HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-10-11, Page 5THE E$EI kilt TIMES, OCTOBER 11th 1906.
We have just received a carload of British Columbia red
Cedar Shingles and one of Now Brunswick Shingles and are
now in a position to supply your wants in this line.
Parold Roofing
We are agents for this original Ready Roofing, it is
used on barns, factories, in fact any building that needs a
food roof. Ask us about this roofing and get a circular.
e Thg ROS Ta Ior Go. Ltd., Enter.
Main -St. Exeter.
of all kinds o(
old scrap iron
wanted at M.
We will pay the
highest cash priceor
exchange fence posts
for same.
One door south of the
Metropolitan Hotel.
WI e P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Uni-
ty. office and residenenoe. Dominion.
1V0p[&tory, Exeter.
eians and Surgeons. Suooeesor to Dr. J. A.
Office Main street. Residence, east
ea first street north of Poet Office, Exeter,
DRS. Y. AND H. M. COWAN, 304
Piccadilly Street, London, Ont.
Z'eleyyhone 1528. Long distance connection.
)t�.cial attention given dieeasee of women and
eurgerr. Oxford or C. P. R. Street Cars to
Colborne street take you almost to the door.
Itis tater city office. Special Hospital and
arra•lgementS for patients from a
D. Tomato University, Dentists.
8. D. D. B., Honor Graduate
n 0.
extracted without pain of C7, DO
Teethnt or
bad after elle°ta. Office in Iran -
son'' block. West side of ]Mtn
inst.` Exeter -
DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8.,
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OTFICE:—Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr, Anderson's former
dental parlors.
We have a large amount of private tends to
.•a on farm and villageproperttee al lomat..
Barrletere Solicitors. Main 111. Exeter.
"mowers, ommt solicitors, idtttor's Mrottis 2Ioiaonsns
Hank. to.
4 teto Lose at lowest rates of interest
L CAnt.nro D. A. L. N. DICKSON
ancer, wills drawn, money to loan
ea real estate. ales Licensed Auctioneer for
She counties lof Huron and Perth. Charges
'Ilsoderate. Orders lett at the Times ar at my
residence, Farquhar will receive prompt atten
we have unlimited private tends for Invest
eat upon farm or village croperty at levees
abet of interest.
LOMA OF ROy•t1.1:s'('blkl'OHATED
Oga nst Tarta( Memorial Church. Exeter.
° n •an Ion' and Theory of Music.
1'fan r ilarn
Ternis °n .tjq.liratioti. Ftcter, Ontario.
Notice is hereby given that a
Court will be held pursuant ,to The
Ontario Voters List Act by His
lienor it .111.Ig4• ,.f t he 4:43.1.1tIty
('ourt of the C'ran►ty of tiuroil. tit
t110 'fawn !fall, t.n the 17th day •of
October, 1906. it 10 o'clock in the
forenoon to hear and determine the
'sweatl complaints of errors and
otnissions in the Voters' i,i+t of i he
Municipality of Exeter for 1906. MI
saetwns having b'sinew+ at the Court
oro requested 'lo attend al the said
time attd place.
plied 11,0 •'r•t h day of M..ptcrnher,
Tpe Usborne and filbbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
Vice-Pres.:—J. L. RUSSELL,
Wm. Ror, .(� BORNHOLM P. O !
JOHN ESSERY, Exeter. agent for
Uaborao and J3irldulph.
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. agent
for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan.
Secy.Treas. Farquhar.
For the past month have been
very satisfactory both to our-
selves and our customers. This
we attribute to our exceptional
good values and easy terms of
are the finest the market affords
and our terms most liberal,
Do not listen to the men who
say all manner of evil of us but
call and see and judge for
Sewing Machines
Our Sewing Machines are O. K.
Also a fine Line of Statio
eery Cheap.
FARM FOR SALE.—That excel-
lent faro[, lot 6, con. 11, McGilli-
a n' t'100c well
vray. co x19 Ing of acres, Cl
drained, well fenced and in a state
of good cultivation, with 8 acres of
fall wheat in. It has a good bush
of 12 acres. This bush has Rock
Elm, Basswood and Maple trees.
