HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-10-18, Page 4r 'i' .d E EX E T E R '1' 1 M£ S. OCTOBER Nth 1904 STEWART'S 11 I1 1I 11BIG STORE !l 1! it 11 11 11 11 11 11: BIG STOCK BIG VALUES 1'('s' the store is big but not too big. We believe its the best )t 1 tl,t t i I t t ('l i and most convenient store in Western Ontar- io. Yes' the stock is big, but we,nlust have a big stock in order to do 1t big business, an(1 we believe we are doing the biggest straight retail business of any store in Western On- tario-- that is when you cut the cities out. Big values, Yes, we know for a fact that the values we offer our customers are the hest that its possible for any house to offer. Come and let us prove these assertions to you. We can do it. A Few New Ones Just Out from the Fashion Centres.===Get after them while they are hot. se 65c. for a very nice line of new Red Dress Cloth, the shade is that new rich Red and the finish is our special Broad ('loth, pure wool. We have the same cloth in Greens, Blues, Browns and Greys. 88c for the swellest new Red Dress Goods that you'll see this season. That deep, dark, rich Red. IT'S THE REL) THAT'S IT FOR TIIIS SEASON. The finish is a plain, soft chiffon Broadcloth and every thread the purest of wool. We have the same cloth in Greens, Blues, Browns, Greys and Black at 85c the yard. 49c. for beautiful lot of new over check and twist effects in Grey Tweeds. They are money savers. $8.50 and $to.00 for two of fashions latest productions in Ladies Coats. The kind that look well and are right up to the minute. Millinery . One of the strongest links in our chain • of successful store keeping. We are turtling out some very swell flats at prices that are easy to reach. Bring along all Your Farm Produce: -Live Poultry, Dressed Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Big Onions. They're just as good as Cash. J'. A. STEW�gRT A. MARCI IAN D, Jeweler. GOOD CLOTHING 1)o not let all the (,rood Chances pas Sou, it you Are likely to need a new uit during the next six months you Will he doing 'ousel( a favor by getting it now, Take Advantage Autumn days are here •at last, 'Ube ones so fall .of sadness, f With stove pipe cleaning time at hand, And cuss *voids full of badness. Mrs. [talkie, of Galt. i4 the guest ' of her sister, Mrs. Moncur. J. G. St:tnhur'y attended Divis=ion I Court at Clinton on Thursday last. Miss 'laud Campbell, of Farquhar, , spent Sunday with friends in town. ) Mr. and Mrs. J. (;. St:tnbury stent .Sunday with Mr. 5tanbury's f,arcnts at Hayfield. Mrs. Powell 1ef t ye,terd:ly t•o spend Thanksgiving with ,fri(•nds ;n Listowel. Inspector .1. E. Tom was in 't,own this week inspe7ct.ing .the public r;rhool. Mr. Percy \\'est:ttvay, of London, visite,* his sister, Mrs. A. Ford, .for .t few days (luring the past week. Miss Stella Spackman, of Toronto,, i� wis;ting her grand', 'rents sof other relatives ;tett frien is in tow ti. Mr. 11. N. Creech is teaching the I,►1{,ils of Miss Vosper's room, dur- ing the tat tet'5 absrnce• through ill - M r. \\•, llrown, tv110 propor<l „iv. ntr•rt ,i11011•01 in t he Ot►er t House oa 1 he 25th of t his month, has decide's1 to Post 14)ne it 10 a Tater d Ile, A number of t he young ladies of C'avcn church assembled at the horse of Mrs. ,1:,.. Murray ori Tues- day evening anti presented Miss .1ean('t to Gardiner with a gold 1 rw k- ed as a farewell gift bofortt her de. pst'ture for Regina. The anniversary services of this Centralia 11ethod ist church were field last Sunday. Bev. F. A. Fear had consented to take charge of 1lt,' services, but owing to the death of his trot her, Bev. Going t ook i ho services in the morning and Itev. 