HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-08-23, Page 8E R '1' 1 M E S, AUGUST 23rd 1904 STEWART'8 GETTING EADY FOIA FALL NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY .Just in direct horn the Old Land New I.inoleumns 2 3 and 4 yards wide New Wool Rugs all sizes New Tapestry Rugs all sizes New Door and Piano Rugs New Tapestry Curtains New Dress Goods all kinds New Dress Trimmings Swell Range Yes, Early Fall Stock is all here Ready for YOU We have just placed in stock a Lovely Lot of 108 -piece Dinner Setts direct from the Pottery in England, the values will 1'1' 20 to 25 per cent below regular prices. Will you drop in and see them. ` cr,,,( s!q Ie •Bring along all Your Pr. •.'al��''. 3- It's just as r „od • .(q sway.' • 1 ltld!1.up I\ . ogpoolq 4. In aiu s!q.l. •1• txa ' J �.�......,- :-.i,l ,COI( f1 l l I - ( mss ,{pt i r: 'Paull le "„)�n ,.. off �A t� ou 111.,, SrlIM T ono ,(1.►r.J tel. .ul 0Autl uaJnitt ? �a - `B he4-wopk she//y know them Pt On the merit of their performances alone are we willing to have them judged. Simplicity of construction, combined with a skill in manu- facture. which is the inheritance of genera- tions, make "TNA\;PATCHES good time keepers ant:,' consequently comfortable watches to Their efficiency is assured by a guarantee which ...Jilts the owner to have any constructional defect remedied free of charge by the nearest agent in any part of the world. They are not mace in grades which cannot be fully guaranteed. All Kinds of Repair- ing done Here Mdr6hdod .leweler n. • GOOD THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd, 1906 .•d••.••••••••NN•••NN• LOCALS i ***MN HASN4s• cLoTHING I Mrs. 1. Hissett, of Delhi, is vi it- ing ,relatives in town. - _-= i Miss Itlrc+a Orr, of London, is the - guest of Mrs. ilert Knight. 1)o not let all the Good Chances pass Miss Loraine Hooper, of Huft.tli, uou, if yoare likely to need a new it visiting ,relatives in town. u nit during the next six months, you ,Mr, Thomas Bissett spent dhi will he doing youself a favor by getting forepart of this weick in London• it now. I M.rs. Pcl(,r Gardiner, of Illy lh,Tis visilitlg; hor mother, Mrs. Halls.ake Advantage Mrs. Cholera, of F.gmondviltep visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Mc. - of our Special Discount of Lend. TWENTY I'i',it l'i:N'C. ! \1r. Clays. Knight, of St. Thom Is, is visiting his parents here this week. ' Miss Flnssn Mete.' left Sat artily Try to tit a %inn into a ready- for ;, wish with rel I1iwcs in Golk'- made Suit, we make the Suitrich. to Fit the Man and to fit hits' Mr. Frrink tluntw.II, of fiingstotq :as if it wets his own Suit --not visited friends in t during the a borrowed one. if You want week. to have the reputation of be- Mrs. J. a;, lousy and f Roily re. ing a correct dresser let 1'S do r utile(' from Grand Bend ort \Wednes- the Tailoirng for you. and you fray Will ever be sure of good Ma- terialt. good Fit, Special Work- manship and pet finish. WE DON'T W. W. Taman Marchant Tailor. isomer Ila Rahn w and 5- in'1. A(Im tile left last Thursday for the Nort b - Mr . J. G. Stanbury re1711nett home last tweak, otter a visit with her patens at Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lorne Scott re- turned from their honeymoon trip last Friday everting. 111t. \PILL JEI'KELL, OF JOIlN- stowu, Ohio, is the guest .of his par- ents. DR. Il. M. COWEN, OF LONDON. formerly of Exeter, i, ill inSt..1...- cpli's hospitui. A NUMBER FROM HERE AT - tended the 1)l.ruunr & Hailey circus at London on Thur::day, MISS MYRLE GOUGD, LEFT HAT- urday for Toronto to attend the millinery openings before resuming her poi:it:on nt Blyth. "CHIEF ITIIICA" IS TIIE NAME 1. Thomas Carling w ill hct:ar for a couple of weeks. on uccouut of his oaptltting the nu(LII ai (the ;Lull sho-t last Thursday averring. MR. IIAIIHY JONES. OF THE London Ito til, who has been (vile ill ix me. veriug nicely .and speedily and is 11,w able to get outsite his hous):'. MILS. ALF SBEERE AND FAM - in, who have Non living ill-Br,ant- tord for several months, have re- turned to Exeter and will take up their residence here again. EXETER WAS VISITED 1I\- A Novena I.