HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-10-11, Page 8ereo
'i' li E ESC E T E R 't' 1 M E S, OCTOBER lith 180'
1111111411. iL U It.1• 1114111J1este x:111
Ye,! the store is big but not too big. We believe its the
best )ilil,i,tted and most convenient store in Western Ontar-
io. Yt•s! the stock is big, but we must have a big stock in
order to (Io a big business, and we believe we are doing the
bigge,-t straight retail business of any store in Western On-
tario -that is when you cut the cities out. Big values, Yes,
we know for afact that the values we offer our customers
are t!;e hest that its possible for any house to offer. Come
and h't us prove these assertions to you. We can do it.
A Few New Ones Just Out from the Fashion
Centres,==Get after them while they are hot.
65c. for a very nice line of new Red Dress Cloth, the
s'iade is that new rich Red and the finish is our special Broad
(loth, pure wool. We have the same cloth in Greens, Blues.
Br )urns and Greys.
88c for the swellest new Red Dress Goods that you'll
Fre this season. That deep, dark, rich Red. IT'S THE
a pain, soft chiffon Broadcloth and every thread the purest
of wool. We have the same cloth in Greens, Blues, Browns,
Greys and Black at 85c the yard.
49c. for beautiful lot of new over check and twist effects
in Grey Tweeds. They are money savers.
$8.50 and $t0.00 for two of fashions latest productions
in Ladies Coats. The kind that look well and are right up
to the minute.
M i 11 •ter• One of the strongest links in our chain
y• of successful store keeping We are
twilling out some very swell hats at prices that are easy to
Bring along all Your Farm Produce; -Live
Poultry, Dressed Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Dried
pples, Big Onions. They're just as good as
Mr. Earl Browning of the Sova
sh. Mr.ercign 1iu,k staff, Goderich, re-
turned to his duties .Monday after
wending his seoation at his home
Market Report.-Tbe following is
the report of Exeter markets. sor-
Ic•c.:.•d up to (et. 11th.
Wheat. 70 Dents per bushel.
Marley. 39 to 40 ciente per bushel.
(Mt., 31 to 33 cents per bushel.
Peak, 65 to 70 cents per bushel.
Shorts, $19 to $20 a ton.
Flour, $2 per cwi.
Bean, $16 a ton.
Hay, $8 to $8 per ton.
Potatoes, 95 cents per bk;.
Feed flour, $1.20 per cwt.
Beans, $1.30 t,er bushel.
Clover seed, $7 to $8.50 per bus.
Erg., 17 cents ter dozen.
But r r 18 cents per pound.
Coal. $6.75 per ton.
Hogs, dressed. $8 per cwt.
Hogs, liveweight, $6.25 per cwt.
Chicken, 8c live. 10c. dressed.
Old hc-ru: 0 to 8 ciente.
1)uc.kr, 8 to 10 cents.
La r.e onions. 80o a buahel.
Ih id Apples, 5c. per pound.
Gt+.: e, 7 to 9 rental.
THURSDAY, OCTOIIEIt lith., 1908.
add ��ta��N4i�tadNd�����NN
**MOO* ..t+.....
A week from to -day will ho
Miss 1}e•11a House has returned
home after visiting friends in Gode.
The pickle Concert Company at
the Opera ]louse, Thanksgiving even-
Miss Mat thews, of Toronto, is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. S.
I'it ton.
.IL's. Cranston, of Cront:erty, visit-
ed Pier parent,;, Rev. and Mrs. Mar.
Don't (*tsetse. •t he Ilickle Concert
'1'haikseiving everting in the Opera
Mr, James Ilonthron was the guest
of his sisters, Mrs. Collins and Mie,
Ilona Kron over Sunday.
Mrs. 1 .\V. Collins left Friday .for
a visit with her brother-in-law, Rev.
.i. 1f. Cassius, at Cainsvillo.
Itar intends bolding an exteusiveaus-
lion scale of his stock about the 20th
of October.
Housemaid Wanted. -A good house-
maid wanted for family of two.
Wages $16 per month. For ()articu-
lar:: apply at Times office.
Mr. Fred Gidlcy, of Detroit, sotto
was visiting his parents Mr. and
Mrs. R. Gidlcy left Monday evening
for his home.
