HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-10-18, Page 1Secure our Clubbing Rates We can give you rates for alt daily and principal weeklies pub- lished in Canada. -- t3t?;;sopt;c HURON & M1DDL ESEX GAZETT E Auction Sale Season is Here. Advertise your sale in the T \11;s so that every person in he District will know it. THIRTY-Fol'It'ru YSAB-No 1727 EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING OCTOBER 18th 1906, JONES dr7CLARKS' Phone No. 32. PERFECT FITTING UNDERWEAR At this time of the year itis very necessary to make a change for heavier underwear. Saves both discomfort and doctor bills. "Penman's" for men; "Watsons" and "Puritan" for women and children. These are well known makes of which the quality is first class and material highest grade. We guarantee the wear and so will you after a trial. Our assortment this season is above the average. Prices low for the quality Shirt Waist Styles Smart dressers realize that there is a great difference among shirt waists. f . Some are ordinary, others high grade and a few distinctive. Ours belong to the latter class. Silks and lustre blouses in white cream and black. Styles right up-to-mint'te and quality unsurpassed. Close inspection only helps to bring out their good points. Prices from $2.25 to $5.00. DRESSED FOWLS We will pay the following prices for poultry if dry picked and picked clean and fasted twenty-four hours before kit- ing (if the head is cut off, tie the neck properly.) Chicken 10c per lb Duck l0c per Ib Old Hens 8c " Geese 9c Two cents per pound less if poulty is scalded. For live Poultry two cents per pound less than for dressed poultry. 46 JONES ex CLARK Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade furs and dress goods. MICDICAL JW. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. . P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Uni- versity. office and resldeneuce. Dominion, Laboratory. Exeter. DR. A. F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PHYSI- •Olans and Surgeon.. Suoces'or to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Office Main street. Residence. east as first street north of Post °Mee, Exeter, -Ontario. DRS. Y. AND II. M. COWAN. 394 Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. Telephone 15•:,1. bong distance connection. •cal attention given dieeaeee of women and ry. Oxford or C. P. ft. Street Cars to me street take you almost to the door. .,trier city office. Special Hospital and stber arra3gementu for pattente from a nee. DttNTAL DR. A. R. KINSMAN. L D. S. D. D. 8., Honor Graduate of Toronto Unlverelty. Dentist./ each extracted without pain Fan Did after streets. Odic. in .on', block. west side of Main Wwet.' Exeter• DR. (i. F. ROULSTON, L. I)• 8., D. D. y., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto t'niversity. OpFICS:-Over Dickson it Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's fortuer dental parlors. r'IONEY TO LOAN. b,..,.401ii'e have a large amount of private rands to gas on farm and village properties at lowrate. interest. OLA1)MAN & STANRUIIY Barristers Solicitors. Main St. Exeter. DICKSON & CARLING, Mnntitertt solicitors Notaries (beverlsecere Commissioner., Solicitors for the Mol.on. Bank. Eta Mosey to Loos at lowest rate, of interest. OPTICS f -VAIN STRTF.T, EXETER. L CARLING R A. L R. OrcillON THOMAS CAMERON, l'ONVE1-- ancer, will; drawn, money to loan On meal e..tate. also Licensed Auctioneer for the °ounties;of Ilnron and Perth. Charges moderate. Orders left et the 1 hers ,r at nay residence, Farquhar will receive prompt atten WW1. A GUARANTEED CI RE FOR 1 11.89 It ohm z, Blind, llleedin ;, l'rotrud- in; files. nruzz.sts are authorised to refund money if Pato Ointment • faits to cure in 6 to 14 dale. No. MONEY TO LOAN Ws have unlimited private funds for Invest eat upon farm or village groperty at Iowea seen of totereet. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter WILLIAM BROWN, PROF. DIP. Loma.OF ROYAL. INCORPORATED SOCIiTTY OF MUSICIANS, ENGLAND. Ortranist nt Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter. Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory of Music. 