Exeter Times, 1906-08-30, Page 5THE EXE'1 eJR TIMES, AUGUST 3Otll lDOti. SHINGLES We have just received a carload of British Columbia red Cedar Shingles and one cf Now Brunswick Shil:gles and are now in a position to supply your wants in this line. Parlod woofing We are agents for this original Ready Roofing, it is used on barns, factories, in fact any building that need a good ro . Ask us about this roofing and ger a circular. L VU. VExt Lr. T� oss-Tulor6O.__________ ree•+*.a'++++.+++++± The Osborne and flibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. 200 TonS of all kinds of old scrap iron wanted at M. Jackson's EXETER We will pay the highest cash price or exchange fence posts for sante. M.JACKSON &SON Main -St. Exeter. I One door south of Metropolitan Hotel. the + Y&DICAL__ ONW. BROWNING, M. D.. M. C. • P. 8e, Graduate Victoria Uni- =ty. office and resldenence. Dominion, atary, Exeter. DR. A, F. MALLOY, MEMBER Clam ONTARIO COLLEGE PHY SI- A. Moilins.nd Oftica Main street. ocessor J. t en first street north of Poet Office, Exeter, Ontario. DRS. Y. AND H. M. COWAN, 394 Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. Telephone 153.8. Long distance connection. Special attention git en diseases of women and fi�eery. Ox!bh) or C. P. It. Street Care to polbotoe ,.treet eke you almost to the door. Mo ethertvarra lgeineer city lce. nts fors patients frocial m and ma distance. DENTAL - DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. OpD. S. D. D. 8., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects. Ofllee In Fan - eon's block. West side of Main tsa•tt,"Exeter DR. D. R. G. F. ROUI ETON, L. D. S., S., Dentist. Member of .R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. O,VICE:-Over Dickson & Carling'a Lew Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. i''iONEY TO LOAN. We have • iarge amount of private funds to Ma on farm and village properties at lowrata. lateiM>. OLADMAN R STANRUItY Barristers Solicitors. Main St. Exeter. DICKSON & CARLING, e Bol' -store Notaries Conveyancers Qommissib cr•, Solicitors for the Molaone k. Etc. to Loan at lowest rates of interest. 1rTICE i -MAIN STREET, EXETER. L. H. DICKSON IL CAALT116 R A. iIIIII0MAti (CAMERON, CONVEY• aneer, will] drawn, money to loan ' is real estateet. also licensed Auctioneer for es moderate. Orders'Ieft at the'ertb7IMon and PS )t atrmy residence, Farquhar will receive promvt alt en moo. MONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for Inveat -Ma upon farm or village ;roperty at loan Mos -f ,nom DICKSON & CARLINO Exeter Harsh, purgative remedies are Last giving way to the gentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver „Wds. if you try them they wilt ccs ainly please you III r r 1 IIIDI 1111 MOM i tr II 1•:•9-7,1 w _-411 Ilii II Mal 1 1 ■ �ttstavei %"«••,%.^.. I LLON SINGE -STAY FENCE ttin!R1. The 1,11i.n Iiiw.aST.tY Tr,eletmie Of MOS 5 I.01 steel 211T1'. 21,-I c .1•.1 1.. pr.t.rt 11 1.1 ,1 t',. r.' . t..4 ro. trf.tl. n 8,:1 ex- Wostratcd u:eSo,•ue tree- 1.-.-e wets ereaVel r-dL0 MCC C • ►.trdsio. W. J. BEAMAN Agent. Exeter Pres.: -J. A. NORRIS, CROI/ARTY P.O Vice -Pres.: J. L. RossELI„ RUSSELLDALE. P. O. DIRECTORS. W. H. PASBMORE, FARQUHAR P.O. Wm. ROY, BORNHOLM P. O. WM. BROCK WINCIIELSEA P. O. t T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. O. AGENTS. JOHN EMERY. Exeter. agent for Ueborne and J3ilidulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. agent for Hibbert. Fullerton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Se cy.Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & STANBURY. Solicitors Fail term opens Sept 4 In deciding to get a business edu- cation or shorthand training, it is wise to )c,haose a school that is well- known for strictly high,,rade work. The TORONTO, ONT. is well known us one of the best Commercial Schools in existence. Its record this year has been most re- ma:rkablc. Nono of our graduates aro out of positions and the demand for them is about twenty times the supply. Write to -day for our mag- nifioont catalogue. W, J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Oor. Yonge and Alexander Streets OUR PIANO SALES For the past month have 'teen very satisfactory both to our- selves and our customers. This we attribute to our exceptional good values and easy terns of payments, OUR GOODS are the finest the market affords and our terms most liberal, Do not listen to the ;ten who say all manner of evil of us but call and see and judge for yourself. Sewing Machines Our Sewing Machines are O. K. Also a fine Lino of Statio nery Cheap. S. MARTIN & SON A TRIP THROUGH THE WEST. \Ve left Banff Saturday, for Cal- gary. The road rens °Long the Bow river, is not much of a ftrming.dis- trict, nothing tett r,isturine of hors- es 'and cattle. We reached Calgary about 1.30 1'. M. In this town we met some of our old neighbors. W. J. Gourley. formerly of Kirkton ices a very prosperous blacksmith, do. ing the lar)geat trade in the ,city jn his Zine, employing j7 men. He has got a lot of property around him. \\-e also met .f, 1', Ross, one of our old townsmen. Ile looked as well a:, ever. Mts. (toss and family are well and like 1Lcir new home. They any they will have to send down to hetes for some conned goods when the Exeter Inning factory thele started. Fruit 's very tear in !this • ,a�:rroc1.uu,r,1te1...,...•a l) 00 Mors A\egetable 1.1:n:Iratioltfor As- sinlildting L1r •:oci�lrt,Rcgutit- ii1►p time 5tomr d 1 amu! Bowels of I t:1,KT HJLDRl N Promote sDi stion,C•heerful- ness andRest.Contai ns neither Oplum,Morphine nor lateral.. NOT NAIt::OTiC. JBlgw a/Afd Irse,: L72 P!7C1 1 ilay.l. Ja 1- AUX 'trine • Alin Sod • lipperraint Eh rwm do•J,,Lm • ?lino Steel - C/rdF: d JufiF . IIS,eiyesw Dara: Aperfect Ilcinrdy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stu etc h.I)iarrboea, %forms ,Convulsions, feveri sh- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY of WRAPPER. • CA$TORI For Infants and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of u For Ov Thirty Yea CASTOR! T,.[ c[MT.L,1 ce-.AA1T. M[t/ YOAK CIT I over sett•, the cattle +evading in grass up to their knees and as fat as butter. This is the place for a rancher. Between Red eager and Ewart is all small scrub and large ewer. There is a largo saw -mill in Red Door, and have any amount of logs, which cure brow; he down the river fully 70 miles. This town is like all others, property being held far above its value. A. E. ILODGERT IT ICINGS IN YOUR EARS. That some cough is everywhere you zo. deep and hollow because con- sumptive. F.i,ret 'it was oat.arrh which could hove !been cured by Cat- arrhozone Moral, never neglect a cold, never trifle ;with Oatarrh, go to your druggist land •act Catnrrho- zone. ht's instant death to colds, cures in a few minutes. Throat trouble and catarrh disappear as by magic. C,xtarrhozono is the ' great throat, nose end bronchial remedy to -day. Thousands use it, doctara prescribe it, -why, because it does relieve quickly and cure thoroughly. Two sizes, 25c. and $1.00 nt nil deal- ers. EDUCATIONAL NOTES As Monday, Sept. 3rd is a statu- tory ;holiday. public school work will bo deferred until Tuesday. Sept. 4th alt 010. m. when every scholar in the l'ublio school section, <rnd gverj' student desiring to eater the fli:gh -school department is re;nested to present themselves for plarin3 and introduction to the work of ;the germ. About two thirds of last sesaion's number in the High school department have app( ed for desks. Those who have not dome eo should promises to be a very full one. The staff of