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Exeter Times, 1906-08-23, Page 4
Spices !i The season for pickling has now arrived and if you want your Pickles, ('hili Sauces, ('at - sups atilt l'how•Chows to be Rood, tarty and appetizing, ou must have Good, Fresh Spices Von cannot do better than call on us as we have a good Stock of anything you may need at the tight Prices. $ustard•C'hillies, Whole and Ground Black Pepper, Allspice, Cloves and Cinnamon, Cayenne Pepper, Mace, Garlic, Celery Seed, Mustard Seed. Numeric and Crary Powder. Brownuiuf's Drug Store, The Exeter Times THC;ltSI A\ , .►UGC ST '.'.3rd. 1sUU GItANl) BEND Misses \\'icc•her't .cud Downing, of Toronto, ecturned home -oil siitu day. after u tvt•(•k's vis. t at ,11n• Bend. 'Mr. and M1.s. Will Soul hc t t and daughter Eva ; Mrs. 't;outlicott's mother ; Mr. and Mrs. &aua Stouth- cott, all of Lat,don, 'returned home last week niter a pleasant visit here. •Misses Guest and .Miss Maxwell, of Burr and Misses llobbs, of St. Ives. ;eft on Saturday after 'two tv-e:eks' pleasant outing there. The Savor, which has ;been doing business therm for the past three ur011t 11S, closes down this week, This attend has :been i un 1►y t two r neer- prising l;ent.leren, who Ih ave been groat favorites w7th the campers. Mr. and Mrs. Li Motte, son enol daughter,. of Str::thnoy, are spending the present wont hat t heir cottngcs. '..Misses Jean McOrimtnon rind Lil- lian (eery returned to London Thurs- day !ift:•r spending .:1 month with !their sunt, Miss Westland. Misses !Euler' rind Guardhouse, of T.ondon, returned !tome Monday sif- ter •tw o weeks pleasantly :;pent on the London side. :Nit-. John S4,ut1rcott, owner ,of the !Motets on the Parkhill side, is ltav- ingt a busy s t ser' this pee.. Mr. liouthcott rn;rnuf•lctures :t11 his own boat s,and kis nearly it dozen in use. It is 110 common occu.r•rrencc• to'1'h:tve them all rented ut once. A ►regatta %vas !held off t he pion last 'Thursday evening when nbout 20 abouts were eery prettily decorat- ed with hunting. flees und Chinese lanterns. This ewer a pleasing eielit tend was witnessed by a large num- ber of people. - It eople.it keeps vtiry !II'S here La present ;wliich no doubt will do :roma baste) to the smolt potatoes ,:ind fruit crop. Mr. Thos. Atte/lard los got his slew !}louse under way. The wells }zing pep, and beim; loath .of cement block: it its adulircd by all. Thar© ure a great tetany ea capers bre yet, and no doubt they will stay es long ns possible, hut us the country tscht(aols start on Monday Dome auf t hem will have 1 o • ssa v e. Bruce Bossenbcrr•y and family Ieive on Tuesday for Ilru✓•field where he is gcsii into the hotel :business—sorry 4lo loge you Bruce but the best of friends must !hart. Hamilton 'Boos. ere still 'busy haul- ing stone front .Stoney Point for tilling in the look. Mr. C. Z,apfe .who hes been on 'the sick list is. we etre glad Ito .gay, on the way •to aseeev 'ry. 11r. \Vel. Fritz, also Mr. Sy. Green purchased new buggies frorn Mr. 'Me t:d olary , 'of 1' r k h i l l , last week. '►'tile dates are net out yet for Grand ►Bend fall f sir, 'but will 1,t' peon. Mery Huston returned on S -,tur- d iy- night rift's- o run t hrouzh the► count ry. A g many 1 +toners :,re don..' irartcstil►g !sere and :ire now genius .their l Ind ,ready for wheat, WlNClII:LSI:A MIEMIIMINEMIND T H +' EXETER TIMES, AUGUST 23rd 1906 Crediton Dlt E. J. McCCE, MEMBER ON- TAI;IO COLLEGE PHYSIC!