HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-09-06, Page 1Wedding Statisnery ' Xoung Is+dies who are iutereateed 111$ What is proper In the )clatter of •Mattbootetr7. fur Weddings. should tree Or samples. latest type %seen. Ws iw lave than ready la a few hours. -t utter HURON MIDDLESEX GAZETTEi THIRTY-FouItTII YEAR --No 1 721 Call Up Phone No. 31 "If you hive any orders for priut- inp; ,of any kite! just call us up feud ww'o will be plexi d to look after your wants. EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING_ SEPTEMBER Pith 1906, JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. FALL 1�iilli�e Ladies please remember our Millners are at work. Our new Fall and Winter Jackets are on exhibit. Our Fall and Winter Dress Goods have arrived. Come and see. Poultry Wanted Chickens 1Oc. a pound, live Old Hens 7c. a pound. live Ducks 10c a pound, dress • targe Onions 60c a bush. Pickling Onions $1. weight, weight. ed. 35 per bush. JONES & CLAR Ueadgti;t1'tor3 for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing 4 BUGGIES BUGGIES BUGGIES A._ Just received a shipment of "MARTIN" buggies with rubber and iron tires. Call And see them they will stand inspection. Also have a number of good second hand buggies for sale at a bargain. A. Q. BOBIER, Exeter. 60 DAYS Reduction Sale Now Going On Labor Day Games. Labor day was observed ln' Ezcter wary quietly. In the morning a baseball !game was played between the juniors •of Centralia and Exeter, rreau4in; in the (W9if of (lsthe borne Inds by .the score of 17 to 12. Our yon`c•h►tps have ,an exce lent apol- ogy for their defoat accounted for by ,the drape of pitchers in the sevent h inning, %hen the Centralia boys banged the ball all over the fie'd. *levo %sere only seven pl;ly- er:s on each side add seven innings were paved. Appended is the score: CENTRALIA EXETER A Duplay 3 C McAvoy 1 A Coughlin 3 B Martin 3 H Duplan 1 J Achu'on 2 H Mitchell 2 T Armstrong 2 R Bloomfield 2 W Knight 1 C Duplan 3 R Brintnell 3 J Dempsey 3 11 Rendle I) 17 In .the afternoon it 1.:30 one of the 'beet :games of the season was played between teams ticked froaa �a list of nstilrants as future ball play - ere and those who claim that in days ,gone past were bail tossers of no mean ability. Of course .the teams were Ho arranged that the old fellows would not bo on one side, .as tho intention was to have .tho ;game as even as possible. sly scrutinizing the appended score, it is an easy matter to pick out the old 'timers. Before we forget it, we might say the side, captained by '1'o►u Creech won out by the score of 14 to 6, a11. t11ou;h Frank Knight, captain of the losing side, made some sensa- tional stops in centre field. The score: N Bellwood 1 T Carling 2 W Knight 1 D Bartlett) W J Neaman 1 T Creech ✓ Sanders 1 I Bissett H Bissett () Mr. Hobbs R Creech 1 W Staharn F Knight 0 J J White O Anderson 1 T Boyle 11 Itendle 0 M Southcott tl 14 \vAsTED.—Nine baseball players. Those with !gloss arms not needed. Sal.•ary .no object as lonj es 'the np- p',icnntH can catch and swat the ball. Apply to the Seci t cry of t he Exeter baseball club. The forego:ng liner focal is in- setted gat the suggestion of William 13:a'kwill. one of our most ardent rooters, who attendees%1 the. game Monday }afternoon ftwcen t he Ccn- tral.i:t and Exeter Seniors. Tho !game started shortty after t he ;;ante between the local players was finished, although some time was taken up in p eking out the best team and fara•,ing around tho neigh- borhood for base bags. At four o'c',oek, by the town clock, the is -tame was started with Centralia 3oin; to bat. The first inning was Irnou4h to 'take the enthusinsnl out/ of even Teddy 8.1 vden, who was always root- ing for itte