HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-10-18, Page 2THE EXETER TIME S. OCTOBER l•th Lison.
Pens, Pencils, Ink and
Salm then the ruagil+t'rate's com-
ments hjve come iu for raxuo aver
rtiticia►u and he has modified ahem
to tiotuc extent, The item came to
us from the Provincial Seereta.ry'S
Department with a request to pub-
lish it.
The Conference of Prov Wei al
Premiers and Ministers, called to.
get her at Ottawa by the Donliiiion
Triose Initialer came to an end on
Silted:1y after being in joint delih-
eration for one week. The principal
matter discussed eves the re-idjwit-
meat of the allowances to the Pro-
vinces for governmental expenses.
Nino Provinces were represented and
all except British Columbia agreed
to a new eohedule of payment avhich
they twjll ask Ithe Dominion Govern-
ment ,to have 'ratified by the Im-
perial Parliament. The 1'.toific Pro-
vince claimed special consideration
on account of its large arca and geo-
graphical position, and %t hen this
was not agreed to as fully es de-
sired, Premier McBride walked nut
in an apparent huff. Sir Wilfred
Laurier intimated the Gut•e:rn-
rnet:t's willingness to aet;ept t he pro -
Posed arrangement and he vt'i71 doubt-
less endeavor to satisfy British Col-
' ( umbi I too. Another important re -
B rownin s salt the Conference was a re -
in fafavorvor of the abolition (:f
the tax on commercial travellers.
Tho meeting furnished an opportun-
ity •for the Provincial and Federal
representatives to exchange views
at close range on matters of na-
• (tiou•tl interest, and the decision to
make the Conference an annual af-
The Exeter Times 1 f:ir may. mark the commencement
of a -new interprovincial bond of
Drug Store.
T11 UR&DAY, OCTOBER 18tih, 1906.
With this issue of the Times, the
toper and business become the pro-
perty of .t chartered company oetn-
posed of local men. Tho manage-
ment, however, will not bo changed
and the same careful attention will
be given to the public't4 needs in the
printing line as has been given by
our staff in ithe past. The change
will provide more available capital
to meet the requirements of u
growing business. flans are being
made already for improving the
plant in many ways so that witch im-
proved equipment The Times may
serve its patrons better. We nim
to have one of the best appointed
printin;r offices in Western Ontar-
io and to publish a newspaper which
will not only .kccp up ;the standard
set by the 'founder of The Times but
endeavor to raise 'that standard still
,}higher, We mean to denounce. ro-
guery, whether in business or poli-
tics and w•hethA1 committed by Con-
Bervatiwe or Liberal. We moan to
applaud virtue and to praise what
we believe to be honest effort to
do mood vi bereever we see It. ' On
moral questions we mean to be the
friend of morality and the foe of and :on herald, spent Sunday ,here
via('. Our columns will always be gu,:its of B. W. F. Beavers.
open to the publio for the discus- Thaekrgivine services will be held
sloe of questions of interest but ns n'ata'l ::t '1'lhlmca 11oad Church.
eervi:•e al 10.30 A. M. on Thursday.
not as the vehicle of personal ubuee Mr;:. Ann Gardiner, of Exeter•,
or private spite. In a word our CU- and :031 Daviel, spent Sunday wide
deavor will be to give our readers a tri?" -1' }i011'.
good wholesome local family paper, Ali: .iur:' or.. of Brantford sp2nt
Sri day h•:re, gtte:;t of Rfrs. T. .`eo
'knee from embittering partizan col- Curdy.
or -plates. All we ask is a littlo for- Messrs. Bolder and .Tones of Exe-
ter, were in t110 villstm Monday Fcll-
chinery installed and ourselves ad -Ing. Ing. t:;oek for +tlho Exeter Canbino
justed to the new order of things.
fit debility and weakne• s Inc•c1:: enc
should be mild and far-sea^hivg.
Many pills and purgative. me too
harsh. are drastic insteud of curative
Excessive action 18 always followed
by depression. and knowing this. 1)r.
Hamilton devised leis pills of Ilan -
drake and Butternut :o as to mild-
ly inceease liver and kidney activity
flush out the elementary canal, tonsand regulate the bowels. Thus do
Dr. Hamilton's fills eliuhinateipdsotl1
fromthe body, restore elcalrness to
the skin, bring strength and that
sweet restercr of health -sleep. Ilcst
medicine on earth, 25r.. per box et
all dealers.