'Poll, of liens:tll. the evening cervi. 1 ►f u►tr Special Discount of The Experimental Stage T\\'ENTi- PER CENT. WE DON'T Is Over it is an Acknowledged fact that Try to fit a Man into a ready- HOWEY'S ►r,.pie Suit, we make the Suit 1.► Fit the Man anti to fit him Cure -a -Cold Capsules as if it were his own Suit—not A borrowed one. if You want to have the reputation Of br- ing Quickly and 'cutely ('ore COLI)( lit,' correct dresser let ; GRIPPE, HEADACHE, E r('., with - the TAiloirng for you, and you; out any disagreeable after effects. will ever he sure of good Ma. Is'nt it worth '.;'t cents to cure lt, mis- tt'rial• good Fit, Special Work- er*hle Cold- These Capsules will do it nt tn*ship and perfect finish, a Manufactured only by I W. S. HOWEY Phm. B. W. W. Taman ( Chennist and Optician 'Next door to Post -office, Exeter:M.rahent Tailor, Market Report.—Tbe following Is the report of Exeter markets, oor- r,•ut.-41 up to t).•ta,1s r 18th.. \\Trent, 68 to 70 cents per hushed. ll:trley, 40 to 42 cents per bushel. Oats. 32 to 33 u•nts teor bushel. I'(.t 11 to 72 cents per bushel. Shorts, 819 to 820 •t ton. Flour, tp_' tier cwt Beast. 817 .t torr. Hay, $6 to $8 per ton. Potatoes. 95 cents per b.? 3 . h -.1 flour, $1.25 per c„•. Beans. $1.30 per bushel. Clover seed. $7 to $8.50 per bun. Egg's 20e. a dozer Butt. I. 20c. a *sound. Cosi. .00 1$. r ton. (Jogs, dressed, $S Per lto_�, ht'.'twei;.Int, $6..3;, Chicken, 8c live, IOc. Old hens (i to 8 cents. Duel:*;, t+ to 10 annus. Lange 011:0115. GOc a bushel. Dried Apples, 5r. per pound. Goa. e, 7 to 9 cents. cwt. ire! ctwt dressed. '1't11 ItSI)A"t , nCTOIIEIt 18110, 1900. ••••••••••••••••••••••••-- • • LOCALS ........ r••••••• Thanksgiving. giving. Mrs. Scott Vernon friends in tutwn. Beechnut season. !here is ;t good erof Don't forget it he I i5 visiting The boys say sickle Concert 111 `g 11►g ('we -'rt .ng in the Opera 1louye. '1'I,e fickle Concert Company al t he Oc,ert (louse, Thanksgiving even- ing. 'Mrs. t•et1-tnMr•s. Ell wort hy left on Friday Lott to visit friends in Strat !troy ani (:.1 radoc. Mit. C. E. 11ACENEY Oh' FARQU• h;1r intends holding an extensive auc- tion wall• of his siti,ck about the 26th of October. 11r. Martin 5111er, tic 110 *was 111 wit 11 typhoid fever, is progressing able lot :Ike outdoor \e'► Cly(:. All those interested in Curling, are requested to hest at the Town 11:t11 Friday night, to organize for the corning season. The Times front now till .January 1908 for $1.011. 1f you *want •10 try it to the fir'.* of ne : year we will send it for 15 cents. Tito weather of ithis *neck is more suitable for fill .ard is more to tine liking Alvin 'that handed us by t he welt her rata n hist ►veck. Iiouscnt'tid \*"anted.—A good house- maid wanted for family of two. \\';0g!5 $16 rs r month. For particu- lars apply at Times office. 