HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-11-01, Page 4TOIICt IIrtJGICS AT ING'S DRIII 8TIE Ladles and Gentlemen: Call in and see our New Stock of Combs HAIR SHAVING MIMES TOo1'l1AIr` H NAILD SCRUBS and WHISKS CHAMOIS and SPONGES The very beat PERFUMES. TAL, CUM POWDERS, TOOTH PASTES - OTU TOWASHES & POWDERS,also ALMOND) Groan] and GLYCERINE JELLY You cannot help being pleased. --AT Brownings Drug Store. The Exeter Times THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1st, 1906. SPEAK WELL OV YOUR TOWN It there is one ,thing specially to be totnmeu<1ed in the citizens of any community it is the characteristic of always speaking a good tv,ord for the place in which you live and in evhic}i you make your bread and but- ter. however touch crr little that term may imply. Real live optimism twill do much to build up a uotw•n, s(or ,where the spirit of hopefulness pre - enterprise will flowrish. Some. times a community pets out of Sorts Ith itself and its citizens feel that eta in the drag. Tho remedy is not ar to seek. Cheer up! Show your heerfulness to the outside world ad when e'ou speak of your town mark on its good features and for- t its faults except to remedy bem. The man who can't speck ell of the place he lives in owes t ito both himself and to the .plane 0 move out. Industries do not mo to a town whose citizens are ntinually singing requiem over it. ONE-MAN RULE Tho recent suspension of the On- rlo hank has in it a lesson for reholders of all kinds of char - companies, banks included.. hat lesson is, that greater individ- 1 interest r;hould be taken in tho agement and not eo much left to unsupervised control of any one son. no matter what his ability iatefrrity. In the Ontario Bank's ee over a million and a half of ney teams Ro have disappeared in idoat •apcculation and even the NOTE AND COMMENT Some person void it w;ts the Grand Trunk's new station being moved up town. But it wasn't. It was mow in; ,fou last for that. • • • • • Talk about the canning factory cawing a boom it Why they are actually hauling houaes in front the country and planting them on Main street. No political party can 'Afford to havo either $10 bribes or $55,004) grafters identified with it. They aro the canker worms eating its vitals. Jeremiah, the modern and Jere• meat' of old. havo ,one cher:.cteristio in common in that: they both griev- lousiy lamented the shortcomings of their friends. • • • . • The Directors of the Agricultural Society aro making a serious mis- take if khe facto abated in Mr. John Cottle's (ether, ))ubtished in 'this es- tate. are esubetantially correct. 1.I., Hallowe'en is another 'of 'These long established tnlle-pasts of the year, which ail we pass, remind us of the 'stealthy, yet rapid 'march of time. ELIMVILLE Mr. And Mrs. Percy Baker return- ed to :their home at bLoascjew ,after spending a short !limo with 'friends and relatives in and around those parts. The Trustees of our church pur. pose having •a two o)1 13'turday nt- ternoou for 'the hauling of dirt to level up 'the ground inside the sheds. All those interested in the welfare 0r their horses are expected to bo on hand. Rev. 1r1 Bloke has come rather early wwith his cold weather and the ferute'e have not gal their turnips up. Messrs. G. Miners and W. Ilaw- kius are busily engaged packing an - plea for J. G. Jones, M Exeter, na is also Mi. Il, Cooper. It in rumored 'that Mr. A. Berry - hill has disposed of his farm to By- ron Rawcliffe and intends moving to London in the near future. A 'meeting of eho members of the quarterly board will be Held on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The ,sacrament of -ILo Lord's sup. per will 'bo held on Smelly morning next. Cg8'='els R=.11,. Hear, tea• The Kind You Nan Alm ls BaiQllt &guitars 0t Good Fairy of the'liome. ANCIENT HEROES AND A MOD- ERN DISCOVERY. Ancient Greece will always be re. ruombered for the fine stypes