HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-08-30, Page 1Sledding Stationery
1-13oong Ladies elle are it►tereated
JON wh t'is proper ja the matter of
'>tatiooery. far Weddilttg.. eboe4A see
` 0•r maple.. latest type Lam We
OW have them ready Is. a few beim.
it.11 you h eve any orders for print..
ing ,sof auy kine! just call us up pend
we will be plotted to louk of ter your
Call Up Phone No. 31
Phone No. 32.
Ladies' Cravenette
Rain -Coats.
A good chance to secure a Bargain in a very useful
article. Having a number of Rain Coats in Stock, broken
lines with only one or two sizes left. We wish to clear them
• out and in order to do so have reduced them to remarkably
low prices.
These are three-quarter and full length coats in Dark
Grey, Fawn and Olive shades. Following is a list of the
Lines that were $5.25 for $3.25
" 6.75 for 4.00
9.00 for 4.50
10.00 for 6.00
11.00 for 9.00
New Fall Jackets
We have received our first shipment of New Fall and
Winter Jackets and will be pleased to show them to early
New Fall Goods in every department. Dress Goods,
Tweed Coatings, Men's Suitings, Wrapperetts and Staple
Chicken weighing 2 1.2 lbs. 10c per pound
live weight
Old Hens 7c per pound live weight
Ducks 10c per pound dressed
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
Just received a shipment of "MARTIN"
buggies with rubber and iron tires. Call
and see them they will stand inspection.
Also have a number of good second hand
buggies for sale at a bargain.
A. Q. BOBIER, Exeter
Larry Gets Mixed Up
With Another Pic.
nic Party.
It tz eUstoivary for lcu,:e business
canters ',pike Bxctcr, Centralia an'
Elituville to celliirnte the fir.tt Mon-
day in Hiptimber cz Labor Day, whin
nobody hez army desoirc to wor-rk
'ocpt th' vo'ticc force an' th' town
c.!oek. But it ez different avid tle
fernier( who ez wor-rkin' anus. an'
inhto:td av silicti11' what Is celled
killer day. they ttilict n day fer
h twin' a who'.. shtick av fun, an'
do'n' it •roinht.
Oi %cue start/Win' feininst th' Cin -
11'0l wan afitternoon av lasht wake,
whin me (rind Paul Coates come
8h1ro!ling alone hummin'
Th' farmer rows hez crops.
Ilei wife, she sews Ilea clot ht's,
'rh' fctrntcr darns the winds
An' tit' good wife sterns hez hose.
farrier pitches in the hay.
But should he c.r,oss her whim,
Th' good wife trays nsoidn herr wor-rk
An' pitches into him.
eltegorra" Fez Oi "Ycz is rt good
singer Paul, and if yen would only
take a few lessons. th' churches
would be athter yez to jine their
c ho: rs.4
"Ia)rry" eez 1'nul "O'im not try-
in' fer th' leadership .)v nnny church
choir, but wux only hummin' bee
cause Oi'm on -engin' fer an outing
avid the hist adv ,nn rural acquaintan-
ces, nn' Oi intind takin' thins out
to 'th' Bind, where we oan picnic nn'
eo in shwimmin' widout lhtvin' to
UPC th' ordinary wash `tub to ;lake
off ih 'shtuff what gets rint.o your
ears, whose lukin' nfhtcr th' pitc.h-
ine end nt a threshin' bee. Ivery-
thine ex lukin' foinc on ,the fair-rm
tit' wind mill ex runnili' ivory min, -
nit nn' the corn ie so tall (Hint' tit'
cars hez to use a 'trumpet Tt•o lissen
to th' cxoo:tetncn1 what's loin' on
"01 wwoulal loike yez fo conic out,
an' ace that we don't •41't nixed up
wid anrty 11I' IBs:ons. art' put tis
nix( to th' bee piece. ilo ,to eavim-
Saturday wuz th' Any .r.t .aso:de
fer Paul's excursion, en' ez 1 h'
nutomobilly wuz lint away for :t new
injine, an' ez Bill Brimacombc: wuz
woe -Hein', nit' Oi diddent want to
;et him into Ix,d habits, Oi It,oircd
Jim Beer's push cart an' shlartcd for
th' 1*'tke. Ez my 1heip wusscnt m<ede
much taster Than th' L. •If. & R.
thrane roes, Oi diddent arroivo until
all th' pickles an' hard biled rex
sandwiches WIIZ devoured. tin' Paul
and Dick an' Frnnk Cottcs, an' Tom
Dickens, av I3idduiph, and bi1, an'
Dick, an' Jack Iiunter, accompanied
by PaulMadSe's (ccontitreent av
Tharnos Road rooters, wuz nhikin'
fer th' shwimmin' shpot.