4utc•rs of (rsburnc will next January vote on a local option by_1:tw There is only one hotel in Usborne, and that 0000 is :1t, \Vo,odharn. A -ra e_ treat Will he rt he concert the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Main street church Thanksgiv- ing evening in the Opera 'louse. While Jaynes liver ►v:1s tearin.3 down an old building Thursday morning a scantling fell, and i�sr ��irn, cut a sftet; 1:1511 in iris 110se. A bazaar under t he auspices of elle Main stroet I•:ptwot't It League will be: held t he Seco►td *week in l)ecenttxrr. Fort her announcements will bo giv- en later. Hiss Georgia lionr)tron, of Tor- onto, who visited her aunts. Mrs. Cc,llirss and Miss Itonthoot]. for a couple of Weeks, returned 10 her home las Friday. The anniversary servise•y of I he C:, - von Presby teri,11 r.hu►'cti wi11 be held on Sunday, Oct. 281 h. when Bev. It. \V. 'toss, 31. A., %till preach both morning 11)01 0 ve rs i Tlit lawn tx)w1in;; el 1111 is having the M. %e grounds put in Alia pe fur text year. A ditoh has been cxtsa- v:tted for draining purposes and .oth- er work will ,continue ay long ars ,t ht. good weather lasts. A trial subscription to the 'l'ute's until January 1st. 1907, costs only fiftoe•n 011)45. ;1s :t special irld011 . ment to n<•►►• ttbsorit►ct s we will send the Times until January is;, 1908, for one *foliar. The 5ttcepstakes cup, tvhicl► Simon [Linter *von for tt he ts•..t snare of any ase at rt he Ilea.:all horse shots, 15 on exhibition tit ,the Central ho- le!. It stands ;,tout a foot high, and In be Int ifullt• engraved. 311s. W. I). Clarke, after visit in; II(1r parents in 14,041o11 a few day jo111•('d her husband here last *week. Mr. :end Mrs. Clarke 11 lye taken up 1 heir r<•sid(•n, at t h•. home of 11t'. S. 11. Sanders, James st feet. 11I1. OVEN'S EYF: AND EAR BUR - goon, will be at the Commercial Ilotel the first Frid:ty of each month. Bourn, 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. m, Gla**. ea properly fitted and disease of eye, ear rand nom treated. Next visit Friday, November lei'. "In Ili; ,Step," number of leautifully colored stiles, tt tether with illustrated songs and animated moving pie.tutc•s, ►%ore giv- en in t,hc Mail) street T'•t 1(xlist churcl, last Friday evening. A 31r. Cirt►egie was the e111er110iner and rtuite a I irue eunncer :Intend;•cls Reeve liobier last week r•cc(•iv- (al from the London Matti"! lnsur- ance Vonrpany t he . (It) insurance on i he t-e•.i<Icnee :, t t he cemetery recently de stroye•d by ,fir(•. Thr new huildit ,: is riots being built ;oriel it t•+ ''xttec'od it will ir, r,• illy tot r►c- c rt I, , ttcy in ;, f, tt week,. M r. Earl Brow t,i11„ a ho for •ant(• Mont hs was clerk in t he Sovct •ign honk, first ;,1 Exeter, then If< nsatl Incl I:,t rcrly at l;oderich, last *tock r"Mutt('(* ltiQ t►evitiort ind i9 now at his Lona bete. Mr. 1{rott'nine• ex- tjerts to Leave for t be Nort htt•nst shortly, where he 1 • '1 offs•To•d ► illc.ritive position. The field day *ports of the hijh ?Thoo1 twill be field o week frost Iv. A good list of prizes fits been donated, end the boy', are pra.