home team. Mitchell the first moan up :to hat gave a init;lnly swat at the first 1)x11 lnitchc4l and t 1►e sphere landed t•omewhere near the creek, with the runner Dentin; on third base when tato'ball wan re- covered. That didn't end the bat - fest, las the ('entra',ia boys landed on the l):aU whenever t hey wished, and when umpire Mack Curtin called the third roan etas t ‘we've runs had cross - cd the 'tile. Exeter was unable to negotiate my hitt, off Dorman un- til the fifth inning when, .a run was scored. Meanwhile the l_'entral- i'I.3 were piling up runs and our boys Were 'lel rty tvin.led running :after then hill. The rapture of wo flies i)y 1\'illi4l l:iti,ht :Ind Victor Sanders were redeeming feature's. At one 1iInc there were NO many out dh:at Mark Curtain couldn't keel) track of London boys felt confident of t=how- in3 the bta.rs that there .were some fine points in the game that hadn't reached this hart of the country, but when Garnie Rau .(dt' hits pitolt- in3 ;tent working, tho Londoners ap- p1c3,red os though they had boles in their bats. The first inning.; ;they went out in one, two. three order, while credit on stored a run. In the second our boys salliedagain, but the SOlnervillei C;) int back %%ith t%co tying uta !lie ioore. In -the third Credit on added •theca more runs end the :elute looked like a walk away for the hoose team, ,un- til {hc fifth when Oredi,ton got one and the Somerville's four. Again the snore was 0 tie. In the siAlt there were doings by our L•tdts. Clarke, the pitcher for the visitors 'had n balloon aseens:•on, .and %heti he alighted and recovered himself. four, runs had crossed the plate. In this inning lIerb Young, who bed been h►ittin; the ball regullr!S ► meli it on --- I the nose for a hooter, ilio ball stop - l:: ping in the tennis court. Valaner who was playing in short right field nestle a sensational catch in this inning. He made a run of fully fif- ty feet and t;nabbing the hall rolled over several times, ,ave an acrobatic stunt by doingthe held spinning the and t urncd rii;ht ,gide tap ball .in his band. We are making big discounts o11 Up•to-Date Readymade Clothing Dress Goods Carpets Crockery Wall Papers Lace Curtains Summer Underwear Butter and Eggs as Good as COWARD & CLARK, Cash, 1 2 V 3 1 1 1 2 SOMERV II.LES CREDITON ItH ItH Fitzinorris, 2b 1 1 Rau, p 1 1 Penwwrden. lb 1 1 F. Kerr, if 1 1 Conovan, s s 1 2 N Beaver cf :3 3 Wagner, 3b 0 1 Young 2b 3 :i Myers, c 0 :1 Fahner rf 0 2 Maitland, If 0 0 Snell, c t) 1 Orr, rf 1 1 C Kerr lb 1 1 Fitztnerris, o f 1 0 S. Beaver 0 0 Clarke, p 1 1 (:ower 3b 1 0 0 10 11) 12 1 •J 3 4 3 0 7 1 1 3 0 1 4 x—O 0 2 0 0 4 I) 0-10 Crediton Sornervilles I 1 itk'O The Kirktron baseball te.anl :jour- neyed to Fulla,r ton on Labor nay to take part in the tournament at. that pLacle, The Mitchell itc%iin canto down with the intention of cleaning up everything in sight, .but a %went home n sadly dis€appointed ,lot of hill slu.xxnrs:, being defeated by both Xirkton and Futlarton, lit 1.he game with Fullerton they Igor only one mon over the plaato and IP men were farmed. They met with the aims kind of treatment when they crossed bats with the Kirk ton play- ers. The Fullerton pitcher McIn- tyre is certainly n star. The game between Fullerton and Kirkton was [he fastest tame of the day. end was plraycd well arta %w•ould have been an evenly oontested game h.:adt ;t not been for an error •in the third imnin'3, when Fullarton scored four runs. After the ,game «•ag over the Ful; l.arton team entertained the visiting learns to a supper and some' •of the charming young ladies of the .burg served up the dainties t I►^}- so well undorslnnd in making. Jamieson, who pitched the fast three, innings for Nirkton against Mitchell is c1 oomcr. Ile didn't al - bow them .3 run. Fottlo%winz are the scot es of the day : LLARTON Morrow 2 3 ar�ht3kan Na;,rn 2 mpbell o drown 1) 'OaTurner 1 \V. Mclntyre 1 ilart (1 G. McIntyre 0 'I'otn 1. t+ FLI.,\RTON yr t.