HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-09-13, Page 5SHINGLES THE EXElk.LEi TIMES, SEPTEMBER 13th 1D06, 1•:1. l Nt V i I. i.1: We have just received a carload of British Columbia red Cedar Shingles and one cf New Brunswick Shingles and are now in a position to supply your wants in this line. Period Roofirig We are agents for this original Ready Roofing, it is used on barns, factories, in fact any building that need a good roof. Ask us about this roofing and get a circulir. .Tie KosTaul0r Go. L,tU.. xCt6!. _O___ _ - ++,.++++++++++++++_+++'+' The Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office. Farquhar, Ont. Pres.: -J. A. NORRI8, CROMARTY P.O Vice -Pres.: -J. L. RUSSELL, ItcssE LLI)AI.E. P. O. DIRECTORS. W. I3. PASSMORR, FARQUHAR P.O. Wu. ROY, BORNHHOLM P. O. Wm. BROCK WIN('IIELSEA P. O. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 0. AGENTS. JOHN ESSERY, F.aetor, agent for Usborno .and jtilildulph. OLIVER IIARItIS, Munro, agent for Ribbert. Fullerton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & 8TANBURY, Solioitors 200 TonS of all kinds of old scrap iron wanted at M. Jackson's EXETER We will pay the highest cash price or exchange fence posts for sante. 4. a MSJACKSON&SON Main -St. Exeter. One door south of the 4 Metropolitan Hotel. 4 ++++++++44+44444+4 4+++++44 MEDICAL JW. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. e P. 8., Graduate Victoria Uni- versity. office and residenence. Dominion, Laboratory, Exeter. DR. A. F. MALLOY, MEMBER _ ONTARIO COLLEGE PHYSI- RoUios.11 Ofitc d Surgeons. in street. Residence, uccessor leA. ast on first street north of Post Office, Exeter, Ontario. OUR PIANO SALES For the pest month have 'teen very satisfactory both to our- selves and our customers. This we attribute to our exceptional good values and easy terms of payments. OUR GOODS are the finest the market affords and our terms most liberal. Do not listen to the men who say all Manner of evil of us but call and see and judge for yourself. Sewing Machines Our Sewing Machines are O. Also a fine Line of Statio !lel'\' Cheap. DRS. Y. AND H. M. COWAN, 394 Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. Telephone ly2S. hong distauce connection. S. Special attention given diseases of women and ery. Oxford or C. P. It. Street Cars to 001 ne r. 140 o sit take you Special Specialto the HospitalB er yoitice.and other ttrra,gements for patients from a distance. DENTAL -- Dit. A. It. KINSMAN. L. 1). ELI). D. S., Honor Gradeate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bedsitter effects. Office in Fan. son's block. West sided Main tlesste'Exeter' DR.0. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D. D. 8., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OIFICEt-Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. ri ON EY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private fends to Ma on farm and village properties at lowrate. labe OLADMAN a STANBURY Barristers Solicitors, Main St. Exeter, DICKSON & CARLING, Maetiatere eolicltoti Notaries, ,oav rsaoers Commissioners. otions Bank. Etc. )y to Loss at lowest rates of interest. OYTICK s—MAIN STREET. EXETER. a. CLRLINo 13..V L. II. DICKSON TIIOMAS CAMERON, l'ONVE1'- ancer, wills drawn, money to loan Serest estate. also Licensed Auctioneer for the countie. tot Huron and Perth. Charges moderate. Orders left at the Ti IES or at my residence, Farquhar will receive prompt atten Satin. MONEYTO LOAN We have farts or unlimitedvillage troperivate rty at lfor ow, Mee of interest. ICKSON a CARLING Exeter MARTIN AVege table Pr paratio.tfor As - si1111lc1tltlgfit r�th�ii:.d1 eg 1►ii - tu'g the Stoat:i, o iia. i3oweb of • Promotes D:t'cstion,Ctteerful- nessand Rcst.Contains neither Opltttii'.lorphi'; Nor Funeral. NOT NARCOTIC. Narspar. Old LiJ S:ti'%'t'zzPYIL7.