_ and ctnd Surgeons. Successor to Dr. E. A. 1laist, Crediton. Ont. Word was received ',ere Mundt). ty from Hanley. Sisk., that the home of \1'i. ('h• -,,i, Limport. f:.trriwly of expressed to tln,u host sand hos! es3 t his place, w.is des( ssyctl by fire. 'file first st'arird by fl d. f. ctivu for the evening's enjoyment, �.iJi u to stovepipe end !Last eaint'd such head- Mrs. Ezra 11ai +t, who err pear �cl titre dtliorous lunch, way when discovered that tall at-, Mr. W. hubert of Platteville, tis tempts to quench t he flames wore , the Iruitl' mss, i:veryt!>;rngr in the house g1 of Mr. Samuel Brown. was bei ise 1, the f intily !elute; I"-1 Mr, and Mrs, Mimic, of ])erten, t;rytllitlt; ca:,'ul the clot Les on !)reit 1 are spending a ,Lew weeks (villi their g.. backs. j naridt,irt•nts, 11 and nd ;firs, J.Wind. !)oriel; t1rc sievert tai'- ir'cal stores # Mr. C. Illu►itt ussisted :the forest of Monday night. the barn of Ai,ivr'ioket club at London on \Vedne,- 1'inkheinctr (vas struck by lightning I y' • and completely destroyed by fire, !\I r. cin.! \Inde \least}►► w .\lc>sl.ock Mr. Finkbt'iner hest &(bout 25 bods ; spent I'rid"iy �,t blsi►ka. of oril,s and a large quantity of haw i Miss Pen.rlc Kcstle was the guest in talo hire. all OT ‘V 'Celt w;a con_/ Of Miss Olive Boltzmann for rt few ',:::L:i1. The insurance' ti�ys• y,JUU. was rit)vUt Mr. 11•:irry Vo:'lkcr lied, the ttii- :r, i fortune to get his hand caught in 14'h,,, •�he•rl•'n Hunter, of (-;;_ 1)..rn�, w,as rcturnhilg •lhon►L horn rhes the troller tit tlae flax mill ,ort Thurs. bI; eIJ.11l genre friday tnijht, tits; day ,!stir, ui ushing rt very Lxidly. hor•.te took fright ::tt ssomething oil 111 r, Ellwood 1'wtliracr, wiliJe dr.itt. the tr'ocad hind jumped to one sick, c ing flex un Friday ,East, told an upset upsetting the Til-;. to r tldcaturin, on.tea raid. Ile fell under the to ;rise the ail ilial struck keg;iinst' tole), milt when he could free hitn- tl,e bridge cabuttnctit and died in- st•if fournd he hod sustained tiever- stc►ntly. The horse belonged to Alto! ''l ~wenn bruises .about the virtu, John hunter, tulle!) Lee now carries in Cl sling, of Exeter. 1'11" young; pooh on :1funda rries lewd lar, '1'u- inela who wero in t he rig lyre not + bins Fahucr of his sufferings at the i m j utrtcd . U of 68 llenj. 1tc'rt roil incl Miss John, ! yoarrs. '1'lic deceased had ' nb leen ill for some time. He was ono Son, Ilan \\'Gill "lilt 3t -i" Tillie \1•c•i" i of Stephen's first ret tiers. 'hawing and Christ in Voelker, returned to who t•aug lit here lir to u year a,o, leis betel reeens .t, ed, Arid the tichul- aro were groatly ple„ascd to 'greet their former teacher, who was Held I s u I ir s in the highest esteem by them.Mr. and Mrs. tete.. 1Coltztl►t.rltl gave e ust art iccrana leirty to their neigh- bors on Friday last. EeereheelY tire - sent enjoyed themselves immensely, Thole toes ice cream rand cake in :ibundancie, and many tl hanks wore conics h431.0 f reel 1 he motherland 1laeir homes in Detr;it titter :t tt'.o° w-hrta this I►:,.r•t of (110 ontry weeks' visit with friends here.f abounded with forests.