of man- ttood supplied by the dienO(.s of her ttlefiolds and else nthletee of her enas. Stili more will these heroes d athletes themselves be ',rem: bered for the custom they be - cathed to It ter ages dor' healing re and injured place on their �bo- es by the external application of me secret ,bairn or salve. The reek oharioteers did not emerge m their mad races without /some ere wound or ;aping wound: and anoint each injury carefully with it favorite 'halm Wast an indispen. le part of t he d,)y's pro;eromme. we azo back in hist ory-even {ho le times -we grind 'that this ce- ll "rubbing" than luevailed all ng ,rho dine, and the only explan- on of its survival, amidst too many nes in science, seems ,to lie in fact that the extcrn.•tl nae of sat. and balms !s dict ted to us Sty are herself. Our oar) instincts us' to rub a part Mot hurts: and 'Lars-B'uk the ideal ,yubettince to ly to an injured or disresed aur- is universally believed to have n found nt tsar. est of the ointments, c-mhroeas s and salves flint have had to ice in tthe.past ore of a coarse istency'. and contain quentities,of era] peisona, rancid anim•1l eats, turpentine. What healing pro- les they may possess nrn gen- ie counterbalencetl by 'the srnlve ger of inflaming and conesminat- t}ut flesh. m-Buk ea absolutely free from such dangi r. It e1 a preproration pounded purely froani 'harlot jui- essonces and extracts -.a ",kin- " which regenerates old and sed tissues just ae food rebuilds rcconstruc(s t he body. Zem- also gives natun,lly just that tame which ich Nat are is asking when pain. swellings, eruptions flammatien occur. /,)m_rluk al_ all forms 'of irritation, expels 80, slops suppuration ,stops fes - r and virtually "feeds" the toning it up in Nature',9 own olluk .h out. 11 ,e in cyer • home. Genu• • a side range of usetutnese' i c• c•11• • (K' Ls y recommended for bruis.cs, burns, scald9 sprain+ Cr!". swotk•n joint~, bad ! leg, and d bt.•cdinq pitci, running ccacma, ulcers, pimples. boils raw ch•ipi.cd hands, scalp irri- sore kends, barber's rash, chin after she ing, sore throat I4 t. tore and aching feet. chit- . coed -sora s, 1'slerirtrr � r,�a^e s. e.1 wounds. and other diseased 41. ;end inflamed or irritated irnas of the skin. 1tui,t,ed well iie parte affected, 7,)nr-flak creat relief frau) neura1,it, etre, sciatic,, lu ]lin :o, rheu- n, :end sheet and back pains, 1ru;rtris!s WTI al 50 cents :r box 1 Ino trolly the Zein -dale Co.. 0.. on receipt of voice. •131D1f LP11 ba ar an era qu 80 di wo G fro aev to the lob If Bib ter alo ate cit. rectors aver that they were un- I the 'ace of the investments which w•es ined the ]lank. Everytbing seems N a. have been left to the tell in neral Manager. Ile appeared wit-, app g to 'take the responsibility and ince bee M tion surf cone min and pert eral den ing 7..a any corl1 ccs, fool, desert and 1Juk •asses fur. or in Ilya l;e:e terin eke), w1y. Zit, It h 1 but j Icut -. titin I blind t sores, i reel', I lation I rata ' ;and et been, ane tKt n a, n iitem(' ,jur' i eretedie into 1 leives I toot ha Itt,tjvr All 4 or tee '1'n, un' men who Oho shareholders be- vel were wide-awake beat- s men -dependable Hien in cv- earticul:ur,-permitted hint to do at thio same time forgetting their ty to those who there piecing con - trice in theta. Of cour 'the, im- s Zack of system, absence of well. we11-ie;fulaled organization it it is not to be believed that Canadi,en banks generally, are ]ducted so unwisely. But at the he time too muohtone-man mnn- >Inent prevades all Our stock com- ets. We boast of J, Vi(I,t 4331(4 hest skint; s3s;em in the world and so have, but in every individual case ere one' -nein rule i4 iIIoww•ed WO rt and run the risk of eedieg dim' rust. r_teM•.s • For the Children succeed these days you est have plenty of grit, cour- e, strength. How is it with children? Are they thin, le, delicate? 