Mr. fled Mrs. .lames Cann,
and family, of Everett, Washington,
were the guests of their stunt Mrs.
It. Gidlcy, ]cast week.
A rare treat will he she concert
tlx: auspices of the Ladies' Aid of
the. Main street ehurch Thanksaiv.
ing peening in the Opera iIouse.
MARCIHAN D, Jeweler.
Do not let all the Good Chances pas
ou, if you are likely to need a new
wring the next six months you
1, . • doing youeelf a favor by getting
ke Advantage
Mrs. Andrew is visiting tier teeter
Mrs. E. Jones, sr.
Miss Ethel Sweet and Miss Ready
of St. Marys, visited here over Sun-
! day.
1(t•. Arnold Moir, Station Agent:at
ilaileybury is visiting at his home
in Ilurondile.
Mrs. A. Lan.ncle returned Ito 'her
hone in Detroit Monday .evening, af-
ter visiting relatives here.
M'I'LES WANTED -Bring your
npptes to the Exeter Evaporator.
We are paying good prices.
Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Sweet .of St.
Crtheri►es are visiting their lnienda
here prior to leaving far ,the west,
where they intend localities in .Ed-
Mrs. Davis Gardiner and family
arrived in town Mondoy evening
from Kingston. '4r. Gardiner hats
rented a house near .the .river and
they are now occupying it.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Baker, of
Moase'j:nv, visited relatives in town.
Mr. Maker was n delegate to the
fireman's convention held in Chico -
go, and from there took :t run over
to Exeter.
Mr. :eel Mrs. W. M. Marlin of
Regina, visited Mr. Martin's parents
a few days last tvicek. They left
Monday for Mitchell, where they
will visit a few (I,ys prior to gang
10 Regia,
Mr. Richard hunter has taken out
an suction x is license for !the coun-
ty of Huron. Orders left for Acini
at the Tines office or at 'Elitnville
post office, will receive prompt at.
tent ion.
germ. will be at the Commeroia 1
A bazaar under i he nuspiccs of the hotel the first Friday of each ttnonth.
Main street Epw'ortII League will be Hours, 9.30 n. m, to 4.30 p. m. Glass -
held the second week in December, ea properly fitted and diseases of eye,
Further announcements will be glv- ear and ntaise treated. Next visit
en later. Friday. November 0th,
An assault case was tried by Justi-
ces Kay and Farmer. Tucsdny after-
noon. The ease was the result of
an alle►catioii (between Wm. Bastard
and Willie!) \Volker both residents
of the North Etre, in whioh (she 'for-
mer was t he aggressor. Dastard
ple.eled guilty :and was fined $1.00
and costs.
The case involving $9,000 in which
Mr. Coo. Tovell, teller of ,the Sover-
eign Rink :at Exeter, an raoeount of
which was published in last week's
issue, was tattled at Toronto last
Monday. The $9,000 is to be paid
over r w'it h accrued '
Interest ninon it
left the old man's ;n session, end it
is to Ire held in tette by the London
and Western Trust Cotnpany, Limi-
ted until the death of the Rrandfatte
er. Then it is to pass rbo the rxe u•
tors, or if there be no will, to ncc The Times is often in receipt of
administrators of his estate. Rol- letters from persons w,ntin.; rnaids
well has to pay the roes of the Sov- and servant girls, and if anyone w'hn
ercign stank %ohne' amounted to $45 is desirous of m•:urine it situation,
bank w.ts an innocent !third par- will send us her name, we will glad-
ty in tlic matter. Powell and' Ifni- ly keep it on file ind when the op•
well each toys lois own cosi's.• ',eternity presents itself. will ndvise
triose who are wanting help of the
addresses of those who aro M'ekin;
While Thotn•i t Fisher was at•rest-
}ng et i threshing bee one dry
last week .he had the misfortuua to
get one of hi., ribs broken. Tom
ease a fellow deem i realize what u
broken rib is until he •,els one.
A lit g" plate glass in llc'aun.an'n
11:irdwa1e store was bully orocked
Misurday night. Mr. Ilcanr:in was
burning a co: 1 DiI sI to
,t i u in it let win-
dow, tint whether or not that w•a•
t he ranee of I he window breaking,
lie does not know.