They all made a bee Ione fer th'
misfit o!othin' parlor on the beach,
to ,et 10n1e av thim shkin ti. tt
pajamas what tit' funny fellow in
a► c:r'cus wears, so ez bo put on a
good appearance whin eivin some av
their ,acrobatic stunts in th' µwether,
Begone' yez would have shplit n
rib laffin' whin that regiment got
dressed, wid tit' clothes fittin' some
nv shim 100 Foon, specially Jitn
Airtlt an' Dick Coates, who wuz .1ry-
in' to foind tit' button place,; ntww•ist
their shoulder blades un' th' spinal
coil urns.
Afhter Alley wuz Lo:ucd up ,Si
Iiunter: st•z to me "Larry, be.sorra
if yez could :only foind *tome music
cowered with fly r•ltpecks. ,tit' oor-
1 V us a few ouetle8, w0: would make
a Boot 'repr•i.tiintation rev a Rube
Ez Oi wuz of wercd they' would be
:Hitter tryin' to ploy the fly specks
h a
ensIc d u v th'
notes,)i adl
t try
to i 5'( anny popular eelieti0ns, _ell'
Oi knew 13illy Oliver wudden1 slrbw
anny discords a bode he cz runn'itr,'
tit' t.o ice dep:artmint cit th' Bind, so
tit' only thine left fer thiol wwuz
to take their nnnwel,, inshtcad av
posing; for their fotyerafs.
13czorra, th.im ziut!emiu az good
shtwimmt'rs, an' f,ez would have
ttioneht tbete wuz a slitennr, th'
ww.ty 1 hey tnndt• the µµ.at it'.r hump on
tit' I►each, lit',rornt they ruffled (h'
µµ.Ives 1p much, that th' 11).1 II whet
runs III 'bolt diddent have tnuf
varve to slrtro:k0 as Landis' ,i1S0ido
t h' dock.
Oi v. HZ '•e(otied siveral tolmeii that
Tom i)ickens would -et outgoide th'
fore limits, er whatever see call th'
dauber lane, an' 1►orried wan av
op John Southcoit's (lotus in arse me
;tes:3t aitr3 true needed. Oi tried to
injoeee (lick hunter to use .►some•
w'tseline to k toe hire from eettin'
sunburned, teat bezorraa he wuz
DAYS uixt to the hasLt hrip top tit' Bind,
whin Oi ,•oi ell ...Muck u a wid th'
shtuff, ::n' ennywsv he sed he ens.
loo well ,rqueinttd wid tit' sun to
zive hire ill' 10:(10 step on Well at
Reduction acGacitYn this.
Afhter F)tbleehin' around :1 tone
to:nit' in 0Itout two feel! of wather,
an' Flt -telt'. off by (Bain', f!eetin nn
`eachale Now GoingQn8ch tokeg nort)rty docile!, ,their
l in th' sun, ca towels oz
charzod for txtry nn' there wu •c n;
.envy dry '0)118 unaryµµ Iy.
Oi cxlinded a gi e,ini invit Brion to
hent ill to .o over et' lake e Inok
throueli }terry ikwsenberri's now
tavern, .nt' thin Fhterttel for horse
ez Oi hid some platter+ to t Ilk over
wid Alf Wolters More stns;n' loitne.
We are making big discounts on Up•to-Date
ready.made Clothing Dress Goods
Carpets Crockery Wall Papers
Lace Curtains Sumner Underwear
Butter and Eggs as Good as Cash. -
TI.e fent mall 1 wi),r'nall j,layers
e'me up hd r e for 1 (! into Wednesday
night of lest week, µ,til •e determin-
ation of showing set 110% that .there
were n few things .I lawttt the Lime
they didn't know, &Rel evidently wore
COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea. r �'r' z Ccntr r-sre '' 1e i
Sudden Death of Miss; Decision Again Post.
Lilly Willis. i poned.
Very sad indeed was the sudden The Magistrate holds his de -
death on Saturday evening of Mies clsion in the Boblel' Case
Lillie Witlt•t, daughter of Mr. and Over tell days longer.
Mrs. John Willis, of Marlette, Mich.,
terrier' was
of Exeter.
