HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-08-30, Page 9STE3WART'S GETTING EADY FOR FALL NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY Just in direct ft on1 the O(1 Land New Linoteumns 2 3 and 4 yards wide New Wool Rugs all sizes New Tapestry Rugs all sizes New Door and Piano Rugs New Tapestry Curtains New Dress Goods all kinds New Dress Trimmings Swell Range lt�c� 1X. ;1ER TIMES, AUGUST 30th 1906 '1111•. PUBLIC AND 111(:11 tSl'11OtL a 111 1 -view next 'hu•letay. Mit. (;F:UItGE PO\VI:LL uh '1111 Sovereign !kink stmt left t,\Lunday on his holidays, NIBS. (;i1,11t'i'1?IIS, OFl•:G;11ON Is- vilie vibittd Ler sister Mrs. G. A. K. McLeod, list %seek. 111t, JOSEPHCU11I1L1•:1)1(11. :1 N l) f trttily left `Puer-(Lay for C ilio fry wtb.re they 'ill. in flit uri,.itllIke h+i r horrte. ltF:l•:vi.; 1101111•;it Is 1MPItuvIN ; the front of h:e home on llv i u et rc•u► 1)3' :''t't+l tuin.r the old wooden fence by ,.111 o:-rt:lulent.al iron one. !'Ill: St]13'1't(:%C'i'1ON OFSl•:N.Elt- dcgree from t he tempe•rit tiro of t lit: fore part of last week.tea, ploabing to Mom. a who 11.'41 heel! sweltering. T111: 11LACES.MI'1'll S11O1' . OF l''l.+rik Wright has leen greatly itrow'.'wi. The bide cull was torn t1o%vis and :a neW {Me erected its its h1�1c.. Mit. A13ItAM I)EA R1 N G LOST a valuible milch cow Saturday morn- ing. The animal was ',truck by the train 'at 111•:' Huron Steel crossing and instantly T111: TOWN HAD A DESERTEDlo'k:u� ap1R.,rance Saturday Lifter_ no:►n, t lie re.lt;on tx:alt; 711:17 11 tlurn- b:�r of the fernier. and '7hc:;r •fitllilit's spent the day outing at the Bend.'ell is IlOt'SE I IOLI) (,Ours Dr. D. A. Andel on were: sh;pi►ed Winnipeg, ober._ OF tonttits in ths Secton Jlwld'ytoD°rt itnd ?t:i bro:hi', folln4'rly of :icl:ell, hive o;:ut'd up offces. 1'}10 household good: wr» in stor- se in Exeter sine -Or. Andersond,uo.1 of hs dnal practise here. alit. JOHN IHEYWOOI) SHOWEDSHOWEDu; 11x,1 wek a beauiful cluster of five tomats. eolt of twlech, poure. Ile says fit' lets a nurn- r of t.hc vnino kind. Mr.ood alto bad winetwhieh tt•r' r1,'d 17 Yes, Early Fall Stock is all here Ready for YOU • ounces. in `:1,.5 ,,e can't' 'r'o"• country, We have just placed in stock a Lovely Lot of 108 -piece Dinner Setts direct from the Potters- in England, the values will 1►.• 20 to 25 per cent below regular drop in and see them. prices. Will you .Bring along all Your Produce, It's just as Good as Gold. o �" J• A. STEW'ART FOR SUMMER THCJRIDAY, AI:GLUST 301h, 1906 ••••••••••••••NN•••••••• • • • LOCALS • •••••••1 ZVe h 1vr t( most complete and varied I,�\fr, Broderick spent Sunday' with s comity in Loudon. 1b.os Hogtart }t, of London, isvis- iting t her bonne in Stephen, Mrs. Hinton. of Cheatham, is (Ito guest of lir. and Mrs. Dobler. Mr. \Wollatxi Fisher of London, is spending his raeation ir>, f'OW11. Mr. Walter Hardin; of the Sov- ereign Lank, ,pent Sunday in Lon- don. A complete line of in Mr. Art \VooJ. of London, is s,nend- VI('ttion %%ith his rwrents in t n 011n • ••• la•fr,••••• line of Waist Sets Gold and Silver Brooches town Enameled and Sterling Rev. Hannah, of ]fount Forest, is the guest of h:v