'erre Terns on Application. Exeter, Ontario. AUCTIONEER it. s. Phillips, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Charges moderate. All communications addrewed to 0. 11. Phillips, llensall, n, nniers left at Tunes Office will r'rrive prompt attention. $25 DIAMOND RING We make a specialty of a ring at this price. it is exceptional value. ,We. have sold hnndrexls of them. Express charges prepaid. Money refunded if not per- fectly satisfactory. TIIE TRAMP SI'ECTACLF: l'EI)LAR ANI) 1118 VICTIMS Of ;ill 1lat V:u-iuties of :1 rumps the house -to -hook tramp sticct.acle ped- lar is the sleekest, best dressed. and bntsnit•s( of them all. In appear- ance and and accent he resembles Iho toils of Israel, but it is ,liel;eved that he is not genuine but „Slat •he is rather of the rats of Islet. This species of train') may be fouti l in almost every concession line and side road in this province. in- truding himself into the homes of the people, proclaiming himself to be a "professor" -doctor of ,optica” "neurologist 'oliticsan" and similar high sounding and mea11ll1 less titles profesxintt to hest eyes free of cltargn, tromising to cure all man ner of ills, cahit,i4in;t a burbly col- ored diplotnu. This past muster of the f ree-eye-test fake .not inf rc. cantly beguiles 'the farmer's wife and daughters and occasionally the sturdy farmer himself into changing their rash for his cheap iglasses. In- deed, in in my cases, the dwellers in towns and villages are not nvholly exempt from his raids. But of course the farmers wives and daugh- ters are the chief victienaof his can. fling and rapacity, as is abundantly shown by tho brass eye furniture adorning their faces. If it were merely the filching the money drohrn the pocket of his dupes, but little sympathy should be shown: but there is at very great dangca• ito the public health in wearing improperly fitted or unsuitable glasses, It is a singular commentary on the credulity and gullibility of hum- an nature that et strange tramp ped- lar, whose name and residen:.c are alike unknown can not only intrude himself into the homes of the people, filch the money from their pock- ets, but is also allowed din tamper with the eyesight. NOW of all mis- fortunes next to the loss of life it- self, the loss or irnti'lirment of tho sight is the gravest. While people aro careful in else of sickness or accident to seek the aid of the most skillful surgeon obtain- able; in a matter of vastly .great- er importance, the eyesight, t hey permit .lhenisleves so be. duped by the house-to-house tramp spectacle pedlar, an unknown. pompous brab- gartl Although the real name of the pedlar is rarely known, he does not hesitate for a moment to as- sume the name and degrees of any Oculist or surgeon of repute„ pro- vided such assumption will aid him In palming off his glasses dor the hard carne,1 cash of his dupes. Ilis experiments on the eyesight would be comic were it Dot to dangerous to the public welfare. The public health in a vital particular is bound to suffer from the pedlar's inters ested efforts. The sooner the pub- lic health authorities take action to suppress this dangerous nuisance, so nuoh the better for tiro ,public wel- fare. In case of dizziness, persistenti headache, or failing eyesight, etc., avoid all free -eye -test ifakcs %and consult the family physician or an oculist. An oculist is ono who has made a special st udy of tho eye ;laid who is oonipetent to oresoribo glas- ses or other treatment .required in each individual case of eye trouble. Neither the oculist. nor the family physician will advise classes unless such are required. Ily ne,(lecting to wear glasses when they aro needCi, or the wearing of improperly lilted or unsuitable glasses are Alike in- jurious to the eye arid eyesight trou- bles result. To consult the family physician .or an oculist is very muolt safer and cheaper than to allow .in ignorant tramp house -lo -house spectacle ped- lar to experiment nn tho eye and to dispose of his brass -clad glasses. One Who was Filched. Little Liver Pills before retiring you would not havo had that coated ton- 1 gue or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial kith you for occasional use. Locals. The Times is only half size this week on account of the railroad company miscarrying the bundle for this issue. Mrs. J. Senior is spending Thanks. giving in Toronto. Mrs. Hichard Pickard is visiting rel• atiyes in Brantford. Miss Charlotte Dearing, of Kings. ville, is visiting relatives in town. Mr. Roy Horne, who spent the sum- mer in the west, returned home last week. Mrs. John Hawkshaw left Wednes day for Detroit, where she is visitin friends. Miss Tillie White spent the Thanks giving with Mrs. T. M. \Vhite i '1' indsor. Mr. John McConnell of London, i spending Thanksgiviug with hi brother. Mr. and Mrs. V.D.