£R I'.,,F,f Realste..i.,.'/, - Amur Sail• L'►CrewdJ :.Js • )f-1•••.: fe::/ - (h.yed1iJ .lrryr+ . . tr.:r�/+rtr neva: Averted itcn-tedy forConstipa- tion , Sour Stomas 1.Diarrhoea, IVcrins,ConvtakiJit F,'v rish- ttess .:zid Loss c' :SLEEP. tacsinlile Siet►-,tcr•: of 1 EV -VG i . it, inio'err 'bl'y - j) a OSESSt[E:�iT•s CASTORI For Infanta and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of 11 For Ov Thirty Yea CASTORI THC CENTAUR COMIlif.Y. NEVI YOt.* CIT Mi'. i =t:s ,t•l:►�( week. de- liV(l'(•(1 to\1.t 1'. CuSirtin►l 1 %1) e'l1101 a of beet cit tai for expert. The ctuimal.s aver.tg4'd ill eeig111 ober 15110 pounds. r.lr. and `.1: •. S'tindc s. of St. Thom tit are t Ise give- as of loll Hester. Mrs. Michel Elford. S::kne.s1 is quite pi- talent in out. v::irlity. Word lees Loon i:•:Jived from Mlels- sr=. Victor Snell .and James Heywood who ttemt to Manitoba. '1'ht•y re- port 4 fine ,out:try and are hell pleased e.1 li the tlros►,c•.c.t s out t here. Mr. Henry Cundy attended the funeral of Mr. John Parsons at Centralia on Sunday. 'flee la loners ttho have silos in the:; part are busily engaged cutting their corn and filling there. 'The corn is tt good crop this year. Sad indeed was ths sudden bereave- ment which befel th' thotnr of Jlr. :and \1r-. Charles Johns, when their inf i nt d.:ugl►ter, a bright .ani love ly bibs' girl of eight months, was taken from its loving mother'e arms 1 and carried by the nngcl:+ to athat. Iland of rest. The little one had been eck just a few slays when on 5ur►dav morning, Heath soothed its sufferings which was termed titenir►- 1 'sites. The [un"r/1 tt hiell tock tt►laeo on 'Monday .aftcrn.' .n, tt':13 largely attended. '1'he Part 4) , W 110 ::ro Iheart stricken with sarroW 111"" t 110 (lee4(St S.' 01t):1thy OP t he ent ire :om- munity. Loving Tesus. Cent le Lamh. In thy .gracious halide 1 am. Give •t little child a place In i he kingdom of trio, grace. TUMORS CONQU1RED FARM FOR SALE A choice tarm in the township o1r Fella' ton, 75 acre's, gtu.l htnk bare, stables ►:n.i drive House. five acre* of maple bus!,. (;.111 .billed well, wit 1t twin.! Mill. t;.; .1 orchard (In1.1 011 in high t,tute t;f eu': ivation. Fon (teens and ',adieu' l!' .1ply to Thos. O1!tautit>11. 1'.trouts tt•. SERIOUS OPERATIONS AVOIDED A TRIP THROUGH TILE WEST red along, we could look out over the prairie for about ten rnilce and see stooks of bilin. They have now t hrce large ele- vators in I'illtnore. This is good for o new country like this. All along the line at every station, the eleva- tors are either up or going up. This is a good sight to s►ce. Land is tIel- ling from $16 to $30 an acre. Wag - e9 are about $2.50 per day and board. I sots Mr. Wm. Ilyndmau, brother ,of Dr. liyndnl•ln, of Exeter, in this town. A. E. 'lodged. Ott A;asus: 20t h left Red Deer lot Edmonton. This 'traot of land is covered with scrub about rex to eight feet high, and is. in appear•;nce, :i rich black :soil, It will take some time ;to ,et it cleared. After arriv. ing at Edmonton •ind going to as hotel, I trent out ,to o000 the city K. It is a very busy place, everything on the rush. Land is very high !sero one piss 1e 50 by 150 sold for 510,000. One half breed owned 80 .cores and sold it for x+80,000 The other Jots are .accordingly. The ninny readers of your paper will be ;glad to hear ,th:at Mr. ,1)oble also Mr. Itl:tsdel, al. one ttinte :!lend millers in theer two mill. 0here mtll,. busily ens: xd Mr. A. McLoan formerly of Exeter mill is also hers While in 't his 01ace SON HURON JUMPING WITII NERVE PAIN. That's aloft' you feel with neural- si'i. Itut silly lit awake at night' „rumble or comploin-set busy with a bottle of Nerv'itiuc. 