- tisirr:_► drily for the eventa nt which they lre hest. Ther(' are :t number of promising. athlete. in t he rehr,ol and •,ch of then, it+ hent on 44in►linl the l,l.'lle 41 percentage of score*. MEN'S & BOYS' SUITS NEW FALL How about your new Fall Suit? Have you decid- ed where you are going to buy it. We especially in- vite you to call and see our very special offerings in Mena and Boys Clothing before purchasing elsewhere Our stock of Suits and Overcoats is far superior to any previous showing and better values too. Mens Suits and Overcoats Mens Tweed Suits Light and dark tures, all sizes at unix- Mens Overcoats Mens Fall Suits In pretty dark colors and latest effects, sizes :ill to I I at $10. Mens Rain Coats In light anddark tweed streets with or without lining, very serviceable coat to buy $.8 and CO. Of fine heavy cloth, huge overcheck. Made in latest style. Medium and dark colors at $12. OUR SPECIAL Mens Overcoats Made of Heavy Cloth extra quality datk Greys best linings at only $8. I3oys' Suits Parents seeking stylish and suhstanial school suits should see oar great showing. They are made of heavy mixtures in handsome color*; with ramie or double-breasted Coats, Boys' Suits in Double-breasted, Norfolk and Belted styles marked for special clearance $2.25, $3 25 and $4. BoysFull ratan Bone' s Overcoats in light and dark mixed Tweeds Big Values at $5. SHELL & ROWE friends diary Ann Tapp is visititt,ri s in London.Old e UrDItur6 Bev. anti Mrs. Veale. of Iiirkl ot, ..,� 4t'c•r.0 the gu^sls of 311. and 31rs. LO John I'cdl:lr last Tuesday. Mr. :inti Mrs. E. W. Horne. of A NO St rat ford, wore t he :guest s of ,Mr. 1 ----- and 11 rs. John Farmer Sunday. Mr,:, West cot'! , of •elpead *wood, Sout h Dakota, :tcrived on Tuesday evening to visit her sister, Mrs. \V:n. Tapp. 31r. and Mrs. L. Williams :anti Miss Laura Jt•ckcll, of Fun 111on, were ,the ,guests of Hiss E' scry, Eden, on Sunday. 11r:t. A. L. C.1(..0 'will be :11 house in Denfield to receive her •f r,ie.nda on \\'(►divesd;ly and Thursday. October 21 and 25. Judge i)owle•, of Gesicricth, !was in town Wedge slay holding :t Court of Revision for 3 he correcting of the We also make CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. Ex<•tc•r voters' lisps. Tie!. London Quoit C[u1, ht; sent StV'$R�� ===== JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN do STANBURY, Solicitors nof tefr ki ,— — -- ------ a magic polish for o gauzes twit h the local quoiters, gold and silver oplat- Western y pretty ed�ware. As good as the beet on the Real Estate Mr. S. hit ton hart; some t•crmarket at half the rice. rottv�nir novelties in the shat> • of p t �t • - viett•:i of Exeter enclosed' in a hand- --TRY IT 1 bxchange, Limited. sonm rover. The edges •Of 'the cover Cole's Drug 78 Dundas can In *;sated ant! the address *writ-� Store a St., London -- —+---- ten MI the oiltf.ide ,,nd mailed. It tl worth your v. hilt! ,to mall and -ccs fir. 1�. Have you a farm t hat you want Having rented r h, rt. '!Ley cost ten cent . slnch o, A. 'toss sf,(;r1t :1 f:•tw da 5 to rye11f Write for our terms of eel- , b Mr. W. .3 for ','5 cents. this week in Toronto B1SSett S Grain Store House, lin; t}rel►erty, We have t he must The Times has a splendid staff of lir. T. 11. McCallum tc:, : in Loudon selling method of advertiein,; and we are IlOW l[1 a ) curres;►undentq to Whom it Owes during . t1t,,rt tt<•ek on business. property in Oanada. Do you 1011 tC rnuoh of 1110 intecr.st that is taken \\ 11 want to buy a farm or business handle ali kinds of Grain, fOit in the 1►:11.er : but o�calsion:illy l(>n L.