appointments for (ho ensu - in; year year are as follows: 11. f9. de ►a.rtment, L. C. Flcmine, I'rinci- pt ,with Miss A. E. Dorrington and h ss A. F. f:hid1ey as first and tee- cond assistants. The public school staff aro represented by Mina C. Voepor, Miss Walrond, 5liss McCtI- lum, Miss Howard gond Miss Martin. the most of whom have proved themselves in everytriy worthy 4y years of :genuine and effective work. 82,800.00 is the vino re con(ribution to 1)10 work of the Pchoo1. When one remembers that the salary list alone totals four thousand and other expellees nearly a thousand irnore, the evidence is ample Ihat no waste of funds is permitted by the board - The school in tnnint tininz its fine record for good work :tad is now fic- in; looked to by a 1uc itionml author - city Qpples being 8c, per `pound. ipities throuzhout the Province as n 1 have driven Ground Stere a proal deal centre of first rate importance in the and hate noticed that farmers, int drawing in their hay, nae a wood rnxk, with side stakes all the wily round. about 4 feet high. The rel. son for this is the hay is too *short to build on a hay tack like thee;( used in Ontario. Wednesday we left for Cro sfield. This place is on tate Told to Edmon- ton and is surrounded by some very goal band, whirs resells from :110 to $30 par erre. Looking nround here till night we left for fled Deer. There is some (good country nlonz this track. The land 1s nearly all acruh,thia is whit 1 did not like but they way tout here 1 R where educational work of the province. This week cleaninz operations are in 1roeress and everything is expected 10 bo in rr1 dincss for the hundreds who will wend their way on .d he nlornin f •of Tuesday, Sept. -Its, to 11e, hills and beautiful ;rounds of Exeter'.: Putties school for another yell. of hard work and leen hfull play. Honor and peas students in the Commercial Department tnay re- ceive their diplomis on npplicetion to the Seare tary. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative 'Tromp Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund Ibe mon- this grow- is the (rest of land. ev if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's On arriving at Hod i)eer, we met signature is on each box. 25o. with an old retuaintatroe, Mr. A. \ic- Itl:,in, from the 12th conecateou, 1(1h - herr. Ile is es 'hnppy as a free :to clover. 1 hove just driven about .id miles vest to el place battled Ev- er, s. 9') ere is •a ideal country r ourd 1 hi., place. It is ns yet about 20 miles from a railroad. They have the F: teat ureas for olefin Huron ^trey's Success. -We con - ere 'nate Mr. 11. Freeborn Johnston on stinting?: the l.1w•ard Blake sah'o- larship in Clnssi.a and Mathemati.'a al To:»ole► University Matriculation. Mr. Johnston stood second in Gen•- oraI I'rofiaienry, first in Ulissica and Mit )Ic11111.- . second in Methe- To Cure a Cold in One Day. 'Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab ets.�� � sive. It/11os bows said In wt 12 'months. �r signature, box. 25c. matios and Science, first in 'Mathe- matics and fteoond in Science. Ho is the eldest son of Mr, Wm. II. John- ston, teacher of S. 8. No. 14, Stanley. and ;grandson of the late !Henry Johnatron, of Ashfield. Freeborn ob- tained his Public school education et his father's school, passing the 4f. 8. entrance examination in 1900. He remained in the Public school until the beginning of 1904, whin be en- tered Clinton C. I. and secured his Junior Leaving Certificate in that yeah. After another year's study at Clinton, she ,obtained both parts of his Senior Teacher's ccrtificnte in 1905. Ile .went to 8eaforth C. I. in September 1905, and studied Honor -_ Mr,. E. Jones is visiaiu; her d;ur,hter :et 1Iaple Lode. Mr. Jo.a lbiuuaey ,will 6011 toy pub- lic auction his valuable farm :,sin; , t tri front i1131 t Of lot 20, con. 8 htephen, ou \Vednesd,ly• &I't. 