-13esideyuhiss %Ie;•ssrs. John Eilber cord Iltolaua! I.ill,or returned to (' I,le v. \iictt ha,t widow -ase leaves three brothers, Geo. Gott - Thursday sifter 'a visit with friends (('ntl, Goof 5ttfried of Crediton, and Golt- tiere). trigtaipk;i, ilso four sons, llen- ry, Albert tend Edward, of Crediton, 'Those who to)k its :the excursion f and Charles of Saline', Mich.. and o the west torr*� Wes.Jlrott n, net.i 1 tvo daughtcus, Mrs. Rogers, of 6:1- clIt•r GO%VO, .101111 1Villi.am.5, \\'iJli,am 1c;;,:rI0y, Eli Lawson, and Frt(L Lucy 1c,�ftPCreditMich" o .cttd Mrs. '1'li T •r1J�ust were in - The p. end Ade M-aneus, 1 terrc'tl ill (h4' Th Misses Ikea. and \\-c llo 1101 Crediton cemetery are N1)4'nding; :a fete (weeks do St.1 \V((IIWsday itfternaon and was at - Thoma s the guests of friends. tended by u Large concourse of sor. Mr. Dioses Feist trod his mother, ; rowing relatives and friends. Mrs. Jacob Eilber, returned ],orae on; Mond ty night last after spending a ; TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY few we'e'ks we'll fr,:ands in Pigeon j Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- etic:)a. lets. All druggists refund the mon- \liss Annie Clerk returned home' ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's front London on 'Thursday lest, cif -1 signature is on each box. 25o. ler a pleasaIlt visit ,reit 11 !friends i there MissDashwood Olive Turner, of CodcricJn, slid formerly teacher sof the ►out h school sl.c iii ct feat stays in tort ri ;Mr. John Angleman and son Ed - 1 ist week -r,enc•tt ing -old aequ.airtt;,ti- i ward, of Cairo, were visiting at Mr. cr•s. 1 W. Shrututn's a few days last week. Mr, Wesley I'inkbei,('r s ., in Mr. and Mrs, Fred Witwer of 'lar• London east 'Thursday oe n business icl visited at Mr. Geo. Ruby's on Sun - trip day last. Air. Gilmore, formerly na-1Iliger of Mr. Milton Goetz and his uncle Jake the Sovereign bank here. kind In- Goetz were visiting friends in Dash- spectot' for the same bank, spent et wood. fray tl -. in town the guest of c. There will be cotutntinior. service in Kuhn. the Evangelical church on Sunday. \i r. jse atak Northcott, who Joe Rev, L. II. Wagner of Berlin, will le en °tweeted with Young -Bios., for • )reach in (German on Saturday after - 1 the pest t hree years, left for Na- , Moon and in English on Sunday morn- pink•i, man., on Friday last, where ing, Rev. A. 1). Gischier of Zurich, he 1► as cicceptcd a situation :as .tin- I will preach in German on Saturday smith, !lis tunny friends wish him! morning. every success in hip Lew field of) Mr. Earl and Miss Jennie Hardy label.. , of Exeter visited our town on Sunday. The painters are -at work on t he Miss Etta Ruby is hone on a visit. school !house. ( Don't forget the social at Mt. Car- 11isss 11a.rhira Finkbeiner, of tnel next 'Thursday night. Tables Pittsburg, 1')., is visiting her par -1 will be set from, 5 to 0 p. tit, A treat rets, Mr. and Mrs, John FinkWird-' of 6 hours for 25 cents. 1.1•,Mr. Arthur Walper :vas home dur- \tr. II arty Lankin, of Grantor', de; Mr. his vacation. spending e few clays with his par- Mr. Jacob Goetz was here visiting ruts(. his brother J. H. Goetz. .