HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-09-27, Page 8STEWART'S 'i' 1.41X E R `l:' 1 M h 8, SEPTEMBER 27th 1904 Markt Eeport.--Tho following is the report ot Exeter markets. cor- rected up to September 27th. Wheel, 70 testas per bushel. Outs, 30 to 31 teats ler buns. elate<y. 39 to 40 cents per bustrel. Teras, 60 to 65 cents per bushel. Shorts, $19 to $20 .r ton. Flour, $_ per cwt. Bran, $16 a ton. Hay. $4 to $8 per ton. Potatoes, 95 cents per base Fend Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Clover reed, $7 to $8.50 per bus. Butter, 18 cents pet pound. F•a3•s. 17 edits per dozen. Coal. $8.75 per ton. Bogs. (Deseret. $R per cwt, ,log.,, livettei'ght, $6.25 per cwt. Chicken. Re live, 10c. dressed. 01d liens, 7c. live, Rc. dressed Ducks. ta. olive: 10c. dressed. I.aree onions, 60c a bushel. l':ct:line onions, $1.35 a bushel. Dried Apples; 4o per hound. ig Store, 11 11,1111111111.11111111118.11.111.1111111111 We invite the Ladies and 1 Children to visit our big 111aut1t, Department before you ['circhas(' Your Fall Coats. We c+ft t,ive you all the nifty styles in Grey and Mixed Tweed and Blacks. They are special values at $5.5), 8.50, $10 and 14.50 It would pay you to call and visit our Millinery Eoom:;. We are showing the newest and most exclusive Ideas that are to prevail this season. Our selections is the best that can be purchased. We have the largest range of Grey mixed Dress Goody that we have ever shown and at 49 cents it's a win- lner. You ought to see them, I know you will tike them. If you want to dress the little folks warm and stylish VO have the range to choose from in Grey mixed Green mixer' awl mixed Tweeds, they are extra values at 25, 30, 35 cents ientlenlen, the time is here when you will be thinking about a nobby Suit, `CALL." We can suit you, we have the steel; and quality to choose from in our new department. If von want to he up to (late ill dress Sou ought to wear a "KING HAT." We are agents for them. Light in weight and easy fitting. Bring along all Your Produce, It's just as Good as Gold. STEW_A.1?.T Handsome Presents Aro you looking for a suitable present? If so .lie' large assort- ment of Silverware FanGU China Fall GloGks and many other lines we carry, will make choosing easy f o r you. WADDING RINGS sk 16k 1•41C A. Marchand THE .TEWELi:R tINAL EN ETI:IZ C0(iNCI1, The I•:;;ular sleeting of the Gems- . oil was li-'d JIonday evening. A Cour, of Revision for iho street watering wee first held. The clerk reported npt,eats against the assess- ment Of John Pedlar and J. N. I Howard en t11? grounds of over as- 'esslncni for benefit derived. Jamas Creech Chairman. The Ifoward u- eessmcot was e.u•,tained providing all (1 i wI' 1 l or,%:rty assessed belongs to J. 1 N. Howard. John 1'cdlaF's assess - 1 went w.as reduced to 15 feet instead i of 20 feet. The following oc.ounts were or. ldered paid: Queen City, Oil company,1 gasoline, $19.49; James Dennis, le- i pairs to wader cart, etc., $1.15; 11. Persons. street watering, $21.00; Reif Telephone company. telephone. 30; Bavvdcn & Sweet, balance grnn- oldthic sidew,rlk- *154.33 ; J. A. Stew- art, supplies to cemetery, $1.99. Tenders w-erc opened by .t he Cem- etery committee Who were in atten- dance far the building of a new residence at the . cemetery to re- place the ono rec.sway destroyed by fire. The following lids were made: brick work, (leo. IMaman, $300; Lumber. Ross & Taylor. $41U; ,faint. ing G. Mame. $90: carpenter work R. Gould $105. Tenders at ere not received for eavetroughing etc. and the rec•retary was instructed to get the lowest prices from the. 1.