HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-09-13, Page 8T 2i E EX E T E R '1' 1 M E S, SEPTEMBER 13th 1904 4 STEWART'S Our New Fall Stock h here and ready for your approval. We have been fortunate in securing some very Special Lines at clearing prices \which will show big savings to our Customers. Isere ale a fe w special values you should not miss. 49G the yard for a lovely range of new Tweed Dress Goods in fancy Grey effects. They came in fancy Granite Grounds with Twist Overchecks of Green, Mauve and 13ua. When you see them you'll wonder where we got. then, at such low prices. 115 tlioyard fora swell line ofthe naso fancy Grey ?Ilan t ie cloth soft downy finish and when made up with a touch of bright colla' and fancy buttons is simply "IT." 8.50 to 14.50 for ii thJacke sweetestthat lotyofoLadiesllsee.' etsu' la( k, and Fancy Tweeds full long; lengths, very swagger. -You'll like them. 15 Yards for $l. Fancy Stripe Flannelette, good, clear patterns and guaranteed to us to be fast dyes. They're great value. $1 00 for Men's fancy Grey Rain Coat, vert; suitable for • Fall Overcoats. This is a Coat Bargain that you •don't often see. Its well worth 37. Ask to see this special Lin.s. Have you been in to see the Big Store Eince we got the new :n0 by 25 addition completed. We are trying to make this stare the most complete and most comfortable for the shopping public in Western Ontario. When the new fix- tures are all in place, we hope to be able to invite you to the most complete and best lighted store in Western Ontario. Come in and see us whether you want to buy or not. Conte and study the new styles, 3 our're always welcome Bring along all Your Produce, It's just as Good as Gold. J. A. S'2'EW.A.RT Handsome Presents Are you looking for asuitable present? If so cur large assort- ment of SIlverware Fansu Ulna ram u WM and many other lines we carry, will make choosing easy f o r you. WEDDING KINGS 18k 18k 18k A.Marchand THE JEWELER GOOD CLOTHING 1)o not let all the (food Chances pass you, if you are likely to need a new Suit during the next six months you will be doing vouself a favor by getting it now. Take Advantage of our Special Discount. of TWENTY PER Ci•:NT. WE DON'T Try to tit a Man into a ready - merle Suit, we make the Suit to Fit the Man and to fit him if it were his own Suit -not ,ra a borrowed one. If You want to have the reputation of be- ing a correct dresser let U8 do the Tailoirng for you, and you will ever he sure of good Ma- terial,. good Fit, Special Work- manship and petfect finish. W. W. Taman Merchant Tailor. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1906 ••••••••tae•••••••••••••••• •• LOCALS ••••••N .•seN•• Mr. .1. 0. Jones spent Wednesday in London. Mr. T. n. Carling spent last week in Toronto. Rev. Fear and sot Lorne were in London Tuesday. Jars. Wm. Tapp is this week vis- iting relatives in London. Mrs. Ii. Ike, of Parkhill, visited friends in town last 'week. Mr. Al. Moons, St Marys, is spend- ing .his vacation in ;town. Miss Edith Brown is visiting rel- atives In Toronto and Oakwood. Mr. John Muir visited his son in London on Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Douglas spent the forepart of this week visiting friends in Lon- don. Mrs. W►n. ,falls, of Toronto, vis- ited Mrs. Jas. Balls and other friends on Wednesday. Mr. Samuel Martin was in Tor. onto last week combining business with pleasure. Mr. mill Mrs. Fred Ilawkshnw, r••. turned Monday after a visit with friends in Toronto,. Miss Morrison, of Owen Sound and formerly of Exeter, is 'the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Fitton. Mr. 3. J. Knight, who spent his vacation with leis brother, Fred, at Yorklon, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. E. rollick