1t does act like tea sic, seeks out t hc' pain and destroys it, harmless and •certain, 1 met Mr. T. Elierinzlon,•of Lumley instant in effect, nothing is so pop - Moser and Son of l,lylh. have dig- alio iy fl" sa't.is[ied with his DOW alar as Ncrviline for ached rand tains ltotye'ei of their hardware business 110 lot of all kinds. 'Try it for lumbago, McPherson llrost. of London. I have for;ol ten to sissak of St rat h. test it in rheumatism, prove it in ---�- coda, which is t lie end of :elle rail- [neuralgia pleurisy or colds. You'Il file's positively ,oiled with :Ur. road. Froin here you are .conveyed soon acknowiedse th it Poison's Nerv- Shoop's Ma.zic Ointment. It's tnade to Edmonton in the busses of elle iline beats them 111. Sold evt'rywhc•r•' for piles •alone, and it does the work different hotels. Strathc.ona is a in larze 25r. bottles.• to perfection. Itching, n'linful, pro- trudinz or blind piles. disappear like nt•a z:e. Sold by W. S. 'Lowey. If all .dystselie a sufferers .1:11cts what lir. Shoop's Restorative would do for diem, dyspepsia would praeS- ticaLly he n disoasse of tbo pat. Dr, Inver. The land:atouind here is of Shoop'js Jlestoretive reaches ;tom- (:sod totality. The grain in this hart ach troubles by its direct tonic no- boats :ray in the world, oats %tr•ish- in; 5 tion upon the in` :dee Inerves-tho :, pounds to tho bushel. cIntl true stomach nerve-. Stomach die• Such fields of oat s. it' (acedy you 1;cod tress or 'weikness. fullness bloAtin3• to look at them. The hlrvt':sti is very l>,elcl►in;, etc. C111 for the Iteatora- late this year on account of there fes- tive. \1'e recommend Ind sell Dr' in; such a dry sprint. and tate ear - Stipples Restorative. Su1il by W. S• rmcr1 did not sow until after the Motes• rain came. In Ilei; place 1 come --� •►cross J. Miller, formerly of llensall .lobe ]frown, aged 25 pear:+ :+11.1 more on points which are reserved He is keeping one of the l• t -sera ho- !►y Ihc' dcf�n-, . with no visible me ens for support I teas in 'Usti River and i.g doing a sy s committed to :,he county ga(1,1' ;coil hussine,ts. 1I"' W.1s sick in bed ` 11s1 %seek by polis' magistrate while I was there. I also met 1)r. TIII•:l til\'E \VONUE111'I'1. Andrews, of Clinton, for vagrttttcy1 Hamilton, con of Rev. Hamilton, of 11 EAI.' 11 a ltotharwe11. Itcsid0s; :) very I trsc Non :1 None .o h0.111hy, so buoyant Brown %t'1►o said he carne from God- crioh .1nd %sass on Lig way t.o 'I'orY•nta r,•tctisro,1)r. 111rnilton has itt hos- :end full of life as t hoe!. who reales carried an old fashioned in tt:%s arrested by comytabtt• 1\'cl :h. Thevolver I j,ital %tit 1t t 1:11' •e nunrbe r r,[ tickek lett %%'it 11 Ur. 11 ,ntillon's Pills. Even 1"4)1(‘ in it. in one 1 islit t hey work wonders. gun lois confiscated, it is hardly vier- 1 August 21 left Il: zit River for Re- Fur and coat in; 'they hake front 1110 s ;tak- int cat 8o'clo-k p. m. andcould n,�t toni;u0, h0_1d'iehei they relegate to eseary ,to say and it 9 oft tier WAS en to his county 14tdgines aOc lin a much of the country till daylight the past. biliousness :feel stomach dis- \t'ul:aa• For hundreds of miles t,for' .renclt- orders I hey prevent 'inet absolutely • --� ing Mlortlock t here is very lit.t,le euro. Think of 1)r. Shoep's ('at:lrrll Cure broken prarie. T1ii5 hat I,ce11 : r,nt- 'Think tth:at it 1114.1ns to 11.1Ve ,the• if your rtcrc. and thrust ditch rs4's+ tLe rtir:inR p'irt, but you C.In nett' s.4'(' system :leans4('d :and purified by I)r. -if your breat h is foul or feverish. small but 5 along the. way showini. Hamilton's