HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-10-11, Page 11 Wedding Stationery Zoung Ladles who are interested IS want is proper le the matter of atatlooery for .Weddioge. skald see Mir samples. latest type trete•. Ws Ms have them ready to a few boats. TaIBTY-FotiRTH YEAR—No 1726 seta HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE; rs.Call Up Pho If you have any o ••ing of any kind just we will be pleased tea EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING OCTOBER 11th i806, JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32, WARM WOOL BLANKE'T'S THERE IS NO REASON for spending wakeful nights on account of the chills, because it is easily remedied by a pair of all wool blankets. Not the heavy union goods that make you tired with the weight, but pure clean wool, woven to hold the heat to the body. We bought at a special discount therefore can offer them itt exceptionally low prices. Comforters Comforters that are a real comfort. Made in light and dark colors that are both pretty and serviceable. Filled with batting that is fluffy, light and of a uniform thickness throughout. Almost as cheap as home-made ones, with none of the tiresome work. Just Arrived Another shipment of Ladies Jackets. Cloth and styles the iwellest yet. Light, medium and dark grey, also ,blacks to choose from. Call soon, before the range of sizes is broken. Linoleums & Floor Oils A square of Linoleum under the taple or stove will save the carpet, be much easier cleaned and help to brighten up the room. Neat floral and tyle patterns of assorted colors, In two and four yard widths. Price the lowest possible for the best quality. DRESSED FOWLS We will pay the following prices for poultry if dry picked and picked clean and fasted twenty-four hours before kil- ing (if the head is cut off, tie the neck properly.) sicken 10c per lb Duck 10c per lb td Hens 8c " Geese 9c " Two cents per pound less if poulty is scalded. For live Poultry two cents per pound less than for dressed poultry. JONES St CLARK Ieadqu trte:'3 f.)r the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing Kirkton Fair Kirkton fair—The directors of tho l3Lanshard Agricultural Society this year maintained their reputation by keeping up the high standard of the exhibit ion. Although the weather -during the first day was unfavorable the list of entries tray quite largo .In the various departments. Tho second day threatened rain, but: the Attendance was Large, people being .present from many miles around. •A Ibn• Nelson Monteith, Minister of >tglianiture and 11. 11. Gunn, M. 1'., dor South Huron, were present' and were introduced by Dr. W. 11. Carr Yaresidcnt of the Society, (loth 111esmrs. Monteith :Ind Gunn gave short addresses, expressing their pleasure at being present and to make themselves strong in the fa- vor of the ladies. remarked about the number of good looking •women ,,resent. They didn't say anything .about tiro ,rood looking men, but (banded out bouquet,, by stating that they were ell goof farmtrs and sto:A raisers. The balloon ascension was the drawing card. but was a diraappoinL- ment. The wind rias ver; high all day. (however, the aeronaut had the large hag inflated argil stgntit;up alone. not daring to fake any ehan- ocs wit h the high wind by ascending and taking a parachute drop. iHORSF,S •t:ENE1tAL PURPOSE 1Trood more with (.all, Geo. Kemp. Thos. Near, Hugh Berry: b.', A. Gunning. Thos. Near ; 2 year old /illy or ,1<'Isling, A. Gunning, A. E. Mune: team in harness, W. Hyde, Jas. Norris, F. Anderson. AGI1ICULTURAL Brood mere having raised foil in 1906, Jas, Moore, G. W. Wren; foal of 1906, 11. Birch, laugh Berry. Jas, Moore; 3 year old filly or gelding, 8. Taunter, R. Berry, 1'. Andarron : 2 year old filly or gelding, T. lfern, J. Rundle 2 & 1; 1 year old filly or gelding, J. itouticy. W. Clemens 2 & 3; te.arn in harness, G. W. Wren, J. Robinson, 1'. Anderson. HEAVY DRAUGHT Brood mare