Mr. Heinen slicks, of Regina, who
Is visiting his parents at Centralia,
visited friends :town Slimily.
inn cin iy.
During the evening scrvi-e et aha
Main street church. Mr. hicks sang
a bass solo. ire 'ussea.cs a deep
tris voles and lois singing was great.
ly appreciated,
of our Special Discount of The Experimental Stage
WE DON'T Is Over
it is an acknowledged fact that
Try to fit a Man into a ready- HOWEY'S
to Fit
Stria, we make the Stilt Cure a Cold Capsules
to Nit lhn Man and to At him . . P
as if it were his own Suit -not
a borrowed one. If You want' Quickly and Surely Cure COLD,
to have the reputation of be- GRIPPE, HEADACHE. ECC., with -
ng a correct dresser let US do out any disagreeable after effects.
.e Tailoirng for you, and you
will ever be sure of good a -
I Ie'nt it worth 25 cents to cure a mis•
teriali good Fit, Special Work. erable Cold?oThese Capsules will do it
manship and perfect finish. l+lanufactured only by
W. S. HOWEY Phm. B.
W. Tamazi
Chemist and Optician
reMslnt t Next door to Post -flee. Exeter
Word w as received here last Sat-
ur.liy of the death its Nelson, 11. C.,
of Mr. i:d. Drown, formerly of
London, ile in survived by his wife
and 1Wo children, the former being
well known in Exeter, having at one
time ronducicd :•i tnillinery • tore
lee, with Mrs. 11. Spicer, The , else
of Mr. Brown's death w'an du-• to
aepcndicitcs and blood p.oianin..
Mr. R'm. Herbert • • t1,' North
end hid les barn .1 sly fire
Monday afternoon. I i, • lire was not
noticed until it had midst too great
a itcidway and before the North end
engine eould be worked the barn wog
a complete ruin. The steam engine
av is gent up And put the lire out.
Mr. Willis' barn caught firo but the
fl.in►es wore extinguished before any
dima,e was done. it is thought the
barn was set on firs.
!/ Meas Fall Suits
//// In pretty dark colors
/ and latest effects, sizes
30 to 44 at $10.
How about your new Fall Suit? Have you decid-
ed where you are going to guy it. Are especially in-
vite you to call and see our very special offerings in
Mens and Boys Clothing before purchasing elsewhere
Our stock of Suits and Overcoats briar superior to any
previous showing and better values too,
Mens Suits and Overcoats
Mena Tweed Sults
Light and dark mix-
tures, all sizes a1
Mens Rain Coats
In light anddark tweed
► ffects with or without
lining, very serviceable
coat to buy $8 and $10.
Mens Overcoats
Of fine heavy cloth,
large overcheck. Made
in latest style. Medium
and dark colors at $12.
Mens Overcoats
Made of Heavy Cloth
extra quality dark Greys Nobby goods, also a Nice Lind of Overcoats. We still
best linings at only $8. carry
Confidence in the Dealers
And in the Goods they offer are essential to Trade.
Winter will Soon be Here
And we are prepared to meet it with the Goods
In FURS We Are Showing
The Finest, Newest and Best Lines
shown at prices the Lowest,
Ladies' and Children's Underwear
we have
A specialty with us. We have just received a C
Lot of Men's and Boys'
Ready -to -Wear Suits
Boys' Suits
Parents seeking stylish and substanial school suits should see our great
showing. They are made of heavy mixtures in handsome colors ;1 :
or double-breasted Coats. Boys' Suits in Double-breasted, Norfolk and
Belted styles marked for special clearance $2.25, $3.25 and $4.
Boys Overcoats Full range of Boys' Overcoats
dark light and dark mil xed Tweeds
Big Values at $5.
Lee who was working) YOU NEED
in the Northwest during the paLee 13
summer returned horse List Friday.
The proceeds of the IIarvet;t: IIotne
Festival given by itlte Ladies' Aid of
the :Limes Street church amounted
to $156.79.
Mr. James Jcokell received word.