sister -in -tart, Miss Silver Souvenir ' Strang, Mr. S. :1. I'oplestone, of Illy Jewelers is visiting ,with his mother f 1161 few clays•for n llissse Ethel Sweet his accepted a position :,s milliner for A. Lofft & Co. St. Misery -s. I)r. 1l:tltotwiw, of \Win,tttatn, eves w'gitinz his sister Mrs. Itobert Bower part of last week. 11rs,. A. r. tfultow• eft Turs(1 iy f two wtc,e'k3' vifl17 with her trtirelila at Toronto Junction. Mr. rind Mrs. W. Snaith and son, of Acton, arc ' the' zuestst of Mr. and Mrs. W. $t.tthtrn. 1f.iss (.,tura 1[cFalls. wv110 Ills leen w•is•iting (fiends in Stratford return- ed house 1<trit wve 'k. Mrs. 1). .lotans I c•f i Tuesday morn - 171/ to visit her brother, Mr. JAmes 11 hirnvter, .'t Aurw,n, Ont, Mr. Ed. Fos - i1, or New York, r.r- rired in lawn liond,iy , nd ww " I x a few weeks at the fiend. ,1 tleelti Miss Ruby Treble, wrlio has been visiting her sister. Mrs. A. Evan., of London, returned home this week. Mr. C. Zinger, of Berlin, formerly "1.11(' host at tete \i. rrotolitan hotel sst-is c' 1!inz on ft lend. in town, 1i.t %%Le'k. Fine %Vatch and Jewelery repairing promptly attended to A.Marchand THE JEWELER GOOD CLOTHI I),t not let all the Good Chances pass ou, if you are likely to need a new uit during the next six tnonths you will be doing youeelf a favor by getting it now. Take Advantage Mrs, I'opplestone, Who his .t sp^nding a plelaanl vlcation in n Kin- cardine and Illvth, returned to her home Sour.' is es -toting. Mr. end Mrs. Thomas lkayk zit.- TWENTY PER CENT. of our Special 1Ji=scotrnt of rouit)an:ed the remainsof the kite 4 Lillie Willis to Marlette end evP1 ro- t main t hun° a few day*. 1 t Miss Lou 1W h it r•. of \W I N. guest of Mrs. and 1 o'oif.tc>, k. 'I'r y to tit a Man into a really- ! at t 'leo- Miss 1'o:wrll, made Strit, we make the Suit ! 1:1kcottage, t dsta in toren ' �'it 1a 1i is. rose!! eta t trrrday. . t•' )'it the Ian and to fit him I Albert Lari .as if it were his own Suit -not ting with 'Mr. \ i[l`,rnnilsoWieiden. true► A borrowed one. If You want is rlt:nking of rinck,nt apples for hi. t.1 have the reputation of be- f It her this c,omin ing a correct dresser let L'S do . Mr, Oharlt'g `c" n. . Nott hcwutt reg; urtrevi the Tailoirng for you, and you F'r. tis from }'rr►hi••ltf•r. Sas will ever i►e sure of good MA- n)ow•,n,r his family into r . and 1. tt•rialt, goad Fit, Special Work- 1[ ,rt&in'ss houR,c., T. Ii, nt.ttlehip anti iwe•1ft•ct finish. on Nlnderr .trnrt, M viae Editor Smith, of liars:lton, -- iris . h ,e n visiting sortie of h : s your, friends for the 111st few dips inure. •1 to W. home' cal Saturday. W. W. Tallman ).fr. i'. II. Ntetallum and f.arn:Iy, returns'it home from t11e Rend 14et Merchant Tailor. Tlurt*d(.r, mice a t their cot t o ge t I i t o u t et+trorl Croft t \';1il 1.1, WE DON'T THE 1it'ItON OLD BOYS' ASSO- ci-ttion, tti'f Toronto, will as usual 1►:ive a tent cit the' Exhib:t ion grounds during the Great Fiji., and all Ilurcu,ioes ore requested to visit the tent end make it ,the'r he:ad- luartersr during their stay. It will be located nn the. west Fide of the grounds neiar the W. C. T. U. TWO GAMES OF ;BASEBALL twill be played tit Luc(tn 011 Labor 1)ay, Sept. :1r41, between the "Irish Nina." cool a ticked team from tfle Stratford rsty league. eornpose'd of the 'best l►lay(re in Stratford, is- siried by..1 battery- from Inzersoll. 