Exeter Times, 1906-09-27, Page 4TRE EXETER TIMES, SEPTEMBER 27th 1906
Our display is open this week for your inspection which comprises a full
Latest Parisian and New York novelties. You are cordially invited to conte in
display of Bats.
Our new fall mantles have arrived in all the leading Styles and Shades
strictly up-to-date and at reasonable !)rices' •A11 inspection will convince YOU
Save a couple of dollars on your garment by purchasing from US.
Don't forget to see our FALL FURS.
Butter and Eggs taken the same as Cash.
range of the
and see our
They are
of this fact.
Flour Mills
We have installed a NEW
Mill for the rolling of Oats. and
can now fill promptly any Or-
der to roll Oats for Horses
\Ve still have our Chopper
and can also fill ordets in this
line promptly.
Pens, Pencils, Ink and
Drug Store.
The Exeter Times
Rev. and Mrs, Andrews returned
home on Friday after a pleasant three
weeks' vacation in Muskoka.
Mr. Harvey flicks, of London spent
Sunday at the home of his parents
Miss Evelyn Simpson visited friends
in Clandeboye on Sunday.
Mrs. E.aans left on elondev evening
for Crystal City. Man., where she will
visit her sister, Mrs. Thos. Greenway.
Mr. Wesley Hodgins left on Monday
for Wallaceburg, where he has ac-
cepted a position as blacksmith.
Mr. Alvin and Miss Vera l'ssery
visited friends in Elimville on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. James }landlord vis-
ited friends in Seaforth and Clinton
last week.
There is no one article in the lino
of medicine that gives so largo a re -
Hurn for the money as a good por-
ous strengthening plaster, such ns
Carter's Sin-irt Weed and Belladonna
1 Ait(21111AU
Exeter fair on Tuesday of last
week w:a3 well at tended by people
from this seotion.
Mr. Alex Hackney is in Toronto,
raving n catarnot removed from one
of his eyes.
Mir. oat Mrs. 11. W. F. Beavers re-
19rnccl on Monday from Brantford.
hiss Aslety, of lilanshard, ie
isi'tin Miss Maggie Riley.
her intende holding an extensive auc-
tion sale of his stock about the 10th
of October.
Pale, Thin,
Then your blood must be in
a very had condition. You
certainly know what to take,
then take it - Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla. If you doubt, then
consult your doctor. We know
what he will say about this
grand old family medicine.
TTts se Mei (trot gr.e.t:.n year ,!n: t -r wou'.I
ask -Are rear t...ae+s regular' It. knew.
slut daily armee of 11•1 twwets 1, at`eotatele
..e 11 Ili to recover:. Keep yrat lives *Hive
at.d r •o• 1•.we!e t•gaiar 61 taking laxative
doers o1 Ayer'. fill..
Mods 1y J. c.• yes Co.‘ Lowell, Woos.
Al.o wanc'Itater•r. of
fiP 11c1k VICAR.
yers AO. a CM.
We tare ro *were,' a W ,roues
s1• forum's' et sI our fWieta•s.
ane and Surgeons, Successor to Dr.
E. A. Hoist. Orcditon. Ont.
Annivcrasry services wilt be held
in the Methodist church. Crediton.
on Sunda* and Monday, Sept. 30th
and Oct. 1st. Rev. Geo. Brown, of
Toronto will preach on &ebbatli at
10.30 a. m. and Itev. E. A. Fear, of
Exeter, will preach at 7 p. no, and
address an open meeting of the Sab-
bath school in the afterncon at 2.30.
Appropriate musio will be furnished
by the choir. and a 'thank offering
tekon at each service. The annual
concert will be held on Monday
evening consisting of addresses by
Rev. 8. L. Toll, B. A., B. 1)., Hens.•►I1 ;
Rev. G. W. Andrew's, 13. A., Centralia
Rev. Bean. Crediton; Rev. S. A..
Corriere, (:rand Bend; Rev. It. W.
iinowles, Fullerton; also 'choruses.
solos and recitations by choir, local
talent and others. Admission: r<
free will offering nt the door. All
are cordially invited.