returned Monday evening after n visit ¶%!lith friends in Toronto and Niagara Falls. Dr. and Mrs. Malloy returned Men. day evening after 1 visit with Mrs. Malloy's parents et Toronto Junc- tion. • Mr. and Mrs. David Richards left Monday for Killarney, Man., where they will visit relateves for a few months. Mrs. .1. Blatchford and daughter Marion went to Toronto last week to attend the fair. They remained until Monday. Mrs. .Tits. Murray and daughter, Miss Marc eeturned on Friday even- ing from a two weeks visit 14111 relatives in Mimiro. Mrs. Ed. Christie returte•d home last work .after a several tetks' visit.w•ith her 4hughic.r. Mrs. 11. It. Rogers, Chicago. Miss Maud linden's returned to Kingrvillc, on Friday last after spending a Icw days here with her mother, n rcr Mrs. It. J(cl'allr. Mrs. henry Renee', aecompanied by her tiller Miss Etta Kerslake has returned home after spending the past week in Ilensall. Mrs. Collins clad daughter Katie, who were visiting in ►Toronto, re- turned home Saturday evening. Mies flonthron will rreniain 1 few weeks ion; T. Cala. William \Luise, end daugh- ter i• rah, of Port Hope are the gullet, of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Manson. This is Captain Manson's first visit to Exeter and lie is greatly impreas- cd with our burg end Surrounding country. , t i lLfii! RESPITE ARRIVES ON VERY DA -1 CONDEMNED \VAS TO HANG :alt. GEORGE CRRAWLEY IS IN London this wct•k attending the fair. THE LA\VN TENNIS CLUB OF the Main et wet Epworth League was entertained elenday cvcuing at aho parsonage. MR. GEO. 1'O1V1.LL. 01'' THE Sovereign Bank sr aff. e. turned Mon- day after spending his holidays with his parents in Thedfotd. MB. N. I). 11L'IMDON. 'MANAGER tiloteons' Bank, who with his two sons, spent a w'eek's outing nt Lake Smith, returned home Saturday even_ :ng. T11E GENT?1tA1. CONFERENCE of the Methodist church is now be- ing l::Id in 11o►tireal. Rev. A. If. Going i 111 repo-scntalivc front Exeter-. Mi''S ANNA MARTIN AND MISS J. ., Dow left Monday for Toron- to • w 114're ahev will lake uu v Dour: in music at tIue'Conservatory of :Mus- ic. MB. ALM' 11ASTiNGS ATTENDED the Fair in 'Perone o last rvs^k. On his r01u1"11 he stopped off nt Cross 11111, and brought 11tr14. Hastings and Miss Lu!n. who were venire there hook' with hits. HARRY nitO\VNING LAST \VEI:K was presented aviith a 11%tanohcster Terr "r by Marshall, the hvholesale jeweler, of Toronl-s. The ilog •when a puppy won several 'first prizes at Bench shows. . DR. 11. M. COWAN, Ol' LONDON, who was seriously ill for several weeks in the London 1 ereincal 111(1 who was rusticailing rlt,Ihe (lend, was a cellar in town last Friday on his way home. . MRS. GOiNG IS CONFINED TO the house 'through .1 slight illness. MR. KING. A STUDENT AT '1'011 - onto University look charge .of the cervices in the Main etreet. church Sunday ,lest. Mr. King is eI good speaker for a young roan. Tei? MARTRIAGE OF MiSS C. Bart nor. of Exeter North, Ifo Mr. D. W. Davis, of 'Winnipeg and for- merly of Exct^r, was aaolentnized .at Winnipeg, Au;suit 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have taken up 'their resi- dence at 528 Young Tree(. Winnipeg. MR. GEORGE 11. IIEAMAN, SE - cured the contract for the building of a new smoke stack for l(he Kirk - ton Milling Co.. at Kirkton. last Saturday. The slack will be fifty 'Teel high. with Dement foundation 7 and one-half feet square. THE LAWN TENNIS PLAYERS representing the I.eeenes of Mnin s=treet and Janies street Methodist churches played four sets last week on the lawn of Il. N. Itow•e and re- sulted in 6-0, 6-4. 