Pills! A true laxative This snow white 90(lthins Liam con -that in !eclat thee(' yearn 'I here' trill a perfect Ionic, harmless and wholly vesetable in (Immo-Dion. they will nick little place. Lind IS raisin;; in value very fast. Mr. Dobie, one year .ago, bought two lots for :about $1,500, and is now :Iskire; 1'.5,000. Edruonton is igoinx les be a !arae ;.ivy, as there are co many roads run - quill; into it. Auzla:at 27th I left for Ili;h Regina, Sept. 7. -The sentence of Judge Wetmore, that Viezeur Mag• setr be hanged on Thursday, Sept. 6. was not carried out as arranged 'yes- terday morning, owing to the Re- ceipt by ,the sheriff and jail author - it iess of on order from it ho Govern- ment granting a stay in the exe- cution until the morning of Thurs- day, Nov. 29th. Unless a new aria' ie granted, she murderer 'till meet his death on that 'morning for iehe killing of 1►.iniel .1. Campbell, at Fro- bisher, 845k. '1'htt respite of twelve tytek:t i5 thus granted Ito Magyar, in view of the ellee rase submitted to the rauplcme court. by Judgo \Vet- Unqualified Su. cess of Lydia E. Pinks ham's Vegetable Compound In the Case of Mrs. Fannie U. Fox. One of the greatest triumphs of Lydia F. 1'lrtkllanl's Vegetable' •1ual•.�um1 11 the conquering of wonlatt'd dread enemy, Tumor. The Breath of a tumor is s.) Fly that frequently it presence is not suspected until it is far advitnt'ed. ♦+++++++e+++++N+++++++++s Ilot': do poll like she TIMES ;this week? Everything. itt given you in the lxest style by our lively corps of correspontents. Whet. you aro through it-dits it p-iSS it :lona; 4.0 your neighbor, let him Tice how good it i:, eind tell Lim that for 95 cents it ttil1 1x' sent t(. Pay address to tlto first of the ye ir. 0..•S...... ............... Dear 1lrs. I'itikl,;lrs1 :— "I take the liberty to congratulate you 011 - - the success I have itad with your wonderful Beautiful and Brilliant Colors Guar- medicine. 1';icchtt,^•► months ago layeriods anteed When Ladies Use stopped. Shortly atter I felt Su badly that 111 ll N D DYE S I guhtalittc�I to ,t thorough examination byD /1 A a physician and ways 1.•1.1 that I h:1.1 ;t ttltu•)r an•i ((soda leave 1.1 n 01,1.1.40 an operation. "S,,.,i1 after I r.•ad 011,1 of ♦•oar advertise. - menet 111.1 deci.I'1 t•1 site Lydia E. I'ink- ltant's Vegetable 4',impound a trial. After trying five bottler as tliris'te'l the tunas is entirely gone. 1 have been examined by a physician and he says I have no signs of a tumor now. It has alio !.naught my pe- riod; around once more, and 1 ate entirely hell.'"-Fainnie 1). Fox, 7 Chesnut Street Itradfur. , ,1. tains; Oil of Euc.alypitus. Thymol, be lots of wheat grow ine there Menthol, etc.. incorporated 11110 nn on gel a le's off at Regina slie first. imported, ere.)Ill like, veIVI* ty pet r01. person 1 rnet wit Tom Elliot, of 1 item. It soot 1101,heiilt t,ti, fit'si`con-Exeter. 51r. Elliot is looking quite t ro'v. Call at our store for free .1 roll happy and is staking fivo dollars a box. Sold 1►y \V. S. 1If."ev. 41 ty. Here I called on 'Mr. M. Gard- -"" - tete, Ile is doing a biter, business in About !eleven o'clock eel Sitter-tete, and buildina9 tai 1,,19 ssonte very ILLIAM BROWN, I'itt►t'. 11i1'- day night fire byes disro %(,,,. 1 •ht alae s'xt,cn1ive dwelling, some 0f tyhich LOMtA 01' ROYAI. iN( oltIOIIATEI) i Galhrnit Ie CO's OW bin!' '1o1 ('lin- go ;,q high ve $0,000. I next called SOt'IE't'Y tIF Mrsit'IANt, ENOLANtt, • ton. When first not ic%'d 1 h•' fl )ate 4 g11 1►. ll:ack n0y, cif .`3t. 'dal ed �t Tri'itt Memorial Chun l., E.eter. )'ad made. but little he:illttav• :1n(1 •' lac is %tll slliati0d a i.0! 