HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-10-04, Page 6HEALTH
The normal child is a slumberous ani-
mal by nature's design. If he does not
sleep soundly the whole night lhruugh
for eight to ten hours, he is not well
and should be examined to determine
the curse.
A wakeful and nighlfytng baby is,
nine lanes ort of ten, a badly fed baby.
His wakefulness and hits crying are
the calls for relief of a priorly digesting
eiwuach and bowels. 1'he food is giv-
en loo often or in too great quantity,
or it is of poor quality; and this may
be the case when the baby is nourished
In the natural way as well as when it
1s fed from a eultle.
In older children disturbed rest may
be due 10 a variety' of causes. Inson•
nia 1s very rare in children, but start -
Ing in the sleep, screareing, and crying
with terror are not uncommon. A child
who suffers from these eight -terrors is
not well.
It Is sometimes very -difficult to deter-
mine the cause, but there always is a
cause, and it should be patiently hunt-
ed for un!ll fouird. The search should
not be limited to the child, for the fault
may bo that the bedclothes are too
heavy, or not warm enough, or the room
may be "stuffy," or sometimes It is
simply too dark. The child wakes toe
a second, while turning over, perlinus:
and finding himself surrounded by
Egyptian darkness, is filled with terror
and shrieks.
Ind gcstion may be a cause of dis-
turbed sleep in the child as well as In
the adult, and It should he remembers 1
that this indigestion may re.sido in the
htte.stine, while the stomach perform,
It; functions with faithfulness and regu-
One of the first signs of disease et the
spine, the hip, or some other joint. is
a night cry. and the possibility of some
beginning trouble In the bock or hip
should be borne In mind.
The presence of "adenoids" interfer-
ing with a proper supply of air to the
lungs nlny be a disturber of sleep, ani
se may be latent ear -disease, the night
ache of a decayed tooth, or even stone
in the bladder.
Sometimes night-terrors ere a pure y
nervous affection like epilepsy, and
sometimes they persist, like a bad habit,
after the existing cause hu been re-
moved or has disappeared of Itself.
The child who cries out In the night
That sounds good, doesn't tt T
Never a cold or a cough but always
peslaetly well and hearty.
You could be like that with a tittle care and
Keep it in the house and use it at the slightest
dam of an approaching cold or cough.
It positively cures Colds. Coughs. Croup. Whooping Coapt, Asthma
and all Throat and Lung troubles.
A pure vegetable syrup. Your druggist keeps it and recommends
Pities. 115 cents.
Midland Railway)
The Best Route In the Old Country
for Comfortable Travel and
Picturesque Soenery,
Between Liverpool and Landon
(St. Pancras) and principal towns and
holiday resorts in the British Liles.
er.akfa•t, Luncheon and DlnIng Oars
Send stamp for set 111.1 Irated Post Cards.
Apply for Guides. 'Iimetablos, Mapl, uto., to
the Company's Pas;ginger Agents, xletlrs. T.
took At ion. 243 :and 1200 Broadway, and 649
Madison Ave., New York, sand 4, Messrs. •rho;'
Meadows & Co., 87 Beaver it., London, Keg.,
Midland Agents for Freight '1raeie, for freight
rates to all parts of Oreat Britain.
W. GUY URANKT, (sueratisrauager.
Will sell by public Auction, 50 head
et High-class Ayrshire Cattle, also Agri-
cultural Implements, etc., property of
Hon. W. Owers, River Side Farm,
should not be shaken and scolded, or Montebello, Que., on C. P. Ry. North
if the cause is nervous, this will only Shore Line, between Montreal and 01 -
make the trouble worst; and it there
is a physical cause for the trouble It taws. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp.
should be sought for and remedied.
Why are so many girls of to -day
fagged and sallow, with disfiguring lIt-
tle line, about the eyes and mouth,
and tired, dicontented-looking faces?