• • •t t is in (;Ierl:oe' t IIi:(1 property in any part of Ontario? which we will paythe highest • y cantles in the distr,ct are not repre_ ttc;Ic rl,iplti a car of ev<ttwratcci for our first. \\e have some 111�11pJgt, scnr<•d. !n suoh c:)son any ,e1ron ''►'l►I". bargains,Invitmarket value. whittwilling to •1cG as correspondent is i,,,i.atr ed to writ us, and t,e dent be/ Mr. '1'll(•r,dur<• title,:, (►f bt, Corth- glad to lutun ,h th(' nec140 si asp- ('cines. ttho visited friend,; in town on- plitj. 0during.. the pant* Iwo weeks left 1 ti iv foratr t 1 Our spec;ally prepared "ready for use" 1111111111 palm Will make your furniture bright and new looking. Now is the time to give your furniture something new—say al coat of our arnish, Get the Best Large Bottles 25 Cents THE OLD RELIABLE Confidence in the Dealers And in the Goods they offer are essential to Trade. Winter will Soon be Here And we are prepared tolrueet it wish the (iooda In FURS We Are Showing The Finest, Newest and Best Linea we have eve. shown at prices the Lowest. Ladies' and Children's Underwear A specialty with us. We have just received ice Lot of Men's and Boys' Ready -to -Wear Suits Nobby goods. also a NIce Line of Overcoats. 'We et41 carry The "ASTORIA SHOE" For Quality and Price has no Equal. Highest Price paid for Produce. Butter 20 cents a pound, Eggs 18 cents a dozen, Dried Apples Sc a pound, CALLING BiOS. 41,1 • --- sys�ematica y give you the r'eans to en, '•y and own many things thought only possible to t}i0 rich. A vacation abroad; a home; a motor -car; a c o!ie 7e education or anything else you wish for can Le �: oui3 if you save the dimes and dollars. $1.00 opens an account and interest is paid 4 times a year in �e Sovereign Bank oI Ca�,a �Ia 'Three townships ►s in lint on c .ounty ►p ,to else N,or't L►wc'st, will have a local option campaign,Wanted—Good reliable lady In c►r- ond vote on 'ole By-law a l New dor ; for our tailor-made rover times Year's, and possibly five. Morris, and ,skirts. \V rite rtui,^kly.—l)oltrin. Stanley :tad 1'sbornc ;ire It he three. 1(111 Garnt(nt Co.. (;ut�11,l,. Ont. The to n,per *ncc i►eople of (;rcy and I'I,."1 1)i1<r;or1 of 4he. (':inning coin - Tuckcr'sntit It have not yet decided. pinyn,t•t '1'rresday evening. 's . dcci.l_ There are five licenses in tlr* ivt to ir►re: Ise their holdings r•f t;to•\k thr(•c• townships where the r.irnp;►i Zn (ills :,ssurinn; the fowl, of the 1,100_ Is on. rod (ice 1110110, in (;rcy. tion of the plant. Nearly all of the Mr. C. T. Brooks It:ti; been nppoinl_ tttock has been sold andtvortt:on the ed Canadian ExprrsY age tit 11e•rc, .11 huildir.g will he commenced at once. place of Into ('11:trlerc Snell. 11(1 It :till po�sihIe the plant will he located has also 11)(14":11 1tt0inte(1 Igcnt; .r►[ 011111: h,s at•i,nintneart}►er+tnthugattorclinp)'etter r iilway 1 am paying nt railroad ln5ur:lnr�(• <•onlp,ltlier; tt•hich 11r.K this week Buell Pew e=.;•tit cd. 51 r. Brooks banfacilities. for se%'cr:11 5(•:115 acted ,Is ,•xt►r(SN for S1\(;LG 1':11ti: rnt'ssrngrr, otcint; to 11r. .Sne!!'s ill I)o:t 1h of .1) Is. James .lc<•kell.—Mt J t)1t jll'N'l'1:itR. )t<alth, and t►y hi= cordi 11 1110nner ,mine' (;id14 ' receival :1 01blegr:um t%oin r O�talN r 9th. 11as *won the canfide11ce of 1 it' tn:0ny Tu.