1)o not forget yer's Sarsaparilla. You ow it makes the blood pure e1 rich, and builds up the feral health in every way. •e 11MenesnnstpM.lblyh.v. h..ttla /e 11e• ls'w l• are to prnpl,t eondItlen. Cef• sn r ne.ippstlnn by •Ivinf .ms4l ]arab l 1 Ar.i •. "')4. A,t ve5etable,sugreoa� idaIe li & O. Asa t!.., y.•w111.11/a•s. JPA «tatriMtwr.r.. um v100S. „eraAIM CURL. V Cult PeCTOtAL, W nave se ***Mel w• publish (•s Arss•t« of all our a.alet••s. 1 12ich,r.l Atkin.,on, t,( iti.ldnlph, Iris 1 arrived home rife to his (entity, af- ter an elver ' ref 4hrpe 01)11t114 sn. journ in el mi3ob.,• ile was n) the ill -filed train dereik 43 at .Sdbry When en inlay met a cruel (, t.,. it i' h1 r.) tw-:18 among Ino wounded. but we are ple,t8ed to see him tem - self ngnin, ile recepived (rem the 1 toile a% .•ompany tacane R50 n8 ills 'thane of denotes. Mr, (;e's,rve llltnn,field. 'morel) ire of Mr+orrgvi3tc, and tile brat her John THE EYEZ 1R TIMES, NOVEMBER 1st 1906. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Kind You Have Always )ought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signatn,re of and bas been made under his Qee�• sons] supervision since its infancy. Allow ane todeceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations Experiments that trifle with and endanger the healthoror Infatts and Children-F.xpertenee again st Experiments What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for' Castor Oil, Pare. •goric, I)rops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains "'either Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its gtutrantee. It destroys Worinr •i and allays Fet'erish,texs• It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles cures ion and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS Tho Kind You }Iavo Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. T""""'"- OOY.Ae.,. ♦r YUia NLt• lr••• .ITII. Bloomfield. of Lucan, have decided tot office. Mart a mercantile ]establishment in London. Mr, Gordon Bloomfield will j carry on 'the business at lt`eares- vlele. Mrs. Eliza Taylor and Miss Mabel Darrell, of London, spent last week visiting friends in Iliddulph, Mr. Alex Hodgins, of Stratford, paid hie'friends in fliddulph a fly- ing visit last week. Mr. Franklin Neil. Biddulph, is at present in 'the far west with a load of Lincoln sheep. He has lately re- turned from England with some choice sheep and homes, Mr, I. I3. Bryant ,of Iliddulph, has returned from New Ontario. IIe in- ' 1 tends giving a description of that locality to the papers in the nurse of n couple of weeks. Mr, Riohard Iiayonaft, of Biddulph, having completed his contract on the centre side road, tel now engaged in I buying up and shipping fowl. Mr, Wilbert Revington and Thos. Courney, of Biddulph. were in Toren- to 'this week getting rid of their H t .urplua widen.re Mr. Kilmer etas decided to 'Pay in or Canada and not go'to Detroit as tor. merly intended. M Mr. E. O. Jones ham moved a ten- of ament from Kelly's siding Ito Clan- tic deboyo where he will have it cam- sa pleted before winter. ria Mr. L. D. Stanley, ,formerly of Luaan. has .moved to ,the villege of Attwood, where he intends seeing in. to business. We wish hint succus in his enterprise It is 'reported that n farmer Haytownship boy, a son of J. Mcltiek, of this village. has struck luck en the Northwe;tt, Steno six or seven years ago he Ioceteti ori a farm near Edmonton which, has now become the ,capital city of the new province of Alberta and is growing .rnpidly. Mr. elellick's .farm, if not now with:. In the city limits, will be very soon, and has thus become very valuable. with Mlle prospect that its value will rapidly increase and make a large fortune for .hits.,`- NOTICE- TO CREDITORS n the matter of the estate of Isaac Hill. the Elder. lata of the Township, of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, de- ceased s by INoticeS. ..11897, ehapterr)129,)suathat' to all reditors and others, having