4-6, 4-1. The first figures are the former's score. otore. THE MANY STOCK IIOLDERS ,:ere of the National 'Cement Com- pany. of Durham. were made happy on Thursday by receiving a dividend of five per r~nt. This is the time dividend paid since the company was organized. Another one is pnorn- heed the stockholders I:I(0r in the year. TIIE IILYTII STANDARD WHICH was founded 20 years ago by the late John White, also founder of the Exeter Times. has changed hands tour tines since it (was eslabliitilied. Mr. White sold it Ito Mr. \Vattron, who in turn disposed of 'tbe vlenti to \V .1i. Irwin. now o! :Miohigrn. Mr. A. E. nradw•in then took hold of it and recently the business was pur- chased by T. Leslie Kerr, son of W. II. Kerr. editor of aIle lirussel,t Post. SECTION 185 OF TITF. RAILWAY Act of last tsession provides !i:ba t, "l art: conductor of evcryt rain carrying passengers within the province rind the conductor of the ear or cars of every railway carrying passengers within .this province. Is hereby In- vested villi n1I Hhe powers of the constable, while on duty ori his train or .aid cnr or cars, ,and said conduc- tor may wear n badge or of:lier dis- tinguishing mark of a 5peciel con- stable. MR. WILLIAM DROWN', I'ItO. fessional Diplorn•r of J1 vu1. inco•por- atid Sooiety of Musiri ins, England. and organist of the 'relent Memor- ial church, Exeter. has commenced 1 class for piano. organ. harmony and theory of music. Mr. drown since his residence here has established an enviable repuialion 0.5 a municpin and teacher ail will Ire :assured or aar 1 a 1 Kd' c b. s. Ile has taken 'rooms with Mr. 1)1nney, ganders street. TiHE "AIRSIiiI"' SUPPOSED TO go up from Marine City every; even- ing et 7 o'clock leis, 1 ire stn r gaz- ers busy trying to Heine out just what it was n few !evetnings List wcrk. Telescopes and field glasses were brought into use pad one per - pen seed ase could easily disre•rn• the min in t he m'ichino pouring gasoli,, in t lie engine tank. teliilr another swears positively he sew 'tile fellow blow out a matnh. However the •'airshiq" continues to go up every evening rot wit hslanding 4 lie' josh- ing of the onlookers, end will eon- tinue to go up for S4'..e1 1 ,pillion yea re. A VERY PRETTY WEDDING wax solemnized at rhe first 'Metho- dist church, London, Wednesday 11f- ternoon, September 1211,, when Vi- vien Jiay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Wilson, of Londoon, was married to Mr. \V:illaee Doane Clarke, accountant of taro 1Jlol,.on's flank, Exeter. After the ceremony a reception ‘vas given nt .t he home of the bride's p.,rcnts, 127 Mill. 51. Mr. and Mrs. Calrke left on tee evening train in f r an extended t rl r down h a the 8t. 'll !Deleon Lawrence and itAl If r ricers to New York, after hid' they will return to •Exeter, an ! will reside at the home lrrf Mr. 'Same! Sanders, where Ihey Bare , n,r • . 1 a suite of room'. •••e••••••••' s' • e sl4)t14)•••• How• do you 1.. .1..• 'LIMES Ibis week[ Evcrythine is given fou in the best style by our lively corps of rerrespnntent,. When • you aro through rendin'r it pees it along to your neighbor, lot him zeee'how good it I', rind tell hint that for 2:e cents it will be sent to ,,,y ntdr' •s o the first of the ye -a!, •N••••••••••••••••••.•••♦ SNELL and ROWE Special Values in DRESS GOODS and SILKS "118 ECONOMY 10 DEAL Ai THIS STORE." DRESS GOODS All Wool Venetian, a plain woyeu cloth with chiffon finish, an ideal material for your new fall costume in the new shades of Navy, Green, Brown and Black at 60 75 and $ 1 per yard. SILKS Black and Colored Silks for Dresses and Separate Blouses in i•pecial prices at till;, 71).: and 81 per yard. SILKS Tainaline Silks iu ai1 the new colorings for Fall. This is a soft, durable silk and will not cut. Special value at 50c per yard. 1 1 DRESS GOODS Dress ['weeds in Bright and DArk Greys A new serviceable material for Ladies' costumes and separate skirts. Extra good values at 60e 75C and $1 per yard. SNELL & ROWS GI1RL WANTED. -GOOD GIRL for houalev. ork. Apply to Times office. MRS. G. A. }1 nt Tomo 'to her 'friends noons of Monday. 