HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-10-04, Page 7DOOMED BY TERRORISTS'
List of Those Against Whom Death
Sentences Have Been Passed.
A despatch from St. Petersburg says:
Nearly every tnintster, courtier and
army officer whose name was even in-
thr•eetty connected with the repressions
and punitive Betimes of ttie last year is
now under t;cntcne•e of death at the
hands of - . fcr•rorists.
•the list
u. 1
•t l
• Atter \!tontine nw 1
set )au -e life is not worth an hour's
plume ,e. the ilei iinpeertaut cundemn-
& man is GeneW Alexis Ignatit•if, the
leader ref 1'tt• 4t).48neel "(.itrllint•llla" Ul•
"Star (:txairnL'er," which, though it leas
nu official status, meets regularly and
forces its counsels upon the Czar.
timelier( is a 1,ephew• of the Count
lgnatieff, popularly knoee 11 as "The Fa-
ther of I,ies,' who negotiated the San
Stefano treaty. Ale\is li.matielf is a
ferocious reactionary , and anti-Semite.
His name immediately conies up when-
ever dictatorship is suggested.
Next in irug,nrtane a is M. D,,novo,
late Minister of the interior. lie lived
in Interlaken under the rlante of Miller,
welt the that
an innocentunceut 1r
named Muller was shot dead tey a
womren Terrorist.. f7urnovo is corrupt,
uneducated anis Feiner. He is the inven-
tor of "punitive expedilions" against dis-
tontented centres of population.
Gen. fienn,•nknmpl Fr..callie renown
'hiring the late war with Japan, «here
fie cnr,rn.,nded the Cos: ac•ks without
the least success. His offence is that
he led a punitive expedition along the
. ibe•riaii Railway. shooting people with -
Ind trial whoteenle. Ile took innocent
weenie) and e\ en school girls as hos-
tagtee in his "armored train," and
threatened to shoot them if any attempt
\vas made against his safety. The
armored train '•c,nsietrd of a saloon and
four. prison inns, which were pecked
full of Hien and women of all classes,
from the cur.:lor of Tomsk University
• Ce n \iet:e r Znliomelsky has also re-
ceived a death sentence for offences
similar to lit•nnenknmf. At Khllkn he
shut eleven filen and boys without trial
or enquiry.
Governor Ktlrluff of Minsk, has been
sentenced for organizing massacres et
ons lady was conveyed by a strong
escort to the fortress of SI. Peter and
St. Paul on \\ ednesduy night.
Sl: \ti IN U1iAWA IttwIt.
Three Persons w ere Drowned on the
Steamer Maud.
A despatch from Montreal says:
Three lives were lost by u collision be-
ta een the steamers Maud and Ott,twaul
opposite Hudson, on the Ottawa River,
about .3.30 on Thursday Meriting. '1'hc
dead art-. -Maggie Benson of Oka, stew-
ardess; 11. Puw•lry of Levis, engineer,
and a passenger named Barrett t 1
Monlc•i;eltu. The Maud was so badly $100,000 FIRE AT 5IO\'Tlil:.tL.
damaged that she sank within a fe►v a Buildings in Su-
nainute; after the accident occurred. An Wipes Out Fourteen U
Su -
idea. may be formed of how quickly
burb of the City.
the water engulfed her fromthe lilt
that the engineer carne up on deck to A despatch from Muutreal says : A
set; what had happened, and then hur- flre which broke out early on \\'ednes-
ried back toet some personal effects. day afternoon destroyed 14 buildings,
Ile was not gen again. Barrett also - either partly or wholly; in S1. Louis de
ofu tl-
suburb appeared on the deck, but he rushed be- Mile End, a northern
r loosen a horse, and was caught. reul. and rendered some 30 families
rue to estimated .at
The stewardess misloek her way in the honeless. The loss is
darkness and fell into a hole caused by about $100,(100, partly covered by in -
the wreckage, and met a terrible fate, surance. The Are started in a sivall
goingheadlong into the midst of the house occupied by A. Madame Beim -
livestock. b ger. Sofia children were playing in the
The Maud was owned by the Ottawa yard shortly before, and it is supposed
Navigation Company and the Ottawun they may have started the tare acciden-
1,y the Ottawa Forwarding Company. tall)•. The (lames spread to some
The former wns coining down the river, wooden shed; and to astable in the
anthe latter going up. Apparently a� vicinity, tend by this time had made
misunderstanding arose over the signals, such headway, that the local firemen
Inc passing. so the two steamers came • were unable to cope with it, and the
together with sufficient farce to cut a g Montreal brigade responded to a call
hole into the Maud several feet deep near( Irl. assistance. Butte brigades worked
the hatchway. Twenty-five passengers i all afternoon before the fire was put
wt re aboard the Maud• bel with the ex• under 'control. A woman 85 years of
ception of Barrett all were safely trans• age was rescued from one of the burn•
feared to the Oilawan. The cargo con-
sisted of 8 horses. 30 cattle, 150 sheep
and 200 ctde'kens, all of which were lust.