The death of Agnes C:ittiering
Klumpp, wife of Mr. John hlumppe
removed from Chic village one of its
oldest citizens. She was born in
Germany, August 23rd, 1835 and
departed this life, Sept. 14111, 1906,
aged 71 years and 22 days. She has
been a resident of Crediton since
1861. For the period of 45 yealo
she shared the joys and sorrows of
her now bereaved husband. She
lelvee an adopted daughter and two
grandchildren, besides many other
friends and reIntives. Iler last
illness was of a complicated and pro-
tracted 'nature which nl►nost con-
stantly ciustd her great physical
suffering, still she bore ell with
christisn fortitude and anxiously
awaited her release, The obsequies
were in ehsrge of her pastor, Rev.
E. 11. Bean. A large number were
in attendance and tendered their last
respects to the departed. The Lad-
ies lodge. of which she was a atom-
ber attended in a hotly and I ing..an
appropriate hymn before seising the
house for the place of interment
The arork of tearing down the
old Trevcthick buil.Wigs still con -
Unmet. The tretuh for the founds -
tion of tlha now building has been
dug, and the masons are expected
to commence laying the foundation
this week.
Mr. C. Zw'ioker is holding his fall
Miillinery openings T his week. Sec
advt. for further particulars.
'.1r, and Mrs. Chao. %wicket Flout
Sunday in Parkhill.
Mr. S. Brown is holding his fall
millinery opening, on Thursday and
Friday of thin week. Mrs. Link,
who ie wlrain iu charge of 1lte mil-
linery departments this season, hie
.t rt
and rc i o
h•� !Meat vlcs .
n r 1
al the la s st,
in hats ready for your invention.
Mr. and Mrs. Lochner. and little
daughter, are visiting Mende and
relatives in town.
lei et Chrissy Brown and M s.
ideli !frown, left 'this week for
Cheeses where they will spend a few
elks Mcrcoy Swett left last Sat-
urday for Detroit avbere she intends
remaining for erne, weeks.
The \lisees ele7!l't and Clara Wen-
zel are visitire their uncle, Mr.
A gine of bell will be played on
the Crediton diamond next Saturday
at 1.30 p. tn. :harp, between Dun-
criet and the Stars. See this game
ins Pi will be the I.+t this season.
I Thi 4 teVrnt clefca(ed (lit 8(41re in Jun•^
Blare tie
Re Wed Yn Itatt tial lisgfli ter sesibeOdds et ff�etblti awes
Beek a SQ A Ha I
Chris Either, of Zurich .
Mr. Perm Humble, brakeman on
t he G. T. 11., spent \Vednesday in
the village renewing old acquain-
tances. Ills many friends mere
pecenod to see hint again.
The families of Messrs. John
\Wind, C. \Voll and J. F. Brown, pie-
niced at tite Bend one day last week.
Mr. Fred: Jones, of London, made
a flying visit here on \Vednesday of
last eek.
Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Wurtz left
last Thursday for Pigeon, 'Minh..
whets, they will make their future
porno with their children there, Jag.,
\1'urtz was among alto first wafflers
in Ibis seotion of Stephen township,
rooming here some 50 years ago
when Crediton was all woods. I3y
hard work he and his worthy part-
ner in life made a home for thoml-
selves and many friends who wish
them years of health and happiness
in their new home.
The work of plastering the new
sellout has boon commenced this
Miss Colvin and Miss •felphine
Heeer•y spent Sunday visiting friends
in Exeter.
Mr. Geo. Goodman and J. Eidt, of
Dashwood spent Sunday visiting
with 'V r
,t ,Chris Fahner.
Mr. Ira S. Brown and August
Kuhn spent Sunday in Zurich.
Mr. C. Kultn is spending a few
weeks visiting friends and relatives
in Huron Co., 'Mich.
A very quiet wedding was cele-
brated at Detroit on Friday, when
Miss Dlt Annie Ewald, t F. 1 second daughter
of Mr. August Ewald. of Crediton.
was married to STr. W. W. Telfer,
of Granton. The ceremony was per-
formed by John W. I3. Tea win.
Dir. and Mrs. Harry Wind return-
ed to their home in Detroit on Tue,e-
day after a pleasant visit with rel-
atives and friends of this vicinity.
Mrs. Albert Cunningham is visit-
ing friends in London for a dew•
Mr. August Bill attended the fun-
eral of John 7 eehert, of Zurich, on
Sund•ly last.
