HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-09-27, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, SEPTEMBER '27th 1t'Ot. SHINGLE We have just received a carload of British Columbia red Cedar Shingles and one of Now Brunswick Shingles and are now in a position to supply your wants in this line. Parold woofing We aro agents for this original Ready Roofing, it is used on barns, factories, in fact any building that need a good roof. Ask us about this roofing and get a circular. T� Ltde Exeter. 60., Ross•TaulOr s of all kinds of old scrap iron a M. wanted at wa Jackson's EXETER We will pay the highest cash price or exchange fence posts for same. MIJACKSON &SON Mein -St. Exeter. 2 The Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gomm Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. Pres.: -J. A. NORRIS, CROMARTY P.0 Vice -Pres.:- J. L. RUSSELL, Resect DALE, P. O. DIRECTORS W.H. PA88MORE, FAItQUIIAR P.O WM. ROY, BORNIIOLM P. 0 Wm. BROt I: WIN(•IIELBEA P. O. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. O. AGENTS. JOHN ESSEItY. Exotor, agent for o i idul h. 'a rn and I3 r L bo P OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. agent l for Hibbert, F'ullarton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secy.Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & STANBURY. Solicitors One door south of the • Metropolitan Hotel. + 4 MEDICAL W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. pie P. 13„ Graduate Victoria Uni- 1ty. office and residenence. Dom1nlon. poratery, Exeter. DR. A, F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PHYSI- ��s and Surgeon.. Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Wilco Main street. Residence . east as first street north of Post Office, Ontario. DRS. Y. AND II, M. COWAN, 894 Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. Telephone 1528. Long distance connection. Special attention given diseases of women and rite titre etttake il or youlalmostt to11. e the doot Cars r. e other city office. Special Hospital and slyer! rra 'gement:+ for patients from a ..-DENTAL -- I)lt. A.R. KINSMAN. L. 4160I). 8.1). D. 8., Honor (;radiate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or badaftor effects. Office in Fan• son's block. West side of Main blest,`Exeter DR, 0, E. IWULSTON, L. D. S., D. D. S., Dentist. Member of R. C. I). 5., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFIc1:-Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. rION E`I TO LOAN. We have a largo amount of private funds to San on farm abil village propertied at towrate. tntere.l• ULADMAN & STAN11URY )tarrlaters Solicitor.. Main SL Exeter. DICKSON & CARLiNG, i tsrrtsters Solicitors Notarle• Conveyancers Commi...d•�nere, Solicitors for the Molsons Batik, Etc. 1101107 to Loan at lowe.t rate, of Interest. FICEt-MAIN STREET, EXETER. 11.11LBLIknii It A. L. 11. DICaBelt THOMAS CAMERON. CONVEY- ancer, wills drawn, money to loan On real estate, also License,} Auctioneer tor es s�poderate. ('idcror tstl ft titron the �crt a counties theTnysorattny iMidcnco, Farquhar will receive prompt atten Non. MONEY TO LOAN \7s have unlimited private funds for Inyee upon farm or village iroperty at lows' asset t In DICKSON & CARLI gists. 