The river where the accident occurred
widens out into what is called the [sake
Horticultural Socktks Will Iteeelee
Larger Governinetit Aid.
A despatch from Toronto says A
stett•n►ent ties just been completed
Mr. 11. 13. Cowan, Provincial Supetilr
Melted of horticultural Societies. show-
ing how the various horticultural
societies of the province are likely to be
affected by the new Act governing horti-
cultural societies, which was passed at
the recent session of the Ontario Legis-
lature and which will come into effect
the first of nest year. This statement
shows that, owing to the fact that the
grant to horticultural secielies has been
increased by $1,500, west oI the societies
in the province will rt•reive an iii-
creaeed grant. Only about ten societies
will have their grunts reduced to any
considerable extent. These include the
societies at Brantford. Cardinal, Stir-
ling, Deser•ontt'. Belleville, Napanee.
(:ul►ourg and Brompton. In each of
these cases the society mentioned bus
been receiving larger grants in the past
Man most of the ether societies in the
province, which accounts
crouse in their grunts.
T 1 t.11 B CE.N rIIL S.
Pikes of ('dile, Grain,
Ing houses.
Cheese and
Other tlrair_� Pro#letce at WADS
and Abroad.
Toronto, Oct. 2- Flour -Ontario wheat
90 per cent. patents are' quoted at
$..75 in Luycrs' sacks outside for ex-
pert. Alanitot;a first patents $1.40; sec-
ond patents, $3.90, and strong bakers'
$3.x0, Toronto.
Bran --Thi: market is steady at ${S.:,t+
lee hulk outside. Shoals are quute'd al
$18 to $18.50 outside.
Wheat --No. 2 white offered at 7'2;• e'
outside, with 71%c bill. No `2 ret) Win-
ter offered at +2 tic outside, wills 2t•
bid on mainline. No. 2 mixed offered
a', 71) e outside, without bids. No. 1
Manitoba hard, 7eJ ;c bid, Point Edward
with sellers at 80c track, Port Buren.
No. 1 Northern offered at 79%c track,
Pert !turret. with 79c bid, Owen Sound.
Barley -No. 2 wanted at 48,%e for 5,-
00l) bushels un a S rate to 'Fier ►tin. No.
extra tittered et is%c outside, with
44'.%e bill. while 47c was bid on a 5c
rate 10 Toronto. No. 3 offered outside
at 45%e, with 45c bid.
Oats -Five cars of No. 2 white cites
sold at 35e on a 5c rate to Toronto, and
five cars at. 35c October shipment on a
3c rale to Toronto; 31c bid on main line.
Corn -No. 3 yellow, A
r1CrIcan offer-
ed at 55%c Toronto, without bids.
Itye-No. x wanted at 65c outside,
without sellers.
Peas -No 2 wanted at 75c outside,
without sellers.
el Two \fountains. The Maud had been ; Perfornis Ceremony of Opening College
engaged in the Ottawa River trade for
twenty-ilve years. She is valued at
$10,000, and will probably be a coni- A despatch from London says: King,
plete loss. Edward, accompanied by Queen Alex-
---4.---- andra on Thursday opened the new
1 cortege at Atterdeelt. ''be city was nlag,-
TEN 1111.LlON MARKETED. ED. niflccntly decorated and visitors from
1.uhlherda Trostoff, n girl of 18 years, fureign lands weer tinntlintous in de -
escaped Inst week from Kazan City Record Number of Bushels of Wheat ' daringet that they had never seen any -
after killing! three warders and Handled by C. P. R. 1 thing; to equal the nppearnnce the city
wounding! n fourth. !title. '1'rostoff's :►s- resented. Their Majesties were ree'eiv
soclut-es outside the jail made a tuner A despatch from Winnipeg says:The P ,
under the street over three feet in ilia- . announcement was made on Thursday ed 1,y the Lord Provost o•ost and magistrates.
The former. utter prc�enteltion, handed
meter, and finally wnrked their way to I by the Canadian Pacific that this year? the keys of the city to the King, and
the floor of the girl's cell. When. at there have been delivered to the ere- the
then presented Lard Slrnthcala,
night, she atienllefe•t to escape, the roof vators on the lines of the company and
lit the lintel fell in, leaving a gap in loaded direct on cars the large total of: chancellor, and other officials of the
Wei over len million bushels of grain. Of college. Their Majesties were enthusi-
Iht roadway.\\ rt► need from outside, t astir(1]ly received en route to the college.
t -he wartier on duly rushed into the this very large total about half a nul- h asters Chancellor and i the college.
evil. and not seeing the prisoner, fired lion bushels have been of grains other! where the them. The King said it Rector
;all ►It shote of his revolver into the than wheal• i him much pleasure to open the new
tunuc4 When the six bullets were The total receipts have been consid- t buildings for the promotion of e n w
stent, \ilte Trostoff, covered with earth, erably over ten million, however, the be and higher education. Lord cit•nti-
emerg.d from the tunnel and shot the receipts of wheat alone being only 24,-1 cone then her educt a gold key to nes
warder through the head. Two other 000 bushels short of the ten -million l Bona th declared the buildings
prison officials who came in without mark. The exact figures for the season opMen, jeamid who intense enthusiasm.