\1:r. and Mr:. Janees Clark re- Mr. Wesley Miller is this week turned theme from :t trip to (tho west on Monday last. spending his holidays with friends in The Sovereign Bank is Ravin :a 1 N ; Mrilvertou, Dan.iel Mcts:aac spent Sunday 1,han(' installed in it offices.with his parents here. Fully ►00 1,c•op.e ,,:it tended t he t Mr. Herman Zimmer is spending his 1 501)111 match chi cin friday night be- holidays in Berlin. (lot bis eye on tw(cn the 5t:1.rs of C'retliton rind the something. Wish hint a good time. 11 ist1 Nine of Luc:)n, the score 1 ' • sAir. Jonas Hartlieb had a roan up scot alting an fewer of Lunn 'by the front London to put in two furnaces.tof 5 to The gameWeisCall on J. Kellerman and look ret, his the prettiest ►stet Ino.St axc;ting seen new fancy dress goods. He has good on the local diamond 'this year, and and at right 1 he highest tent liusia-ytn goodsprevails('g prices. dui ing 1 he entire reline. The Lucian Our public achaol se opened aggro 1'1'Y t rs carne hent: will, o determin- this week. .Ilion not to allow our :i (t so get Miss Marion Rowell of (rand Ilend, a run. During; Mite f:rr+t four in- returned to her home on bIond'(y af- ning;:: the sides stere put out •in one, ter paying a very pleasant visit with two, three order, not a Tun 'wing her cousins here. eeol. d be either side. in the fifth Mr. William Geiger of Hensel', a 1 Ire Irishmen secured t tt r► :runs, and a former school teacher renewed sc- our boys •s came back in their half b (tunintanees in our town on Sunday. ' m The Evangelical church here willmakingthe' same number. In the K ninth the Lucenites took kindly to hold their quarterly meeting next Saturday and Sunday, Schools opened \Ionil 1y morning. Jt:►tt's pitching); rand etld'iI t tees nior'' Miss Ethelt:odbelt left Siturd.ty !snit's to that s:rarc'. Iu the ninth } Severed automobiles pissed thro ugh morningr f��r Coinb:r to 'resume her it 10 k;.1 as if tris Lu.,an d►oys' ;lir- I here on Sunday. teachitne• 'ship trot ir,'en iet lose(•. \\'itll semis Mrs. llc►ul►l:ill and Mr. !tarry' nice hitt ing .1 tie home boys .,tot t gree • —�— Brown, ' f \Vrpat:cr were• here Sol- ntc'n ou 1),801 wit h no mien out. „nit'noisy (thing enMrs. Ilemph;lJ s a elein hit neceseery 'to seven up the mother, Mrs. Godb,lt. score, but the Lupin players settled ;:•----�� — down an,t by te-ffc',tive playing man- aged to ;u't the next ,thrre Jae11 out before t r11t, c.xild be s'eor('d. much 10 the chlorin of the enthus:"IsIiel row'e'rs. The ('rcditon players ore to be congrattit 1tell for putting u1► Buell is strong genie against the Luoin lig pill;►tion, and it is quite possible otrot her game will be ar- ranged in the nt•.ir fetor'•, he ,,ra111e to be ;I', -4,1l 1:t'es. Al:islet Edgar Smith. of ii 'tuilt on, is spending "t few days hers with tel itivcs. 'i'1:e Y. 1'. A. of the i:vangcli- 011 church itove secured the services of Rev. C. 1•'. Itcrger, 1'. tE., of \1ichigrr,n conft•:enc.' In zivc• Ilia cel - t l►r.:114.41 1.:tar'• cin lig recent trip i(►1 111is "11\Il'ti 'ir) 'ill!'. END 01 Vali; Palestine. fuller- irarti•culars as to 11)1; 25'. tit iI ('I(11 1, Al text.; lee it five cent box of i ax-ets :at our store please, We think they ere g . Just test Allege tc)oti)some eanety-Jikt L1'ix:ttive Tablets for con- st ilr'tion, sour stomach, bieo sees , bid breath, muddy complexi'►(►, etc. Risk five tents •and tee. Sold be \V, 8. I t o wc'y. . p.m, A Hair Dressing Nearly every one likes a fine hair dressing. Something to make the hair more manage- able; to keep it from being too rough, or from splitting at the ends. Something, too, that will feed the hair at the sante time, a regular hair -food. Well-fed ha it will be strong,and will remain where it helo:;gs — on th•' head, not on the c)mb! Th. best ki td of s testimonial Hold for over sixty years. .as. >r.d. by .1. 