HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-08-30, Page 6, • To Cure a Cold in One Day,,. •Tikes Laxative Bromo Quinine Tom. (ac,4 e r (�. ir ivt.� every Swim Mon balm wed In i� 12 ttaORttlf. 'rte signature, ..,t-. s :=;e •-ter teie, • THE EXE'1 r;R T1MES, AUGUST 30tH 1906. SHINGLES We have just received a carload of British Columbia red Cedar Shingles and one cf New Brunswick Shingles and are now in a position to supply your wants in this line. Period ;Roofing We are agents for this original Ready Roofing, it is used on barns, factories, in fact any building that need a good ro . Ask us about this roofing and get a circular. - Go. Ltd.. Exeter. Tib ossTduIor ..... . Iw - Inc Osborne and fllbbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. • 4 • 200 TonS of all kinds of old scrap iron wanted at M. Jackson's EXETER We will pay the highest cash price or exchange fence posts for sane. M.JACKSON &SON Main -St. Exeter. One door south of the I Metropolitan Hotel. II$DIOAL J�V. BROWNING, M. D.. M. C. . P. S„ Graduate Victoria Uni- w tee. once and reeid.nence. Dominion, story, Exeter. DR. A, F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PHYSI- �aa� and Surgeons. Suooessor to Dr. J. A. aeilIne, Office, main street. Residence, east en fleet street north of Poet Office, Exeter, Ontario. DRS. Y. A N v II. M. COWAN, 3114 Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. Telephone 1628. Long distance eonnectiou. Special attention given diseataes of women and fiery. Oily} or C. P. R. Street Cars to =borne street Cake yon almost to the door. No other Special e sp►tal anararraemuts for patientfrom &stance. - DENTAL --- - - • Dn. A.It. KINSMAN, L. lapD. S. D. D, se Honor Oradaate of Toronto University. Dentist. Teeth extracted without rain or bad after effects, Office In Fan. eon's block. West aide of Main \Weet.'Exeter• DR. D. R. 0. F. ROU LSTON, L. D. S., „ Dentist. Member of / B. C. D. 5., of Ontario and Ilonor °graduate of Toronto University. 01FIelie-Oyer Dickson & Carling'e LawOffices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors, jONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private fends to Sas on farm and village properties at tolerate. taMr eL OLADMAN es STA\BURY Barristers Solicitors, Blain St. Exeter. DICKSON & CARLING, e So1'e1tonr Notaries Convey sae ars Ita itetApen, tloltcitort for the oleons Etc. boo+ at loweat rates of interest. E t -MAIN STREF,T, EXETER. .Cantina ft. A. L. 0. Dtc:sox NOMAS CAMERON, CONVEY- +anc er wills drown, money to loan as real estate, also leceno•ed Auctioneer for Use counties lof Huron and forth. Charge, .ideoce, Ftelehar ewiti recde etprompt eatmen tion. MONEY TO LOAN We have 1mltmitedprivste funds for Invest Wye driter►aroutld here 0 good deal Beata termor vtllwgetropertywt lower arse ,a lnl,ere-t. nd have noticed that farmers, in DiCKSON& CARLING drawing in their hay, use a wood rrack, with redo stakes all the wily round, about 4 feet high. The rea- son for this is the hay is to. ehort to build on a bay .rack bke those used in Ontur.o. Wednesday we left for Crossfield. This plate is on tree rout to Edmon- ton and is surrounded by some very good land. whirl' ells from *10 to $30 per acre. Looking nround here till night we left for Red Deer. There is Some hood country nlonz this track. The land Is nearly n I I eec.rub,this .is wivet I did not like but they toiy cwt here. 'that where this grows is the best of kind. On eirrivintr et lied Deer. we met with an old equaintence, Mr. A. alc- itlatn, from the 12th coneess:,on, Hib- bert. Ile is es 'happy as n ire in clover. 1 have just driven about 3a miles v est to a plate called Ev- er",. Ti ire is el tgcfrl country around this place. It en yet about 20 anile+ from a railroad, They !erre the grcetest grass for : file Pres.: -J. A. NORRIS, CROMARTY P.O Vice -Pres.: -.T. L. RUSSELL, 1tUSHFLLDALE, 1'. O. DIRECTORS. W. 13. PASSMORE, FARQUHAR P.O. Will. Molt, Boexam to P. O. Wm. BROOK WINCHELSEA P. O. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. O. AO BETS. JOHN EMERY, Exeter. agent for Osborne and Jliddulph. OLIVER IIARRIS, Munro. agent for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & STANBURY. Solioitore Fall term opens sept 4 In deciding to get a business edu- cation or shorthand training. it h wise to tabotose a school that is well- known far strictly high.gro(le work. The ELLIOTT aide, TORONTO, ONT. is well known ias one of the best Commercial Schools in existence. Its record this year has been most re- ma:rknble, mono of our graduates are out of positions and the demand for them is about twenty times the supply. Write to -day for our mag- nificent oatalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Streets OUR PIANO SALES For the past month have been very satisfactory both to our- selves and our customers. This we attribute to our exceptional good values and easy terns of payments, OUR GOODS are the finest the market affords and our terms moat liberal. Do not listen to the 'ren who say all instiner of evil of us but call and see and judge for yourself. Sewing Machines Our Sewing Machines are O. K. Also a fine Lino of Statio nery Cheap. S. MARTIN & SON A TRW THROUGH THE WEST. We left Banff 8-aturday, for Cal- gary. The road runs along the Row river, is not much of It farming_dia- triet. nothing but ry'sturin3 of hors- es crud eel tie. \1e reached Calgary about 1.30 1'. M. in this town we met some of our old neighbors. W. J. Gourley, formerly of Kirkton is a very prosperous blacksmith, do- ing the largest trade in the city jn his line, employing )7 necn. Iie has gill a lot of property oround him. 1\-e also met .1. 