g 076000
light,. she olcn shot dead, putting a so far are; es. heat marketed, ,
bullet Into the leg of a fourth, and es- bushels. other grains, 509.000 bushels.
caped into the town. The wheat movement, nevertheless is
fl! Z \R\Ila) THE POLICE. greatly restricted owing to it shortage
reeve ngrartnn disorders have broken In cars. All railroad companies in the
out in 1i1. province of Viatica, the cen- Canadian West are completely taxed lo
ire c 1 ttis'url•Hnces being tete intpnrtalt !►.,utile ordinary freight. let alone grain
disfriel of \talbirlsh. with a population iraa(fic. The wheat is in the country,
of o%'r• 100.000. where the inhabitants but owing to lack of transportation fa -
of seventy v'illeges are reported to have citifies it cannot be forwarded to the
j(-iilyd in the uprising, have disarmed lake front. The companies ennfess that • between Canada and Mexico on the
and eel e1led the preie•e. and are piling- they nre unable to adequately handle' Pacific coast was signed by the Minister
ing and destroying the residences est the present volume of grain traffic. of Trade and Commerce to -day. Under
tit • land -en -nem and dera+slating the this contract, as has been explained, an
comply. Detnls nre difficult to obtain, - - English company, represented by Capt.
ten it is rumored at \'latka that the ad- Wersnop, will put two steamers of not
nlinittrafive pollee chiefs in the Mal -ORE W1)RTIi $300,e011 A TON. less than 3,000 tons each on the route,
1:u1-11 di.•triet and eight of their saber- thus giving a monthly service. Van-
dinnles have been killed. The cxccs<Se s Gold Strike sal Wahigoon Surpasses couver and Victoria will be the terminalports in Canada. and Acapulco, Mazat-
All Previous Discoveries. September 20, with n tint over
the enrollment of army reserves for their A despatch from Wabigoon, Ont., Ian and Salina Cruz the ports of call in
nal►.nen services. stays: The gold strike in Blum's Lauren- Mexico. Canada and Mexico each con -
1) sc,rders have a'sn brt,ken out in the fern Mine surpasses in richness all prey- tribute an annuar subsidy of about $65;
aliening; district at Chistopol, in Kazan bous discoveries. The raise from the 000.
pre,vinCe. Ifirst level is now fifty feet up, and the - •
nre continues all the way as rich as
the ore on the first level, which BANK CLERK MiSSiNG.
a' rounded the world when the strike
wns made last December. A drift con-
necting the lop of the raise with the
main shell Is now being driven, in
which ntaseive gold was encountered,
and which the machine drills could not
1).•n(trute. A single blast broke down
over $15,000 worth of gold. Three-
fourths of the weight of the etre is na-
tive gold, valued at over $300,000 per
Amid Great Enthusiasm.
Pensacola, Florida, Is a Mass of
A despatch from Louisville, Ky..saye: 'tlll'� LYING IN STREETS. Tropical hurricane which on Thurs..
filen A tit :patch h'ionlutun, Ala,
day churned the waters of the, I;ulf of sa), ; ,t, few refugees front Pensacola,,
Nioxier, did Much damage un the coast Flu.,fleeing (reeve the fierce Gulf storm.
and far inland. Reports received do wItich swept that city, have reachedh011. Among them is 1). J. Ligon, t►
out indicate any lu_e of lite, but the'revelling gran. of Atlanta. w$o tells
gratphirally of the lemurs , itdured b�
the Florida port. Ligon aa)s :---"I have
just reached this point front Pensacola.
Florida, where 1 spent a horrible
night of torture, passing 1tu•oug;tl Ilio'
tercittC hurricane, which lusted for
hours. and. to add to the horror of the
Bight. tire broke out. sending sparks at
great speed over the hotel. At 3 o'clock
all Ute guests were awakened and
ordered down. Tin roofs were flying u1
all directions. The rain cants 18 sheets.
Part of the town is under water. Ship'
suffered greatly. Alt wires are down
and cars are not running. Windows
I,y the wholesale were en►nshed. and
thousands of trees are down for miles
out of -town, souse falling on the wires
nntl Freaking: I1►e same i11 hu nit% ells of
places. The entire city is a mass of
• ,
l orbusiness
wreckage. Not a to
Rouse in the city has escaped damage.
Roots are blown off, telegraph, telle-
phone, and electric wires are a sting,
glass. The writer trent is strewn with
wreckage for ,Hiles on yet piled ser ue the
e of
the city, anti vie -sets are 1
wharves, or where the wharves \.ere,
Ln utter ruin.