Mr. and Mrs. L. llodgias visited
friends in Dashwood on Thursday.
Miss Dora Wenzel. of Detroit, is
spending A few weeks horn the guest
of her pare*ts.
Mrs. Levi Stahl end daughter,
(ora, have returned home after a
'arose:It. visit with her sister, Mrs.
John Mimmick, at Lockport. New
Mr. C. Ikavrr 801(1 daughter, Mi.ts
Iiuolah 13eaver, .spent Sunday visit-
ing friends in Etter.
Mesrrrs. Young Bros., ere this
week finishing the intcrlor work of
their 'lin shop by putting on tor -
rig -Abed iron on ash^, walls and ccil-
i r:r.
Mrs. John Medenae is visiting in
London for n few days this week.
Mr. !fill Young, of London, vis-
ited his parents, Mr. ;and Mrs. John
Young for a few days.
The horse.;' llcnic ;,erne: which
c r1•
ein c
1 •.a .,
the La age tc I church
on Tuesday evening were very suo-
cessful. The lecture given by n
former paster, Rev. J. C. Mario -A.
in connection wilt la the 1 liervest
Home, was enjoyed by all. The at-
tendance was large curd the interest
taken 1n the work shows th it the
Alliance is staking progress in their
good work.
The funeral of the •late Joh.►
ikckert, sr.. was l.irgely attended on
Sunday last, which Rocs to show
in aslant eetcem he w•as held in Ilse
Sunday night was mother a breezy
night for Ihe young to •tnke up a
ugh often a=
Bad hy e, foulair, impure
water, are amongits causes.
it b called "the soil for
tubercles, and 'where it. is
allowed to remain tubercu-
losis or consumption is
sure to tate root.
od Sarsaparilla
Removes ear truce of
c'1'LraT RI L>L. • 's.
11•sd Ca. Lewd. jute:
Is The Time
To consider about getting
ready for Fall. We have an
excellent stock of
to select from. All kinds of
at Lowest Prices.
at reduced prices,
6oats! Goats! 6oats!
We have just receive' a
lot of Misses and Girls
Tweed coats and Infants
coats, hoods and gaunt-
lets in bear -cloth.
We want YOU to
Come in and look
at them whether
YOU buy or not.
Our Tweed coats will be
found in a variety of
shades and styles and
in all sizcs
wiiiam Shrumm.
stand at the gale of their sweet-.
hearts, and all along the town street
you ooutdsee them huddled up,put-
ting a porron in mind of 20 below
Try Jacob Keltermann's for new
fall ;Wall Papers, in good designs
and low prices.
Mr. Wm. Zimmer has purchased a
find three year old driver. It'sf
equal will lie hard to find in
The work on Mr. J. K. Goetze.
house is nearing completion, rand
when completed will be a crctlit to
the 'town, as well as an •ad. for the
contractors, the Dashwood Planning
Mills Co., Ltd. Mr. R. Dinney, of
Exeter, has this week commenced
the painting.
Master Elmore Kruege.r line ac-
cepted a position with Jacob Kel-
lermann, as clerk, taking the place
of Emanuel Ehlers, wito left •for
Morrison, Illinois, on Monday. We
are sorry to Lase Emanuel as the is
a good genial fellow and who made
many friends. However, the best of
friends must part, and we join in
wishing hint every success in his
new position of labor. but hoping
and trusting lie will coon cling 401
Canada as his native land, in place
of giving himself over and becoming
a citizen of Uncle Sim.
The site of William Ehlers •on
Afondny last was ktrgely attended
and \1'illi.am reports good prides.
Mr. \Vcllingtoa Sandercock, %rho
itis been working for Mr. ll. Guen-
ther for rho past summer, left Sat-
urday for London.
Miss Lizzie Weitzel. from Milver-
ton, is visiting at tshe home of Me-.
Geo. Merrier.
Diiss Mattel Ilse.,of Grand Bend,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. In Pfaff.
Mr. Merman hilt and friend were
at Staforth on Friday attending the
Messrs. Geo. Gcedrnan and ll.
Eidt called on friends in Crediton
on Sunday.
lir. Imvi Ilenntcher and wife took
in Scaforth fair Friday.