claims gainst the estate of the said Inane ill the Elder, who died on or about he 16th day of July, 1906, are quired on or before the 5th day November 1906, }o bend by st prepaid or deliver to esters. Gladmen & Stanbary, the Village of Exeter, So - Roos for the Executors of the id deceased, their christian and sur - mem, addressee and defied tion A CASE IN %VEST AIIIC11AT, Mrs. A. 1'. Ferguson a wcllknoww•n Gripe Ilretoner ,has cured asthma by "Cat,errIozoneee Ifc,r statement j,4 convincing:- "Although f was troubled for years it 'wan only re - hen l rl - re - ono et- red d." (il- io .00 ccntl.v 1 rent (lterrhorone. 1V tri at'lack tstar('d I got out fay haler and invariably got quick lief. Feeling satisfied Cat errhoz would cure I continued ,bee tre ment till one bottle was finished, didn't sso more beeausn I wan cu and the withnra bee never returne Pelarrhozontt is cure denth to an 11,:) :vt41 bronchitis. Try it and convinced. Two HIZeS• 25c. and $1 et all dealers, Zi'lttl:ll The Jubilee band has sent its boss instruments to Toronto to be nickle plated. It is expected :t concs:rt mill Ire rriven during Christman week. John (Lisette hes leered else Beck• man fanm, Jiron.een Linc, 'from An- drew John:er•n for :► teras of five ten rs. Zurieh still has hop's of se r' a railway in the noir future.Cn ) Some tr /.t r.1 1 ' .eI t have f t><:m. he habit of drol,pineeheir let tors tie men box :,1 the post attic•', v lnlped. merely pullere in taw the full particulars of their claims Lhe atatomcnt of their accounts arid the nature of the seourities, if any held by them. And (nailer take notice that atter such last mentioned .1n._ o said executors will proceed to distribute tho assets of the de- ceased arlvone the parties entitled thereto Inviter regard only to hie clair:as of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any parson or hall snot ha ve been rsons f received by totem at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicieethei Dales} att Exr, for a said d y toot October, 1906. FAItAI FOIL SALi•;. - 'that excel- lent farm, Lot. 10. concession 10. Usborne, consisting of 100 nat•C4 in good state est cultivation. T1er pro- perty is well fenced, hon 'two large banes, with stabling underneath, cement doors end water in front of stock in stables. Large windmill on barn, also one on pump. Good 'frame house; ,good orchard. hog pens. drive shed. All I he land is seeded, except 18 acres, of which 11 acres is in tell abaft. There is about 10 acres of ng ' good bust'. This term is well un- derdrained with tile. For further In particulars apply Ro A. E. Ifol,Tert, '41 IN THE SURROGATE CO n.l in l Exe!er. ----- ....RT _OF n- THE COUNTY OF HiJRON ay in the estate of Samuel Parkinson to. of the Towvnehip of Ostlorne, in it ; the county et Huron, .firmer e : deceiteel. r 1 Notice is hereby '-'even if 1, 11 etre- - j suint to an Order of Him Donor i1. 1.. Doyle. latae of .Ih•, Surro;rate Court of the Canals of Huron In•ide tiro 29I It day of October instant. The London and Western Trust); Com- posts, 1,inii:rvl may, on 11on.l:,y the 12th d.ey of November ,nr'xI, make application for a Irma, to them of let tura of A1 ii nisi ra l inn of 4 hr• es- tate of the :,:1i41 Antnu-•I J':)reinson, fol tm'rly of I he I ,wn:d,ep of 1'sbnrn.t afo+csajd, 31 Ito, de,.,ptd';tred fr.,n1 Ihr Najd iow•n:tte(p 011 ..r allon1 the 17311 day of November, 1893 and 33 hose ►vice re .►hoots sine 'the said (141' :ere unknown and 'w ho inen:tievod to be dead le;avirr•t 'property f•-, be 1dmfn- ig'cred in tee et (l. county (•.f Huron. And the olid ,ludas will oe the .said 12th day cf e:'ember at 11 :1. tn. in the Cowl ilowie :)t the town of Goderi.:h he er evidence) cencornin;' suit a))'IslicaWin. GLADMAN & STANtltlfy So'i'itots far 'the E.o')d,,1, & Western 11104at8 E(ocl^aroyOntLlrtenoi,lllk o. 30th day of October. 