"When 1 was getting out of the city
1 saw great Otitis lying in the streets f
Pensacola. Tho water front is go
Ever) wheal has been destroyed. Just
before 1 Iet1 there was a report that
fuliy 50 lives had 1 ten lost in the '-toren
Ful it �e ie,•
in the navy yard district,
luihos•;ible to verify the report. 1 my-
self saw. however, litany women and
children taken from second -storey win-
dows of horses that were surrounded by
first lloor. One can
and locomotion ►.; . •
(tentage 10 properly is enorutous. Ali
wire counnuliklttiun is seriously dis-
arranged, and in some instances has
resulted in cutting off cities completely.
Nuuu'rotts wusiwute have occurred, the
interruption from this cause in .one
t ri•t • miles.
case exlending, try t
Pensacola, where the utaximuin velo-
city of the. �' iud was pr•ubably felt, re-
ports a property loss of $3,000,000.
New (Means fur•uislied nuntcrous wild
ru►uurb during the day, but later reports
front there indicate Ilial, while there
was considerable dunnage to property,
there has been no los., 01 hie. \\ wee be-
tween New Orleans and 010 bull are
down, and it may be several cls): l,e-
Euro anything can be heard front the ter-
• „ d
c r that G
c w cl
ritory • b t Y
r1t �
or front the shipping which is riding out
the storm in the open gulf.
The damage to railroads is heavy.
Reports to the officials of the Louisville
and Nasheitle Road from the superin-
Beans-Hand-picked selling at $L75 1 lendent of the Mobile and Alontgemery
$1,80; and princes at $1.110 to $1.70. di%ision indicated that the loss appro`i-
lLoney--Stralnetl tinny quoted at 10 to inatee $1,ti00,004).
At Pensacola the Louisville anal
ilc per ib. and combs at $2 per dozen. t�tashv elle grain elevator has been de -
Hops -NPs quoted at 20c, and ,gentle sire t (1 and the tracl:ug;e to Fscarh►t►ia
sates of choice reported at higher fig,- Bay) is ruined. '1'lte railroad wharf at
Hay -Car lots of No. 1 timothy are Pensacola is reports ipoitede that the roa 1.
quoted at $9.:10 to $+10 on track, '1'0- bct,•iiI1ler Uehvicen t5finellc, Ala., and \tobilt•.
1•asto, end No. 2 at $8.
Straw -$G per ton. n distance of 30 utiles, has bcerr washed
Potato's -'They are quoted at 75 to away.
85c per bag in quantities. The Louisville and Na-hville also
Poultry -Turkeys, fresh killed, 12 to suffered several washouts near New
14c; chickens, 9 to tic per lb. alive, Orleans. 'rite New Orleansand
dc North -
ducks, alive, 10 to 110 per Ib. eastern reports its trucks un
several plaices near New Orleans.
Contract Signed by Minister - Two
Vessels for Route.
A despatch from Ottawa says : The
contract for a direct steamship service
rolls ere quoted a t `21
- cu
tc 22c; tubs, 18 to ��i51'ye Id at ll'1 to
t) 20c. Creamery p to `L(
25c, and solids at 22%z
Eggs -Good stock brings 19c per aluz-
cn. and splits 13c.
Cheese -They are quoted at 133 to
14c, the ]utter for twins.
POISON FOR 1'01 Ji .
A +itch from Moscow snys: A man
cilgntledl n policeman in conversalinn
Tuesday. and gave hint n pear. Alter
eating 11 the policeman become dang er-
o: t+Iv i11. poison having been inserted
in tl►e fruit.
An tel-tr••ce�esfel attempt wns made at
ble1-ingfe.r•s nn 'I'uesdty to wow up the
po'ice reserve barracks. One than was
slightly enured. There is no clue to
the cr•irninala.
A desl,nle•h front St. Petersburg says :
Further disquieting information regard -
tog the etgraritan situation comes frons
the free ewes of Semler and Tambov
and the lower \'utg;a region. where ser-
ious disorders are anticipated when the
rcee uilingt Ce';a•11n •tpena in °end 'r. The
populations of n,•:ny communes have
adopted for•rnal resolutions discarding
• ty1tt aillhorit of the police and clergy,
the rural pulit: are resigning in gnat
111101 ei s. tend e,w tiers are disposing of
their estates at any sacrifice end land
e ;, :1t s have droFpeeb from gi to 8I e
tet r
:gee Details of the uprising at
elannei.l,. Vintnke Province, ere diffi-
cult to e•I t,tin. Ful the pt'asnntry c►t the
Village of Knage,rt,tlek have disarmed
the I,olit a rand t.,rt,t•luitncd iutietomy.
lnlnr►natinn wns given on "t'liursday
• In„t t.►e gets (;.:+,. etoesse'l. who eom•
mended the Russian forces at Port
Attlee-. ten 1'�:e►retley tub►nitled his re-
signation heel the army. 1t is under-
stood that it will be acceptor. The re-
t<ignat'on is snld to have been due to
the initiative et Emperor Nicholas, who
expressed his a%*iiim to any further
discussion of the suleject in open court.
ANO'TIII11 P1.01' AT 1'ETEIIIbo11F.
. despatch to the London 'Times
!rein tit, E'etcreburg says that nnuther
not has been ehseeev erect at Pct'r•hott
•tg;nhu;t the hfc of the Czar. A mysteri•hke.
