HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-10-18, Page 5ys•• Secure our Clubbing Rates We can give you rates for all daily and principal weeklies pub- lished in Canada. e er HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETT L� N4Advertise your sale in the T 1 yl Es so that every person in he District will know it. Auction Sale Season is Here. THIRTY- FOURTH YEAR -NO 1728 EXETER, 3NT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1.5th 1908, �tt1'NN• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. 1 Last week our milliner attended the winter openings at Detroit. While there she had the opportunity of study- ing the very latest styles, also of buying novelties in trim- mings and shapes direct from Fashion Centres. Mens' Hats, To make perfect your fall attire a stylish Derby or Fedora is necessary. Hartty, Forsyth and Renwick are makes of long standing merit. Styles both new and be- coming, quality highest grade, workmanship the best, and fits for all heads. We save you money on these lines as the price is the lowest possible for the quality. i Fall and Winter Caps A large shipment just received, composed of the most up-to-date styles and the reliable shapes always called for. Nearly all these are made with fur -lined ear protection, turned up on the inside. Leaders for Comfort and Neatness The cloths in our caps are selected to especially keep color and wear, Prices range from 25 to 75 cents. t Dressed Fowls. - Chicken 7 1.2c alive 9c dressed = Hens 5 1.2c 7 Geese 8 1•2 Duck 9 64 64 One cent per pound less for cash, Two cents per pound less for scalded poultry. All poultry to be dry pick- ed and picked clean, all feathers off wings. Poor skinny fowl not wanted at- any price. Crops must be empty. Necks must not be broken or twisted. Please bleed in I mouth. - ------ lo Jones 6c Clark j Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade furs and dress goods. *••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WCDIOlL C. J• W. 8., Graduate Victoriia Uni- �ty. °Mone and reetdenence. Dominion, ooratory. DR. A. F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PHYSI- dspS and Surgeon.. Sweeney. to Dr. J. A. BoUine. Office Main street Residence, east e.pa.t first street north of Post Office, Exeter, dantarlo. D- RS. Y. AN• D H. M. COWAN, 394 Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. Teid ose 1528. Long distance connection. attention given diseases of worsen and gray Orford or C. P. It. Street Cars to ne street take you almost to the door. N• other city odic*. Special Hospital and other arrangements for patients from a iletanoe. DENTAL --- - - - DR. A.R. KINSMAN. L. ifit/ii • D. 8. D. D. S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Dentist. forth eztraoted wttbono t in Fan. bas atter aQbnte. Oce eon's block. West ddeof Main beet.' Luber DR, A. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8., D. 13. 8., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor 4raduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Catling'e Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former den.al parlors. HONEY TO LOAN. R• have a largoamount of private �. /..d and vw�proPortllewrste yar OLADMAN & STANBtRY Barratere Solicitors. Main St. luster. 0 DICKSON & CARLiNG, Satristoroioniooer d licit Solicitors r tb No ee°ra ne Bask. Rio. Nen" totes. at lowest rotas of Isterestt. O1110E r-YAIN 8TI.EET. ix1Qri a. A. amnia a. 1. `e. oteceow THOMAS CAMERON, CONVEY - sneer. wills drawn, money to loan as real e'twt... al.o Licensed Auctioneer for Ilhorestate. 'at Huron and Perth. ('harts, .federate. Orden left at the Timm ,r at my tMldmice. Farquhar will receive prompt atlas Non. BunaenIDE FOB TUB 1.1ME8 0110aalun,1011 THE nMEE MONEY TO LOAN We bare unlimited private funds for Lama est span farm or villain I lopety at Iowa atm el interest. DICKSON R CARLING Deter ItuttON The ratepayers of Goderioh \till vole on 'Iwo hylawd Nov. 10th, one to loan ,$50,001) ,to the Goderich \V1eel !lima Company for 20 years and the other to furnish electricity potter and exemption from !taxation for ten yearn to the Jackson Manu- facturing Company %vim desire do lo- cale in Goderich. The coronet's