1'. Ilos+e, one of our old townsmen. Ile looked as hell as ever. Mrs. Ross rind family ere well and Tike their new home. They Aly they will leave to send down t0 Exeter for some canoed goods when t he Exeter conning factory egels started. Fruit is very dear in !this city g ill es truing Kc, per pound. 1 Exeter Harsh. i'ulgative remedies are feat giving ti ay to i he gentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver 44,1lf, If you try them they will certainly please you 111 1IV g 1i■d10101011111111 s' �= 1 /i•N•a•01i e 1 �i 000 ;g10Mrr• '==N 1 LLON N0E-STAY FENCE r,w(ri. The Pa., 111Na ,a -STAY Ee..ntna,to Of lint cat b.rt red etr.% ana c +l.d W peM..t0.► fr^+a t' cit -ts ce t...trartt.m .r.t ed. ithatraiea a+ut>:w tree- 1,re a{.ut. was W 11EAlIAN. Agent. Exeter CASTORI For Infants and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of U For Ov Thirty Yea CASTOR! TMa ecNTauw eo.►awv, waw tteww.IT I over saw, the cattle evading in grass up to their knees and as fat as butter. This is the place for a rancher. Between Red LDeer and Evart is 011 small scrub and large poplar. There is 0 large saw -mill in Iced Deer, and hive any amount of logs, which cure brought down the river fully 70 miles. This town is like all others, property being held fair above its value. A. E. IIODGERT IT RINGS IN YOUR EARS. That same cough is everywhere you so, deep and hollow because con- sumptive. First 'it seas ,catarrh which could hive :been cured by Cat- arrhozone Moral, never neglect a cold, never trifle ;with Oatarrh, go to your druggist and act Catarrho- zone. It's instant death to colds, cures in a few minutes. Throat trouble .and catarrh disappear as by mngic. Cntarrhozone is the ' great throat, nose and bronchial remedy to -day, Thousands use it, doctors prescribe it. -Why, because it dos relieve quickly and cure thoroughly. Two sizes, 25c. and $1.00 nt all deal- ers. EDUCATIONAL NOTES As Monday, Sept. 3rd ,is a statu- tory holiday, public school work will bo defer red until Tuesday, Sept. 4th nit (1 a. M. when every scholar in the I'ubho school section, sand ti; very student desiring to eater the High 4choot department is re:puested to present themselves for placing and introduction to t he work of ,t he term. About two thirds of last :session's number in the ITi:li SchooI department have appked for desks. Those who have not done so should promises to be a very full one. The staff of appointments for the ensu - in; yeer year are as follows: H. S. do rartment. L. C. Flcminz, Princi- pt ,with Miss A. F:. Dorrington and A ss A. F. Chidlcy cgs first and ,e- oond assistants. The public school staff ono represented by Miss C. Voepor, Miss Walrond, Miss McCol- lum, Miss Howard and ATiss Martin. the most of whom have proved themselves in everywiy worthy 41)y ytnre of .genuine and effective work. $2,800.00 is the villaze contribution Io thio work of the school. When one remembers that the salary list alone totals four thou'nnd and other expenses nearly a thousand trnore, tire evidence is nmplc Hint no waste of funds i, permitted by the board• The rchool is m'aintainine its fine record for good work and is now be. in; looked to by educ•ttional author- ities throuebout the Province ns a centre of first rate importance in the educational work of the province. Ti's week cleanin; operations aro In p,roereee and evcrythinz is expected to be in rowdiness ter the hundreds who will wend their trey on ,dhe morning •of Tuesday. Sept. 4th, to (be hells and beautiful ;rounds of Exeter',. Public, school for another year of herd work 0nd heelthfuU play. honor and pies ,tudents in the Commercial Ikpertmcnt may re- ceive their diplomas on application to the- Secretory. matios and Science, first in 'Mathet- maties and second in Science. Ho is the eldest son of Uri Wm. U. John- ston, teacher of 8. 8. No. 14, Stanley. and grandson of the late Henry Johnstron, of Ashfield. Freeborn ob- tained his Public school education at his father's school, passin7 the ail. S, entrance examination in 1900. He renrained in the Public school until the beginning of 1904. want -lie en- tered Clinton C. I. and secured his Junior Leaving Certificate in that 'd rtt s study Clinton, ,IRs obtained both parts of his Senior Teacher's certificate in 1905, 110 went to Seeforth C. I. in September 1905, and studied Ilonor Matriculation work, with the result that ho has won the•hi;h honors giv- en above. Mir. Johnston tie on* 18 years of age. We wish him emcees and a goodly share of honors during No. 31 ...... 9.30 A. M. itis University career. His ability, No. 33 ...5.54 P. M. integrity and diligence es to tato- GOING SOUTH dont are n guarantee of success in No, 32 ...... 8.35 A. M. after lite."-Godericth Star. No. 34 ...... 5.05 P. M. d tu.ht Jtra,. nr l•:. ut JuJlan.•.ule .s v,s.•tn• ll.•r� What is a Backache? Mr. Jo.s Vanua.). Mill soil by pub A choice fares in the tont [Ishii) of Ft.11attOn, 75 acres. pkat Gunk bsrn, stables end drive house. Five acres of mettle bush. Good d. illed well, • Lt it h wind still. Loot! ,. chard and all in high mote of cul;.v:ation. For terms and pertioulars :,t+t'ly to Thos. Cameron. Farquhar. VILLAGE PROPERTY FCR SALT: 11.it acre in village of Farquhar• on a Lich there is erected u Largo brick building fitted for store end dwelling, and a 'wet brick cottage and stable will be sold sepenately or in one block. THOS. CAMERON FLtrquhir. lie aurtio.1 Itis vilatab!. farts being IT IS NATURE'S WARNING TO WOMEN the front halt of lot 20, con. 8 Stephen. on \Wednestley, Sept. 5. iitgasef til W(tstut'e OTIMISs Cured sad This is a first cLtss farm and 14 coasearanathis St.ppM by Lydia E risk. Vas's Vegetable Csapott sd. Lyell cultivated. 5t. Marys, Au,tust 27. -The voto on t he by -I:111 to advance $40.090 to- ttards building .t y-alitotd from St. Mary.; to Embro IV a9 etrritd here today by a majority of 414 votes. 