Monday, of the serious illness of blrs
Jcckell, who is visiting in England
Her deughter eirs, 1Iurdon is with
Mr, \Vru. Miners rthis week !pur-
chased eon, .1. R. McDonald it he
back half of the lots at the corner of
Main and Victoria Stneetc, It i'l Mr.
Miners intention to erect a resi-
dence on it in the spring.
Rev. Dr. Allem, who leaves shortly
a:+ Olissioniry to China .from the
Exeter District in the interests of
the Epworth League, gave an address
In the James Street Church Monday
evening and in the Main street
Church Tuesday.
The de:ilh oocurred in Toronto last
Friday of Erie the 12 year olddaugh-
ter of Mr. J. W. Simpson, and niece
of Mr. Joseph Senior, The direct
cruse of the child's death was heart
dimatle and dropsy. The funeral was
held Monday room the home of Mr.
Charles Senior, i) tvcncourt Rand.
"In His Steps" Sheldon's fascina-
ting story, illeet•rated by a number
of beautifully colored slides, togeth.
er with illustrated songs and 2,000
feet of ercellcnt animated :moving
pictures will be given in the Main
Street Methodist church next Fri-
day evening. Admission. adults 15..
Charles Senior, Davencourt Road Tor.
The Ro.•s, 'Taylor Comliny has
made another addition to their plant.
The latest machinery installed is a
private elect tic lit,1iting plant to
be used during„ the early hours of
the mornings and during the even•
Ings. 'The /toss, Taylor Company, is
one of Exeter's meet progressive
concerns, and is kept busy the year
throughout and at present has or-
ders enough on hind to 'keep 1 ho
fac10ry running overtime and the
Installation of tlao new utachInery
wilt allow then (o do so without in-
,11r. Ed. 'I'tcblc suet:elicit the sik,-
ulation of the Exttes Quoit club at
London last week. Ile and George
Anderson went down to London, as
representatives of the Exeter club
and the (1r4, Ving showed theirs pitted
against each other. Treble won out
by the scot• of 31 to 25. In the first.
set les Ed. didn'I (ret inside •tlae
mtoney, but in the second e;erii++ he
evened 1111 things by n inning first
money, $25. It kept hint busy
'1'hursilay night shaking bands and
reccivintg rangrat tall io11,. over his
The assn 11 it:ally l).ty in connec-
tion with the Ja11141 Street Methu-
dist Sunday School was held last
u c -t i e
S of n tl.. morniter a 1: r
) . rno nn c,z t h into
itev. A. 11. Goin; delivered .1 v.ry
interesting and instructive sermon
to the young people. in Ilio nftc:r-
noon the •c,rvi-cs were held in the
body of the church and :,ddresses
wi..c delivered 1Y
Rev. Ovine, , .\
C. Fleming Ind Mr. Samuel )far -
lin. Mr. Fleeting took as itis Hub-
freet "tile importance•of little 1tetras"
and his address was greets. tepees --
isles' by the congregali'tn. Special
music w es rendered by the choir.
in the ntornites Tont Girling, jr.,
sing a solo and in the evening Miss
Snell rendered :1 selection.
ilird-Hod,rins-A quiet house aved-
ding look place .nt tilts home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. Robert 11:11 -
Falls, on \Vcdnesday. October 3rd
when her youngest d tughter Mand,
wig nnil•d in tnir•riagr ars Mr. Will.
ISiid of London. Rev. Goin,( con-
ducted the ceremony nboul seven
o'clock which %vas witnessed only by ..4! or. ?27.,0; Sidney Sanders, work
the immediate relatives of the hep. :1 •ntet'•ty, se.Ou; Stm'I ilasker•
pv (onele. Mist.. A. McF:ills, cousin till.. work to cemetery, $1.50; (`, 11.
of the bride, nc,ted as bridesmaid, :+tell, sleet Iigkls. $91.10; do., 'Town
while 11,e groom was assisted by to= 11'11 lights, :?.1,60; ;las. Connor, pt.
brother, Mr. etefford llird. The -,11ey, Libra tiin. $2:1,00,
c'ount's gift to the bride wis a That the sleeve and Mr. Cr,•e-h
beiutiful gold brocelet set with with the Commissioner be a cone
po el.. The bride was spired in mote:. to ',elect entrance 10 fire
.1 travelling gown of navy blue lady'.( hall.
teeth trimmed with pan velvet white
the lovely waist w.•is made n( -ream
.ilk trimmed wit ti velcnrie,nes 1,'(1
and wet the tx•rfeetion of the J{n1-
}s1e's art. She made a rhirming
bride. Tie ceremony ever and eon-
er•itulatioos extended the guests sat
'town to n daintily arranged and
s..tnptuou• 1(''iQl. The }tippy ren.
ple left for their future hone' in
r.ondon on Thurreeay. Ootober 4(11.