•r.d,y 111(►t rltrtg 'front 'her sister in heat 1" 1!i �Oinl s t"' N•n'. Fitts. mcrc•tranrs as ttIh whnnt 1':1 ,l,n(t, c(:rlweyi(1► 70`' t in T•'n;ot,ami. pointt ► t- the Ivad intelli- I In Tens,.r imi. ;points tiiaLIlea •t o fort he hag h,d 110(1 111 arc g'o'ne. of the .Ie. -,t h •o( her' 11tot.he•1, oats I Art bur t.► 4,tlll 5t.• , plca„ed fu 1(•.11:14:1.1'111(!)41111"5 llc 11 Is ts1:.► tt:ts ,on :I t'•s .7 : �+ Marie and Port r. crit r i to 1 rlf;land twit}► 3c I :1 r:l;ur via N. N. ('.,., ,(,o Georgian ed tt►<' :r11tx,itt!nlcr,t*c. �Ir:•. `. Dyr'r 1lur(icn ict a 111a.rci('t t I,1v�aud La k• ,ut, ,ior t,c►int (sir d to ;br. \l r-, ,le c ke'll tv:►v :tf„)ut \. ('0 OO re,i►,,. Al she recent /H• tint' orthe f)n• i 60 y(,tr;4 of 1 • Barley 39 t0 4oc; f un \, ti•/�,• trial de :,all tv.ax born in r.11.,ry'c trill Ir nl,d, fur tn<srtle zi t,,rio Sittnic.incl ,108.o1j'11on a rrsolu-1 Dufh:111) .I1••:ids:: her row s.t,r•rc,tt- bo:'t115 tion was adopted 'asking' then (rveru• ins hu hand ►t hu lives • roturntrig), ,e, curtain Quebe• neap to fix *the last. Mond,lyKin No. Gidley ,-i,e ltcre' stir t► R�ehard Seldon rK,ints. ventber• :1+ 1Ire. day for holding muni- son; and sit 11aus;11;c,•�'tntil) (►f five 1 GO!N(: Ol'i'. _';►t,lt„ 'I (1 NOV.fth, rip 11 nominations t,lnd ,thea fir,,* ,108- Exeter, • h'► i'••ru•t.ln;,r, Slid land, 1.:0kefield do}' in i>cr( uttter :15 . feet j01) day. Owing to the 'death of MIA. hear, Centralia all point ,4 S• v.•rn stir North! ltay, Ar.. 'I'11is is the system that has been, Ino* her of it v. 1.. A. Ire 1r, the - ,rt i- gy-I.' to ,4 Sd'Cotiunt;, carried wit tLroni:hout t11fa mire at5 in thy' 11 lin 1+11011 church lasthsrltr,n, \1:r.11nt4;t.k.cl•in(,1aay t'`► Mali.. \fest, and thy (':0 01'rner9 tt 10(0 it tt•e1 I ISI Sunday were .1 ;ken by 1(01)0(1 and Clandeboye tx►r 11 uski•kct (, ,h. „ Jle irr't liar- all out *west ,11,1 tt hr, k01(►,t ny_ Holmes, publisher of t hs+ Clinton Ne►t . Lake of I3ayta and 11:,t-Cnc•�� t•. ,11 ritrr t..,itlf�. ' !ling of ritornelli!! politics would Hla. 'tt►is was the first oppor(un,_ itETt'it\ 1,1'.)1'1' I►I;(', Rtlt 1.100 not now think of going' back to tlra sty ;tilt. liolrn('s hats 11ad the ple:rr,urc old �t ste►n. '1'L(+ holid:,y 9e'asnn Is o[ pnpachin;; to :111 Exeter cnn(rrega_ SINGLE 1. \1; l: Vol? not :, titer for aff firs .of ouch imi. lion, and his hearers twcr(( 14! fli.\til:�r:l\.I\l; 1),►Y. portance to be transacted. At that surf,ris.s at the tw:,y I,e hlndlc�tr11ip particular tilts' ►rt1ny elentor: ;rte text.. 1\'‘,11 hate :,Inns:, 5 (quint,► until lith. :,11d lt+t11. S t►ct•n irn. 1{ct11rnieg until Mortal y, Or'• •,•►1141. ab+(•)► 11(11)1 l,,,nte :ot J rt hero tiro f'l'essv'tl *with (i;( f,ct that an (,lis it,•rtt(rn all ,-- ntant• 1e:15011, rnor•• in touch witq rot' twnuld it ;t if l'f l:�ntds, ;.00(1 is<acher also to Dot tali; ,r►d Port Huron. things entirely municipal why the nH(! 51 r. Ilnfrne;; 4),hel,1 J1,ch,, Su,+tr''irsion Bridge owl Buffalo 111i'' ti;,tc,t would 1►c .an iIIIt' (ve- the Rood opinion 51%:11.011.1`1141011111,)1‘..1 of �fhr `. i', mem of t Incl.a. of the prevent. Thin traternity. i5 , (44(4:0 ion t 11at will probsl,l\ en.1 F'or tickets ,s•1 full inf•)rmat ion oat! gage the attention of the On::ri(,; �1i' Jane .t, Fear, relic* of 110• 14)(.1 le•gisl:►tut:• a1 its next session. 