HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-10-18, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES, OCTOBERlltith 1406
The Store That Beats'
Past Record
The appealing buying inducements of a year ago must be bettered this year. So do not
fail to see our stock and ccnlpare our prices with any competitor. 'We ha \ a ,just opened up
one of the largest Stocks of Furs and Clothing that we have ever shown.
Do You Require a Fur Coat?
'ftp of l
Tall a o in the Lot All nue prime, hell tanned Skins. If you intend purchasing g
1€ s�o we can suit you. We have just opened up a Stock of ?a COON COATS made
11'Al dark Canadian Coonskins,
well furred. nicely made, all sizes. Extra lengths for
a en notpoor coati ' , ( u hasin a Coat, tt will pay
to land look them over. We bought this lot right and offering them cheaper than we conld buy them to -day from
the ufactureoir We have also a large stock of China Dog, Bulgarian Lamb. Dark wallaby Coate at close prices.
Now is the Time to Make Your Selection.
We are doing a nice trade in Ladies' Fur lined Astrachan and Electric Seal Coats. Conte and examine our stock
of Ruffs, Muffs in Red, Isabel and Prairie Fox, Sable. Oppossum acd Grey Lamb. We have the assortment and at
very low prices. Do not fail to see our exquisite stock of up-to•date Millinery. We get- all the Newest Novelties here
sada prices that are not prohibitive.
We have a nice display of the Latest MANTLES. Our Coats made by the leading manufacturer in Canada and
buying a mantle front us you get the latest and beat going. A Call Solicited.
Flour Mills
*e have installed a NE\V
Mill for the rolling of Oats, and
can now f111 promptly any Or-
der to roll Oats for Horses.
We stall have our Chopper
and can also fill orders in this
lino promptly.
' Mr. and Mrs. harry Wing.
Mr. Daniel Ocstreichcr has put rt
new cement verandah in froutoot Lis
house, which will greatly improve
its appearance.
Mr. Wesley .Brown, who has been
harvesting in the west for the past
few ,months returned home on Tues-
Mrs. Jacob Either visited friends
in Exeter on Sunday and •.Monday of
this wveek.
Mr. Albert Morlock Decently in-
stalled a seas•;oliue engine Ito his
blacksmith shop and has note one of
t he most convenient shops to be
found anywhere. Ile now runs his
grindstone. lathe, drills, etc:, by
gasoline power, and saves n lot- of
hard work.
Mr. S. Brown shipped a big load
of poultry on Monday for She west. -
ern markets.
Apple picking is now t'he, order of
the day
1 ilio west and thinks it is a great
country where anyone who wishes
farm land oan secure just what
ho wants. Although greatly im-
pressed with the country, Mr.
Walker thinks the land in this
section is just as god, it not -bet-
ter than what he :ow out west. One
advantage she western farmer has is
tent he docs not have 1 o dntirt .his
land like we .lo here.
Mr. Richard Young is visiting Mrs.
John Gould, of llay. for a few weeks.
Mr. Chas. Zwvioker was in London
Monday on business.
Airs. V. Reitz, of Parkhill, is vis-
iting her d iughter, MIT. C. Zw'icker
for a few days.
Miss Kate \1"entzel, of St. Louis.
%vho has leen visiting her brother,
Mr. Wm, \Ventzel, for a few weeks,
returned to her home on Monday.
Masons are busy putting t he fin-
ishing touches on our nese school.
Mr. and Airs. Chas. Guenther, of
Dashwood, spent Sunday the guests
H. Sweitzer
Business Change
11.1-' Is • a purcla,ascd Dom Dir.
Clerk,. by the undcr3igned, who will
be pleased to meet his father's cus-
tomers and all persons requiring up-
to-date Harness, Trunks, Suit Cases
Sa(ld!ely Ilardware and everything
pertaining to horse c iuiPm,ettt, Ite-
paitin.r done promptly :and carefully.
,your patronage . licitc 1.
r� ]' �v CLARK
Credito li
Messrs. Sant Brown and Jae. Ilaist of Mr. Chris. Falmer.
uvere in London on business Friday Mr, Eli Lawson. who has been in
of last week. the Northwest ,for the past. two or
Miss Lilly Wein, of LOttdal►, visit- three months returned home on
(tit her parents over Sunday. Saturday 11:=t.
