HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-10-04, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, OCTOBER 4th 1906
Wo have a complete assortment of Mens, Youths, and Childrens Suits and over-
coats made up in the latest styles by the W. E. SANFORD CO. It will pay you
to inspect our stock before making your purchases.
Our lines of underclothing is now complete in all sizes. We have a good stock
of Penman's Unshrinkable Goods in Gents., Ladies and Childrens sizes and on
which we offer special prices this month.
Do not fail to see our stock of Ladies Fur Coats in Astrachan and Electric Seal,
also our Fur Lined Coats with Sable collars. We have a large selection of setts
Isabel Fox, Red Fox, Prairie Fox, Sable, Opposutn. Etc., which is worth inspect-
ing before you make your purchase. It \\ ill pay you to come and see what we
can do in Furs.
Just received another lot of new, up to -(late Mantles.
Pens, Pencils, Ink and
Drug Store.
The Exeter Times
smis and Surgeons. Successor to Dr.
E. A. Hoist. Orediton. Ont.
B. Brown has re;,eivcd another
shipment of ladies coats. He re-
ports business booming in this Lane.
Mr. August I1i11 spent Sunday with
friends in Dashwood.
Mr. Wesley k'inkbciner took in tato
fair at Ildcrton on Friday last.
Mr, henry Eilber, M. 1'. 1'., re-
turned home on friday evening at -
ter !taking n treatment for 'rheu-
matism at Mt. Clemens.
,Mr, James Clark spent Sunday at
Ailsa. Craig.
Mr. Jacob Finkbtiner paid our
town a flying visit on Sunday.
Mr. Arthur Benedict has purebas-
Flour Mills
We have installed a NEV
Mill for the rolling of Oats, and
can now fill promptly any Or-
der to roll Oats for Horses
We still have our Chopper
and can also fill orders in this
line promptly.
H. Sweitzer
seeks to effect these days. As .n
millinery authority stated. "No hat
-is good unless it is becoming," and
this is g;eaerally conceded to be the
key note of the fall and winter mil-
linery. The small hat is shown i n
many attractive models for the ear-
ly fall, in velvet, felt and beaver.
'1'41e brine; are both regular and Ir-
regular. The hats. it would seem,
were never More picturesaucly titan -
planned than they are this lesson.
This is observable, not only .in the
smell, but in .the targe bat. 'rho
large hal naturally, is more adapted
to •the picturesque, and especially so
this ,season, with the largo amount
of velvet kits used, and .the quan-
tities of ostrich feathers which in-
variably adorn hats of this charac-
The fall millinery openings at C.
Zwickez's September 25th, 26th. end
27th ryes a decided success . Tho
showroom was tastily decorated
tho loading shades of wine and
emerald green together with aspar-
agus fern and mountain nsh Tern.
This week workmen are putting bliss Colvin showed some very sty -
cement polars on the tower of the
Evangelical church, replacing tho
former ones. Mr. George Holtzman
superintended the work of putting
up the scaffolding.
Itcv. Dir. and Mrs. Knowles, of
Fullerton, spent a few days ilius
week visiting friends.
For nobby bag's and Wren's suits X10
to S. Brown. Latest style 'Seer -
loth and effective hats. Among the
numerous handsome ones wero noted
A white hood drooping gracefully
over the face caught jauntily of tho
side by Q bird, shaded 1 n Wine nn
green and a sunflower rosette of
wine colored chiffon velvet. Neat
we noted a large picture flat of
black cvuchc velvet with high sequin
crown. This was trimmed truth two
large black ostrich feathers droop -
coats also arrived this week. trig over the left side and caught
M'i. Francis Clark, of Grantor, with a rosette of duchess isatin rib -
who recently purchased the harness bon and steel ornament. The all..