Thor is a largo brick house of sev-
en rooms, with cellar and furnace;
woodshed in ixonneotioa with the
house. There is oleo a Targe bank
barn, dimensions, 38 x 60. There
is also a good driving shed. Wind-
mill and well in the barn ; ,also n
good bearing orchard. This is one
of the best farms in McGillivray,
across the road from the school, a
very short distance from the church
and about a mile from Maguire post
office. For terms and particulars
apply to John Whiteford, Maguire,
FARM FOR SALE.—That excellent
farm land Lot 9, Concession 10,
Ueborno, containing 100 acres, about
15 aorto' being good bush. This
farm is in excellent condition, first
class well. windmill. bairn. etc. The
farm thae been eoedcd to grass for a
number of years and was used prin-
cipally for pasture. The fences are
in good oondition. Apply to Wm.
Creery. Winohelsot ; Robert Berry,
Kirkton, Executors of estate of
this late Robert Crecrx.
FARM FOR SALE.—That excellent
farm, hot No. 17, Concession 8,
.1llanc.bard, consisting of 104 acres,
well drained, well fenced, with large
brick house of 10 rooms, two )urge
cellars, two excellent horns and driv.
ing shed. ho; pen and ben house, 2
ne"er-!ailing wells. All this farm is
in good state of cultivation. with 13
acres of summer Callow. Possession
will bo given n1 once'. Apply to Mrs.
IThomas (tarnish. Woodham, for par-
A choice firm in the township of
Ft.11atton, 7:, stere., good bank barn,
stables and drive house. Five acres
of maple bush. Good drilled well,
with wind trill. G<►c',d orchard and
ell in high sent' of cultivation. For
terms end is'rtinut.ars apply to Thos.
Omicron, Far.tuh•ar.
11•'11 awe in vilLign of Farquhar
on w hieh t here i+ erected a large
.1% ,.NN.N.0.1
9 Ull pimps
A\egetable i'r:-par.:tionforAs-
silnilating the i cc,J it: ctlteguu-
ting the Stomata iKi alts! iloti►els of
Promotes Dh. estion,Cheerful-
ness and Rest.Coatains neither'
Opium,Morptiilte nor Mineral.
Aarv.efuldnrmtaa WLTf•Q
Jiaw)ttw SuJ-
Batch. S.fir -
. 1t i. J.Y,t .
1 -
F1srnJrr•: -
(1rrJ!iJ.li�rr .
idr4. rv.w Harr.
Aperfect Remedy forConstjpa-
tion, Sour Stoinach,P.isrrhoea.
ncss and Loss oi' SLEEP.
FacSintile Signatur of
For Infants and Childr
The Kind You H
Always Bough
Bears the
For Ov
Thirty Yea
Clearing Auction Sale
Farm Stock and Implements
M Josoph White will sell by public auction for Mr
Alfred Hawkey, on
LOT I, South-east Boundary, Usborne,
Two and one•half miles north of Kirkton, on
Commencing at ons o'clock sharp the following:
STIK K—One horse 4 years old, mare 3 years old.
Belding 2 years old, aged mare supposed to be in foal,
suckling colt, roadster mare 7 years old, roadster 3
years old, registered Durham cow, 6 grade cows sup-
posed to be in calf, 2 farrow cows' 2 steer+, 2 years old
3 steers one year old, 2 heifers 1 earyold, 1 spring
calve,, brood sow (Berkshire), 3 store hogs, about 50
hens, 1 yearling steer, 1 heifer rising 3 years old due
to calve in December, brood sow.
IMPLEMENTS—One Massey Ilarris binder. Max.
well mower, seed drill, horse rake, set disc harrow,
2 set iron harrows, 2 plows, twin gang plow, land
roller, acuffler, tumipdrill, root cutter, fanninginill,
lumber wagon, pair trucks, pair bobsleighs, hay
rack, gravel box, neck yoke, 2 sets wi Lltetrees, Bug.
gY, 2 sets heavy harness, hove, spades, shovels
rain bags,t, tons and about 1 t,n. hay,2 acres of
roots, about 15 corals of stove wood, isy chum,
large milk can, creamery cans, milk pane and palls,
heating stove, Snoop buckets. sugar kettle, sprayer,
and otter articles too numerous to mention
Positively no reserve as the proprietor has rented
his tams.
TERMS—g5 and under cash, oyer that amount 12
months' credit will be allowed on furnishing approe.
ed joint notes, or a discount of 4 per colt per annum
for cash.
Auctioneer, Proprietor.