\('larke 1•'ft Tues- day for a short visit with friends in Cheeley. . Mr. T. Cooper White, ( f Windsor, is the guest of has grandmother, Mrs. John White. Mr. \Vin. Rowe, of Carsonville, Mich., visited his parents here a few days during the past week. Miss Mary Brock, who has been in Seaferth during the past summer, re- turned home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Joseph Bowden left Monday for a few days' visit with her daugh- ter, Mrs. R. Samuel at Highgate, Messrs. T. Handford and W. Elliott of Centralia, left Wednesday for \Vin- nipeg,They took a carload of horses with them. Mr. Will Bonthron, of Chicago is visiting friends in Ifensall and on Wednesday visited Mrs. Collins and Miss Bonthron. Miss Victoria Miners who is in at. tendance at the Goderich Model School, is spending the Thanksgiving at her home here. Miss Rose Harton, who has heen visiting friends in Toronto, Hamilton and other places for some weeks re- turned home \Vedresday evening. Mrs. McLeod, of Detroit, spent Tues- day the guest of Mrs. Collins. Mrs, McLeod is visiting he: mother, Mrs. Jas. White, of Hensel!, who is quite ill. Reeve Bolder has the hog books and checks which were stolen from his of- fice some time ago. They were re- turned last Friday night by some one and left at the back door of his office. A very pretty wedding was solem- nized at Sodom, on 'Wednesday Oct. lith, when Miss Pansy Prouty was married to Thomas Collingwood of Exeter. The ceremony was performed at seven o'clock in the evening by Rev. E. A. Fear, of the Main Street Meth- odist church in the presence of about two dozen friends of the contracting parties. The bride was attended by her sister. while William Carrick sup- ported the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Col- lingwood will reside in Exeter. CIIOMA1(TV Miss E. Callender, of Detroit, is at present the guest of Mr. Donald Park. Miss Janet Brawn spent a few days last week visiting friends in Walto,t and Brussels. Quite n number from here attended the Harvest Home thanksgiving at StatTa Sunday last. Miss Ethel Norris who has been ser- iously ill. is now, we are glad to state, able to be around again. Mr. Geo. Miller will move Thnrsdav f this week to his new home near Staff& ML'. Miller has for a !rug time ivetl in ('r•onialty, and we wish him health and success SALE REGISTER Friday, Oct. 26. Auotion Rale of horses and cattle on lot 25, 8. 1'. (toad, t'sber:be at 1 o'clock sharp. .los. White. Auot:enccr, C. E. Hack- ney.Proprietor.Thursday. Oct. 25. Auction Salo of farm stock and implements, lot 22. con. 11. Stephen, at 1 o'clock short:. F.. Rossenberry. Auctioneer, 1'. G. Uestard, Proprietor. Wednesday. Oct. 21. Auction wale of farm stock and implements on Lot 17. concession, in 1'sborne. .1-4 of a toile south of Farquhar, eons- ' tncncing at One o'clock sharp. Wm. G. fi. VdrO &6o. London Ontario. Specialists in Diamonds and Cut Glass. STRUCK Rt- LIGHTNING Neat!) tlerctibes the celerity of I•uunirn'a Corn Extr,rt or. heats tis' re: ns out in abort order. Causes no ptin, [cave. no scar. and gives per- fect sati•(ar tion. Remember there is only one "beat" -!hit's 1'utnam's_ n fifty years in ye. -- 81.118CRIF;F; FOR THE TIMET. ( SlloRNE COUNCIL Council met, October lath. pursu- int to adjournment. All the nlernbere were present. The minutes of the :1st ineetint! were read, approved and lane! by the Reeve. The Engineer's report rind arnen.l- cd assessment to raise t h • :um of � $2.13.00 to complete the pt.y}rit^nta for the G:i !diner drain, watt ciilopterl and Ilse assessments againat lands and roads of the