1st and 2nd. MR. CONTINEt of St. Joseph, an things, mode a I town Tuesday n MR. JOIIN W. & Taylor Conlpa to London Hospital fering from 'typhoid gressing very favorably. LADIES OF R Vi- cinity ,are cordially - tend fall •elilline t Monday and Tuesday.f Selitetabcr-Miss MISS \VINNIE for Tononto Met her studies in Carling left also 1 sohool studies, at MR. IIARRY Springhurst St well known b Shorthorn Cattle winning five firs and third prizes lest week out of hold. IIs w011 first- ling heifer :.lira calf ; first for b exhibitor, the m to win of (the w rat- tle, all the anima 1 by the exhibitor steer, ran under1 for Senior yearling three nnimals th !second for 1 wo n of one Cow'. Thi herd. The anima Mr. \Vm. 1)utllri . Scotland, the g Shorthorn vatic Smith is ',haw -in the London fair prizes Soon by Jf amounted to $4 Mr. Smith's he'd ex- hibited this year he defeated for cession was chain • iT \VAS ANNOUNCED columns last weer stead of giving night concert at play on the river .,Felt uence There 11.4' bun- dled people nut t I:Iintnrul. The b. pt'ov(vl wonderful year, and tie,e by the teeny w'h railing or slrell<. ground. Itoove I and took .the 0111 the people of elle. int crest they ,too (Fanning Victory Gardiner, avhn as the Connimy aIr seniblegc. ale s; terms of the nuc in'( irl setUritlg and hoped that Min ' would Ir breek ground for As 1 vegetable p ilr. Gardiner sealed tint envy the pt south of us, w•1! quantities of 'to raise just es roan quality. AW1�1NS WILL BE on the after- noons and Tuesday, Oot TIIE FOUNDER d promoter of man: flying trip i1hrougl iglu in his auto. TAYLOR. OF Roll 11). who was Laken tel last week suf- fering fever, is pro- gressing KETER AND fly invited Ito at- tend openings rex 17 rand 18 o Morltock. CABLING LEFT voek In commence music. Miss Martha to resume her high Brantford. SMITH, OF THE Stock Farm, Exeter ro,c (cr of t.lonoughbred was successful In firsts, several seconds at thief Toronto Fair his exhibit of seven con Junior year- ling on Senior heifer breeders herd bred by oat creditable prize hold exhibit 'of Is hiving to be bre. 'first Lor best Let one year. Second Waif : second dor e get of 0110 bull animals ilea produce rd Ger 0)1(11 young Is were judged by e, of Aberdeenshire realest breeder of in the mild. Jar g his animals at this hvcek. The Mr. 81111(11 all Toronto 25. "Gold Drop' boli seas not buthhe bulliw•hLI (w0 years ill SUC- pion bull •l his year. IN THESE k that the band in- stead : 'regular Friday the tett k, would biok, rind in ron- re nearly five' o take in td a euler- end boys have in,• Iv daring ale pa51 music wet; enjoyed o lined the fence 41 around ten the lobier was present ,r t 1 ' nut '1 thank y A 0 Not 1henil for 11 he k in voting fur the 1)3.1111. Mr. Doris 4.11 be '':nagger of o addrersed 1 he Pts. eke in glowing Cess 1 hey 11010 h'ir•- r tock subscr i,tions, 111 1erl tI.VM every- 'bine :V ers-• ill readiness :lo • r1.t new fac(ory roduring country Icd 1liat we need epic of '200 nieces o taisr tenorn1eus m8(005, as 11'0 r 111 y, and of a hetty'r A HAI'I'Y EVENT TOOK PLACE at lite 'Mrthodi:,t persaonnge in Hen• will, on Wednesday September 120), 'fhe event wast lie marriage of Mr. Garnet J. Frayne, cl.lesl ton of Mr. John I'rlyne, of tlabornr, to Annie M., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rio, of 'Meter North The nuptial knotwas tied by Rev. Toll, in the presence of only the immed• into relatives of the ernr.rae:ing parties. The feeds, looked very he. coming. gowned o n 1 n - '1 . IS• g f a h 0 0 lie• t o ne n brio a