FA 1101111 A I:
Last Friday evening Mr. and ?1rs.
Robert Gardiner celebrated their :el-
ver wedding. There was an attend-
ance. of about seventy friends and
neighbors. The brothers and sistoh:4
of Ito and Mrs. Gardiner rave them
hyo dozen eat* of silver knives.
forks and spoons. The nsighbor:;
presented them with a handsonts
silver tea scrvioc. After a sump-
tnous 'repast :1• •d l .en ":•t 11 Bev.C. 1'leteler, : , .! toe-. Dr.Turnbullof Te.ranl4, brot.l:•_ r of SI: . Gardin-
er, tr,va addresses appropoi :; • ;:) the
OCCaajon. Also music snit ;_ i is ; ti -t•: c
iedultred in during 11. ev.''i.i-• •end
altogether 0 very r•••; :III,: rine,
was •Pent.
11:•. and ,lir::, Tufts, of I'irkton,
Cure For The B!ues
How about the canning factory?! ONE MEDICINE THAT HAS NEVER FAILED
Are you al boaster or : re you ti,
Health Fully Restored and the Joy of
The investigation of the Loudon Life Regained.
election Nhow'9 Pritchettas holding
the cetera a`4 a ballot swilchet•.
The by -<•lection to till the vacancy
in North Bruce, caused by the death
of L. T. L'land, will t eke place on
Tuesday, October 30th.
• • • • •
If Jerry Collins had L • n I..L1.
Collins" he couldn't a vim 1eui:y 1.
been more popular with ;1 .1.11
°lass of 1.0ndon electors.
• • • • •
Bete , • r. t • 'mess in voila ics
crooks.!: i!t high finance and ut1.
eget;lin'i\ •,•n .:.1 io our feed prc-
paraltior. 1 any wonder some of
CIS want l.• : 1111 all 11.- fend and
• • • • •
POO w►ac
mprk- . .
Tlietit •
of Elsie e•
' l u • re -
b.! i;;.pl .:1 parts
u1:•l• I ••11 option.
When a cheerful, breve, light-hearted
woman is suddenly plunged into that
perfection of misery, the BLUES, it is a
sad picture. It is usually this way:
She has been feeling "out of sorts"
�\ \v.. .\\
\\N\\V,•N \, •
\\\\\X\ 'S\"4'
o glit, and which has been
borne the siguatnre or
yen made tauter his per-
rvision since its infancy.
ono todeceiv you in this.
"Just -os -good" are but
01 endanger the health of
Leo against Experiment•
ute for Castor Oil, Pare.
ups. It Is Pleasant. It
Vino nor other Narcotic
ince. 1t destroys \Vornlf4
tires Diarrhum and Wind
ubles, cure:; Constipation
• the Food, regulates tho
calthy and natural sleep.
lother's Friend.
Always Bought
the 1,1 1 to of the estate of
Isaac I1i11, the Elder, lata of the
Township, of Stephen, in the
County of Huron. Yeoman, de-
coa sed
otice is hereby given pursuant to
S. 0., 1897, chapter 129, that all
ditor9 and others bevin3 claims
ins' the estate of the said Isaac
1 the Elder, who died on or about
10th day of July, 1906. are
uired on or before the 5t1► day
November 1906. 'to send by
el cl)tid or deliver to
ssr•s. Madman & StanburY,
'Village of Exeter, So -
tors for the Executors of the
d deceased, their ehristinn and snr-
mes, addresses and descriptions,
full particulars of their claims
e statement of their accounts and
e naturo of the securities, if any
Id by thou. And further take
tic,^ that arftnr such last mentioned
to t ho said executors will proceed
distribute the assets of the de-
ahed anion; the parties entitled
ereto Bating retard only to lite
Ikea of ,Which they shall then have
lice, and that the said executors
11 not be liable for the said assets
any l'as't thereof to any person
persons of whale claim notice
all not have been received by thein
the time of such distribution.
Solicitors for ' irl Executors.
pled at Exeter, the 1.314 day of
October, 1906.
the, matter of the estate of
Simon Hart man the Elder, late
of the Township cf 1lay, in the
eeenty of Huron, Yeoman d -
c esed.