Messrs. Gordon and Scott Trevetb- Messrs. Yourrg Bros. are this week
isl:, of Briuslcy., visited in ;town on busy putting in tate furnace$ in the
Sunday. tow sohool. They al;t% have that con -
Mr. and Mr:;. elichael Beaver, .1,r., triol for ',noting in a furnaco far
who have been visiting in Baginnw Atr. Cara::. Kenzie.
and Port Huron, have returned horse
after a pleasant visit with friends. TIIE NEW PURE FOOD AND
Airs. Brandon. of Detroit. is this Drug Law will mark it on ,the label
week visiting -her parents, Mr. and of every cough cure °containing, Opi-
Mrs. I'at. Flanagan. um Chloroform. or any other atup-
ifying or poisonous drug. :But it
passes Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure as
made for twenty years, entirely free,
Dr. Shoop Litt along has bitterly op-
posed the use of all opiates or nar.
colics. Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure Is
absolutely safe even for the youngest
babe—and it cures, it des not mime -
1)o hot fail to hear Dr. Frank F.
Allan before he gees to China as
:Missionary representative in connec-
tion with •the Epworth Leagues of
the Exeter district. Ile is now earn -
wagoning the district visitin3 each
circuit and Will speak in the Metho-
dsit •church, Crediton, on Monday.
Oc.t. 22nd, at 8 p. m. A collection Iv supp1ess. Get 8 safe and reliable
will bs taken in aid of the forw'are Cough Cure by simply insisting on
— — movement. Dr. Allan's addresses in Dr. Shoop's. Let flit° late be your
ems and Surgeons, Successor to Dr.
E. A. llaist. Oredi ton. Ont.
Misses )hu•lalt and Ella 13eaver,
et•ent Sunday at Centnili,a.
Dir. Thomas Appleton, of Eden.
spent Sunday at his home here.
'DIr. harry Lankins strut n few
days of last week at Granton visit-
ing his parents.
Mr. August Bill and Wesley Fink-
ner spent Sunday at ;Dashwood.
Mrs. Bosina Finkbeincr is visiting
with her d.ughter. Airs. Daniel
Trueutner, of 'Lay, for a few weeks.
Dlcssrs. Osottr and Alfred Wolfe
,a Peet Sunday in Dashwood.— some
The Miaees Jose Mdse./ i and
8aralt Sherlock. of London, are the
guests of Mr. John Mcisaac
Messrs. Garnet Iliasctt, Garfield
Lawson, Elmer Sheardown, Satnuel
Rollins, Witt• (leaver and Eli Feltner
left this week for the South River
1 be r woods
Exeter were -thoroughly enjoyed and protection. \\ a cheerfully recom-
mend and sell it. Sold by W. S.
I Lowey
tho:re int+•rested in missionary work
should not fail (0 hcary him on Oct.
the 22nd.
A meeting of :the Bible hocLrty was
held in the Methodist church on
Tuesday evening of this week. There Nelson
wan a fair attendance• to lets
'1 he Ebenezer • appointment of 1 he i week
Crediton 'Methodist church intend •,, i _
holding their annicer:airy services ora
Sunday and Monday, October 28th
and 29th. The ltev. B. W. ICnowlea
is expected :eo Breach in the thorn•
end evening and to address '.the
Sunday eohool in the afternoon. On
Monday evening a goal programme
will be given consisting of riddresses
by the. ]revs. A. 11. Going, .ot Exeter, bout morning and evening. There
G. 1'.' Andrea's, B. A„ of Centralia. will also les vertices in :he afternoon.
.1. E. Holmes, of Lucan, and 11. W.
Knowlcs. There will alto 1)e speclal i PILES QUICKLY AND POSITIVE.
music. 'rhe entertainment promises' Iv oured with Dr. Sloop's Maleicoint-
to lw n tritest one and should be well mcnt. its made for piles alone—and
patronized. lit does the work surely anti eith sat -
Mr. .13s. \Valkcr, of I he Crediton isfaotion. Itching, painful, protrud-
it•, •l. who ha:: lcee, • "in,- in the `Ing of blind picaditstppe•tr like mag-
moved front here
year ago. Ito
It his tam:' : .