jury in connection with I he death of \Vtu. Iver., near Nile. completed their work .on Tues- day and their finding t3 as follows: Th,t \Milian► lvers name to his (kith on the night of the 8 t of October. opposite lot 0. Poncession 11, loW1IMIlip of Colborne, by a load of lumber falling upon hien. and our opinion is that if the road had been in a properly protected condition the accident \could not have occur- red. Mr. A. 11. Musgrove. of \Vingbam, is a candidate fort he Advisory Ed- ucational Council, provided for by the last Provincial Parliament. On Sat urday morning, while Cur- ry Bros. were threshing ;the groin of .iohn Newcombe, at his farm on the Duren Road, near . Goderich, a spark s fromggrain engine �Uaw 1 blown the the learn R j fire lwas blainstantly zing. Theonerof the thirstier tried to save the part out- side the Karn. butt such headway had the fire made that it was impossible, and the new separator was burned. In a very few minutes the whole barn was ablaze, end •i.he thresher, barn, and the season's ,grain of oats, barley. wheat, els., comprising csotne 70 acres of crop. were soon nothing but ashes. HICK'S FORECASTS. A regular storm period covers the last five days of the month, embrac- ing the second full moon in Octobed on the 31st, and moon on the Equa- tor on the 29th. falling barometer and change to tvarmer will appear in the west early in this period. storm areas will develop in the store regions, and during the 28th to '31st. wide stretches of cloudiness, rain and snow will Hass across the whole country from west to east. The cul- mination c nter(onsese the 31st.non\orlrob- befora which date en early cold wave, with decided dashes of autumnal snow and gales will be well on their swop from the northwest. STOI' LIMI'ING, CURE 'Tilt: CORN Quickly done hY I'utnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Acts in ono day, Causes no pain. removes every truce of soreness. Fifty years of success prover I'utnam's is the best. Re- fuse substitutes. WILLIAM BROWN, PROF. DIP- LOMA OF ROYAL INCORPORATE!) SOCIETY GP MUSICIANS, ENGLAND. Organist of Tricilt Memorial Church, Exeter. Pians. Organ, ifarninnt and Theory of Must', OW Teni a nn Application. Exeter, Ontario. AUCTIONEER II. s. Phillip, Lioen d Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Charges moderate. an eonuuunicationa addressed to II. 8. Phillips, I(ensall, or orders left at Times office will re.-ei,e prnrnpt attention. jLEWIS THOMAS • Civil Engineer & Architect late Department id Public works, Canada.) Consulting Engineer fpr Muni spat MO County Work, Electric raittcad., Sewerage and Waterworks Systen. Whar.es, Bridges and ite.enforewi ('oncrete. Phone vie Lon.ton oMario $25 DIAMOND RING We make a specialty of a ring at this price. it is exceptional value. We have sold hundreds of ithem. Express charges prepaid. Money refunded if not per- fectly satisfactory. 6• ft, WaPd & Go London Ontario. Specialists in Diamonds and Cut Glass. Locals. Don't forget to hear Mr. DeWitt Miller at the Opera Houma, Wednes• day, Ootober 81st. Dr. G. F. Itoulston spent Thanks- giving at his puma in Milverton. lie also visited friends in Stratford. Mrs. Ed. Dyer. of Brantford. vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dyer during the holidays. The public add high schools closed Wednesday for the 'Thanksgiving holidays and were opened for duty on Monday. The Exeter High School Scientific!' and Literary Society has decided to postpone its day of sports until Fri- day, November 2u.1. Mr, Norman Fry, of \Vinghan.. end Miss !'earl Gidley, of Blyth, spout the holidays visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gidley. Rev. Anderson, of Blyth, and for- merly of the Kirkton circuit was a caller in town 'Tuesday. lin nook a run clown to nitend the fowl supper at \Voodhnul.' Tho heavy wind of Wednesday morning blew down the smoke stack of Harvey .13ras. grist mill. It is the intention of Harvey liras. to replace itith brick. ANDERSON A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, Anderson. on Thursday of last week, when their third daughter. Mamie, was united in marriage to Mr. James Peebles, of St. Marys. The ceremony was per. formed