Advert ire your Farm and your!
Sale of Stock and 1 nlpleinents, or
Town Property. 5000 Readers
will see your advt. each week.
Clearing Auction Sale
311. 2, -. pI %% 1•1 • has re•el%ed instruction to sell
by Public Auction on
Lot 17. Concession 10, l'sbovne
1 of a mile south of Farquhar, on
W LDNESDAY . OCTOBER 21th, 1(100
commenting at 1 o e lock sharp the following property
RUHSI 14-1 aged horse; pair of mares euppoetsl to
be in foal; 1 pair of allies rising two years old, sine)
by Sir Malcolm; 1 ally rising 2 wears old sired by Nilo
1 filly rising 2 year.' old aired by Derry town; 1 ally
rising •_' yearn oh) sired lo Glaasnic; 1 hackney colt
rbing •' rears old sired by Puller; 1 suckling colt sired
by Sir Evely n.
CATTLE, -1 cow with calf at foot; 3 cows sup pot•
ed to be to calf, 1 farrow cow, 2 two year old heilerv,
20 two year old steers, 1 one year old steer, 3 one year
ole! heifers, 4 calves.
PIGS -10 wood sows in pig; 1 thoroughbred York-
shire boar, 2(1 fat hogs, t:Y young pigs.
30 hens. 1 Hassey Harris binder nearly new. 1
plowing machine, 1 sulky) rake, 1 12 -hoe seed drill, 1
spring tooth cultivator, 1 disk harrow, 2 Fleury plows
two furrow gang plows, I hay rack with pig rack+
attached, I pair Diamond harrows, 1 grass seed bower
1 wagon Jack, 1 Chatham wagon, 1 buggy, 1 cutter.
1 pair b:.h sleighs, 1 root pulper, 1 fanning mill. 1
&curlier. 1 pair scales capacity 2000 pounds. 1 leg
truck. 4 doz. grain bags, 1 Empire cream separator,
Yt bags of potatoes, a small quantity of hay, Y pair of
horse blankets, 1 rote, 2 sat double harness. 1 set
single harness, 3 set of whiffletrees, 3 neekyokes, 1
gravel box, 1 Sour bin. 1 churn, L' heating1, stores, 1
hay knife, 1 barley fork, 'scoop shovels, 1 mow-
er. challis, forks, hon. and other articles too r-
erous to mention,
The above articles will positively be sold as the
proprietor has sold his farm.
Timms o1 Sauk -$a and under easn; over that
amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing
approscd joint notes. 4 per rent. discount per an.
num will be allowed on all cash amounts oyer >''•.
Wm. FI.1:TC11E11, Prop. .10S. WHITE. Amt.
:eby .given i :4suant to
11.. - rt . L.. that all
I i , ; clai.tns
i • • ' 1 :. • id Simon
• •. wLrr Need on or
!. ; •. ', •! of St'ptembcr,
•ti, -elf or before the
1 .1 y e, . ..1, A., 1906, Ito send
1-•• • I i•! . deliver tto John
Ir;111 11, S:Ontnrio, ar .1a.
"J.nri 1e, Ontario, the
11'0 . •f the paid de -
•..'•1 -!.•e rhristnln end sur -
One?, :;d,• t.d descriptions,
le full e,:;.: . of their cl;ains.
C st ttetnent :!n account CCoullt 9 a1111
le nature of :. • --e.'Ilrlties, if Cin),
hi by til':in. And further take
.1 ice .hat -ft- ,:art, last mentioned
to the said executors will proceed
distribute the [islets of dips dc -
awed among the parties entitled
ereto flavins. 10,14)111 only 10 1110
aims of which they shall then love
tics, and that the staid Executors
11 not be liable for the :44 id nspels
any part thereof to :1ny person
persons of whov° claim t ftico
111 not have been received by them
the tittle of steel dist 1 ibut inn.
Solicitors for said e c ut
Dated at Exeter, the. 151h flay of
October, 1906.
aameasmaaair for some time ; head has ached and bark
also ; has slept poorly, been quite nervou+
and nearly tainted once or twice; head
dizzy, and heart -beats very fast; then
Olaf 1>"aring-'town feeling, and during herr
periods she is exceedingly despondent.