0 UR PIANO SALES For the r est month have been very iatirfnctoty loth to our- selves and our tustcmere. This we attribute to cur (sceptitna good values arca (aly terms o payments. OUR GOODS are the finest the market affords and our terms most liberal. Do not listen to the men who say all manner of evil of ns but call and see and judge for yourself. Sewing Machines Our Sewing Machines are O. K. Also a fine Line of Statio nery Cheap. S. MARTIN & SON WILLIAM BROWN, Prow. Dip. Lome nF ROYAL IN(•ORI'uttATED SociETI' OF MUSICIANS,' NOLAND. ist of Trisitt Memorial Church, Faster.' --- Auction Sale -of- Farm Stock Mr. Joseph White has received in. strUotL011s to 0('11 on the premiscet by public Auction on LOT 16 CON 11 l'SBORNE. one and one -hal f miles nortb of the Presbyterian Stone church on MONDAY OCTOBER 1ST. 1906. Commencing et 1.30 o'cl•ack sharp the tot lowing property.;- HORSES -1 brood mare In foal to Colston Leader ; 1 yearling colt sired by Sir Thistle; y1 yearling colt aired by Gen colt by Master I.toineo. COWS -1 thoroughbred Durham cow twttll pedigree to Delve in Feb- ruary ; I thoroughbred Durham crow to calve in No/ernber; 1 grade cow to solve in November: 4 cows sup- posed to entre in the spring; 2 twn- v ar-old steers: 3 two-year-old heif- ers; 3 yearling steers: 1 yearling heifer : .7 calves. PIGS- 1 thoroughbred Tamworth boar ; 1 thoroughbred Yorkshire sow in pig to a registered York-. shire boar : 1 thoroughbred Berk- shire sow in pig : .1 brood sow: 4 pigs four months old ; 23 pigs seven weeks 0141. hensAlso !ill .sell -bred Plymouth hock . No reserve as 1 he proprietor is overstocked. TERMS OF SALE. mill: and under ;ll: over that amount 12 months credit will be given on furnishing nppror•ed joint notes. 5 per cent discount mill be allowed in lieu of stoles. IJOS. WHITE Auctioneer FI,ETCIIER P. 8".'rrzmI propriet., FARM FOR SALE lman ilia-, 11r:311. II.tnnon) and Theory of ala+m. Tcrn.t on Api ii .tl ton. FhMer, rhttario, i LLON INGE-STAY FENCE R.t:rr 5. 1'•I 11 Poe- 1•a 1,•.e •' tie ptwnl 11.0 ttiortrn„^tel ,ta„a ones )"'t tt t a I.P, rr,.-* r,•,1 tiro aeaM,l. OA 1.11 wilt n. •r. tralnt t'.ttalogu. fr,.- I:a,te,ta want.• 1. 1, 1Cra_111_!'(' A1_11111 w-vrL-7"tce CO. \`t1 \N, Agent. Exeter A choice farm in I he township of i'talatrton, 75 ocres, good bulk barn, stables rind drive house. Five ocre9 of maple buaki. (:Wil drilled well, with wind mill. Goal orchard end till in high state of cultivation. For terms end D r1icuhars npiny to 'rhos. Oa nlcron. Far nuh.a r. VILLAUE 13R013FkTY FU Il SALE nit( acre in village of Farquhar on tvliich there is erected to large brick building fitted for store and dwelling, and a neat brlok cot tap and stable will be Rohl separately or in one Flock. THOS. CA\PERON F'st rgtilis r. AVe`etable Preparation forAs- s itrill l ittg the Fond and Keg uta - ung tlttc SI llll ::: s and Boweof IMMO Promotes Di•:; . 3tion,Cheerful- ncss and Rest.Contains neither Opiut . Morphine nor 14Thlgral. NOT NA7tcOTIC. Mops dad !lr.SA LTLPBCB£1l Jiaafaftw Sea - .41x.Jenrea .- .fJr 0.4414 .tan Jest • Jl purriru to Conk vs aJ:Ly • Mom end - ft4tarya 'er;-7e Apctfect Remedy for Constipa-. tion, Sour Stotnach,Diarrhoea, I1'onns ,Couvuts ions , Feveri sh- tless and Loss OF SLEEP. FacSinule Sitriaturc of NEW IMF!. H. CASTORI For Infants and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. U For Ov Thirty Yea CASTOR! TMC pa NTAYa COY.AMV, NEW .Ona CIT FARM FOR SALE.-Thtt excellent farm land Lot 9, Conctl-'asion 10, Usborno, containing 100 acres. about 15 aores tieing good bush. This farm is in excellent condition, first class well, windmill. barn, etc. The farm 'has been seeded to grass for a number of yoara and was used prin- cipally for pasture. Tho fences aro in good oondition. Apply to Wm. Croery, Winohelsol: Robert Berry. Kirkton, Executors of estnto or she tato Itobert Creers. FARM FOR BALE. -That excellent farm, Lot No. 17, Concession 8, lllanchard, consisting of 104 acres, well drained. well fenced, with large brick house of 10 rooms, two large cellars, trr'o excellent barns and driv- ing eked, 1103 pen -and hen house, 2 never -failing wells. All this farm is