110rrtin z -game n•t 10.30 o'clock and afternoon mule at 3 o'clock. TIIE MARRRIED MEN OF IIEN- s'Il, we're Selledtik'd to play a game of till twit!► the Exeter m:1rr:•'d men on friday evening last and a num- ber of .our old-timers Itnr1 gone io the grounds to tzet their throwing wings in shape, ‘V/1P11 word twos re- ceived thlt the ffensatl v!oyerss would not be down, owing to four of their men hint,' nbscnt, THE LAWN SOCIAL atiELD ()N the lawn of tile Min Stre'r_a !hum, East Friday .evening toss flighty 811c- tlessfttl. free lunch was served by the rnenlb�rs of the Lndies A d and Entt'ortt, L:ngue. The Exetr'r Bind was in 111tendanct', and enlivened the t,rocecdings with choice . eelettions. oloo 1',otwet1 with his rnn><t- trhonc. A goodly crowd wits itt .ait- t'eed•ancc' ':tnd a very pleasant even- ing was enjoyed by n1!, preeeeds amount;ng to over $50.00.. Ai'TOMOIIILISTS \WILL DO u'ELh to take note of the fact that when they get into '7 lie Glut clips of 'the law for trnrcliing at excessive sliced or for failing to "olrry proper lights on their oars they will not be Po len- iently tro-tted as hitherto. The new act which ,enmo into farce on July 1 , Make the minimum fine $10.00 and costs. In th' part the usual fine inflicted has bier $2 for not carry- ing the proper lights, and, cxi'f gtt in ;aRrravated vises.. $5 for immoderate driving. 31I7. AM) MitS. SAMI'I•:I. FAN - son on Friday last received the reed intelligence of the death of their daughter, M.try Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Jatin H. Nash, cit London. Mrs. Nash had been visiting her pa rout s for esies-end wrecks *and returned to her home :t e.ouple of weeks .aro. A few drys later sword w:15 ell from from her that she was .feeling quite well and that the visit ,had been lx'nc•fi0;:a1 to her, .and iindrrd orient was the satrnrise of her itlrent4 when the mes,.1ge n;,nouncin; \tier dolt l►. She tt is born here 24 yeses ago .111(1 last spring was marred to 3!r. ,Nash. Tlie terhtto rem tins wrt'rc a • o i- Exeter Slturday tnorninl acid inter rest in the Exeter Cr file tcrw• SlInd sr -I (ter 1400n. TO SEE NOTHING or to see things dimly is certainly a misfortune. It need not be w perman- ent one, however. Bq the use of suit• able. EYEGLASSES OR SPECTACLES ::r.cutate4 fitted by us, the sigh' e-tn 0e improved if not Nulty restart 7 to rat- rnt 1 condit ion Much attention the testing of the . t i .Ind the.rc - in; of glasses. mak t\'c are suac•tsr.ful in nil lints of stork beoluse we have the necess/ry knotwled;e end skill and also modern .nstrurn•nts. HOWEY'S Drug Store 79 will Clearing Sale of Men's Unde weamer�THE Moos 801011 i IR aolNOIRES 95c Boys MAI 3RI�Is @r SOc OLD RELIABLE A bright penny will please a child but you lnust not Extra tine double+ thread quality, i0 dozen BOYS fine print think of living a Ulan a penny. The idea then of offering salwsn farinKe pearl but tons, rt�Rail.•tr g :i(k quality. 