Miss Willis •here last spring
visiting relatives and friends and on
her return took with her two chil-
dren of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyle
to spend a few months Miss Willis
drove from her home to the 'Mar,.
tette station last Friday with the
ohildren, leaving her horse and bug-
gy ata livery stable in Marlette and
accompanied the children to Exeter
intending to return do her home
Monday. She arrived here on the
6 o'clock 'train and watt met ut the
depot by Mrs. Boyle. The two la-
dies and children started to walk ,to
the Doyle home, stud after they :had
gone a short distance, Miss Willie
complained that she was unable to
go any Nether, ,and dropped the
grip site µus carrying. She immed-
iately collapsed and fell on the walk.
Tender hands raised her form, end
a messenger Rent for Dr, ,Malloy, but
before the doctor arrived Miss Wil-
lis had Attired. The body was taken
to the louse of her aunt, Mrs. ,Geo.
Eaonet t.
A telegraph despatch was immed-
iately sent to her parents, but dur-
ing ,Sunday no word was received,
the office nt Marlette evidently be-
ing linable to communicate with the
parents of the deceased.
Monday evening her father and
uncle, Robert Willis arrived in Exe-
ter, and it was deoided to take the
remains back to Marlette for bur-
ial, which was done Tuesday after-
noon. Mrs. Willis is said to be very
lo wat MarLotte. Besides her par-
ents the deceased leaves a brother
and sister to mourn their loss.
Miss \\'illis was born in Exeter 33
years ego and moved to Marlette
with her parents several years ago.
She was highly ,respected by her
many ucluaintances here who were
greatly surpri tel when her sudden
Beath was announced Saturday even-
I)r. James Ramsey, of Washing -
is vision; hie mother.
Master Earle Southoott le visiting
Mr. J. 1)insd.ite, nt Kippen.
Mrs. Wtn. Brown, ,of Nebraska, is
the guest of Mrs. Parry Parsons.
Miss Millie Martin left, Tuesday
for a short visit with friends in
Mr, .end Mrs. Isaac• Bissett .and
child, of Delhi, ure visiting relatives
in town.
1)11. J. W, 13I10\VNING RETURN -
cd Tuesday • fter ottendin?. f the
meeting of the Medical Association
•tt Toronto.
0011 was
o to soe tr
11 (1.040 struck hitu in the dee in-
flicdine :Iu rely gash about two in-
ches long.
Tire executors of the estate of
the tete Henry Cook, of Mensal!,
are offering for role a list of valu-
able eloper (v. The hale will be held
\V.sl►esday, Sept. 12. See executors
we're 1.otic4 in another column for
full i•:Ili^-Mars.
++++++++4• • '++-'t•+•:•+++++++++++
SLo 8 for Two Week s, -,I, W, Brod-
erick has 'lurch:tied from ,Gilllert
IIoutee, Exeter, 1,:s stock of .,boots
and sloe's on a low tate en the dol -
lir and )183 removed the shire stock
tie theto••• ,
s ,r ora^lour north of the
On Tuesday eveni::; Mr. Stanoury
received the fo!lowine telegram from
the Police Mu istrate: "The case
Ikavi's 1 ackiu3 C,pwpany' ►=::jn+t
Bobier adjourned for ten days, wait-
ing ixuticulars,-C, A. Humber."
The wee of Reeve A. Q. Nob.er teas
11 o finishod lost week when WC
went to press, In the afternoon
when court resumed, Mr. dtob:er nt
once oommenoed the evidence for
the defense. before a crowded court
room. Ho went into the witness
box end submitted himself and his
books to the closest ineuiry .and in-
vesl.il ation, answvorine the •eucstions
put to him in 0 c1A3r, decisive and
unhesitating manlier, thus making a
splendid impression on those at hat
hoard his story. lie told how he
received his hogs front the farmers,
voluntarily, he having no buyer
out eoliciting. Ile belated how it hat
on July 30th, '36 hogs wore brou;ht
in, and as these were not enough for
a oa:r-load they were kept oy him
and fed till the next week. For
these he ps.id 57.70 to the farmers,
instead of $7,40, as we stated last
week, and owing to the fall in psir
tees. the Itorriston people gave him
only 57.40 'i week later. On August
6th he grade up the carload paying
the farmers the top price $7.40 on
that date. Ile swore positively that
the Company got honest weight
from him, but that they had not tip-
i,.trently allowed him anything for
feeding the 36 hogs for the seven(
days, Several lively tilts took place
during the afternoon between Mr.
Stanbury, counsel for Mr. Dobler and
the Crown Attorney. but Mr. Stan -
bury POO MCA to Pain hies points every
time. and besides he kept his temper - -
admirably, which his opponent didn't
always. In fact it was a matter of
much comment :uttong .tho.:e present
that a Crown officer a1tould show so
touch feeling and make such bitter
statements and press so hart for
conviction on wbctt npenerod to he
a flimsy ease.
