HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-09-13, Page 1Wedding Stationery
Young Lidice who are interested
is livbat is proper is the matter of
tBltetiotaery for Weddings, should see
otos tsamplee. latest type taste. We
Ow have therm ready iu a few hours.
Call Up Phone No. 31
11 you have any orders for prink+
ing ,of any kit: 1 just call us up p.ad
we will be pleased to look atter you
wants. L C
Phone No. 32.
Our display of Fall Millinery will bo ready for your
inspection on Fair days.
SEPTEMBER 17th and 18th
We have a full range of Paris and New York styles and
an up-to-date stock of Trimmings, etc. Miss White who
has charge of this department will he pleased to have you
ea11'and see the display.
Our new Jackets and Ready Made Skirts are all in and
we might just say we have already sold quite a number. If
you are in need of a Jacket, call early and get the choice.
We carry none but the best makes and can fit you.
Just received a large consignment of Men's, Youths'
:and Boys' Fall and Winter Overcoats and Ready Made Suits.
We also carry a full range of Tweeds for Made -to -Or-
-der Suits,
Chicken dressed 10c per pound dry picked and picked clea
Old Hens 7c per pound
Headqua.ters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothin
Just received a shipment of "MARTIN'
buggies with rubber and iron tires. Cal
•and see them they will stand inspection.
Also have a number of good second han
buggies for sale at a bargain.
A. Q. BOBIER, Exeter
- - --
Sale Now
We are making big discounts on lJp to -Dale
Ready-made Clothing Dress Goods
Carpets Crockery Wall Papers
Lace Curtains Summer Underwear
The Exeter Fall Show Bobier Case Dismissed
Monday and Tuesday Dlagistl'ate Humber, of God-
('rieh, dismisses the Case
last Monday morning
September, 17 & 18.
u I:NHA1d.
1'w4.1 rinks of Clinton bowlers vis-
ited llensall last Saturday and were
defeated by live shots in two games.
Mr. G. David section foreman of
the G. T. 1t. was recently promoted
to this district, has purchased a house
from Cornelius Cook, and moved his
fancily here this week from Ilelgrave
where he was formerly located.
Airs. F. C. McDoncll rind children
returned last Meek from Detroit
where they have been wi=lting rel-
Miss 13uttry, of Moukton, was
here during .the past t: rel: vi' -i tinfr
relatives. I very reasonable considering the length
The relatives and friends of Dr. of time the hogs were on the road.
The decision in the case of A, Q.
Bobier who was tried here a few
weeks ago, on a charge preferred by
the Davies Packing Company, of liar-
riston, was handed down by Magis-
trate Humber, of Goderich. on Mon-
day morning. Mr. Bobier accompani-
ed by his attorney, J. G. Stanbury
went up to the county town to get the
decision, which was expected would
be a dietuiseal.
Magistrate Humber handed down a
written judgment, ir. which he found
the facts to be as sworn to by Mr.
Bobier in his evidence, and to which
we referred in detail in our four pre-
vious issues, He found the shrinkage
Alex Moir, youngest soil of the late
(;eo. Moir, will be pleased to leant
that he is not the Alex Moir that
was reported through the papers as
very narrowly escaping drowning tit
\Vinnitreg, and that be has moll with
no accidents or adVerttures of late.
Mr. E. Sheffer has been in Toron-
to during the past week or Ho, visit-
ing the family and relatives.
Miss Etta Kerslake is Rhe guest
of ,hiss Linda Ortwein.
Mrs. henry Rundle is visildrtlg
friends in town.
Mr. If. Evans eleeit Monday wittll
friends in town.
Mrs. Wrigley and Mies Wrigley of
London were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. McAllister last week.
Mr, Johnston accompanied by his
wife who was here for a number of
weeks visiting her mother, Mrs. Hunt
has returned to St. Louis,
Mrs. Short and children returned to
Woodstock on Saturday after a pleas-
ant visit with Mrs. Short's parenta,Mr.
and Mts. Andrew Johnston. of Willow
Hall Farm.
Mr. Chas. Moore, eldest son of Mr.
William Moore, accompanied by his
bride was here part of last week from
Detroit. visiting his parents.
Mrs. \Vyson, formerly Miss Nettie
Johnston, is here from Detroit, visit-
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W
Johnston. Mrs. \Vvson was married
recently and her many friends here
are pleased to see her again, and to ex-
tend hearty congratulations.
The Kev. N.J. Doherty, Incumbent
of St. Pauls' church. who has been
spending the past two months in Mani-
toba returned home last week.
Mr. H. Arnold, manager of the Sov-
ereign Bank, accompanied by his wife
is in Windsor visiting Mrs. Arnold's
brother, and enjoying a couple of
weeks vacation.
Miss White. Itis re-r.pR'ned her
dressmaking Miele
Mr. J. Shier has had 104 mill 're-
The carl.entere are busy on the
new church.
Mr. Wesley ;Mills ,has purchased
the llosloffico store now occupied by
\V..1. Roy, the price being $1.350.
\1r. 1)ougl«as \Vardlaw •1w'trt taken
up his residence :it the Vie.to't
House, Kirkton.
