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Exeter Times, 1906-11-01, Page 1
1407R...,.,yri -our Clubbing Rates We can give you rates for all • daily and principal weeklies pub- lished in Canada. " • larr THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR -No 1729 1 JONES & CLARKS' Photic No. 32. STYLISH SHOES Slater Shoes for Men, Empress Shoes for Wo- men. Perfect combinations of style and comfort, rquality to be depended on. Samples of these, also special lines in Infants' Shoes to be seen in south window of our grocery department. Mens' Hats! To make perfect your fall attire a stylish Derby or Fedora is necessary. Hardy, Forsyth and Renwick are makes of long standing merit. Styles both new and be- coming, quality highest grade, workmanship the best, and fits for all heads. We save you money on these lines as the price is the lowest possible for the quality. Fall and Winter Caps A large shipment just received, composed of the most up-to-date styles and the reliable shapes always called for. Nearly all these are made with fur -lined ear protection, turned up on the inside. Leaders for Comfort and Neatness The cloths in our caps are selected to especially keep color and wear. Prices range from 25 to 75 cents. Dressed Fowls.. Chicken 7 1.2c alive Hens 5 l.2c " Geese Duck 9c dressed 7 81.2 9 66 66 One cent per pound less for cash. Two cents per pound less for scalded poultry. All poultry to be dry pick- ed and picked clean, all feathers off wings. Poor skinny fowl not wanted at any price. Crops must be empty. Necks must not be broken or twisted. Please bleed in mouth. Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. _ Sanford Clothing also high grade furs and dress goods. N N•••NN••••NNN •••NNN..••NN•• 1l1IDIOAL MONEY TO LOAN W . BRO WNIN(i,JD.11. C. we vv. anitmltsd private funds torr lamb . P. 8., Graduate Victoria Unl- Oen o: Tillage !asserts a, bees ♦ amity. oMoe and resideneooe. Dominion, DICKSON a CARLING t.aooratory, sister. Savior DR. A. F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PHYSI- ne and Surgeons. Suooe.eor to Dr. J. A. fns. Of11a. Main street. Residence. east sDc Bret street north of Port Office. Ezeter, Ontario. DR8. Y. AND H. M. COWAN, 394 Piccadilly Street, London, Ont.. Telephone 1528. Long distance connection. evental attention given diseases of women and rss���sery. Oxford or C. P. It. Street Cara to *col6orne street take you almost to the door. N other city office. Special Hospital and er arra rgements for patients from a o.. D=NTAL D. S. URD.. i3.,HKINSMAN.oot. si Toronto University. Lamaist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after etllsot.. 011oe in Fan• son'. block. West side of Main utast. Exeter DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor ,Graduate of Toronto University. 'Orvtcs:-Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former -den a.al parlors. riONEY TO LOAN. Wit bars s of private funds ods o M.l.malba Village Pr°psrtas at lowras. OLADMAN & STANHURT Barristers Solicitors. Main St. Exeter. DICKSON & CARLING, eaeallelters, Nootarles Ueay.ra eere oseri►. senators M Ike Kalmar • M may Ss Lam at lowest ratted %term% oldie=; -MAIN STSSRT. METER. .. OIOL:119 1!G A. L. N. teroirsose ,11O11iAe CAMERON, CONVEY - A& anter. wills drawn, money to loan 45 real estate. also Licensed auctioneer I Jr Ow counties 'of iduron and Perth. Charge. moderate. Orders left at the Tiling "rat my ttesldesce. Farquhar will receive prompt atten it a. IV CRt81q FOR THE TIMRS , 12BWRIBE FOR THE TIMES WILLIAM BROWN, PROP. DIP- LOMA OF ROYAL IN('ORPORAT$D 8ocn'TY OF MIMIC/ANS, ENGLAND. Organist of Trivitt Memorial Church. Exeter. Piano, Organ. Harmony and Theory of Music. Terns on Application. Exeter, Ontario. AUCTIONEER It, S. Phillips, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Charges macerate. All communications addressed to 11. S. Phillips, Mensal], or orders left at Times Office will receive prompt attention. a LEWIS THOMAS ' Civil Engineer& Architect (Late Department of Public works, Canada.) Consulting Engineer for Municipal and County work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and waterworks System wharves, Bridges and Re•enforced Concrete. Phone 2220 London Ontario $25 D1AI10ND RING We make a specialty of a ring at this price. It is exceptional value. We have sold hundreds of ethem. Express chs prepaid. Moneyn refunded ed if not per- fectly satisfactory. G_tl• Ward &6o. hoodoo Ontario. Specialists in Diamonds and Cut Glass. HURON & M1DDL ESEX GAZETT Li EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THDRSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER let 1908, Auction Season is Here. Advertise your sale in the TIMES so that every person in he District will know it. IHENSALL Miss Florence Pope, who has been eo ifjned to her home through illness for several months, is tntpnovinj nicely and will boon be able to rre- sume leer position. in the telephone office. Mr. Jas. Cosworth has been (ft - ting ue an ottice and harness room for Ids tenant. Mr. Robt. Jarrotte liveryman. Mr. John l?Ider. .south of the vil. loge, leaves this week for Muskoka on :a liar►ting trip. ;lists Iielen Stwan. who has been visiting out of town, liras returned home. Mr. .William Moore and .Mrs. Moore left here rs cen t ly to spend the tvinrter with Mrs. \I'ierson. London. Mr. W. Ilurburn left !etre t week for the Algoma district on hunting ezpedi,tion. Mrs. Ferguson is home 'trout t west to viiait +her mother. Mrs. A drew Johnstop, of the London tee who is. we regret. very ill. Mr. Thos. Welsh, who erected su a large 'Lumber of dwellings ttt season for dwelling purposes, has number of applications for buildin tor the spring. Mr. W. C. Davis. who reoently sprained his foot and broke one of the small boners• of his , ankle. tie getting along nicely and will. soon be able to be in his store as usual. Miss Ethel Fulton is in Egmoand- vllle visiting .her sister. Miss Alcock, of Exeter, is visiting friends in Hensel!. Mr. F. W. Srnallaconibe. familiar. ty known as tho onion kills. shipped a number of car-load:4 of onion& this week. Mr. C. Cook teas in Lucan this week looking after the interests of theelectric light there. Dr. Blackall who has been in I1.- derton for Rome ;time since leaving here. was in the village on \Vednete day. and left on Thursday for 'the not till west, Mr. Donald Park. of Oromarty, has moved onto tlto farm he recently purchased from Mrs. John !Carmi- chael, near Hensait. Mrs. Wm. Seeds, o£ London, Is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Welsh. Dr. Ferguson has moved into tie residence of Mrs. R. Patterson. on Rlohmond sit'reet. Mr. end Mrs. Leo. Cha.rlsworth, of Zurich are Ithi9 week moving into the house !belonging to Mr. D. Stew itrt. Mr. Wm. (Doig. of the Atnerican Soo. paid Mensal! ,a flying .visit on Thursday. The Junior Epworth Longue �t the l►feithodist 'church are giving an entertainment on Friday 'Teeing. The program will be "In The Steps,' illustrated by moving pictures. Miss McEwen, of near Clinton, has accented a position as teacher of 8. 8. No. 10 IHay. She oomrtnenoed her duties on Monday of this week. Mr. Ed. Thorn,' of Mitchell, is visaing at •\Vin. Stonetnari's. Mr. Geo. tDavii and family leave this .week ;for Itainy River where. they intend farming. $I-oo per year in advance HAYFIELD !NORTH BRUCE RETURNS TOLMIE The ladies of St. Andrew's Presby terian church are holdieig a socia 1n the basement of the church. Friday evening. Good program. Ad mission 15 cents. Mrs. Elliott of the Albion Note Is attending her sister's 'funeralMrs. Snarling. of Georgetown, whir took place there on Wednceday oat this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonaldand daughter. of Toronto, ar visiting .Mr. McDonald's parents and birth place here at present. Wild ducks and geese tvere very numerous around here on Sunday and Monday. Several ducks were shot on Monday. of 1 Mr. Ben Spencer arrived home on Friday last from Killarney,'.