Several experienced log %raisers
were called by the defence to prove
that one pound per hog per day, the
amount for which Mr. Bobier had
collected extra from the Company
for the w•eek'A feeding was very
ant ill. Tho compka:inants had also
alleged tient 19 pounds (per hog MONDAY and
sltninkagu was excessive, but Mr.
Bonier submitted statements of oth-
er companies to prove that TUESDAY
times tete shrinkage ww•il1 •zd ns hi;h
ass pon 48 hours
unds per hog on
Tho addresses of the Counsel were
and eloluent, that of Mr,
I3ob;er's Counsel being specially
grotifyine to hie many friends in the
audience, who applauded vociferously.
to which the .Magistrate remarked
that Mr. 13obier seemed to ha'e the
nl ► la )
s t 'ry
v ,pf li oc unit
1 t un
Y n
After listening to 11)6 flims} (.0110
of the evidence of the prosecution,
and expecting a lkecision for Mr.
I3ob:^r, the Large nudicncc was some-
what surprised when Magistrate
'lumber ittlnouncetl that he w}w•ould
hand down a dcc•i,+ion in n week.
I'll^ genotnl tone of 'the farmers
who were in town in attenti.anc^ nt
the le:,t1 was thet Mr. Nobler had
alww•ew•s pad them the highest price
and had given them correct wt'izht
If you have any idea of investing ir. western Lands
write US. VTe have a large list of choice lands in
allhe bestdistricts.
If you have land you wish to sell write us and if your
land is good and price right we will find a buyer for
difference whether you want a quarter section
(160 acres) or 10,000 acr€s, we can supply you.
Pickard, Gundy & CO
Canada Life Building, Winnipeg
We Furnish Their Homes
After The Honeymoon is Over.
Dont't worry about furnishing the house, that prob-
lem is easy settled. Come in and make your selec-
tions, we will make your home handsome, artistic
and comfortable from cellar to attic at prices and
terms which will save you money and make you
happy for a lifetime.
Furniture Dealers and Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario
ALL Sllow
for their bogs, :,ttil that their faith
in :him was unshaken, notwithstand-
ing 'the fact Chit hie honor was eit.
-�_ The cOI)gre;rcali011 0[ the Victoria
130\VLtNG street Methodist church on Thurs.
slay evening, Auzu�t 11,th, presented
^-- V G r:r :1 r
.a r v. W. II. h n
•'r v t
t hc., r. t l e ,
1 0 ,
taoatot and
The succi is a geed one B•In in's rank composed of N. Dyer with ,a pt►rvc of .>;0.
new and up -lo date ;goods. The Burden, I%iad ;.I, Ito Vis, st•n0rad ; 1 • } 1
0(1(1p gale will commence „to -day. John :t(11 8 of I boutlo e, smut
'Chttrsday, 301h Ararat, :and cortin- W. (jy:t(tn)n, vice, skip; W, \\', T:en►1- with a fatal accident about N�o'clock
n, skip, ere now ciornieonrt for this \\'editesd 1}• morning, August _ nti. it
110 for two wrr!ks. (kill early and secson, llnvin4 defeated 1" other seems they were heeding in oats on
secure the rrtckfne tai; bargains. Job rinks twitched against them. The the \Vin gle farm, 2nd concession Mc -
,Jots w Il also Inc (Meted (It a rats. out La tt snatch wt .as trlaye11 llondn•v even- K'rllop. Mr. O'Reilly was on h ,'load
the do!.I:ar, Terme . c.'esh• lir. itg ind t;-uet,.1118 (01I ,w8 and in some manner he lost his
iiou will cent ewe the livlrness'.ausi- N• D, lturdlon \\ ue. Cavett baltnoe and fell off tiro load. strik-
Ileg9 cis usuel in the o!d stand. -.1. ,iB;s. Dtw•is \1's.,,, Ill.,trlifntti inKon his Ilona. tic rat upnndkwalle-
•:•}:••'r:++•;•++++:+:•+fv•t :• 1 r;•d•+ 1' .W. GI iils.n•tu !try. Win. It t.rtin ed n short dist'anre when he ,pollee -
w. W'. Taman (. t:, Sr:rnhury rail. Those± Leith him nt.rried hint to
IN ONTARIO .ONLY BRITISH Ilk;p 21 $kip la the sidle of the field .and Rev. A.
subjects :nary held on ,office, stun:- Ti'.':G:rchetor,•. and licraetiicts list, Mch•'on and Ilr. M1cGinu,v setas for.