'Taw ea:leor-id. which is to be willed the St. Marys end Western Ontario Railroad. is to meet dile C. P. It. n1 Embro, and tho C. 1'. It. hive a_rc•ed to meet the said roud at Embro and 0;ree to operate •t he road as soon as it Is completed. run- nins trains into and out of 81..Marys at stated times. 'The citizens aro very much elated over the a results of the toting and feel that as soon as the C. 1'. It. trains enter St. Marys it will mems an era of pros- perity such as Sr. Marys has never seen, - t ,lf.1 IIICK'S FORECASTS. A Regular Storm - Perm( i.s tee/i- ll-al on September the 1st., extend - up to the 4th. The tnotttti promises to memo in with a.roalt of high temr peruture, low barometer and storms making their transit from east to west. The climax. or culmination of this period will tan on and touch- ing the 2nd. the date of , f li full Mees'. I1 high barometer and west- erly gales follow these storms, look for change to much cooler with frosts passible in the north. lint the Moon does not pass tiro celestial e:puaitor coming north. until the 6t1,. strong- ly indioating that high temperature and threatening, electrical storms may not subside entirely at 'the end of the first period. The 1st. (0 +the 4th. is also a probible seismic per, iod. TIIE MEETING OF TIIE MEDf,- c.a1 men •held ,in Toronto last week w•.:ts the most important meeting of the membars of the .art (that ever took piece+ rand was attended by the zroalest livin; representatives. A- mon; (bolo who were present and gave addresses were Sir tW. .11. Broadbent, of London, Eng., physi- oion to tho Kin; ; Sir James Barr, Liverpool: Air W. S. A. Griffith, London, Eng., Sir Viotor ,Horsley, London, and other -notable tmhysi- coans. There were representatives from New ZeuLand, Australia, Japan, South Arrieu, Egypt, Italy, Germany Franoo.IT. 8.. Great Britain and Can- ada. Lectures were given on each branalt of medicine and medical sur - ;cry, and were instructive in the hi.;hest dcr"roe. The next meeting of the aooiety will be held in Exeter, Fug. G. T. R. Time Table Tbo time of the arrivals of trains going north and south are as fol- lows: - GOING NORTH lAMOUS BY FANNIE M.LOTHROP %Cie N- LAI+,. e,.eeeve.M Ce, tfroP.!NCE NiGHTiNGALE The Angel of the Crimea in her home in tits West End of London. passing the days of the late Autumn of her life in an !eyelid chair, lives a white•halred, sweet•faeed, kindly -voiced noble woman, whom the world knowa as Florence Nightingale. Born In 1820 in Florence, Italy. the daughter of a wealthy Englishman, un- der his lovinr bearable she mastered the cidstics and literature, became a good musielan and learned ce:eral inngu:; rs. She ;tail a genies for helpfulness. a coneccretlon to humanity that found expression le sweet ministrations of love anti Ore of the sick and suffering. In nursing she sew a nob:e career for women and to 1849 went to a Protes- tant school for 'arses. on the Rhine. On her return to England she as- sumed management of a sanitarium for invalid governesses. In 1851 Eng - TO CURE A COLI) iN I)NE DAY land was roused to a white heat of indignation by the revelations of the hor- Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tab. rors of the hospital service of the Crimea. Government incompetency. lmhe- lete. All (rutegiste refs'( the mon- elle red tape, rascally dishonor and criminal neglect In treating the sick and ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove'. wounded soldiers made more war 11elf a paradise of 'terry by contrast. s gnature ie on each box, 25e, 'A Huron Boy's Success. -We con - elite Mr. 11. Freeborn Johnston on winnin,t the Edward Mike echo- Inrship in Classics and Mathematic, at Toronto University Matriculation. Mr. Johnston stood second in Gen- er.al I'rof--iency, first In Classics and J1 at h,ntntic+. second in Mathe- ?)ante's Inferno seemed a mi' t hit of imagination in the face of the real hor- rors at Scutari. with four mils of beds huddled In one three rtnry house. Florence Nightingale volunteered to had a hand of women to transform the hospitals in the name of humanity. and In November, 1854. with thirty- eight nurses she rearhe•I Scutari. HIer magic touch brought order out of thane: the sunshine, aweetnest end soothing peace of woman's work fllltd the room,: the ghastly mortality was reduced to a minimum; soldiers welinded and dying kissed the rhndow of the angel of the Crimea as It fell aeroes their counterpanes or reverently touched the hem of her garment as phe mimed near them. Often for twenty hontre at a stretch she stood giving her orders -the noble leader of her little army of peace; and her kindness. wisdom. swcetneps. energy. influence and Inspiration seemed Ine.hsnstib'e. For two years she kept app the fl:;ht and with health impaired rehtrne•i to England, elemninfr all publlelty. The (50000 testimonial tendered her by the peop:e. she refused. lint finally accepted to found a training school for nurses. fly penny subecriptlons the soldiers secured enough to erect a statue to her memory. but this. too. *LA rejected. For nearly fifty years sh° has hewn an 1r,valid, and yet this "Grand Old Woman of England," a1 the age Of eighty -Ave Is still selene, sweet, helpful end contented, with a name that will 1 be hallowed as long as the -British army and the British nation shall endure, Ewt.t•1 ee 5:ll.r N Art Mia., r Ai,MM al P•••44,14 tn..-,r Irv. r1 R. ext, s1 1J. p.r.nmeot of a,rkaiteea " It seems as though my hack would oreak." 