81 cMarvt O eastt sul•l have Harmony and Theory of )1,t.n, cobble of Ilei!; of sealer t no• Ut'''ah• t:.et(r, 1►nt�ain. Reegin•a i`i 110 pin cc for :t pOC)r inn ' Tcrins o s :%^t`li' at t tit -owned them bel tile t► l ill Ind haat•) Fvcryt dine; iy lt(>4)n1►n=. _ ' cr were not forthcoming. The fire- -__1 1, ft Regina for Fillmore on eters men goon .)pleeared 11p0/1 111^ Went! , 271 h.arrivinglt(in there ,shoal 9.30on0e and a lino of 1,0,o n.itt 1 ,id 'to the slog.', hitt thosein charge of the en- clock , 1'ltis is '.where .Jr. 1.. 11-eLean of 1lihbert, runt est to 711)0111 5 year. gine foundit c e u o , ] 1 1 , 1t 01.11 time r S iN= I LLON GE, .TAYr N were 3 The 1t!.:•n 110 01. STAY Vet: s l+ britt wands 1Pry 111'31re 11'\1 5ai13,Tan)!toolt It 1,t lb* as.,,,ya.,ti lit:strati.% t'stst.,�,;' fns-- i.•r tits o ►,,t ! 7t1� FCNcri O LIMITGD.- t i.r li 1 W. .1, 11EAM:1N, Agent, Exeter 1'[f It t CCt 'I') ;:team as .the boiler leo ked very bad_ I Ago. Moe' knowing Mr. McLean I . r k i^w Ilo was always at lye At last tired of ( (•lay se 1.. iotas der work of :�I1 kinds, doing bit %cork %%:t at helical to 'last hydr�uet ,anti tis in ties hest of style. Tool ly he Is big wimp :et Fair's Mill 1',000 bad I one o[ the 1 tr;ceTlt [tem^r, in Leat• t 140 trat0r iii lying Oil t 1)n 1i1e a'hin11 , west, working 800 acres. lie list %t•::( tI#'edii)' extinguished. rite Tire now 400 acres o[ the •lyssa grain. Mr. tle,t r0ycel considerable of ,t he z;L'tck. McLean in partnership with :moth- ' but 'the smoke ,and water ,lit! , 1 ill j cr ratan. 1L1a parch:std 1 m'ty t hresh- 1 11 et 11 ! „ro This p. teed by insurance. A, 50011 as; tial '! from Regius, itt one of the largest aible l:c a ill trate 11i:' stlor' open for . t t r tote of No. 1 1.11.1 1 have run bllvill('a4 ,1t�1in. , .•-4,>,a, On either Fid(' ;1s a journey- more damage. \ire v:1 ►r:st mates This loss sat about gl�il)t►, jt iv- ins outfit for !lie threshing of `ttli("it a part of 4)ie country To Cure a Cold in One Day =cr., .Take Laxative Brom 3 S%SW.. Moe boxes said to pest 13 nor tbs. lids signature,w.• �:. a`�se. -call d " wandering !pains " may come from its early stages, or the pre- �j ARM FOR SALE. -That excellent farm, Lot No. 17, Ooncession 8, Blanch ted, consist ins of 104 Acres. well dntitted. well fenced, with largo brick house of 10 gooses, two largo cellars, t wo excellent barns and driv- ing &ted, hoz 114.11 :ala 1 hen house, 2 newer -failing welts. Alt this farm itt goad tit -rte of cultivation, with 13 :acres of summer fall :)w, Possestiot' will 1)13 given Ott once. Apply to Mrs, l'hotm•as Oaritisslt, \1's o,lleitn, for part t icula rs, VILLAO E PROPERTY Fr R SALE 11 elf ,acro in villktge of Farquhar. on '.%Melt there is erected u largo brick Melding fitted for More ante dwelling. :and :► 1ie..It brick cotta'sr and stable will he sold separately or in tato block. 'I'lIOS. CAMERON r.luhlr. FAlt \[ 1•'OR SAL '•.-Th tt excellent . fare! 1:111.1 Lot 9, Concession 10, tlsbornc, containing 11)14 acres, about 15 :tones biting good 1►utth. Thiel farm is in excellent condition, first class well, windmill, ban, etc. The farnl has ben seeded to grass for a number of years and was used prin. cipally for pasture. The fences are in good condition. Apply to Wm: Croery, \Vinohel'tt t ; Robert Merry. )' rkton, Exeeattors of estate of I else leto Robert Crecry. settee of clanger may be treacle manifest by profuse monthly periods, aco n111anied by unusual Pain, from the abdomen through the ►;rein ani thighs. If you have mysterious pains, if there are inaliCatioes of inflammation or 'lis- lacetment, secure Lydia E. I'inkhant's Vegetable Compound right away and begin its tet.