in good state of cultivation, with 13 acres of summer fallow. Possession will be given et once. Apply to Mrs. Thomas Oornish. Woodham, for par- ticulars. ZURICH Dir. and Mrs. F. Si'il1l returned from ►I0ir hooey un..:n trip 1a.ct %VCs k. Mr. Fred lies, sr., Iris sold Lts land east of the village. the west half 10 Jacob H0Watd and Cha east halt to henry Howald. Zurich will have a lawn Iwwliut club next summer. An orgauizativa alerting sill be held in the near future. Filet in the swamps east of the village, have 'cell raging during the past tIvo weelts, and a lot of good firew000cl has been dest raved. Division Court was held iu fhe Town Hall last Monday. Mr. O. II. Ehrue s. who tt':IM uccowlt- ant of the Sovereign bank at Jlash- w'oo•1, has been appointed to ;, sim- 1irposition With the branch nt OWCII Sound. Nancy Ellenbaum. beloved wife of 1). S. Faust. died Sunday. Sept. 16tH aged 61 years, 4 months and 10 days. She was taken ill about two- months ago, and all that loving and sym- pathetic hands could do was done for her, but •the disease could •tot. pre Chetikcd. She was oftentimes in very .great pain, but pilo bore it all in chrislion fortitude. Site was a faithful member of the Evangeli- cal church and was a firm believer > our mercy s and me Y ,,f in the goodness Saviour. lief kindly nature and pleasant disposition had won for her many close and dear friends, and all regret her death very much. Beside» her sorrowing husband she leaves to mourn, talo S0110 and two daughters: Alfred E.. of Lewiston. Idaho : Samuel E., at home :.Mrs. \V. Finkbeiner of Milverton, and Mrs. W. 11. Hoffman, of town. besides her aged mother, Mrs. Ellenbaum, of Cavalier, N. D., and a number of sisters and brothers. The funeral services were held on 'Tuesday af- ternoon, interment taking place 10 the Bronson Line cemetery. Clearing Auction Sale FARM FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Jos. White, Auct,, has received in- rstrucitions from Fred Gunning to sell by public auction 011 LOT 7, CON. 1, BLANSIIARD Town -lino between 1llenahard and Fullerton, three mites northwest of Anderson, on I'UESDAY, OCTOBER f►th 1906. commwlcing at one o'clock, 11110 following property : Fifty acro farm on .whioh itt a good bank barn 30x70. good modern stab. ling .underneath, comfortable log house. The farm is well -fenced, in a good state of cultivation and is all in grass, well watered with nev- er -failing spring of running water, 2 good wells, good orchard and gar- den of all kinds of small fruits. This farm is .well suited for grazing or mixed fanning. HORSES. -blare 8 years old, attp- posed to bo in fall be Colston Leader ; roadster filly rising three years old: draught filly rising- two Executors Sale of Farm! )nolo old ltrCd by Fon Premier, sucking colt sired b)' Revolo: year Stock Robinson & \\'bite, rusts. will sell for the executors of the estate of the late Jno. M. Robinson. on Lot 10, Con. 3, Blanshard, one mile west of Ander- ling colt sired by Tyrone. CATTLE.-ThrCo good dairy mfrs duo to calve in March ; cow duo to oalve April 14: two -)-cat*' ofd heifer due to calve April 17; 2 steers' ris- ing three years old: 4 steers rising two years old: 2 yearling steers:• 3 spring cats es. son, on lobe. 3, 1906 PIGS - Thotoughbrcd Y°'212:j rkshire Wednesdaij, oG sow duo to farrow Oct. '22: 17 Commencing at One o'clock, the fel" shiredue to farrow Oct. Ll, 17 store hogsmonths onthsold, lowing comprising Fifty•1 ive bend of FOWL. -100 head of heats mast! higgh-grade stock. hie Plymouthouth hocks. ORSES.