1806. nt cones with the 1ettoe Sometimes i sufficient money was put in to p the �.t ► -, The t's* transfer had nay the difference and los conclude ' h :' ;'i tele we holt( the postl,7 81:41119 ww)II'1x1'.'3)1 10 1141) it :i'l lelfe ood's Staisparills sojonetbe &- grotto =Ides the worAiradvsas war It. Is an all-rouad mak% crodooles Its Ube Wined 411.0t4 ParitYe vitalizing sod soricklos blood on which the *r� �� d Accept. no sobs& k- eit. OI�� Hood's HOOD In the natter of !lie estate of Jane 1 Smillie, late of dbo township ot Tuokorsmith, in 'the County of Huron. widow, deceased. Notice is •hereby givens pursuant to I1, !3, 0., 1697, chap. 129, that all creditors and others having claims against 'fixe estate of the said Jane Smit)ie, who died au or about the lth day of Oc.obor. 1906. aro requir- ed on or before the 12th day of November, 1900, to Bend by poet pre- paid or deliver to Wm. Moir. of the village of Hensel'. or Benjamin stni1- 1 lie, Her►sall post office, executors of j the raid dec,aaned. their christian J and surnames. addresses and de3e rel+ - tions, the (full partioulars of (heir • claims. the ,statement of their tie - 1 counts and eche nature of the eie- autities, if any, held by 'them. And further flake notice that after such last mentioned .ditto the teed Execu- tors will proceed 'to distribute the assets of 'the deceased wlmong the parties entitled thereto, having' re- gard only do the claims of which they shall 'then }lave notice and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part t}ter.- of to any person or persons of whose claims notice ehall not have been received by them at the time of ouch it; ribtat.ion, GLADMAN & STANBURY. Solicitors for said Executors. Dated ret Exeter, lila 24111 (key of October, 1900. NOTICE TO CREDITOR In the matter of the estate of Char- les Snell, the older, late of the Village of Exeter, in tls' County of ilunon, Insurance, Agent, de- ceased Notice: is hereby given pursuant to R. 8. 0„ 1897, chap. 129, that ell coeditors and others having claims against the estate of the 'mid Char- les Sneer, the elder, who died on ,or about the 4th day of October, 1906, ono required 00 or be&,ro the 12th day of November, 1906, to send by Gladuan st teepee' le& Stanbury, of (ho village of Exeter, solicitors for the Execu- trix of the said deceased, their ehr(stien and sum -ernes: addresses and deioreplions, the full particu- tars of their a?rims, •rho statement of their accounts and the nature of the s if And further s�take t i1otiaoldtll t y �attccr such last mentioned date the Said Executrix will proceed to distribute the awe:ots of the de .amon; the par'liee entitled thereto, Lavin; regard only to the claims of which" they ,shall then havo notice rind that the said Executrix will not be liable for the bald assets or any part there. of to any person or persons of ww'1>rose claims notice shall nob have been ee- oeived by them at the time of much distri bu t ion, GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors for Executrix. Dared at Exeter, the 22nd day of October, 1905, Notice to Debtors All persons indebted 'to the eagle of the byte Chas. Smell, ane rrequrst. ed to settle their indebtedness with tiro undersigned at once, GLADMAN & STANBURY, Soliofteas for Executrix, Exeter, Oot, 22nd, 1906, THE NEW PURE FOOD AND Drug Law will mark it on the label of every oougb cure 000ntoining Opi- um Chloroform, or any other ship - Using or poisonous drug. But it pasties Dr, Shoop's Oough Cure as made for twenty years. entirely tree. Dr. Shoop 931 along has bitterly op- posed rho use of all opiates or nar- cotics. Dr, Shoeoep's Cough Cure is absolutely sate even for the youngest babe -and it ernes, it does nob sirnp- Iv suppress. Get a safe and reliable Cough Curd by simply insisting on ItDor.w•Sey.ooph'n. Let (the Law be Tour protection. Wo cheerfully recom. mend and cell it. Sold by W. S. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estato of Simon Iiartman the Elder, late of the Township of Ihay, in the County of Huron, Yeoman de - coasted. Notice is hereby ,given pursuant to it. 8. 0., 1897, chapter 129, that all creditors and others haven; claims against the estate of the said 8e mon Hartman, the Elder, who died on or about the 30th day of September, 1906, are required on or ficfore the 5th day of November, 1900, to send by post prepaid or deliver eo John Hartman. 8arepta. Ontnrio, or Ja. cob, Replier, Zurich, Ontario, the executors 44 the said de- eeased their Chrent tan and sur. n:'Anes, lefdresien and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the rrlturo of the securities, if any, held by there. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date o t the mid executor/1 will proceed to b u s rd)i' t 1 to the a is ewe . of r. t1' ceased amongtheentitled de- mised have; meant partiesnly to the claims of which they shall Own )tate notice, ' eC and that the Executors said will trot be liable for the midtsvete or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have tern received by then at the time of such distribution, GLADMAN & STANf3URY Solicitors for sated executors. baled nt Exeter, the 15111 day of October, 1900. Fi Aft.l1 Folt 8ALE.-Th,1t excel. tem form, lot fn non. 10, Mcr;illi- vray, consisting of 100 acres, well drained, well fenced and in a state of good cultivation, with 8 acres of fall wheat in. ft has a good betel, of 12 neres. This bush Iris Mock Elm, Basswood and Maple trees. There !s a largo brick house of sev- en rooms, with cellar and furnace; Woodshed in e,onnectio-1 with the heave. There is oleo a large 'sink barn, dimensions, 36 x 60. There is :also a jr(e)el driving shed, Wind - melt and well in the barn: ales) n greet boating orchard• Title ie one of the best farmq in MoGillivray, across t):e road from the school, n very short dietnnee from the church and about a mile from Maguire poet office', For (soma and particulars aoplY to John While(o:d, Maguire, Ont. SHINGLES We have just teceiyed a carload of British Columbia red' Cedar Shingles and one of New Brunswick Shingles and are now in a position to supply your wants in this line. Darold aooflrs gWe are agents for this original Read used on barns, factories, in fact any buildingthatneeds is - a good roof. Ask us about this roofing and get a circular. TI16 R0i TaijIr 6 0. lied.. xctct.. FINE FURS Jackets, Neckware, Muffs, Etc. SEE THE NEWSQUIftftEL TIE BELTZ'S 143 Dundas St. London. FURS made to order: Repaired and Remodelled: Highest price Paid Pot- Raw orRaw Furs NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estateof Eliza Ann I'ickell, late of the tt'own of Forest, in the County ot Lambton, sue rrieet wwomin deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to creditors and, 1897�otho chap. having claims against the estate of the Raid Eliza Ann Pickett, who died on ar about the 2nd day of Juae, 1808. are re- quired on or before the 5th day of November, 1901, to /send by potvt prepaid or deliver to element. Glad man & Stanbury,'0( ,the village of Exeter, Solicitorsfor the Adminis- trators of the told deceased, their christian and surnames, nddreseee and descriptions, the full particul- ars of their claims. the statement of their accounts and the nature of the Andfurther securities, notice th t rafter suo3 last mentioned data the said administrator's will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the dooeased among the pnrtiee entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim' notice 'ball not have been received by thein at the limo of such distribution. GLADMAN & STANDURY. Solicitors for Tho London & West- ern Trusts Company, Ltd., Ad- ministrators, Dited at Exeter, the 15th day of October, 1906. 200 Tons of all kinds of old scrap iron wanted at M. Jackson's EXETER We will pay the highest cash rdiceor exchange fence posts for same. 