having raised foal in 1906, W. Kernick 1 & 2: foal of I9n6. W. Kernick i & 2; 3 year old filly or gelding, W. Manson, G. W. Wren: 2 year old filly or gelding, ititcliffe Pres., 11. Passmore, J. Creery ; trim in hams.,, S. Hunter : one-year old filly or gelding, Jas. Horton. CARRIAGE Brood mare having raised foal in 1906, R. 11, E:1w•orthy. Fal. Christie: gelding 8. hunter. W. Hanson; 2 year old filly or gelding, W. Hodge, W. Delbridge ; 1 year old filly or gelding, John Pepper, W. Elliot; single carriage horse, F. Ellerington, W. Elliot, A. McDonnell; span car- riage horses in harness, C. Welker. J. Moore, S. Campbell, ROADSTERS Foal of 1906, R. 11. Elnvorthy. Watson lira..: 3 year old filly or gelding. G. Iklbridge. Jas. Moore ; 2 year old filly or gelding, J. Wilson, .1. Bundle ; 1 year old filly or geld- ing A, Birch, 8. Kirkby ; single road- ster, J. A. McNaughton, W. Andrews span of roadsters, A. Iluchannan, J. Kclland ; saddle horse, C. E. Hock- ney, It. Hoskin. CATTLE BULLS Aged Durham bull, J. Moore; Polled Angus, Ilazlewood Bros.; 1 year old Durham J. Robinson. .1. Death of Charles Snell In the death of Charles Snell on Thursday, October 4th, Exeter lost one of its staunchest and most respec- ted residents at the age of 70 years. Mr. Sucll has been in Moor health for several year's, but notwibbstand. ing his illness looked after his offi;e work successfully. About a week ago he was compelled tat take to his bed sufferin;. .froru a severe attack of di r rrhoca. This however was stops': d, but left hint in such a %vete •sed condition, that his system, already almost worn out from the sufferings he had endured for years f:<nn stones in :the bladder. nvould na! , pond to the attentive care given by his physician and he passed away early on 'Thursday morning, The deceased was one of seven children born in the log house which stood for years at the corner .ono and one-Ituarter miles south of Exe- ter. After reaching manhood Mr. Snell taught school in 1lsborno and many of our residents recall dile in- cidents which happened at school during their childhood days under Ow, tutelage of Mr. Snell. Ile af- terwards Went asst and retrained for s;:veral years. Corning back to Exeter again, he worked at shoe. TILE LATE CHARLES SNELL. makin'r, which trade he had learned. Later on he worked as clerk for the Iota i:caac Carling and the late Janes Pickard. About twenty-five )•oars area he wits at.poinicd agent for the American Express Company, which tioviticn he held up ito the time of his death. On the death of the 1 110 Thomas Trivit t he was np- pointed Division Court clerk, wl;i'h office he held until the ohango in the Ontario Government a few year:, ago. He tt•as also a Justice of the Peace for a number of years, and tvililc occupying that position dispensed justice without fear or favor, and many limes when eases of a 11ivial nature came before hien he would ;ret 1110 litigants together and induce thein to settle their dis- putes, rile dece.t ed was first married 'lo Miry Anti Brooks, who predeceased him in 1A95. Three children, the re- sult of this union, are els() dead. Seven years ago he was married to The Canal Scheme Up Again. A few days ago London pa perm contained ;articles in refarenc to the proposed conal to be excavat ed betwoen Grand Bend and 1'or Stanley. On Tuesday last a gen tetr>•an representing the promoter wag in town getting members •t join a syndicate for the purpose of to acting the route of the can, I. I conversation with the gent Iowa he stated the preliminary work wi1 continence in about two weeks, who a party of engineers will start n Grand Bend to stake a survey, of ter which, he slate", a company oil be formed to go ahead with 3 work. Ile claims that several Exe ter rand Bcaforth people aro interest ed in the preliminary undertaking Figures which he has obtained oho that Lake Huron 1.:!1•1.;111 elevation twelve feet over Lake Erie. T canal it is expected will •be about fit (yr miles in length, 30 ft. deep an from 150 to 200 [t. wide and will a lorkless canal running close t' London and St. Thomas. When asked how such an under taking would benefit Exeter, h stated that the canal would come a. close to Exeter as possible, but i would follow the, old river bed at t h' Bend for sonic distance. The syndicate for looking after tai: preliminary work will consist • 1 about. 