municipality or t'slk,rnc ordered to be entered on the Col. loolor''s roll and collected with. the of her rates. The petition of Wen. Stewart and collets for dr:lima':e it•rsrk ander rho Municipal Drainage Act, .vas npprov- .4. and Mr. John Roger, 0. L. 8. , of Mtlnce11. will be in,.1ructed to ex - mine the arca 40 hn drained, and ,rew,re plans, specifications. esti.; wires, Rr.. for tit" .Iraininrt of the •id area, in accordance with, tho� ,revisions of the said A..t. The ,erurily offered by •1 he Col- ter•10r wag approved by the Council and his hand !weepier, when properly sigiled and sealed in flan prorenre of the clerk. A pet it Jell si.:nail IW" . 5 of t he electois nff ht „luni'ipality' prayinz 11x,1 a by-law prohibitin, 1bo !•.11n, intoxicating liquor wiithin tiro limits of 1 he nitrnirip,lity, he Aub- i Milled to the electors for r•ltifica•', tion, was received. approved by the. Connell. :,nd the clerk was instruct, rd 10 prepare unci, a Ily-law for eon-' side, ',flan at th^ next regular meet-' Inv of I he eottnril. Account.:,mnnniin,! to Rf11.fQ were n`s.ed Ind orders issued in payment also 1*040.00 nn Elinivillr' drain n:• count. Council Ilan adjourned to meet Nnv. 3rd at ane n•eI Fletcher, frons, Jos. White. Auct. e h Thursday, Oat. 25th. Auction sale of farm, farm stock and implements on Lot. 11, Conccatfaion 10, Uebornc. commencing at One o'clock sharp. \Vm. Creery Prop,. Jas. White Auct Saturday. Oct. 27. Executors wile of farm and farm chattell on the l,rernisea, East part of l.ot 21, Con. r o'clock Hay. comnrcncin(r at oneo c ock sharp. F:, ilossenberry, Auctioneer John dart man and Jaoob Realer, Execu,ttiors: Madman & St inbury Selirirors. Harsh, purgative remedies are fast giving way to tho gentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver Pills. If you try them they will certainly please you . CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. 111 Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 0 F. MORi,EY, Clerk All disorders caused by .•t bilious tate of the system oan he cured by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. No pain, gripintr or discomfort attend- ing their use. Try them. Pr•e vtilt ice as the name implies prevents 311 Colds and Grippe when taken at the sneezing stage. I to can . Surely Secure Reart IINtis $1•0o per year in advance Now Is The Time - To think about the new Range or Heater. For economy in Fuel and a Good Baker select one of the follow- ing which have been tired and not found wanting. Garlands with Tank and Shelf $33 to $.t.t Souvenirs $35 to $50 lVelcotne Nationals " $35 to $50 Hurons $26 to $38 Coal and lVood Cook Stoves $26 to $29 1 6 -hole Happy Thought with Tank slightly used at a Bargain 6 Second hand wood cooks $2,50 to $3.50 Pipes roc to 15c, Heavy Elbows 20c, Stove Pipe Enamels 15c and 25c, Metal and Silver Polishes t 5c and 25c, Coal Mods, Stove Boards, Sifters, Etc. Anything and everything for October wants. SAMSON PORTLAND CEMENT, -Another car just rcceiv ed. Come quick if you want Cement. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE and Stove Store FURS! FURS! FURS! A large collection of FURS now ready to show YOU: Trifle early ? Sometimes it pays to think ahead, you know Sonic of the most desirable lines disappear early in the season, If you are contemplating buying a new set of furs this season we ask you to look through our assortment before making the final choice. Remember our furs arc marked at Drygoods Prices - don't depend on just fur profits to keep this buisiless going. Ladies' Astrachan Jackets $32 to $40 Mens' Calf Coats $25 to $28 Fur Scarfs $4 to $12 Also full range of fur -lined CAPS tor Gents' and Boys• All Produce as good as Cash. COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea THE LEAiuNra CoMMEHr'IAL g(•iIOOL. CENTRAL .afiiged Ol STRATFORD. ONT.�./ This school is recognized to be one of the hest Connnercial schools in America. You can safely judge a school by the ap- plications it receives. This term we received applications from firms in six large Atnerican cit- ies and from far more towns and cities of Canada including Sask- atoon. Sask., on the a •est and Charlottetown, P. E. 1., on the East. Our reputation means much for our graduates. Write for our catalogue. W. J. Elliot Principal D. A. McLachlan, } ++4.44.1-Se-4--ir•F•f'•f•-7••t••F+e-++ ;•4.1-+++ 111('1:'S FORECASTS. 