'Chiu is a first clnss tarot and is ttell cutlivated. S1. Marys. Au.ust 27.- rile voto on the by-law to advance $40.000 to- w;•rdr buit,j;jl ,1 3 -Jilt -old from St. Marys to Embrt, tt is tarried hero 10 -day by a majority of 414 votes. The r,ilrrxld, which is (0 1)("! celled the St. Marys and Western Ontario Railroad, is to inset ;the C. 1'. R. at I•:mbro, and the C. 1'. It. have agreed to ;feet the said rood at limbo and agree to operate .t tie rod as soon as it is completed. run- ninL trains into and out of St..Marys • at stated times. The citizens acro very much earned over the Tesults of the sotin� and feel that as soon as the C. 1'. It. trains enter St. Marys it will mean an era of pros- perity such as S1. Marys has never even. • t • e ,D�t HICK'S FORECASTS. A Regular Storni l'eri,at is tee- tral on September the lst., extend - up to the 4th. The month; promisor to oomo in with aroa8 of high Aetna perature, low barometer and storms making their transit from east to west. The climax, or culmination of this period will fall on rand touch- ing the 2nd. the date of - 1`. ha full Moon. If high barometer rind west- erly (pales follow (hese storms. look for •olwnge to touch cooler with frosts possible in the north. But the -Moon does not pass 'the celestial eluator coming north, until the 0th. strong- ly indicating that high temperature and threatening. electrical storms may not subside entirely at the end of the first period. The lst. to the 4th. is .;tlso 0 probable seismic per: iod. THE MEETING OF TILE MEDrr al•1 men hold .in Toronto 'last Week Was the most important neeline of the members of the .art ithat ever took place and teas attended by the zroalest living representatives. A- mong those who were present and ;are addresses were Sir tW. .11. Broadbent, of London. Eng., physi- cian to the King ; Sir James •Barr, Liverpool; Sir W. S. A. Griffith, London, En,., Sir Viotor .Ilorstey, London. and other notable , tphysi- cians. There were representatives from New 7.eub'tnd. Australia, Japan, South Africn, Egypt, Italy, Germany Franoo,U. 8.. Great Britain and Can- ada. Leol.ures were given on each !branch of medicine and medioal eur- ,aery, tend were instructive in the hrehest derroe. The next meeting of the Eooiely will be held in Exeter, Fns. G. T. R. Time Table ale t r iou t ion work, with the result that ho has won the`higli honors giv- en above. 1Lr. Johnston ms on* 18 years of age. We wish him 'meccas and a goodly share of honors during Tho time of the arrivals of trains going north aad south are as fol- lows: - GOING NORTH No. 31 ...... 9.30 A. M. lois University career. Ilis ability, No. 33 ...5.54 P. M. integrity and diligence no n Atu- GOING SOUTH dont are n guarantee of success in No. 32 ...... 8.35 A. M. after life."-Godcric.h Star. No. 34 ... ... 5.05 P. M. j e, te.1.. M.,ww,,w Q. Fromm Ni ,HTMTGALE The Angel of the Crimes Irtain her home In the West End of London, passing the days of the late Autumn et her life in an lasalld chair, lives a white-haired. sweet-faced, kindly -voiced noble woman. whom the world know; as Florence Nightingale. Dorn in 1820 in Florence. Italy. the daughter of a wealthy Englishman, un- der his levint• tutorship she mastered the clasalcs and literature, became a good musician and learned several Taegu:set s. She Lad a genies for helpfulness, a cona':rration to humanity that found expression in sweet ministrations of love and care of the sick and suffering. in nursing she saw a nob'e career for women and in 1849 went to a Protes- tent school for noise-, on the Rhine. On her return to England she as- sumed management of a sanitarium for Invalid governesses. In 1854 Enc - !and was rowed to a white heat of Indignation by the revelations of the hor- rors of the hosp'tal service of the Crimea. Government Incompetency. imbe- cile red tape. rascally dishonor and criminal neglect in treating the sick and wounded soldiers made mere war itself a paradise of mercy by enntrsst• Dante's inferno seemed a mild bit of imagination In the face of the real hor- rors at Scutari. with four miles of twits huddled in one three -:'tory house. Florence Nightingale volunteered to had a band of women to transform the hospitals in the name of humanity. and in November. 