0. Ar,r, , co.. ow&t, Koss. Also al,►nut otur.r- of RSA i SAPe..1141. ers PILL& • PI Tow,. 1)O1•:5 YOUR .11 I:AItT FLl:T'TElti You ,know• hc'l,rt fluttering means you're ui"t cis well ns you should bo 11's 1111 evidence of impaired nerve and unuscul-ir 'power. To obtain cure try Ferrozone ; it los a neer;.!l ac- tion on the heart ns wee vitt the else (►f 'I'Ir..►s. Grover of (`tole Barbour. N. 8,, w ha says:—If I exerted myself it would bring 1„li,itation. 'I'o carry any 111(1" S• weight or Ira quickly; up- stairs 'completely knocked mcg out. \V hen bid attacks carne on I lived in fe i r of sudden de.tth. Ferrozone give any (,cart the very nsaistan^o it needed tier! /lost• 1 11111 •111414' well," For !;start or nerves it's heard to excel Fe r r oz'onc, 60c. per 1►ox at all dea l- cr+. date next. tve"k. Mr. rants Airs. John Iiofftirttt, ut DislIwoocl. aatcomt►-tnic4 by the M.is. dc's Ne►sls•r, of (tuff tt ,, spent Sun- day the guests of Mr. Christ Foto nor. elle tee. Holt 11111'171, Sr., tt 1'• has lien spending tat" part 11101011:1 t•isit ito.t lits sous rand d'tu.t l: - 1('.s in 5,11 rtes- nnei Pi-.Z(+iin, return- ed 11,11/4. 4)11 Monthly night. Art %wig kc'r spent rt few ei.'' + of this tici'k in London. School re opens! Monday le et with R good attcn.l.ance. Miss Salter Catarrh 1 . constitutional disease b� and g the Mood for ems. Be we to permanenttreatment acting throughits and CASTORIA ' Hod's oSarsaparilla Nasal and eager local keels of catarrh For Infants and Children. r kh flawed ry Gimlets. fientstillon end deodorise The Kind You Have Always Bought 'i':._s.rI. Bears the 1_, Ia1W , le 8 nature of , s-/:�f _ %� , fen fade) of wee WOOUliA\I Hui vest is over. Miss Anrl;e Brook rind Mrs. Win. Avery, of Miteihell, sleet Sunday with friends in the vintage. Mr'. end Mrs. !tart and daughter "'e Allo', of K i i 1►i' its, spent tort of !te s t tttek vitiiting (1►-•ir' old ac"1u-aintan- otos . 1' 11i'rani Cowhand and Edgar Mill t u.acak in (114' excur t-u►n to 1)t t regi t on 0CI baturd.ty 1:at{t. Mary Brook returned !tome Loin \!)!ctrl; on Sunday. Air. tared Airs. \Vz,i. Stewart and Miss Gleason Stool ivc:t in St. ;1Lt-rys. A large number of 1100t31' in t his %'tO 1iity ttt3t'it ; W Iktencd very sud- r t ttenly on Sun.k:ty ;ibut niidu'rht by I , 1errifc ,114 lof thunder. but 110 Ca j 41.1111 o;se wt, dne. � ilf,g0\\'il 1 b e found an exec!lent re - 114, l�/uledy for sink headache, C:inset's s(�;rm'iLittle Liver 1')115. Thousandsof 51 �'j',`letters front people who have used NA. them prove t his fact. Try ►hero ; /11/ ►Haste•/ I: l l ; ie: 'lUN CiAl.lght11111astruck rho residence of \1r.JuhrlC`.►rnish in alto vill'ge on Mudty evening, deeercoyine a por-tion of (he i-oof end ceiling and tear - r a ingy t ho 'luster off t he ceiling of 1~~ ono noon). No personal injury was done cilt,ltough 111r. (1111 Mrs. L'or- Suits to suit everybody in Iteady-to-' nisi were in the house at 1he 'time. Wear or Ordered Suits. I Miss lhat'ti<s Kirk left for (ilio Just received a carload of Sugar ` tv"sst cin 'Turn!"'y to visit shit silt(• •' :incl f r'ienclr;, /1' - which will be sold at very low Prices. blies Annie itvrtdhouse, tot -nisi -1y of ' j M M WM. SH Kirks 011, tort on Wednesday to tic- , i relit a situation in a general store DASHWOOD, ONTARIO ill the town of 