Nothing pleases her. l ler donor says:
"Cheer np : you have dyspepsia; you
will be all right. surae."
Trustvt e
if you are suffering from
impure blood, thin blood, de-
bility, nervousness, exhaus-
tion, you should begin at once
with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the
Sarsaparilla you have known
all your life. Your doctor
knows it, too. Ask him about it.
1'n'est 're 1s dater sedan of the rowel..
eons ,n,nis product, Ire ab•erbld, causing bead
..:.e. 1 h �usne,s, nausea, drsp•psfa. •nd thu.
prer.menr th• �arsap�.Tlpa rr'm doing Its hest
work. A.er's Pills are liver 1;.:4. Act gently,
all spot.b,e.
brad•l'y.t,1'.A� "7". '"5.
Auo manall.otu r
(I11R y1Gf!R.
r CI IF.
ClnRRY Fs:TOR11.
As h.o. no 'seems' we Dab .t'J
th• formai.. or.•n one rnrdietne•.
Fut she doesn't get "all right," and
hole vanishes; then 111100 the 1 t-icwline.
morbid, thlelant-holy, everhesting I1i.1'ES.
Datil trait until your 1 -offerings have
driven y.in to despair, with your nerves
all shattered and v"nr rottrttge gone, but
take Lydia l:. 1'ink:Iatn's \'e etablo ('otn-
ppooand. See what it .till for Madame
Jaephine ltinville, Mastai, Que. Sho
Dear Mr'. ('inkhorn:
"I antlered fur four years with female
troubles -inflammation of the stomach and
fallopian tubes which caused me violent pain
and often torture, sip mulch so that 1 could i not
walk at times and attend my daily duties.
Life war Misery to Ice i Was .o bhle.and
despondent i •1i;1 n.•c t '+•,w which way .10
turn f •r relief. I lin l t 1e1 the d.p. tar) but
thew did tint help me. 1 wait advi•e+l to try
Lydia E. !Inkhorn's V •.•ruble ('.impound.
se 1 borscht a bottle. 1 . . glad That I did so,
for b sin w.11 anti str••'-r t••-dav and the
wori•l !•n)ks briuht for 1 have perfect health,
*Ise '•p y�••:r n:.•�i• ine...
Ann 11:acel1, 41110 thiel on
the 20(1 day of .Inn', 1906, are rc-
IIlt1ed 00 or
lure the
511, h d ly of
November, 1906, to 1,09(1 by post
I•- !said or deliver to Messrs. (Atol-
ls 11 & til anhury, of dh•: village of
1 se Solicitors for the Adtninis-
1 : iur , of 1 he said deceased. 1 heir
diresti:ul and surname., -.ddresse.,
and defied lit ion the heli partIC111-
FARM 1'011 t;:\1,E. - Tha1 excel-
lent ratite i.ot. 16. concession Its,
Usborne, consisting of 100 Hires in
,toad state of cultivation. This pro.
ars of their claims, lho vlutetncnt pert) is 4'011 (encc'(1, ) is dtto 1,►rge
of Ih0
. 1- accounts and the nature of barns, s'i'b s:aIh1ll1 undrlteath.
cemo•nt 110;:4 And water in front of
the weal it lea, i1 any, held by 1 hntn. stock in Stables. (.arse windmill on
An l furl her lake notice that after barn. also ono nal pump. Goad ,frame
such last mentioned date the staid hou,.e: gaol oichtrd• hog pens, drive
shed. All the land is seeded, except
18 acres, of which 11 acres 19 in tall
whoa. There is about 10 acres of
goat bush. This farm well un-
'c For further
t 1
e with o
1 1
cn r.t n 1
d 1 i
e add T
d a 111 lIU'II•!•t f n'
n that 1 1 A 1 I
a h t o Icr
(xl t
particulars A.k.. s ,
oily not he linhlo for the said aascis Eaetcr,
or any part thereof to any person - - --- _ or persona of whose claims notice l.IiIIICII
shill not have been received by 111010'
at the lime of such di+trihut1011 Mr. and \yrs. .101111 Reichert Sr.