- General purpose horse 1MI'LEDIENTS-1 wagon and box tieold, Good worker: hy 1 seed drill, Massey Harris ; L bin- draughingytyears gelding rising 3 yearn eavold der, Massey Harris; 1 sod plow; 1 eire(1 by Sir lfalcolm; draught filly tis- long plow ; 1 pair irons leterows; 1 Ing 2 years nld, aired by Sir Malcolm; gang plow : 1 scuffker; 1 set • bob - colt rising 2 yenta old, aired by Royal sleighs: 1 hnvrake ; .1 mower :1 hay- rack ; pair slings, pulleys, about 100 feet of rope with 011, l wheelbar- row, cradle scythe, crowbar, log chain, 1 barley fork, pig risk „ravel lox, diet harrow, cultivator, roller, Pair truck scales capacity 2000 lbs, all complete for weighing Mock, 1 double buggy, 1 feed boiler 45 gal- lons, 1 knife grinder, flour bin, grind molts, ladder, straw knife, cross -cut saw, l sccop shovel, churn Pulver, dozen core elinins, water trough. 2 sots trlliffletrccs, 1 faul- ting twill, neck -yokes ; ,l set double harness: 1 set plough harness ; tlxe- h.andle 1jniher; 51 drill* of turnips: 18 di ill., of manifolds; some oak elau,k. TEi1M5 On harm $1,200 to $1,500 down. Balance can remnln On mortgage. On other property $5.00 and under, cash over that amount 12 months' credit on opproved joint notes, or a Vis- count of 5 per cent. per annum for cash. A11 will 1►e sold without j(' Crvc us the proprietor I•t in failing health. JOS. WHITE. FRE1) GUNNING, Auctioneer J'roprietarr. y Bi11y. THOI1O114HBRED CATTLE -Thor- oughbred Shorthorn heifer 3 years old with pedigree and in calf: thorough- bred heifer calf 6 Months old. GRADES -One cow Clue to calf in Oct.; cow duo to calf in Nov.; 2 heifers rising t years old due to calf in Dec.; cow due to calf in Jan. These inc all good grade dairy cows and all in calf to registered Shorthorn hull: u good 2 year-old heifers, not to calf; 5 yearling heilet s: 1) 2 -year-old steers, goad ones t) 1 -year-old steers: 15 last spring calves extra good ones, BOOS -Yorkshire sow with 11 pigs t; creeks old, first litter: thoronAlibred Yotkshire sow ped'd and itt pig, thoro bred Yorkshire sow $ months old, (Nue to farrow Dec. Id: Yorkshire tow thorohred, 5 months old not in pig. SHEEP- tt well bred i,eicestcr ewes 2 ewe lambs. TEJRMS-Six months' credit will be giver. on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of 6 per cent. per annum for cash. Everything will be sold without re- serve to wind up the affairs of the es- tate. ROBINSON & WHITE. Aucts. JAMES ROBINSON JOSEPH WHiTE Hxecutor if all dyspepsia sU(ferers knew what Dr. Shoop's Restorative would do for (heal, dyspepsia would prac- tically be a disease of the past. Dr. elhoop'9 ,Jtcstora1ive reaches stom- ach troubles by its direct tonic no- tion upon the inside itlerves-rho true stomach nerves. Stomach dis- tress or weakness, fullness bloatin3, belching, etc. Call for 1110 Rest ora - 1 ive, We recommend and sell 11r. Shoop's itestorative. Sold by W. R. llowcy. • To Cure a Cold in One Day r mike Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. iR (91,_d6 � box. 25c. sone mason 1o.es sold in past 12 leont':s. Tbis signature, ' �e y EASY TO RETAIN HEALTH Most important of all is proper at- tention to t he bowels. Avoid eon- stipalion, it's the Ileal1h-kilier of to -day. Harsh. griping medicine is ruinous -beware of it. Best results follow n truly vegetable remedy like Dr. Hamiltons Pills of Man- drake and Butternut which not only relieves roslivenese in one night but cures rho cause of the trouble and a `V iAI.