1Von►en utter these worts over and over again, but continuo to drag along anti oilier with aches in the mush • to ► 'de of th., hack, pain low down n in tl e'er t "bearing -down" pains, nervousness ami no ambition for any task. They do not realize that the back is the mainspring of woman's organism, and quickly indicates by aching a dis- eased condition of the female orbrens or kidneys, and that the aches asci pains will continue until the e11119e is removed. Lyedia E. Pinkhaut's Vegetable Com- pound has been for many years the one wad; only effective remedy in such cases. It speedily cures female organs and kid- ney disorders and restores the female organs to a healthy condition. Dear airs. Pinkltam "I suffered a long time with female trouble having intense pains in the back and abdomen and very sick headaches every month. f was tired and nervous all the time and life looked very (Wary to me and I had no desire to live until 1 began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and to get some relief. My recovery was slow but it was sure, and 1 never regretted the money spent for the Compound as it brought me hack to good health. 'It seems to be a medicine especially adapted to the ills of our sex and I am glad 10 say a good word for it." -Mrs. Albert Mann, 164 (lore Vale Ave., Toronto, Ont. No other person can give such helpful advice to women .who are sick as can Mrs. Pinkham, daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkhain. Her address is Lynn, Masa., and her advice free. Executors Notice FARM FOR SALE EXECUTORS SALE OF MILL PROPERTY -The executors .of the estate of the late Henry Cook will offer for Salo by public auction by Thonnas Rrowt., Soaforth, auction- eer, on the premises, Wedncsday.12th day of September, 1906, at 2 o'clock p. ni., the property known us the Hensall Flour Mille; property con- sists of a four-story frame grist mill, brick basement crud steel roof, situated on Wellington street in the vial • re of Henttall. county of Huron; the elevator in connection can store about 40 tons of shorts, 80 dons of bran, two or three care of flour) eight to ten thouwend bushels of whoa( ; brick enzine-room ; Corliss engine 16x36, bother 14 feet by 72 in- ches; f name woodshed, twill hold about 150 oords of wood ; frame con/ shed, will hold about 300 tons of coil ; has ora -1 elevator for unloading coal by steam power : mill is lighted. by electricity with an eighty-light dynamo; capacity of mill, 150 bar- rels; busy all the Yell* with good trade: large cioppine. gristing and retail trade; this mill is located in the best whoateerowine distriot in western Ontario, and has zood con- nections with a number of leadinx bis.uit manufacturers: b.; demand for feed; 'rill is situstted on G. T. 11. 4 rocks : jam . teaming required. Rodeervillc Dwelling Properly. - There will oleo be offered for scale that 2 1-2 story brick dw•elline, with brick kitchen, stable rind ono acre of land more or leas, situated on Lon- don rend, on Southeast corner, 1 1-1 miles south of Ilenyall, known os the Ito;ervilie l'ostoffice property : terms of stile, 25 per trent of the pur- eleiso money in cash on tate day of pale, and balance. thereof within thir- t v :lays therrofter, without interest, or :arrangements cnn be made with the purchaser for the securing. o[ n portion of such balance by way of ntoN z•t.;e on the premif es ; poases- s:on Oot. 15, 1900; further Tr:(rticu- 1rtrs may ,be obtained on application to any of the undorKrned. L.ttrd at Ilene -all this 14th day of August, 1906;. H. J. D. Cooke, executors solicitor. Catlinrine and Cornelius ('ook, executors. 1V(M)1)11AAt -- Nit-. .1 rales Mi)Jer lout a valuable horse on Saturday Inst. Mr. and Mrs. I,. Ford spent Fri- day in 81. Marys. ALicdraeil lirethour is busy repair - n for tho fail faint will reopen her drew'. en September 3rd. TCIO IFI. TA.. 1Ne Y,Ind Yon MN Alas Mel in; /chow zr.ti Miss White nrakin r shop ads Iwo tin •ipato» of 'WARM FOR SALE,_-'1•ttat excellent farm land I.ot 9, C ncseaion 10. t'sborne, containing 100 acres. about 15 Sones being good butch. This farm is in excellent condition, first class Stell, windmill, burn, etc. not farm itas been sealed to grass for a number of years and was used prin. chatty for pasture. The fences are in good oondition. Apply to Wm. Croery, \Vinohelsea ; Robert Berry. Kirkton, Executors of estate of the Ia.to Itobart Creery. FARM FOR BALE. -That excellent farm, Lot No. 17, Concession 8. lit ric,letrd. consisting of 104 acres, well drained. belt fenced, with large brick house of 10 resents, two large cellars, two excellent learns and drov- ing ,;bed, boa pen ett,I ben house, 2 never -foiling LveIls. All this farm in in goad state .of cultivation, with 13 acres of summer fallow. Possession .•1111 IX: given at once. Apply to Mrs. Thomas Varnish. \\rrollvam, for par- ticulars. FARM FOlt RENT. -Lot four, con. twelve, A1cGit•livt !y. About 75 gores itt grass and under cultivation, reeceeinder in bush. Good clay loam' Coot fences :and drains; oomfortablo house; .two food triune barns ; .zoom water. Apply to It;cd•rard ,Blackwell ,Mooresville P. O. or Gladman & 8tanbury, Barristers, Exeter. When a woman suffers from do- plressing ,weakness, alio then keenly realizes bow helpless -how thor- oughly worthless she is. Dr. Shoop has brought relief to thousands eta such women, llo roaches diseases Pee culictr to women :in ham, direct, spec_ ifio sways -tet local treatment known) by drug;ists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's night cure, and a aonetio tutional or internal prescription cafe led Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Dr. Shoop's night cure is applied fowl.; ly and at night. It works while you sleep. It reduces inflammation, it stops disoltergcs, it heals it troathcs, it comforts, it cures. I)r. Shoop's Pestoretivo (tablet or liquid form) is .t constitutional, nerve tissue tonic. It brings renew- ed