HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-10-04, Page 1Wedding Stationery
Mooing Indies who aro interested
41, what is proper lo the matter of
■tatiouery for Wedditog.. should lees
. rr samples. latest type faiotea. We
-MD have them ready to a few hours.
Call Up Phone No. 31
It you bare any orders for prlttttte
ing of any kind just call us up gad
we will be pleastal to look atter yOSt
Phone No. 32.
Fashion this season demands Navy or Grey for the fall and
winter suit. The Navy is shown principally in Venetian, Broad -
•cloths, Cheviots and a few pretty Tweed effects. Greys are mostly
Tweed effects in small checks, fancy overchecks and plain shades.
Our range of these materials second to none. The prices range
from 5oc. to $1.25 yd. on show in our south window.
New arrivals this week give us a large assortment of the
most stylish and nattiest goods in the trade. The Dup-
lex derby, the Empire bow, Shepherds plaid in, four-in-
hand, the latest from New York, and some handsome
silks in shot effects. Don't delay choosing while they
are here. See displayed in north window.
We stock a large range of mens tweeds, worsteds and
pantings. Samples to be seen in our north window.
We invite your inspection before you buy . You will
not be dissapointed in the prices'
We will pay the following prices for poultry if dry picked
and picked clean and fasted twenty-four hours before kit-
ing (if the head is cut off, tie the neck properly.)
Chicken 10c per lb
Duck lOc per lb
Old Hens 8c • Geese 9c "
Two cents per pound less if poulty is scalded. For
live Poultry two cents per pound less than for dressed
HeVdqulrtera for the Celebrate:i W. E. Sanford Clothing
' T
• hsday. October 18, 1906. 1 a to
'Stou,rck. Implements. wind household,
-effects on Lot 4, concession 2, Us-
tiornc. at 12 o'clock. J. Stanley.
'Anctionecr ; ,T, G. Jones, Executor ;
Mrs. Geo. Itooke, Executrix.
Tuoraday, Oct. 9th. Clearing Auc-
tion sale of farm. farm stock and
implements, on Lot 7, Con. 1 Illan•
shard, three miles northwest of An-
derson at one o'clock. Fred Gun-
ning, Proprietor; Jos. White, Auct.
Wednesday, Oct. 10th. Clearing
*nation sale of farm stock and im-
miles east Oof K i ktton n5e
1 1 4 a oma
=renting at 1 o'clock. W. J. saw-
yer, Prop.; ,los. White, Auct.
j:riday, Oct. 12th. Clearing a to!.
teen elle of farm stock and impie-
ty on Lot 1, south cast boun-
dary of t'sbornc, 2 1-2 miles north of
Kirkton, at one o'clock sharp. Al -
trod Iiawkcv, Prop.; Joseph White.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
let.. Ail druggists refund the mon-
s if It -.falls to cure. E. W. Grove's
ei1�goature is on eaeh box. the.
Those unhappy person, who suffer
area nervousness and dyspepsia
tebould use Carter's Little Nerve
Pills. which are made expressly for
sleepless, nervous dyspeptic, suffer-
ers. Price 25c.
Iv cured with Dr. Shoop's M.ioic(4l1t-
rnent, its made for piles alone -and
it dogs th' work surely and with sat•
igfaction. itching, painful. p+rotrud.
;rig of blind pi'et disappear like mag-
ic by is use. Large, Nickel cap --
Vett glass jars, S0c. Sold and recom-
mended by W. 5. llo\ey.
Notice is hereby given 11111 a
Court will be held puree int to The
Ontario Voters List Act by His
Honor the Judge of the County
Court of the County of Huron, tit
the Town Hall, on the 17th day of
October. 1906. at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon to tear and determine the
pevctil comptiinta of errors and
Omissions in the Voters' List of the
911 ' I
for1 h.
' .� it of Exeter
.\funicin 1 y
nelsons hiving business at the (.'1•nr1
nre reques4ed to attend at tee slid
time and place.
Datta 1hi• 25th Il'y of Sell:ember,
Clark of the �tulsiclpality.