Mr. Geo. Goodman is leaving next
week for Michigan for n few weeks
Mrs. Slit, is visiting friends in
Miss Addie 1\'Itw•c'r end Ida Brill
wore vetitin„ friends in I)sshwocxi,
on Sunday.
Miss (%Inca Koehler was visiting
friends in Deshw•oal on Saturday.
llr. and Moe 'William Hillibrut
was yieiting at \Villiam Depute on
Mr. .1 J i+lrc•nhoffer, of near Zur-
ich hes rnontrd Mr. Jos. Zeiler's
house and will :scat move hitt family
Mr. Geo. Koch commenced Chi:,
c awes his
house. .
to making
it a Ivo storey house aril otherwise
improving it. iso will veneer et
ith brick end when the work is
finished, will have an .up -to -thee
itev. Mr. Thun, formerly. of M1it-
ehell, but who accepted a call to
Ilia Lutheran church here, was in -
dieted by Rev. Mr. What, of Tevis•
took. iteguler ,service will now be
held every Sundry morning.
Mr. A. Evans, of London, spent
Sundry the guest of Mr. J. !tarn-
lart►.lei11. 111
For Infants and Children.
the Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the r
Signature of 1.- I
Two lade Evangeltets of what per -
Ocular persuasion we don't know,
closed a series of meetings les( week
.and are now- oierutint; at Wuodh:un.
Their success here dos not appear
to be very :narked.
Councillor ltaycraft has been mak-
ing much needed improvements on
our streets in the way of shapeuing,
draining and .ravelling. Ile put in
a a1)1•011d0 nets granolithic crossing
on Main street at the north end of
the village.
'1'l:c Itev. Dr. Gunn, of Clinton,
conducted 'the Ilareest lloiue ,,ervi-
ces in the English church oar Sunday
1'tst. Tete church was beautifully
decorated. The services, both morn-
ing and evening, were most impres-
sive and highly appreciated by tame
tong retia t lots.
Mr. W. F. Clark, our popular. and
highly esteemed harness maker, af-
ter doing business here for sewn
years, is now about 10 remove to
Crediton. Its nt.at time Mlr. Clark
lane by industry and honest dealing
built ftp ;t splendid business. Ile is
trusted and respected by every per-
son that knows him. lle goes to
Crediton to lake charge kof his
father's large and -rowing business.
This vintage touch r( rets Mr. and
Mrs. Clark's &caving, and the loss
to 'the church, where Utley aro .hon-
ored members. and to ;the choir.
where Mrs. Clark has for so ,L0rfg
tatillen a prominent part. 1:00108 al-
most irreparable. Sterling honesty
and uprightness are their (islin-
gui:rhinu ,qualities. \1'e are glad is,
know 111(4 his brother 'Wilbert will
take over the Granton business. Ile
comes well reoontmended and is 'by
no means a stranger in Gnomon.
While picking :apples in his or-
ohard last Thursday. Same lord h'Id
the misfortune to fall from one of
the trees. Ile was badly bruised. but
no bones were brokers. His son, Dr.
Ford, of Thtorndale, was here an
Thursday attending him.
(Too Lite for last eek.)
Miss Rachel kirk spent p*t of
last week visiting frineds in St.
Rev. Bartlett is attending confer.
encs in MTont real.
Mr. and Mrs. Lan: aster. of St
Marys, spent 8unc)kty with Mr. and
Mrs. James Swallow.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Ford spent Sun-
day, the guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. T.
In the absence of Rev. Bartlett on
Sunday etre pulpit was occupied by
Mr. T. 1). Stanley, of St. Marys who
was assisted by Mr. Chapman also of
St. Marys.
Miss Hannah 'tion spent Sunday
with Miss Rachel Kirk.
Carr, of St
ratford, arrived
home oto on Sunday .with a very pain-
ful knee. The result of ;falling oft
the train on hi3 way home from Lon-
don Fair.
The carpenters are rushin^ 'tae
new church to a finish.
Mr, William Stewart bad a very
cow w ;
t t Sunday.
s S nday.