GLADMAN & STANBIJi{Y, returned last week from a pleasant
Solisitors for The London & Wells; visit tt-ith friend.' in Detroit and
ern Trusts Company, i.td., Ad -i other points.
Miss id.a stipple, who spent the Past
tow months with her patents here,
has returned foe Detroit.
idnlinistr.ttor•, %111 prr.ered t0 dis-
t ribul0 1 he assets of 1 hn deceasod
among the partie9 entitled Iheietn,
having regard only to the 1-I.ints of
whish they 1 1w• nl
• ,,
n Ic
If %•pu hate s.rue (terangernont of minintrators,
the female (,rganis write Mrs.! 11.•4 d at Exeter, the 15th day of
Plnkham. 1.ynn, Mass., ftpLn 1%Ic:. 1 t:cteber, 1000.
Auction Sale
31r. Joseph White has received instructions to sell
by public auction On
Lot 11, Concession to, Usborne
Thursday, October 25th, 1906
Commencing at One o'clock sharp, the following:
3 horses, 1 renewed cow-, 1 cow due to e -al a in No -
ember, 1 cow due to mite in Janutlry, Y cows due to
calve in April,! steers 3r ears old, 2 steers 1 year old
4 calves; 4 pigs, n springing to pig; 100 hens, >.axwell
hinder. plower. horserake, sedrill, carter nearly
new, fantail/ mill, 1 wagon, wagon rack. buggy,
cream separator, cream tank and cans, sleigh, plow,
gang plow, wheelbarrow, shovels, forks, eke.
I'arlorcook ati 1 coal stove nearly new, organ, Cale
ine' cream churn, cupboards, bureaus. chain, couch
and other articles too numerous to mention.
Trams. -Si and ander cash, over that amount 12
uoithe' credit will he given on furnishing approved
joint notes. r. percent. discount per annpul will be
allowed on all cash amounts over ski,
There will also lie sold that excellent rani. land Lot
9, coinessson 10, Csborne,containing 110 acres, about
15 acres Laing good bush. This farm is in excellent
condition, tint class well. w indmill, barn, ete. The
farm has li yen Iecd011 to grass fora number of years
and was used principally for pasture. The fences are
in goal eondition.
Terms of farm mule known on day- of sale.
Wm. CHEERY, Prop. .100. w't1ITl:, Amt.
Auction Sale
We have just received a carload of British Columbia rets
Cedar Shingles and one cf New Brunswick Shib:files and are
now in a position to supply your wants in this lint'.
Paroid Roofing
We are agents for this original Ready Roofing, it is.
used on barns, factories, in fact any building that needs a
good roof. Ask us about this roofing and ger a circular,
Farm Stock and' Implements
The Ross-TdtjJor Go. Ltd.. xctc
FINE I 2002 PO
Jackets, Neckware,
Muffs, Etc.
The undersigned has ,received in-
structiona to sell by public auction
TUESDAY, OCT. 231-41, 1906
At I o'clock p. ret. -1110 following pro-
d.. • 7,-. viz :
STOCK. -I 1:,: r', 4 years 4)141: 1
horse :; 1 ' '•1 I.y Belshazzar ; C
two yr- • ! (t ; 1 hackney 1 year
0141. he ! •' •r ; 7 !Hitch cows sup-
posed in r .11; .3 heifers due to
cult: r • •. I • . 1 1400 -year old
heif : 5 l,r;f : I r old; 4 steers
1 y old : - r i•:,' .nvcs.
1 `•i 1'l,F.,\1 ENTS, - MrCormielt bin-
der ^•,w: M-i4',arseed
drill : ' ;los-cry.
Ilrollerris; Ool)movexsk;iglls:
2 11., . ,'cin plow; Oct fliamon`i
1 n ; fanning mill:
1• ; " ; ' • rake, ;el (1011 Wei her-
,. ! .., . ; ..Cam sr•p:inator. l,ay
i . 1., v • !r" , .forks, shovels,
I is •n•.' ether articles, also
ebn •- ;.'. l• • . .-traw and pilo^olds.
'1'1 • 1 i•npletnenla arII near-
ly nee.
TEIn1 S _ `zurns of $5 and under,
bash: over t lout amount 12 months'
credit given on furnishing approved
joint pot's. A di'.•,o0nt of Fi per
rent. off for rash .0n credit amounts.