1854, with thirty- eight nurses she rearhe l Scutari. Her magic touch brought order out of chaos; the sunshine, eweetnesi and soothing peace of woman's work filled the rooms: the ghastly mortality was reduced to n minimum; soldiers !rounded and dying kissed the rhadow of the angel of the Crimea as It fell across their counterpanes or reverently touched the hem of her garment es she passed near them. Often for twenty hours et a stretch she stood giving h<r orders -the noble leader of her little army of peace; and her kindness. wisdom, sweetness, energy. influence and inspiration seemed inexhausHh'e. For tan years she }:opt ftp the flglt and with health impaired ro•urneel to t nglnnd, shunning all publicity. The 150.000 testimonial tendered her by the peop'e, she refused, but finally accepted to found a training school for nurses. By penny subscriptions tho soldiers secured enough to erect a statue to her memory. hut this, too, she rejected. For nearly fifty years she has been an invalid, and yet this "Grand Old Woman of England," at the age of elrhty-five is still serene. sweet, helpful end contented, with a name that will ha hallowed as long as the British army and the IJritlsh nation shall endure. 1ntn' 1easflat t. .41) I' r1 •et oee,n. n, la th. r•,r 122,►, w,C fret, .1 11.►rM"ment or Atrleeliser What is a Backache? IT IS NATURE'S WARNING TO WOMEN Diseased el Waaa's Oryaalss Curd tad Ceesegaest Pale Stopped by Lydia L rfail- 'a \'eeetapk G� osad. p " It teems as though my back would tweak." Women utter the;,, words over and over again, but continue to drag along and suffer with aches in the IQ null of the hack, Lain low down in tlw'side '•t>eariug-clown" pains, nervousueas unel no tunbition for any task. They do not realize that the back is the mainspring of woman's organism, and quickly indicates by aching a dis- eased emulation of the female organs or kidneys, and that the aches and pains will continue until the cause is removed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound has been for many years the one and: only effective remedy in such cases. It speedily cures female organs and kid- ney disorders and restores the female organs to s healthy condition. FARM FOR SALE A choice farm in tic toss uship of ' ton, 75 (tares, gaol bank barn. stables end drive house. Five acres of maple bush. Goal d: filled well, • wit h wind mill. Good (,:•chard and all in high ratite of cul;ivati,on. For terms 51041 141rtiouhirs nr,l•ly to Thos. Catueron, Ear•puli;ir. VILLAGE PROPERTY FCR SALE: 11;11 acro in vilktgc of Farquhar - OH tt Eich there is erector! u Largo brick building fitted for store •anti dtcclliug, and ct neat brick coltase and stable will be sold rep:irtately or lin one block. T11O$. CA\LF:ICON hit rq uses r. Dear Mrs. Pinkhain "I suffered a long time with female trouble having intense pains in the back and abdomen and very sick headaches every month). 