by the ltev. H. A. Graham. cousin of the bride, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the family. The bride entered the par- lor leaning on tho arm of her father prettily attired in a gown of white Parisian lawn. daintily trimmed with Valenciennes lac: and insertion, and carrying ;t bouquet of bridal .roses, to the strajnv of :I wedding march played by her sister, Mims Margaret Anderson. bliss Dorothy Butcher, of St. Marys, ronsin of the bride, dress- ed in white organdie. was a pretty little flower girl. After th,' cere- mony all sal down to a sumptuous dinner after '.which the bridal couple. left for St. Marys where they took the afternoon train for Toronto and other points. 'elle presents were both costly and numerous testifying to the respect in which the young couple are held by , their many friends. Mr. and M's. j'eebles will Make their !tome in St. Marys and will take up housekeeping on their return. Mr. Tho as Cameron. of Farqu- har fall w k sold .the farm of \ViI- liam Bowman, to Mr. Warren, of Centralia. Mr. Warren intends mov- ing on his new properly shortly. Word has been passed nlong the line that the Ancient Order of Jol- ly Companions will meet this week at the same old pl:l e. The goat has been well fed and iv in good "but- ting" condition. If you have a farm for sale or to rent, or •a house to sell or rent. ad. vcrlise in the Tirt►ea for the best 're- sults. There is always someone look. ing :or sung property as you have and by advertising you acquaint thorn of the fact. The machinery in tete old lioward property has been sold by Mr. IIo ward to Levy, Weston & McLean. A Toronto, and was shipped to the last week. Levy, Weston & Mc Lean intend setting up the machin ory. Mr. 11. 1)illing, who has been trav- elling through the Northwest the past summer. returned home Satur day. Ile speaks very •hig bay of t West. also its towns and cities, 09 ostially Regina, it being the capita of the new provinces. while Mr. Alex Dyer was walkin down the steps at his home, evening last week he ttniscalcufa the distance, nod thinking he ata reached lite bottom stepped tor war and fell heavily to ?the ground. 0 examination it was discovered he had injured two of his ribs, neces- sitating his 'remaining in the house for a few days. Last Saturday night chicken thie- ves entered the coop of Mr. Joseph Ilawden and stole three of his choi:.o fowl, one rvoastcr rind two pullets. The orale bird W;:r an exceptionally fine one, being n prize winner, and was valued at 1520. The stealing of chickens is ;( low lived. mean trick and the culprits, if their identity he discovered. should be severely deal with. - - ll)IEh>t,\TiSM , 1.M05'1' KILLED 113:13 For years \i r.. 8. fitahlsc111nid1, of ihtrnberstone. Ont., was a martyr to rheumatism. "1 wart so stiff and quarterly dividends of 2 1-2 per Flute 1 could scarcely walk" rent each ; to !moires. taxes. A13, - %%rites. "An :attack striking• rl'y 7011.19: Io olfir'rs' prnsjon fund. 510,- 000 ; 10,.0011; and to expenditure on bank premises :it branohes, 389.55 !shin:: t credit of pro- fit and lo=• A26.987.23. kinrr oor last m('etine eight brioches have been opened 1n (tar1 n and Quebec. ec• 11 (/oint14 whirh seemed .to offer husi- nr,s adv:lnt•lges, dr to protect oer cure rheumatism and sci(ilica, b(Ir. a 4'xl'tintt interests. and at Edmonton box at all ,V IIt:I SALE REGISTER $I•oo per year in advance SAVERSI Alist of a few fuel and price savers. Our store is full of the best fuel saving and good baking Ranges and Heaters made. The Garland lunges 4 or 6 hole $35.00 up. The Gar- lands have extra large ovens. Souvenir Ranges 4 or 6 hole $40.00 up. Crown Hurons 4 or 6 hole $26.00 up. National Steel Ranges 6 hole $44.30 $50.00, ac- knowledged to be the most up-to-date Steel Lenge on the market. Also a full line of Art Garland, Souvenir, Hot Blasts and Oak Heaters. FURNACES NEW IDEA FURNACES Huron Red Hot Furnaces are up- to-date in every particular espec- ially constructed for getting the great- est amount of heat with the smallest quantity of fuel. HERMAN'S HARDWARE and Stove Store STOCK FOOD F 0 0 KD CO The Molson's Bank. Now is the time of the year you are bringing in your