:al !laden, is veer :tie
1'. J. Ilishon.
'll •• r.- •. .'•ic: l:odisl Church i1I .rap-
idly ere ; - completi_n, L.aat wveelt
the seat ::d windows were out in
place nil -verything will be ,ready
for the evening next Sunday, when
Rev. Fear of E'ceter. and :1 former
pastor cf -this circuit wiil preach
Rev. Mr. h:idt was in Crediton 011
Monday on business.
Mr. Joseph Eidt is spending a tow
weeks visiting friends and relatives
In Stratford.
Mr. L. Williams, of Zuriele was In
t he village on Sunday.
The Daslttwoad flour mill is doing CLOTHING. IVO
have just received a full shipment of CLOTHING. ccmprisi, g Urn's, 'Youths' and Boys suite
:a bid business. Last week they took • and Overcoats.
in nearly .1(100 bushels ot wheat from
around this neighborhood. They al- SUITS are wade after the latent styles and the fabrics are the newest. Double or single breasted. You can snake
so shipped a car of flour on Satur-
day. Last week ,they had a tele-
phone out in their office for rho are exact duplicates of high priced custom garments. lu men's the Black 13e.tver cloth coati.
tele -
convenience of their many customers OVERCOATS quite long and shirt very full, is new. Also have an asouttueut .•t toy n - at d etothat in this line
S. B����)WN
A great many apple and shade and prices the lowest.
trees were damaged by the heavy
storm oil last week.
Mr. David Tiernan spent a few fag elsewhere
days this week in Rodney on busi-
Aliss Flossie Snell and Air. George A large variety in this hue. Also carry a number of fur -lined coats at reason ub'„ prices.
Powell, of Exeter, spelt Sunday the
guests of Mr. and Airs. David Tie GENTS' FURNISHINGS Lottie to its for anything in this line. We have the latest o'lars, ties and
1 shirts. Ill untie:clothing a big stock to choose from.
.lir. J. F. Ramie!, of Zurich, last•
Beek comnteuc&d his duties an a 11111- HATS Last week we opened up a big line of theta. Carry STIFFS in five different styles, all the latest, and have
for in the SOVer'eign bank here. a big range of SOFT HATS with English and American styles,
Mr. Hardy, of Exeter, visited
friends in Dashwood on Sunday. FOR THE LADIES,• wish to state that we have atgaiu received another shipment of mantles. Things are
Air. and Alrs. Ruby visited friendsbooming in this line, A cl►ll solicited.
in F.xt•ter on Sunday.
Mr. .1acob Ehlers will occupy the
pulpit in tlse Evangelical church
next Sunday evening.
Mr. Wit. McKciven is visiting at
his hong' in Aberdeen for a fetv
Charles Fritz, of Zurich. spent
Sunday in Dashwood.
Miss Lydia Schroeder is home from
Uet rel l;.
Mr. llenry Eillx•r' was in our vil-
lage on friday of last week coflect-
ing :for ilte Hay Township Fire in-
surance Co.
A number froni Crediton spent
Sunday in our village.
Mrs. Vallett, of near Flint. _Minh.,
spent a few days last week visiting
with Airs. John Hoffman.
Air. Jacob \Vinkenweder was taken
to the London hoopital on Monday of
this week. There are now four
members of the family dkwvn With
1 yphoid 'fever.
Mrs. IIeary' Eokstcin and daughter
Char, who have been quite ill, are
on the mend.
l wore
.ria •b c
Mr. and
'ars J. \'.
tending taw
Pi Bed Axe, Mich., o
ewers' of their ncice. Lulu D.e,rstcin.
The: deceaacd was only LI years of
age and has been :tiling for a num-
ber of years of t lot dread disease
consumption. She was well known
here, and has ninny friends who
sympathize With the bereaved par-
ents in this 'their hour of sorrow.
The weather of a few days past
is exceedin.3ly fine and the :farming
community certainly are 'fakir's nil -
vantage of the sante. in harvesting
.their root and potato orops.
The •farnily of Airs. Mary elilter
spent Sunday :t;t 'tiro home of Mr.