Joe Kirk is gbh to work again,
after being laid off for a week.
A largo number took in tLh.t' fair
at London this week.
Mrs. Wm. Edward's hand is
proving nicely.
The choir is I, ing assisted by
hisses Blanch and Goldie Mills
Verdi Come.
It would be well for tbite i11xq,le
living in the vi -twits ..f \Voodhnnt
to keeptheir outbuildings locked.
'thieves entered the Mable of Mrs.
'rliont.rs Cornish and slot+ lrever;ll
pieces of linrttess.
Quite ., number from around herr
ate taking in London fair this week.
Little Mies Campbell enter-
tained a number of tier cornea/tie')s
io .1 ter party Saturday last.
M i . and IUs. S. Spel re, ret io ed
Ater visiting friends in 'Toronto.
Mr. John A. Norris 1t tree.' fee
1lta west last Tuesday.
In referring to the 36 hogs which were
kept a week and fed on buttermilk
and chop, the magistrate expressed
the opinion that the increase charged
the Company. by Mr. Bobier, was
rather below than above what was to
be expected. He also stated that the
Davies Packing Company will have to
pay the costs incurred by them, in-
cluding the witness fees of witnesses
subpoened by them should they make
application to the magistrate.
Mr. Bobier has instructed his solici-
tor, Mr. Stanhury, to commence ac-
tion against all those concerned in the
prosecution for damages.
The Misses Fleming, of Coboll rg,
are visiting their brother, Mr. L. C.
Invitations ere out anntouncing the
marriage of Mr, W. M. Martin, ecu
of Rev. W. Martin, .to Miss Thomp-
son, of Mitclio11, on Wednesday,
September 19th.
haif frame house on corner of Wel-
lington and Station streets. Good
water. For further particulars ap-
ply to T. 11. Johns, Exeter.
The greater portion of the Mon-
day evening session was taken up
with placing .the various amounts to
be paid by those benefitted by tho'
-street watering during the past sea.
son. Sonic were reduced while oth-
ers were raised and the amounb to
bo charged will be at .the rate of 12
cents per foot.
The striking of the town's rale for
this year's !taxation was placed at
21 mills on t110 dollar, the increase
over last year being occasioned by
the paying of the Town Hall de-
benture debt, almost $2,000 being
paid out of this years fonds. The
assessment of the village is
$519.9111, and the amounts to bo
raised are divided as follows: De-
benture debt, 4 mills; "shoot mate, 5
mills; .county rate, 2 mills ..and vil-
Nitz'r rate 10 mills.
The question of the Rank ati the
station was taken up, but nothing
definite was don..
The reeve was instructed ito get
advice regarding the fee to be paid
by transient traders, and find out
who are exempt under the law.
The following account:1 were or-
dered paid.
C. 11. Snell, electric lighting, $103.-
60; W. Jacobi, $2.00; • 11. l'arsienq,
streer watering, $12.00: Snell &
itowc, supplies for cemetery, $3.60:
Queer} City (til Co., gasoline, $9.R9;
(co-. Cudniore, $1 ; T1teos. Creech,
$7.00: W. J. Bisset t, $32.00: John
Ford. $37.00 ; Jos. Senior. 02.50% Jos.
Senior. returning officer, $5; G. N.
Tet.. Co.. 124:; .1. Cohhtedirk, $1,12.
111('1:'8 FORECASTS.
Ottawa. Fcp' • 11.-1 h, louerrtoient
has decided to Brio:' nn tha bye -elec-
tions. Not all of them, hoe ever, as
the writ' have gone out for but tno
out of over halt a dozen vao,nt con•
Slituettries th11 ate unrepresented tit
present. The writs which have been
stent out aro for E 1st Elgin :11141
North Renfrew. in both of 11.5.4'
ridings the 'Heel ion 11 take place
(stoner 4 : tt Olnitl 1 lien tun Sept.
27. The trouble in North Itru:a, a;
in St. Mary's division of M<.nlre,11
and in Quebec, is 11th the Goveru-
rie nt has Ent yet been .tblo'to decide
uism •1 nand1d.110. Fit \Vilfrid Laur.
ier's business in Qu:hcr, illis week
will be to straighten out til; eitua-
hiss I.illa Jeli is t turned Tarsus'
Der '1 visit with he r Mistier, Mrs.
;oolli501), itt S trnia.
Mrs. John ilamkshaw left 1311ur.1.1
+ for i.ondon, 1(5 enter the he:tpital to
tion ea:4 successfully performed, awl
:tt 1111,4'111 M1 9. liar kJham' i+ doing
a', ndi1,1,..
CIA. ORM C• 1St le
!With' De Volt Yin Hoe Aho
COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea. ei� .re
Butter and Eggs as Good as Cash.
tndergo :111 operati •1. The opera-
I o
If you have any idea of investing i1: western Lands
write US. We have a large list of choice lands in
all the best districts.
If you have land you wish to sell write us and if your
land is good and price right we will find a buyer for
No difference whether you want a quarter section
(160 acres) or 10,000 acr(s, we can supply you.
Pickard, Gundy & CO
Canada Life Building, Winnipeg
We Furnish Their ilomes
After The Honeymoon Is Over.