cipal or 4.4hery 5(, which c•tll•s for bl.tw•ed a thatch on hn:day alt0rnnoii 1\'hen the doctor arrived rho un[or
the adntinistnit ion of an atilt. This in which the ilcreediets trent down --
is n um deuterium but is consider- to defeat.
ed a stove in the aright direction. Alas anti Aleck ! µ'hr n they ',at
Th^ council oleo hes power now Ota beck !
pi., a by-lnty brchibilin�� the sale There was no lie tie ,t\rirtkle in I_._I_J
trig tette on
of Lnanuls en11 fruit on the etre4ls tltc:r. eye.
from p)uela-t.-rls, and also to give to a ,1 W. I. Ilia, Rev. Collie
• T. I1. I3isoctt \'.. 11. Lcwe' 1
W. d1. 1(1,1(1tfr►rd C. lt. Stoll
\1', W,1%1'113"
"V".IInr11o" I Are YOUtllint:ln•r about putting111 a I3:�'Cli. If so con -
Skip 13 Skip 11
The MUSICAL EVENT of the Season
Comprising from 40 to 50 Pla y
ONE of the Strongest and Best Musical Combinations on the
('ontinettt, will play on the Grounds during the afternoon of
TUESDAY. 1)o not miss this rare Musical Treat.
there will aleo be an Entertainment in the Opera Houle, itt the
evening, given by this Band.
This Combination has toren secured at great expense by the Society,
and it is hoped the public will show their appreciation by turning out
in large numbers to the show, Tuesday Afternoon, and to the Concert
Tuesday Evening.
clargett n ,forei/net. ITndor the
new law the •eouncil may take lino_
ccedings to wipe Bout such pests .es
the t k moth 01111 cblrge t( ht'
.hat .Is a lo•:tl intprow•ement. 'rare
antcndrnent Io the art 01µw provides
for the putting clown of Love nenl8
by a ,µr' -Third vote of t r0un-
lunate man had pegged away. On
examination the doctor found that
some. of the lower rib -i on his left
side were fract toed and there „were
indications of a fracture of the
skull. In the opinion t f the doctor
n l wa h• excessive s o•k
dC 1 s. X GBU:Cd 111
and by internal' liemrnorh.agc, earned
by one, of the ribs piercing the
spleen. The renw•ins were itfter-
ww.eds removed Io less o)w it tiontc, just
sett h of Iteeoh',vood. Mi. O'Reilly
was 58 years of age, and ir'•sides .his
wife, lac leevt•s n family of Aix sons
and three daughters, ell of whom re-
side in this neighborhood, except one
son, who is in O'iGforni a.
rOlt .5e. st'1:SCHIIIE A ONCE.
cof N'r\ MODEL SCHOOLS snit us for PRICES.
'ihr ito ads of Eto miners for the(
County of Huron met in the Public
Rcleorl. Eatfo.rth, nn Saturday, Au; -I
list 251 h, to surras ze for lite ecssion
of the Model Rclooll of Godcrich and
('l;nton. All the ntctnbers were pre-
vc•t 716 'like! vine services in cion- sent.•
seeder n
,with Trivitt Mentorill it µns ill solved to odn►it students THE NEW IDEA Furnace for (goal or `VOO(l, ,Cf, one
ehurrh will be held on Sunday next, to the ModelI±choo!:+. w)vt will be set up on 1111' floor. We will be pleased to explain
Sept. 211. Service will be held at o'.,rlateen suers of Age ell or before,
110. m. ,11.1n
7 p. t . and 'service will the openin,1 of the lchonls CO the and 511Oµ the merits of this Furnace.Ce.
be held for the children in tlttSelrool autumn term of 1907.
ltoem :et :), The Rev. 11. T. 8. Boyle T<:achers boldinx cxljred Third!
M. A., II. I)., rector of \Vinzh im, class certi1,cntes i'. )4 '-dated re-'
lite of Chr;'t 'Iiurrli C.1115tdrn1 acww.eIs f. threej; a '.+Ce I
Mona':l, µdl Int+ thsberi)I bcthe a t iJ
cr, Th'e ntus'rit begote of the 's'rervireh- Sc1 - I
Furnace Work
avleett will be of a speei1I nit ure, a
is in r(,irze of Mr. Ilrfee n. ILe 111
ente•1 orrinat of the rhnrrh.
who'e rcrwi-r inrludinl the r
tivmna, etc., will he in ke'
the joyous season of It
eivinz. The church
fully decor 'ted
fruits, vt'zct:+
iinlnk off '
At Cost to Clear Out
Doors, Screen Windows, ',awn Mowers,
Netting, Four Second-hand Wood Stove's