11 it Gees, Babylon Line..
Mrs. 'Deering, of Clinton. eeturn-
ed 10 ler home after spending 11
few deye visit wt the home of Mrs.
Mary Aliller.
Mr Ted harness of Exeter, spent
Sunday at 'rho home lot lila father-
in-law, err. Fred Guenther.
'there iia come talk of organizing
a Glee Club among tome of the
young men in Iles brown. We think
we have a ttutnherof those who are
well adapted for hien enjoyment.
We note in last week's paper, a
short item concerning- a canal aro .be
built front a pe}u1 rest Lak^ Huron to 4s �` - ,...el,
a point on Lake Erie. We hope to ;_, R'; �;`;j,l
r� .
see the project as it Bevy- b' .t great
ber,fi'. even 4o our own lilt1 • town. r 1x;
e 1: • +! •1 and 'help ii along.
el. .f ,v1 1•..1t-rmenn find wife are `''res. e. ',b:.
l. ,.
'� i i : i n 'I'oa'anta�'tltis week. i
l:l It-_ - -+c_`
'Dan Delrnago I.has (rented his Coen
:u \Villiam Manna•
Gro. :indorser hes added a new
telt feeder to Lis threshing mivahine
The new machinery is a labor rov-
ing; device end makes threshing 50
Iter cent. lean ardurous.
Itev. Dr. Frank Allan, who is Leins
sent from this district as missionary
to China, ote:rchcd in the Methodist
church Sunday morning.. Dr. Al-
len is a p1-Omiaillg young minister
and delivered a sermon full of much
John Nixon, of the 4th line, lilan-
shard has moved his family to Int
The regular 1::• •i4 of the Ell -
worth League la,t r'+'' ,- night was
largely attended w1:.: rt address JONAS H'�RTLEIB
Wves n1esenlcd to Mi . ,11"1 Sawyer
un the eve of Ire •' 1 : ore for Lon-
don. The addies.i t:. :end by ells
Valle. Miss Stwycr is been an
active member of Al..' league for
The brink china ^F 1 'lac grist
some time, always devoting her en-
deavors to its best interests, and oinsideralie f loticontrast to atheshows
tire rn(•tnbers expressed their sin- dilapidated cere regret at Iter leaving, but. ex- Aiquietd iron wedding place ;It the
tended their well wishes for her ww'ei' home of AI r, and Mrs. George \'lets,
fire ]n her new ]tome. Miss SaWyer
wit 11 her parents left on Tuesday for Wellington street, St. Marys. Wed-
nesday, heir new borne, Oot. 10, when •their ncice,
The snow storm of last week re- Miss Alice lleywood,
became t)Ic
stilted in the breaking down of a bride of Mr. Augustus lirethour,
number of trees and telephone wires. Kirkton, The iter. 11. A. Graham
Repair gangs wvere sent out ;and o[fictalcd and qtly a few nate rel -
had the wires repaired CO Thar husi- allvcs were prcryent. 'f ho bride has
i'cas was delayed only a few ,hours. been load manuger for the Bell Tel-
The St. Marys, Kirkton and Exe- ephone Company for several years,
ter 'Telephone Company has corn- and is an estimable young, lady. Mr.
tncna'd the building of branch Jino and Mrs. Bret hour will make their
running from the train line down home at Kirk ton, and Will have the
the different concessions. The mires- beet wishes of many trjr.nds.
tors arc an enterprising lot of men,
Wilbert Francis has purchased
,and are doing their utmost to make Chas. 1rwin's threshing outfit and
their company' one of !the best in intends buying a nett' feeder.
Canada, both far the subscriocrs and �— HARDWARE STORE
stockholders. 111SNHA1.1•
Air, Reuben Sweitzer 'had the mil-
fortune a few weeks ago 40 get his On Wednesday evening of last ween
hand bit ten by one ot the horses he Carmel Presbyterian Church was the
Wax feeding. 11e paid lilltie attention Beene of a very I ar,tely attended con•
to the injury and last week n bent• grcgttional meeting, trite occasion
Ing started at one of the places being to meet :Dr. Nugent and Mr,.
where the horr►e'r 'teeth cut the Nugent, who are missionaries in the
flesh. Ile suffered considerable pain Forri"n !Yield. A wear or too ago Care
and was compelled to fay off work mel Churwit, which is known as a
for a few days. nowt 'Iteral conjregIlion int he mat.