\DLtrlin,`I o \V'i let Fl encptember le prevents its return. No distress or' second (Lau h inconvenience attends lite use of Dr. \colter Thera eoter n f Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton's Pills which are world famous for their mildness and elfin- 1111:0 iencv. Sold everywhere, 25 cents per box. FAUST -In Zurich, on Sunday, Sept. --- - -- 16111, Nancy .EIlenbaum, beloved wife of D. S. Faust, aged (11 years 4 months and 10 days. THE RENEWAL ,\ STRAIN. Vacation is toes. Ae, an the school bell ring:, nt morning and at goon, again a it 1, tens of thousands the hardest kind of stork Lilt begun. the renewal of which is a trental told pbysicll strain to all except 'l he most rugged. The little girl that a few d IVO IIL'o had TOWS in her cheeks, and 1 ho little boy whose lips weer .then ru red you would 1st%% insisted tthat they had been -kissed by strawber. ries," have already lost something of the nppwnrance of health. Now is a time when many children should be given :1 tonic, which stay avert much Notions t rouble, and tt e know of no ether t,o highly ito he recom- mended ns Hood's Sarsaparilla, which strengthen» the nerve», perfects dt gestion and assimilation. and aids mental development by building tip the sahote systems. J'ilcs positively cured with J)r. Shoop's Mask Ointment. It's made for piles :clone, and it does the work to re•rfection. Itching, painful, pro- truding or blind pilca, disappear like nut;ie. So'd by \V. S. Ilowey. 'l'IIE ORIGINAL CORN CURE. No substitute lees ever been de- vised that gives the quick, painlesss results of I'utnam's Corti Extractor. For fifty years its success dwi been unequalled. For safety And thor- ough r- ough cure use ••l'utnaltit's" only. FOR OVER SIXTY.% EARS AN OLD AND \Vats.-T1rsI1 Rxscxnv.-Mr Winslow'.Si.othing Syrup ha•i h:•eu nsed for over sixty y year: by ml i ns of mothers for Choir children while teething.with perfect s cces- It soothe:, the child, eoens the gm', allays en In cure,. wind colic. and to the best reined/ e. Sold f l ..Fres.It.Is to the ta+,t So or 15 a pleasant e by druggist., In every part of the world. 25 ,ants a bottle. Its value I. liutlei.labla Re sure and take M -s r•.-': slow•'. Soothing Syrup and ask fur no other kind. HOILN NOitTILCOTT-In Exeter September 24011., the wits of Chas. Northcott. of •► son. LEi/If.-In Kirkton, Wednesday. October 19, ache wife of Win. Leigh of a daughter. MAiIRIEI) MoLAUG11LIN - BROUND - In Brantford, Wednesday, Sept. 10th Mr. \Vill McLaughlin, formerly of Exeter, to Miss Isabelle llround. MARTIN - TIIOMI'SON - In Mit. John a uti : 1.1111)!. id:- y t atm C. E. Itltlrt1 ,•utbruideiy .1, 1, C. L. Itlutttt :.feather stitch. Therms Johnston; embroider )• : flannel. C. E. blast 1 ; coll. of .nab • idery work C. E. itluett. Jahn IY.•.:t.r; lloniton lace it:uutkerchief. A1ie C:Itutlbell. Thos. Johnston ; pinta 1 •ta c,ollar. C. E. lllulet1: brticlrburg centro piece, 1)r. Campbell. Mi s Campbell; bat temt.urg rtoy1104,, Tho . Johnston; halt teiburg t ray ltiol h. 1)r. Camp- bell. l':. Kare114,r; ba:Irnuurg tel MAY. Dr. Campbell: 't•,-ueriffe faro Celli 1/! piece, Chas. 1'1 at 1. Thos. John- sle tt ; netting cent re tits :' Or doylies '!'hos. Johnston, C. E. 1litail ; drawn tbieod work, 11. Well. `:i is Campbell roll. of drltt•n 11114111 V. •rk, 'Choana- Johnston, NIi•s C111110/ '11 ; ct:hing, Thos. .lolui4.t --11. .1. (t c hrane ; Bul- garian cntbloideli•, C. E. Itluet1 ; pit. jaw elein1, E. Karcher, .1. Decker sofa cushion, Miss Campbell. Thos. Johnston ; fancy apn•-r1. E. Karcher, C. E. IIIuc•t t ; Mount \1 dick embroi- dered cent re piece,, C. 1': itz ; crochet taco, col ton, .1. Geiger, .1. G. Forrest ; crochet toilet mats, .1. Brown. J. G. Forrest ; crochet 1 .1.!. mite, Dr, Campbell, .1. Cochrane; 011. tatting. C. Fritz, T. Johnston : knitted lace curtains in cotton. ll. West); quilt, woollen no:, Ii. Itcu.le •; coverlet. W00011 wool. I1. Render, T. Johnston Log cabin quilt. silts, 1'. E. Bluctt Log cabin quill, cot I. ea, Il. Rader, J. s lkckrr; pat eltw'otk utlilt. silk, Thos. Johnston, G. 11cd121111t l ;silk, Tilos. Johnston ; crazywork quilt. silk, T. Johnston, .1. Cco11r:t::.' : coheir, T. Johnston; wool. T. .1.liaston; roue- ler a1 tc tufted,\\. It. Battler. J. I)cckorknitted, Mi a, Campbell,J. Geiger; crochet, Miss Carlisle. 