strength. lasting ambition and vigor to weak, lifeless women. These two remedies. singly, or used together, have an irresistible, perie tivo helpful power to the user. Try them a month and sere. Sold by W, S. Howey. THE BEI TEIEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA is about to issue n new Telephone Di- rectory for the district of Western Ontario including the town of EXETER Orders for new connections, changes of firut names, changes of street ad- dresses or for duplicate entries should be handed in to the local manager at once, A (1ARCHAND Local Manager. In Womanly Ailments and Weaknesses Dr. Shoop's Night Cure Soothes HMIs and Cures while the Palled Sleeps. • The best remedy which physicians knew fee le W eekaeems Is composed of pares of s In white 11)7. To this are added 0 fes which draw wit the poisons and • laflamied membranes. Ties sootbtng W e local application la known by drug t• and Physicians e,eryn'htre a. Da. S006p'ti $troaT Ctrka-becauseit cures while the tra- morainic flogs ape tion. the Mach many women Glen steeps and the Iteib. inflamme- d. The lives of s Of martyr• ate Dick, don. Trey tbey never s *.11 day -yet alt thl. suC .ed .totpsneo 1 (l l r i i �� uooere. s.ery ailing till aaa4e . troog I I I` I 1 I to et• J r and vl• epos sed perfcc tttta00d IL fa to 1 l l I -f' ing Dern lrrr' Shoop sends\ fife and gn t0 'sick and aping women ,N�t Cv*i will cnmc• :as w Rite Of 01 eons, 501 knr,w ..w- trouble by 1•e lytIclans glue it. bet r.member Dt? ' I 9tt'r Cuda map he r•,•d upon In wl1 •'' b1�atation, faith : ..1 the wo(sb, . ff' • b or °Tart•.. Iaueorrbnse. �`, anon. cons.s ...-1. irregular or t, t, t Wi�eytlk$tton. Ask for Dr. Snoop's T . s. Recommended and •ta14 by NV. S. I if )WI:.Y. en smel►'p s moieties tfe tlf btaltb APo- thls eve lar of suffering,* els menage o eheer. It 1. that Da. Sao NNNNeerNt►eeeeNeN�N THE !'1OLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) CAPITAL PAID UP •••• •• •• • 53.000,000.00 RESERVE FUND • • • • • • • • S3.000,000•00 18 Brancbeer in Ontario, Quebec. Atherta lrriti.h Colombia and Manitoba EXETER BRANCH Open every Lawful Day from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. rxreyt Saturday 10 A. Ir. to 1 r. 0. Farmers' Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied On ST+Pticetlon. DRAETs on all ).oit.t. in the Domicile.% Orcwt Britain and Un• Ited State+, bought and sold at lowest rates of ezrhantre, BAVINOM DEPARTMENT Deposits of *1.00 ani upwards reeejved. interest com- pounded half yearley, and addict 10 prirnrttal Jnne 3i11.td December 31.t. De• posits fterelpt. also Issued and highs• -t rnrrent rat., of Interest allowed. Advances made to fanners stock dealers and hasineen men at lowest rates and on meet fa%ora).1e tern+-. /teem, et Fetter for Dom.0ovetnment, Dlckfon & Carlirg, 111 ( icer, N D HUM CON, Manager. •NN ••K t 0 i• 4 1 1 1 4 1 4 4 • O alt► 1) ops un.um;n,v„wunr•mtivmn.:.,-_ __+u A\cge(able 1`t _:)ara:ioltforAs- Sinniating dr '. cod or.ti Itcg wail - taj g the Slom:_:es ala! Bowels d• 1NE:1N CHILDREN • PromolcsDi ,:stion,Cheerrul- ncss andRest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Hineral. NOT NAM ;2OT1C. Jfirii w d lieffet: entser_eza li..,.l:. 1..1- .41r..enne • /P.d.l4.Gk. - .e,i.r Jed • AR.rrr.to' - Lh fa>♦ev+ee seta . Him ler( - smr �i7srar Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stornnch,Diarrhoea. Worins,Convutsions,Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimiple Signature of 42s, Et a .. NEW YO1i'1C. t b months- old i)srs-3C1:NTS L XACT COPY OF WRAPPER. CASTORI For Infants and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of U For Ov Thirty Yea CASTOR! TMa ecNTauw eo.►awv, waw tteww.IT I over saw, the cattle evading in grass up to their knees and as fat as butter. This is the place for a rancher. Between Red LDeer and Evart is 011 small scrub and large poplar. There is 0 large saw -mill in Iced Deer, and hive any amount of logs, which cure brought down the river fully 70 miles. This town is like all others, property being held fair above its value. A. E. IIODGERT IT RINGS IN YOUR EARS. That same cough is everywhere you so, deep and hollow because con- sumptive. First 'it seas ,catarrh which could hive :been cured by Cat- arrhozone Moral, never neglect a cold, never trifle ;with Oatarrh, go to your druggist and act Catarrho- zone. It's instant death to colds, cures in a few minutes. Throat trouble .and catarrh disappear as by mngic. Cntarrhozone is the ' great throat, nose and bronchial remedy to -day, Thousands use it, doctors prescribe it. -Why, because it dos relieve quickly and cure thoroughly. Two sizes, 25c. and $1.00 nt all deal- ers. EDUCATIONAL NOTES As Monday, Sept. 3rd ,is a statu- tory holiday, public school work will bo defer red until Tuesday, Sept. 4th nit (1 a. M. when every scholar in the I'ubho school section, sand ti; very student desiring to eater the High 4choot department is re:puested to present themselves for placing and introduction to t he work of ,t he term. About two thirds of last :session's number in the ITi:li SchooI department have appked for desks. Those who have not done so should promises to be a very full one. The staff of appointments for the ensu - in; yeer year are as follows: H. S. do rartment. L. C. Flcminz, Princi- pt ,with Miss A. F:. Dorrington and A ss A. F. Chidlcy cgs first and ,e- oond assistants. The public school staff ono represented by Miss C. Voepor, Miss Walrond, Miss McCol- lum, Miss Howard and ATiss Martin. the most of whom have proved themselves in everywiy worthy 41)y ytnre of .genuine and effective work. $2,800.00 is the villaze contribution Io thio work of the school. When one remembers that the salary list alone totals four thou'nnd