It. 0. SI:LDON, .IAS. •S'l':\NLEY,
FARM FOR SALE. -That excellent
farm land Lot 9, Concession 10,
Uaborne, containing 100 acres, about
15 aores being good bush. 'this
farm is in excellent condition, first
class %veil, windmill. barn, etc. The
farm has been soiled to grass for n
slumber of years and was used prin-
cipally for posture. The fences aro
in good oondition. Apply to Wm.
Creory. Witiohelsa t ; Robert Berry,
l' trkton, Executors of estate of
the tato Robert Creerx. •
ARM FOR SALE -That excel-
•� I•n, f,On, lot 5, eon. 10, McGilli-
vray, consisting of 100 acres, well
drained, well fenced and in a state
of good cultivation, with 8 acre, of
fall wheat in. It has a good bush
of 12 acres, This hush has (tock
Elm, Basswood and Maple trees.
'lucre, is a large brick house of ',ev-
en rooms, with cellar and furnace; -
w•oodshed in connection with the
house. There is also a large bank
hien, dimensions. 36 x G0. There
is 41180 :1 'rood driving shed. Wind-
mill and well in the barn; also n
good lirering orchard. This is one •
of the hest farm, in MoGillivrny, 2
across the rat! from the school, a = RESERVE FUND $ •
very short distance from the church 18 Branches in Ontario, ce,rials ,\lr-er;a Itritl-h''nlnrehi:l an4 \iImitnha
and about n mile from Maguire poet
office, For terms and particular. R
apply i0 John \\ hitefo;d. Maguire,
Open every Lawful Dny from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. except Saturday 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
Ont, ' Snlo Notort cashed or collected. Forma supplied
Fartiv+ers+ pp
Ona application. DItAF'T`; nn all pointe In'the Dominion, (inert Britain and Ln•
1 eh!' s l: r
Yh,lt .iX1'YA
r v.wee rates
p r s old at to
Iced Settee ,bought andof exchange,
As OLD Aso \Vsi.t.-' plan likens 0v.- Mr
Wtbslow',SOOthing strap um troell need for • SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 2
°ver eptly years by mieiun. of mot -hers tot their • eT
children while teething. with perfect success 1 • a/apotl+lt•t of (61.00 ani upwards received. Interest eom•
it soothes the child, aoftenethe gum.,allays sill p0uneled half )earlcy. and lidded to principal June arrth and December 31st. De- •
pain, cores wind collo. and 1. the beret moot) , • po,tta itcreip'4 alio foaled and highe.t current rates of interest allawed. •
for Ularrhma. 1t is plea -ant to the taste. sold I • Ad 'neicc made 1(1 f•rrmers (tock dealers and business men at
by druggists to every part of the world. Y8 1 • lowest rates and on moss fag,., 1 ,1e terms. Agent. at Exeter for 1►om. (Ins rrr�mcnt, ♦
ante s bottle. Its aloe li Incalculable, Be .
sore and tate lure Wtn•low's soothing Dlck!?Orl 6t Ctl►11r lx' `' +r 1 +. N D ItlIPP(`N. Manager. •
eyrep sod sot for no Other kiwi. o•N••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••♦♦••♦o•
143 Dundas St. London.
FURS made to order:
Repaired and Remodelled:
Highest price
Paid Pot-
Raw Furs
Auction Sale
Ale E. Bossonberry has received in-
structions to sell by l'ublio Auction
Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp
the following property -
1 span mares, two :andtLhree years
old ; driving mare 4 year, old ; mare
aged in foal: spring colt ; J cows
sutrpet,c(1 to be in calf ; 2 -two year
old heifers. supposed (o bo in cal( :
3 yearling heifers ; 1 yearling steor
1 spring salt ; 1 Maxwell blinder
6 ft ; .1 Maxwell mower, 5 ft ; 121st,
Maxwell rake; superior disk drill;
Cockshutt riding plow: Fleury walk-
ing .plow; 2 furrow Cocksllutt gaps
plow• : 1 Diamond harrow : No. 4
walking plow; wagon, buggy, cutter
sleigh; 2 sets double harness; set
single harness; ,wagon .box and st•oilt
rack: .gravel box; fanning mill; 2
sugar ket tics ; pine water t rough;
A lot of household effects itvill also
0o sold besides outer nrttclea tee nu-
merous to mention.