•leetric.a1 storm Monday night, but very little thineore wall+ don.. The house of .John Harness was st rook by Jiglititina :old the bridge [wird torn {ff. IT IIAS Ill?I:N ESTIMATED TIIAT during the past 12 y(Irs over four thousand people have left Exeter for other parts. What u good sized town we would hove had we Nome - thing to keep them here. MR. ED. WILLIS WISIIES TO AN - flounce Vault he has every appliance for ,{laking wigs. switches, curls. etc. Mr. Willis is adept at this kind of work, clad to give hint :t trial, will ;flake you his customer always. WORD WAS RECF,IVF.D HERE on Thursday last sof the 'loath of itarvey, the fifth o -on of t he Hon. Thomas Greenway. nt Crystal City, Man. on the 14th front a severe at- tack of inflammation. WIIiLE MERVIN. SON OF JAMES Gould of Hay, was {working in t he field last Saturday one of the horses kicked hint in the leg mak- ing ;in ugly „tiaah, and necessitatin g several stitches to close the wound. TIIE: LADIES' AID ANI) EP- wot'th League, of the Main Street Methodist Church will give at Lawn social on the Church lawn next Fri- day evening. Muni- will Ix' fur- nished -by 'the Exetea Brass Band. TIIE GODERICII SIGNAL IN ITS report of the recent examinations, has the following to say of nn Exeter boy"Edwin J. Eicar•ot t, completed matriculation by passing a very creditable examination in French, his ma-rks being 73 in authors and 67 '.n compo?it ion. Mr. Eacrett was not during the past term a pupil of the Institute but received six weeks' couching from Mr. Strsnz. with ex- cellent results. A WEARY \WILLIE NAMED MC - Donald, was tont down at London last week for begging, representing that he w':18 deaf and dumb and oat rying a printed card %vitt' t he signatures of a couple of doctors. Since going to ,jail he has iregained his speech and con converse in three or four languasea. Ile is a husky locking ohap and can work. The same fellow was in Exeter some weeks ago passing around the same surd. A FEW .OF TIIE illO\WLE1tS went to the station Monday morning to meet the British howlers who not. enroute from Goderic.h to Lon- don. .The Brit'l*hers expressed them- selves as greatly impressed with the C:•tr•dians and tlicir hospitality, but one thing that they could not under- stand, and that was how we could have such hoe weather in the aunt - titer and the extreme cold in the winter. The bowlers were defeated at Goderic.h, THF. CENTi{AL BUSINESS COLL ege iof Stratford is on of the largest Business Colleges in the prOVinze. it is an old and well established school whirl' lino .•'_t o".I a 7r,.a1 thirty young men and women ion t lie rand 1x (uooeas. We save been in- formal that no other similar school in Onteri'o, graduates so in my and at the sane time such t large per• ecnt.agcof its students .Is the C. B. C. of Stettford. All pr:aduatea se- cure stood pooitions. Thome inter- ested in a practical education should write •the oollcge for a catalogue. The all lorn opens on Sept. 4th. hRANl, PERISH), OF GRAND Bend. an employe •)f t. he Ec.onomica( Threshing Company. Thames Mond, received An unfortunate accident on Thursday morning which w ill keep him idle for some time, find (muse himue m h inconvenience. The Com- pany's threshing outfit was work- ing nt Chas. Montieth'ti, and Periso was pulling some obstruction from the cutting box, when 'the machinery stnited. The knives of the machine severed the thumb and three fingers of his right hind. and injured the little finger. Perieo was taken in- to the louse, where the {rumen Fund up the injured member, rind he was then driven to I)r.11yndmnn, Exeter, for medical treatment. It %%75 necessary to use nn anaesthetic in order to dress his Hand, Dysrrsi Are You Troubled With ARM Indigestion, Heartburn ----OR--- Sour Stomach if so YOt' are just the person we want to meet. just a remedy ,t little Imtter than the ordinary. No rash experiment but a Scienti- fic ('ettainty. This prepare' r • ' helped a great many at.. ,... twubt it will help YOU, Big Relief for Small Price of Jit Cents a Bottle. ---AT - -- HOWEY'S Drug Store 1 Clearing Sale of MUnder eamerTHE OLD RELIAII Mens BalVigpuo Shirts ood Drowcisl 95c Boys Prig! 39irts for SOc Extra tine double thread quality, sateen facings pearl buttons, regular 50c quality. 