d• g net nd d by Miss Gertrude 8mit.h, cousin of the grcoly. The groom \Pa'. ably supported by Mr. Lewellyn Oke, of Ifurondale. Cen- gratulationa being over the party then drove ilo the residence of eke brisk':, father, where a dainty supfier wan served. The happy couple Icft on the evening tr'in for Alvinstoa for n short )loncyrnton trip. The bride's going away dress was of wiry blue with het to match. On their return they will settle down to the stern rectifiers of life on the groom's' farm. a mile and a quarter easel of Exeter. Their meny friends join in congratulations for a happy- voyig' over the matrimonial $11. Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter markets. cor- rected up ;to September 13th. Wheat. 69c. per bushel. Oats 29 to 30 cents per ,bushel. Barley, 38 to 40 Dents per bushel Peas, 60 to 65 cents per bushel. Shorts, $19 to $20 a ton. Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Bran, $15 to $16 a ton. Hay, $6 to $8 ppr ton. Potatoes, 95 cents per Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Clover seed, $7 to $8.50 per bus. Butter, 18 oents pee pound. 1?;3s, 17 cents per dozen. Coal, $6.75 per ton. Ifozs, dressed, $7,50 ter Hops, liveweizht. $6.15 Chickens, 1Oc a lb, Old Hens, 7c. a Ib. Ducks, 10c. .t lb. dressed. Lar;e onions, 60c a bushel. 1'ickline onions, $1.35 a bushel. Dried Apple's 4o per Lound. c wT. per cwt. THE OLD RELIABLE Where Did Cain Get His Wife ? 1111.s puzzled Bible students for ages. \Ve don't know. We do know however where you can get the best Line of Goods to be had anywhere. "Full Value for the Money" Ie oar Motto. Any one who knows the value of money. will call and examine Our Goods and see the Big Bargains we are offering. WELL ! WELL ! New Goods Are Still Arriving \Ve have just received a Targe Line of Ready -to -Wear Clothing In Men's, Youths' and Boys' Twee:} Suits. Now some of these Lines w• are going to clear at a Bargain. Come in and have a look. Suits to Please the Lads Prices to Please the Dads Gents' Furnishings a Specialty. Ilave a tine assortment in Ties, Shirts and Hats The Latest and Nobbiest. My it's chilly these evenings, "S.ly, wife won't you go to the OLD IRELiABLE and get, ane some of those Elastic Ribbed Underwear L'hey handle the Penangle in light, medium and heavy weights. Highest Price Paid for Produce. CAIRL[NG BROS. The Sovereign �• Bang of Canada 70 THE BANK THAT PAYS 1NTEREST 70 4 BRANCHES TIMES A YEAR. On Savtegs Accounts BRANCHES CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. SICK ROOM SUPPLIES Articles for the comfort and convenience of the sick and aid its their recovery have a liberal space on our shelves. Invalid Feeding Cups Hot Water Bottles Rubber Sheeting Peptonizing Tablets Extract of Beef Medicine Glasses Bed Pans, Sponges Bandages and Disinfectants Anytbii'g YOU nt,ed for the Sick Inquire at W. S. COLE, Phu'. B. Central Drug Store OLD HENS WANTED. We will pay the Highest Cash Prices for live old hens, also spring chickens,lLI k ducks s and all kinds of poultry, Mention this paper. The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Limited, Stratford, Ont. JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLAI)MAN & STANBURY, solicit r, Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. 78 Dundas St., London Have you a farm that you want to will Write for our terms of Bel- ling prnporLy. We bave the most complete method of advertieing and aelling property in Canada. Do you want to buy a farm or business property in any part of Ontariot Send for our list. \Ve have some bar zains. GRAND TRUNK SY'SEM TO Wosicro Fdir LONDOM 95c Going Sept. Sth. to 14th. 90c. Going Sept. lith. & 13th All tickets valid returning until September 17th. 1906. Special Trains Leaving Exeter 7.51) A. M. September 11, 12, and 13th. Leaving London 10.50 P. M. September 11, 12, and 13th. A GUARANTEED C1"RE FOR I'iLF..S Fur tickets and full information rail Itchin_, Mind. 1;'eedinz. 