1L:aniotca, Man. The experience of the auto ride rad the baseball boys bast friday was the lata IG:sa sole topic of di=scussion on the streets last b:tturday. The baseball team (11141 .a number of their ifriend3 Wished to go to JLitchell .to witness e ucions the English bowlers platy ;against ,Mitchell and Stratford, and inciden- tally piny a Grains of bell ,azainst I'�' the Mitchell p'•.'ycrs. It was nec- ess:rry to take ct trip of (this kind in style, and the Exeter Automobile oats )))reed for the ocoas:on. The rn(aelshine arrived 111 Kirk ton all right but in bringing it up the hill where AND bolts new bridge is being built, a few t►olts were broken. These Lowever, HARVEST MITTS !tete' replaced crud tit Dlitchc•ll was made �in rho jig tiulcip, i-itlo- though the aide down t he loll in $1 Door for 75 cents Mitchell was somewhat 'of the lei ir- $1.25 $1 " raising order. It was a jolly crowd 1.50 " 1.2.1 that attended the bowling tourne- rta'eut rand baseball in:r tole and the 1.75 " 1.50 `• ret urn trip - was ►anxiously .awaited 25c Windows for 2) for. About mine o'clock everything 30k 611 .. �.,a .. trig 'in 're'adiness for the trip, turd the etnrt was ui,ade, but that teas $1,25 Harvest Mitts for $1 about till. When the machine had $1 6. " 75 " almost roaohed the incline over the A few STOVES to he sold at 11) per ailroad tracks, the chauffeur nes- cent «•- cent off Regular Prices. tiocd it fractious horse ooming up CEMENT always on Hand. the other hide, and immediately stop. ped. Whet her or not the brakes Start - Were in working order or the reverse JONASHARTLEIB sower was put on. the machine start- ed bn.cking down the hill, and after DASHWOOD ONTARIO. t wentdown the steep an 1 snort i.lek embanks SCREEN DOORS WINDOWS meet, Ed Shier, one of tlloase who ZURICH jumped, found himself at the foot of a poplar tree down na•a r .the riv- Anc►ther of the pioneers of Huron cr, and John Rty, of \V,% lhans, kind- county- has passed away to the ei- ed on his shoulder, while Leoc Curr lent majority in the person of lien- did a whole lot of (r(,'eping 10 t3et ry \Val1►er, Sr., of (hiss 'illege, whose out 'of h:urtu's way, ate* be jumped. death took place on Monday 'evening Those who retrained in Hie rig were August 13th, The decens-c'd had re- not hurt a particle, .'although it tired to bed and •hies wife hearing wasn't their fault they didn't get I ire -brctetho very hard -once or out, 'and same time elapsed before twice, got up and called -him by the natural wave to their hair could name, rind on receiving Aro answer be 'restored. After the Holl was cal - made tilt investigation when 81,0 was led to see that t14) one had sustained startled to find •that Mr. W.altier serious injuries, helping }rands push- hnd breathed his last. The deceased ed the; inLohine ton the ' highway. had Toadied the ripe old age Of 83 and the start made again. Another ycors rind was in good health up to atoppito roused by another accident the time on his death. lie lived on to the machine held the pleasure t he fern), stow• low ncd 1 t his not(, }hunters up for the night. A Tia Henry, on the Bronson Line, up to was hired in Mitchell and the ba- t few years ago, when himself rind !arca ones arrived .homo about 3 a. wifo i ov(s1 to this village. The rn. betted down with 'anecdotes of tlocc'asc"i was ai in -in t►'f upright and the trip that will be