Officials Confer With Premier Regarding
Immigration Work.
A despatch from Ottawa says : Co).
I.atnb. Commissioner t: ,uml►cs and FM tirnis hnve cnlltr acl�tl with
Brigadier ier Howell, of the Salvation '•-��'.'-� \tiinimttnt of 2'/, ('teats per Mile East of
Array, 'lave :mitred in Ottawa to con- ' EN1WF1Ltat ttitI4 K CAl't:1HT. LIVE STO(1 \L\i1KE TG. (;er►nan companies for the n,nnufaeteire 11littois.
ter w flit Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the ---
-- Tnronlo. Oct. 2.--'I'rnde wns active of fitMi nhotor 'busies.
e e interior in reference to c Manager of ��'am- s Tial fcntures at the I''►r' Ute first ime since 1903 the Rank A de patch from ChiCr;g;n says: The
Minister of the Relented Capture ,t U vrithnut tan)' . pt of England hos sold bar gold to United Central 1'asee'nf(ct' As4oe Latton at n book was afterwards found ffonlutg; m
we in Great
of the Army's e Lamle
ho tole (:un►paart) in foliate western \hikr Io -day. (' nl al l' 'I''ngel' e festa td to pal .ti
the Teens. A are signal bunk wns
work in chief
Britain. lgr io nhti who 1 \\Ex ,t,rters were offered in limited States purchasers.
0 1 Ottawa �`ee - : 11. \\'. 1 three I •. tenons, the cruisers Shan- effect �uvt'luT►er 1, a two-andtt-half- lost at Portsmouth some years ago. It
is the chic( of the emigration depart- A dt'defnih tr n - n,hlnlerra. Quutalinns retitled from $4.30 y f w•as stoltel by a sailor, vibe look it
Horned antral nnann eta c,! flu• \\'. h. n1 d sell al non, Mauritania and Adriatic, were cent rate in all its limiter east of lite
front of the Arany. has just r prick. def g t- n Slide l.e �i>ln,ure hoe
e , r � Company of I , , h. l ►ntari,,, to :1:1..►f1. but cntlle w•hirh w rl innnchcd from British shipyards Lester- Holes in w 1lirli the k ashort. And 1,1rne(1 if in n fit n lrmp►•r
from the \.she examined
and British Colutn- \\atlt,c►!c ! the higher tigitlrs' were tined to (incl. not tiltc:uiy naj1rle n maximum ruse of over w.hnl h� r,,,,-i,1,in•(1 111 0! enrily
Fin. wheat: he examined localities soil- who di,,al►1►r:►re,l on Jul) let Inst, het:,day.
according,out, been ttrnet. ►n a h cattle we're in tni/ly� active UNITED y;"I':\''f:5. Iwo coin,. I'ltis iuvulvee; ,r lowering
o •vpu' plea -h,,, nt lhnt Fuel been in•
w►le for the settlement to s d to this Japato t.►1111 iht Oilerdate p,trticllg er talc. mirth meted on two.
r Ain i expect send to this Ja an. The deteel ie said to h.t�c Lthe to PS. d.medium
Choice picked
butchers'. 83365 seventeen were killed in race riot:, at Tee Vnneaie l:e from which the pre
wit ,res the Pof the Uhio lii�t:r :end ��+ �! of �)rucea
country during the coming year. tont'! by a delcclive employed t y the ft.20: mixed and Cows. 51.75 10 Atlanta. (in.. on Snturday.,liner : _ v. - ',Mt book has ►:yen lust, is a ))' end-
r♦�� broug t bac t ''11'41. Co. I1, will be t r� Nt;r�[;?c. clays cruiser of 5,750 tons.
terra ht back fur lr;al. sE3.' .fret cuss, g3.a(1 to $e3.:►(1; connnlnrt, man was found Inl New York on i Saler,
K 52 In 113.10 per ctrl.
GROW'. [t OF 'PHONE 5i1"S'I ia1S. ' A loving hear) will nr+ke a thought• - ---�
}---�-- Gone stockers v�'+re qunl.•tl nt $'.75 to day. ►M'AN'S MiI.i.IONR.
c►e•tl: ABROAD FOtI CLLR. $.1.25: feeders, 1.000 to 1.21M+ ibs, at 143.25 Deland. son of e! Ahs who found 111) head. good Inikt�r one must first
Three Hundred .�pplirntion� Flied With !t
In $3.51); short -keeps. 54.15 It) $1.56: iced• Jncobs, of \\'ilkestutrre, y Ir. To be how• to l a ter listrrtc�r. R,,gift f4g�,rre's on the imputation of
Commis.-ion.1.00(1 to 1,400 rigs 51.75 to a purse containing $,2,000 in 110.rne • one Jt,pan margo the total oboe! 5041010
(Juan 1. 1, are Benin Prepared tor hint dug( bulls,v nhhabte papers worth 52,1Kx), was co- yisteces. Is utter tnilurr . i( nrhi«^t e I
A d'spelch from Ottawa says . A� $ttt..',tl per cwt• by the xaerilh•er of morel principle.