11. Well ; etching, 0. holt zntann, D. Suroris ; :ill teiNd cap. crochet, G. Boltzmann, G. Soh.re 1,•r ; ,rag car- pel. , 11. Well; wool 1.. t r( hrug, 1.. iValper, 1•:. Karcher : rag hearlllrul47 T. Johnston, Miss C t ntpbell ; wont yarn, home -spun, \V. Itodeer, iI- \Veeb ; tidy. cro^Fel cotton. C. E. - Blue( I. .Bluel1• T. Johnston: tidy, knitted mot ton. II. Wee'. \V. Roeder : Af- ghan in silk, '1'. Johies on, II. Weeb; cot ton stockings. T. .1 ohnation, H. - Well ; hand sewing, C. E. Binet .1. Co2111,1rtc ; knitted Wo' '.e ii stock Digit 11. \Vee', W. ilatiler: woolen /rill*• knitted fine, \V. Battler. D. Sararis: woolen mitts, knitted coarse, II_ \Veeb, W. Roeder : 'tach, sowed on ground work. J. Decker, H. Rader. _ FINE ARTS Crewel work, L. ('rang; oil paint.( ing. portrait, J. G. Irenr.est ; oil painting, landscape. 3. G. Forrest. C. Fritz ; crayon work, per.trait, J. G. Forrest ; oil or water color. J. 0, Forrest, C. E. Illuet i ; pen and ink sketch, J. G. Forrest. C. E. Bluett ; pencil drawing, J. Cochrane, J. G. Forrest : penmanship. D. Beraris; Painting on felt, J. G. Forrest, T. Johnston ; painting on silk, J. Ceche rano, J. G. Forrest ; painting on pLasler Paris, J. Cochrane, T. Johns don. FLO\V ELLS Coll. of flowers, It. B. Johnston ; Maple Leat, T. Johnston. W. 13. Bate tier: bouquet of cut flowers. T. Johnston, E. Zeller ; call. of Geranie ums, W. 13. Rattler : coll. of Cacti. T. Johnston, J. G. Murredt ; coll. of Calla Lillie, T. Johnston; coll. of Pansies, G. Schroeder ; coll, of (1I1OMARTY Quite a number from around Cromarty attended Exeter Fair. Mr. and .airs. Geo. Wilson spent Thursday in Stratford. Miss Callender, of Detroit, is the guest of Mr. Donald Park, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Cranston spent tt day in Exeter this week. Dr. Trottier, of Dublin. is still successfully attending Mrs. J. A. Norris. Mrs. Riesbury, of 13randon, who has been the guest of 'Mr. land Mrs. James Brown, line gone to visit ret. .stivCM 111 Bruiicficld. FARM FOIL SALE. --What eaccl- lent farm, lot 6. con. 11, McGilli- vray, consisting of 100 acres, well drained, well fenced and in a state of go -x1 cultivation, with 8 acres of tall wheat in. It Las a good bush of 12 acres. This bush his hock Elm, Basswood and Maple trees. There is a large brick house of sev- en rooms, with cellar and furnace : Woodshed in oonnectio-t with the house. There is also a large innk barn, dimensions. 36 x 60. There is also a go•xl driving stied. Wind- mill :Ind well in the barn ; ,also n good [rearing orchard. This IS one of the best farms in MoGillivray, across the ro td front the school, a very short distance from the church and about a mile front Maguire post office. For terms and particulars apply to ,iohn Whiteford, Ma'tuire, On'. A GUAItANTEF.f) Ct ICP: F''lt Itebine, Blind, Illee.lin., pro, t nd• in3 Piles. Inters:stir .are •'nti, ,. led to rrfufrl tnnnev if Piro Ointment ftil• to cure in 6 to 11 dans. 60o. The well known strengthening properties of iron combined with other tonics and a moat perfect ner- vine, aro found in Carter's Iron Pills which strengthen the nerves and body, and improve the blood and complexion. Think of Dr. Shoopi s Catarrh Care If your no50 and throat dischar?les -cif your breath is rout or feverish. This snow white soothing balm con- tains Oil of Eucnlypitus, Thymol, Menthol, etc., incorporated into t imported, creamlike, velvety petrol- atum. It soothes. heals purifies, con- tro's. C.