1 was tired and nervous all the time and life looked very dreary to me and I had no desire to live until I began to take Lydia E. Pinkhant s Vegetable Compound and to get some relief. My recovery was slow but it was sure, and I never regretted the money spent for the Compound as it brought me back to good health. "It seems to be a medicine especially adapted to the ills of our sex and 1 am glad to say a good word for it." ---Mrs. Albert Mann, 154 (lore Vale Ave., Toronto, Ont. No other person can give such helpful advice to women .who are sick as can Mrs. Pinkham, daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham. Her address is Lynn, Mase., and her advice free. FARM FOR SALE. -That erdehent farts lend Lot 1), Cenc**ai011 10. Usborne, containing 10t) acres. about 15 aortas being gond hutch. This 1 farm is in excellent condition, first class well. windmill, b_trn, etc. Tho farm 'lams been seeded to grass for a number of years and Was used prin. apally for posture. The fcncee are in good condition. Apply to Wm. Croery, \Vinoholset : Hobert Berry. Kirkton, Exeoulors of canto of IWei baste Robert Cresry. FARM FOR SALE.-Tlutt excellent farm, Lot No. 17, Concession 8. Blanchard, consisting of 104 acres. well divined. well fenced, with large 1 brick house of 10 rooms, two large cellar(, two excellent barns and driv- ing ,shed. hoe pen :and hen house, never -toiling welts. All this farm is in good state of ctlltlea lion, with 13 acres of summer fall %w. Possee.siots will be given at once. Apply to Mra. Tbom:'.s Garnish, W.co1hain, for par- ticulars, Executors Notice EXECUTORS SALE OF MILL J.'ltOl'ERTY-The executors .of the estate of the late Henry Cook will offer for sale by public nuction by Thomas Brown, Seaford", auction- eer, on the premises. \Vednesday,12th day of September, 1906, at 2 o'clock p. in., the property known as the ilensall Flour Mills; property con- sists of a four-story frame grist mill, brick basement and steel roof, ettutled on Wellington street in the will . re of Hensall. county of Huron the elevator in connection can "store about 40 tone of shorts, 80 •tons of bran, two or three airs of flour) eight to ten thousand bushels of wheat : brick engine -room: Corliss en3ino 16236, boiLnt• 14 feet by 7.2 in- ches: borne woodshed, twill hold about 150 cords of wood ; (name cont shed, will hold about 300 tons of coal; leas opal elevator for, unloading toil by steam power : mill is lighted by electricity with an eighty -light` dynamo: capacity of mill, 150 bar- rels; busy all the year with good trcede: large chopping. gristing and retatil trade; this mill is located in 1 he best w)1oat- row•ine district in western Ontario, and has Toed con- nections with a number of !cedilla biscuit manufacturers; biz demand for feed; mill is situated on G. T. 1t. cocks: zoo teaming required. Itod3crville Dw•ellineg Property. There w'itl (ono be otfcred for elle that 2 1-2 story brick dwellin3, with brick kitchen, stable and ono acre of hind more or less, situ,etee on Lon- don raid, on Southeast corner. 1 1-1 utiles south of Ilensall, known as the ltotcrvillc 1lostoffice property; terms of File, 25 per teat of the pur- ehise money in cask on the day of site, and balance thereof within thir- tv,latys thcrfrafter, without interest. or arranzcmenls con be made with the pureluoser for the securing of n port ion of sties Ixilnnce by way of mort z -.t a on the premicees ; poese•s•- son Oat. 15, 1900; further particu- l'cci n Lire may Pe obtain(r1 on app i do to cony of the undor'r,i•ancd. Dated a1 Ilensxi11 this 14th day of August, WOG:. 11. J. D. Cooke. exec.tttorte solicitor. Gilharine and Cornelius Cook, ererl'l Or A. \VUOI)11AM Mr. James antler beat a valuable: hone" on Saturday Inst. Mr. and Mrs. 1.. Ford spent Fri- day in St. Marys. M.icheel lirethour is busy repair- ing show t.rrain for the fa11 fairs. Miss White will reopen her dress- nrmk:int shop on September 3rd. A.MTORTIL. Bean Ube iM itlnd You Hate Alva WI Minstar* et FARM FOIL HENT. -Lot four, con, twelve, McGi.11ivr,y. About 75 aores in grass and under cultivation. reirr'inder in bush. Good clay joani Coal fences and drains; comfortable house; .two _good frame barns;lyood water. Apply to lLrl•trd Blackwell Mooresville P. O. or Gladman & Stnnbury, Barristers, Exeter. \Vhen a woman suffers from de- greasing ,weakness, silo .then keenly, roalizea bow helpless -how thor- oughly worthless she is. Dr. 81100f1 has brought relief to thousands of such women. He Tenches discuses pe.