1'u clear at 33c each. Mels BOlbri00011 DINS ood Drawers; Fancy stripes very light weight reg- ular price 33c. Ou sate at 2'24c. MOOS Snarls 0116 Drawers - All pure wool extra light weight (unrhrinkable) regular price $l. To clear at 88 cents, Meas Shirts oad Drawers Medium weight fancy stripe regular 50c quality- To clear at 39 cents. Big Special in Womens Black Ilcse, correct for hot weather, on sale at 19c a pair $1.50 Umbrellas for $ I 5 dozen uulbrellss, excellent cloth, beet steel frame, fancy handle. On sale at $1, Lollies WOsh Collors A 1 arge assortment of Ladies Wash Collars regular price tic, 35c. On sale at 18 cents. 10 dozen Boys fine print shirts, soft front with pleat, fast colors dainty new pat- terns sizes 12, 1:3, 1:31. 14. regular price 7'5c to clear 50c. ChlIdreos SirOW Sailors At greatly reduced prices. 75c sailor for 34k; 50c sailor for 37ic 35c sailor for 25c; 25c sailor for 15c ?5c BOYS sweoiers for 50c All pure wool in pretty stripes and FALL and WINTER plain colors, navy and cardinals worth 75c to clear at 50 cents. A bright penny will please a child but you must n think of giving a man a penny. The idea then of ofl'erin -- hall or woman a PENNY w,iI13E to draw their custom, yea that is just What is offered when a reputed dollar article is marked :19 cents. Ais a sall thing to go fishing for Pinny Bait customm with (but how many will bite) too small for a large ti al and quite too small for US. Our motto '11 worth for $1" and we live up to it and we are not going to lower our standa4r' a cent's worth. We give a premium in the quality ort goods, that's worth more than a cent's worth of chewing gum. We have just received in stock a choice Line of Boys Leather Bells Special lot at 15 cents Special lit. at 25 cents BIG VALUES. Children Nose Supporters 01 Cleer- Iog Prices. No. 1 size at 10 cents No. 2 " 12 cents No. 3 15 cents SNELL & ROWE Mr. and Mrs. E. Down, rot 8t. Paul are visiting friends 111 town. Mrs. (1)r.) Amos left hast evening for Muskoka, where she will join the doctor, who is rusticating 'there. MR. tSELDON HAS ENGAGED Mr. 1). Mock Vo buy and weigh igrain o►1 the Exeter :Market. Mise Townsend. of Toronto Junc- tion, who was (^iyiting her sisters Mrs. A. F. Molloy for three weeks, left for her house Wednesday morn- ing. REV. W. MARTIN LEFT LAST evening for Mt. Forest, to attend the funorul of the wife ,of his bro- ther, Rev. 1). Martin, of (krnning- ton. Market Report. -The following b the report of Exeter markets. cor- roded up to August 23rd. Wheat, 68 to 70 cents per bushel. Barley 38 .to 40 cents per bus. Peas 58 to 60 Oats 28 to 30 Shorts. $18 to $20 a ton. Flour, $215 per owt. Ilrtin, $16 per ton. Hey. $e to $13 per ton. Potatoes. 75c. per bag. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Clover ted, $7 to $8.50 per bus. Butter, 18 dente per pound. Eggs, 16 cents per dozen. Coal, $6.75 par ton. Hogs, dressed $11.50 per cot. Hogs. liveweight $7.40 per owt. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES ltchin -s, Blind, Bleeding, Protrud- - in; files. Drugaiats are authorized to refund money if Pazo Ointment', Oil tW tails to cure in 6 to 14 dais. 50o. DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR- geom, will be at Uommerci Jth. Flour, butter, eggs and Hotel the Bret Fridaythe et i h monand time by using inferior baking Hours, 9.30 a. m. to 4.30•p. m. Glass- powders. Use es properly fitted and diseases of eye, ear and noise treated. Next visit Friday. September 10th. AFTER SEVERAL UNSt'CCESS- RQ attempts to got ;the Reeve's au- tomobile in proper running Aha pe. it Isle been d .:cided to take it ?).ick to the faetolry at St. William, where it will bo thoroughly overhauled, and if possible put in shape. Fo that it will (run, without so Many' (break- ages. aste COUNTY WAiII)EN II. NI'ACK- nsan was in (lodetri011 on business last week, mud %while there had the phos$ a of meeting Alm Itritist' Ixtw'lerr. Ile toys they me a won- derful uggretption /nom "many slbndpoints. Font n personal standpoint they are splendid fellow's Waxing tall of them the ;grand old name of gentlemen. They ere not Young -in this young titan's country - they would be culled old -but they aro as young ns ay, it enthusiasm Counts for nny(lting.nfete; Gnmp- bell, one of the forty is Pa years of age, while J. Pith -ins, is termed the bitty of the potty. and is over 60. 