1 nt<r l Fear, and mother of +J 'T tiNi1:117' , 1)(1 pot Tick p•t tt •t, h:. A. 1' ,r, p:+ssrd ,tt ,c .tt .rhe, J. iI, NfcD)N.11.1). The fir st of .tl,<' series of l 1►.� '•! ,iii :,t rr.1 � i,:1 r•on,•re on Fri,' ,t. We call your atten• L)ir(t010t 1'ct... ngor ,1 t,(► nt. Toronto course entertainments tva.4 (.•is••11 its ' i , : :It t 11 • 1%1 of '79 ears. \1 rv, the a pert house, Metriday evening, S tion to our large stock --- ( F'e I r 1,:,5 t,. cn cling for ,ons, TO CURE A ('OLD IN ONE DAY u h•,n t 1," Siariei t:l f,, 1)11 ('oncs•rt ,10.11 h 4 :i4 not uneX- Of imported 5uititrgS, ('ontp Iny rnte'rtain(.1 to , ,rf ►11,111(.,1111,1.,,111,.:1Take Laxative promo Quinine Tab - I t eiattve) et.'c.^•Ivr,l 10.11. horn in The best ofTerings from feta, All druggists refund t.t moo Th- Marirt t 1 1. 1 1)o I1 ►► as It ; S (,t l ►whc.tt 1 t►<, y(x►rs of :,,tt• ! if it tails to care, E.W 1.•,5t n herself', (English and Scotch y(3ro.e•a i If. 11 r rccir:ltiong **010.1 0,►n(' to 11►i5 r0untry with her par. •igoetura i• on r•aeh hoc. 150. cot bu,'<i.lm'ellly 1''((';vcd, espricia1ly ('11I s tw1 , MN t led III 1 11e' nor t h '•rr,l mills, representing the her t0irnicinu of children's stories. of \\' ►Ietle,o county. 11cr early life - — 'i h- r. presenrition or "\\'11;14 a two• w;,s '41,1.114 on the f:,r•nl near EIntir•, 1'1109* fashionable ttCaV- 11OIt\ (1,ys' ()hi child thinks" brought Sonic anent *--five years es and fabrics. ll:\1{'!',1!?It._i., Vv.,. I, Oct. 1.3;h fofrl, r.,,nlinuod 1•ttt�.htor 111111 voci• ago F. r, rod lh• ttif, .,f 11. Hlrtlieh of a •1,u,th- ' 111'1, Fear iilow<'d tt' i1r11ascls, \t•!t('!' f('.►u•, .,f,l,lau.•sc. 11) f•tcl every one r itey tired some four(e.^n wr Ira, �•' of 1:4•, number:. delighted t 1►:, nodi- ! Fiero t ht'ro t h('v moved no 1:(yter'et DTi:T) ewe.. (;Coru(' 1-o.r, so!<, ti(,linivf, hag ,r,d since I,ltr death of ite'1r ttusf►std �• �0��� JECIXELI.--t,, 1'..11%!1 'lel, Tut,,l,y,nzt, boon ) o' rd iter(' before, .1 nd his ex. t he deceased live ,1 roost of 1 he tints 16. \1 r ,1 , r,, J• rk(II ►gr <t G0. er,uti,►n lw.ls t?:e lfin•'s0' heard h^re ewit!t her fon, 1{'•v. 1'zrt A. Fear. i'1 \T{. -.in l:,eeter, .,n Friday, (Let, for many a dlw. Miss \111►c1 Polon The Tomlin., *tett• tak••n to St.r.it- Merchant Tailor lith. 1!►r111, Jaw, ,T 1,.,r, ►.►e,i ;� of Toronto, t►osses«•s a voice of ford Monday and were. intenred in �`'+fs• ro.►nthc ,nd five (1,y•. urru.ut1 range and l,rilli incr. Aho thy Avondale cemetery. Five sl,ms �' .ir.:4 ttith gnu:11 s spry... on Ind 0•,.e� survit•;• l,•r, Bev. 1.. A., of !'.x"(• r : O. .MP1rOA1'Jl1 ��M�O 4 ,11.1 1.<'r e«'le'ct ion!''10(1 Ill t n ne r or Toho \V ., of new., Calif : 1'' • 1 , of >1saatt Ua i I RMa YG7 Hare Abri s 1l I Eraftt tba �'� Ka Tall* Alin singing were^ above t h•• at•ern -.re ( Aylmer : .1, W., Sea fort 1r, and (;cor,t.� afv'a - St6nattntrs • I:w.,r(1 at concert op(ert tinm'ntt+. of Im(t�rial, Califurnin. of OLD HENS WANTED. We will pay the Highest Cash Prices for live old hens, also spring chickens, ducks and all kinds of poultry, 1 Mention this paper. The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Litnited, Stratford, Ont. We solicit your gristing and Chopping patI'onage. HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO. GRAND TRUNK SYS E M