stock for the winter and you want them toned up a bit, and the best thing to give them is stock food. We have on hand f Dr. Hess , Clydesdale Dr. Scott's, Dr. Kendall's Rid your al i.ckg.f14 Of Veif?l►1? by using Instant Louse Killer and make them lay by feeding them PAN -A -CEA• Our lines or rr.:-t Goods are arriving daily and are being displayed on our Counters. Bring ynnr Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Big Onions, Poultry dead or alive, they are as good as i;ash. COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea HE LEADING comment -IAL SC•IIOOL. The. fifty-first annual :general sleeting of (his old, prosperous, and financially hound institution was held in the Board Itootn of the Molsons Rank, Montreal, on October 15. T11c4 s;en.'r ll manager, Mr. James Elliott. a•• id the annuli report of the direr•tols for the year endin $epl('nlber 29th, 1900. The directors hr;; •to suh►ni1 the following Io3,aI t for .t he year end - int, 29th September, 1906: - DEPORT OE DIRECTOi1S The business of the bank has been prosperous and shown a steady growth. The profits for the year after providing: for bad anti doubtful debts, amount to $j14,1169.31, which together t\•tili 531.417.93, brought over from last yea.r. have Moen ap- propriated: i'o payment or four limbs ural(• 1v:llkin;t impossible. I•rietnis atilt doctors gave pr('SCrip- (3011:4 hill 1 only t;ot'• veli(•( from Fer- rozon.e. I took twelve boxes and gained from the first. To -day 1 am ,veil feel stronger, %Neigh heavier Ind look the picture :of health." \C ti ither muscular (13 inflation 13ory. chronic or ol)or\r34'. ForrOzone do's STRATFORD,. ONT. This school is recoaniz'i to h� one of the best Commercial schools in America. You can safely judge a school by the ap- plications it receives. This term - we received applications from - firms in six large American cit- - - tee and from far more towns and - cities of Canada including Sask- • aboon. Sask., on the ,vest and Charlottetown, I'. E i., on the East, Our reputation means much for our graduates. Write for our catalogue. DW.. AJ.. McElliotLAchlan Principal ++-:4++++-i-1-++++++4 +++ :4+4++ Finlay. Oct. 26. Auction sale of 11or (s and c:Iltle on lot 23, 8. T. Road, t;sbori a at. 1 o'clock sharp. .los. While. Auctioneer, C. E. Hack- ney. Proprietor. Saturday, Ort. 27. Executors sale of farm and f 1rtn chaticl:t on the premises, East (.:n t of i.ot 21, Cnn. 15, illy, commencing at one o'clock .3:,rv. E. itospenld•rry, Auctioneer ; Jol.n Hartman and Jacob ltcgicr, Executors : f:I otman .k Stanbury Solicitors. \Vcdnesclay, Nov. 7th. Atte tion sale of farm stook and implements on Lot. IS, concession 5, Osborne, commencing. at 12 (;clock sharp. -T. Cameron. Aunt.: (.'has. 33,11is. Prop. Thursday, Oct. 25th. Auction sale of f arm farm stock in.timplements on Lo'. 11, Concession 10, 1'stx►rne. ternmencing at One o'clock sharp. \Vm. Curry Prot'., Jos. White Auct tpa1111TOAZi. Nestle the siyatga lie lad 1uNs* Alus�s1104.1 -II• S• `High Grade" Training pays and that is the kind the famous Almeria, j was 3bought advisable to e'tablisll ore in view of the pros- pect of rival increase .of population and wealth in that district. Alt the bran.:lics have been, as esu II, care- fully inspeele.l, and the llffifers of the t3illk have faithfully �Ii�Char*ted their tette=. 1Vjlliar, \tolsn'i Macpherson, 1're: idem, Prcvcnlir.s as the name intplha Thur is an inrrta'e of dep�sile In revents rill Colds and Grippe when In 11!" extent of about 52.000,0f9). taken at 1L( .nerzing stage. very :atinf:lrtory result was l'reventa are toothsome 4.,11.41Y!:lined in the way of profit., which tablets. Pt'crentjes dissipate :(11 are A131,668. as compared %%itk 51399,. rolls nu3ekly, end taken early. \thin 000 for tis' pre veins twelve ru•,Alhs. you first reset ihtt :I role) is noming fors in resaharchol dorn,to(thhet•rnr'ral they eiMek and preva'nt th^m' Prct- t (f t 1 11 k vent its , re thoroughly safe for motion, expressed the npin;on that So!d and recommended. r b Mot hetes, by W. 8. Dewey. t Ile Bank .had 1114' (349.43 atilt of officers that could hr found in any ♦ 7'-1•t•F•F�••i-i••F>r•i••f••f•4F faces actually aci:'(1 I • 4' o tine... incty anin.tt a c n ng. ?xceptinst '«hen the ven- were melted frith the j se. tk- r'a pathos,'' 1s what the !tuff IIo Commercial says of Mr. ih'\Vitt til. ler, 1\ ho f urnishes the next pros3( (m of the Concert Course t'.ries o•l \V"4l10' d•Iy'. ontolx'r •11.t. W here - ever Mr. Miller has lectured he has Wen invited back to popular is hr as an ideal Ieolur,•r. -loi•':..I,.I..I..t..f•.i,.t.',,.f..l,-f j..i..f.'