( t Jcar4P!t.i Nln 1 N :i r' n ! them :all, although Cent rali.a vowed (lsmpbeil 0 five had been tagged, white. our oy11 13rotwn pL,ayers would stand for claly taco 1'1u o4'r a out, and .rect)mmnntl:n, that the \V, mein( %1 l g atatic start all Over. Nope of t he 111rt 1 rxeter pl:Iyer! reached the ,home (i. whit vi :' 1 plate in tilis iiliai►a„ The frail trine 'I',0,t,:11 2+1 11 1'1('11 I•;Ll, 'l'ittal11ts Il asst rel Smith 11111i N. s Were played before 111e cur- tain Lanz down on that p►crfor►il'1L:.1 11141 ne trly every 1/00) rern'ti1101 for 1 finish ) (lilt E s) 1:11tKTON Hoskin 11 Wiseman t; 1'. 7aou pe 0 'tiio y� Lo r 1 5h:4 r 0 ,l.a meson N. !loupe II Lei.; h 11 na,rp h:a 11 11 'foi.:11 :3 \1 ITCH I ELI, '!'intens II 1NL,and I) !Anti%h t) doffat t 0 C. Avery' 0 113 Wean A. Avery 0 iman 0, . &clsoffcr 0 DEATH Oi \VILLlA�f J'l ilii:lt Ste—Dc 1! la oft Friday, Ata.>ast :31st, 1906 t 4''4', sod Will as 1t1 Fisher from the ),ufferings he endured for sever- al Y'11$, :it 1he ;i'lv;i Oa:d ago of ,`+•l 3'4'11'v and 7 months. The esus; 4)r Itis 41 .111► tt Is a cancer 111 the fare. Tile iierf' ut,ecl tt is iv: 11 in Yorks Bite, The Exeter Fall Show. Promises To Be The Best Ever Held Here. Victor's Vene- tian Band Will Play. '1'hc directors of the South Huron Agricultural society are sow bend- ing every effort to 111 tko the owning' show at Exeter on September 17tH and 18th the best ewer %given by +the society. The large list of prizes i s out and intending, exhibitors aro already !get tin; t hings rc.:tdy for ltao 4)ig show. At :t meeting of ithe locol directors held Saturday after- noon, 1;atckeepers, ticket sellers, ate. were appoanted and ea.h tnclnber agreed to get out .and hustle, unt.ij the ,gates cLo,ee after the show. Victor's Venetian Band cotnpriseit of over 40 of tho world's best Inusl.- ei1nsa, will be on the !;rounds all 'J.ue,di:y ;afternoon, and in the even - in; will -_ive t:n entertainment in the Opera House. Miss Potter Rich, a singer of „neat renown i:+ with thiq comtiatly of inus;ci•ans and will tako part in the urozeam. Miss Mich has appear- ed in nearly all the principal cities of the world. She is .an artist of out- standing brilliancy and We can safe- ly anticipate :t rare►, musical treat. Thi), is what the New York Sunday Press says of Miss Rich: '•Lulu Pot. - ler Rich, Soprano soloist of •Ilreolok:- lyn, New York, •is one of tato cingt. crs whose return to New York is rl nkvisure to chronicle. After a per- iod of study clbr.oad, and many triumphs in concert work Miss Rich Comes back unspoiled. This hi►,hly cultivated soloist Wan an accomplish- ed eat-t.ist before e,oin; abroad where she fitudied with Si;nor, and Mine. Randagger, In England her church and oratorio sin;in; were greatly adnatrcd. She is familiar with the Hebrew ritual, :ani has 1 notably ex- tensive reptoirc. In her interesting press notices emphasis is laid upon Furniture Dealers and Funeral directors, her "flexible, svmttnthctic, rich, true voice" rend the f.ii't t h :t she aims without the least effort." A feature of the afternoon will •oo 1 ntonco race', hest two 'hefts, for a $10 purse, divided $i,, $3, and $2. This special purse is iven by' the managers •of the Mo! -ons and ►Sov- ore�,: n hanks. '!'hose who nesse.' the bronco race, on Victoria Day, will recall the exei,ting contest, but as 111is s►'ace Will be two heats instead of one, more interest will be taken, There rare other attractions but space will not allow uta to enutner.ite t hem `t his week. Exeter %vial be the centre of I11 - ti ct�on Fair 411y. JOHN WHITS & Sons NORTtFWST IIIRDS A SAFE AND BIG PAYING INVESTMENT If you have any idea of investing in -western Lands write US. We have a large list of choice lands in all the best districts. If you have land you wish t o sell write us and if your lanai is good zln(l price right we will find a buyer for you. No difference whether you want a quarter section (160 acres) or 10,000 acr(s, we can supply you. Pickard, Gundy 6c CO Canada Life Building, Winnipeg WeFurnish After The Honeymoon Is Over. Dont't worry about furnishing the house, that prob- lem is easy settled. Come in and make your selec- tions, we n ill make your home handsome, artistic and comfortable from cellar to attic at prices and terms which will save you money and make you happy for a lifetime. ROWE & ATSIN80N 11 IC K'S FOR ECASTS. Exeter, Ontario oming ----TO TIIE OUTII H LJRON ALL SHOW A Itcttionary Storm Period is cen- tral on the 7th and 8th and this faot moat protxal)ly, %w,ill c.attxe slortns which ori.�inntc on the 6th kr con- tinue over the 7th and 81h. If high barometer follows close behind any of the Pearly September storm areas, frost will be almost a certainty in nortlsern *4'Ctlonss, Otherwise wary Cgli temperatures will prevail ._;en- cr:111y until we puss the centre of the Autumn tt E stu:nox. A re. u - I it Storni Period 15 central on the 12th •.111.1 covers the 10th to the 15%,11. This 'period iS co -incident with the Sententbcr ,m+t;netio crisis, %%ilich Earth bassets annually from Sep- tember 9 to 15. This alts 10 have often cxplaincd, is because Earth's Ili l . nct.ic proles are inclined to the e u ltor. Leek for high te'mtterature low bar'onne•:er, 1breotemn, slotnr clouds eine ecv4'1e electrical phen- 4)Ine'p c4'nteritl ; 1►Po3'1'1') M14'ely on the 1 1 t h to 14th. Here u .i i ii it is preb!cnelt: - i1 whether hint% uirorti•- 11er from the northwest ,and change Io much eeofer will follow the+e storms—prut)!�^ua itico1. heel m�„ t he New N100r1 ell the 44 5 st 13 ecpu.►loi• 141 just o held 4)11 tate 18th. T'ot.a I 1 K I I11�TON Hoskin 0 \Visem'111 2 the t111� 1 in hopes t I1 sato Wool() 2 P. Dlou1,c 3 g et 1 Ill ►tipg streak, but nary :1 \Ioff.ttt .'. 'I ayL{,:' 2 streak 41441 they strike. °win; to the C. Avery II 5hger 3 Stu all Weir(' mrd, if twate im3 )4sihle' to Y In;op •,.' J:ana'0s.t,i1 1 En.l.lnd, :n 1-11 awl til the :1 ;e of Will - keep track of 1114e hits X1141 errors, IL Ave•ry II Mci11 cr,. 2 16, .scc01I41)apyin his patent s, broth - 1 rid we C:1 1) only ••iwe, 1 he minors of 1:h:11m•►n II 1 :,h 1 erg .1n41 ,.iste'rs, came. to (7,1 113110. 1'tis i►1•►vcr se And runs pride. '1'e►na Mit:- Ni►r,ffcr it \3:tr�lL1l1 1 parents 1411 led :n 1tsborn^ Reel \Vill- son 1'ivse he lis heard of cr;eke► scores '1'0;.11 Total lig i::,tu lived :'t effr'%v ce'•►r,. belling this record but its so far bur l: ivina i l .Ieer+ilsreor to :i %w roster he beck h4• Rs 14'1 14ec011 1114' date. — ~ left home bet went to 1I1rnilfon. The be►'s not being down to prate To Our Farmer Friends There lie work, 41 mound d:fferen1 1 Lice fits roulel4i1x 10 .to twit11 I.tQ p►Ielccs (or ,,,ver }.'fes, :a peel can c►[ 11:014 1);. The ore— - %411 C11 1i►i14� h4' ‘t .,s 0 captain 011 rt rritAilIA EXETER Like scow. Ile %%•ls 111 11 r:0d in 11 au - ilellwo4►d +I dfilcliell 3 Ilton, :11141 sometime :afterwards '1' Creech 1 F Bloomfield i, moved 11) Mi4)Ore t o%wrisIi:p, 10u111 y v.r N :1fe('c,nnall '.) �laneto 1 1 L:Insb 011, where lie c.ttxa,eel :ii f Ir'I- •l(ly% I[ohhe 1 II Dorman t in:*, h .404- taken up 3(14(3 134' so ,1 1lieiatnlan (1 Hoyle i his farm some 14'Irs .1 eftereesids and Bis -pit +1 Hudgins :1 Went 10 Luc -111. baht% 4•r ; sgeel Dorman 