and other expenses nearly a thousand trnore, tire evidence is nmplc Hint no waste of funds i, permitted by the board• The rchool is m'aintainine its fine record for good work and is now be. in; looked to by educ•ttional author- ities throuebout the Province ns a centre of first rate importance in the educational work of the province. Ti's week cleanin; operations aro In p,roereee and evcrythinz is expected to be in rowdiness ter the hundreds who will wend their trey on ,dhe morning •of Tuesday. Sept. 4th, to (be hells and beautiful ;rounds of Exeter',. Public, school for another year of herd work 0nd heelthfuU play. honor and pies ,tudents in the Commercial Ikpertmcnt may re- ceive their diplomas on application to the- Secretory. matios and Science, first in 'Mathet- maties and second in Science. Ho is the eldest son of Uri Wm. U. John- ston, teacher of 8. 8. No. 14, Stanley. and grandson of the late Henry Johnstron, of Ashfield. Freeborn ob- tained his Public school education at his father's school, passin7 the ail. S, entrance examination in 1900. He renrained in the Public school until the beginning of 1904. want -lie en- tered Clinton C. I. and secured his Junior Leaving Certificate in that 'd rtt s study Clinton, ,IRs obtained both parts of his Senior Teacher's certificate in 1905, 110 went to Seeforth C. I. in September 1905, and studied Ilonor Matriculation work, with the result that ho has won the•hi;h honors giv- en above. Mir. Johnston tie on* 18 years of age. We wish him emcees and a goodly share of honors during No. 31 ...... 9.30 A. M. itis University career. His ability, No. 33 ...5.54 P. M. integrity and diligence es to tato- GOING SOUTH dont are n guarantee of success in No, 32 ...... 8.35 A. M. after lite."-Godericth Star. No. 34 ...... 5.05 P. M. d tu.ht Jtra,. nr l•:. ut JuJlan.•.ule .s v,s.•tn• ll.•r� What is a Backache? Mr. Jo.s Vanua.). Mill soil by pub A choice fares in the tont [Ishii) of Ft.11attOn, 75 acres. pkat Gunk bsrn, stables end drive house. Five acres of mettle bush. Good d. illed well, • Lt it h wind still. Loot! ,. chard and all in high mote of cul;.v:ation. For terms and pertioulars :,t+t'ly to Thos. Cameron. Farquhar. VILLAGE PROPERTY FCR SALT: 11.it acre in village of Farquhar• on a Lich there is erected u Largo brick building fitted for store end dwelling, and a 'wet brick cottage and stable will be sold sepenately or in one block. THOS. CAMERON FLtrquhir. lie aurtio.1 Itis vilatab!. farts being IT IS NATURE'S WARNING TO WOMEN the front halt of lot 20, con. 8 Stephen. on \Wednestley, Sept. 5. iitgasef til W(tstut'e OTIMISs Cured sad This is a first cLtss farm and 14 coasearanathis St.ppM by Lydia E risk. Vas's Vegetable Csapott sd. Lyell cultivated. 5t. Marys, Au,tust 27. -The voto on t he by -I:111 to advance $40.090 to- ttards building .t y-alitotd from St. Mary.; to Embro IV a9 etrritd here today by a majority of 414 votes. 'Taw ea:leor-id. which is to be willed the St. Marys end Western Ontario Railroad. is to meet dile C. P. It. n1 Embro, and tho C. 1'. It. hive a_rc•ed to meet the said roud at Embro and 0;ree to operate •t he road as soon as it Is completed. run- nins trains into and out of 81..Marys at stated times. 'The citizens aro very much elated over the a results of the toting and feel that as soon as the C. 1'. It. trains enter St. Marys it will mems an era of pros- perity such as Sr. Marys has never seen, - t ,lf.1 IIICK'S FORECASTS. A Regular Storm - Perm( i.s tee/i- ll-al on September the 1st., extend - up to the 4th. The tnotttti promises to memo in with a.roalt of high temr peruture, low barometer and storms making their transit from east to west. The climax. or culmination of this period will tan on and touch- ing the 2nd. the date of , f li full Mees'. I1 high barometer and west- erly gales follow these storms, look for change to much cooler with frosts passible in the north. lint the Moon does not pass tiro celestial e:puaitor coming north. until the 6t1,. strong- ly indioating that high temperature and threatening, electrical storms may not subside entirely at 'the end of the first period. The 1st. (0 +the 4th. is also a probible seismic per, iod. TIIE MEETING OF TIIE MEDf,- c.a1 men •held ,in Toronto last week w•.:ts the most important meeting of the membars of the .art (that ever took piece+ rand was attended by the zroalest livin; representatives. A- mon; (bolo who were present and gave addresses were Sir tW. .11. Broadbent, of London, Eng., physi- oion to tho Kin; ; Sir James Barr, Liverpool: Air W. S. A. Griffith, London, Eng., Sir Viotor ,Horsley, London, and other -notable tmhysi- coans. There were representatives from New ZeuLand, Australia, Japan, South Arrieu, Egypt, Italy, Germany Franoo.IT. 8.. Great Britain and Can- ada. Lectures were given on each branalt of medicine and medical sur - ;cry, and were instructive in the hi.;hest dcr"roe. The next meeting of the aooiety will be held in Exeter, Fug. G. T. R. Time Table Tbo time of the arrivals of trains going north and south are as fol- lows: - GOING NORTH lAMOUS BY FANNIE M.LOTHROP %Cie N- LAI+,. e,.eeeve.M Ce, tfroP.!NCE NiGHTiNGALE The Angel of the Crimea in her home in tits West End of London. passing the days of the late Autumn of her life in an !eyelid chair, lives a white•halred, sweet•faeed, kindly -voiced noble woman, whom the world knowa as Florence Nightingale. Born In 1820 in Florence, Italy. the daughter of a wealthy Englishman, un- der his lovinr bearable she mastered the cidstics and literature, became a good musielan and learned ce:eral inngu:; rs. She ;tail a genies for helpfulness. a coneccretlon to humanity that found expression le sweet ministrations of love anti Ore of the sick and suffering. In