'ro cls:tr at :�sc et►ch. shirts, soft front with pleat, man or woman a PENNY B I13E to draw their custotll ye0 Mets Batiri oR SilifiSfast colors dainty nowpat_ that is just \1'httt is offered wh©u a reputed dollar al'ticlo is terns sizes 1'_' , l3, f :;}. i marked : 9 cents. A 1S1tFanc• Stri i ' 7 uPennyBait tau Stripes very light weight reg-, re�tllaI price fI , �c to clear JOC, thing to go fishing for CUstonl ular price 3;1c. On sale at 2:?jc. with (but how many will bite) too small for a large firth and (suite too small fol'US. Our motto `•$1 worth fot'�'$1" ant lc1 and At greatly reduced prices. live Up to it and we are not going to lower our standard a 75c sailor for 50c; 50c sailor for 371c cent's worth. We give a premium in the qu iiy of our :lac sailor for 25c; 23c sailor for 15c goods, that's worth more than a cent's worth of chewing gun]. We have just received in stock a choice Line 401 MGRS Shirts a Drowers All pure wool extra light weight (unehrinkablei regular price $1. To clear at 88 cents. Mens Shirts gad Drowns Medium weight fancy stripe regular SOc quality- To clear at 30 cents, Big Special in Womens Black Hose, correct for hot weather, on sale at 190 a pair si.se Uler $ I i, dozen umbrellas, excellent cloth, best steel fratut', fancy handle. On sale at $1. ladies gosh Gollors A Large assortment of Ladies %Vash Collars regular price 25c, sloe. On sale at 18 cents. CMreos 8lrow Sailors 75c Boys 8vlers ler 50c All pure wool in pretty stripes and plain colors, navy and cardinals worth 75c to clear at 50 cents. 8oys teetlier Belts Special Int, at 15 cents Special lot ut ► cents BIG VALUES. tfliMrefls Hose Supporters 01 CIear 1 ii Prices. No. 1 size at 10 cents No. 2 Le 12 cents No. 3 `• 16 cents SNELL &Foyj E> NEXT 11ONDAY \WILL BE - ,LA- bc►r Day. Mr, Chas. ll rrtey is visitin' .friends 111 Windsor. Mrs. A. I.)..vis, of London in visit- ing, Mr. and Mrs. \Wen. Davis nt the North col. Mr, Ed. Bisstett, of London, visited his i.randmother, 11x4. James })issett during the oast week, 11.iss Vina Fisher left %Tuesd:ty mot r.in, to visit •her sister,'Mrs. Wm. Davis of Itatllition. Miss Laura Bliley, of London, oho Extent t!:e past two months wet the Missies Treb!e, returned hist Satur- day. Mrs, It. II. Collins, Miss Kato Bt nthron and \1;ss Katie ...Collins left Tuesd'ty for Toronto. where they' will s1-cnd 1 few weeks the guests of lir. J a ries ilonthron. Mr. W. .1. O'Brien, prinoipal of the North Bay school. and formerly Comnlc',ro'aa;tl teacher in the Exeter publie school, was in town a few days during the past week coiling on friends, Market Report. -The following Es the report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up to August 30t1t. Wheat, 68 to 70 cents per bushel. Barley 38 to 40 cents per bus. Paas 58 to 60 Oat,:. 27 to 28 cents per -bus. Shorty, $19 to $20 •a ton. Flour, $2.25 per awl. Baran, $15 to $16 a tori. IL13-, $6 to $8 per ton. Potatoes, 75c. per bag. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Clover raced, $7 to $8.50 per bus. Butter, 18 vents per pound. Eggs, 16 cents per dozen. Coal. $6.75 per ton. Hogs, dressed, $9.50 per Hogs, lir'twcight, $6.35. NOTE THE CHANGE AT r� u FALL and WINTER DRESS GOODS ranging in price 20, 40, 50, 75, $1, $1.25 and $1.50. Nobby Up-to-date p -to -date in Her Ladyship Tailor-made Skirts which have no Equal in the Trade. Come early before they are picked over. CARLJNG I3ROS. made Easy •A Y.O* 6t►AAT YENTA TNt IMAM TN•T •A.1 .N Spending has ever been an easiermatter than saving -but less wise. We offer exceptional inducements and 4 facilities to help you to save. WO opens an account in our savings department, I nterest paid .} times a year. The Sovereign Bank of Canada. Put your money in a place where you can got it when you want it. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. GLADMAN & STAN'BURY, Solicitor. T,Ytff A VIA.: •T •LL A,.•,.cut* N� J10 ager. Mrs. Edwin SpackMall and daugh ters of Blenheim. who have bre, st,ending itis pam ,six Creeks 1t Grand Bend, st,t't:t z few days this Where a new Plate Glass week visiting friend• here before L. 1'0111 has just been completed ,for 711 ,r home. The Misses Elston, who have spent raoatton here at their 'home, left for Toronto Saturday, to attend the millinery openings, offer which Miss Miriam resume:4 her * jtotitlOn in Parkhill and Miss Din) at Fer_ gus. There was :about th;rty Exeteritts ' I -- and OILE;T'S1'NDRIf';Sn othe '71:'.;11 wllirh iiia:; twreckc"1 near Ittrrie, on Aug. 17. The two en.giness ---- t Ind a numb<�, of co tcb� e:in front { -- _ wwctre 111 r:,►ht but seven coaches in , Wt a the =roar left the track, running; in- :! MaJ(6 a SD661d11,1J to the rr:atad on t}1A side ne•irest the -` --_ _ boy.boy. Ont' could step Out of 7110 side of '1ia;h•y route Pres r;ptio►a 1t'ork an,t- oOn ,of E.ptla•' n1 the c,o•►cltde are c,tuit,l'r"t to g,, -e a(r.ice of idly) The train seas going very slow 'at chsni tt•r, fu„i)y Kenii.cs .ou,pou,nl• rlaith a .,ara.�., rte};abilit} an•t e�l•eri• clic' time or many would have tx'r'n i e= w)• killed. but os it was (10 (4I4' was ser- •'!t•rin� 'tOt iitir'.t 1*.. (oYikto w rt),% iously hurt. A broken ,- 1' a ;' 1'r' -gat rrasnt,at.fe ritesat 1 c was .y t h. 1' o,us-c of t}:e ace:dent •trid the irain was deloyed four hour.. Mr. :and Mrs. Itiohard Ik•ihr;dre item ,anions the lL1 .ngcrss. Central Drug of m„.(;;)j.,„0„1,4,s. i.4 so ! Store hhire a beautiful d,spl;,y of fl�►ur•r..1 her ��aboaut or at spii i ! }r.' .w;;a:„ %1. your r.ttrutio+, to ..,tr ,•vr„plete stock of DIttalS, CEIE%IICALS PATENT 11EDiCIN'ES, "chief" Cole's dot• t i nlantl1! ]tabor, tvhilt' 'hiss OLD HENS WANTED zooid wife reul►erintendv tee arson:0- nat'rlts of the drib gals+, At ),recent 71" hire '.'t•er.tI beds (,i t►rctty We will pity the Highest ftowttrP, including dnhli ,ptntaics .' � ,• and a number of other ,vai;eticss. Cash 1110.,, for 1110 old 11('i)s con place, but can't call 11150 SI)1'lllk� ' 113' name. The floral (Est)! IV ise chickens, ducks olovcl�' u.stc}►t�d, and lira. Gill she nelkes (4 or:ult:4e of going nut ► ascii nizltt before r•etirin.t to se., `IEI1t1UIl this paper. tth�t then .ter all riattt. and dorrta't 'Co., The Canada Poultry t• :Mott }:•'r huct)artd to twater rt?duct 4h.,,il. Co, Limited, 5tratf;ird (1x11, JOSEPH SNELL, Man Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. - 