FAR NI FOR SALE — Westerly 90
nc,es of Lot 0, concession 4.
Stephen. This farm is well aitualed
about two utiles from market. There
are two barns, tate bank 30x56, the
other 24 x 50; large brick house;
two never failing wells; large or'
chard about 75 'trees. Intending
purchasers will do well to look nt
this place. Terms easy. Apply 'to
Gladman & Stanbuty. Solicitors,
Main street, Exeter.
Auction Sale
Mr. Joseph White has received instns tions to sell
by public auction on
Lot 11, Concession to, Usborne
Thursday, October 25th, 1906
Commencing at One o'clock sh.ar),, the follow Mg:
3 horses, 1 renewed cow, 1 row 'Inc to cars in No•
ember. 1 cow due to rale a in January, 2 rows due to
calve in Apr l,2 steers ayears old. 2 steers 1 year old
4 calves; 4 pigs, 2 springing to pig; 1(4' hens, savor ell
hinder, mower. horserake, seal drill, cotter nearly
new, fanning mill, 1 wagon, wagon rack. buggy,
erearn separator, cream tank and rens, sleigh, plow,
gang ,low, wheelbarrow, shovels, forks, etc.
Parlor cook an 1 coal store nearly new, °neon, ('ab•
'net imam churn, cupboards, humans, chairs, 'ouch
and other ankles too numerous to mention.
Tessa.— s and under cash over that amount 12
willv �t furnishing a' e r d
months' cretlu be given o n ,n nr, ppm r
Joint notes. 5 per cent. discount per annum w ill be
allnwnl on all rash amounts no er 5'.
There will also be eat that excellent !arm land Lot
0, r tnetwnn 10, l'shome, containing 10n acres, about
1:,acr[s being good bush. This farm is in excellent
condition, first clus well, windmill, barn. etc. The
farm has been seeded to grass for a number of y ears
and was used principally for pasture. The fen', -s are
in good . ondit ion.
Tends of Tann made known nn dt> of sale.
We. CItEERY. Prop. JOS. WHITE, Amt,
Clearing Auction Sale
—of —
i \tr..1 ., pt, whirs has recei'til imam, tiro t•' srl1
brick building fit ted for store and, tq i fit li,• Au -tion on
duelling, and a neat brick cot ta;e! Lot 17, Concession 10, Usborne
1906,. - .ani stable Trill h^ r►lrl separately ori tofatoile smith ofFarfuhsr,on
JOS. SEN1Oit in true binok. \VF:1)NERDAI', OCTOBER Lith, 1110(f
Clerk of the Municipality. 'THOS. CA F:RON
Fa r q it )tt r. ...mimeo, fug st 1 o'clock sharp Ibe following property
To Cure a Cold in One Day TM,e.
Tata Laxative Brom° QinIne Tablets. , �e1cevilry
beim teed In pest I a t111110oth& ?�
HORSES -1 aged horse; pair of mares supposed to
be in foal; 1 pair of fillies rising two y ears old, 1, sired
by Sir Malcolm; 1 filly rising 2 years old sired by pilo
1 filly rising 2 years old sired by Perry Down; 1 filly
ruing 2 years old aired by Masonic; 1 hackney colt
ruing 2 rears old aired by Buller; 1 suckling colt sired
by Sir Evelyn.
CATTLE, -1 cow with calf at foot; 3 rows sup ,os•
ed to be in calf, 1 farrow cow, 2 two y ear old heifers,
20 two year old steers, 1 one year old steer,3 one year
obi heifers, 4 calves.
PIGS -10 brood sows in pig; 1 thoroughbred York-
shire boar, 20 fat hogs, 62 young pigs.
30 hens. 1 aisesey Harris binder nearly new. 1
mowing machine 1 sulkey rake, 1 12 -hoe seed drill, 1
spring tooth coltii ator, 1 disk harrow, 2 Fleury plows
2 two furrow gang plows 1 hay rack with pig racks
attached, 1 pair Diamond harrow-., 1 grass awed •sower
1 wagon Jack, 1 Chatham wagon, 1 buggy, 1 cutter,
1 pair bob sleighs, 1 root pulper, 1 farming mill, 1
scufser, 1 pair scales capacity 20J5) pounds. 1 bag
truck. 4 dot. grain Ipags, 1 Empire crown separator,
21 bags of potatoes, a small quantity of hay. 2 pair of
horse blankets, 1 robe, 2 set double harness, 1 set
single harness, 3 set of whiflletrees, 2 neckyokee, 1
gravel box, 1 flour bin. 1 churn, 2 heating stoves, 1
hay knife,1 Carle • fork, 2 scoop shovels, 1 lawn mow.
er, chains, forks, hoes, and other articles too nuttier•
emus to went ion.
The above articles will positively be sold as the
proprietor has sold his lamp.
Tasha or Rats. -$5 and under rash; over that
amountmonths' 12 m nth' reeler willbe given on furnishing
approred Joint notes. {per rent. disrmmter an-
num will be allowed on all cash amounts oyer per
Wm. FL)TCHEIt, l'rop. JOS. WHiTE, Acct.
Aylmer, Oct. 2.—The hearing of
evidence in the charge against Da-
vid Butler, proprietor of the licensed
Albino Hotel at Orwell, of keeping
a disorderly house, was concluded bo
fore County Police Magistrate F.
Hunt. A conviction was registered
but the imposition of a penalty. was
deferred pending ,the argument at
St. Thomas on a itetchnical point ns
to whether 'the conviction is to bo
regarded under the amended liquor
license act ns n second conviction,
ono having been previously made
against Butler a few months ago.
Though the Magistrate convicted
Butler, he pointd out that he did
so obsolutcly on dcfndant's own
testimony, Butler, he dealared, had
failed to exercise proper caro in .the
condust of his house. After dispos-
in:; of the rano, Magistrate Hunt
addressed the crowd in the court
room as follows; "1 want to say, be•
come 1 see 1 great 11►•,n)• ratepay•
era 1r,• re, that i consider it in t
interests of the l,nhlic, and especial.
ly of the voting people, that the.•n
public house's, licensed or unlicensed,
should be conducted in a moral way.
We,hive had in parts of Elgin coun-
tv1n Yarmouth and south wold, for
me:Ince, local option elections,
\Vonten end tentprance men hays
Income very much excited in these
ei'c1iona• They have held public
tu<tt'linla and prayer meetings to
a=k the ;fid of the Almighty to car-
ry local option nets, and what is the
result' The result is that in the
room of having licensed hotels lve
have in a good many r,m 4's, not in
:til, unlicened howdy houses. 1
kru)r% whereof 1 am talking. 1 ata
o tf hr tt� e
( q iI fb
t h (mint r•rr•
, 1 t
o or
three times a week. Going by these
planes I fee from len to thirty rigs
tied up by t hose unlicensed houses,
and I know that in every one of
1 hese rigs hav been 1 man ma a
woman, and often a girl under -four-
teen y. of ±t-<'. 1 think it far
bot ter myself to have licensed houses
than to have these unlicensed houses
of prostitution if they cannot Ito
e teed out.
"What is 'the attitude of the tem•
t,'•rInr^ people after they have ear -
1 jest
ar•lied 1)10:•0 toed option laws? 1 will
give you 111 example: A man name
to tne tate other day and be said,
'Squire, , Dore is s loco option hotel
in my nc•i•rltllorhod and f ant sorry
to gay my Foy is ;taint; ,there at
en -flits. 1 tree many pills going there
almost every nirrht from the city
(St. Thomas), and ninny yotutx men
too. i want volt lo 9111 n slop to
"1 raid, 'Ilon do you k now (his?'
"ifs :a ns t..ered, '1 1!,vt' seat -Fed it
i111 my own (/4 1.'
"1 said to him, 'Von lay 'the infor-
mation and 1 will take 'sore to Zook
sun tr twilit re Ilre SKR
after etre :taller.'
"Ilut" con tiuued the Magistrate,
"he did not want to do this for 'fear,
he said, of caseating bad feeling.
Their f told him to fay the informa-
tion, anyway, and 1 would subpoena
his boy. lila answer was, 'Squire. 1
aur afraid my boy would not tell the
truth,' and lmo declined to Jay the
"'Peso or dir(' n11111' later there
teas a prayer meeting, ;ltd lbit same
ensu asked Almighty God to e!o,sc up
that bawdy house. 1 ant afraid that.
in t he day of il,d•rntent •tIse Almighty
will want to rulo hint out .of court
for contempt. In place of asking the
Almighty to shut up that house that
man and his friends should have got
a !rustle on, secured the evidence
necessary to convict the keeper ,of
that house, laid an information, and
I would have done the rest."
FOR °VI•:Rs1X1'Y 1EAtts
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used tor
over sixty years by mil.ions of mothers for their
children while teething. with perfect emcee%
It eoothee the child. softer,' the gums, allays all
°urea wind colic. and is the beet remedy
for 1Siarrbo,a. It is pleasant to the table. 801d
by druggists in every part of the world. 26
dente a bottle. Its value 1s incalculable. Be
sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing
Syrup and ask for no other kind.
Aged boar, It. Birch, J. Dunbar;
sow having raised pigs in 1906 11.
Birch 1 & 2; boar, littered' in 1900.
R. Birch;
2soar• littered in 1900, R.
I3ir•ch 1&
Aged boar, J. Dunbar 1 & 2: sow
having raised pigs in 1906, J. Dunbar
1 & 2; boas, littered in 1900: I).
Douglas & Son, J. Dunbar ; sow, JRt-
tercel in 1906, It. llirc,h, J. Dunbar.
I). Douglas & son took all Alto
prizes in this class.
Judge,—Thos. Prior
Golden or SilvIIerLLItaced \Vyandott3,
Geo. Bentley, 1). Douglas & Son;
white Plymouth Rocks, Geo. Bent-
ley; barred Plymouth hock;:, Geo.
Bentley ; white crested black l'o-
I ends, Geo. Bentley 1 & 2: Light
Brahmas, A. Spencer ; Orphingtons,
It. Pomeroy 1 & 2; lloudon.s, Gco.
Bentley; Le,;ltorns, I). Douglas & Son
1 & 2; Game, G. Morphy ; Turkeys,
Douglas & Son; geese, 1). Dou.;las
& Son, A. E. Doupe; bucks, 1). Doug
los & Son, It. Birch; rabbits, 11
Hoskins, G. Morphy : pigeons, W
Mack, I•', Anderson: bantams, Geo
Morphy ; Guinec fowl, G. Slorphy 1
& 2.
Judge.—J. 11. Grieve.
Top buggy, 1). Alas:arty & Son, 1
& 2; open ball. rubber tire, 1). M
Larty & Son; piano box cutter, .1),
McLarty & Son ; farm wagon, D.
McLarty & Sort ;Iron beam plows,
O'Brien Broa., 1 & 2; iron Iloilo
T. Roadhouse; gang plow, O'Brien
Bros.; turnip cutter, O'Brien Bros
1 & 2; scutflor, O'Brien Bros. 1 & 2.
Judge—John Stewart.
White fall wheat. M. 13ro11►our, J,
Hodge; red fall wheat, M. Brethour,
J. Bodge ; 6 rowed barley, largo ,trots,
white common ,vats, M. Brethour ;
Largo pleas, M. Bret hour ; small peas
John Hailers M. Bret hour ; !timothy
M. t e
seed,13re11 r • white ns \V
or, Flt b .a
Wiseman, Adam Shier; corn, R. A.
Sanders, M. I3 ro t ho u r.
1 ries, Al. IBrethour. : strawberries, M.
Bret hour ; raspberries, A. Shier, M.
l3rethour ; ,tontat,xa, A. Shier, R.
Doupe ;col. postage stamps, C. Duf-
field W. Brown : single set carriage
1uu press, F'. A. 'Taylor ; double set
loam harness, 1'. A. Taylor : ,Jtotue-
ttlade bread, S. Doupe, J. !bodge ;
honey in section, Geo. Bentley; lion.
ty extracted, ,los. Kirk, Goo. Wort-
ley ; jelly, A. Robinson. S. Doupe;
apple suggtr, Miss K. 1)oui,e, M.
Ilnethour ; staple syrup, A. Jatllie-
r:ota, 11. E. Switzer; wool blankets.
Miss 4. Jamieson; union blankets,
Miss M. Jamieson; suit, Shier &
M;arslt:tll. S1/ecial, blest bread, Miss
SI. Jamieson, ROW. Berry : c.tse cakes
R. Hoskin; Wealthy apples, R. A.
Sanders; crab apples, Ann Dawson.
Col. stuffed birds and animals, W.
Brown; 'rayon or pastel, Miss 1.
'Taylor, Miss White; coll. of photos,
J. Senior ; photograph. J. Senior;
pencil drawing, W. Jautici-on, A.
Jamieson: ,painting on glass, Miss
White; painting in oil, figure, Miss
white: painting in oil, landscape,
fruit or flower, A. Stx'rscer, Miaa
White: painting on china, Miss
White, !.illy Taylor; pen and ink
sketch Mrs. Fletcher, A. J.antieson;i
Pyrography, Lily Taylor, Miss M.
Jamieson; water color, landscape.
Lilly Taylor', A. Speeser,
Counterpane, crochette<), A. Shier
Jennie ltobistson : counterpane, knit-
ted, Miss M. Jamieson, ,!'finis Rob-
inson; patchwork quilt, Mrs. E.
ll;utltam, M. Brcthour, crazy patch-
work quilt, Mrs. E. Hanham. ail.
) al
I o pe ; ladies underclothing, Jennie
Robinson, Mrs. E. Ifanham; applique
M. Bttt.hour, Sirs. E. ll.anharn; a•r-
rasene wrok, Miss White, M. Breth-
our:Roman cmliroid('ry, Mrs. Ilan -
ham, Mist White; Venetian embroi-
dery, Miss M. Jamison, M. Ilreth-
our ; I3at tenburg lace, Miss Mc-
Callum, Miss White; slippers. Jennie
Robinson, Mrs. E. Ilanharn ; Sof i
Pillow, M. Bust hour, D. Haztewooi ;
child's dress, Miss White; rag car-
net, M. l3rethour, Jennie Robinson:
tea cosy, M. Ilrelhour, N. Fletcher;
centrepiece ,and tray clot,&, Mrs. E.
Hanham, Miss M. Jamieson; dinner
mats, A. Shia', Jennie Robinson;
piano scarf, M. llrethour, Miss Jam-
ieson; pillow shams, Mrs. E. Ilan -
ham, Miss Jamieson; afghans, \V.
Byde, Jennie Robinson; drawn work,
Miss McCallum, M. l3rethour; Dres-
den work, Mrs. E. iranh.-tm : knit ted
lace in cotton, \V. Ilyde, Miss ,fano
. teson ; col. ,of ladies' work, Jennie
Robinson; col. of novelties, Mise Ma-
G•tllum Misv White ; bead work, Miss
White, M. Ilrelhour ; rag mat, M.
lirelhour, W. Sadler ; hand mado
gloves, Miss K. Doupe' ; woollen
stockings, Miss Jamieson; woollen
socks, Miss Jamieson ; wcollen mitts,
Mrs. E. Hanham, Gco. Murphy ; darn-
ing on stocking, Miss White, • A.
Shier ; mending two patches, A.
Shier, M. l3rethour; ,table doylies,
Miss Jamieson, Miss White ; toils]
mate, Miss McCallum, M. Brethour;
orochet in 't•oo1, Miss McCallum, W.
llyde; pincushion, Hiss White, M.
Brethour; machine sewing, Mrs. E.
Hanham: plain hind sewing, Mrs. E.
Hanham. Miss McCallum; button-
Itoles, Miss Jamieson, Mims McCallum
handkerchiefs, Miss McCallum. Miss
White: shopping bog of hoot Ja;e9;
Mi s
White, to A
t Spencer M' r , handker-
chief case, Miss White, M. Bret H.
our ; netting Mrs. E. Hanham, Miss
McCallum: ladies' cotton shirt waist
Miss White, Mise McCallum : darninz
on net, Miss White, M. I3rethbur ;
working shirt, Jennie Robinson. M.
Col. of house -plants, Jennie Rob-
inson; geraniums, Jennie Robinson,
Mrs. R. Fletcher; Fuchias, Mrs. R.
Fletcher, Jennie Robinson; Cacti,
Jennie Robinson; ;sore plants, Jennie
Robinson, Mrs. 1t. Fletcher ; col. of
cut flowers, John Cottle; bouquet of
cut flowers, Dr. Carr, Chas. Duffield.
Special 00 cakes, 11. Hoskin; on
millinery, Miss 1I. Wilson; on lhr-
denger or embroidery, Miss While;
painting on satin, A. Spencer.
Judges.—Mrs. F. C. Facey, Miss K.
Tito Sovereign Bank of Canada,
Exeter, for best single driving turn-
out, Fred Ellering'ton.
Rural New Yorker potatoes, W.
Wiseman, II. E. Switzer; Pearl of
Savoy, W. Wiseman, W. Hanna;
Beauty of Hebron. W. Sadler ; Roao
potato's, J. Urquhart, W. Sadler;
any' variety potat'oe's, W. Wise-
man, F. Anderson; Early 6t. George
S. Doupe, A. Shier: collection, .J.
)cooper & Son, W. Sadler ; ;Swedish
turnips, L. Day, I). Roser ;.field car-
rots, W. Pym, R. Ifiroh;.ta;arden car-
rots, \V. H. ilazIewocxi, A. Shier;
long red niangel, R. A. Sanders; .in-
termediate, I). itoger, A. Robinson;
sugar ntangcl, J. Hodge, T. Raul -
house; onions, R. A. &anders, J.
Cottle: blood beets, M. Bret hour, W.
Wiseman; turnip beets, S. Doufae, W.
Brown: white cabbage, R. Birch, \V,
Sadler: red cabbage, \V. Jamieson,
M. Brethour; Winningstead cabbage
It. A. Sanders, W. Sadl•or aomatoes,
'\!itis A. 'Dawson, :Kiss White; cauls- 1'. W. Taylor, Kirkton, for best
flower, Jennie Robinson, W. Jamie- light colt, Simon Iluntcr.
son ; celery, W. Jamieson, M. Breth.
our ; long citron, W. I1. 1Lazlewood ; ('ENTRAi,IA
round citron, \V. Sadler, R. A. San-
ders; pumpkin, It. A. Sanders, it. Slits Baker, of S mginart, who has
Davis; watermelon, 11. E. Switzer. It. been visilinz the Misses \Vilu,n, left
on Tuesday for her home.
The onniversat y services of the
(:c st rat ' Methodist church will eye
held next Sunday October tltcl 14th.
In the morning the Rev. F:. A.
A. Sanders :.muskrnelon, D. ito7.r, It.
Robinson. parsnips, I., Day. F. Ander-
son; squash, L. D:iv, \V. Sadler ; ta-
ble squash, Miss M. McCallum. \V.
Wiseman. Specials, pickling onions,
W. Jamieson ; .sunflowers, Geo. Mor-
Ontario, J. Sanders; Wolfe River
Jennie Robinson, N. Fletcher; North-
ern Spy, J. Sanders, A. Gunning:
Blenheim i'ippins, N. Fletcher, Rat-
cliffe Bros„ Fallow Water. .1, San-
ders, Ratcliffe Bros,; Tolman sweet,
(leo. Bentley, \V. Sadler; Baldwins,
J. -c La n< V 'i w
1 \ c o ors
. h a or � n
1 1c s 9
I I . It.
A.Sanders, c
Sande . , Ann Dawson; : Ii. island
Greenings, Ann Dawson, It. A. San-
ders; Fling of Tompkins, J. Sanders,
Ann Dawson; Alexanders, Jos. Kirk,
Shier & Marshall ; 20 oz. Pippins, It.
Shier, M. Ilrelhour; Golden Russets,
J. Sanders, Ii. E. Sw•citzer ; Ben Da-
vis, .1. Sanders, A. 11. Doupe ; Ribson
Pippins, J. Sanders, M. lirethour
Colver'ts, R. Doupe; Sweet Pear, M.
(fret hour, N. Fletcher ; Duchess of
Oldenburg, Ratcliffe Bros., A. Spen-
cer ; Cayuga lied Streak, M. flreth.
our, \V, Ilizlewoe'xl ; collection of ap-
ples, J. Sanders, W. Wiseman; red
crab rippler+, A. 11. Doupe, A. Doupe
yellowy crab apples, A. Doupe, W. H.
Plums, J. Shier, \V. !frown: Jell
pairs, Miss McCallum. It. A. San•
dors; winter pears, A. Shier, it. A.
Sanders; white grapes, Mrs. Flub.
cher, L. T)ay : blue grapes, R. Doupe,
R. Robinson; red grapes. N. Fletcher.
21 pounds but ter, J. Hooper & Son,
A. E. Doupe; table butter, H. Shier,
Dr. Carr.
Cell. pickles, Miss. 3. Robinson, C.
Duffield ; conned peaches, Miss J.
i1,bin.on, A. Robinson ; plums, M.
li)etllour Mies Robinson ;
fair, of the Main Street Methodist
Charc)t, Exeter, will preach. In the
ovenira:1 the Rev. Mr. ToII, of Icen-
snll, will prentit,
Miss Sarah Neil, who has been vis-
iting her sister Mrs. Rosenberger of
London, returned hone on Saturday.
Mr. ;and Mrs. Gory, of Crystal City
Manitoha 4.re the (Vests or the lat•
ter's sister Mrs. l'yrn, last week.
Miss Porter was rolled to her
!torn- in Clinton, on Friday • Iasi ow-
ing to its, illne'u of her nrother.
Mr. William Greenway, of Crystal
City, Man., was elle guest of Mr. 3.
Hatxifor 1 on Sunday.
hri. John NicNau„
on, anti
Mac, of London, ore the guests of
Mr.-. 1)uplan,
til . and Mrs. Donald Frasnr, of
Lon ►n, were the guests of Miss Lil-
lie :' nderson on Tuesday.
Farmers' IN
We want all your Pelsill
or dressed, and will/I
Your pouter y may be del
Metra!!, Bt
Clande boy& , buyers 8.
Jno. Trevithick. G. 11
Granton October 1
lteyctrtft. '
Dashwood, buyer
If you once try
Liver l'ills for sink
iousness, or constipat
i never bo without t1
purely vegetable, hen
bake. Dou't torgot
DASH t% t
!. ti. No. 5
The following is
• pot' of ti. ti, No.
I h;, 111010 h Of ' Ile en
\riot, r S1:.; 1, 1371; lees. )(
Fred 1. pari , 1182; f.ornf
1117; AIlic l.itrhtfo:.t,
mcr:c Cou,ri.!it:, 741: Elle
"551. 111.--•1ol,nnic Couptl
Dalton Logi•: 1•r,t•8 ; lien]
1275 ; A Icxa lith i l lodttina,
zie Cu'>k, 1100 ; \11,11jn
961: \\'facie U'Le;t;y,
Sholdic', 61111; .\Ven. •blot
JI,— Gordon lz•uis, 154
Slor!vy, 1378: Ce Jone
nettle.; Cuu�hlir4 t
t .
ton, 651 ; Ielort, '
1:1 ry I lodgins,' 2;,
is, J83:3; Lary 1):tune
old O'Leary, 1310; N
1289; Clarissa Sco: 1,
Jones 755; Mati1d,
pi. 1,—Itoy Itixigit
Ilud•;son, 6114 ;
)r, 1't. I.—Ifiid;a (
Morgan, 755 ; 1'1411
Morley, 641; \'er,
Melia Uauncey, 4
351 ; Willie Cook
No. on roll 43 ; :i
Wil 1 b o found aa
rrledy for sick he
Little Liver Pills.
1 eters
mP e
tbern prove this f
Drug Law will Ma
of every cough cur
um Chloroform, or
ifying or poisonous
Passes Dr. Shoat's
made for twenty y
1)r. Shoop all alan
posed the use of a
cotics, Dr. Shoop'
absolutely Rafe even
babe—and it °urea
lv suppress, Get
Cough Cure by hi
Dr. Shoop's. Let
protection. \\-e ch
mend .and sell it.
Twenty Min
?o Care the Worst
Cause—New Ike
*Machos and pales
ii' aceto° Methodf' *v.(,Lre.
Fw°el h radios
ins point
len tads
r ,
tefp s
tea 111 forms
1 T 1 eel
•Nf •f4NN•NfNNHNff HI fr+fffff+ff.N.NiHHi
(incorporated by Act of Pat !lament 1856)
CAPITAL PAID UP •••• •••• •••• 53,000,001
RESERVE FUND • • • • • • •$3.000.
4118ranehes in Ontario, Quebec. Alberta itrltt-h ('olamMa and Meek
Open every Lawhtl Day from 10 A. M. to 3 P. 51. except Patnrday 10 A.
Partner's' Mole Note., cashed or rolleeted. Forme
On application. MUFTI; on all points 10 the Dominion. Orem
Iced Ste tee, bought and mold at lowest rates of ere hang',
Deposita Ot 01.00 and upwards received. I
pone ed half yeertey, and added to princfpal June Seth and
g�oo•�aI1V Receipt* alto f.sued and Wettest °wrest rates of Interest
Advae.c.s made to fanners steep