Terms of sale -$5 and under catAi ,
over that amount 11 months eredil-
wilt be given on furnishing approved
joint notes. 4 tior cent discount will
bo 31iowed on sill sash entounts over
E. 1)OSSENi3ERi7Y. Auctioneer.
1'. 0. i1I•:S•t•AIt1, Proprietor.
Auction Sale
Mr. Joseph White !Ina received i.n• are the finest the market affords
st ruc,tions to sell by )'ublic Auctioni and our tertne most liberal,
011 1 Do not listen to the men who
LOT 25, S. T. ROAD, US BORNE stay all manner of evil of us but
Commcnrinir til 1 ,: cl,,ck sharp call and 4co and judge for
the following pl' , : --
1101181•:S-1 go: 1 c. (Al; horse 0
wears old ; 3 Bran- 's geldints 3 years
old; 1 dr:cu •!c: til 3 yenta old: 1
draught fills 1 :ry old, with fool
4 dr aught fi1l;• 2 years old; 2 Our Sewing Alachines are 0. K.
light finita 2 v •ars old, wail foal
4 draught. gildings 1 year old; i4
draught fillies 1 year old; 2 goal
CATTLE -2 good cows duo to calve
ih November : 2 cows due to attire int
sprite;; 5 twteyenr'-old steers; ! S MARTIN & SOIW0''
yearling sleets ; A yearling- heifers ; S.
'100(1 rraistot'cd Shorthorns with
calf at foot.
'1'i ltMS-Ca:h, or 11 nt0nlh'si
01li 4.111 Ir. given 0111
n 111 ni+liing
e h404 1 joint n<,104 nt C. l.rr r^nt • A cl oicc [;;1111 ill the township of
.t :1•4. V.• 11R E, Aloe toupee Fullarton, 75 acres, groat bank barn,
('. 1•.. 11AC!�\1EY, t'r"1"..rlo-. stnbies (end drive hoose. Five acres
of maplo bysh, Good drilled well.
DON'T UPI'. GREASY Li\INIIEN'1'S, with wind hill. Goal orchard and
ell in high state •of cultivation. For
terms and portinutars apply to Thos,
Oamoron. Farquhar.
`Vo will pay the
highest cash priccor
exchange fence posts
for sante.
Main -St. Exeter.
One door south of the
4. Metropolitan Hotel. 4-
Tile Usborne and Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire :Insur--
ance Gompanll
Hoad Office, Farquhar, Ont.
of all kinds of
old scrap iron
wanted at M.
Vice -Pres.: -J. L. IIUssE:Lte
ItussimLDALE, P. 0.
\V-%1 11110 li WTr r ,II-:LSF:A J. 0.
JOHN ESSERY, Exeter, agent for
Osborne and jliddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, agent
for Ilibbert, Fullarton and Logan.
Socy.Troas. Farquhar.
GLADMAN ,' STA\R!'RY. .Solicitors
For the past month have been
very satisfactory both to our-
selves and our customers. This
we attribute to our exceptional
good values and easy terms 01
payments, -
Sewing Machines
Also a fine Lino of Statin
nery Cheap.
A century ago they we r,. popular.
To -clay people want something else
to apply, certain in 10:4010;. and
Marv,• all a 014�u1. When Nerviline
is a ppIie41 aches :Ir111 'pains disappear
a h ray absorb its scot hing h a
9 1 C D(1
ine vrol�rtic.. N. nilinn penetrates 1I,11 acre in village of Farquhar
to the core of th• in c,,::+inytnnt- on which there Is erected .,t large'
ly, and 'esteem tie : . bvl smelling brick building fitted for store and -
memory behind i•. 1 ..i to take in, dwelling, ,and a neat brick cottage -
capital to rub on, '.1 five limes and stable will be sold separately or
more powerful in .1. -• 1 -fling fain in 0110 blook.
than any oily linirn�r Ir n't f it to TIIO,'3. \1ERON
get a Inrge 25c, Is.- F'; r 1 khlr.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
• (Incorporated by Art of Parliament 1'4.wi)
CAPITAL PAID UP $3,000.000.00