When you want light, white, nutri-
tious Tea Biscuits and Cakes.
It never under proper conditions
fails to make delicious and wholesome
Always Fresh
Cole's Drug Store
'.(r. John Gardiner who went out
west last spring to go into the
real estate business with his father
returned to Exeter Friday night.
Moses Ga:rdiner's family intend mov-
ing to the west in a few weeks.
Heavy Full of Snow -Wednesday
morning this section was swept by
a hravy snowstorm doing consider-
able dimage 10 trees and telephone
and telegraph wires. Ail day
Tuesday rain fellinccsstntly
which occasionally turned to
hent and about midnight turned to
snow. All over town branches of
trees were broken by the heavy snow
Telephone, telegraph, and elect rio
light wires were broken and put out
of business. Connection with out.
aide places was completely snub off,
and gangs of men are out smoking
rc eeirs. A great many roots aro in
the ground, but they aro uninjurc1.
The greitcst damage aaas done to
fruit and shade trees. In tho mem-
ory of the oldest inhabitant this was
the earliest snowstorm in 37 years.
The ninth :t1111tia1 convention of
the W. C. T. U. met in Hetet ll Mon-
day and Tuesday, Mrs. McKee, the
Provincial President, who was pres-
ent, made the convention especially
interesting :and profitable. 'The fact
that suo..-intendents ar tcorkin„
their departments more successfully
than ever before 11,14 encouraging.
Thr officers for 1lie following year
were (leoled •-I'rr:+ident, Mrs. Paul.
art : \'jee.-I'rc•s., \I r,. Murr:ir : ('or.-
Secr., •Hiss l(cn11ic : 'l','•as.. JIrs. Itol-
1and: 11••e. Sec., Mrs. Hooper. The
plane of meeting next veer at as left t i t n<
with 'the executive. 7.1, : Klin 0t
Arthur \ \ Co.,('
work will he 1einper:tne' in Snnday fl 1 Lake y
vie el.
schools, the supt•ortirt(r of the .Mis-
sinna�ry fund and work :Intense lunt-
hcrnren. The (,'aunty Unites recom-
mended the adopt io't of the dollar
fee. Tao delega(de to Pros
Union ire Mrs. Paulin and Mrs.
For Quality and Price has no Equal. Highest Prieto
paid for Produce.
Butter 20 cents a pound, Eggs 18 cents
a dozen, Dried Apples 5c a pound.
Your Future Assured
A savings account in The Sovereign Bank
makes you happily independent of the
future, which keeps you from worry in
the present. Open a savings account to -day.
Deposits of from $1.00 and upwards
received. Interest paid 4 times a year.
Sovereign Bank of Canada
Western teal Estate
Exchange, Limited.
78 Dundas St., London
Have you a farm that you want
to sell/ Write, for our terms of sel-
lin; psroperty. We have the most
complete method of advertising and
aeltin; property in Canada. Do you
want to buy a farm or business
property in any part of Ontario/
Send for our list. We have some
Having rented Mr. W. G.
Bissett's Grain Store House.
we are now in a position to
handle all kinds of Grain, for
which we will pay the highest
market value.
OLD HENS WANTED. We solicit your gristing and
We will pay the Highest chopping patronage.
Cash Prices for live old hens,)
also spring chickens, ducks )
and all kinds of poultry,
Mention this paper.