\tan.. his where he spent two months thrcah. a trig.Miss Jennie Erwin intends spend - he inx part. of the winter with friends n,- in Midland City. Mich., and leaver id 1 for there this week. Mr. John Darrah, of Ileneall is a oh Visitor in town at present. le The infant child of Mr. and Mrs a as . ThatDominion Lye -elections held its 1 `North Bruce Tuesday resulted in the oa + return of \tr. John Tolmie. ex -M. P. . ! Liberal, by over 200 majority. f I If you once try Carter's Little !Liver Pills for sick headache, bit - h ! ioueness, or constipation. you will I never be without them. They are ' purely vegetable. Amcill ertd easy to bei ke. Don't forget this. e BIII II t.� Mr, Louis Schraeder returned, at.l ter spending the Rummer .in Htrk- ton. Lou F:thner. John O'Rourke, and Peter McPhee who havo been in the West for the past two months re- turned home last week. Mr. Sam Sweitzer left on Mon• day for Muskoka on a hunting ex- pedition. A number from around here intend leaving for the woods ;this week. J. A. Breen. 8. J. Sweitzer, and Chart. Baumgarten attends<1 the rfowl *upper in Woodham ,on Tuenday Mrs. M. Carruthers still contin- ues very poorly. Miss Mabel Elsie who has been on 1 he hotel staff hero is on the Rick list this week. Mr. John Dower t,a'foremart in the Apple Butter Factory thio week ow. Isla to the ahsenc© of Mr. Sweitzer. Mr. Chas. Baumgarten and sister Sarah left gist week dor Battle Creek Michigan. Miss Alice Carruthers, of Detroit, !Bich. i3 at present vittiting her home here. J. Ileaman. Sr., left last week for Michigan. We understand Mr. Hee. roan intends going from there to California where he will epend the winter. Tho members of the church here' me :rebuilding the shed which: was blown down during t ho heavy snow. fall last week. Poultry season is now on and you will do welt to .get prices from J. D. Hannan before disposing of your fowl. 11rie E. Peart has .returned to her home in Fort William. Both flax mills have lifted all their flax and have eon>,menced ecutching. Mr. Jas. Logan has moved into the residence lately vacated by Mr. Moore, who moved to London ltdt week. Messrs. John 11. Petty, P. Deni- gough anti Arthur Caldwell, who have been in the Northwest for some time, ret urne'd Etat week. Mr. C. Cook is moving into the house recently purchased by Mr. G. C. Petty from .Mss Eva Warring. Mr. Thoma t Welsh shipped two cars of lumber thin week and Cook Bros. 1 wo car -frond, of flour. Mr. llobkirk !oat week dis- posed of his blacksmith business and chop .to Mr. Jas. Pinkney, of Sea. forth, who has been carrying .on business in Miller's shop for the past mouth. IIc will still continue to c :rry on the business in Miller's stand :and expects to move his fam- ily here shortly. Mr. IIobkirk is one of !tensa!!'. oldest busine a men. having been in bui,ines9 for over 1 (weals• years. itev. 1.. A. Fear•, of the Main a treet Methodist church. Exeter, preached in the Methodist church Here nn $i.nday evening last. Mrs. \Vanrct►or visi4ed at tht'.r home in Goierich over Sunday. filer father, lir. Drew ret urns with her and will visit milli her aI her home here for -1 few days. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itchin:t. Blind, Illeedine, Protrud- in.( I'ilce. 1)ruzzists are authorized to refund money if Paso Ointmetat fail. to cum in 6 to 11 dope. !Mc. A HARD CASE OVEIICTME No longer necessary to suffer from mu-cular rheumatism. livery rise ern be curet!. henrozonn is un- (illing as ',rowed by David Johnston e►f Ormond, Ont. "11y twjfo meet a dreadful sufferer" he ;writes. "For two years she could ecarcely do any work. (ler knuckles and joints .welled, causing torture, To get up or down .(tairs ;was impossible. Site took !sox after hoe of Fel rowels' and rubbed t selre plscea at tilt Nervi - line. inlr►rovement 't:lrtt'd and she rncnd",1 fast. To -slay F),^ iR quite cured and we thank Ferrozone for her recovery.'' No rrmt'dy more po- ni11r wile dorter. thin Per rnzone; it 410e: (lire. !inc. ler hex al all de dere sik FOR 1)VFI1 SINTY YEARS La OLD Aim Wst.t, Tntan Ra*inv.