interesting for sterling character, and was a con- fasts ,to come, especially to those sistent ec'lrurch member. Ilis widow who were participants. In t he Rev - four rents, and two daughters,, all et :11 ►nixut,s Fred Archer, however, married, survive him. The funereal managed to keep .a tight 'grip on was held yesterday forena(►n and the score ieeok of the (:1seb.sll game was lirgt•ly .attended, interment and the name's of the players aro taking place in the Lutheran come- given herewith, the score beim; 9 to )cry. The services were conducts)! 6 in fervor of M.itc'hell. by '1 he pastor, 114'v. E. .Schuelke.— Kllel':'1'oN \lt'1'CIIi:LL 11(trald. .N. Ik,u1,t 1 b 11. \\'ikon Mrs. Class. Ilossc•nbc'rry, of Cava. ► 1'. f ('. Avery tier, N. i)., is visiting relatives iand 11. 11:1(1+11111 s s 41 -,(►sort friends here. I:, ;;tiler „ L J. 'Morrow M r, \1'ilfria Moist, of h.apicrvillc\ M. Jamieson : f L. -hent 111s., is spending; his vacation at the (;t o. It ►ct•?' I f O. Avery home of his par,retits here, .1, (1trley 3 1► E. Timms 'Zurieli will have sports on Leber M. Hoskin c \ , 1le'11 I).1y, Sept. :3rd, \1'isactt�.i i p�luff�,t t 1'1c' nci►'irs fo tele' schr:nl house Ur. ,1;unes Moore, of llawkesvillei hays 14`•('71 conipletcd ;tail the prc1rt- who is visiting his brother, is on )sees present a very neat .appearance. the sick list. The west 'room will hereafter he Miss 11 attie Kirk left yesterday used ft.r the rae'nior scholars, it lav- for the west. ing !keen provided twit h 0 number Mr. laugh Kirk iri having a new of rac•ty desks :111(1 UV' r,ht floor; re- foment sidew, ilk built around his placed by n new cine, The three residenre, rents have (►ren I►alr(•red rind paint- Little Arc'lee Kemp, had the mit- e.! rind everything presents n new fortune last Thursday to get his aptteir-tnce. It is to be horsed that for' 1rm fer-actured, t►v Lein; thrown 11,:e pupils w it1 t.'ke enough pride off e borne. The little fellow ii in the •appear , n- of their 5( heel to tieing nicely, - try to keep t 1,•• r• ►rias l0•►kin�1 toot \l r, 311"1 Mrs. Clcugii ofo'coostock 'eel r i,l) . are visiting .at T'iylors. r----- `rte Willi tel Taylor, of Flint, is TIIAMES ROAD vitas ing his brother, John Taylor. slr. John McCurdy, :1rrived home Its n11ive'r :'ry services t;f the a e rind 1v. lifter visiting in Taranto. l -th'11y S:,bb.ath Sclero! on Sund t) Mr. (and etre elemew Kernp tock 'lel morel I% were highly set- C('sstul. in the c••rcu:i at London I ist Thurs- ltc•v. Jelin l' -et ts, 1►. 11., of Tomtit,,, (1 y. g:'it. 1 w very impressive sernt•,I,4 Messrs. ('h►rence Routley, W. Isa. on Sunday, On Monday evening; a vis, \\ nr. (aerie. Robt, Sheppard and t,1tlic toot was served in t he b,sonlent '.tin (1'itrien, left Fast Frit) 1y 'gin t i,f 'i he church, :('iter %% Holt a pr,a- h trona excursion f• -r the 13c41. grim was :.leen 111 the Pre:+bvtcrin11 Church. Itet•. F:,ir, of l:l nat,i!c, 111' \\ it \ ('IIEST ('01,115 ,11tE l):\'t:- trastor .acted :is rletirIti 11 its •t vie t!i_ ):111)1-5. itlgz JO1nnnr Ind lb-s's. (;001 and Feer 1 l.• } 11.1e1 to i,leurisy an 1 i'ti - ('f Exeter, lir. Turnbull rf Tcannto teen)'. !sellers t lar e1 11 'e of W. Ind Bev. Hetchnr p-sve• short tasks. Ii. lee( les of J'Otwle's Co: tiers, Ont., The ad'Ir'es<<'e were interspersed est \'.) 1st,:—•'l used to 1)(• suhJect to •c•le,tions 1►y tl,e 1Inpeai.11 \Kala• 1:t t:k. ,ant! ;Mhoselt 1 11,/ed most Quartette. of 1.