'JACKSON &SON Main -St. Exeter. One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. +++.H4+++++++++++ +++++++14 kip Tee Usborne ofd Hlbbert Farmers Mutual Flre:Insur ance Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. Pree,:-J, A. NORRIS, CRC/MARTY P.0 Vice -Pres,: -J, L. RUSSELL, . RVSRELLDALE. P. 0. DIRECTORS. VV. R. PASSMORE, FARQVHAR P.0 WM. Row re $Bo WM, BORPHOLM P. 0. T. BrioYAN, WINCIIELSEA P. O. Dustin P. 0. AGENTS. JOHN EMERY. Exeter. agent for UOLOIVeER Biddulph. tor Hibbert, HARRIS. Munro. ud agent B• W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.Treas. Farquhar,. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solleitore OUR PIANO SALES For the past month have been very satisfactory both to our- selves and our customers. Thin we attribute to our exceptional good values and easy terms of payments, Does You Stone -OUR GOODS t Bother Yon terms Ds. Sloop's R-,storstive Cores 4J Distressing Stomach Trosblos • h' osgh the bide Nortel. • Ae you value your health and beep oleo to` are tA` the erect • of . .. Dr. Bhoop's Reetorative and . eat all troubles. These aches are ssyy�mpto,na of corning disease -ft t q ibetn t You who never est simony nae! followed by a • drowsiaess- and l�adg s=ped ee ut a sense of fullness t lassitude or esleotthesecond1. vita distressing e a satlow, t these s you re•e atter s of food swtnc nt h.runlblir.g nu of wind, te, heartburn, ne8s? 1f you ese wd3s. SOU hero 1. but one neaten the Inside om.ch nerve,- idence of d t sea.e. Put 0 la beoom peptic. Il() tom•t- O t s.unr,ret to moot 1.(1'1 1 flat' o1'gasth e t0„ of s l 1 i i S headache, 0I I- eutier Ia say 01 r d ut 1 • C r 1«r - .•nurgr open t0 too- shake - • nerve, -theses shako off rarer the d,erretlwe t0 condition to act nature intended the Do u+t s 1 (IVO s t�e De eh seri W. S. HOWEY. n't drug, don't tOTM- rresnatural force. gentle tonin, nature's , Shoop'. Itestorattve {Tablet, or ; ould be tak.•n to do this -itis the Dalt pl . ween the which belies lip norm. anWl le TO OURS A COLI) IN ONS DAY Take Laxative : atlas ilromo Qninin + Tah- s. All druggLats reread Ilse moo - if it falls to stere, E. W. o'nve's nature le on east' box, 25e. let ey sig • i 1 s s are the Anes the market affords: - and ourroost liberal. Do not listen to the men who say all manner of evil of us but call and see and judge for yourself. Sewing Machines S Our Sewing Machines are O. K. - Also a fine Line of Statio nervi Cheap. MARTIN & SOIL FARM FOR SALE A CLoice farm in the township ot' !''ullarton, 75 aeres, good taank barn, stables and drive house. Five acres. of nraple bush. Good drilled well, wind mill, Good orchard ands en in high state of cultivation. Far terms and tsarticulare apply to Thos,. Oameron, Fargutter. IVILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE Self none in vill►1go of Farquhar. on which there is erected a larger brick building fitted, for store and/ dwelling, nett n not briek cottage/ and stable will be mold aeplrately et in one b)ook, TIHO8. CAMERON Farquhar, Ti -IE 11o1.SONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) CAPITAL PAID UP • • .... RESERVE FUND .. •"' 63,000.000.00 a Brsnehe, in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta Hrit,sh Columbia S3.000.000.00and EXETER BRANCH Open every IAwfu1 Day from 10 A. W. to 3 r. M. except Saturday 10 A. to. tot P. M. Fnrrserw' Mnle Note., cashed or collected. Forms supplied On •ppplicatlon, ia1tAFT4 en 811 t'olntw In the Dominion, (►rent ilrltsfe aid the 'tee state., bought and .0i4 at 10w0.t rates of exchange, "IAN IN(JM DRPARTMIENT Depovita oi' 111.00 ant upwards received, !meront co*, - pounded half yearley. end added to prinefp•l June Ibth and December /1st. Do - posits Receipts also Wood and htgheet current rates of feterr..3 allowed. Advance., made to farmers e lowestMtge and on moo h•ornhie tennis k dealers and business men at �' f O re dt f 811 ! y A or nvernttleeR !DI (! ><rk1 If to i5-5411 1Fzeterf flees p N D HURDON M