nursing she sew a nob:e career for women and to 1849 went to a Protes- tant school for 'arses. on the Rhine. On her return to England she as- sumed management of a sanitarium for invalid governesses. In 1851 Eng - TO CURE A COLI) iN I)NE DAY land was roused to a white heat of indignation by the revelations of the hor- Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tab. rors of the hospital service of the Crimea. Government incompetency. lmhe- lete. All (rutegiste refs'( the mon- elle red tape, rascally dishonor and criminal neglect In treating the sick and ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove'. wounded soldiers made more war 11elf a paradise of 'terry by contrast. s gnature ie on each box, 25e, 'A Huron Boy's Success. -We con - elite Mr. 11. Freeborn Johnston on winnin,t the Edward Mike echo- Inrship in Classics and Mathematic, at Toronto University Matriculation. Mr. Johnston stood second in Gen- er.al I'rof--iency, first In Classics and J1 at h,ntntic+. second in Mathe- ?)ante's Inferno seemed a mi' t hit of imagination in the face of the real hor- rors at Scutari. with four mils of beds huddled In one three rtnry house. Florence Nightingale volunteered to had a hand of women to transform the hospitals in the name of humanity. and In November, 1854. with thirty- eight nurses she rearhe•I Scutari. HIer magic touch brought order out of thane: the sunshine, aweetnest end soothing peace of woman's work fllltd the room,: the ghastly mortality was reduced to a minimum; soldiers welinded and dying kissed the rhndow of the angel of the Crimea as It fell aeroes their counterpanes or reverently touched the hem of her garment as phe mimed near them. Often for twenty hontre at a stretch she stood giving her orders -the noble leader of her little army of peace; and her kindness. wisdom. swcetneps. energy. influence and Inspiration seemed Ine.hsnstib'e. For two years she kept app the fl:;ht and with health impaired rehtrne•i to England, elemninfr all publlelty. The (50000 testimonial tendered her by the peop:e. she refused. lint finally accepted to found a training school for nurses. fly penny subecriptlons the soldiers secured enough to erect a statue to her memory. but this. too. *LA rejected. For nearly fifty years sh° has hewn an 1r,valid, and yet this "Grand Old Woman of England," a1 the age Of eighty -Ave Is still selene, sweet, helpful end contented, with a name that will 1 be hallowed as long as the -British army and the British nation shall endure, Ewt.t•1 ee 5:ll.r N Art Mia., r Ai,MM al P•••44,14 tn..-,r Irv. r1 R. ext, s1 1J. p.r.nmeot of a,rkaiteea " It seems as though my hack would oreak." 1Von►en utter these worts over and over again, but continuo to drag along anti oilier with aches in the mush • to ► 'de of th., hack, pain low down n in tl e'er t "bearing -down" pains, nervousness ami no ambition for any task. They do not realize that the back is the mainspring of woman's organism, and quickly indicates by aching a dis- eased condition of the female orbrens or kidneys, and that the aches asci pains will continue until the e11119e is removed. Lyedia E. Pinkhaut's Vegetable Com- pound has been for many years the one wad; only effective remedy in such cases. It speedily cures female organs and kid- ney disorders and restores the female organs to a healthy condition. Dear airs. Pinkltam "I suffered a long time with female trouble having intense pains in the back and abdomen and very sick headaches every month. f was tired and nervous all the time and life looked very (Wary to me and I had no desire to live until 1 began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and to get some relief. My recovery was slow but it was sure, and 1 never regretted the money spent for the Compound as it brought me hack to good health. 'It seems to be a medicine especially adapted to the ills of our sex and I am glad 10 say a good word for it." -Mrs. Albert Mann, 164 (lore Vale Ave., Toronto, Ont. No other person can give such helpful advice to women .who are sick as can Mrs. Pinkham, daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkhain. Her address is Lynn, Masa., and her advice free. Executors Notice FARM FOR SALE EXECUTORS SALE OF MILL PROPERTY -The executors .of the estate of the late Henry Cook will offer for Salo by public auction by Thonnas Rrowt., Soaforth, auction- eer, on the premises, Wedncsday.12th day of September, 1906, at 2 o'clock p. ni., the property known us the Hensall Flour Mille; property con- sists of a four-story frame grist mill, brick basement crud steel roof, situated on Wellington street in the vial • re of Henttall. county of Huron; the elevator in connection can store about 40 tons of shorts, 80 dons of bran, two or three care of flour) eight to ten thouwend bushels of whoa( ; brick enzine-room ; Corliss engine 16x36, bother 14 feet by 72 in- ches; f name woodshed, twill hold about 150 oords of wood ; frame con/ shed, will hold about 300 tons of coil ; has ora -1 elevator for unloading coal by steam power : mill is lighted. by electricity with an eighty-light dynamo; capacity of mill, 150 bar- rels; busy all the Yell* with good trade: large cioppine. gristing and retail trade; this mill is located in the best whoateerowine distriot in western Ontario, and has zood con- nections with a number of leadinx bis.uit manufacturers: b.; demand for feed; 'rill is situstted on G. T. 11. 