1T TAKES A WHOLE LOT TO Upset Jill; Gould's evenly distribut- ed and urbane temperament. but one night lost week he was mad clean through. Jim has a fondness 'for thoroughbred chickens, crud .was nursing a poa,ir of 'pullets of the Rock variety, that looked geed for first prize winners at the fall fair, and 11141 been out to t he r'rop Ito see that they were all right and had .been in his house only .1 few minutes when he heard 1 disturbance /among his chickens. He went outside to uscer- tM1in the trouble and tot:served two fleeting fortes selling the back fence with two of his best chickens. ile .rays 1►e knows who 'the inrties ere and if they'll snook bark and it-eturn the birds, he'll recall the %%-,rrnnt for their arrest. A ISOCiETY EVENT OF MOIIF: then usual prominence was the mar- riage 11 Mt. ('arnlel on Wednesday, August 221111, of Miss Ethel the ne- cotnplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1011n Farmer, well-known resident s of this town and I)tr. Edmond Westropp 'itorne the popui it and esteemed \!'inager of the Soveret rn it:Ink, Stratford. Mr. Horne vas for ,s'n.te It%o yenta, engage(' in the bink here prior lo being transferred to Milverton oft Manager. The ( r(o tti bcl"n,v 10'one of St rot ford'v oldest and beat known families, be- ing 1t'•• your' zest son of the 131e Gil- bert Borne, Fort., who wan bead of the firm of ilorne & Clarke, pio- neer ,nerelrants in the Classic City for ,m Iny yeirs, while I lie bride's trtrents are old :,n.1 valued residents of Exeter, where Mr. Farmer 1014 in bnsipMsa ns 1 merchant for many years. now living retired. The nap. ILII knot wa.i 1i+'d by Rev. leather Forster. he bride's tr•>wn 77-,1s a magnificicnl work of art twins la- • net over Duchess(' Seat111 with pcIrl ornaments. She was unattended while the groan' was unsupp,orfed. A 'three weeks' bunt trip •ho Qlu•bec, Ott•.1w .a rind Tononto will conclude the honey -moon when Mr, end Mrs. Horne will lake up their residence: corner of 8t. David and St. Vinrenta Streets, Stratford, where Mrs. Horne; will he at )tome to her ,friends on end nflor September 27th. ;oaf after September 27th. Mr. F., A. I- Mirk provided the It:nclteon and tae inbles were hoautifully decorat- ed with estore and white roses. oie's BakIou Powder It is pure and always reliable LEADS in POPULARITY becanse it LEADS in QUALITY ASK' FOR 6OI 'Bdktna Powder The kind that never fails to please. 25c. a lb. AT COLE'S DRUG STORE EXETER . . ONTARIO OLD HENS WANTED. We will pay the Highest Cash Prices for live old hens, also spring chickens, (lucks and all kinds of poultry, Mention this paper. The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Limited, Stratford, Ont. Miss M(•; Ir. ek tY millinery (awnings ot dire. lientphill, end of Wroxeter. were in Willing on 11 r. and Origr. Mre. Geo. Bisset t Thursday evening whore t hey tut ute home. :114114141g the Taranto. Harry Brawn town Saturday Mrs. 1W iftl is m and f:unity left for \Witieil.c.r, will make their Mrs. ,John J. White, wha visited friends in Detroit and vicinity dur- ing the past silt weeks, returned homo Saturday evening. Mrs. Jumcs Slrtddo;k, accompanied by Master Fred and Mist Eva, left Mlond•ay morning for •t trip to 1,0n - don, Tononto and Trenton. The Misses !Emmett. (t London-, who have been the guests of afrs. Collins and Mitts Romblon, left for their home Monday evening. M r. Fr•,nk Tom, of Toledo, w '7 a vigil ing his inrents, Mr. and Mrs. .lames Tom, left for his home on Wednesday