30 subsotibcrs, The gentleman Was very emphatic in stating that Mr. Contine, whose name hay 'been mentioned in /connec- tion with the budding of a canal from St. "Joseph to Port Stanley is in no way .connected with this under - tan Tkiheg, government he says will not be asked for assistance as it is the intention of the promoters to enlist only private capital in the enter- Intention and that a number of Eng- lish have signified their Intention to put money into the scheme. One great advantage he Nays will be the depth of the canal, whin► will accommodate the largest of the take freighters and that considerable will bo saved the shipping trade by its not having to go through River St. Clair, Lake tet. Clair and Detroit River, tt here ,:tc rrue-r:4 are often compelled to drop anchor owing to low water, especially at the Lime- kiln Crossing at Amherstburg. The gentleman was in conversation with several people in Exeter on Tuesday and 1 -.it on the evening train for New York on some mat! - term pertaining 1 , th6 undertaking. 41. ii l:NHA1.1, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Troth left hero List week for Ile West, nd while we regret losing them from out village we wish them success in tho West. Mr. Peter T.McArtihur, of the Sovereign Bank staff, Thedford, was here Last week visiting his parents an dspcnding part of his holidays. Mr. James 8, Mc.l)ontld, of Carling Manitoba, has been spending the east weeks with his wife, tcho has been herr for some flute visiting her par. tu 1 ,Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mahan - on. Miss llessie Urquhart returned to sus ,n Passmore, who survives him. Toronto Inst week to resume her Besides him sorrowing wife he leaves studies. one sister, Mrs. Gco. Barnwell. ))r. Blackall, lately of the Queen's Mr. Snell was a regular ;attendant hotel here, who has disposed of his of the Jame; street 11ethodist interest in the business to „lir. elite eh and was a life-long Libernl Bice, of London, intends going to the ifs was a member of the I. 0. 0. F., west with the intention of engaging e dish society had eltau•,I0 of bile in the hotel business in some of the (user 1I 11'1%1 ligefrient s. The remains larger• Western towns of the i►ew' ser•. interred in the Ex.•tor cent- provinces. alis s„eeesear conies well stent• Sour—dry :afternoon. recommended curd took (O,5058ion + last. week. - If sick headache is misery, what we ale pleased Ito learn that Miss is Carter's Little Liver Pills If they Jennie \Iu,•r•Iy, .laughter of Mr. will positively euro it1 People who John \tat-, ry, of 1)lrndaS, formerly' of have used them speak frankly of Ilereoll, and who has been teaching their worth. They aro small and in Hay, is iml,tovintr ninety, but will easy to talc!. not Inc ahlc t o r wase �tcaohing for - - -- loins I ime. A COItDiAL INVITATION TO 1)18. Mr. Gregg, of Clifford, was in the EASE ylides part of this see visiting his This i. in apt dcrosripIlon of con• d eightcr, Mrs. ,John `'AcArthur. Hodge; Aged Jersey, .1. McCurdy, J. stipation, it's an unnatural condi- Miss Jennie \\'eljshj who Ills tre- Ilooper & Son. tion in begin with, .and it's more, 01111 y been pro noted to head nurse DU1tiHAM irecluse it brines about blood deter. in the Sill ;!cons department of Vic - Milch cow, A. Spencer, .1. Moore ioralion, interferes with digestion. toil, Hospital, stent the last week 2 & 3; 2 year old heifer, J. Moore, render,, )ou susceptible to infectious I visiting ler parents ,Mr. and Mr. .T. Hooper & eon, .1. Moore ; 1 year diseases and causes inaernia. Not sod Rich •r.l \Welsh, of this village. old heifer, G. Bentley 1 & 2; heifer much .a purgative as a natural ntim- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cook, of C. calf, G. Ilenticy 1 & 2. Mani to the bowels is What you r.t;.