g rine,re' than that of ilei' ltnitl:;h fates. at Hilarrili' 1 mules sold at �5 00 to x';.10: t•tt-Ps at warded by the owner with S2•
indicating the growth of the tclephnne , Al to k.10:. r: s at It is rel►or'1e'd at U1lttth that Mrs. Alice \\'hnl we g101 from the wu11t1 'le'g►'rnti Ito isn, aLe►ur 1.5+>r►,lirr), Osaka h1A,(100,
ti !e4 to 13i..►t► but k'< nt ! and Ihe'rn ere twenty o+t►t�r cines with
In Canada, 11 (:ay o u,ii slo . ,t di'�pan the the ofoh„ co Paris from 1 P3.5 to $$ es iloosevrIt ted at•orttl will r•tlapt'ron ns 1g}►nn stent w,� g,►ire I., i1.
To -
ftailwn • (:nlltrnixsinn. [linrrilr.. on Bay Ilisct►y, ra)'. tlaat . were steady to flutter, a $•p ►art of uunK sc►Cicty anrnrtt un a In•:tr �'h' meisl ttrttere,lig;,g l nee:, t„ h !,1 r litre Ilion�(► i�Se►,r0.lisnnstit •rnustml,evttir.l'en
secretarytit of the 3
s t since the Act of last srssinn guar:ere nre being; prepared there for, cw•t' t' ffrin for hunt near the town of (lency, on Ilia in this w. ,,1 ►,, 8 ,,,:,eggs , ue:�;ei1a:. P weltered
slides that ^ , a
ri tinder the url4dic- [:nipPrnr Nicholas and flee+ ltuss,an 1n►-' The mre.rkM sec straely i llc n:.,► ,+,,t.•s 1n t•+• ,,,,,je•�r .i art I c•.•.tl t , t h.ogr sect's sons net
placing Irle.phon 1
Mitt gnat family. who wall soot join the web ems. al R:5 in $.'ec) „,,,•it. Western Me surety flange. the latter par ell• a :►.:s ' fief e•• 1► -►et• a 11i .,,b Pit! her (a►1•►naes. 'I hr Itrered
noon of the then
there have t ( Duke le elicheelnvitch ut w t►lei titer nr,ev hes a pth
fewer Utr1n 3r K1 ng�plicnlic,ns filed inc (;ran,( i) nhe A Hoge were 1ilfner and a»,•ltringtctil at of October. f t,.•1 �ut1r n►t•t►11s o,ifr:l,r )+„rr an,►ii,' (.�:rt►�1•..
new lines, e\leosiors, crossings and the and his family. who reciinlr arrived at $t6.!i0 for selects, and $6.•.5 for Ilgthts 1 e.�laleDol�rfhinR TroytnMille.rneebn�,an �o wjj11e• a.ant� mill un )e•err meat' 4.
p::luli�,►t est nes:,Fly 4'r),'K1t1,0+(J•
13►ut t tits l he re 1,, t't is nut credited hen. and tats.
Bacon -Long, clear, 12%c per Ib. in
case lots; mess pork, $22 to $22.50; short
cut, $24.50.
(lams -Light to medium, 16c; do heavy
15c; rolls, 12%e; shoulders, 11% to 12c;
backs, 17% to 18e; breakfast bacon, 15
to 16c. ails
Lard -Tierces, lty,c; tubs, it%C; p
Montreal, Oct. 2. -Grain -Holders Of
outs are loth to accept recent figures,
and are demanding; a further advance.
Buyers ere conceding 3Sc Inc No. 4 store,
39c for No. 3. end 40c for No. 2, and sol;
tors are asking firm prices. Flour --
Manitoba spring wheat, $4.40 to $4.50;
strong bakers', $3.90 to $4; Winter
wheat patents, $4 to $4.10; straight rol-
lers. $3.80 to $3.90; do in bags, $1.75
to 51.80; extreis, $t.50 to $1.60. Forel
-The condition of the market for mill -
feed is unchanged; demand continues
goad at firm prices, but supplies are Jule, 1eJ05; and front the United States.
Manitoba bran In begs. $20; of Sandusky, Uhto, were asphyxiated still scarce;in a gas tank at the i lilbury oil fields
shorts $2:3 per ton; Ontario bran in
n Saturday. 4,969, an increoGe of 1,8.'3t;. 'Titus the
bags. $19 to 519.50; shorts $22 to $22.1e0;In lis third report the Hydro -electric Intl arrivals were 18,176, as against
mil d niouille, 521 to $25 per ton. and 1'uwer frrrunlssinrt recommends the 12,214 in July hest year.
traig.ht rollers. $28 to $29. Provisions c;overntnent to retain all water powers The total number of homestead,174 en -
not yet leased, tries during the month was 4,174, an
The money stoien from the Bank of increase of 423. 01 the total nunitrtr..of
Commerce at Kinistino, Snsk., was hc:mesta'1lders, 742 were Cnnadirn! Train Should the signal hook of the Vin -
found under the stairs in the bunk Ontario. 79 from Quebec, 97 Canadians dnctice not be recovered, it is prnhat►le
building on Friday. returned from the United States.
h ,212
rr that the whole or most of the secret
A. P. iCetchen, editor of the Northwest
Alleged Robbery oI Twenty-five Thou-
sand Dollars.
A despatch from Montreal says : A
report has been sent to the police head-
quarters that a clerk of the head office
of the Bank of British North Anterice
has not been at his post this week, and
thnt his accounts show a ahortage of
$25.000. Supreme efforts ere being made
to keep the affair from the public. and
:;n far nothing official can be obt/tined.
either from the bank or the police. ex-
cept the bore admission of the defalca-
tion. The nisent clerk's name is natur-
ally used in this connection. 11 is sup-
posed that he left. fearing exposure by
the annual inspection.
Newmarket Mother Is iaud In kr
Praises of the Great Con-
sumption Preventative
"My son Laurence was taken d4' 11
with Pneumonia, ' says .i:, s. A. 0. 1•'i,her,
of Newmarket, Ont. " 1 wo doctors at.
tended hide. 11, lay for three months
almost like a dead child. His lungs
becatne so swollen, his heart was pressed
over to the right side. Altogether 1 think
we paid 5140 to the doctors, and all the
time be was getting worse. Then we
commenced the Dr. Slocum treattnent.
'lite effect was wonderful. We saw a
difference in two days. Our boy was soon
strong and well."
Here is a positive proof that Psycbine
will cure Pneumonia. But why wait till
Pneumonia coaxes. It always starts wills
a Cold. Cure the Cold and the Cold will
never develop into Pneumonia, nor the
Pneumonia into Consumption. The one
sure way to clear out Cold, coot and branch
and to build up the body saw that the Cold
won't come back is to use
(Pronounced Si -keen)
50c. Per Bottle
Lasser Naga SI and S2 -all druggists`
DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto.
The Naval Code May Ilave to be
Changed at Enormous
slater alcove the rs
Hardly' describe the sten'- ill the grill- Accenting to book reliable
nf uiser i ma(iofl the prin-
cipal streets. They are lull of wreckage endo Signa. t o
g ,ln►ee�t impossible." tire, now at Sheerness, has been lost.
The book ce�ntains the private signals
of the Channel fleet, Hutt its loss 13
seen, N.J., on Sunday, Patrick T. Healey not only a halter of profound import-
ance to the navy, but to the British Em-
clair, were drowned. The boat was up- 1,11.0.
set accidentally by Patrick while in the
The sailor who had charge of the
act of sneezing,. nook under the supervision of an ottd-
Arrayed in (lowing; robes and high cer has been arrested, and so much im-
white turbans, Amar Singh and Copal portanee is attached to the affair that
Singh, his cousin, bath pure`' blooded the fare of both ollicers and crew has
Ilirdoos. arrived at Harvard on Limitis-iebeen entirely stopped. Divers are now
Our Own atnd dttyand regtistcredas students at work searching for the missing book.
Trkgraplrl•: Briefs From
llarrnrci Graduate schroi. They are the 1! Is understood that the man under
Other Countries of Recent ilrsI, fait-bloee1led nollea 1tindoos plat arrest declares that he Is tired of the
Occurrence. have ever attended liurrurd, service and that be threw 1hc, book
GL:NEIIAL. overboard when the midshipman was
CANADA. not looking, in order that he might be
Q00 far dismissed from the navy.
Thief of Police Gut yen of Deseronto Argentina wil1 spend $`29,00, VALUABLE 1300K.
has been appointed Chief (:un: table u[ , Wa Snakeship� and wild animals killed 2i,034
Sudbury. These secret signal books of the fleet
The directors of the Western Fair at persons in 111(110 in 1004.
London anticipate a surplus estimated A Chinese 1111g1e1'lal �' ufco » �,n1 orders lite ;ant urn ine to af ly girl t power vw ithttwhi h
I suppression of the ase P
froru $6,000 to $8,000.
3' {abcercrs A revolulinn is fetlrcd in ?Mexico. nnel (fl k wellBritain
t hey haveata very
trod -ca► eters ane builder
are of strike at F.dmontnil for uu eight- 10,000 ellen are snid to t.e ready to take l,ie.al commercial carne and that the
hour day arfd $2.50 «ages. up the insurgent cause. Secret Service agents of foreign Govern -
The C.I'.p. steanher �laitcngle was menu, who ere always to be found in
�tlrivean ashore during, a hurricane at INCRFA 61. i\ Itt1111:(ta'f10\l, the neighborhood of naval stations, will
Hong Kong. ""' pay enormous sinus to obtain posses -
Fire in the plant of the Canadian Oil Returns front► July Indicate C.onsiderstble cion of one.
Company, Limited, Toronto, did nearly Advance. In evidence given I,efure a Royal f:om-
51t10,00)) 800 mie on Saturday. Ades nkh from Ottawa says: lrnmi- mission a few years ago it v,•us stated
posses -
About 8ct0 tCoiiip are on strike at the ,nation pato Canada for the month of
that France spent $:,aMl.00n a year on
Crow's Nest Conmpany's mines of Coal F, her Secret Service, and it is e:et1•krinwn
Creek, refusing to work with non-union July shows a considerat►le Increase over that Secret
spentl� twee. this, seen
men. the immigration for July, 1905. There � annually, and Russia an ohuost equally
1+f r. J. J. Haggerty and Mr. '{'homas arrived through ocean ports, 13,207, an large amount.
s fated iner'rtse of 4,096 over the arrivals tor age signal books are guarded with •
the greatest care. At the chiee of e?ich
watch the officer of lite watch must
satisfy himself that the Look is sate,
and his relief's first duty is to verify
this. During the watch the warrant
oMeer Ls responsible to the lieutenant
for its safekeeping. •
Barrels short cut mess $22 to $24; halt
bbls., $11.15 tcu$1h.50vyci clear
$23.50; long
halt barrels., $10.75; dry salt long deer
bacon, 123, to 12%c: barrels Plate beef,
$lk to $t13; half bhls do.,
$6.50 to $7;
barrels heavy tucks beef, *11; halt beds.
do.. 56: cempnund lard. 8 10 (1 ,t'; pure
lard. 11% to 12c• kettle rendered, 12% In
13e; hams, 14% to 16e; hreaktast lateen,
15% to 16%e; Windsor bacon. 16%e;
fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs. $9.-
75 alive, $6.75 to $�90 per
1100 Ms. Eggs
--About 21 in 213,-• Nn.
to 18 ye. Buller --('huicest creamery,
Faltcd (111(1 uncalled. 3: to 24c; r110edi' and the health officers are taking; pre -
22 Y to 2323%.. (:heese- On-
tariu, 13 to 13% Quebec. 12% to 13c. cautions to prevent a spread of fever.
c; I.ow water at the Chaudfere is still
t,nusing difficulties to mnnofachn'ers
around Ottawa. The Rooth and Eddy
establibl,nirnts have had to close parts
of their winks.
Nor9ern. e. a c; s floe; Judice Magee. Inventing at the
to 79e: Dee., i5e• esked. !lye fir►, 1,
'� Burley --Nn. 2, 55e; sntn• \\ hit1y (hall assizes. tntd the Grand Jerry
ft to ft3,,e. 'i that the Irani) nuisance way ail evil that
pie, ass to 5tc (:urn --Vo. 3, cash, i6 , i
to S0';c; Dee.. 433,c. )Pint he severely dealt with by (110
St. Louis, 0,'t. 2. -Wheat --Cash, 73c: authorities.
Sept., 70%c; Dec.. 7'2 e; May. 77e. (TREAT R1tl'l'tlN.
Farmer, will shortly .succeed h. B. of we i.;l(r.r Iro+tns•st'aders from the
H+►neylnan as Deputy \ttni,tet• of .\g;ri- United Steee.:1(4* :ur'i were, fr+►m North
culture in Saskatchewan. f)al,ola. There sat, n tit , re'nsr of 320.-
'1 ue mineral production of t;anad:; fur feel) acres en the area pate•iil'd during the
1905, as shown by the geological report, mt,nth, as compared with July, 1f105.
is plated at $68,571,707, an increase of
$1,500,00(1 over the previous year.
Seventeen eases of typhoid fever have INSURE .tl.l,
been reported at Hamilton in two weeks,
Canadian Pacific Adopts a New Scheme
Arnr,•;,',tns, 625 ola English, 128 o c , �� cc,de's in use throughout the fleet would
[r esti, as1(1 :lir Hollanders. have 10 be recast -at an enormous cost
of time and tenor and grave inconveni-
ence to the navy.
lfilwauhte. Oct. 2.-\\ I,r•�,t No,
1 8l No.2 +pit rthe•rn 75
- -First Time on Record.
A tleupnlch from Winnipeg says:
The .:.P.n. inaugurated on Wednesday
n scheme by which every pound of
freight or express on its lines is in-
stil -ed. claiming the di11inclton of the
iteet move of the kind in the railroad
w or1d.
l.lMElt n\I1.4\AV IIt7I•:S.
The sea lords attach great importance
to tenehtng young officers the use of
signals and their recognition without
recourse to the hook. It usually takes
r 10811 n very long time ltd learn to read
n conversation by Hags at sight. It
the signals are altered, it is obvious
that an entirely fresh study will be
rieettt•d and that all will have to 1.0
trotted aures.
11 is a striking testimony to the high
efficiency and loyally of the fleet that
thefts of signal books are almost un-
known. When they have Leen taken,
it has been, as a rule, to gratify a petty
spite en the part of a thoughtless sea-
man. who believed lie could thus annoy
his ntlirers. A ce•nnnan who tampers
tvilh a n[sek I.►)s hhn
t ► n long;sig101al111 oef tasted ,nrn'nselft. open
Ttie battleship Prince Giee•ge lees( her
r.ignal look over Iwo years ego. The