•. �Irss. I'inkhatn, of Lynn. Masse, will give you her advice if you will write her about yourself. She is the dangliter-itl- law of Lvalia 1:. Pink1'a it and fie- twenty- five years has 11(4'11 advising sick women free of charge. Each year thousands of letter's cense in from all parts of this vast Dominion telling of victories and successes with Diamond Dyes i.1 the home. The marvellous and immense sales of Diamond I)ye:t in Canada have in- duced adventurers and speculators (who know nothing about the chemis- try of colors) to go into the putting up of package dyes. Such dyes are adul- terated and crude; the colors are mud- dy and blotchy, bringing ruin to the materials you try to dye. DIAMOMI) Dees, the choice .of wise women. are the kind used when bright full, fast and brilliant colors are want - eq. No disappointments possible when you use Diamond I1yes, DI.t,sloNU DYES are sold by all lead- ing druggist!; and dealers. Refuse to accept substitutes when you ask for Diamond Dyes. Send to Wells & Rich- ardson Co., Limited, Montreal, P. (2., for new Direction Book, Diamond Dye Cook Book and illustrated Booklet en- titled "Diamond I)ye Longjohns' Win- ter and Summer Sports." Sent FREE to any address. do you good. To feel and look your best use I)r. 11,tniltott't Pills. 25r. :1t any dealers. NO. 3. Si F. PH EN. T114' following phoe s 1 h(' (relative standing of 11hc pupils of 8. 8. No. a, Stephen, for the month of Aug- ust, based on regulerity, tsood de. port n eat anal genes ,1 41 oficic•ney : IV-Uecelii Ford. 1'loren; a lleamarl, Gladys 1)" trine, II:1rry '1'riebncr, Sherman Willis, Ede in Trie'hncr. Br. II 1•-tfco. Il'cks. Preston i)earing, 1•:.11 S11110011, 1•'r(•(t I'tcsz:'n tor. .10htitly,Willis. .1r. 111.-1da Willis, Florets 'fricbnc•r•, Gordon Solders, Wilfred Sll:ipton, Alm(r Ilox, ('he.ster Parsons. Olive l'resz- cator, 11. -Gordon .I'enli,.l"'. 1't. i1 Berle Willie Itciric' Parsons, Charlie Tt ichtt 'r, (�:lrfielcl At:tnlake. l'nrt i Sr. --(;Orden Heilman, Lela Kin- der,. Cart [ _ J r,, -Lila Sanders, ('c- oil Uv:Irintr. Thom-itt Willis, Vertu% I're+z.ittor. Vcrda Ilox, ('orsina ('arsons. No. enrolled 32: average 29 CHAS. 'rEllltl"rT, Teacher. 11OIRN IIALLANTYNE-in U5borne, Scotem. ber 10, the wife of Jamey i1a11:1n• Lyne, of n daughter, JIOItLOCI'-In Crediton, September 11th, the wife of John Morlock of 1 14071. dl MOiR-At Ilurontllle. Tuesday, Sep • tenlbcr 11t1►, tlae wife of Geo. Moir o[ a daughter. \VINER-In Stephen, Saturday, Seitt• Ili h. alae wife of William \Viner, of a daughter. 11AItItlEl) 11EACO`i-PER 0i'E-At it he parson- age. Ifayfield, on .September 5111, by Rcv. 51r. Steadman, May teec- ond daughter of Mr. \Villiant Per- due, to John Beacom, all, of G041- criolt totvnship. FILAYNE1)Innaon \Ved114'ti-t%,—ltE1tit pt—t.ttlher 1ie12thsh1!Y 11)11141, Itcv, 5. l.. Garnet, .1. Frayne of l'sborn(•, to .hiss % 4 11ic• Reid of Exc,c't' 1)AV1S_l!Alt'INI:1: - At Winnipeg August 174 Mr. 1). W. Dtvia, for- merly of Exeter, to •11i:1s C. Bart - her. CI.ARKF-\\ 1I.SON-i1I London, 01 Wednesday. .tic'tit.•tuber 12111, Miss Vivien 111y Wilson, to \V. 1). ('larkc, Accountant \fol -0114' !reekExeter. 81111-11A11'rt'N(;- 111 %merI), on \Vcdne sd'a t•, Sept. 164 h. by the Rev. Shit key. M r. Ell. Sim4 to Miss Hartung. Sl1OL'fZ-NADIGER-In Zurich, thn NIotid.ly, Septc•tnir(•r 10th, by o It(•v. Schilkt•y, \Vof Mt. CLemr114, 'to Mary Nediger. of 1).')ttliw0041. [t1'58EL1.- McN(COL-At I'.1r•1uh 1r Wednesday, Sept ember 12. Bella, (l.tughtcr 0f 51rs. 1)::silt McNicol, to Mr. Cecil Russell. 1)IE1) Rheumatism is not incurable. 84 ubborn? Yee! nut 1)r. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy stili if faithfgul- lv used drive it out of the system. Its the bli►od thit't et fault. Poieon- ous crystal, like sand get into (tae joints .Ind muscles. Ili. fiitoop'e ithcumati0 111111(11Y lercventt this. it drives lthcurnatittn from the bloo.l and then Rheumatism dies. \1'e ree- otnntend nn i sell it. Sold by W. .4. llott•ey. FAIRQUUHHAtt Mr. Andrew 'Lodged left 'Monday fora tris) to the Northwest, Calgary twine his &sti{>:Won, but will visit at different places along the line. Mr. John Ilarkney spent last week at Toronto exhibition. The, Misses Nicholson, .of Goderich, ar'• visiting Miss Nettie Harris. Mr, \Vert. McClocklin left for Man- itoba on Tuesday last. Miss Adra Luton, who has been visiting Mrs. I1. W. F. heavers. left On friday to ream(' her dutietsf at lit •'rsoll. t i is -s 1'. Groves is 1lolidayinI at Milverton. A number of people from here al - tendecl London fair during the week. Mr. George Beavers, of Stratford, spent Saturday here tvitlt his bro- ther. A very quiet wedding was solemn- ized on Wednesday, September 12th, when Miss Vella, daughter of Mre. David McNicol was m- rriC:l to Cecil 1105:,,011. Ontario Liquor License Act Lit•t•nse District of 5,1141 Huron. Notice is here. 1,} given that Janus 1lannar, of the Township of Stephen, has made application fur permission to transfer his township t:1, ern lacense for the premises, in the Township of at. phos, known as the Shipka 11.:tel, to Ezra Hr. -liner ..1 (:r..•••1 Bend, and that said applicat1011 will l,c eon,-i.'ett.i at the meeting of the Ik,ar.4 of License ('ounalis,ioners, to be held at Cont- nier-ial hotel, in the tillage of llensall, on Olt t;lth day of Sept_, 1906, at elle hour of 111 a.m. All persons interested .. i11 govern themselves a^• coming! , John T.rrran"e, License inspe,•:or. fetid at Clinton, this Stli dad o1 Sept., 1:M4 . FOR OVER SIXTY i EARS AN OLD AND WELL-TRTZI) RZrMRDV.-Mr. Wins'low's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by mil.Mns of mothers for their children while teething. with perfect success it soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain cures wind colic. and in the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It In pleasant to the taste. Sold by drn glste in every part of the world. 2.5 gents a bottle. its value in incalculable, Be •aro and take Mrs Winslow'; Soothing Syrupaad ask for no other kind. 1{1N(; -In Crediton, 011 Jloid:►y Sept. 11) Ainslie M:tivin:t lkaunceyi be• loved wife of Albert king, aged 12 veers 1 mouths arta 10 days. DARLING-InTeeswa(er. on Tues - (lay. September 11.1 h, 1906. Ja11tes 1).irling, aged 76 yc•:less and four nut nt 1s. IIAIRNESS-in Exeter on Sept, 7111, (;(ory'c Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hornet's, aged 6 moat hs end 12 days. I'AIRSONS-in Cent ralie on Friday, halt. 7,John 1'lrston5 ,''sed 77 years 6 months 27 days. 11OVAN-At Mt. Carmei, cjn Sunday S(•1.tetnber !U 11, ?1ich101 Hogan, aged 78 years. PATTEN -At Shipk e, on - Tu0941:13, a4'1►lernIer 411i, the beloved wife of Mr. It. Patten. COLE -1n Clinton. .•:i September I)t, I?liz.11,cth itidont, elle 0f Henry Cole, caged 73 yeara. $TAEIULE1t-111 Cr -fellow, on lion - day, September 1(►i h. Christi11:1 Stavblcr, believed alto of Rev. John Staebier, aged 77 years 6 month, :and 37 days. Git1]IAMI.-In Toronto, F►i(l i\•. 