-Mr Winslow'. Soothing Syrup hair been used for Over slaty Two by mlb.bon. of mothers for teeir cW1dren while teething. with perfect soeee•a if osetRee the child. Potter'■ the gam•, allays all Walls wind colic. awl 1. the heat remnedy for Dlanrttces. it is pleasant to the tante Sold by d ,�t.In every part of the world. it Mats s bo It se 1. tnoslentable. Re afro Winstow's SwainsnymssM s se mbar kb& Wm. Jowett is very 111 at present. We hope to hear of i t s .recovery soon again. Mr. Wm. \Vhiddon left on Monday for Graveohurst to see his brother Mado. who Is there on account of ill health. 1)r. Medcalf. ttife and family who spent The summer months in their tine summer residence here left on Monday for their home in Dtbrolt. Mr. John Falconer it at present confiner to the hou..c' with an at- tack of pleurisy. but wo hope to Rea him around soot again. PITY THE BUSY OFFICE MAN. He 'feels halt dend..a sense of nau- sea. headache and nerve strain. Ile is on the verge, of breakdown through overwork and lack of exer- cise. The,.e difficulties ate best overcome by Dir. Uamilton'a Pills. which make the bowels active. sim- ulate kidneys and liver and thereby free the Fystetn of impurities. To revitalize .and stimulate your whole being, to shake .off lethargy and tiredness, nothing compares with s Dr. Hamilton's I'iills which do snake good looks. good spirits,'g'ood 'health. Sold everywhere in 25c. bow, a I nllt�IlUAII d Mr. Alex Hackney, Sr., Chas re- turned from Toronto where lie un- derwent an operation for cataract on the eye. Mrs. J. J. Willard is visitieg ,}ter brother, L. D. Fulton, heirs. Mr. R. Paynter. of Illanshard, call. ed in Tha villa$e on Monday. Me. Wm. Fletcher's sale last Mon- day was a success. ;rood erica.; being realized. Jos. White wielded khe hammer. The sale brought over ;$3,000. Owing to The illness of Mrs. Win. Beavers with typhoid fever, 'Molitor Lloyd Beavers is at ;present stay- ing with 'Mr. 11. W. P.. Beavers. Mr. B. W. T. Beaters received a telegram on Monday announcing the death of another uncle, Mr. R, Laid - man, of I3inbrook. who was :1 guest at the china wedding of Mr. and Mrs. 11. Forster, Caledonia, where about thirty guests have (since been afflicted with typhoid fever. Tha cause is yet a mystery. Mr. Chas. hackney had a good sale of Iborsee and at tin last F'rii3,:iy. Mr. Jos. White, of St. Marys, was auc- tioneer. auc- tionsr. Mrs. John Hackney, who h;1e been visiting friends in Toronto, ireturn- ed home last week. Several from bore alto ided the) fowl supper at Wsedisam +List Tees_ slay 'night. Angus McGinnis. of Mt. Carme pent a few dayrt in our burg this vet k . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ilatvkins, a bort distance south ,of Shipka cote brated their golden wedding on Mon - ay Last, Friends from Parkhill, Dashwood and Crediton Wet@ pre. lid Up sent and a very pleasant time was 1, C7.Atar'IV OXt. =.A. Beare the The Kiad Yoe Hate Atetyt BOO 8isaater. of 1 's be r ri c, Oct. 26, 1906. The Exeter Til►lr:a Dear Sirs :-At the fall fair held at Exeter in September I was an eX- liibitct,' 111 'the fle-we r de't►n.rt men;. among. ('t lee , as 1 have been for years. I have always taken :a ,;reit interest in the. shots- and tlo tvh:rt 1 e in In ielp i1 along. liotwever chi, yr•ir 1 think I have reason to ct.•in- plair, and 'IR the '1)irector,, eretend lo think T 1111'4' none 1 want to lease. he matter to the jud-,•rnf'n; of the pubis t1roat►h your paper. My corniihint IS ;kit the Directors 'Wowed :, person who tc•.as :,rt r liibitor 1:) be 1lie jire1.re r flowers, directly contrary to one <>,f their rule's and alto 114 every principle of fair play 11141 !,omits. It is need- le -s 'to s,v 1 teas pot .rlest re elf [hi4 until atter the jud,ritig or i should li:it•r rcfli,<'d to exhibit as T am toid et hery dial who found out in 1im^. Of course tl>e Ex 11 bit er -Jud .rc atvarrlc.l hit,,.,',( trio:;; of et he 1st ',rises. 