1•:CAS'l'S. A reactionary storm period is cen- tral on the 2ard to 25th. at w•hiclr lime change (o warmer, falling bar- ometer, with cloudiness and Ivor • autumnal rain may be expected. WIIEN THE TIP OF A DOG'S sou' is cold and moist. that: dog is not rick. A feverish dry nose means r.irkness with a dog. And so with he human lips. Dry. cracked an.1 rolorkes lips moan feverishness, and are as well ill appearing. To have beautiful pink velvet-like lips, apply it belle ime a coating .of Dr. Shoop's Green Salve it will soften and heal any skin ailment. (ct a free trial box, at our store, and be convinced. 1.a,rge nickel capped glass jars, 25e. sold by W. 8. Mowry. Thillips of Heart Tioubh 1 Prevents are tooth.ome e•lndv tablets. i'reventicx dissipate all; gad Strength throatDr. Sbsdp's • colds quickly, and taken early. when!you first feel that a e•old is tx>mifh i they check and prevent them. Pro -1 ventics are 1loronghly safe for;children, and as effectual for adults.` Sold and r aarnmrnded, in 5 Dent rind' .'Ti cent cox( r, by W. S. Howey. t I� CII1 1,'1•:A .facques will mate' into Mr. Chas. Godbolt's house •,lout Nov. 1st. The Louse it now undvr,roing extensive improvements. Mr. Wm Crtery will hive an auc- tion smile of farm stock, implements and household goods, next Thursday October 25th. It i•. quite possible !hat M-. Creery• •1114 (trolly wi11 go to RI. Marys to reside flex: March. Miss Sarah Clements, who has been home for a mons h•- va sa(ion, left us lift M(:ndny •sane her position as ...pore! .1 t n the Pru - .1 • •i .1 1u .„qn, ('. '• •rk, N .1 0 CAMTOAIa. Ear; the Pe M 'd TM MR Aiwa WI y i(ufs'f! l Restore e. Rears peakne.; which can be dealt with N all U terve weakness. Just as your hand tress-. bit! whet its nerves ar weak, when rourlstt�M n.vves ar' weak your heart butter! and pN - ► • n toys. l�:a r a1 n shortness ell rOf breath after alight tie/flee: fslnur.,r spells; pain Or tender.. !lets about the beam ceased by Irregular heath Selma; ehokloe sense tion rill( the heart Nee hi the throat; uneasy,\•enaction In the chest. sboscing that the heat isn't working right, path when rou Ile' on nor side- ({-��f, usu:notherepenr. ly rte let; aide, but ir.•/ 1 \anrntl7� the richt patrful and dtfflcuja srathing; „delif (I(t \ Therm taeh- anafot,blrultaeaatlat ht-aatwnold'!•,s'• �� ��r1 :.•r:e1. can you iy ens way (tC:` br,nehaokw.sk heart-' ' rrrmaness aaagfne how any- C.'nt -t•o can be note" Dr. Shoop'! 11- corm' re w i l l hrtne back the rtrengh to see -art •rces siways.` Thee is Lo:hln( la :in bis reinhly to tomo- late : nothing that 1•,:•..n rearttnn. Tt•e ,treneth that 11 gives Is r,- aats4 Vp,.rrmMan1rPnec1 131'1.111.'0r; '.who are well. Dr Shoop's itesterattve ('P,.lat or 1.1eo14i create! •trcngtb w5,e) tIto L -a ore? leo .rem 'Miele terve •raves :1 overtimes the walla W tae trouble as weU ea the raeeil. BOO 57 W. S. IIOWEY. 5KI[EPING INDIVIDUAL Instruction in all branches enable us to impart RA much knowledge in '1'HRF:E MONTHS as the average College gives in SIX. Try ourt hree Months course in PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING W�lem Business College 1111 Dundas Sheet, London, Ont. COO, C. S. R. Princip.il. HELP WANTED Young ladies and gentleman who are desirous of making a record. are wanted at the CLINiON BUSINESS COLLEGE "Affiliated with \Vingh:.rn Busi- ness College. ' to prepare for Bookkeepers, Steno- graphers Telegraphers. During July and Angnst we could only fill ONE- TENTH of the positions offered our graduates. Catalegue for the asking. Boo. Spotton Principal 4, "High Grade" Training pays and tint is the kir.•[ the fatuous wan TORONTO, ONT. (jives to its s!ndenti. Re - relit students have taken positions at ssl trees fmtn $.10 per month to 111110%1 per hamar. It. is a well-known fact that Nur •cho. I IS the host of its kind in Canada. This month .s •t-pienlid time to enter. All gradu- ates get positions. The de - (wool t. 'lestly twenty time, the +npnlc. Write to day for rnsgtofhient retain': W. J. IIEIu