business from his father, Mr. Tas• round bander' made deeper at the
Clark, and who took possession on left tilde, trimmed in duohoss satin
Monday of this week leas purchased ribbon added to the style of tho
the residence of Mr. Wm. Green- hat. There was also an American
ley, and wilt move 111.4 family here sailor of white felt trimmed at tho
shot (Sy. back with huge bows of tartan rib -
Mr. Jolts Mcfs),Ic was in London bon and mulberry colored wings.
over Sunday visiting Mrs. McIsartn, High and novel was a mushroom
Mr. Jos. Hall. an Indian who has shape covered with brown mirror
been working in the flax fields is velvet end cream all-over lace, and
this vicinity and later in the flax trimmed in brown and castor taffet-
mills died on Thursday of last week. to ribbon, shell -pink wings and largo
The remains were taken to MMuncey- amber pins. The bandeau was bank -
(own for interment. ed with the shaded castor roses nod
Tito marriage of Mr. Dennis 0'- !ribbon. Another very attractive and
Brien to bliss May Quarry, of Park- popular hat was It vesta lilby draped
Hit, took place on Weelnesdag pf in a veil of shaded sane blue and
this week. white Lace. The notable features of
.lir•. Conrad huLn, who has Igen t1:' display in hats were the hood's
on :1 visit to Pigeon and other p1:, e • the Elsie Jane and the Vesta Tilley
in Michigan for a few weeks, re.: In collor the shades ui wine mul-
lunted 11o111e or, Setur:lay, terry ;Ind Alice blue, were vory
The, auction sale of the household prominent. Wings oud uncurled os -
effects and real estate of Itev. John trial sprays are in great demand.
Stabler, which was do have been Percy !lanes left last paturdly
heist East Saturday, Sept. 291h, l,as morning for Hamilton to attend
liven postponed to Slturdly o[ thim 1 Normal.
u%.rk Oct. 6thMr. and firs. Michael lie Iver, Jr.,
Ed the house formerly owned by Mr. Mr. Uieh.,el Ili:Axel Las been con- left Tuesday jos t for Saginaw, where
Edward Sweitzer and will move into fined to his home I11rough illness. ! they will spend fi few decks visit;.
it in a short time. A number from Exetet• spent Sun• ing friends.
Mr. Claude Bluest purchased Mr. day in town. j .Mr. Gottfried Geiser sort son, who
Tobias \Vurtz's house on Saturday Miss Vera Essery, of Centralia, 1 have been working in Blenheim for
last and will mote into the house in visited Miss I). Essery for a few 1 sevcr.,I months returned home on
, a short time. 'days. Monday.
Dir, Frank Taylor has sold his Mr. Walter Clark, on .11nnd:ay ry • 011 Saud Iy List Rev. ikon welch -
10 ?tar. Sam Redden for a I cd 1 olcerful set 1 1 to a lar •o
Moved the platform learn in froth 1 g
r Abe text, .1 all.
c u congregationf om h t y ,
ihandsom s to o[ hi inlplsnunt shed. which tied'
Mr .Taylor hos purchased kho become tins',fe. 25 and '_9t1 verse.
house and lot formerly owned by Mr. Win. Mr\Villi ups of Bran!. Mrs. \\•tin, echo has been °ccepy-
it firs` William
. of lBerlin, is Ole guest ford, is slrcndjng 1 few days in tow n j ingwi ]r. 1W11117.'14 lclous lraIlls moved
1lse guest of Mr, ,lnhn Mcisaac.
of her eon, the Rcv. Mr, Bean, for 1'1' I - - -
hc anniversary scrcires tchi:h
few weeks. 1%ere held in the Methodist rhurclll Till: NEW I'1'IRE Fool) ANI)
� Drug %% w' I t the I
I. k 'tt
on Sunday :end ..loudly were very I D g i ,1 mit 1 on label
successful. The Iter. Geo. Ilrown, s>fof every cough cute e(Antajning Opi-
Toronto. preached :In excellent ser..: lrnl Chloroform, or any other sum-
mon in t [e Morning ,lo .1 Large con-; tfin orpc.essnons ,drug. !tut it
glee 11io11. in tl:c aftcrnrxrn the passes
11r s. . . Sho p (.
s nt.gh Core a
open meeting n( the Solidly school made for twenty ye,rs, cntir.'Iy fro.'.
was well attended by both parents Dr. Shoop :;11 along ha+ bitterly op -
and children. and the addresses
de- posed the use of all opiates or nar•
livered by the Itev. Mr. Brown rind ;colic's. 1)r. Sh v1,'s Cough Ctire is
Rey. Mr. Feer, of Exeter, were (' .I absolutely safe even far !tl4 youngest
cellent. in the eveMir: Rev. ttr.1 babe -and it aures, it docs not simp-
Get a s tenable
Fc•Ir preached a very instructive.. lv suppress. 1 s1 [e ant rc ,tray
setmon. The slouch was crowded to Cough Cum by simply ius.sling nn
the doors. Appropriate music w•99 I Dr. 811oop',,. Let the 1.111' be your
furnished by 1 lie choir e •111 1 lie i Protection. We. ehey rfully rec,vn.
services. The entertainment on !wend and 'el/ it. Sold Ly Vu'. S.
Monday evening was largely at tend- Ile1%%''>'•
eel. The programme consisted :,f
sddre.ors by Iter. Toll, of liens:lll,
Itev. Knowles, of Fullarlrol, Itev.
Andrews, of Vent rill 1. Rev. 1lcatt,
1. •t .Catarrh
of el
Creditor': eaten b} .[1. Ella and
Ituebnh Beaver asst Mrs. Kerr, and
1 drat by Mr. and Mrs. Itcln,
\ir. S. Ifrown's ;Millinery Open°ng.in Impure blood
sore ore has again Itcmonstrntt.
t.1 w hat it can do in millinery. �M•c 9t ropening this f ill was one of t he treatment acting t
moll succeessful in the store's his-
tory. Every ai'itor to their (sou- andpurifying the blood or
Will show room was nla.9t enthusi• Its maw and
1,over the exquisite hits pr`'-
p•1Md by Mrs. Link and her staff. . Be sire to take
Ott, of the reasons of an fissured
Mr. Chas. %wicker 1109 in Toronto
all bu-incss on Friday last.
Thy ball g one w girl was to ,1:arc
been played hey' on Saturday last,
betoee the Stare and Duncrief, wag
postponed indefinitely tel ac;oultt of
tato 1 111.
feczrt Beat
k*AZT-• 1.
q Yes. 100,00t) times each day.
Does it send out good blood
cr bad blood? You know, for
good blood is good health ;
bad blood, bad health. And
you know precisely what to
take for bad blood --- Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
endorsed it for 60 years.
r: • Noise tee •„ of `, t h'.'.I Ise •taltroh
M.cr. 't ht. e..t..•:psta• n. releonous
odstauces see th.n al..o.t.11.1 Into the ►loos.
Dieser/1r bowel.. pen w h AyeT's 1111..
UM* b7 J. C. Are, co., T..men. metra
•.so meee eet.nte et
P 11. *111 1 to01t.
tiers .lalitAl.
b a constitutional dinere
tt!ccessfaul sc;,son is
that everything H0�'sSarsapari la
IS to be worn, 'titre possibly never,
has been a Fesr...1 when every- i Nasal and other local forma of catarrh
t hd n tr w• a.I so rho u g 1,1 y in vO, uc are qukkty relieved Ily Cagan uta,
a , now. T 1 to color combinations, ' twYefa dlay Iffide llsatbn and deodorise
which are truly- %onclerful hive al•
most arrived at. perfection, and thirst llf0otraSal :1•
with •the plc turesque shapes and; dlsRMs. •r A , -
FIs The Time
To consider about getting
ready for Fall. We have an
excellent stock of
to select from. All kinds of
at Lowest Prices.
at reduced prices.
Goats! Coats! Goats!
We have just received a
lot of Misses and Girls
Tweed coats and Infants
coats, hoods and gaunt-
lets in bear -cloth.
We want YOU to
Come in and look
at them whether
YOU buy or not.
Our Tweed coats will be
found in a variety of
shades and styles and
in all sizes
VVIIIdm ShruMm.
Coon hunting seems to be the or-
der. of the pastime noir. A number
ofour v' a
i141g•ert look to rho,woods
and captured -a number of them, one
o which weighed l:,L 48 pounds.
Tho daughter of Rev. Eidt oon-
tinues to be very ill, but we hope
sine may 10011 reoovcr.
\\•o are glad to see our veterinary
surgeon, Dr. Itoutledge. around
around attain.
Mr. ,iojtrl Voelker spent start of,
Monday at Zurioh.
Mr, and }ire. Win. 'Zimmer were in
Exeter on Monday on business.
Mrs, fetter Mcisaac has been un-
der medicaI care for eotno days. \Ve
hopo for a speedy recovery.
One of our boys of the town has
been negotiating with an automo-
bile firm with the intention of form-
ing. st comnaoy of six to procure ono
in the early spring. Girls get on
good terms with the boys, ,and you
will enjoy free autonrohiling,
Jack frost visited the earth on
Sunday ,evening last, but there does
not seem to be ;lily datungo Bonn to
fall sowing.
What about 1 he by-law of our
police vilJaref is it still in force, or
is it forgotten, especially regarding
the young .boys and girls under -1
certain age, as they are causing
Quite an annoyance', by troubling the
early sleepers of our town.
We :aro glad to see our ' jovial
friend Cornelius Hildebrandt able to
bo around again, after a serious
Mr. Daniel Mcisaac and Mr. John
Never before in our business career have we sold as many MANTLES in as short
a time. There's a reason: -They have proven Leaders, which is due to their styles being
original, prices right and quality workmanship and finish all that can be desired. Kindly'
call before purchasing elsewhere.
Ruffs, Stoles and Scarfs made up in different furs. Coats of finest quality lined
with Muskrat, and Sable Collar trimmed. A full range of Astrachan Coats, also Diens Fur
Coats, Robes and Rugs.
This department is again p g I u.lder the supervision of Mrs. Link and the display being
shown is unsurpassed anywhere. We cordially invite you to call and inspect the latest
styles. See our Dress Goods, they are pre-eminent.
boen fortunate in securing the ser-
vices of the Itev. Shunn to IteachGet•
man in our school throe days a
week, Mr, Shunn came from Mit-
chell having accepted a call to the
Lutheran church here.
A number of the young people
from the down and surrounding
country spent a very enjoyable titnc
at the Lome of Mr, Levi Hamacher
preparing food for the lumber camps
or in other avords,apple paring bee.
and all seemed to be right in line
for work.
Miss Mabel Ilse has returned to
her home at 'Grand Bend after
spending 1 week at her sisters, Mrs.
David l'faff,
Tho dressmakers of our burg are
enjoying their harvest and are *re-
torting a bury time. One thing
lacking Miss Dressmaker, you must
form a union or combine for better
Following iv the Kirktott Shoal
report for •the month of September:
V -Ethel Roadhouse, Allen Duffield,
Susie Shier, Itoy Kirk : JV -Maggie
Shier, Allie Ilearty, Thomas
rood, Frank oo m. Harriett Kirk.
Sr. III, -Gerrie Brown, Willie Roger;
Edna Carr, Howard Ross, Frank
Brown. Jr. 11I. - Attie Switzer,
Euart Garr, Arthur Beatty. Charles
Mack. II-, Myrtle Kirk, Alma
Roadhouse, Gracie Switzer. Ina llos-
kin, Thurlow Williams.
Fred Marshall left Monday to at-
tend the Normal College et Hamil-
Miss Maggio Leigh left Jost week
to assume her duties as teacher at
Lumley in place of Miss 'Stodge, who
resigned to take a course in tha
Normal school.
Mrs. holes, of Kincardine, is aha
guest of her brother Dr. Carr.
Rev. Raccy left Tuesday for a few
days visit with friends in Comber.
All roads will lead to Kirkton on
Friday, fair day.
Mr. John Hanna has 'rented his
farm to his brother William, for a
term of fivo years,
Itev. Veale returned last Friday
from :a visit to Ingersoll. It is
expected that he will take charge of
the services next Sunday, if his
health will permit.
Mr. Miles, of Kincardine. a collego
student. took charge of the services
In She Methodist church East 8un-
1day. Mr. Hiles is n young man of
much promise and his sermons were
attentively listened to and muoll rip.
The new brick smoke r+tnck at the
mill in nearing; completion and will
(:raybicl visited at their home Sun- !add greatly to the nppearence of tho
d.ay' property when finished.
Mr. \V. Moore w r, in London last
week on business.
The village people' have persuaded
the township councils to place a
crosswalk between Shier & Mar-
a l and Taylors.The work is
alt s an 1o 1
being done by villagers, and every
one is giving :a lending .hand. The
council's pay for the material.
The bridge across the creek has at
last been completed and is now .opon
for traffic. Several loads of gavcl
however, are needed to put tho
bridge in first class shape.
'fhe Misses Thacker, of Toronto.
ate the guests of Miss Lillie Taylor.
Tomorrow everybody will put on
their best bib 1rr.1 tucker to 11 tend
the Kirk ton annual fair. Thi
year's 551:0 IV %cii be the biggest kind
of ;a ,success, and if the weather'
helps along .a good cause, the u1•-
tend:ince will far c xsee 1 any
tus fair 1y1 here. lion.Nelson
Monteith, Minister of Aeri^.ulture
w ill be present wed formally open
the fair. Piof. Casi,elle, the masa
dtrjng ,and successful aeronaut ::,n1
'Ilse .l ith took place on Sunday
night of Edward \Vinkcnweder at
the horse of Lis father, Mr, John
\'inkcn1eder, at the age of 22 years.
Deceased had leen suffering some
time frojn a complicated disease and
.although everything was done that
Medical .aid and kind nursing could
do for aim he gradually grew worse
passing peacefully alr,y on Sunday
evening [1st. Deceased was born
near Bashlccot and was %tell known,
and being of a plca9:111t disposition,
made many [heeds. 1)0006304 %v39
active 111en1!•{ r ',f the Evangelical
church. The funeral took place 011
\VeIncSday and was largely attend-
The rent fins were interre din
the Goshen Line cemetery. Tit' fam-
ily have the sympathy of a d,arge
circle of irjonds in their bereave-
\ number from here attended the
Parkhill fair,
'this week works a chill 'e in ons'
of our oldest established places of
business, that of our flour mill which
Ills been conducted by Mr. .I:as. I•:idt
for the past 23 years and who is ntow iaighest f) -c+r in the world, will nrlke
retiring from basincss. Mr. \'.ill:.lnl
Mel t1 ho recentIy sold 1119 f,rn, , an a;`5c members
rid 1n a pane drop.
and Messrs. Geo. and i:• reran 1•:1'11 The .of Cu1t( ton ('o•)r,
1 ' 10.t e
form 1 he pew firm, and will Ire' Ivan lac. 1'.. 11101 I t h h mo
Wed -
known 1s the Ehlers, )lilt. Co. Mr, of airs. \\', '1'. Roadhouse, on \1'cd-
1•:hlers is well known (1011n I hero ;IP
rr the Messrs. Licit, whet hive been
in the mill for .a number of years.
\,'c bespeak for the ,new firm the
mobs, night of Slit week 19 hid
farewellto o y of t heir number.
Mrs, James Maize, %•ho left List
Thursday with her torsion:I and (MI*
:onttnued n'atronage and success that ily, for l,o:!dan. whore they will
ll:e trill has naw•;lys en.in,d in (he! entice their future home. During
past, '1.11ey halve •this week i' eivc'l the s•%enillZ Mrs, 11,17' 11'1:1
is present.
carload 61113
f Dlanjtcalal n'IM1t, Mi.c( 'it11 an I, 0, 1', lin 111.1 telae Wm. Ehlers, on friday, mored his lownig address. tiers, Maize (eelinL•
household effects into 11ae resident••
be recently purcltlscd from E. 1'.
The trustees of t Ivanhoe lodge.
1)Car Sister Cemp,nj')n �Iaizc,-Tt
is wUh feelings of sincere regret
that we your ri+ter Companions of
ivnitse, No. 771. have heird of
For Infanta and Children. your intended departure from out
� r Kato midstBuild .end are met this , venin,r ter
nR K Yin Ka
Id Yti Always bid You farewell. We also desire to
ly responded and ‘ .i•I she 1'otit.1 al-
ways remember 11,e friendly feeling
shown toot reds her Ind would re.
our school h ve fain in her heart a lender spot for
Flour, Feed and
Bargains in
Maple Leaf Salmon 14c.
Best Redpath Granulated Su-
gar at $4.50.
Aylmer Peas 4 cans for 25c.
Orange Meat 2 boxes for 25o.
Gal. Tars 76c. per doz.
1 qt. `• 70c. •c rr
1 pt. " 60c. rr et
For your .Best Flour and
Best Prices call on US and
you will find that we have a
good variety to choose from
Shorts, Bran, Chicken, Feed
etc always on hand, at best
Indomitable will and ever ready
oheer, not only as manifested in the
Court, but in ali walks of life. have
won nIl hearts; and our most cor-
dial wishc-s go out with you to your
new ,home in the Forest City, and it
Is the earnest prayer of every per-
son present that your trust in our
Ileavcnly Father may continue •to be
moth that you can atilt say in they
words of the poet- Whittier:
"I know not where his islands left
Their fronded palms in air,
I only know I cannot drift
Beyond his love and care."
And that the peace joy and lovo
of Jesus may through all lour being
flow and that God's blessing may
rest upon you and yours til we are
ell called to that Court above, where
wo ,,hall never say good-bye.
We desire therefore to present you
with this momenta of our ;esteem,
and while it may not be of int-'rin9ia
merit in itself, please .accept it ns Highest price
representingt he greatest of all pre-
cious treasures. the affection sof our
We call your atten-
tion to our large stock
of imported Suitings.
The best offerings from
English and Scotch
mills, representing the
most fashionable weav-
es and fabrics.
Merchant Tailor
Jackets, Neckware,
Muffs, Etc.
Dundas St. London. -
made to order:
and Remodelled:
hearts.Paid For
Signed, Airs. Roldhousy, Edna Mar. rIRaw Rural
R. W. HERN the prosperous General Merchant of Elirnville. bac'
put in a new stock of floods in the store recentlyoccupied byEd.
Avery. and willt
open business THURSDAY,
M y
lth. Everything is Fresh.
DRY (100D8 (i1t0(7E11[ES 1300T8 tic SHOE8 HARDWARE
Mr. Here desires to thank the people of Elimville and vicinity for
their past 1•ationage, and hopes to continue in their good appreciation
and also extends a hearty invitation to the Whalen residents to deal with him
at, his New Store.
All Finds of Produce Handled
si..i ::• :••.:•i-✓: i•-: ✓i'✓.44. -44.4.+;•✓:✓4✓a't.4••1'$++4.4.-1••Fi'•i'++++d'+drF' +++
in Screen Doors and Windows, Paints
and Oils
Roofing and Eavetroughing a specialty,