Dont't worry about furnishing house, that prob-
lem is easy settled. Come in and make your selec-
tions, we Rill make your home handsome, artistic
and comfortable from cellar to attic at prices and
terms which will save you money and make you
happy for a lifetime.
Furniture Dealers and Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario
A Evert ;urea)* Storm eele,
teal' en the 1 th, IStIi, and 191 h.
'I'hi.s veiled milt carry the i- trth to
the center of ite ,U4umn•tl Equin-
ox_ 11 wiit a1s0 inauzurate ,t s• r1 '
of storms and 111:1111cv, on land r:nrl
sea 111111 1'it. prove clear. lines of ,lc.
nrlrkit:on between our summer and
autumn. ff West India 11111.6c:i Ins
should not appear before, they are
w'•ty int to organize raid tr<:,zin
11 rir progress south of our Gulf
foists about this time. 11111 it will
be prudent to heed 3111 ,ndrratione of
thele equ-Itorial storms at n11 the
September storm periods. We fi r-
nrc 1bit such storms 1(i11 b:• i.'iI I
from .wit bin sixty hours of nean en
the 111th. Duan_ 11e• sante period
many storms of rain, w unit and t hun-
tlyr are :It.t 10 visit inland p.rrs of
the count ry ;eneral'V, with n I,os-
ali,e lei 111do here anti there. \\ith
in the limits nature -sixty tours
from 1)44)11 4 r ti :1 1Rtll.:shut- 1hrot'1t
tnd volcanic outbreak... alt's :1ni011!
the pltenonlen:1 to hr :Int i4ip.ttcd.
Of course me mention these thin 'r'
as prob1Il in parts of 1110 1;1o)Ic
111 re such are common. While
;toy ptrt of the Kurile trete Ire c i' -
rd he Item -the earth -shivers est-
Om in the latter county.
ei illv-t hey reach th:(r maximum)
of fore•" :Ind fregiienct only. in. nrll-
St. Thomas, Sent 11. -The in'fue,(`defined sections and rottntrie'. we
mention tlrrnt more :Is a ;re:,t ces-
Int'' truth, than :is warnirersof 41114 1-
er. We learn our readers that seta 1_
tori 11 disturbanres in the ,gut( 1
„ion .are more than probable, at ttii-,
1 i111^, 1l111 synrp:tthet ie. counter
.,m104 will meet them from bore)]
regions and that very marked eh•.n.t-
es to eo'd eu111010al weather will set
to with t he hi;h birmnel ric a tt•e
that will displace storntsf The ,44 -on
is in periz.e, or nearest the t.:,rIb
en the 21st .and this face will 1;really
it,rrcan1 the tendency to tidal wave..
at thin period.
dAt13TOTO. ZA.
Iwo t!" iti KA You Has Aha Bough
into the cattail of tite death of far.
trinfer .1tl,iy, tt•lle watekillr•d in t11•
collision at the Wabash C. P. It.
erossintt, will be resumed Thurs.! ty
n;gt't and :, verdict retorted. The
illness of Fireman Patter -on, whl) is
'eel in the l.osttital, has brcn .t cause
et 1ho delay. IGS Cx:tmin:ttinn mill
rake place to-tnnrr•,w.
Tenders Wanted.
1•enders wail te• ttceiwe,I by the
V;1111g0 Clerk, Joseph Senior. for the
building of a house at the r,rnrt••ry.
Pian\ ,nd rpeeificalione cm be seen
at 17:4. Clerk's office. T,•nders milt
bo opene.l Mond y, September 24th,
A. Q. B0111E11, Reeve.
The MUSICAL EVENT of the Season
Comprising from 40 to 50 Players
ONE of the Strongest and Best Musical Combinations on the
Continent. will play on the (;rounds during the afternor a of
TUESDAY. 1)a not miss this rare Musical Treat.
there will also be an Entertainment in the Opera house. in the
evening, given by this Band.
One of the greatest of American Singers is with the (land and will
take part in the Entertainment in the Opera Howie in elle evening.
Plan of Ball at Cole's Drug Store.
Adults 25c; Children 15c; Reserved Seats 35c.
Sept. 17 Fe 18.
While at the Fair :all and see our big 'tr,t!k of stoves
ranges, h(aiters and furnnees.
A Few Specials for Fair Week: -
1 Ideal iron Gate iegular $2.75 for $2.25.
2 Ideal Iron Gate 12`X. 4" •$:i.:5 for $5.00.
1 Ideal Iron Gate 1:1.X 4" $0.110 for .$5.2:).
1 Frost Iron Gate 12` Y 4" $5.75 for it5.4)0.
These are very special prices and will pay you
to take advantage of then.
11 11 11 11 11 11 11.1' 11,Ih
1 Lawn Mower 16" Regular $4.50 for 43.75.
1 Lawn Mower 14" Regular $3.50 for S2.75.
;.:-:=Screen doors and windows at cost.•:-:_:
I'Allot her car of Sanson I'ortlan(1 ('f'lilel:t \\ ill be here
Thursday. Order Early. 47".
and Stove Store