Mr. Edwards. of 'Toronto, 14 vis-
iting his Uncle Wm. Edwards Main
Mrs. A. Gunning spent Sunday
with her Fitter Mrs. Chas. Duffiled
No, it's as bad ns ever. Nothing
seems 10 help. Why nqt use the up•
to -date specific "Catarrhozonc"
which drives out cold in one days
Inhale Catarrhozonc and you will be
relieved in two minutes. Continue
the 'treatment and cure is nssurred.
Healing, germ destroying and pleas-
ant, nothing for colds, throat trou-
ble and catarrh, compares with C't-
farrl:ozoiu. Sold everywhere. 25c.
and $1.00.
h l ltI:'1'OX
It has been reported the,: :he
bottom ascension for fair day is
a fake. Secretary Amos Doupe as-
sures us that an aeronaut hots been
engaged to make an ascension and
perrtchute drop, and that the affair
will aarl•ainly take place.
Mr. Simnel Tuft ie making :alter-
ations to his barn and had n rais-
ing for the new addition la:at week.
The contractors last week tinkle.
ed snaking the concrete arch Tor
the new bridge. It is expected the
structure will be completed in time
for the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. .101m 11 iunorman, of
81. .Morys, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Writ. Atkinson, of the 14th
concession last Thurwlay.
licv. flown and Fester had anti
Het while Teturniatt from the ser.
rims a week ago Sunday. Whit
driving njon;r the 12th concession the
horse became (tightened and shied
turning Atlee ri,r completely over.
The Rev. gentleman had his shoulder
slightly injured. but hie sister was
Geo. Longhurst and David Duncan
intend leaving to -day for the west.
Ree. Veal tell on Thurwlay fir
viFit ;with friends in Ingersoll.
Fred Marshall leaves friday for
Hamilton 10 :,':come hie studies et
the Normal college.
Several here err
ments to their houses. Last week
we staled that William irown had
hInt+(rt extensive aIIcrnftNIs t�him
residence .and This week Dr. C.rr is
Lavine illy het -crier of lea 1.-•!:ae
thoroughly remedelle.l.
S'hool Inspector Irwin, of Stole
ord was hero Fist Thursday and had
a long .talk with the (rusteen, ex-
plaining to 'IJ•^m the retont Iia:•
vetoed by the Ontario Government.
relative 'to the provinaa11 grant. d(e
inst ruoted them oe to the equipnvrtnt
nrceesary, such as mem. menaures,
(4( 1. As (he Fchool bas a Targe et-
icnclance about 70 pupil:* being the
average roll, the matter of getting
an assistant to Mr. Welker was
horoughly dieeusse•J. boa rvr) d^firnte
action wee taken.
The amtual harvest dome Thinks -
giving orrice in connection w•itil
Sr. f'oul's church, held last Sunday
va, largely attendc 1 ixoth at the
norniug and :venin; service. S"r-
nrons suitable •to 11 • rerariosI were
•r^►c Md by Iter-. (', C, lVailtr, M, A.,
,rincit.al of Horan Cnllece. London.
btaeruc•nt of tee church Tuesday
evening :after which an excellent
program was given in Aberdeen hail
consisting of vocal and instrumelli 11
selections nut addresses.
Tho Kirkton fair this 3c-ar promi-
ses to outdo everything ever at -
templed hero in the .-hots liue. Tile
directors hive made up an excellent
program for lbs day. Hoe. Nelson
Monticth, Minister of A_priculture,
will be present and give un address.
The balloon ascension. to take place
from the grounds durine the alien-
ation, till alto be 1 big drawing
c, rd.
Mrs. Thomas I'ep(rr, of our vil-
lage returned home Last +week from
Lambton Mills, ;near Toronto, where
she had been attending the funeral
of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. George
W. Pepper, who die,' suddenly on
September 8th. Mrs. Pepper was the
dsughter-in-lacy of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Pepper of our village, w'ho
will have the hes rlfel t sympathy of
twiny friends i:i 1 his bereavement.
Mr. James Morton, of near Lunn, -
ley, who shipped horses from this
station for the exhibition at Lon-
don is to be congratulated itusecur..
ing first and second prizes when 'the
competition was s7o keen.
Mrs. James McMartin, of Barrie,
accomp:'nird by her husband tend
little Fon iv visiting her parento,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bonlhron.
Mr. D. Urquhart has put an ex-
cellent foundation under hie grain
warehouse beside the G. T. It. :track.