• culi•ar to women ;an two, direct, spec-. ific ways --a local treatment known) by druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's night cure, and a otonstirt tuitional or internaI presoription oal4 led Dr. Shoop'( Restorative. Dr. Shoop's night cure is applied boasta ly and at night. It works while yotl sleep. It reduces inflammation. it stops disoh:►rges, it heals it smoothes, it comforts. it cures. Dr. Shoop's Restorative (tablet or liquid form) is a constitutional. nerve tissue tome. It brings renew- ed strength, lasting ambition and vigor to weak, lifeless women. These two remedies, singly, or used together, have an irresistible, poei-1 Live helpful power to the user. Try, them a month and stye. Sold by W. S. Howey. THE BE[L T[LEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA is about to issue a new Telephone Di- rectory for the district of Western Ontario including the town of EXETER Orders for new connections, changes of tient names, changes of street ad- dresses or for duplicate entries should be handed in to the local manager at once, A MARCHAND Local Manager. In Womanly Ailments and Weaknesses Of. Shoop's Nigbt Cure Soothes, Heels and Cures while the Patient Sleeps. The best remedy which physicians knQw f9R ale Weaknesses is composed of mini of a► yIn white 1111.. To this are added o las which draw out the poisons and , 1 inflamed membrane''. This soothing a p140 10011 application la known by drug le and physicians eseryweere as Da. SBoOYO •11100? CtrkE-because. It cotta while the pa - m o r n i n g finds the flea, the dUcen man women dom. They su3�r. they never k6ti� :o °11e yet 1)flll� allthisurs stale o an road( strong , t -mill ' • e to a:•' N ll ell pertenee r 1oA vl testily or ro- tI) kealile Wo. 1hls eve 11F o .uttertnitM hie message of cheer. ft is to that Da. see .rims sleeps and the the Inflamms- ted. The lives of sof martyr• y are sick, a c nese IA ivery 1 Ifo[ ��� Dust and perfcc laaheod. It is to ,C ti i t' o Ing numb r t e�D� Shoop scudo\ aaQ life and Ko NCkead atti ag women ?j$a r' COR. will come as a Halm Of 011 ,_Ott may not know yp(ivr trouble by t itclan. give it. bus remember Doe 0r CC1tn may he r••:,••,1 upon In all b tatlon, fapir:.1 the wo{pb. w b or ovarl•... ;-uoorrhoo. 1m (tion, convv,e:.,-. Irreguiar or libation. Ask fur or. stowed lsy 14. Recommeaded an,1 sold by NV. S. IIC)WEY. •N•NNNNNNNNN• •41• / ���� �•�•��N�����N TII B 1'1OLSONS BANK Ella (incorporated toy Act of Parliament I8.1;i) CAPITAL PAID UP •••• •• • •••• 53,000,000.00 RESERVE FUND • • • • • • • • • • • 53,000,000.00 18 Branches In Ontario, Quebec. Ali erta 11,1114) ('olnenbfa and Manitoba EXETER BRANCH Open every Iwwful Day from 10 A. M. to 3 T. M. exrcpt Saturday 10 A. M. t0 1 r, 11. Farrriere' Bole Notew cashed or collected. Forms supplied On application. D1IAFTs on all 1.0111. in the Dominion, Oreat Britain and Un• Iced States. bought and sold at lowest rates of exchange, 111AVINOA DEPARTMENT ► Deposits of 101.00 and upwards reteJ ved. interest corn - pounded half yearley, And added In prineiral June Smelted December 31st. De- posita lteeelpta also issued and highs -t current raze^ of interest allowed. Adwesticee made to fanners ptock dealers and business men at lowest rates and on greet favorable teen*. Akmnt. et Freer for Doth. Government. Dlckeon & Caritrg, 1,(1 ()lett. 14 D. HURCON, Manager. 14.••••••••NN•N•N•N•••eN•N!) •NR 2' -t,