78 Dundas St., London Have you a farm that you want to sell? Write for our terms of sel- ling property. We have the most complete method of advertising and sellin r property in Canada. Do you want to buy a farm or hutsineee property iln any part of Ontario? Send for our Net. We have some bar; tins. GRAND TRUNK SYSE'v; ToThcUair TORONTO Augusl 2tm. seal. Bin e have placed on the mar- ket a new brand of flour White Seal This is a choice Manitoba Pat- ent, fully equal to the output of the large mills, and costs only $2.40 per hundred, If you prefer Pure Manitoba flour try "WHITE SEAL," it will please you. Repairing over, w are once more in a position to supply the needs of our customers. We Solicit your Gristring and Chopping patronage, HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO. $; 90 from l XETER ! Bread Going Aug. 27th to Sept. -411. $i 2.91) GOING August _)8th :;nth, Sept. 1st. :►t ll and 7th and all kinds Of poultry, LOST -ON TIII }t<l);11, AUGI ST �- -- `.t11 tickets valid returning :•jrd, bet T... esti Gran, A GUARANTEED CUBE - 1 Bernd and i•:�•'_ , FOR !'ILr:> Wail September l l th 1,706 ter n 22 Ctillibre riff-... Finder N% ill It chin 171.11,1, Bleeding, to rwwward(d by leovin_ it the Times to i t'•.. 1►: a iit :roize re d - to rtfun,t �• his tr.' aut).t"+ For ,ickry. t,nd full :r,f„r:n.•t.•►n r..1 !I Office. Ir.:::: if ('red 7 net t t►n SEVER: (11174 t.► rr in R to 11 d1Pa• \h O1' 'ellE `.1EMIIEit}3 t7t'J. .1. ;iN1ONA Il+el,o: I;e;;ct Agent , t he }:osier Gun Club tw.•nt out to : DI{. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR- the g ` 1).lsahwp�d t:ast Fr ..1..y nicht gam' trill tin at th© Commercial J D. !1[cDw7\ALU, iri+endty _o?.tM. with tits mfht for tit 4 not -1 the first Fr;dap of A1ch trinr,th. District foss n-t•r Agent, Toronto t be( olub of that bur:. ,Hours, g. e0 a, m. to 4.'10 - I m. (;lasts- Q1it: OF 1 IIE )ii:VI:ItF,.ST EL- 1 eels properly fitted and dimmers of eye, • CI - ------ eetric,al storms .a�,earows trotted,Tlit: Itf.Slft}:NC'IS AT THE CF;V- t oc'(1 over this vi- }l ,k,ti-. rcytc,ttrtk r �h. `ext visit ..14 was c.4n .le el omits Wast Sundly. in town some of r ( y Ruttr(I ►►y fir. 11 r. \', c.'i,,adM� r;n 1Wr.tnc.d Tp night . ing w(rot . the trtIORI •emery txionTing to the hos taken t were eletsteic pliant erre nffcctcd FO :that tion with Mr, W. S. , • t the r s tti.rr noticed ;.g by from Cole, dtu31iPt. the r it of some' were we;tt,out 7, zhtti, and the M:'s's Otiv• Kelly. of .Stootfattl, i -y by and III ti, ttlo notify Mr. Ford the , private tt')t'phone. .oligo 1111 out of t"it�itin. her ►mndpire•nts here for use. a f r AV We(" k s TIIF. MEMI1ER.S OF TiIE \WO. + airs }r.=r.k "'tkrs spent men's Missiona�:rt3" tout at h•' ry ..ln: I :.t week tthe of 1larit home of Mrs. Joseph Cot,b edisk on ; .5t1't. too zucst It -� t• etldon, Friday evenin r for the purpose O(Mrs. eouthcott find Mi A. Sheen b:ddin z her 11 revs l 1 o -tore Bier sirs .(re visiting 1[ rS. }:, t►'arture to bt'r rr.•u A. F'ollick nt bomp ;n tier ,sunnier 7'0:tizc Gr.