of I ist week. Mr. W. C. Huston wax in toe ti n few (toys during the 0181 week. Mr. Huston intends sta.nting w veu(ral store :tt Morinngset, %tan. Miss L. ilrirnocoml►c' left on Thurs- day last for Waptelkt. Man., where she will lake n position es dress- mnker with n mermntile firm of t h t t place. Mr. John illtatchford rind Aon Lea left on the \hostess and Northwest excursion last week. They will as. mist in the harvesting after which they exp,eot to (eke up homesteads. Mr. and Mrs. Biopsed f)elbridge left Friday night for an extended (rip through the Weal. They istve eons living at I1am10(1, rind will pos- sihly attend a portion of their time wilt' them. DRESS GOODS ranging in price 20, 40, 50, 75, $1, $1.25 and $1.50. Nobby Goods, Up-to-date in Her Ladyship Tailor-made Skirts which have no Equal in the Trade. Come early before they are picked over. CARL,ING BROS. TRUE ECONOMY � S Sovereign Bank o Canada. 11... .6. V. ..T1K11,. . .tLI tM 11141111.11141111.Pott IRt T.[UT littp ALL 4 . IMAM Deposits ot from $1.00 and upwards rece vtd . interest paid 4 times a year. Put your money in a place where you can get it when you want it. The Sovereign Bank of Canada, CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, So tic re s� Western Real Estate W e have placed oil the t>)ar- Exchange Limited. ket a new brand of flour 78 Dundas St., London White Seal Have you a farm that you want to sell? Write for our terms of sel- ling property. \Ve have the moat complete method of advertisin; and selling property in Oanada. Do you want to buy a farm or business property in any part of Ontario/ Send for our list. We have some bar ! 11118 1 RAND TRUNK SP'sE'v; To The Falx; TORONTO$3,5 from EXETER R�usl P91n °Sept. 8m Going Aug. 27th to Sept. sth. $2.90 GOING August 28th 30th, Sept. 1st 5th and 7th. All tickets valid returning until September 11th 1906 For tiokc•ts end full inforn-tltion .,I1 on J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Ticket Agent J. 1). McDONALI), District Passenger Agent. Toronto '-. )lorry 1'ursous returned home )ast week fnom 't visit wit l► f I ietnls in Chicago. Miss Tillie Yager left last week for Toronto. where she will attend the millinery openings. Miss C•rrie Knieht 7'•riww1 horde on Monday evening f• •.) her trip to the %west. Mr. and Mrs. John Chariton ate! Mrs, M rshall Irf,t last Friday for ;t trip through the west. Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. McGce, of. VV1riation)7� visited Mr(i. A. Dow arid Mrs. H. Drown Iasi week. Mrs. Geo. He eki11s returned Sit urday from t he Bend, where she was visiting •I couple of ws-tk'i Miss Eva Carling.returned to New York Mondry, to rr. urns her du• tics as nurse ot 8t. Luke's bosp;a;,l. Mr. )'cnlsllc after a pleasant vit<it here with friends left on Fri- day last for a sisit with friends tit 1'arkihN1. Miss Gregory Tom and son, wllo have been visiting Mrs. Tom's xtr- cn'.s, -Mr. tind ,1r*. Thomas Fitton. Left Friday for their hone at Von.I router. They went via rind s.tenrr►er to Port Arthur. This is a choice Manitoba Pat- ent, fully equal to the output of the large mills. and costa only $2.40 per hundred, If you prefer Pure Manitoba ttour try "WHITE SEAL," it will please you. Repairing over, we are once more in a position to supply the needs of our customers. \Ve'Solicit your (meting and Chopping patronage, HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARi. Shorthand FALL TERM at the WIe[n MIN CTB 110 Dundas Street, London COMMENCES 4th and loth' Sept. We teach an advanced system of Shorthand and !rake a speciality of each pupil. WM. C. ('OO, C. S. R. Principal. Shorthand AND Typewriting The following is a partial list of the firms engaging our graduate stenogra- phers within the past few days: W. J. Gage & Co., Toronto ilarrieter Vanstone, Wingham ('ottani Seed Cr) , London Marks Electric Co., Detroit Monarch Typewriter Co, Toronto CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE "Affiliated with \Vingha►n ilius• meas College." OPENS SEPT. 3rd. Drop a postal for idformati(>n to aoo. Spottoo Principal i