Preventics as the name implies
prevents .1t Colds and Grippe pP
e w C
taken at the sneezing stage.
( Prevents are 'toothsome candy
tablets. I'reventicy dissipate all
colds quickly, and taken early. when
you brat feel ithat a cold is Doming
they check and prevent them. Pro.
ventics arc 'thoroughly safe for
children, and as effectual dor adults.
Sold and le -commended, in 5 cent and
25 cent boxes, by W. S. Howey.
A despatch (torn Winnipeg says
that. Mr. A. P. Ketchon, editor -of
the Northwest Farmer is shar,tly
to Fre appointed Deputy Minister of
Agriculture for Saskatchewan. Mr.
Ketcien is an old Stanley boy. being
a son of Mr. John Ketchen, of that
Iriwnehip, near Iiruccfield. Mr. 1Cel.
chcn received his early training in
agriculture on his father's farm and
afterwards graduated from 'the On.
tarso Agricultural College. Since
then he held n prominent posi-
tion in the Dominion Department
of Agriculture, of Ottawa. This he
gave up to accept the more; nongrn-
ial position of managing editor of
the Northwest Farmer.
A quiet wedding stook Alice on
Wednesday of last week at the. res-
idence of Mrs. Andrew 'Voting, In
Seiforth when Mr. Keith \1 Lc,n
fourth son of Mr. M. V. McLean,
and :i member of the Expositor
staff, was married to Elizabeth M.,
tut daughter f the late Mr.
A. Young. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. F. II. Lirkn and was
witfleshed by only a few of the
more jmtucdiate relatives of the
voung couple. Mr. and Mrs. McLean
left on the afternoon train on their
wedding trip, and carry with then(
the gond wishes of .t large circle
of (bend,.
nose is cold and papist. ;that: dog is
not sick. A fev-rtish dry nose rneins
sickness with a dog. And so wit)
the human lips. Dry, cracked and
colorless lips mean feverishness, an(
are as well ill appearing. To hive
beautiful pink velvet-like lips, apply
at bedtime a coating of 1)r. Shoop'
Given Salve it will soften and heo
any skin ailment. Get n fare tri.(
lox, .at our storxN and be convinced
t.iig' ninkel napped glasa jar., lac.
Sold by W. S. Howes.
There in no ene article 'n the line
of medicine that gives so largo are -
turn for tbo money es a good por
ous strengthening plaster, such as
Carter's Smart Weed and Ilellndonna
Law Suit Over $9,000.
In last Friday's daily papers there
appeared articles in which was men-
tioned the name od Mr. George If,
Powell, teller at the Sovereign bank
Exeter, and conveyed the impression
that Mr. Powell was trying to ec-
cure the possession of $9,000 from
his grandfather. Mr. George W. IIoI-
well, of Thedford, by using under-
handed methods, and 'thaU Mayor
Judd. of London, in behalf -of Mr.
ltolwell had asked the court at
Toren( 0 't0 continue an injunction
which had been granted restraining
th' Sovereign bank at Exeter from
paying over the money] to Mr.
1'aweil tending the trial of the ac-
In the article the fact is made
known that 'Ir. Holwell had
changed solicitors and had engaged
the services of J. M. McEvoy, of
Lonaion, who had Robert McKay, a
Toronto lawyer represent him and
asked that the injunction be dis-
solved and the aia,e dismissed.
However, there is another side to
the story ,and according 4o an inter-
view with Mr. Powell it appears
that during .hi.i childhood days, Mr,
Geo. Powell lived with bis grand-
father and was a pet of the old
gentleman, 'nd that Mr Holwell
intended leaving George some of his
money. Last July 'things around the
Holwell home, were not running Ito
suit Mr. IIolw•ell, and he sent for
George to conte 'to Thedford, and
upon liIs arrival explained to him
about the money matter, and said he
might just as well give 11 do him
then os at any time, and gave him
a check for $9,000 which Mr. Powell
brought back to Exeter and deposit-
ed in his own name. A short (time
afterwards Mrs. Powell heard of the
money being transferred to George
and it is alleged made up a draft
for the amount, and had Mr. Hol-
well sign it. The draft was sent
on to (the Exeter bank for nccep-
tanae, but Mr. Poweil refused to
honor it until he had seen Mr. Hol-
well, and took a tie to fhedford
for that purpose. The old gentle.
man then told George that he want-
ed him to keep the ntoney.is he first
After returning to Exeter Mr.
Powell received a typewritten letter
signed by Iris grandfather asking for
the return of the money. Again the
old gentleman was seen and again
stated that George should keep the
After this and the money not
being sent to Thedford, Mayor Judd,
of London, comes on the scene. Ii
is alleged that Mrs. Powell tele-
phoned him to corn% to Thed-
ford, where an affidavit already
made out was given the old
gentleman to pign, which he did, not
knowing, so it in claimed, the seal
contents of the document. Suit was
then brought for the reoovery of
the money and ithe Sovereign bank
at Exeter was enjoyned from pay-
ing over the money ns above staked.
This brought the Sovereign hank
of Exeter into the affair and the
matter was referred to their solici-
tor, Mr. J. G. Stanbury, who went'
Thedford to got at the bottom
of it, Mr. Powell accom-
panied him, and at Thcdford they
were met by Mr. Powell's father
and Mr. itolwell, who had informed
George the Saturday previous that
he would bre at the depot to meet
him. The quartette then went to
the 1Tolwell house, w'he're Mr. Hol-
well stat -d that he wanted George
to hive the money and wished the
mat ler dropped, and asked Mr. Stan -
bury if he could do so. Mr. Stan -
bury informed him that he could not
a9 lie was acting for the( Sovereign
bank, and suggested that Mr. 1lol-
w011 retain the services of an attor.
n0y to act for him, if lie were dis-
aatisfied with Mr. Judd. Hence .the
retainer being given to Mr. McEvoy,
whose name appears above. When
Messrs Stanbury and Powell were in
conversation with lir. Hol well, he
01r. ilolwelli,ptat(d that he wanted
George to have the money and to
keep it, and that he was influenced
when the draft and letter for its
return were rent to George at Exc.
to by Mrs. Powell. Mr. McEvoy
subsequently went to Thedford and
interviewed the old gentleman, when
he reluta ted to him the statetn::nt
thit he had given George the mon•
cy freely and that it was Mrs. t'owt-
ell, who w.is dissatisfied.
The insinuation in the London pi-
t..•rs (hit Mr. Strangury hid been
pr(,,eat when any paper was signed
effotinh the transfer of the money,
is entirely unwarranted. The trans-
fer was made in July and Mr. Stan -
bury -•s first meeting with Mr. 1101 -
atoll wits only I is; week at Thed-
'flit.,se was as rontinucd •till N1on-
diy, October 8111 until Mr. liolwcll
cin he examined as 10 whom he 41i' -
sires to act as his solicitor,
(4r'olrr •,fit h, Ills been s•`-
lecled is the d,lo to held the field
Illy !ports of tbo Exeter high ntul
public Frhonl,
The following officers were elee1r4
at the last meeting of the Iiigh
School Literary Society :-fres. 1'.
Clegg : Vice 1'rc-., Laurie Hagan:
S"r'y, Beattie Martin: Treas., Miry
Mark; p,i:rni t, Vera Rowe ; Leader
of Glee rleb, ,lr. Fleming; Journxt•
151, Miss Chidlev ; Grine. Miss T)or.
,inulin; Que!tion drawer. D. Stew.
art ; Pro'rim ('nnirnittee, C. Duns -
ford, Vera Rowe. Flossie Foss, Erin
Going, Geri ie 1'hornp'on, Mira, \Inr•
FORM III Rev, and Mrs. Bartlett returne1
Jr, Teachers. -D. Dilling, 91 ; K. ) 1st week from Montreal where Rev.
Taylor, 92 ; M. Jones. 87 : M. Cow- Ilartlett attended the general con-
78; jionors. W. Tricbn,sr, 71:
11. Stoneman, 62; F. Clegg. 60 ; .II.
Workman, 56; J. Armstrong, 55:
Murray, 52 ;'G. Thompson. 61; E.
Willis, 34; .A. May, 33.
Jr. .Matriculation. -T. Carling. 49;
E. Goetz, 47; M. holier, 46; L. D:. -
vis. 33: H. Fair, 11.
No. on roll 18 ; overage 16.
L. C. 1'LEMING, Teacher.
Continuation Class: Sr. -J. Walker
65; G. Gould, 63: .M. Hawkins. 59:
1. Rowe, 58: F. Foss, 58: E. Going,
57; V, Welsh. 58: 11. Martin, 56; 11.
Johns, 51; G. Thompson, 48; L. Cool -
tis, 35: G. Brandt. 3:1. Jr. -L. 'Br-
aley, 78, honors t 11. Mack, 73 ; J.
Oest reicher, 59; L. Mulholland 57;
E. Janes, 45 ; 1. Handford, 45 ; N.
McGregor, 44 ; L. Sanders, 14 ; A.
Davis, 42: K. Collins. 38: P. Sweet,
37; L. Amos, 36: K. Stewart. 34:
B. howcy, 24; W. McEwen, 23; D.
Truentner, 20; L. )lagan, 16; W.
Huston, 13. No. on roll 32 ; aver-
age 29.
Gonuuerci:tl.-�Iabat McTaggart 82
Ressie Welsh, 85 ; Mary Mack fit:
Vera Rowe, 78; Clarke Fisher, 77:
honors. Samuel McCoy, 74 ; Edith
McKay 74: Wesley Davntan. 66; Jen-
nie Harlon, 64; Harold' Duplan, 61.
Regular class. -Douglas Stewart
88; Alva McMahon, 85; John Taylor,
85 : Bessie Munn, 82: Herbert Ilis-
set t. 81; Ida Marchand. 79; Alonzo
Heywood, 77: Victor Sweet, 70; An-
na Dow, 75 ; .Allan Pickard, 75; hon-
ors. Jennie Monteith, 74; Earl
Copeland, 73: Ruth Hooper, 72; Wil.
lie Ilirney, 71: Eileen Caves, 70: -Ross
Dougall. 70: Edmund Work. 69: Ei-
leen Farmer, 68; Clifford McEvoy,
68; Charles Dunaford, 68: Lillian
Snell, 68:.Ella O'Brien. 68: \Villa
Antos, 117; Flossie hunter, 66: Clar-
ence Pickard, 64; Herbert Gardiner,
63: Edna Luxton, 61: Alma McPher-
son, 63; Tom Tenhale. 62; Arthur
Coleman, 60; Edwin harrows, 60,
Garvey Acheson, 57: Jessie Manson,
5G; Gladys 1.3:;;;-"i t• 50; Clarence Bo.
bier, 50: Roland lirint neil, 45. No.
on roll, 47; average .44.
A. I'. ('TTIOLEY. Teacher
Sr. IV. -L. Gould. 86; 0. Wool,
76: C. Makins, 75. Jr. IV. -II. Jones
81 ; L. Grieve, 77. No. on roll 34:
Average 28.
C. VO8PER. Teacher.
Senior IH. -Raymond Dearing. 75.
Junior III.= -Irene Hardy. 79: Willie
Heideman, 77. Number on roll, 50;
average 43.
11. E. \VALROND, Teacher
Senior II -Linden Harvey, 89: Mar-
guerite Gardiner. 86; Blanche Quance,
86; Lilly Marchand, fab; Nelly Jones,
tis; Agnes MacKay, 81; Ariel Beverley.
80; Ernest ITarvev. 77.
Junior TT.-Hectnr Rowcliffe, 79;
Jenny Russel. 70. Number on the roll
49; average attendance 42.
norm VII
Junior IT.- Willie Kydd, 89; May
Smallacombe, 88: .Toe Craig. 83: Mild-
red Heywood, 77: Jamie Brickwood,
77; Labelle Handford. 75. Nunher on
the roll, 41: average attendance, 36.
:MIMED \ARTIV Teacher.
ROOM OM V i11.
Junior 11.-Marroie Cage, 811; Anna
Bell, 80; Maud Hicks, 77: Faney Bowey
75. Number nn roll 38; average at-
terdance 32
1'. W. HOWARD, Ten'J,'•r
(Crow(led out last week)
Although 1he temperature has
taken such a mat ked fall, the ;trill -
clod assures us it remains be-
t wcr.'n 95 ;Ind t'7 in the shade
in the 11. S. department. The
heitlh of the pulite remain unaf-
fected. On the 21th of August the
Board met and accepted the resi.',na-
lion of Miss I)orrinlIon, rendered
necessary by rout in0ous illness in
the home of her nearest relatives.
\Wc logo a good Ieaoler, At at
meeting held September 17th, the
pi incited was given authority to se-
r0rc OW required suppli^s for ale
Chemiail department. Mr. Dennis
was also Allowed to collect $1.75
Mr. W. Wilson, of Hen:tali, spent
Sunday here visiting friends.
Mr. W. .1. Roy had a raising lest
week for his now stable. The st ruc-
ture will he of frame.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Switzer, of
Mitchell Road, visited Mr. and Dir.
Jonathan Shier Sunday.
J;11114'4 McEirea is wearing ,a broad
smile, : he reason being on account of
Mrs. McElrca presenting him with
a bouncing boy on Wednesday of
last week.
A number front here :attended the
St. Marys fair list week.
Two women aro holding evanuelia.
tic services in tho Woodham hall. As
to the success of their meetings ,we
arc unable to state.
The opening of the new Mettles.
dist church will take place on Sun-
day, October 21st, when it is expect-
ed the Eert•ites will be conducted by
ltev. Fear, of Exeter, a former
Pastor of this circuit. At feast
Rev. Fair will be here for the, aftor,,-
noon, and an effort is being mado
to get hint for the entire day. On
the following Tuesday evening a
fowl supper will he given in the
church, and on Sunday the 28th, tike
church will he dedicated, with Dr.
Carman, of Tononto, .taking charge
of the services both ,morning and
evening. Rev. McTavish, of Gran-
ton will ihave charge of the after-'
110011 services.
A very happy event was solemnized
at the home of Mr. J. Leitch, Queen
street, Alsi1 Craig, by Rev. W. Ii.
Geddes when his secon1 (Laughter,
Fredint was united in rthe holy bond
of matrimony to ,Ir. A. L. Case, ata,
Iron agent Denfield. The bride look-
ed charming in a gown of w'hilo
silk crepe-dc-cltene over chiffon taf-
feta with bridal veil' and apple blos-
soms, carrying, a bouquet of white
roses, and was attended by her sis-
ter ;Tussle who core a white point
d&sprit over white silk and Miss Bar-
rlay.of Duncricf, who wore a pretty
t;'hite silk, both carrying pink car-
nations, while little Miss Florence
Irene, looking quite sweet' in white
silk, acted as flower and ring bear-
er. The groom was attended by Mr.
Stewart Rosser, of Denfield, and Mr,
Garnet M. Case, of Hcnsall. Tho
wedding march was played by Mrs.
McLurg. The hr'ide was giv:n away
by her father in honor of about 59
inviltd guests. Guests were pres-
ent from Yens:ill, Exeter, Ilderton,
Falkirk, Denfield, Craig and nlylh.
After the ceremony a very tasty de-
jeuner was served by the Fa vkc'a
caterers, of London. There weird
many beautiful gifts showing the
high esteem in w•hit+h ttie% young
couple are held. Mr. and Mrs. Case
left on a trip :to Toronto, Niagara
Falls, Ifamilton and Detroit, ,and on
their return will reside in Denfield
a nd are followed by the beat wishes
of a host .of friends.
The Regular Storm Period charm-
ed from the 2nd 'to the 711i, will
take up ;the disturbances and renew
and prolong them during the first
week of the month. Taking the
country as a whole. every variety
of storms front tropical and torna-
dic southward, to banal, with early
sleet and snow in extreme north and
northwest, are among the probabili.
tics at this t:1snc. We warn our
readers of very disagreeable, if not
destructive storms and w•eatter, at
this and the following October per-
iods. The 2n1 is the cetaral day of
a probable seismic period, cxteoiing
two to three days before and aftarr
that date. Look for rushing high
barometer, northwesterly gales and
change to unseasonable cnids, as •4
reoucl to these disturbances. Be on
the watch, in the northwest, for
this boreal wave as early .aft .the 'Jrd
to fish. Very- cool to oold westher
for I he to tom will spread leo moan
parts of the country, with frost) ;1041
some freezing nortkw.,rd. during the
interim preceding the next storm
pet 10.1.
It I•: A1,1.
11r. iMniel Stewart, of London.
w.,s in 11141 viilage 1,s3 week 'fu: .1
couplee of (1.41•s.
Mr. Vivid Wren returned .to Tor.
for repairs. 'fire medicinal visaues
onto lot week to assume his theca
of the water at the Feltool arc as urn. logical studies at the university
appreciated by the youngsters its sirs. W111. Eider, sr., w l'.o i, still
the old time doses our ,rrind(athcrs ;it ),rr diu:btcrs, Mts.. Moir, is im-
-,dvocated for us. The well is there- locoing .111,1we hope iron to sec tier.
fore to beeleaned out slid '11i••t tint- able to get around again.
for t0 supply from friendly neigh- Miss Belie Chesney has i&I,1rue41
fors meSinwhile. Sept. 191) c411142(1 from a ,sinal':' visit ',vitt, ,datives
for another meeting when th' min- in $rsi1orth and vi nit y.
11105 of 1140 1440 pre:tealing wore Mies Annie ('ripple returned 1101114'
weighed and not found wanting A 1.141 week from 'rnronl., wherr sic•,
lints more of the old lime tnu:.v.' at l,as tx.n spending a mon[h yr et+
tore` with (1 good strap to malfc with relatives.
time. :1111 411^ Repairs Com. w•oul;1 The ;elritivcs and 1,irn.1, of \les.
0111 it 10C 'lo ,'epor4 over 41) 1.1ne.% of (;;ittrct f{tn 11aco,nt,I' will regret 11)
glass broken during the holidays. learn of ),+•r death, which occurred
'1l.e of course have 1,411 tri tie. re- ;it her hone,: here • n Tu sassy last,
p1ncrvl :11 tit^ coot of the villase. ,,flora isa,new'hal {cog spicas whit 11
The princii•'il was authorized at this site 1,014. with gron; ('hrin11:1J1 (ort•
mer( int: to scout" supplementary 1141(10 and patience. The dec:'utrvl
rending at an e -ti 181ted rost of way only 25 yc:irs of ago 1:5 nd W3
about $10,00 to m.rt the ,rt:quiro- ,, spessed ref :t bright ,nd ani m11s4
mem!: of the n,idsutimer exams (.1 mariner and disi•o•ttien. which m,:1
1907. On petition :1 day has been h"r a groat favorite amt her c
granted in O:toler for • (albite, field denli�+' i• 1-1uie1,le4 by a largo rir-
tiiy wherein the athletic onion of c.,. of (liana,. Much sympathy i•
the 11. 8. deetrtment will 4,)44,44" t011 tar her harassed husl,n.1. Thr
islsro the Mar thou \'bane w.i+ r.n,uins iIllI8r•i in )laud's
4(18k .roll u1i :l,1 hate 110ne b°111.1.• cemetet vctThursday awl were fol -
\V0 Is'�pe 1k the highest '4101 nn lftli^ 1 bowed t(2";111:i r I:,sl a ir(l,ly reusing
fen,'l ter our -elves and I)1^ VAN p,laee hi' i large number of rcve:
knot hole for I l,.' P. I). \Ti+ I Steil' mai f1 r11,l .
GI'gory, of lain. ()co., dau4hle.t cf The 111rv0(1 Th uikst ficin:( services
our 1ownem In, \Ir. Thos, Gregory, in 80. 1'.1411" chnrdi last Sunday.
i+ 10 tike ilia Dnrrngton's t>o°i• w,•ro Iar4e1•; lump Rev. Collin,
»8. OVENS EYE ANQ EAR SLUR- 110". f140 s'iTiry is 10 Ir^ :,t 1110 of Exciter, ',If irked t1' sermons.
geon, will Iso at t he Commercial rite of Z:r;5.nn p••r. nn:tuni nr,1,1 .luny
Hotel the first F'•di f et, o tb 3o(h. 0.. \W, .1. ('Irlint then ei110d
e rope+ I fitted and dttleasesofeye fact chit it was ;letting otr to heft
Friday, October Lth,
t i bra 1I y o Zvi re n C3IL11sTOR=.1.•
Hours, 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p- m. Glass- t Ire 14 10111 ion n( the bn ►rd to c he t1M IM K rod Yt7 Hats Aho i4►iQM
c p ' r y out,
immediatelytheIigghis went 156114/11.
ear and notes treated. Text visit ottf the
eleetryc 11111e T•tler
If you have any idea of investing in western Lands
write US. We have a large list of choice lands in
all the best districts.
If you have land you wish to sell write us and if your
land is good and price right we will find a buyer for
No difference whether you want a quarter section
(160 acres) or 10,000 acr€s, we can supply you.
Pickard, Gundy & CO
Canada Life Building, Winnipeg
In Every Respect.
During July we had fifty
times as many calls for office
help as we had graduates
going out, and duriug Aug-
ust we had sixty-seven times
as many. This is the school
that is constantly "going
ahead" and not "standing
OAR" or "backing up."
IIEWrite for beautiful Cata-
logue. Now is the time to
W. J, Elliott, Principal
Cor. Yonge and Ale=and'er
.1,.;.,1.++•1• :- +4--a- : • 3 44++ } -s• •1•
fl Famous school
>'.' % l t• / 1�
v .,.1 t,I
This school is recognized to be
one of the best Commerical
Schools in the Province. Our
courses are thorough and up-to-
date. We give a practical train-
ing and assist our graduates to
good positions. It is impossible
to satisfy the demand made on
us for office help. Those inter-
ested in their own welfareshould
write for our free catalogue.
IUAL Instruction in all
branches enable us to import as
much knowledge in THREE
MONTHS as the average College
gives in SIX.
Try ourt hree Months course in
BilsineSS WOO
110 Dundas Street, London, Ont.
WM. C. COO, C. S. R.
Young ladies and gentleman who
are desirous of making a record. are
wanted at the
"Affiliated with Winghant Busi-
ness College."
to prepare for Bookkeepers, Steno-
graphers Telegraphers. During July
and August we could only fill ONE-
TENTH of the positions offered our
Catalogue for the asking.
Geo. Spotton Principal
A large collection of FURS now ready to show YOU.
Trifle early i' Sometimes it pays to think ahead, you
know Some of the most desirable lines disappear
early in the season. if you are contemplating buying
a new set of furs this season %ye ask you to look through
our assortment before making the final choice.
Remember our furs are marked at Drygoods Prices -
don't depend on just fur profits to k. ep this buisness
Ladies' Astrachan Jackets $32 to $40
Mens' Calf Coats $25 to $28
Fur Scarfs $4 to $12 •
Also full range of fur -lined CAPS for Gents' and Boys•
All Produce as good as Cash.
COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea,
We have Steel Ranges, Cast Ranges, Goal and Wood
Cooks, Base Burners, Hot Blast, Oaks, and a
number of second hand heaters and
wood cooks. At low prices.
Stove pipes, elbows, stove
boards. stove pipe varnishes and etc.
We expect another (•:u' of Portland Cement, Sat-
llrtlay. Furnace work ;inti plumbing in all its branches.
and Steams Store