`'l.Y.f..i'++ :•.p Manager enc o icer o t 1e in ehildres. and as effcrtua1 for adults. the Vice-I'residert, in reronditi,: tiro 'w 5 rent. and like institution. At the teat nnnl>ll I A GL''AKANTEFI) CURE gilt I'll. tic .1 It thiol, !Hind. 11'('e.tin i. 1'ror . u.1. nteelin(z 'Ir" had made the st 1trnlr's( I in 1 Piles.I/-uzzists -.re 1uthorired that the Directors 11.'4 hid "wiling Ito refund money :f 3'a7o Ointment to complain of throughout rise year.(;rile to cot,,in 6 to 14 417. 50c I lv re not having been a-intrle fault i - _.4.-_ nn the part of the officers, and he 1 C____ Zi. t hou(rlit he could ray t he s l mat for ieaMtlle �1M iiir!1 You MTA - the year just rIT-ed 'nitre had not bsea anything serious against any offiner during the ye.tr. fof effm., TORONTO. ONT. (lives to its sI u lents. Re- ..:. e- .. . cent stud( n's have taken t positions at s>+Iar'es from ' 1150 per month to $10(8) per S. annum. it is a well-known 4 fact that cur school is the 1 -..• ..;.. best of its kind in Canada, This month is asplendid t •t time to enter. All ({rade- XAtes get positions. The de- .4i mond i, nearly twepty tithes 7. the nuttily. \Vrite to day -;, for uufgnilicient catalogue. •+ t W (J, Elliott. Principal t t Cor. Yorge and Alexander t Street.. ,. 4 4444-:-:•4-:--:--;-+++++++++++ 500tkffllNG NDIVIDUAL Instruction in all branches enable us to impart as much knowledge in THREE MONTHS as the average College gives in SIX. Try ourt tree Months course in PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING WIOER Business Goliege 110 Dundela Street, London, Ont.. WM. C. COO, C. S. R. Principal. HELP WANTED Young ladies and gentleman who Are desirous of making a record, are wanted at the CLINTON BUSINESS GORE "Affiliated with Winghsul Rusi- ness College." to prepare for I3nokkeepers, Steno- graphers Telegraphers. During July andd August we MAIonly fill ONE-. TENTH of the positions offered our graduates. Catalogue for the asking. Geo. Spotton Principal W III.:It F. CANADA i.3:ADS tofu lc ins boast of their ,treat buriiu•ss houses. riew•pap(:rs. etc., and they a1c right in doing no: but Cin - Ida 1•.,.t a ncwspa(1'r 11113 outstrips C.!: is t El: Cl)t ; most of the Any•, itan papers. fad Can:esti Ins pre pro11•1 of it. 'Think 13:4 ('ouotil 11,ci (or a short pelt- of It In thio 5331 -•Iv settled (4)113• .nen Mond ,y c 1 (Ill II V, did outside of 11V we h•Ive :1 (111,01 11113 reaches ov- 1',-sing several arcounts and order- i I:ru,iioa lainees ,scot week, •l 'present - tn: the atrt(3 watering stopped, very inn :511,000 reader.. We refer to 1310 little bu'itlrss was done. The follow. faintly Ilorald and weekly Rt_lr of jugarcounln were ordered paid: !Motored. the greatest (tinily and li•,rry ,'amour,. .tr(rt a It Pt 'Mg tarinnllural pa(4r en the Ar„n"iran �CI1, o11^ month. r 12 Goldin & McCo111)11 rh Cowin. ,it, its surreok i1 Hell tIe e. 1jr-. .-''11, ni1:1s iTnldford, labor t1.. ,; Y•• d it iwkshaw. do, 51.00 \\'. 33 j311 •••nubr, ale 10r; \V. \Vest- -411, .r. Alex 1rr,selecting �.• 1 a 1Jo.. juror•<, It 1.1(1: ni'•�, a.,• ...,'1.43(3:.A. Q. I1•,I or, selecting A. dt.nn: 'r. 111V.kiry & Aon, �11p(Aic�. (12.1.61;; 'i'. It at% kits h son, n;(nt ce,l,"104 y, 51.50: 1'. Jacobi, wort w,3orjn4, $1.60 ; I'r(d (Alit .pie (Mulinlr fire ('tiK►ne, ?,`2•'i0; N. CruickJiink, Iesitng n,:ik, !VI*. t. rved inn, for ('trry year it t'(w•s nn iulprovin•z and tr,•,lay IS rcrf•Iiiily the er.'at1'N3 %aaltr to b" 1 11 in 130111e1%s. offer tit•'' The hon." %%Pinot it j4 rr , els • .1 To f tt it .Into in•1i11Rn tole, Tl.e:r beau. tiro t•ir,(11rc 1311 "A Tug .4 'War." i • 11on.• worth far Here I lt,n 1110 yet I's subscription, which is only 01)0 ,loll,r. ('.trot' easily has the best of one nctghteors for n great news.. 11.1 pr.1 5'14ea'41.