Pander et.
Write your lioareet Otlice.-Il1iAD OYYICK AND WORKS-OSHAWA, Ont
Some people may not know That ent-
ers are now taken into nclion, itefore
a regiment proceeds on service, the col-
ors are placed in safe custody as suits
such honorable insignia, and "when
Tommy conics marching home again"
they will be all the fresher for not be-
ing carried through dusty lands and
trying rivers. The men whose duty it
would hove been In curry thele and
stand by then) to the Ins( ore nowadays
employed in less senthnental, if more
useful, duties. -
i't Neetis nn Teslintoninl.-it is n gu-
arantee In itself. If testimonials were
required they cnnld be furnished in
thousands from all sorts and condi-
liens of then In widely different places.
Many medicines nre put forth every
year which have but nn ephemeral ex-
istence and then aro lienrd of nn mole.
I)r. Thomas' Eelectric Oil has grown in
reputation every day since it fitsl made
its appearance.
Harry: "Binnche says she has in-
superable reasons for remaining
single." Ilorace: "\'es, 1 know %hal
they are." Harry: "Then she has told
you?" Horace: "No; but I have seen
MONTR AFTER MONTI, a cold stick♦. snit
peso. 10 tear holes in your thro:d. Are roe aware
that even a Muhl. of and long neglected cold is
Fared with A1xeu•e Lung naL+.uu t tough and
worry as /eager.
1'er.linand: "And do you really love
inter Penelope: "Love you. Ferdientel?
%Vhy. only yeslcrday' papa asked ale 11
1 wouldn't sootier have a pug dog, end
I refused!'
Are you a sufferer with corns? If
you are. get 0 brittle of I1u111.way's Corn
Cure. It has never been known to fail.
nm " saIal r n
sler of the
house, authoritatively, "when 1 put my
fool down It stays there!' Ihul the little
tack 011 WIlicli tae hruught 11 down tool:
all the point out of his illustration.
T1IR JAi'S did It. They supplied the Menthol
fond In the " D .4 1." Meath a l'latter, which re-
lieses instantly haekaahe, beyractte, neuralgia,
rheumatlam and sciatica. _
\Mrs. flastynateh: "1 had n dozen
proposals before yours. And from
smarter mon than you. tor;' afr•. Ile sly.
111ntch: "'They 11111st have been. ILnv
did they manage to crawl out of it?"
Be There n \\'W Wisdom Points It:e
\\ ny.-The sir!: man pines for relief,
Tui he dislikes sending for the doctor,
which means kitties of drugs never
cansunt(•(1. Ile 1141s nut the 1•,:snluliutt
to Inad hie stomach with compounds
which smell cillninnttsly and lade
wore. Ilat if he hive tee will to deal
himself with his ailment, wisdom w int
direct h's attention to I'arrhele''s Vigo-
lalalr fills. which, as a speeific for Mile
gi Alan and disorders of the digestive
organs, have no equal.
A (:11) 01Il L
Al Sprimonl,1.0in Ilelgi'om, on June 71h,
nn Ilnur before noon. penple nt work In
olflcrs were surprised by a sudden
11nrtcnes s which 01)14:111*ctl their rooms.
Going outdoors, they saw- above the
centre of the town a dense cloud, like n
g1 int ntntle.ss, which hid the sun.
Ilene and there the extraordinary cloud
was gathered into fleck flocculent
masses, from which filaments were seen
falling In the .01111. These filaments
turned out to he sprays of tray, and In
a short time they lay thick in the mnr-
kel-peace. 'The cloud was t2tnposed of
a great quantify of hay,-whic t had been
carried up into the sky by a whirhtiud,
and Then trencportcu to a great dislnnce
v the wind. The elm, drove from
mirth to south. and occupied nearly 10
tonnes 1n passing Over Ih^ town.
1,060 acres of clean unbroken prairie.
the finest wheal land on earth, on the
banks of the Iced !liver, 45 miles from
\\'inuipeg, four milt :v from two railway
sldions. $13 an acre lakes 11, 83,000
cash. balance easy. No better farm, no
better investment.
-.Wtl.(111 A IBE.A'TTIE,
12 Merchants Bank Building,
-Winnipeg, Nan.
"I lis wife Is very accomplished. She
cnn cook or play n piano with (1101
facility:" "That is en accouII11I 1:naent.
1 have never before heard of anyone
cooking a piano."
A Clear Healthy' Skin. -Eruptions r•t
the skin and the blotches which blem-
ish beauty arc the result of impure
blood caused by unhealthy action ( t
Itte liver and kidneys. In correcting
this unhealthy •action and restoring lite
organs to their normal condition, Par-
tnelec's Vegelnblo !'ills will al the
same time cleanse the blond. and the
blotches and eruptions will disappear
without leaving any trace.
rester -by : "I thought you wee*
blind?" hlendiaant: "\Well. mister,
times is so hove) and competition is so
great, that even n blind nitn has to
keep his eyes open if lie wants to do any
business at all."
A SKIN THAT Ht'l7Y9 with eczemsa, and le
covered with eruptions that discharge a thin fluid.
may be read. smooth and sightly with Nesvere
Vera.. Out this estarsal remedy should Mash
is wslquoellest taliWearer's Syrup.
Mistress: "Bridget, I don't serif t
you1 having till Irl) in the
mind h(1 dear 1
t -
kitchen with you when we go out?"
itridget : "No. 11111111: 01 talk. 1' hove
him here. Ysee. whin•Ihings get wrung
nn' 0i gins me (ruder up It's a ',mighty
big relief to have something to tick
Some persons have periodical allnoks
of Canadian cholera, dysentery or dimm-
rho a. awl have to use great precau-
tions to ovoid the disease, Change of
water. cooking. and green fruit. Is sure
to bring on the nlincks. 1'n such per-
scns we would rivoinniat11 Dr. J. D.
Kellogtt's Dysentery Cordial ns tieing
the I e -t medicine In 11:' market fer all
Funnnrf' rot npinl: ia. If n few ;lops
are taken in wet •r when the symptoms
tire noticed nv further trouble will l0
"Lite." moralized the doctor, "is not
what it seems."
"Perhaps," suggested the profes•nr,
"you have never looked on the seamy
site of it." _ _
her ---"l heir ghat \ir. Jon•:c has
fir\tie (tmptrdenre Io kiss coo at the se
lien. \What (1 d you do?" Daughlcr-
"Oh. 1 hissed liitn Ino, so ns to make the
penplthink we wire relent -es."
Asthma Cure
has never fattest t
cure times those
suffering from
1 hrnnic Ikono'eilit
or Asthma.
Tot tA.ht as bare 1
o alar tired.
to icy adlren.
RON X. 00.,
n ami, te
mad 1e1 ee tO Iin•e
rural one tint r. ire. t
PARR 55 v. , 4 sent
O. A. OAM�
(,0 .0 M OITA. Ont
16.1E NO. 13 N.