4 rocks : jam . teaming required. Rodeervillc Dwelling Properly. - There will oleo be offered for scale that 2 1-2 story brick dw•elline, with brick kitchen, stable rind ono acre of land more or leas, situated on Lon- don rend, on Southeast corner, 1 1-1 miles south of Ilenyall, known os the Ito;ervilie l'ostoffice property : terms of stile, 25 per trent of the pur- eleiso money in cash on tate day of pale, and balance. thereof within thir- t v :lays therrofter, without interest, or :arrangements cnn be made with the purchaser for the securing. o[ n portion of such balance by way of ntoN z•t.;e on the premif es ; poases- s:on Oot. 15, 1900; further Tr:(rticu- 1rtrs may ,be obtained on application to any of the undorKrned. L.ttrd at Ilene -all this 14th day of August, 1906;. H. J. D. Cooke, executors solicitor. Catlinrine and Cornelius ('ook, executors. 1V(M)1)11AAt -- Nit-. .1 rales Mi)Jer lout a valuable horse on Saturday Inst. Mr. and Mrs. I,. Ford spent Fri- day in 81. Marys. ALicdraeil lirethour is busy repair - n for tho fail faint will reopen her drew'. en September 3rd. TCIO IFI. TA.. 1Ne Y,Ind Yon MN Alas Mel in; /chow zr.ti Miss White nrakin r shop ads Iwo tin •ipato» of 'WARM FOR SALE,_-'1•ttat excellent farm land I.ot 9, C ncseaion 10. t'sborne, containing 100 acres. about 15 Sones being good butch. This farm is in excellent condition, first class Stell, windmill, burn, etc. not farm itas been sealed to grass for a number of years and was used prin. chatty for pasture. The fences are in good oondition. Apply to Wm. Croery, \Vinohelsea ; Robert Berry. Kirkton, Executors of estate of the Ia.to Itobart Creery. FARM FOR BALE. -That excellent farm, Lot No. 17, Concession 8. lit ric,letrd. consisting of 104 acres, well drained. belt fenced, with large brick house of 10 resents, two large cellars, two excellent learns and drov- ing ,;bed, boa pen ett,I ben house, 2 never -foiling LveIls. All this farm in in goad state .of cultivation, with 13 acres of summer fallow. Possession .•1111 IX: given at once. Apply to Mrs. Thomas Varnish. \\rrollvam, for par- ticulars. FARM FOlt RENT. -Lot four, con. twelve, A1cGit•livt !y. About 75 gores itt grass and under cultivation, reeceeinder in bush. Good clay loam' Coot fences :and drains; oomfortablo house; .two food triune barns ; .zoom water. Apply to It;cd•rard ,Blackwell ,Mooresville P. O. or Gladman & 8tanbury, Barristers, Exeter. When a woman suffers from do- plressing ,weakness, alio then keenly realizes bow helpless -how thor- oughly worthless she is. Dr. Shoop has brought relief to thousands eta such women, llo roaches diseases Pee culictr to women :in ham, direct, spec_ ifio sways -tet local treatment known) by drug;ists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's night cure, and a aonetio tutional or internal prescription cafe led Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Dr. Shoop's night cure is applied fowl.; ly and at night. It works while you sleep. It reduces inflammation, it stops disoltergcs, it heals it troathcs, it comforts, it cures. I)r. Shoop's Pestoretivo (tablet or liquid form) is .t constitutional, nerve tissue tonic. It brings renew- ed strength. lasting ambition and vigor to weak, lifeless women. These two remedies. singly, or used together, have an irresistible, perie tivo helpful power to the user. Try them a month and sere. Sold by W, S. Howey. THE BEI TEIEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA is about to issue n new Telephone Di- rectory for the district of Western Ontario including the town of EXETER Orders for new connections, changes of firut names, changes of street ad- dresses or for duplicate entries should be handed in to the local manager at once, A (1ARCHAND Local Manager. In Womanly Ailments and Weaknesses Dr. Shoop's Night Cure Soothes HMIs and Cures while the Palled Sleeps. • The best remedy which physicians knew fee le W eekaeems Is composed of pares of s In white 11)7. To this are added 0 fes which draw wit the poisons and • laflamied membranes. Ties sootbtng W e local application la known by drug t• and Physicians e,eryn'htre a. Da. S006p'ti $troaT Ctrka-becauseit cures while the tra- morainic flogs ape tion. the Mach many women Glen steeps and the Iteib. inflamme- d. The lives of s Of martyr• ate Dick, don. Trey tbey never s *.11 day -yet alt thl. suC .ed .totpsneo 1 (l l r i i �� uooere. s.ery ailing till aaa4e . troog I I I` I 1 I to et• J r and vl• epos sed perfcc tttta00d IL fa to 1 l l I -f' ing Dern lrrr' Shoop sends\ fife and gn t0 'sick and aping women ,N�t Cv*i will cnmc• :as w Rite Of 01 eons, 501 knr,w ..w- trouble by 1•e lytIclans glue it. bet r.member Dt? ' I 9tt'r Cuda map he r•,•d upon In wl1 •'' b1�atation, faith : ..1 the wo(sb, . ff' • b or °Tart•.. Iaueorrbnse. �`, anon. cons.s ...-1. irregular or t, t, t Wi�eytlk$tton. Ask for Dr. Snoop's T . s. Recommended and •ta14 by NV. S. I if )WI:.Y. en smel►'p s moieties tfe tlf btaltb APo- thls eve lar of suffering,* els menage o eheer. It 1. that Da. Sao NNNNeerNt►eeeeNeN�N THE !'1OLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) CAPITAL PAID UP •••• •• •• • 53.000,000.00 RESERVE FUND • • • • • • • • S3.000,000•00 18 Brancbeer in Ontario, Quebec. Atherta lrriti.h Colombia and Manitoba EXETER BRANCH Open every Lawful Day from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. rxreyt Saturday 10 A. Ir. to 1 r. 0. Farmers' Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied On ST+Pticetlon. DRAETs on all ).oit.t. in the Domicile.% Orcwt Britain and Un• Ited State+, bought and sold at lowest rates of ezrhantre, BAVINOM DEPARTMENT Deposits of *1.00 ani upwards reeejved. interest com- pounded half yearley, and addict 10 prirnrttal Jnne 3i11.td December 31.t. De• posits fterelpt. also Issued and highs• -t rnrrent rat., of Interest allowed. Advances made to fanners stock dealers and hasineen men at lowest rates and on meet fa%ora).1e tern+-. /teem, et Fetter for Dom.0ovetnment, Dlckfon & Carlirg, 111 ( icer, N D HUM CON, Manager. •NN ••K t 0 i• 4 1 1 1 4 1 4 4 •