The Canada Poultry & Produce
Co., Limited, Stratford, Ont. I EXETER,
Merchant Millers
I am paying this week
Wheat - 70c
Going October 91.h. to Nov.__9�j,tb•
To all poi 111 in Tcntigttjirii -�
In 7•crnr,rami. i0ints Matow•a 1oP1gt'I'
Arthur to Scalp Ste. Marie ,ria l'Art
• e via N. tr► ,eorgi.•o
Barley 39 to 40c•
Illy and a c floe riN.. S. Go e
\. Co.(to point v on N. N. Co. extra,
nli:arge will lee u►tde for meals 'en*
lento rc•turnieu), to certain Quoted
Richard Seldon point's,
GOING °CIO .,- r h
t ., 10 NOV. Gth.
To i'.•net ing, Midland, Lakefieid
111 points Severn Ito Nort'irt Hay, Ar.
gybe to Colxrceutk, Lindsay to Hali-
but tun, Madawaska 10 Depot Mare
for Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays
and !digit. fete
r_n 1u river pointy.
1{S I•;'ti;it cor NClI,
The Council of il, villa a of Ex'-
ter met in tate Tow it /hill, Monday,
Ootober 8111, The Reeve, Councillors
id t a 1
Creech ,u 1[ a►u n 1 rc.,enl. The
minute -3 of the Court of Revisi+nt for
street witeiing for 1'9013; :also alae
minutes of meeting held K.ptornher
21th read :and approved.
Colrespoudt•ncc from ILrown Itros.
in answer to letter written as par
111.11 notions of Sept. 24th regarding
trees in et,roktery. Letter laid over
until a full enceting of the creme,.
'111 • fol lee ing accounts were or-
d•ir.I 1,11.1: 'I he Qus.'n City 0;1 Coy,
tsolin:, N'$ I7 : W. J. fliss.•t t, (1-
pre=s trona Gilt, 310e: W. .f. Dist•ttt,
1,1, ,1.11y, 832.00: John Ford, pt.
SNELL -111 Exeter, nn 'Thur-.liy.
October 4th, Char le• Snell, azed
711 ye r =, 4 nconh lus l.nd 17 .i:tys.
51M!VON -In Tor unto Ott. init.,
'.j,e., dau,tl c' of Mr. and Ntr...
W. Sinop un ai•,.1 12 years.
FOR 25c. subseRiUE Al ONCE.
Exeter, Centralia
and Clandeboye
''4 '1't G 01' WAR"
One of Ilaose delightful and Inter-
esting 'themes 1 hat brings sunshine
to one's home is entitled "A Tug of
\Vir" •111.1 his Ixen selected by the
1'a►nily }Icr 1Id and Weekly Star of
Noticed :i' their annual gift to
subscribers this •ra=on. It i." n hear.
tiful remir e, 22 x '29 inrl-'e,, on the For tickets :.std full information naY
best 'late ester. It ce •:..icily is n on
trent wort le of the hr plate on J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Ticket Agent
the walls of any home. When ono J. D. McDONALD.
sees the picture and learns that it District Poattenger Agent, Toronto
is given sleohitely free to all who
subscribe to that resat family week-
ly there is no Ionizer (-Arum •t0 won-
der it by the _rattily Herald and
Weekly Stir hes five times the num-
ber of readers of any other weakly Good Girl of Woman for
in the country. Any p.^rson remit-
ting on- dan r for 1, year'i e,ub•
srription to i l e Fancily herald and
Weekly St it of Montt -se will get
(le pictur free, Ind from the de-
mand ne I• inn you r,nnot :re( your
dol!ir in lou quickly. "7•b•• Tu.'. of
War" is a like% class pro,lurtion and
w0111d ronnrn 11311 •1 high price if resit
in (are "tore*, hilt it is reserved for
vomits Ine subscribers.
Ikon tis _ 1te IN Yee Km Aha SNP
itET(-I:N LIMIT DEC. 8th 1906
Cuing Oetobet 17th. and 18th.
(Returning until \iondiv. Oct. 2211I.
'lel wren all 41:aticrr,v ill, Canada,
a1.0 to i1. bolt ind Port Hurorik.-
J1ir•h., Sestension i1rel:v• end Ilgf&rile
N. Y.
General house work. Good
wages and comfortable home.
Apply either in person or let-
ter to Mrs. J. M. McEvoy
136 Elmwood Ave., London.
prcmitms bout the middle of surto
a red s, ling heifer. Owner may
have some icy provin;( property and
paying chirge.,
C. E. 11 ackrbey,