°. and little daughle•r, :are hiss JERSEY need. You get it in Dr. Iia mil ton's visiting Mrs. l'ook's mother. .1, llooper & Son won three firsts fills which increase liver act ivity, Our council intend extending th. and tdo seconds in this clams. restore the bowels to perfect action liege drain to the tcest, anal to POLLED ANGT;S and pocltic•ely cures constipation and that (eel have a number of tile •at 1lazlewood Bros, won four firsts its attendant evils. Insist on hay- lh estation for that purpose, and three accords in this class, ing only Dr. Hamilton's Pills, of Dr, Feet: sort, who sold his pets. GRADES 111au8lrake and Butternut, 25c. per Do. :and litchis;; ,to I)r. McFadden Milch cow, ,T, wines 1 & 2; 2r box at rill dealers. y Iasi January -old located in George. old heifer, W. Stevenson, Atkinson town, WIWrt(• he iron w;,tked into a Woe; 1 year old heifer, ,T. Moore, SALE ItEGIiTElt goo.) pr•rcti•r has returned i , lien - A. Spencer ; heifer calf, F. Anderson; i'riday. Ort. 12111. Clenrin,r :sur- gall, and purchased hack him dtcel. steer calf, J. Moore 1 & 2; 2 year tion s:til of form stock and lapis- lin•; provosts Hari practise, which old beer, Atkinson Bros., Hi ments on Lot 1, south east noun- sta. •ks, for itself ars t n elle st ran; Tiros.; 1 year old steer, Atkinson dory of 1'sbnrne, 2 1-2 miles north of preference the doctor has for lien -1 . jOHlli WHITS al LOYAL MONTiI AND T11E Bros, 1 & 2; fit cow .or heifer, AU- Kirkton, at one o'clock sharp. Al- s,ll and vicinity, and his fi:ends will; ROYAL DISEASE. kinson Bros., I). ll.tzlewood, Haile- fred Hawkey. Prop.: Joseph White, t,, I,leood to ties hien 11 -re a;ain,! Sudden 0ILln(,'es of heather are es. won.( flee ; f it ox or steer, Haile- Auct• bili will re„nM lo: -in(. Ile. Mrh'adde,t ;noire' ei slay It ry'ing, and prob.•h1y l„ p„rre wood hens, Thursday, October IR. 1906. Farm who has become quite popul:tt more so til n the scrofulous and con. SHEEP Stock, Implements. and household. Mr, .la::, Sat ilea 1,,nd nu•1 his d auzlt- stin,ntire. 'The progress of scrofula .l'rtiI1 a normal 0C(ot,rr is cotrn- hETCESTIR9 effects on [,ot. 1, concession 2, 1'm_ ter, last tteek ci lied relatrvos in isannly \1e never think nd Ram 2 year old, .T. J, \Voolrol1, 0, borne. at 12 o'clock. .T... Stanley, Oxford County. Miss Emma reed, Who has been ser"fuf r—i's bunches, cutaneettm r:(^nding rile i- '.7 month tcit) her eruptions, anal was' ilex of the bodily ,,,,tat Dies .end (•it'r'1+. retu"n d to+subslanre— nithont thinking of the (' 'pIlon, North 11•kota, last evek great pori masy 'tiffcrers !.torn it fuelingbenefit by her hivedetiv0,1 from 11--a1's tt.rs:,n1risla Irit' .nd .`11,111,!,(' of air. niter* radical and permanent cure" of ,him ott•:! alio-Ise a re enough lo make it the most famous medicine in l'revcnlies as the nime implies . the world. There is probably not a prevents all Colds and Grippe When rity or town where Morel's Bareirir. taken at the sneezing stage. ill a h;s not proved its merits in wore i'r•events are toothRome candy benne! than eine. in as resting and tablets. l'reventirs dissipate all ' rontpl^tely et:,die:ttlug scrofula, colds quickly, and taken early, when a Bich is .almost as serious rind as you first feel tlif:eot 1 a9comingis rl• lC) a to INfortedrecd :Is its n0.,r rets. they check and p'event there. Pen. rive,—consugnlslion. rentics oro thoroughly nafn for . • --+ children, and as effectual for adults. C!