1 sive rt•d :a protest and hive ju-,t roc• it'e,d a letter telling rue that the follotwin;.! re',;:nlutinn tw:1W paned lay the hoard : -Thal the t►rnf c.tt of M r. John Cottle be reCeit'ed. but Ills Dir'c1 rt (:alum! take :4(1jcn theteen. :1s t he peers. of flower i wan duly appointed but :1s he explain -deo t he ilirectorQ on the ,.how .l ,y bef-•re ,'frntllencin.i his dal irr, (lilt he intended to be an cxhihitor in that .1et,,rl ttlent and (.►nsequenity decline It 0 act, but as 1 he Direr -tors ware then itn•t 7,k to protein, any rfhor person 40 jud ze t!. it department. in=iattel on his set inz as 1 judge, know itut he ten, an 'exhibitor... Frain 11•e' ah,.wc it iq 1,lain, 11111 alt n jade•' Itis to do i4 1? wilt '11111 ,:hate day 10 say las' tialety to be nn exhibitor and Ihen tin Will he allow• C41 10 PIC() in and 'ivc 1'in.,rlf rho, money a 'tech nn indcl,t,,d,,rt person twnu1d award to his t- •7nl,ctitOTS. Now tt-h.- t (10 '11w fellow cxhihitore hink of 'the tt•h"'e t Nine? ' 041(4 Truly JOHN COTTLE SAVERS Alist of a few fuel and price savers. Our store is full of the best fuel saving and good baking Ranges and Ifeaters made. The Galland Ranges 4 or 6 hole $35.00 up. The Gar- lands have extra large ovens. Souvenir Ranges 4 or 6 hole$40 40.00 up. Crown Hurons 4 or 6 hole $26.00 p.National Steel Ranges 6 hole44.)0 $50.00, ac- knowledged to be the most u -to-date Steel the market. Also a full line of Art Garland S ugvenir Hot Blasts and Oak Heaters. ' FURNACES NEW IDEA FURNACES Huron Red Hot Furnaces are up- to-date in every particular espec- ially constructed for getting the great- est amount of heat with the smallest quantity of fuel. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE and Stove Store T FI 0 0 P n spent. Dinner was served at four o'clock. a sumptueoue repast being served in Boar old English style to which :ill did justice. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins were married fifty years ago in Whitby township by Rev Fisher. minister of the old M. E church. (Thirty-three years ag they went to Brockton, then '1 ne town afterwards cooling to Credito The family are only- two, 8nmue', Parkhill, and Mrs. Keys, of Snow flake. Man., whose absence was much regret ted by her parents. May they long live 1 o enjoy God's blessingss as In the past. It sick headache is misery, what is Carter's Little Liver Pills if they will rositively cure it/ People who have used them speak frankly of their worth. They aro email and easy to take. ' Our lines of Fall Goode are arriving daily and are being displayed on our � Counters. Bring your Butter, Eggs, Deied Apples, Big Onions, Poultry dead Crediton Now is the time of the year you are bringing in your stock for the winter and you want them toiled up a bit, and the best thing to give them is stock food. We have on hand Dr. Hess', Clydesdale Dr. Scott's, Dre Kendall's Rid your chickens of Vermin by using Instant Louse Killer and make them lay by feeding them PAN -A -CEA. or alive, they are as good as Cash. of COWARD & CLARK, Mnchz',:a FLOWER, Fit(UIT, HONEY AND VEGETABLE BIIOW, TOI1ONTO. NOV. 6T11 TO 10TII A <Ieli.Clatfui exhibition under the 1II pices of Ontario Horticultural Society. 4o rim held at Massey Hall, The famous Black Dike Bind wiJl be In at tend:,nre. The Grand Trunk Railway ordeal will i,s,tet 1ickcls from a11. stations in Ontario 'to Toronto, Nov. 711 and el 1, at single fare for return trip, gotx1 returning until Nov. 10th. Call on G. T. It. Agents. Wit. 1 b n found an excellent re- medy for sick headache, Carter's Little Liver fills. Thousands of letters from people who have used I them prove this fact. Try them; SuiTABLE FuRNiTuRE 1 ''11E LEADING COMMERCIAL SCHOOL CENTRAL STRATFORD.. ONT. Thie school is recognized to be one of !the best Commercial schools in America. You can safely judge a school by the ap. .