(ud iMrd .ries•. A totals worded atldre . and Butter Education Business houses have, this past year, made Ten Times as roan demandslupon us for young lad- ies and gentlemen who are thoroughly grounded in busi- ness principles, as we had'tit- deuta to Rend. OEION BUS1NESS C0[IEfE with Winghan, Busi- nessCollege.- OPENS SEPT. 3rd. Drop a postal for inforrna!if o cemetory wire -taker. wI,o % ccupiedIl Ile; house. The.re ns r one at I �00s Spotton Prifamily tOin•; awwi Principal telephone ,„„..g,wen. sent to Exe- ter, and ►he North end engine ,,.-, -- - ----- __ _ hur>•icd to the scene, but was use- able. ____ 1�. owing t� traffic 1►r'in { trratr.;,ii . The New Home able. t M line cf h0.4.h0.4. I,t•in tear short Jof the Gole".I K lot _ read, arid r pars• • at t'1tIO' }:\"�Ni`(: 1i hot to get went R. i;i)-t resie 1 the river. and the fire .too t•of n N !nowt.- handed . e ,r I \. I • r.. C'obLIf.t1 -k. tip 1)1 .11tl'recintintt ext, hay •tn4 Fa nl1 •h.irte�of of the keen ,nterert she 11 id Piker ,` makint •n the .eole,y. Yr,. (bbl,;e.lick kind. ill riJ.,•Te rt, -1.4w. c+�. contrary toe Iy tlrinkr.t the members of tt,� by -1.4w. The evidence c err for t}re r e'-x1rt^r.ion of good , he rosu,,('d70 1 W.17Ow , lt whit t1 tge♦ilnam 11111, hilt Rt1IQt7tM1 tbit the purse 4 and t►a attorney, ?Mr .1. f .f tats of mons be eiona►.'.[ re fha Ki, !m'►t , bury • .'r4ut'd t hit lir. ;-:11,i z' E3t.!'rv- Hoate, i1. (' ww•h:t#, had been (recent.' law only ly dr.troyed� h7 fire. Tb ass: 0t►Pt:<d to •eeN d s deg on was utictn:rnou•l ec`tion the street. T)e Jusstit►c's. decided to T a zrced upon and submit ',be evidence to the ('ron n t he money twill he ret t desired. i Attorney at [: Ice cream and oilier ref hmentrt On Ttrer�oderir. for his of►in- µ'crc s•rrw-td ad w l,lc•,,vriy lir. Ntridcrman wasn' t?; 7 tip &rain, when be a ;reed t o be tstent, atter s. h ell t he I totes t'i.herl ' hound �T to kt� Mr. lnd Mrs. ('obh:edi;,k ranch r► the peace, runt he parity. fatlt h and tan pros- ' tw'�, eons' tupnt (c tlaeQar,�d. 1[ r. nese 1 happiness in tLtir I. it. Oarlinir acted for the prof%'et,t •onw. i n the west. ta0o well.. The fire ws,-it rtstelf otrt, N ttfi,) rept n 1st ove n O4.11►oussehc.ld goods. . w out sti f (roe,► t rrc a'mettcry j8031063 a nilottt'd to turn 3 was y.1 r,•(l . r . tt (en'itic'�tt's Orli' the '• r "III of tt'.o Dail.linrr rPm'ain "n4 (600 BUILDING) London 03 t trey ars' hills bolted. The holt' µ s ow ticbe the oor pot. t ion and tw rttied dl for Is the hest eiiuiphed shorthand and 11/100. µ h i.• i1 ;•'t BusinessCollege in Ontario. 1Ve leach ih.i,ur 5.71.40. 11170 c,rig n .he fire Inc Putman Short Course (cont alete :s unkticm n, .. tt.C:t,► had not ►a,t`en 'ani ti irt'S itt t he he:e dor- lc I(l ieseonis. Touch Typewriting. give inn the tt:,p. Tit ooune l .,n.l arrr- individual instruction in all its branch- ' •ter es and positive/7 r Jr onaxnitte,e drove but to the g atoatio t., place ruin* Ttlurs.d'+ every graduate in a :wittt,ition. �iever- r morning to inresti- al of our Lady (;rad.gates have ae- gate matter*. Mr. Acrd 'was in- I sttru-t.d to rent a house 'it 7ht� !copied situations aS 115 per week. Borth end whiff. a ne.wr budding its r . t_•. S toting created. W .11. C. COO, C. S. R. I'rincipsI.