`Il♦ 0714.23`. Sold avid recommended. in 5 ce, t llcntler: ram 1 'car old, 3.3. Wool. Auctioneer: ,1, G. Jones, Executor; colt, Geo. Bentley : ram lamb, J. J. i Mrs. Gee. Itooke, Executrix. \Voolcot1, 0. Ilenticy: breeding rttej Wednesday, O: . "1. ,auction sale .1. J. \Voolcott, Geo. 1'enhale: shear•,el farm stcck ar'1 implement. I'll ling ewe, Geo. beret h y ; ewe lamb, J. Lot 17, conrcr•sfon, to is ,,,rue. .1.1 J. Wooloott 1 & 2. of a mile south of 1•', rquh.sr, cont- LiNCOLNs mencin r ;1 One o'clock 5);,r7). %VIII. Ram, 2 years old, G. l'cnhale, 11'. Pletcler, Prop.. Jos. White, Atic r. Oliver: ram, 1 year old, W. Oliver,' Thurs,lay, Oct.2,t h. Auction sale 0. henh.,le ; ram lamb, W. Oliver, `„; firrn, farm s'4-ok :end implements G. 1 enhale ; breeding 0440, 0. Pen- on l,nt, 11, Cnnc^ Sion 111, 1'shnnae. h110 1 & shearling ewe, G. i'rn_ hale 1 & 2 ewe Iamb, G. Penhale,! �� 111, Cr.� ry i'ar„p��Jos. n\W k ,Aur•. \V, Oliver, t GRADE ---�----- Drcedina stir, Geo, Bentley I & 2: A GUARANTEED CURE POR 1,11.gs itching, Blind, Bleeding, 1'rotrud- foal of 1906, W. Stephenson. J. elves lamh, Geo. i,cntley, \\', Oifyer; inz Plies. Druz;ists are authorised T. 1'arki1906, : 3 Year old [lilt �t f t "1,eep, Gco• i enhal0, . to refund money if Pato Oirtment fsOuntinsed on pn,zn five.) ' fails to ours in 41 t ORTHIEST LH A SAFE AND BIG PAYING INVESTMe If you have any idea of investing in western write US. Wo have a large list of choice lamb) all the best districts. If you have land you wish to sell write us and if land is good and price right we will find a buye you. No difference whether you want a quarter s... (160 acres) or 10,000 acr€s, we can supply you. ickard, Gundy & Canada Life Building, Winnipeg igh Grade” Training and tact is the kind the famous OT TOBONTo, 0212: Gives to its students. Re- cent students have taken ppoossinions at salar'es from i:10 per month to $1000 per annum. It is a well-known fact that our school is the best of its kind in Cauada. This month is a splendid time to enter. All gradu- ates get positions. The de- mand it, nearly twenty times the eupnlyy. Write to day for magniflcient catalogue. W. J. Elliott. Principal Cor. Yonge and Alexander t. n er Streets. ++++++++++++++++++++ , Famous school a..CRP.. OftiT, This school is recognised to be ne of the best Commerical boots in the Peovince. Our urses are thorough and tip -to - ate. We give a practical train- ag and assist our graduates to ood positions. It is impossible satisfy the demand made on us for office help. Those inter- ested in their own welfare should write for our free catalogue, W. J. Elliot principal D. A. McLachlan J •tN•4++•Est•++++44+++$ : ++++k INDIVIDUAL Ins branches enable much knowled MONTHS as the a gives in SIX. Try ourt hree Montle, PRACTICAL Wes!eEn eusi� 110 Dundas Street, WM. C. COO, E LAW WAr Young ladies and are desirous of wanted at the mtt�httq Pl lliiviM "Affiliated n to prepare for gr here Te and August WI TENTH of the graduates. Catal Goo.S URS! FURl A large collection of FURS noulready,t0: Trifle early 1 Sometimes it pays to tihtt know Some of the most desirableit,>1 early in the season. If you are content' a new set of turs this season we ask you tO our assortment before making the Remember our furs are marked at D don't depend on just fur profits to kt going. Ladies' Astrachan Ja Mens' Calf Coats Fur Scarfs $4' Also full range of fur -lined CAPjtfor Gents' an All Produce as god's Cash. COWARD & CLARK, Wine Now Is The Time To think about the new Range or Heater. economy in Fuel and a Good Baker select one dr thA-1 ing wilier have been tired and not tonna wanting. Garla�fie with Tank and Shelf $38 to $44 el Souvenirs $35 to $50 Welcome Nati al.r; $35 to $50 $26 to $38 toves $26 to $29 Tank slightly used at a to $3.50 �1 1, Hurons Coal and Wood Cook' t 6 -hole Nappy Thought wit 6 Second hand wood cooks $2,5 Pipes roc to 15c, iieavy Elbows zoc, Stove I'ipe . naini and 25c, Metal and Silver Polishes i yc and 25c, Coal hods, Boards, Sifters, Etc. Anything and everything for October SAMSON PORTLAND CEMENT,—Another car just ed. Come quick if you want Cement. HERMAN'S HAD