�. plications it receives. rills tertn -` we received applications from firms in six large Americatl cit- ies and from tar more towns and cities of Canada including Sask- atoon. Sask., on the Qwest and Charlottetown, P. E. I., on the East. Our reputation tneans much for our graduates. Write ++++++44++++++4141- for our catalogue. W. J. Elliot principai + W D. A McLachlan i HELP WANTED Young ladies and gentleman who are desirous of making a record. are wanted at the CLINTON 8USINE$3 CO11Ef "Affiliated with Winghatn Busi- ness College." to prepare for Bookkeepers, Steno- grahere Telegraphers. During Julyand August we could only fill ONE- TENTH of the positions offered our graduates. Catalogue for the asking. _-'-���+++Boo. Spotton Principal e R. S. NO. .l, STEPHEN T1:•, folie win,' r•rl,t,r•t '110‘," f hr r.'l:ttiwe ; landing" .)f th.' pupils of S. S. Ne. tl, S!,•t►h,'n. ,for 1 Iv' month of Oe ots.'r. The rri►t,r'I I:= 1)a}e'd 11►n r.,ntl:iri'y. :rr» '1 deporirnrnt :1rld ae►a''r.i) nr•ofi, i:'ney : ��.r. 1V. --Cecelia he .1. Gladys 1)+'ariny.r, 11 arry 'l'rieh- ner. F't.rr,,,e tie•,,, ,tt. 11.ary rAll; , 8r, i1I.- F (r,ren a Tr ir•bnrr Gordan a ander,., 1':altwin TricWit! r, Sherman \\'illi&, Ada \\'illis Preston ik:irine, Fred 1`rezc:,t.►r, Geo. ilicks F.lrl 1'ar,Yrrls.r Jr.;,a111. -- Wilfred Shipton. Earl Shiro on. Jt.finny lis. Ent !lox, Cher:r.l 1'.i rsr>ns, A!Hirt• \\'illis. Sr. Ii. -Olivet' l'reszeitor, G, ['entent. 1'1. If--lierle \\'illi. ice• gie I'arrt,ns, ch:artie Ttriehner, Gar- field etan.l:ikr. 81.. I't. 1.- Gordon ife'tman, Lila $ iteleri. Jr. J'l. I Lila Sander's. ('.oil 11:.aring, Thomas Willie, Verne l't.szciiot, Cortina Vccila C. TEf1111'TT, Teacher, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. TM Kind Yea Have Always BOIght Bears the signature of \\ ill•:N '1'11AT t'01,1) c oelise, Hoe is it to be rur.'df Chis rrt'th- <a,t je4 siinr►licity if sr If. itch t he client .and throat will ttitl► '. 'rwilinc, are a j' 1441 41 ,o..1 1 to. ,o,,'' in hot tw 1I: r L"fel rr1'riufr :i rtnpi with one of 11r. II mill/Or',< 1'i11.. Next rnrrrtiifig' find:, yon IV( me fret. from cold and bright na ;( dollar, These Ilntesehe'd rrtnlvlien ere won. eer-fu:'v o,icsesaftil, and eertaiohy won't tail in your enge, FOR EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE •- We have a beautiful selection of the latest designs. Come and get our prices, all marked in plain figures. e aqk you to come to this store for furniture because we believe you will get the kind you want. The stock !includes all those pieces that appeal to good taste on account of their design, finish, character and richness We can show newest ideas and the most popuiar furniture:for the borne, that can he found any place, town or city. JAS. BEVERLEY, OPERA BLOCK. Leading Furniture Dealer and Undertaker ItoitN ) The Only Fun in Siglit, Opera IIOOPER-1st Miami. Man., Oslol, r lion,., Exeter, TUESDAY EVE, NOV. 2. FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY BARNTET BROS. PRESENT The Funny 3 Act. Comedy 1311t, 1906, fo Mr, and Mr.. M. L. Hooper, (nee Nettie Elliott, Mit- chell) :1 on. f)IEI) 11,\1,1.$.-ln Ex( ter. on Friday, Oct, 26t1►, 1906, )1:ary Ann Andrew, re. lir't t)f 1)+t` hitt► .Tats"' if alI, :►,rr<1 72 and 19 di lye. 1111,L -1n Itc,Liu 1, tiask., on October 21111, George kr•ne',it 11111, aged 34 3 e' 1 ,+ and 9 days. I'reve'.ntise ea the name implies prevents all Colds and Grippe when taken at the sneezing ratage. 1'r•t:vents are loothw,me fan.ly tablet,.. I'r'rventire dis.ip tte all (olds quickie, and taken early. tvtie!n von first fc) that a ts0t4 is Doming they check and prevent them• Pres-+ vent ice are thoroughly safe for children, and as effectual for adults. Sold And recommended, in 6 dent and 25 cadet boxer, by W. 8. Haws,. UncIe o� Missoun Special Vaudeville Features Intro- duced Retweee the Acts. A Big 1',)t►tir,atone Petforrnanc'e. Ai)Nltietom 15, :LI, ANI) 35 Re! ere ted 'mats now on sale at Cole's Drug filmy, Exeter.