Mr. Edward saver, Kirkton's old- ler of givings'10 Home and Foreign
est resident will cerebrate his 100th Missions, undertook to support n
anniversary this month. Mr. Seib- missionary of their .own in the per-
ssr is well preserved for a man ot son of f)r. Nugent. who is laboring
his age, and his many :friends hope in Central India, and who is partici-
to see him celebrate several more wltrly well adapted to the good work
anniversaries of his natal day. bring able to minister to all cremes
Mr. Reuben Walker returned to of the people,of India, being a mc.li•
Galt last week. raI doctor a+ well as .an honorctf and i Z+++++'t•++3''++d'+++r�r+++i'+++•f'++++•1•++++'F++'i•+'1#++fi#'!'
Just received a ehipmeht of these. Fancy tweeds and worsteds to choose from. In blacks we hap•
dle the Lunette •'Viskertnann" goods. Wear and color guaranteed. Get our priers before purchae•
1t • for the pest • i• • . return- is by its use. Large. Nickel cap --
1 +. \\'alker pe(1 glass jars. 50c. $o:d and recons-
. land in 1 trended by W. 8. 11o•vey.
lam o.
Alr.ratee. Chas. 'lwic.ker spent cd laonte 11,i .•.
unday at Slipka '1 he guest s of I+ . vn cos+
c , rt 'rlkl"'4etc
.ti -- f; i•0,•
�> tax'
Ilts. %,\iit?‘
• n •t- •tr, n'e f.e• r Re eso 1t yeti woes s seta, 'inert. seenrate M."—Wireless from
'the eel emus,. e t •r.t,,.1 1 , .: a aa)."
Light and l,,i rh'('. blocauso no woar•destroy'inb adulterants ar
T' •
11.1S a pleat.: • I Ine spent
to 1ee $1.i's 11.111, vino, on
i ! c , t lin (- ' . when 111
,1.1 +•l ,. r •• 1 '11 w'er1• ton -
'11. •t + e Thompson and
1 ;s !. • e•v1 of •their de -
for :' i. ..-•.v home in Lon -
1 : !'.{! I,: <':•t'.1• +' i P1 Consisted of
• •rasion tall• . • eking ch..ir
1,1 a beautiful dein •et of dishes,
aamptuous supper 4 • provided in
ott:)r of the o by Miss
i'I:otnn;on's lady tt; •.1-. After be
ttioreand aho • ov.rr the
l r of the eel „ •taro spent
tongs. + -• and ire -
t Sarsaparilla enjoys the dis-
tinction of being the great-
est curative and weventive
medicine the world bas ever
'' known. It. is an all-round
producing its effectsun-
equalled by per -
Eng, vitalizing and enriching
the blood on which the
health and strength of every
organ, bone and tissue de -
Qt tale for Hood's, but in-
mixed with tho fi,ir-:. i'•ra gum. pend. Accept no sabsti-
Conform to taw iit,'lo of alto t'too—giro a glovo-liko, accurst
0,1;41l0,1;41(1,. Stay i.t simile. Wear long.TESL (011 baying Hood's
FOR BALE ]ll G::011138 M ANSON
see our Dress Goods.
To Cure a Cold in One Day z,;,Days.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. � on every'
Seven Mflf;on boxes sold In past 12 months. This signature, !' /J'a"!/?./ box. 25c.
n uu•chas
• t•.inl
be nuu•ket t e
' are \\c 1
your Poultry for Which e will pay
you the highest Prices.
Firing them in deed or alive and t•e
member we pay tl.e Highest prices.
Wiliam Slirllllllll.
and furnaces
enthusiastic ntission:try-. Rein„ home -
on furlough- the aoitgre; ation eseztel
the opportunity of inviting Dr. and
Air;:. Nugent 10 meet them in the
church at a .eocial 'tea, prepared by
the ladies in a manner 111:11 left
nothing •to be de: iced in the way. of
bent quantity 1u1d quality 0f the
good things of +this life. Afterwards
Ur. Nugent. gate on interesting ad-
dress dew:riot ive of this work in Cen-
tral India. A pleasing t(�atnre o[ the
evening was the presentation by the
ladies of the Missionary Society of a
life tnemhersllip certificate 10 Airs.