3 1 i,l' Carling II It twe,.4hiti4 Noel buying %whey for Si1,1- Sanders 1 Hennessy2 uel 114,1,,,,y, %%110 some ye i es .1.re, 1 Knight 1 R Bloomfield :3I keel :l grocery an41 Iiuser sac.: se I _ - • Exeter. After !r.'virt:; 'Luton. far. ti Fisher tt ern 10 1,i Stet%el and 1 here fit .1rtc41 I _eller:,' ',tor:', but 11414 un- dott.:kin. did not prove; a isuecesss, WC (10 b•,:n; 'urea of bis notify. in I he ven- ture. Six of te'wel► 4 Iry "I 44) Ile name to Exeter Ip'I t' �'41e 41 here u'- 111 11 yeti- a ,n, w1)4)11 all" 41iii+ease t%* kith b I. 1 ^ti4•4I Itis det11)'. ).:d •.;girl.. 041 such .1 he 1044 ,v I hit 1111 . hiriher _ diy110.Sc•1 t'f his housellctd ,cct,t4..1nil ('111:1 i'('ONwith h;= wilew4,10to the !rine -'l Clinton to 14.1101 their remaining (14)•s. The 1 ate) ;:,111c pl,tye(F 4111 lat►(�r i The Mtt1s►•inu 44 ere Stoll!1, t" K,e(er 43 44 1►etw-.-''1 the ('recliton sitars 11441 on & 11ild'4V :,nil interred in the h.re- tLe Somerville!, ed Landon, %w'er'e `ter cemetery A,ipdty ortoin(4►n. The Esc - e,.11 it ploys,' .411,41 tw.ortli 1,Oir1.( tr , '. �dccoissed is survived by his :l.:e'41 The ossa raM; ',Ramo %w:►r, won by the widow%, w):o is a 11013 fa, rind two •im - St .1 i s try t Le st'ore' of 10 to 6, %% t1 !4i tore. Mrs. 'ft►om'a fi (',Deafer. I! ..bot iv, t11r 1?trrnctc,n game tt4l)1 141he v;si. and Mrs. M4'nneor, f)etro:1. tors R to 1. 9 t ile 1 previous+ err meet w rat the i CIILIII IrOAZA. .d cu npIWO '1'11.• re•:Ion of :Tutt on sales 50)14 be on. 'Idle 'limes I1:414 every facility for turn- ing out •)ale hilus .tus,okly (1141 partly, owl •i t alto is on r x- cCUent mentions in t% 114'11 to advertise. YS it is .4 1ti`ICOM ' ttcekly vvi.sitor to tp !fly IlOnit'H heft 11 an town , ;1141 (o1111t ry. A11 'I41we10E4,111(111 ill : }► 4,sp,or brings restit.ls. Ill Ilse Brim(.' of 41a1G1J1o11 1::114114, :11) ad- vertisemcnt in the piper is of 'greater benefit (h.an 4. 11e bilis. ,\ wider fields ('11 thus be coveted, :11111 cit► .,d%er- I ise'me'nt is 'neer. likely to iter 1.4.0,1 its t 110441tp0)1('r twhc'n ;•ostcd on fame", 4,4 in s-tores. 1f you erre 7'61i! 10 have n t.s!e 1)0' •1i11 1'e The Timis to cret I 1.1::e rrr,:4i1 of 1►t'c►s peettve buyers south. Cr. \V1.411 stilet [hi :444 lir 1pled a t (WR 14 of rim, .•1 f r e''e ' i n- ncunwen)Ont 4' I1 ,Is' given nrldcr t ko hemdin; 'S 1 ' It" r- istrr." MONDAY TUESDand AYEXETER SEPTEMBER The 11IUSICAL EVENT of the Season \1ICTOR'S VENETIAN BANO Comprising from 40 to 50 Players ONE of the Strongest and Best Musical Combinations on the Continent. will play on the Grounds during the afternoon ( f TUESDAY. I)o not miss this rare Musical Treat. ['here will also be an Entertainment in the Opera House. in the evening, given by this Band. 'rbcs Combination has been secured at great expense by the Society, and it is honed the public %vitt shote their appreciation by (111•tling nut in large nnnlbers to the show. Tuesday Afternoon, and to the Concert Tuesday Evening. f DIMIS5ION Adults 25c; Children 15c; Reserved Seats 35c. 20 In the 1001-11:11 t lawwti lean,' J.. 1110 betw-c-cn the F:eeoith Li l'ue;, of lite ,lames street end 3P.I'n street was played on ibe L1outels of the latter, resulting in favor of 4Pc Main sheet plr,yer+ by :s rcorc of 3 to 2. amson Portland Cement received another carload of this Celebrated (-'eluent the best for Sidewalks, Walls, Floors, Etc. Galvanized Iron Work Winchelsea. nae, W,na ,lame lasted nosy .+t rc 11 ill- Iwthe . :Unite lkjore tam st'►rted t "'Advertise in the TiMES elp.tw. I .1 work of All kinds in this Line such as 11tUt)fing 'hronghing, Etc. ur1ace and Plumbing 1\nything ill Furnace or l'Itlllll)illr work. to get Ot' It PIUCES. 1r drill pay YOU HEAMAN'S HARDWARE and Stove Stora