Mrs. R. Paterson and son James,
returned !tome .this week from an
extended trip to tile west ns Lar
out as 'the coast and after seeing a
great deal of fine country as melt
.18 wild and rugged parts aro ,snare
than ever favorably impressed with
Ontario tind this section in pattern. -
Tho passu', fields and root comps
aro suffering greatly for avant of
Mr. John A. McEwen, eon of Mr.
Duncan McEwen, of the London road
was in Toronto during the past week
or so writing on his medical examine
Mr. Wen. Moore, sen of Mr. W.
Moore, of this village. who was To-
cently here on a visit from fat.
Paul, Minnesota, ares secured ti
-good 'position with .t large merceni•
tile firm in New York.
Mr. Laird, of lelgrave, W110. ,re-
cently purchased Mr. C. Cook's dwel-
ling has moved into it.
Mrs. Charles Ifnwke, a former
resident of our village and recently
from Afrioa, has been spending the
past few weeks with relatives and
friends here.
Our merohanls are putting in free
fall and winter stooks.
Mr. Peter McMartin and family
have moved to Ilyde I'ark, Mr. Mn -
Martin's new railway section -
The ]lowest Thanksgiving Servi-
ces of St. Paul's rhurch, will be
held next Sunday. The services will
be conducted by Rev. D. W. Coiline,
Rector of Trivift Dfemoorinl church,
Mrs. John Miller received n telegram
on Monday night from Riverview,
Orta., stating that Mr. Miller, who has
been very sick, was gradually sinking.
Mrs. Miller and Mr. Simon Miller left
for there Wednesday,
Mrs. Isaac Clemens was on tile
sick list last week.
Owing to rho want of rain'ihe 1 all
wheat is not coming up as the fermi-
ers would like.
Mr. and Mrs. Themes' Wheeler at-
tended the Seaforth fair last Fri-
Mr. Thomas Coward was in Lan-
don last aveek on business.
Tho anniversary of the Sunshine
church will bo held next Sunday.
Mr. John Dclhridgo Inst week had
one of his cattle killed by a falling
tree and another one seriously i.t.
jured. Mr. Delbrjdgc had set fire
to a Jot of brush and the trcc be-
came ignited, burning it enough to
allow it to topple over. Tho ani-
mals were grezing near by, anis were
struck by the falling tree.
We call your atten-
tion to our large stock
of imported Suitings.
The best offerings from
English and Scotch
mills, representing the
most fashionable tPtav-
es and fabrics.
Merchant Tailor
Flour, Feed and
Bargains in
Maple Leaf Salmon 14c.
Best Redpath Granulated Su-
gar at $4.50.
Aylmer Peas 4 cans for 25c.
Orange Meat 2 boxes for 25c,
Gal. Tars 76c. per doz.
1 qt. 70c. ra
1 pt. " 60c. re rt
For your Best Flour and
Best Prices call on US and
you will find that we have a
good variety to choose from.
Shorts, Bran, Chicken, Feed
etc. always on hard, at best
J ackets, Nec kware,
Muffs, Etc.
143 Dundas St. London.
FURS mode to order:
Repaired and Remodelled(
Highest price
Paid For
Raw Furs
R. W. HERN the prosperous General Merchant of Elimville, has'
put in a new stock of Goods in the store recently occupied by Ed.
Avery. r v'
e c and will he open n
f r 1'
Mbusiness '1 . -)
Itlt. Everything is Fresh.
Mr. Vern desires to thank the people of Elimville and vicinity for
their paat t•atronage, ar,d 'topes to continue in their geed appreciation
and e l a Iso extends .ads .
1 heart invitation
1 s'
n the W Ir
11A n lead t
9eats to weal with him
at his New Store.
All Kiwis of Produce Il;tnelled
...... , .:.:„:„...•.......: •: <•i• :•+•1••t•ffd•...;..,.;.::::......;....;..... ;..;..t..; .1..5,
in Screen Doors and Windows, Paints
and Oils
Roofing and Eavetroughing aspecialty
W. Moore- -Kirkton
A tot fowl supper w•as served in the .1-++++++++.:-:-:-+•:-:- 4-1-4-++:-:444+++++++++++++++++++++++