'sent 7t It, tilargarel, beloved tt ife! of W. 11. (;rail:m, of Bt. !airy•• .IOIt Ny-At Hiti vi'1a, Sun i 1y Sepe i 1)t to the it►f.,nt daughter of 'I r.! and Mrs. C11.arees Johns,. To Our Farmer Friends The Mobil of auction sales wall mon be on. The 'fines has cv4.ry facility for turn- ing out tole bills -1uickly a11(1 nt)•'e 13', ct red ,i t oho #-o i s :Ire e x- caellent medium in whirl! to !advertise, est it is a welcome weekly •visitor bombes both in count ry. An :advert is.'11i(•et in this cigar bri.nzss results=. lit the enee of auction sales. :ire :41- Vertc;tement in the I. per iso of ._renter benefit their) sale t►;11:t. A wider field con thus be covered, 01111 nn edver- tisrtnent i9 more likely to he send in A newspaper t hats %%leen posted on fences 4>r in stores. if you ere ,going to have c.mlf' this .fail use 'elle 'vines to s_T(,t : fringe crowd of prospective buyers to Oth- er. When sale bills ore 1,rinted at tl:s office, .1 free 'an- nouncement will ..I►et :riven t ndar t lie heading "Sale Res- ; 1ei ter." to many (ow11 .1t►d GENER 1i, NEWEL The. conir:iot for the no %v 81. Ml:ary's post office building has heed awarde•i to Mr. Robert Cameron of Almonte, at the ,vont ract prioe off 5.2,000 and with alae priltio for elle' site ',added, 52,300, will !total ,$24,0001 'cavity.; a balance of $5,700 out ne the is30,000 appro[,i•)ted. \'.•e unelerstand that all of 'the lo. cal 'enders exceeded $29.000. Advertise in the TIMES That tired languid feeling and dull headache is very disagreeable) Take two of Carter's Littlo Liven Pills before retiring. and you will find relief. They never fail to do good. THE BELL IELEPNONf COMPANYDA OF CANA is about to issue a new Telephone DI - rectory for the district of Western Ontario including the town of EXETER Orders for new connections, changes of firm names, changes of street ad- dresses or for duplicate entries should be handed 111 to the local manager at onc e, A. I'1ARCHAND Local Manager. ilia': Just ths Rigilti Bowel Laxativs t1e, Sere—Pleasant to Mb— Tried and True, Genuine, Nature's Remedy. If you do Dot have free, MT and regular; SaeVtOMeots of tee bowels you Isek the prates t . Attsl of 'soot health. There's mo De thin merge uncomfortableness. slut - n and bill.,':1� newt—retention of food In the bo -s..',4 ,,� polluter..irrltatesandi You mak(' ,-•, the elrcutatory sys- • ti,e blo(rt—a • scsreneet fnatesd� • fountain of '• ' purettltfea^duO- ♦fcafit>. , The 11ts of eo0-f tion • r e tot. trifling butt ',always A. ► sre frau`1tt tb Ii t a l , �`,X (1 sl nifcsfel0Os.. i� Tour 1111111 a/1 re)1et ire 11e • t n r e I Accept time tae.latera► O f 1 �) aid of Lineal A not t� force a o dl the deli-`�, sato orzans or ti e 1tomach ' Avoid all the d .i r of power' .:•. and unknown in Your S:a1•: ��' and your health neer eecuted--11 , skit Lax•ea. Tb1' 1I�onc.'•rt tN,t' -show It to gout tem- tQ1an. i.nx e:•: aro put up 10 a octane andy tablet f.., in -One tablet tak or on rettr;ng ataass bulli ito take- the' mostO1sDt TetreD es—s V fl'1 ne help of Naturilig tier whish curse 006SU0•U Id a64 OS. for sale bf �ti'. S. 1 ! O�'VEY. 1 ( i THE 1IOLSONS BANK (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1ily.)) CAPITAL PAID UP • • ' S3,000,000.00 RESERVE FUND • • • • • ' • • • • • • • S3,000.000'00 is Branches 1n Ontario, Quebec. Alt este British colunthle and Menitoha EXETER I312ANCH Open every Lawful Day from 10 A. 1M. 103e. se cxcert eat,tralay 10 A. M. to 1 P, tat. Femier& Salo ?Voter; cru,be•d or collected. Forms supplied On s pplicatton. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, (treat Britain and ten. ited States, bought and sold at !owe.: rates 01 0x�hnnK(', RAVINGS DEPARTMENT Daepoeitrs of *1.00 ani upwards received. Interest com- pounded half yearley, and added to ptit.c psi Jere Yeh and December 31st. I)e- poet(ts Receipts also issued and Llgheat current rates of in'erc-t allowed. Advett,cots made to farmers stork dealers and business men at lowest rates and on clout favorable term.. Agents at Exeter for Dosis. Oovernelent, Dlckecn &Catrllrg, J`c•licitntfi. N. D. HURDON,Mans er, ____ ••N•N•♦♦N+N+•+••••+N••iN•- - •- • - AlreolsiL