Incense they do not know how to rest,
and they tax their powers of endurance
to breaking point. sirls and women
who lend busy lives all the year i" and
should mslie up their minds to rest for
the first part of their holiday. Lie on
the beach or in a hammock in the or-
chard, and leave your reading and
sewing for a few days. Judicious lott-
ing Is often more beneficial than any
Cleanliness Is the greatest es-ent of
In the care of the skin. For the clean --
Ing bath, water as hot as can be burn:
is bast, and a good soap should be free-
ly applied with a moderately stiff bulh-
brush. if the water is at all hard a Is
veli to soften it by the addition of a lit-
tle ammonia or borax. A quick spong-
ing of the entire body with cold water
should follow, in order to cause the
pores reel o.ed by the heat to contriet;
and the drying should he accomplished
by brisk rubbing with a coarse 'ow'd.
These are more often caused by 111 -
noes, cure. or anxiety than by the con-
traction due to various expressions, and
in general these wrinkles can he made
to dtsuppear, when the anxieties are
dispelled and health restored. by care-
ful attention to diet, cleanliness and
outdoor exercise. Whatever tends to
promote t)te general health, to in'reeee
Ilse depoets of fat in the skin tissues
of the fete. will help to obliterate lllles
and wrinkles, and restore Iirm:lees and
twenty 10 the skin.
October 17, 1906
Send for live stock catalogue.
Ilderton, One
SOLITAIRE and Three -
Stone Diamond Rings are
the most favored of all finger
adornments — especially as
engagement tokens.
In both styles Diamond
Hall has particularly attract•
ive values at $25,00, $50.00
and $100 00.
These would cost you
considerably more were we
not Canada's largest import.
ing gem;dealers.
Dr„y w a pedal regi era ere will
rood yew Awe of Aerie our large illy.
ner.J •wJJ.rws,
Rya BiO5Liatul
People :mitering from thein LIGHT (:,'ISE FOR GREY (Lilts.
8%uid much ,handing, should rest Professor Bouchard, at a meeting of
the leg, frequently by lying down,' the Academy of Science the other day,
and. ellen silting, should, it pnesible.1 announced that Roentgen rays annihil-
ated while heirs. There is little (helotrfet�e the feel; but moderatewalkingex-
Meese should not be given up, os the about It, Stunt' doctors who rrnpinyc(1 it
niuseidar action of the leg in walking giving X-rays to patients suffering fr nt
I. Ireful in preventing the tendenev 10 i lupus and other complaints found t:eir
enlarged reins, \When the veins are own hair reverting to its natural col er
swollen a bandage or an clastic itock- and that of the sufferer as well. 11 tit.
ing wast be worn. flrst noticed in the ease of a ;canal)
whose ninnstnrhe land Turned white.
The pint le might dire lly under the
influence of the rays reclined its or,.
,\'ash merle parsley well chop it, end Rinne golden hoe. The question was
with 11 fill two small bags made of sift whether itis sensational discovery Wet
muslin, each about the size of n crown a real practical application. Pr deeeee
piec', or rather larger, and sate thein Rnu'hard say:: "Yes; undoubtedly —
up. Have a soul••plate of cold water only the refs must be given by ex rrrl
e' hand. Lay the hags, after moisten- creed pructitio'rcrs."
fol; in water, ripen each eye the sufkr-
(r. must be lyiug don). \\'hen the bag
grows wenn, coal: it for in few minutes
in the water, and apply again,
1111: GI'.e l\\INI'.
'Venni--"1 hear your son tr going
in far a literary cnreor."
Mrs. hl eanier--"les; he started this
very neo; ming."
A•rurn "Indeed. ,What has he done?"
efts. Dre,Imer- ''Ile sat for les photo-
graeli in Iwo post•, one where he's
n'aieng a I•ook, and another with his
Now resting en his hared."
t'ike.e were Iyer. In days of oId
'I he boarder.: to repel;
We tint e to -day a different way,
The prune docs just as well.
.-_,._ _lrlttm
Peasants do Much Good Hand Work—
Result Is Few Factories.
Sweden is the home of the handicrafts
In addition to manual training taught
io schools, the most exquisite hand
weaving, lace making, brass work,
et en pottery, is done by the peasant.,.
Each district has its otvn patterns,
which the peasants make and wear,
deeming it unpatriotic to have aught
to do with patterns of other localities.
Beciul -e of the handicrafts Sweden has
not many textile factories, although
there are sumo where conditions of
tvork are, for the most part, good. The
people, however, are encouraged to
continue hared weaving and to )told to
their titne !timbre(' industrial customs
rather than to take the risk of a dis-
turbed economic order due to a mar-
ket glutted with shoddy trash. In
al: Sweden there are to -day only about
ten thousand factories of all kinds, em-
ploying in all a little more than 265,000
workmen—not a great number out of
a total population of more than 5,000,000.
Rapid Progress Being Made in the Con-
struction of G. T. P.
"Canada will have a remarkable rail-
way when the Grand Trunk Nellie is
built," is the statement which was made
recently by Mr. Collingwuod Schreiber,
chief consulting engineer to the Can-
adian Government.
"I have just come front the West,
where I have been Inspecting the por-
tion of the line from Winnipeg to Ed-
monton. I drove the entire distance
of the route from Portage la Prairie to
"The surveyors have found a splen-
did line. It is practically straight, and
the Maximum grade to the eastward is
four -tenths of one per cent., and west-
ward five -tenths.
"As the Grand Trunk Pacific people
expect to do about as well through the
mountains from Edmonton to the Pace
fie, and es the national transcontinent-
a' surveyors have medically secured
these grades all the way from Winni-
peg to the Atlantic, there Is no doubt
tlse line will be the best of all the trans-
continental lines, and cahable of the
n.ost economic administration end hand-
ling the greatest amount of traffic at
a rninhntun cost.
"By autumn there will bo over a hun-
dred mtles of the line west of Winni-
peg railed. and there is little doubt the
read will participate in the hauling of
the crop next year. The settlers aro
going In with the road. Their shacks
were seen dolling the prairie for the
whole distance from Portage la Prairie
tc Edmonton.
"The company has sixteen surveying
parties working to the west of Edmon-
ton through the mountain's. The con-
tractors are encountering s,Ytie diflicul-
Iv in getting labor. Howev,4', there is
ere doubt the road will be built in a
very short time."
"Why were you so nervous when you
were giving your evidence in the wit-
ness box?" asked Rose.
"The man who was cross-examining
me was one to whore 1 was once en-
gaged end threw over. Oh, it was ter-
rible! I was afraid Ile would ask me
my age out of spite, and I had never
been on oath before."
A Pill for Generous Eaters. --There are
many persons of healthy appetite end
peor digestion who, after a hearty meal,
are subject to tench suffering. The
food of which they hove partaken lies
like lead in their steeled's. 11e;atlar'the,
(1': ression. a smothering feeling inllt,ty,
One so nlllictel Is unlit for hu.sine.,s
or work of any kind. In this condition
I'ermelee's Vegetable Pine will bring
relief. They will assist the assimilation
of the ailment, and used according to
direction will restore heellhy diges-
"De you think that man who lied :1
n ride In hit Feely for eighty year:
could have enjoyed anything Ilke gond
health"' "No. i imagine he would feel
only sew -sew."
snnligbt soap 1. better than other soaps,
but is beet when used in the Sunlight way.
Buy sunlight soap and fellow directions.
(:hineee students are still going to
Japan in ever increasing numbers. nt
the rat' of ,rO) or 600 a Month. The
Iola) number has already renehed mer
1S.0r0. Several schools which have
Leen recently started itt Tokio are speci-
ally fair these students. The snidest
measure, are now being adopted by the
Chinese Minister at Tokio and the Ja-
panese authorities to control these
young amen, the Minister having i' en
in.trn hens 10 all that they mast re -
emit !heir hon,' nrelress and their an-
cestry In,l,, the Ihitd generation as well
as their Japanr'se address, SO that he
may at nay time be able to deal with
them it:40.uhutlly if oceasion arises;
aril the Japanese have them closely
lander melee surveillance,
It don't tnkn a fast young loan long
to distance hie income.
\1e I",.., s as yet only pretty vague
data as to the average duration of flash-
y of lightning. Faraday thought he
could fix it at a se'ond, Dufor clahned
that the flashes of lightning were In-
stantaneous, and that their rapid sue
cession gave the illusion of one flash
of a certain duration. Herr Schmidt
has just been devoting himself to a
series of observations, employing a dl -k
of ten centimetres diameter, bearing up -
or. a black ground a white cross, the
arms of which were two millimetres
across, the disk being set in motion by
clockwork with a speed of fifty to six-
ty revolutions a second. At certain
flashes the cross appeared a single
time, very distinct; the duration of
lightning was, therefore, inferior to the
tune of revolution of the disk, which
w•,uld represent about the fiftieth of a
sec lid. In more numerous eases the
cross appeared two or three times, or
even more, but with a decrcasii g lum-
inous intensity; the lightning had there-
fore lasted during several revolutions
of the disk.
Does. fit
Doe sn't
Pen -
has the soft
warm feel
the skin enjoys.
Doesn't itch.
Made for men, wo-
mon and little folks,
in a variety of styles,
fabrics and prices.
We authorize every dealer ie Pea -Angle
Underwear to replace, at our cont, any
garment leaky is material or making,
Adolf, an Austrian artisan, adored
Anna, an aristocrat.
Anna adored Adolf.
Another aristocrat, Alfred, an ambas-
sador, adored Anna.
Anna abhorred Alfred.
Alfred addressed Anna, admitting ad-
miration. •
Anna assumed amazement.
Alfred adjured Anna.
Anna admonished Alfred.
Alfred adopted ngressiveness.
Alfred's audacity alarmed Anna.
Alfred attempted abducting Anna.
Arena, afraid and agitated, acquainted
Adilf accused Alfred.
Alfred, angered, abused Adolf aw-
Adolf answered Alfred.
Alfred attacked Adolf.
Anna, aghast, aided Adolf.
Adolf and Anna almost annihilated
Alfred abdicated absolutely.
Anna accepted Adolf.
Adolf and Anna abruptly absconded.
abandoned Austria altogether, arrived
at Antwerp, and always abided abroad
An old farmer, who had a perfect
hatred of Imes and tax -gatherers, was
once rolled upon by a collector a second
tinge for taxes already paid, but the re-
o-ceipt for which the had mislaid, and as
he narrated the story to a friend, ire re-
marked : "Would you believe it, the
fellow actually began to abuse me !"
"What did you say ?" asked the
"Say I Why i remonstrated with
"How did that affect him ?"
"Well, f don't know how It affected
him, but the poker was bent I"
The manufacturers number of the
Winnipeg "Commercial" published by
the Hugh C. MacLean Company Limit-
ed, of Winnipeg, Vancouver, Toronto
end Montreal, Is exceptionally brlilt-
ant and reflects great credit on Us pub-
li.sher.t. Every tnanufaeturer in Canada
should see thio publication.
Ono day the pupils had learned that
in certain regions it rains continually for
e; then put do
ihe teacher tit tl
six months.
question : "What do they raise here?"
end from a little boy carne the answer
promptly : "Umbrellas,"
Mother Graves' \\'arm Exterminator
hes no largest sale of any similar pre-
paration sub) in (:,nada. it alway:f
give,, sntisfciction by re -storing health
lc the lillle folks.
Bachelor: "it's my opinion that
riage is a failure.
Clergyman : "You are decidedly
wrong. My last month's wedding fees
will buy my wife's clothes for a year."
Nearly all infants are more or less
subject to diarrhoea and such com-
plaiot-t while teething rind es this period
of their lives Is the most critical, mo-
ther., short) not 110 W11110111 a brittle n[
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial.
This medicate is a specific for such
Cornp! l:ttt.: sift is highly spoken of by
those who have used it. The proprie-
tors claim it will euro any case of chol-
era or summer complaint.
C.l'IiIOUS BEQI'1:e l S.
Ry his will a rich Inndown'r nnni'l
Ra'Inri, wile I:a, died in Lnrnnewilz,
Saxony, leaves a large properly to the
military authorities, which. in case of
war, le I0 be sold and two-thirds of the
nlnney given to the soldier who cap-
tures the first sl:nndar'd front he enemy.
and the third part to the first soidiet
who capture.: a gun.
Lichee to do plan and light sewing
11 home, whole )r spare time; good
pay ; work sent any distance, charges
said ; send stamp fur full pnrtleulara.
National Manufacturing Company,
Mn. John eu;idy, Killeloe Station,
Ont„ says:— "My baby was so nearly
dead that 1 had to place ray ear close
to lis breast to know that tie was
breathing. Ile was in this condition
when 1 first gave him Baby's Own
Tablet, and 1 hardly dared hope (bat
they would save hint. But they helped
hint almost at once, and soon made
tum a well child. Ile is now two years
old and weighs forty -live pounds and
has never known a .ick day since l
first gave him the Tublels," Baby's
Own Tablets cure constipation, indiges-
tion, diarrhoea, teething troubles, break
up colds, expel worths and give little
ones natural healthy sleep. And the
mother has a guarantee that this medi-
cine contains no opiate or poisonous
soothing stuff. Sold by all medicine
dealers or sent by mail at 2:c it box
by writing The Dr. Williams' Iiedicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
—4 --
Nimrod was a mighty minter, but
had he hunted in the "Highlands of
Ont)1rin,'' It would have been a might -
ter one. Nimrod bunted for glory, but
those who go into the several districts
of Northern Ontario hunt for game.
','hose Indians who made Ilhe first canoe
of birch bark lung ago, were our great-
est benefactors. The children of those
Indians know the canoe, and they
know how to use it, and they know
just where the moose and deer are to
tic found. They will be the best guiles
you ever had. 'Inc "The \tusl:ol:a
Lakes," "rake of Bays," "\laganetaa'an
Inver," "French !fiver," ''lenlagonhi,"
"Georgian Bay" and several other dis-
tricts in this Great North Country
abound with der and mouse. '1'1e
best hunting on the American Contin-
ent is offered here. \\'rite the under-
signed for copy of "flaunts of Fish and
Genie." an illustrated publication issu-
ed by Ilse Grand 'Trunk ibtilway Sys-
tem, tying all infot'tn:ltion, game laws,
maps, etc., to G. 1'. Bell, General l'as-
senger Agent, Montreal.
Youngster (triumphantly) : "Father, f
am not sitting *on the lowest form now."
Parent : ",'hat's right 1 Here's ten
cents for you. But tell me how you
came to pass on to the higher form."
Youngster : "The lowest form is be-
ing palmed."
It Is a Liver Piil.—Many of the ail-
ments that man has to contend with
have their origin in a disordered liver,
which is a delicate organ, particulnrli
susceptible to the disturbances that
come from Irregular habits or lack of
care in eating and drinking. This ac-
counts for the great many liver reguli
tors now pressed on the attention el
sufferers. Of these there is none su-
perior to Parmelee's Vegetable Pills.
Their operation though gentle is effec-
tive, and the most delicate can use
First Friend (on deck of ocean
steamer, to sea -sick companion) : "Have
you dined, old man?"
Second Friend ;faintly) : "On the con-
A novel b' .er'thur Gendrirh, arbital)
'The Balani.' o[ ,'ower," is announced
for early pullicatien. It is the stury
of the loves of two friends for the same
girl. with a gripping. vital struggle et
eters-day American life as a back-
ground, a story of high ideals and cour-
ageous optimism. The publishers of
this book, The Outing Publishing
Company, say that it "grips you in the
i.eginning and sweeps you off your feet
In the end," and they boldly prophesy
that it will be one of the best selling
Looks of tete year.
11 is only necessary to read the testi-
monials to be convinced that iioilo-
i ay's Corn Oure is unequaled for the
removal of corm, warts, etc. It is a
complete extinguisher.
"Did you herr there was a skeleton in
Smith's family ?" asked Jones. "You
don't say so I" exclahned his wife,
"Where 7' "Inside of Smith," replied
Jones. And then he chuckled idiotically.
"Man is Filled with Misery."— This
is nut true of all leen. The well, sound
of lung, clear of eye, alert and buoy
and with health, are nut miserable,
whatever may be their social condi-
tion. To be well Is to he happy, and
we can all be well by getting and keep.
Ing our bridle.: in a healthful slate. hr.
1'hurnus' Ecleclrie 011 will help to do
"\\'hat is a secret?" n.,ked the dis-
gusted victim.
"A secret is something the other fellow
tells to his next friend, who swears to
keep it sacred. who then tells his two
next beet friends, who tell their four
next best friends. wlto tell everybody."
New and Is Deligtlted, Feels
Like a Boy,
Mr. \i, N. Defoe,
29 Colborne St.,
Torero., says:
"1 have Igen a
tuff, rcr from Dys-
pepsia for yeo::s. 1
have teen iisled
by doctors and
hive l:obcen • Lily
nt3d echos wile only
temporary repel
Sena using Dr.
Lao Mord t'$ Ante -
Mil 1 can nal stir.
thing Mr M. M. Defoe. whim now en
whim abal. 1ono
�.r-_�;'�:✓ •T�-r sin i•;', -
w,u•t welly
"SM.. .4.1140.13.114.1 .,.+....,
f.,l *HP CNla,../my r•. 0/
e,,,t.•an...,urlgrle 05
etaits ars,.�,,.,• S[wl M,4*J
by the dealer
from whom
you buy Sun-
light Soap if
}au end any
cause for
Sunlight Soap is better
than other soaps, but is
best when used in the
Sunlight way.
reward will
be paid to any
person who
pprole• that
Contains any
chew:cats or
any form of
Eg:mll', good with hard or soft water.
Lent, ]Brothers L.taatt.d. Toronto
Steel Shingles.
Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from St.155 to 35.10
per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most durable cov-
ering on the market, and Is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores, Ele-
vators, Churches, eta Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A
hammer and snips are the only tools required.•
We are the largest and oldest ceompany of the kind under the British
flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada.
making them
We also manufacture Corrugated Iron In long sheets, Conductor Pipe and
METAL SWING, In imitation of brick or stone.
METAL CIJWNGS, to 2,000 designs.
Write for Catalogue No, 14R and free samples of 'OSHAWA" Shingles.
Write to -day.
T31Et33 103333L.alik.1%. 3E033O360I.XI,
homiest, Cue. I Oilovo, O!M• I Toromo, 001. I locGon, 401. i wlnnlpep, ran, Yancouver,B.C.
ash I w Craig 8t. 623 Musset st. t1 Colborne et ee Dundas at. 76 Lombard st. 611 Ponder sit
Write your Nomad Office.—IIKADOYVIC&AND WOB1h8—OSNAWA, Oat 4111
gear Neudorf, Saskatchewan. A great bargain. $12 per
tore. Close to two railroads. Branch line of Grand Trunk
Pacific surveyed almost through the property.
CLEANING w*i sAs General Agent Wanted•
LAD Es O TIINs To take charge of your County. Ap-
S • • • 11101T. ply to Imperial Company, Jay St.,
Ona be 4e.e peeteeely try ear Teem, Presses Teo M Galt, one
MITga AINRNIAN swine as.
Fele ern ••• se. m•iJ ►.n
liwoOke IN. ,• G.•r.r fw 1100
wbe 1•w.tud .tared itis►
ilii•, 113.000 • swr rw.
Dn.*. LYS ,•r.hli•• •4140.000.
1• an s.••• ti. wr•4ti.• .01 nisi
the V
O.ii•s.s re•.1.ws este i. ."n -u amid, IM „•
I•s•J bny 1... I»I s• 11.000...1
Washington Height.
TA. WAN. eel alum .i,tils .414it . i. D,•.•n
h.•i.4.64 • r•rf••t •i•. •f P•1.. P..► .•J t4
Rea, M•.•n .. Oar • J..u.a• e/ 111 ..,In
0,1111.4.20 ,Walifirell Park_ A• Aedl net
Lots 25x125 Foes for 3100
M CASH le P11 MON771
▪ Thin tar« MIR( - r.Ar,«
7 4..t1, ,...led l , . 9 • _i 1 wawa .
Iw.� : . eel Wen Y.. " . .r.«.
r.Mi 0..re
e ..moi r ..
TA. C.•. , sial., . . , 0........C.1•••••
11 /•• law s+•,.w r .0 w D.......{....
Europe from New York: agent
wanted in your city. Boston `;hipping
Co., 11 Norrullc street, New Turk City.
WO aeras in the Knee 11111 Valley, near I11,
ens ut the hest grain and dairy farms le
Central Alberta : shout lit acre, under cultiva-
tion, 80 acres tame hay, Hr,t•cl•tss ,pri";/, good
wels, buildings and fences ; shoot 1u:writs p.plar
grove; hot( mllo from poet-officestore ant black-
smith shop : good school nn land ; anv•/rnmcut
creamery wan collects cream fr,In farm : price
per acre. If. IV. HUN l: Calgary, Alberta.
r swRNr'V T)lUtlS:1ND A(7Rr:t lxls'11DY6s
and unihuprow 0.1 land.l, in the •,,h,..1 far
w lent district ; In,iu eight 1, twenty denary pee
ao» ; corre-p o,deuce solicited. A. J. 111110Vq,
Yenhotd, Alberta.
Fruit Growers, Attention
Hating no C Illlnissio■ to my, and •eiliti3 for
ea/h, 'IT• n:a.tern 'Iown•blp. Nu,seriee are thus
site to neer you it %ottani Apple Trees 4 to n roe,
sigh, grown h':e, Lardy ant l rtfty at rk for Fall
end :Spring delis.ry, for at.,,.,u per hundred,
1.01'18 (1KAVA18 Prop.,
Snonkt wens one 01 those conceited. The Duchess of Newcastle has some
make-believe hold hurlers, and was al- sixtc. n ape:.al t coin., pets, wtli:l1 1 Cam
trays spinning his yawns teem! his ex- about (Le (house, and her particular fav-
peliences in Africa, and he generally mite has a Irick, when it fancies itself
wound up by saying lie never yet saw at all negle led, of going up to an In-
a ;ion he feared. One night, after he had dian Jlinn %%loch hangs in the hell, arid
finished yarning, he nes a little taken lustily drumming 'cath iii forefoot un-
nback by one of hie audience, who said: 111 1l obtains the desired a't.•t,tion.
"That's notching. I have lain down
and actually dept etnmg lions in their
wild. natural state' Dear Mother
"1 hill believe that. no tool."
said the bold -linter.
"It's the truth, hough."
"You slept among lions in
natural slate?."
"Yee. 1 certainly did."
"Gen you prove 1t • Where they Afri-
can ?"
"Well, not axially Afrioen Inks. They
ware dandelions."
th(ir wild,
they regulate both seamen eat! Woo?ell inn, Freddie, sold May t Gells
els. My old time elver W , 7 7 7�
so that my spirits are besDsMg�ssld *dmlter to tar 7euet bes4sl►, vibe 14
temper normal. 1 give all credit le Wes this other iii*w ears has Wind sa
wonderful remedy — Dr. 1.eatherdtll your stetter "1 dent knew his name,"
Anti -Pill." replied Freddie; "1 oW him 'ADIS
All dealers or The Wll•cn-Fylo Co., sh ow• i's." "What torr "bmcau.s V
Limited. Niagara Fells. Out. bring: May !lowers r
Your little ores are a teenier) ears le
Fall sad Winter weather. !hey win
catch cold Do you know about SFabh'1
Coasumptiss Cure, the Luny Tonic, aid
what it has close for so many? it is tail
to be the oaly reliable remedy for a1
&WIeet of the sit passages in chiblren
It is absolutely hinnies) and pkasant M
take. It is gauarhteed to cure oe your money
is retwnsed. The price is 23c. pee gotta,
and a8 deafen in mecieias ail 14
pis Nam* 1tl NM le in amp Meseholuf)J
ISSUE. NO. 3f1 . N.