-1 hardware dealers. The hoard rc:; mended t. het the council accept rho figures as received, which was done when the council resumed. • THE TIMES TO THE END OF 1906 FOR 25c. 'StT11SCRIBE A 1' ONCE. GOOD CLOTfflNG i)o not let all the (food Chances pass you, if you are likely to need a new $suit during the next six months you will be doing yourself a favor by getting it now. Take Advantage of our Special Discount of TWENTY PER CENT. WE DON'T Try to fit a Man into a reatly- ntade Suit, we slake the Suit to Fit the Man and to fit him as if it were his own Suit -not a borrowed one. 1f You want to have the reputation of be- ing a correct dresser let US do the Tailoirng for you, and you will ever be sure of good Ma- terials good Fit, Special Work• manehip and pt•tfect finish. W. W. '1'as i Morahan/ Tal/qr. THE OLD WAY TO CURE: A COLD TIAs Ni;\V WAY - TAKE flowey'e CURE CAPSI;LES ONLY 25c. A BOX. tr'Be sure and have a box on tar for this eteteg•able Weather. W. S. HOWEY Phm. B. Miss Beatrice Hawke, of Monition, N. Ii„ is visiting ernong relatives in town. Mr. Fred Gidley of Detroit, id vis- iting his p,roits. Mr. and Mrs. It. Gidley, .1. \V, it, w, 'il is assisting in It he ,Moivons' 11iu.k titling the absence of W. P. Clarke, SIE Ot'it NE v ASSORTMENT OF coma poet cards. the test yet at Carle'. f)rug Store. Mr. Donald Wields left Monday for the Northwest to look ■ftcr his interests there. Ile will go through as far as Edrnonto:r, Regina bating his hcodqu:rrterr, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1906 ••••••••••••••$4•••••••••• ••LOCALS •• • • •••••••• A N1TMMIW I, yenteM DERE tended alae Scaforlh fair hast clay. REV, GOING IIf•:T('IRNF:D I Tuesday from attending the G al Conference :at 'Montreal. \\'NILE THOMAS ELSTON digging his 'esteems, lie carne a .1 hill containing 49 sn1a11 tube HISS HUSTON I IAS ItET[JIt from Grand Mend and will re her teaching of voice culture piano. Mlt. C. E. HACKNEY OF F'AI ILar intends holding an extensive Doti rale of his stock abouli ttho of October. A MONG THOSE W 110 LEFT I. , West on :Monday were P. tin, of Centralia, and %Viln:un I of behests, FRANK I3A\\'DEN AND 0 Mcl'Iser•,;on ore in London this writing on several subjects of Mntrioulation exams, MR: F. E. KAHN, teenager of the Sovomign Bank, London, and for- merly twin,rgcr of t he branch here, left lora week for a t11ree 11101111t's trip to the old gauntry, FARM FOR SALE. --CONTAINS 100 acres, being lot. 11. con. 2, township of Steuhe's. For furl her particulars nplplY on the premises, or address Jas. Walker. Crediton East. Ml(. SiMON HUNTER WAS A'1' the Seaforlh fair with .hie unde- feated learn of heavy draught hor- ses, and had aro trouble pulling <town the first money with ahem. REV. FEAR WILL -TAKE charge of the services of 'tha Cred- iton Methodist •church next Sunday evening. Rev. Andrews will occupy reel Mein ;street pulpit during the evening. THE EXETER GUN CLUB AT A meeting lest Saturday evening de- cided not fto held their -tournament Ibis year, and postponed the event until Good Friday, of next year, vvhen a larger shoot will be VTiven. It is quite possible, however, that local shoot will be held !that fall. AT- Fr'i- IOME er,er- \\'AS ernes rm. NED slime and tQU- a uo- 10th F011 Cur. PEA -eek the THE DANGER OF' YOUNGSTERS climbing. on riga was exemplified Monday afternoon. Three or four little fellows climbed abo:rad n far. titer's hayrack, and in trying to get off, 1la young sou of John Malletft Jr. got hie head between two aeroes bare. Ile got a severe bump in ithe mouth, knocking out two teeth and cutting his lips badly. T1iF, HARVEST HOME FESTIVAi, and Tea of the Jamoa eitreah Meth- odist church will bo held Sunday and Monday, Sept. :11th, attd Oct. 1. Specie! rermoee will be preached on Sunday, by the pastor Rev. Going and on Monday evening tea eel 1,r, served in the basement of the church Dona 0 10 8. A program eoneistins of :addressee by resident miniel'are interspersed with solos, etc. %will be given. \VITEN ARRANGING F011 1"OUfl farm stock sale make if, 1 went to have your bills printed it the TIMES office. Four bills will be rtttrac- lively 'primed, and with every trate bill alone at 'this office you %till r•e- orivc fren n notice of it he Ra IC in 11115 'paper, which is read every week by hundreds of people in this local- ity and makes your sale known lila many who may never have the op- portunity of seeing your bills, A PUBLIC MEETING WAS HELD in the Town Gail last Friday- even- ing in the interests of rho :propos- ed Canning factory. Reeve Dottier occupied Use chair rind first fnire- ducrd Mr. i girls Gardiner, who spoke for some time on the c• suint,* 4ndnm- tr v. Mr, 11cLamore, of Chicago, who is here !coking (mica t he cell- ing .'Ind installing of a Plant was 111e next speaker. Mr. MCLamorc spoke in a general way of conning Motor/es and stated that a tan- ning fernery properly run, is a pay- ing business, end that attar it is once started the value of tie of oek will itrorees;e one hundred fold. Mr. McCallum alto spoke and sold he would Tike to sae the faolory- get sleeted. Mr. Gladman alsoo 'poke along the i.une' linea, THE EFFECTS OF TIIE EXCE['- lionally warm and dry nett her of the last three weeks are now begin- ning 4o ho felt by alae farmers in this section. The small streams have dried up: wells ;and cisterns have given out, and many farrnerrt.as well ns 'townspeople are compelled to go long Slid antes for water, not only for khcir sidle, but for domestic purposes also. Everywhere th'•1ugh. out arras. country ,henvy rains, would be gladly welcomed. As a r esult of the dry weather cauliflower„ aro dwarfed, while po. es ,nd (eon are also much email. ' than 'they would /rave Meete it hits grubs nro playing havoc with the potatryes in some localitfrs, [however what has horn bad for other fruit! has proven a blcssitrg for tomatoes and melons the warm dry weather causing them to ripen in abundance. Never dins thorn been melts supply of muskmel- ons and tomato,ss : 4 ,Leas is this rent L. LADIES! THE OLD RELIABLE -L.00I{ THIS WAY Where Did Cain Get His Wife ? Hoa puzzlt..I Bible students for ages. We don't, know. We do know, however where you cant get the bast, Line of Goods to be had anywhere. If in need of a pretty fall hat or a stylish mantle wo have The Best salve as always - Our stytea in ladies fall and winter Jackets comprise everything that is new and nubby. Every new style of coat is to be found in our great variety. Pretty T.veede in light acd dark shales in difereot styles at $8.00 to $10. Pretty Fawns of beautiful quality Covert Cloth. 41 inches long with pleats, $12 50 and $15.00. Special lot of imported Mantles in pretty dark tweed of blue, brown and green mixtures. On sale at special price, $5.00. Ask to see this line. In black we have the best showing we ever had. Made np in a great num- ber of different styles. Prices $10.00 to $13.00. MILLINERY OUR SHOW ROOM IS CROWDED with all the latest and best styles for fall and winter. We are told we have the best showing in tot' n. Come in and see for yourself. One thing we do know, that is, we can save you money on your fall hat. We spec- ially invite you to call and see the styles and get prices before pur- chasing elsewhere. SHELL & ROWE 1 is visiting hiss May Jones, The chilly weal her ls broughtMiss Parl Wheatley, of Clinton,OUR EJTFORM frth !the moth smelling garanenta. Miss Callander, of Detroit, is the guest of her cousin, Miss JeanetIJ' Brown. Mrs. J. Decker, of London, at the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. IIee- man. Mrs. Jarmaine, ot London, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Glad - man, Elmore Senior left Monday for Toronto ito take up a ooueee of arts in the university. The latest styles for fall wear, that is. if you haven't the price, aro the some art last year. Florence Bissett deft tl:est week for a. course in training at Viotoria hospital, London, Ienank Weekes left This week for Preston. where 11c has 13ecured a position os photographer, Mr. .1. G. Stanbury returned Sat- urday front attending the Sovereign Grand Lodge, 1. 0. 0. F., at Toronto. Dr. Harry Browning left on a trip throughout the Northwest, and if bo finds a suitable place will locate in one of the western towns. AND POLICY Pure Drugs Polite and Efficient Service The Best toe the Least Money Skillful Compounding of Prescrip- tions. We are beat Pleased when Satisfied. Cleanliness Accuracy Promptness Purity Give (Ts a Coll and be Convinced AT Cole's Drug Store esee. F. \V. 01,ei ,an lett \Ve411eg- DIt, O\'1s s EYE ANI) EAIt St,'It- day evening fee Toronto, Ito .:aten•I goon, will bo at the Commercial the wedding of her sister, Miss F'ow- Hotel the first Friday of each month. - ler, which Likes place i(o-day. (lours, 9.30 a. m, to 4.30 p: no Glass - Miss hazel L. Browning left Friday es properly fitted and diseases of eye, to attend the \Vhilby College. Miss ear and nose treated. Next visit Browning Will take up a. special course Friday, October 5th. in fine arts., languages and elocution. YOU are Mr. Thomas llandford yesterdayA VE1tY PRETTY WEDDING shipped two oneletolt' of horses to teas oelebra'ted in Knox church, Mit- I he west, one going to fort Are obeli. n' dneediw. September 26111. Thur and •tlra other to Winnipeg. tt•\inlet F'foretw'econ second 'hug11. Mr. Lorne hear, who vi.:ited his terr of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Thomp- parenls at the son, W.13 married to 1V. M. Martin. parsonage during the 11. A., I1•irris(r.r of Regina. Sask., on past two months, lett Tuesday for e( Rev, ese M. Martin, of Exeter. Toronto, where ho has been appoint- Miss Mabel Thompson, sister of the (•d teacher in the school of science, bride, acted as staid of honor. The Mr. Feer will teach electrical en- Misses Christina Thompson and An- ginoering' 01 E. Martin„ sisters of Ike bride Mr, Fred, Sent boott, got San Frau- and britkgroom, respectively, por- cisco, who spent the summer at the formed the part of bridesmaids, Mend visited in town a few days while J. A. Marlin, 13. A., of Toron- during the past week. ilo left. on lo, assisted the groom. The ,guests on Tuesday for Blenheim to visit were confined to lite immediate rrl- hie sister, Mrs. E. Hpackman, before :dives of the oontractin;t; parties. and returning to his home. among those present were Dr. .Tatn- TIie early' ,closing movement twhic), lemon. U. 1'. 1'., Durham. Thomas was :eeriest last spring has been :%,1'1"i..1. M. 1'., Mount Forest : .1)r. carried through quite successfully lived I., Tlaonlpscxs, !IOWA on, 'Texas; by the me/chin ls who entered into Mr. anti Mrs. W. \V, 'Thompson, the agreement. Tl1n early closing Goderislr; Rev. and Mrs. 1). M. \lar - has been appreciated not only by. else tin, Cinnin[ton : ]rev. and Mr W. clerks, but by the merchants, who M. Martin. Exeter, auct Dr. .lack c a 1 Intl1 at 1c' ta their 1 w3 11ehm as beeGum!. Clinton. Alter the ceremony even greater -than before the early I wON lr'rfor,ll('d a dainty wedding closing started. dinner %rose served and 1he young ) couple showered with uongra,ttil:,.. 'IIt, TI1OJ1AS E IfANDI O1tDTl11: tions. Mr. and Mrs. Martin after nn %vciikno\vn borsedc:,ilcr of this vil. extended trip will take un 4h.'ti.r resi- l°('P'tge has just Irturncd Ivo,, a lilts- fence in Matins, whets \ir, Martin is trip to \I'inni1.eg where be has an extended clientagc) and a host formed a partnership with a J[r, of friends. MCL('an and bought out the firm •of A hippy event took place at hal( Ityan and Fates, of that city, the past. two \\'rdnesday, Sept 10 at I. largest dealers in horses in the Ivied.Mr. llandford has fora number 'of years been the largest dealer in Ito r- ses in (hese parts and has by hit .. Full Value for the Money ie our Motto. :Any one who knows the value of Money, will call and examine Our Goods and see the Big Bargains we are offering. WELL ! WELL ! New Goods Are Still Arriving 1Ve have just received a large Line of ,i Ready -to -Wear Clothing In Men's, Youths' and Boys' Twee.' Suits. Now some ofrthese Lines we are going to clear at a Bargain. Coyne in and have a look. Suits to Please the Lads Prices to Please the Dads (lents' Furnishings a Specialty. Have a fine assortment in Ties, Shirts and Hats The Latest and Nobbled. My it's chilly these evenings, "Say, wife won't you go to the OLD RELIABLE and got the some of those Elastic Ribbed Underwear :u They tltdle the Penangle in light, medium and heavy weights. Highest Price Paid for Produce. CA RUING S SOS. The Power of Money Saved The systematic saving of something each week - even $2.00 or $5.00 will, in a few years enable you to' take a course at college, to buy a home, take a trip abroad, or get almost anything else you may wish for. Commence to save to -day. $1.00 opens an account and interest is paid 4 times a year in 1.1.1 Sovereign Banat of Canada CREDJTON, DASflWoOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETBE. JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLAUMAN & S'J'ANBURY, Solicitors !Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. 78 Dundas St., London 11 ;re you a farmthat yo11 want 'o sell, Write for our (ears of gel. ' ling property. We have the meet complete method of advorlising- and selling property in °arida. Do you want to buy a farm or business property in any part of Ontario: Send for our list, \Ve have some barzain.. OLD HENS WANTED. NOTICE! Having rented iter. W. a . [Bissett's Grain Store ILouse. 1 we are now in a position to (handle all kinds of (grain, for which we will pay the highest market value. 1 We will pay the lIigllest We solicit your gristin;; and Cash Price:; for live old liens,' chopping patronage. also spring chickens, ducks, and all kinds of poultry, Mention tbis_paper, The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Limited, Stratford, Ont. ,••••••••••••••••••••••: ;.•-6 •Don't Menke(' with that ICRAIVD TRUNn SYs E M •l Gough f a t pHunters Excursions • • ° �INGI�� rflR� While Pine and Tar HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO. c • Great, hie 'retie for1_•^ tesidetrce (af Mrs. W. J. 'F'uller Brantford, whets her tieicc, Miss Is• Vele around Ives united in marring to nt airs dealing and correct Inkai less fords formerly 1 -of IExet r. The lein el aid methods trade of Exeter and vicin- entered the drawing room, whirl its the largest horse market in welt_ was 1astefull.9 decorate l with pin ern Ontario, During tele past . six and %white, lo the Strains of Mende years lie has bought from •she ear- ssohn's wedding march 'slaked by her tncrs of this district for the firn1, .1 cousin, Miss Luella Creighton, of Ryan and Fares needy 4500 horses Burton). The eeremony Watt per - for which he has paid ,ill.; t11e, large formed by Rev. 11, .1, Pril.:h.ard, pas - sum of nearly a million dollars and tor of the Alex-andra Presbyterian farmers and stockmen will he grist_ church, Miss Edith Creighton, ', ified to know 4 hat Mr. IlandlorO cousin of 1 Lc bride, %%;as br'idesnlaid, `11111 :'till conduct. tPc business here .:and Mr, Lehi(' Kaufman essislt'd the as in the past, making Exeter lois groom. The bride w.af, gl�•ee away 1•eehrei Corm and shipping from this by her grandfather M r. William st:pion and other convenient I oin( s, 1 Creighton of ihurford amt 1118 dress - A9 n Huron how Nein; hnrn in the: ed in el1111)? Igtle voile silk and oar- ronnsbip of Stephen, and starting I tied a large bouquet of silk roses. out 14 a farmer's son %%Ili email The bridesmaid wore white silk mull mens, I.r deserves hearty congrate 1 and corded s liond'a,rne bouquet. Mations and ewc1y encouragen)enl ; After the ceremony the guests sit in this new venture ns he 1105 50- down to a tattty dejeuncr, the tal- cure4 for this locality such a largo' lee lasing arritrlkcnlly decorated for tnnrkcl for horses and making .this lila °cession. Mr, and airs, Mc - the distributing Point for such larger Laughlin tell on 't be 4.35 G. T. B. expenditure involving n it dose over train for leesiton find points west. 8150,000.00 annually, All ' farmer( . and set their return will reside in and others anxious to maintain a !Brantford. The bride's brevetting good market anal thus heli, make'shit wile navy blue Louis'�ne with hat. prosr'rrity mors prosperous, will to match. Tlie votuatr couple are ex - join in wishing lac new fret every 1 (remelt pa(apufar, the grc•om Wing a success, and those having 11(.3.01 for 'tnember'ef the Klondike olnh and an sale will. do cell to consult Mr.' expert at the \Vnierous Engine llandford ^� his agents before die.' 'Works Comp any'. posing of Tho same. Tile Times - _- joi$s our fellow townsman's tnaoy `Mrs. Geo. Rook, friends in congratulating him upon2nd Conees- ihirt new enterprise coupit.i %with r111iSion, Osborne, intends hording a hope that it nil! prove mntu:dly sale of farm stock and ample- trcrtefirial finnnciall)' and oa lierwi to i to h1m,clf an,1 i:ds nlun,er..,, patronrt,, meets on Thursday, October 18 TaeI.e.(e.�•rf .'..a.;i,.;u,l'.'.v1< • '- •••••••••••••••.••••••� c e 1 am paying this week GOING OGT. 9t11 TO NOV. 62 To all points in Tentagatni on T. k N. 0. Ry. To points Mat lawit to Peart Arthur To Sault Ste. M vie& Port Atthur vitt \ort hen Nay. Co, Iso lieor'gien Bay and Lake Super - for for points via N. N. Co. To points in Quebec. Wheat s 70c GOING OGT. 25 TO NOV. 62 Oats - 30c Barley 39 to 40c Peas 62 to 65c Richard Seldon Exeter, Centralia and Clandeboye STRAYFi):1'11E1tF: CAME TO MY Premises :.1m111 1be middle of June a Tad 3-c'rling heifer, Owner may have gime by proving trot tarty and paying char es, C. F:. ilIektiey, Eatgiihar. Cd1rTOA1'i. Hear. ti+. 'Pt 114 Yoe Hitt Abu 1s 80eptt Illgustro To Penetang, Midland, Lakefieid. all points Severn to North Bay, Argyle to ('oboconk, Lindsay to Halihtcrton. A11 points Madawaska to Depot Barber. All pointy on Muskoka Lakes, Lake allays, Meganetewan river. ALL TICKETS (TODD R1iTURNiNO UNTII. DECEMBER 8th. For rickets eel fall infermat.on Ball 0n J. J. KNIGHT, Ikpot Ticket Agent J. D. McDONALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto WANTED General Servant Good Wages to good Giri, Apply to MRS. A. BLACK- BURN, 780 Richmond St., London, Ont.