1'eotrud- on in; Pile... Dunt_ srs ,re authorized to refund money if Pazo Oirtmeat J. J. 1:N1GIIT, Deere T eket Agent fails to cuta in 6 to 14 d50c J. D. elcDONALD, District i'useenger Agents Toronto MOIIE BARGAINS':-TITF. ItATTL- ing cheap sake of Ithe douse Slew clock whirl' has been removed to the store one door north of the lost office. Will gears on. Everybody ele-,s't'd with the big lrar;zaina. There will fro three crocking bit( bargain days on einturday, Monday rind 'rut's - dry. the 15th, 17111 end DOM of See - fernier. These .1111ee dept will 1,0 big bargain clays. -.1. W. Ilrod:•rick. MR. .JAMES DARLING, A l'Oft- mer resident of Exeter, aced at f<rswatrr onr!r Tuesday, Hentcm M•r 11 fromgenet, debility, at the • c of 70 years. The deceased was bern in Scotland and at en early age came lo Cat,,4 i. first wetting in Simcoe. Ile afterward' w'ent to Seafortlt and about. 15 yaws ago (time 1 et Exeter, whet" 1,0 foI•lowed his t ride as plan. toter ,nd lather. After Tearing Exeter ho went to Carlton place, and e few y<rrrs ago went 1e. lire with rI1 mites in Teeswnter. ili• wife died in Exeter a number of years ago. Ile is Furs ivrd by nn' 4:'n, John, druggist. of Durham. The re. mein: were brought to Exeter and 110. funeral }Meld from the renillenre of G. A. K. McI,00.1, \Vednctsday :I1- te'r 1c00r1. Thee rale this year for Blyth till ire 21 mill.4 on t he doll 1 r. Vie have placed on the mar- ket a new brand of flour White Seal This is a choice Manitoba Pat- ent, fully equal to the output of the large mills. and coats only 82.40 per hundred. If you prefer Pure Manitoba flour try "WHITE SEAL," It will please you. Repairing over, we are once more in a position to supply the needs of our customers. We Solicit your Gristing and Chopping patronage, HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO. Bread and Butter Education Business houses It rye, this past ye.r, made Ten Tinges as yuan demands upon us for young lad- ies and gentlemen who are thoroughly grounded in busi- ness principles, as we had stu- deuts to send. CLINION BUSINESS COLIECE "Affiliated with Winghatn Busi- ness College." OPENS SEPT. 3rd. Drop a postal for information to Dlt. OVENS EYE AND EAR S('R-�'." geon, will bo at the Commerroial Geos Spotton Principal Hotel the first I ridiy of each month. Hours, 9.30 a. m. to 4.311 p. In. Glass- es properly fitted and disown of eye, ear and nose treated. Next visit The New Home ot the l'ri<fay, Oototr^r 501._ , TWO RINKS OF EXETER IOWL- ,rs went over to Friday to a e friendlyrime with the mein - bore grime of the club of ithall town. The result was 'that the Exeter players were defeated in every game. in the morning the rink skipped by Rev. Martin boat by the swore. of 13 to 22, and the rink ekipp•'d br. F. W. Madman vent down 12 to 21;. i,. the afternoon the rink skiptyd by W. i, Ileinein were six ►t<)wn, ttse »core !rely 11 to 20, while the rink skip- ped by Rev Collins finished the pIiIY 15 to 20 :n favor of Mitchell. The following Exeter pleyert brrok pat W. 11. bevel t, C. 11. Snell, W. J. 114 amen, Rev. Martin, Rev. Collin's, at,. Davi., W. Hl:atrhforde and 1'. W. Geedmnn. ' WIern 011311163 Colleqe (GOO BUIbDING) London Ont. 1s the best equipped Shorthand and Business College in Ontario. We teach Isaac Putman Short Course (complete in 40leseonsl, Touch Typewriting, give indivkltsal instruction in all its branch- es and positively gdtatantee to place every gratlltate in a situation, Sever- al of our Lady (ir,tduates have ac- cept d situations at 415 per week. WM. C. ('OO, C. S. It. Principal.