►11 at our store for frac 'trial box. Sold by W. S. llowey. IS YOUR TILOUi3LE INDIGESTIONI Theft probably you know the evils of distention, fermentation and gcstiv. Laken that accomfx►nY e troubles. Next important is In know how promptly Nervitine cures. Quick os tt ink it trclieves .bbO(lt1np¢ Therm unhappy persons who suffer from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pille, which aro made expressly for sleepless, nervous dyspeptic, suffer- ers. Price 25e. IRheumatisnt is not incurable. Stubborn/ Yes! But Dr. Shoop's Rheumatio Remedy wili if faithfgul- lv used drive it out of the system. Its the blood that's at fault. Poison- ous crystals like sand get into the joints end muscles. Dr. Shoop's Itheurnatio Remedy prevents this. It drives Rheumatism from the blood and then Rheumatism dies. Wo rec- ommend and sell it. Sold by W. 8. Ilowey. Zurich Fair. (Continued from page 1) E. Karcher ; field canrota W. Smith. G. Schroeder : red field carrots, W. R. Hauler : red garden carrots, Geo. Sc,hoellig. Thos. Johnston : swcdish -turnips, J. Decker, W. Smith : W. turnips, .T. Decker, W. Smith : while turnips. L. Raeder: yellow globe meneolds, C. Schroeder. W. Ratite.; Inns red nlangolds, G. Gramm. G. Schroeder ; lone yellow mangolds, 11. \Verb, I.. Border : Ox- ford nibble -es, ,Tolln Hey, 11. Ween: Flat Dutch rahhat:e, W. Battler, J. )ley : Mask Spanish radish, R. R. Phillips. W. Battler ; white radish. W. battler: cnnliflott'rr, W. Battler, and feeling of fullness, puts alio en-, T, • Rrinvalrn: nnmpkiit any rntirty. lire tligeslive apparatus in perfect \V, Ili111er, John TTry: Mantmo1lt order, makes you feat fit rend tine For internal pain Poison'spumpkin. Chas, Fritz. 0. Schroeder; nil over. o(lrry. 11. B. Johnston, T. Johnstrin : Nerviline surpasses every known squash, 11. itad^r : blood beets, W. remedy. Keep it in •lhcl house al- Battler, D. Well : reeled 'rota. \V. Battler• tvatarmelen. C coil -ion!". G. ways, it's a source of comfort!comfort!in hour of emergency. Large bot (Ice grhtoeder: muskmelons. G. 8c}Naar_ for 25c. at ell dealers. der. A. Foster ; red tomatoes, \V. Smith W. 11111!-r : v'llow stomal lee .. W. 1111 11 •r, T. Johnston : Sala .k Clearing Auction Sale ewes.' corn. W. 111 iter.'T.Johns! an. Fuohias, J, G. Forrest. 5 • .r s REGAINED NERVE AND VITAL ENERGY. From 'Walton 1'. 0., Que., oomc3 the following tram Mr. Nazairo Be- gin -"If nny one had told mo any, remedy could build up my nervous system 130 well 1 would not have believed thein. Before using Ferro- zone I was run down in nerve and vital energy. and in very, weak health. I didn't get enough sloop tin night, felt poorly in the day limo. Fer•rozone ihas filled mo with energy, and vim, inoron ted my weight and made a new man of mo." Hundreds tell the same story -weak and dispirited, everything going wrong, amble to catch up. They, took Ferrtozone and all was changed to health and serenity. Price 50c. per box at all dealers, 1f You Suffer with Rheumatism Dr. Shoop's Rhea:natic Remedy W111 Bring the Utiiiost Relief that Medicine Can. The one remedy wItl.-h many physicians rely open to free the system tit the Rheumatic Pois- ons which are the caul^ of alt Itheumattam. J.umbage. sciatica. (lout. 1s Da. SIOo,1's Itrtse- MANUFACTURES Mario RCaEDV. Pr. smvp s tews• --tie-- to experlu,entinit Lntoro 140 ntdit+coveredcutyyearthe pombined chemicals FARM STOCK & iMPLEM1':NTS bee almost always Mr. dos. \VI►ite has received instruc Rheumatism. etc. 151‘00•11 RnsU- t.inns from \V, J. Sawyer to sell by 151‘00•11 pturnbony, Public Auction oti Lott 6, Con. 4, plan- *s,0*0 that an d shard, 1 {miles exult of Kirkton, on Rrom the (011. 0f r,he.", C. Fritz. 11. B^nder ; ei'inc. 11. Well. DA TRY PRODiTCTS 50 pound. butler. .1. brown. W. Smith, 11. Rider : 5 pounds huts••., W. 11. ilat 1 ler, W. Smith, D. Rorer iq home -trade cheese.. John Geiger: honey in remit. J. Tlahren : -hnme- mnde bread, G. CIausin, Thos. Beefy ; ex'raeted honey. W. Smith, J. Heb- ron : maple syrup, G. Clausin, .1. Decker ; call. of luNnrv. J. 1Tabren. LADIES' WORK r':rnbroitlrred•5 e'ebock lea cloth, ,T. Cochrane. L. Pro ntr ; embroidered troy ..loth, C. E. filuett ; embroi- dered cent re piece, T. \i'ttrdack : em- broidered doylies, Dr. Campbell, 11. Mosler: embroidered side board scarf C. E. Rluet!, Chris. Fritz: embroi- dered sofa fashion in silk, Thos. Wednesday October 10, 1906 ( Muo1sons sed t b e Commenc'ng at 1 o'clock p. m., the "Welling. And seed of the rata followingproperty:-- edof ofthesut- HORSES-1 general purpose mare render 12 years old; 1 mare supposed to be in is where scum 14 Ott nein tablet or le foal to Golden (:ase: 1 year-old mad- it 0E, You who Lac" ster colt sired by Golden ('ase. COWS -8 cows supposed to he in calf; 1 cow to calve Nov. 10; 1 cow to calve Nov. 19; 1 cow to calve Jan. 1; 1 cow to calve Feb. 23; 3 cows to calve in April: 1 cow to calve in May; 1 steer two years old: 1 yearling heifer; 11 .steers 1 year old; 4 sprint; calves. which male t•ovsible- certain cure for Not that Da. YATt( I([111DT joints Into tlesb Impossible will drive' blood he w h l o b pain and then that Is thir and swelling- tering- the en? This remedy never p,sst ble. 1111 sow gull form --ask for suffered and are suf- taodaf from pal's and aches which yotr to be Rheum l 1.111- you who el •5c or twlntree of t• -tin to damp w Ler:. ho easily eseeine stiff ARA lame ut pc cause -just tr' Int. snoop's $ U- O Ct'nF:. It Is i••,e the kind of a r 1 i erib; pushes result& Sold and r:oo - W. S. Plug -2 sows with litter nt font; 8 shoats. IMPLl MF..NTS .- Maxwell binder nearly new; Maxwell plower nearly new; 1 "Leader" 12 hoe drill new: lurc- her wagon, set trucks, set bobsleighs new, cutter, top Fuggy. walking plow, set iron harrows, strtew cutter, wheel - harrow, sniffler, hay rack, hay car, tope and slings, fanning still, disk harrow, autcntatic pea harvester, set heavy harness nearly new, 1 2 set heavy harness new, set light harnrsa, 2 sete whifllebrees, water trough, cauld- ron kettle, robe, scoop shovel. hay knife, forks, 10 tone good timothy hay, also a email quantity of clover hay. I1 ENS -C'). TEItMS -$3 and un,1sr, cast.; qver that amount. 12 months' credit will he given on furnishing approved joint notes. or n discount of 1 per cent in lieu of notes. W. J. SAWYER, Prop. JOS. Wlfl'TE, Atict; 1IOWVEY. •••••••••••4.••••••••••0••+4444••••••••••• •••••••w THE 11O1.SONS BANK (incorporated ey Act of i'arliament 1S.e3) CAPITAL PAID UP $3,000,000.00 RESERVE FUND • • • • • • • ' ' • • • • S3.000.000.00 /3 Branches In Ontario, Quebec. Alrerta itritish Columbia and Manitoba EXETER BRANCH Open every Lawful Day front 1' A. M. l0 3 1•. a1. except Saturday 10 A. M. to 1 P, w. Fermiers' Rede Notes cath• d or collected. Forms supplied On npt.IientIon. [MAI i t on n11 point. in the Dominion, Great Britain and Cn• 'tee Sates, bonght and •old at lone.' r:.•r - M eta haw. MAV I NOM DEPARTMENT Deposits of 161.00 ani upwards received. Interest com- pounded half )'caner. snit sddrd to rams nal June 30th and December 31.1. De• podia Rreipts al'o 1.n'.sd and highest current rates of inlere•t allowed. Advancers made to farmers stock dealers and business men at lowest rates and on mea fs. crahle tern.. Agent. at Exeter for Dom. (lovernment. Dtckt:cn dt Carling, -(h (itt'ri. N. D. HURDON, Manager. •N••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••fit