Nugent. ''lie nreoenletiou was as-
companied by it plea itt_- address
from the ehairirtn, Jtev. Mr. Smith,
(ho pastor who tee a burning inter-
est in me- on work and under whose
Pastorals : ee goings have been the
largest in :Ite history of the 'ahuri!t
the thank -offering. . at this meeting
atnounting oto :51•t•1, with more. yet
to be received. '1'h:' church choir
added to the pleasure of the meeting
by excellent selections, and the, dis-
play of flowers .and planta[ :added as
charm to the :occasion. Tho resident
mirislers were present. end 'took part
in e: ening and closing the meeting.
Mita ::•rs beers also present from the
neighboring churches to express
!heir t,e1 aro at sent Dr. and
t -s m 3
Mr. Nugent.
considonable grain is being hrouzht-
iri:o market and -prod( with :ready
eein•and and gout prices.
Our ronirnclors a:re rushing all
outside work and will Gaon have
t hints in good shave for bad weather.
Airs. McLeod, of ,Detroit, is here
visiting her mother, Airs. .las. White,
who is very seriously it1.
Mrs:. Cowan, of leintail, and Mrs.
r::iffin, of Detroit, were here last
tt:.••k att(ending the ;funeral of their
sister, Mrs. B. Smillie.
The home of Alr. and Mrs. Short t,
Arc you thinking of putting in
a Furnace. Cook Stove or Heater
if so remember we can supply
your wants at reasonable prices.
Heaters from $3 to $36
Cook Stoves all Prices
Don't buy a stove until you see
the Worlds Favorite.
If you want to see the wonder
of the world in a washing machine
call on
We want all your Poultry, alive
or dressed, and will pay the
Your pontos- may be delivered at:—
Hensel!, Buyer wanted
Claudehoye, buyers S. C. Chowan
Jno. Treyithick, U. Bloomfield. •
Granton October
li t n u Oober 1 tl
, buyer It T.
Dashwood, buyer W. Shrum.
Mists Ernina Johnston who has
been in Woodstock with her sister,
is improving after •hr r ;recent illness.
A turkey, duck and chicken sup-
per will be served in the Ilensall
Met htxlist church, Thanksgiving
from to 8 o'clock. After :rho
supper a first-class ronoert will bo
given, consisting of songs, reeiIa-
of Woodelopek. Inas been made sorrowt•ti,as addresses,
Cul on Saturday of I 't week, by the 1 _. (Willis and •liss Bontltron, of
death of their yott•:_rest child, Cecil. ! '.e•,• : •i iced Dienes here over Sun -
an exceedingly bri'1e little boy of
four years, after en ieees9 of the'
weeks. The d,.. ,.+ 1 1s 11 (n,r11-
eon of lir, nod '•i r -. ,1n,Irew .1 -•'.n -
,'on, of Willow 11111 I tern.
I1: v. 5. Toll teak charge of the
i at Centralit Sunday even -
i' :. 1 Rev. Andrews, ot Centralia.
_u,.i ,1 the Methodist pulpit here.
1t. V. 11 ERN the prosperous (general Merril -tut of Elimvitle, hart
Mput in a new stock of Goode in the store rel.. ntly occupied by Ed -
Avery. anti is open for business. Everything is fresh,
Mr. Vern (lusires to thank the people of Elin,ville anti vicinity for
their past ratronage, and hopes to continue in their good appreciation
and also extends a hearty invitation to the Whalen residents to deal with him
M his New Store.
All Kinds of P1'ot1U '(' 11an(1l(d
We aro showing a very large assortment of Ranges
and Ileaters this year with prices that will surprise.
Mi. So come in and let's talk it over with you be-
fore you hay.
We have just received a fine assort Inept of Carving
Sets. You will need a set, so come in and see us as
we are cure we can satisfy your wants in that line.
Hest of attention given to this department,
W. Moore Kirkton: