HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-10-11, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, OCTOBER 11t.h 1906
he Store That Beats Stoves
Past Record and Furnaces
pealing buying inducements of a year ago must be bettered this year. So do not
lup stook and ccmpare our prices with any competitor. We have just opened up
west Sticks of Furs and Clothing that we have ever shown.
thr-Require a Fur Coat?
ywe can suit you. We have just opened up a Stock of 25 COON COATS made
dark Canadian Coonskins, well furred. nicely made, all sizes. Extra lengths for
"poor coat in the Lot. All nice, prime, well -tanned Skins. If you intend purchasing a Coat, it will pay
wk them over. We bought this lot right and offering them cheaper than we conld buy them to -day from
urer. We have also a large stock of China Dog, Bulgarian Lamb, Dark wallaby Coats at close prices.
w is the Time to Make Your Selection.
Anice trade in Ladies' Fur lined Astrachan and Electric Ideal Coats. Come and examine our stock
in , Isabel and Prairie Fox, Sable, Opposure and Grey Lamb. We have the assortment and at
Do not fail to see our exquisite stock of up-to-date Millinery. We get all the Newest Novelties here
at ate not prohibitive.
a nice display of the Latest MANTLES. Our Coats made tee the leading manufacturer in Canada and
le from us you got the latest and best going. A Call Solicited.
RTES and
cilsInk and
STAH. Sweitzer
Flour Mills
We have installed a NEV\
Mill for the rolling of Oats, and
can now fill promptly any Or-
der to roll Oats for Horses
We still have our Chopper
and can also fill orders in this
line promptly.
Allt 11th., 1906,
Sucoesaor to Dr.
'ton. Ont.
ins and 1114,10
cf Detroit. aro in
ing Natives and
expects to
k on his new
.k. Mr. Tre-
slhop is ready
Iles old stand
promptly at -
clover aced,
me to us.- B.
ver and 51r. Earl Campbell visited
friends in Kontoka ton Sunday.
bliss Pearl Iloltznnann took part
in the entertainment given by tho
agricultural society of West Mc-
Gillivray, on the evening .of their
fair which was held last week.
If you w;unt anything in the litre
of furs, Noe what 8. Brown is slow-
ing before purchasing.
Mr. Daniel Oestriechcr is adding
to the aifpearance •of bis residence by
e tt• verandah.
hu addition dd to
e n of n n
Mr. A. Cunningham of lho Central
hotel, spent Sunday in London. Hina.
ng ttlhe cement
gelical church is
ashcd this week,
t ect :to 'finish the
his week. Mr. Alfred Bedford and family, , other points.
••y ho h•t+t been left on Thursday for London, where' Mr. Edward Willert is at present
oast few months they iill end miking their home in l enjoying his holiday's in Uncle Sam's
n Friday last.t he [alum.
1 domain, i.igin;iw, and other places.
y at ten Egret nobby �Er. Chris Eilbcr, of 'Zurich, wisitcd , \f r, George Itoclt 1.4 remodellingtweeds, nodi in town on Sundty, ;his residency on Main street east and
.pular e.hades at I The Sovereign bank n[ our village 1 when completed nil add to the ep-
ce the reputes -1 hive just added n roller desk .and pearance of our town.
11 stock in this a customer's table to t heir up -to- On Thuredty pf last week wbile on
date office. his w•ty home M r. John Kuntz met
oho hats toren Mr. Bristol Es.err, of .1hc Sov-i with a very serious accident. it
'.rot,t;h "lc nortln•�creign bink ,staff, who has been; 710111S ttbile driving in the lane •.he
relieving nt the Exeter branch for! hot., too. fright or at Ieast got
tbo past few weeks has again .re -I nerwou:, :and ()win: to the fact of
stoned his duties in the bank here. 11 being a young beast, it kicked
0 Business Change
11.1.4 been purchased from Mr. Jas.
Clark,. by tIte under'igtted, who will
be pleased to meet his father's cus-
totncra and all persons requiring up-
to-date harness, Trunks, Suit UaSes
Saddlery Hardware and evorythin4
pert:lining to 'horse equipment. Re-
pair Dag 110110 promptly anti carefully
Your patronage tolicitca.
Mr. Henry \\-inert shipped a car-
load of lambs to 13uffalo on Tues•
Mr. J. Ehlers, of Naperville, is
visiting friends and relatives in
The work o[ flax lifting is ex-
pected to be finished this week if
the weather keeps fine.
Mr. \Vtn. Zimmer and children vis•
(ltd Mr. C. F. Moser of Zurich, son
Mr. Fred Wells expects 'to move
to Scaforth in a few weeks where
he has scoured a goat position with
Mr. John 1)udds.
1)r. McLaughlin and Jacob Schroe-
der visited Mr. McLaren of near
Cunningham who has been visiting Farquhar on Sunday.
in that city returned hone with Mr. Mr. Fred Welton 'this week sold
itis driver to Mr. M. Wild.
Mr. John K. Goetz has !the rea-
sons, cat penlcrs and painters busy
this week putting the finishing
touches on his new h•.ns''.
Mr. Chas. ltinkert is siding his
house this week tvith metallic siding
Miss Clara, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. henry Eckstein, is at present
seriously 111 with pneumonia.
Dlr. Jonas llarticib is putting a
cement floor in his cellar !this week.
A meeting of the Bible society will
Rev. Mr. hart, of Lambeth, took
the services in the Methodist church
Ilene on Sunday, and preached two
vary instructive and interesting
sermons. Rev, Mr. Andrews prev:'-
ed anniversary services in Chisel-
Miss S.iralt Cleirtenls of New York,
spent a few days last' week visiting
hor sister Mrs. M. Winer.
Mrs. C. Iilurctt and children who
have been visiting friends in For-
est for the past few days have re- be held in the Evangelical church on
turned home. Wednesday evening next at eight
Mr. Geo. Eilber, Jr., who has been o'clock. Rev. Mr. Owen is expected
in New Ontario for rthe past five to be present and address dh• rneet-
nnont Its ns fire ranger, returned ing.
home on Wednesday .last, Mr. Eil. I 11 scents the by-law referred 4o
bor likes that part of the country' In last week's issue has not been
and thinks it is a very •healtrtiy 1 oaken 11110 considorat.ion as the
place for ono to live. The only thing I youngsters are still at liberty to
lacking is the conveniences we em -1 take to their home at (half . past
joy here. 1 eight or ream the street, rand we
Mr. Garnet Baker, of „London. as electors of the ',own think it
spent Sunday ,in the village. would be advisable to sec .t:o it.
A number from here attended the Mr. Wm. Rohde, wire :rnd (laugh -
West McGillivray fair (held last ler ,le;sie have .^,ora on a visit (0
wRk. I friends ai Washington, Mich., and
Are you thinking of putting in
a Furnace, Cook Stove or Heater
if so remember we can supply
your wants at reasonable prices.
Heaters from $3 to $36
Cook Stoves all Prices
••••NNN••NM••• Ruffs, Stoles and Scarfs made up in different furs. Coats of finest quality lined
with Muskrat, and Sable Collar trimmed. A full range of Astrachan Coats, also Mens Fur
Never before in our business career havo we sold as many MANTLES in as short"
a time. There's a reason: -They have proven Leaders, which is due to their styles beitug
original, prices right and quality workmanship and finish all that can be desired. Kindly -
call before purchasing elsewhere.
Don't buy a sto\ a until you sec I
the Worlds Favorite. r Coats, Robes and Rugs.
If you chant to see the wonder I
of the world in a washing machine
call on
This department is again under the supervision of Mrs. Link and the display being
shown is unsurpassed anywhere. We cordially invite you to call and inspect the latest
IDAt3HWOtDLI ONTARIO. ( tyles. See our Dress Goods, they are pre-eminent
IST1':I'lll':N l:t)t11CIt.
wANTED i The council of the township of 1
\Vo are in the market to purchase
your Poultry for which we will pay
you the Highest Cash Prices.
Bring them in dead or alive and re
member we pay the Highest prices.
IIIa� Sllrum�.
Stephen convened in the Town (fall.
Crer diton, on October 1st. 1906 nt 1
p, qtr. Ali members were present ex-
cept \Van. Yearly. The minutes of I
the previous meeting .were read and
The Collector's bond for 1906 was
presented to the council and approv.
The following orders were passel:
Mark Wild, gravel. 518.96; II. L.
Kraft, gravel. $12.16; •H. L. Kraft.
gravel, N. B., $1.60; I. Bastard, lite
culvert, $10.50 ; J, Keys, rep. bri[dgo
$1.50; F. Triebner, gravel, $19.40;
1'. Triebner, gravel N. B.. 40e; Jos.
%iter, rep. bridge, 50e; Wm. Nickel.
rep. C. road, $1.25; N. Baker, draw-
ing gravel, 52.50; R. Mjtchell, work
on culvert, $2.00; Sid Davis, repair-
ing bridge, $1.2b; Jl. G. Kuhn, the
ole., 55.97; Code & Code„ McKeever
award, No. 2. $20.00; Fred Heintz -
man. rep. bridge, 50c; J. Ilepburn,
ditch, con. 4. $4.50; Jos. hawson, pt.
Mud creek contract, $800.00; John
Madden, work on tat S. rd., $2.00;
11. hill, rep. bridges, $2.75.
Council adjourned to meet on Mon-
day, the 3111 of December, 1906 at 1
4). m,
the electors of our town, concerning
the bribery investigation of the dust
election at London. We sec page af-
ter page in our daily papers, and
still no conversation, or dorf't they
road the papers al the present time.
Mr. Daniel \iclsaac paid our town
a visit Sunday. 'Does he like Dash-
%%oo.d or is there some attraetionf
Dir. Chris. Stcinhagen, Jr., is
wearing a l,road ah 4 these days
his wife presented him' with
bouncing baby boy.
Dir. Win. Shrum took a business
trip to London, Saturday.
The house recently vacated by
Louis Siphon has been taken up by
Mr. Thoma,,, of Grand fiend. '\Vo
welcome him as a citizen of our
town. Dtr. henry Guenther has en-
gaged the services of Mr. .Thomas
in his Livery stables.
Miss Christen•' Stire has return-
ed horn from Detroit for the win-
The sympathy of the community
Is extended to the family of Mr.
John \Vinkenweider in their troubles
Last week they buried t hair soon
Edward, death resulting from ty-
phoid fever. At the time of , the
funeral the father was sick in bed
and unable to attend and (bit week
several other members of tho fam-
ily, Mclind t, Lour+ and George aro
doth'1 with the same disease. Thcro
are Iwo nurses constantly in attend-
e�ks, is expecte<L to
latter part n[ thi.i
st of next. •
icier was in London
ritEDI'I'ON school, Thos. who obtained It1�I'OI'•r i NI r. Kuntz in the abdomen. ile is
ower spent Sunday ori 111e following report IS for rho
menti. of September. 'rhe filmes orris holed *hit he arty 011311 he able
Clark, Miss 1:11;, Dead ne
ire. taer of merit.. id 60 per cent ori le 17e1 around again.
over :Inc in order You 41,•1'1 he.tr much :;•t3.1 among
2nd year. -Elvin :McMurray. Con-
--- -- �_-
I)itision 111. -Cont intuit ion class PILES Ol'1CI:i,\' ANI) 1'OSLT1\'E•
tiMil tinn r1.1',., Int tear•.-- !Tow ardlIv cured with Ur. Shoop's Miele eine.
Mead& iW,-Elsie Geiser. Matilda meal. Its made for riles alone -and
tksthc rht r, ,\lrnwdt hinkbriner, l.il. it do -s the work surely anti with sat-
isfaction. itching, painful. protrud-
ing of blind pitch disappear 1 ike mag-
ic by is us. Large, Nickel cap -
Pell glass jars. 50c. Sold and recom-
mended by W. S. ilowcy.
' at )r0,e111 '.cry seriously ill but it
t have a falling out with
halt. it might leave yowl
whet? That would mean
scraggly, uneven, rough
Keep your hair at home l
n it tightly to your scalp!
:an eas do it with Ayer's
Vigo it is something
than a simple hair dress -
it is a hair medicine, a
tonic, a stair food.
s best kind 0' • testimonial -
old for over sixty years."
woe.II.3!v s. e. , oe..
lit n Fink heilier, Petri Huish.
Lula Gais-er.
CLAiUI,E 111.17E'1'T, 'Teacher
niw'iaion 11. -1111111 4 (11114' 1(1. -
Harrison ((011zrntrill, Mabel \Venzel:
Vera holt lin inn. ida 14ow n. KIM
Fi11kbciner, .1r. Ile -Pearl Palmer
(ln,•cni t Ilodrins, 1,ydi t fest reicher.
1'r tnris hill, :Melvin Brown, Etner- k one
son t:ean. Jr. 11. -Herbert itrnwn,
51nrriy llnit7nitnr), I'. King, 11.
Shenk. l't. 11. Jr.-Clar.t Ocstrcich•
erg \•^rhill, 'tot h 1 hint•. 'ren"
1)i'.isi (glen,
(.uenlht r, Viola Gaiser, L.onie (Ica -
It bollocal aches and !alm-
ond stiff
Wolfe Fnttrt'ry Geiser, Gerrie Erb.
Mi,' 5. Salter, Teacher.
on L -sr, ll. -Lull ile.
E1.>t htinzl'. Sr. Pt. 11. -Gertrude
elect. A. I3.---i.oset t a ilaist, Mildred
Guenther, Vera Either. A. 1.- G.
hamt'Ort, i,ewis Gncnther. Net ti.
Holt sneom, Addie Gil 4. Sr. A•-
\'irt()r 1 tie, Le't"nri 1' ,n. .1r. A.
i.oran !trivet-. Oran ‘Weiner. Earl
He est 7^r.
MiSS I:IENzLE, Teacher -
Take Laaattve arose Qv 4ntne Tat,.
Get their feet wet, catch cold, or
cramps, and give mothers an :anxiors
time. With the first shiver or
sneeze rub the little one's chest with
Nerviline, gargle the throat and give
ten drops in hot water at bed -time.
next morning all is well. No cold no
time lost from s:,,}wol. If Poison's
Nerviline isn't in your home get it
there at once. Dealers Bell it 25c.
Flour, Feed and
Bargains i n
Maple Leaf Salmon 14c.
Best Redpath Granulated Su-
gar at $4.50.
Aylmer Peas 4 cans for 25c.
Orange Meat 2 boxes for 25c.
Gal. Tars 75c. per doz.
1 qt. " 70c. "
1 pt.
8. 8. 8. NO. 1, McGILLIV RAY
The following is the (report of 8. B.
S. No. 1, McGillivray, for fi he month
of September; Sr. IV.-llerheet Han-
lon, 1083; Adrian Coughlin, 991; C.
GLavin, 967; James O'Dwyer. 946:
Arthur O'Neil, 848; Charlie O'Dwyer
778. Jr, IV. -Mary Glavin, 1396; M.
Ilanlon, 1195; Blanche Curtin. 1088:
111,-\Vlllie Thompson, 1109; Marlyn
O'Dwyer, 987; Nary Fraser, 380. 11
-Pearl Glavin, 1642 ; 'Marguerite
Hanlon, 162.3; It:tphe Glavin, 1609:
Bort Farmer, 1220; Jsabel Fraser
1078: Vincent Thompson, 990; L•tt;y
Iioyle.O 20. Pt. IL -Rose Hanlon,
972: Hilda Curtin, 581. Pt. 1. -Leo
Glavin, 629: Grace Curtin, 314; Ade-
line Fraser 308.
"I feel it my duty" writes Mrs, 8.
Mead. of Frascrville, Ont., "to 401
you know that sometimes previous
to the change of life I suffered more
than I could tell. Neighbors told mA'
1'e.rrozonc was the only remedy and
their advice was good. Ferrozone
put a stop to my pain and sickness,
had it direct action on my troubles
that relieved from the start. I safe-
ly passed the turn, and now enjoy
perfect health and rest. No wom-
anly medicine can be better Than
1'errozote." Instant relief is found
in Fcrrozone for female weakness of
every kind, 50c. per box at nil deal-
BAINTSi31,' lt1
For your Best Flour and
Best Prices call on US and
you will find that we have a
good variety to choose from
Shorts, Bran, Chicken, Feed
etc always on hand, at best
!Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardiner will
celebrate the twenty-fifth annivers-
ary of tho marriage on, Fridny next.
Mr. John Vance left for Paris on
Monday morning. where ho will bo
engaged in the apple business.
as r r
A large number from thorn attend-
ed Kirkton Fair last Friday to wit-
ness the balloon "deconsion,"
Mr. and Mrs, B, W. F. Beavers vis-
ited in Bt. Marys on Sunday.
Mrs. W. 11. Passmore who was ill
for a few days last week is rerover-
T}he dance in .the hall here on
Wednesday night last %vas but slimly
attended though those inesent re-
port a pleasant evening.
Any person who wishes to become
a subscriber to 'the Times may leave
his subscription with tthe Postmas-
ter Mr. 13. W. F. Beavers.
Mr. William Fletcher will havo an
auction sale of MS farm stock and
implements on Wednesday Ootober
24th, Mr, Fletcher expects to movo
to his new residence in F.xcter about
the first of November.
That's why catarrh is invariably
cured by inhaling "Catarrhozonc".
The healing vapor spreads to every
part of the breathing organs. Germs
infecting the tissues of the nose,
throat and lungs are killed. Noth-
ing jt left to cause inflammation.
Spots that are sore are healed. Dis-
ch•-rge 18 cleared away and catarrh
becomes something. of ;the past. Use
"Catnt rhozone" rind your recovery is
guaranteed. Two sizes, 25c. rani $1
at all dealerd:
The wedding of M r. W. Uiekins,
non of Mr. Thos. Dickins, to Miss
Mains, of Watford, was solemnized
Wednesday, October .3rd, at the home
of the bride's parents. Mr. and Ws.
Cickens arrived at the Centralia 40 -
tet the same evening and were met
by several of their (tiendI who es -
torted them to their nee. home.
A large number of Ruc.;l'i were in•
vited to the reccptiw;. and after a
sumptuous repast, the evening way
taken up with 'recitations, sonatt and
slKrchey, after which 41;0 floor WAS
cleated an 1 an old f,=hioncd •I n^e
Indulged 111. Mr. and Mrt. Dickins
were the recipients of num •ous
htndaom and vain btc presents
from their moo- friends, elm all
join in iwisltine Hein a leng .1:fe of
ca11not be GOOD CORN SIiELLF:it FOR 25C.
Wile bast Iso
A marvel of efficacy and prompt -
nese, a remedy that does cure corns
and wart.. Its namO is i'utntnr's
Corn Extractor. Core tins no acid-
n^ver pains, Ricco lasting WW1: -
ion. Insist an "Pet nhrn's" only.
the blood, and
course of the great me kine It's t shy t,
St. at.
HmisSarsaParilla CASTORIA
which bas permanently For Infants and Children.
aired thoisesads of ass. I Iii KNE You Nary Allam MOL_below•a_r+ .Ores _ -11 1 _
The following is .a correct report
of th r;tariding of the pupils if S. S.
No. 4, Stephen for the month of
September. Names are in order of
merit. sr. iV- Gladys Kestle, Sy-
tmll Morloak, Nellie Anty, Barry
Scitwarz, Willie 1'reszcator, Minnie
Kest le, Lorne Morlc•-k. Ethel Nes-
tle, Merner Either. Jr, 1V -Leonard
Schrord •r, Arva lirokenshir0, Alvin
Cornish, Clarence i•:ilbet, Beulah
Smith, Herbert Kraft. Oscar Cornish.
Sr, 111.- Clinton itrown, • Willie
Seim- trj. Mildred Klumpp, Mabel
('oewr.rt h, Emerson Schroeder, Mer-
vin ltrokenshire. .1r. Ili.- Garden
Cor ni .11, 01 t 0 ilrown. sr. 11-- Lula
Kest le, .1r. 31.- Emerson Itoeszler
Ede1 Array. ('lura Wein. 111 Either,
(''intra \t,•rlr. k 1. twin a Smith. Ent •
cr:on Wein. .Insce!' S:hwar. 1'1. 11
Mervin ('oxworth, Annie Aubin, F..11 -
Cornish. Joseph Ttrokenshire. 3'1.
1. -Olive, Mar ,Corn'ah, 111701 fres--
40r•. No. c.n roll 4L, averages at-
tend 'nee 35.
GEORGE W. 1.AWSON. 'fetcher
no is cold and moist, that: dog is
not sick. A feverish dry nose means
sinknees with a flog. And yo with
I hr hurr►an lips. Dry, erackcd ani
colorless lips mean feverishness, and
are as well ill appearing. To have
betutiful pink velvet-like lips. apply'
at Ircdline a coating of 1)r. Sheep's
Green Satre it will often nerd heal
any skin ailment. Get a free Iris
, ctt opr abtzen+. and be a nyiered•
We call your atten-
tion to our large stock
of imported Suitings..
The best offerings from
English and Scotch
mills, representing the-
most fashionable weav-
es and fabrics.
Merchant Tailor
Jackets, Neckware,-
Muffs, Etc.
143 Dundas St. London..
FURS made to order:
Repaired and Remodelled:
Highest price.
Paid For
Raw Pure
R. W. HERN the prosperous General Merchant of Elimville, has.M put in a new stock of (foods in the store recently occupied by Ed.
Avery. and is open for business. Everything is fresh,
Mr. Hern desires to thank the people of Elir.."U le and vicinity for
their past Patronage, and hopes to continue in their good appreciation_
and also extends a hearty invitation to the Whalen residents to deal with him -
at his New Store.
All Kinds of Produce Handled
`! f•t,>,+.:. • :-!•3ai, f,.fr+✓rir+3•-:,,1 :••it+++4••I• 4-telte-3• p,,.✓,. -4-44+.H-4'++++
We are showing a very large assortment of Ranges
-rr and Heaters this year with prices that will surprise.
you. So come in and let's talk it over with you he-
-= fore you buy.
We have just received a fine assortment of Carving
Sets. You will need a set, so come in and see us as
4, we are sure we ran satisfy your wants in that line.
- deet of attention given to this department,
W. Moore Kirkton.