-,n4108. The till MN, ever t•,ling notliins tc'l:eved quickly ciwc•n I)r t l:c Q1111a-t('t tc sorra, ple.1setz till 1 el:.4eo •erect Nerviline. 1 have 'r''1 •111 enthusisslie enchora' N% IS USA it for pleurisy sinal sore chest elven revery ;rlt•"teen. The Thur -h and found it just this proper atbing. tt ,:, •t,r.ow•del .':1-1 tee t►t•st ;f •>rdsr Fou Lu ,n 1 to and Neurnlzi;t it'r 111 tint lined. rltrick .'q lip ht Mu?. 1 cheerfully rec- -� - '.tnmcnel • Nor vilinc." Strongest. FOR OVER 5iXT 1 1 hAlt- cle•)nesl. most pain (fest n'ying Jini- Ae OLD AND Witt•TRrxn Rsxtrny.--!lir meet. on inerth is i'ttlsen's Nerselino Winslow'sSootthing STrnp has been seed for 1).ac. shot Iles weld eyerywhcr.e Over s1zty years by mll.ions of mothers ter their children while teething. with perfect snooert 1 f tuck headache is misery, tt h,t it soot/leo the child, soften!. the Rums, *hays s' 1 pain, mires wind colic. And Ptthe trees remc(ir is Carter's Little Liver I'llis 1! they for Diarrhoea. 1t is pleases to the teat*. Sot d will 1 sit ively rare it? People who by . to In every port of thew td. Ir' >.n a tae. s► es 1 • • have uted them speak frankly of Fall term opens Sept 4 CENTR't STRATFORD, ONT. • Those interested in Business College work should write for xour large catalogue. This is • the largest and best ('otumer- cial and Shorthand School in Western Ontario. We give .1. a practical training and assist j' our J raduates to responsible • positions. Many of the lead - • mg business colleges employ T�.ouror graduates as teachers. , Writs now for• a free catalogue W. J. Ell lot -1- 1). A. McLachlan) Pr r t ) al Flour, Feed and Groceries Bargains in Groceries Maple Leaf Salmon 14c. Best Redpath Granulated Su - Aylmer Peas 4 cans for 25c. gar at $4.50. Orange Meat 2 boxes for 25c. Gal. Tars 75c. per doz. 1 qt. "► 70c. 1 pt. `r 60c. " For your Best Flour and Best Prices call on US and you will find that we have a good variety to choose from Shorts, Bran, Chicken, Feed etc, always on haled, at best prices. S. HARDY & SON Miss Gracie Strang, of Goderich. has been engaged on the Mitchell High School stnff nt :a salary of $700.00. NOTICE!! Haying disposed of consid- erable of lily property in Ex- eter, I take this opportunity of thanking the people who patronized me for 1.1 seams and of asking all those owing - nie to please call and settle as I expect to go West inside 2 weeks. (, f J. COBlMEDICK IMPORTED SUITINGS We call your atten- tion to our large stock of imported Suitings. The best offerings front English and Scotch mills, representing the most fashionable weav- es and fabrics. W. JOSNS Merchant Tailor USBORNE COUNCIL Council meet August 4111., .all f1 members 'were present, The minutes of else last meeting were read and approved. Acoaunts as follows went passed end nrders issued in paymen,r, Washburn !Drain, bat. of eientratt .$58.00. Elimville Drain $6041 General $47 00. Council then 'adjourned, to meet September 1st it one o'clock, 1''4 Morley, Clerk. TIII: TIMES TO THE ENI) OIf 1908- 1'UIt: '`25c. SUBSCRIBE A'1' ONCE. Gf11494b1fINNIITIONfiL Nor elisio es,t , it.stintinit, rarirt' 1906 10 TORONTO ? f Aug. 27 ONTARIO Sept. 10 larger More I nstruGtiue find More Entertaining Than Ever. AN UNEQUALLED ART LeOAN EXHIBIT Hole -: ANI) "ATTi.F: EXiIIBIT eot-I.TJtl' AND I'ET STOCK I:X1IIIBIT MAgnifietnt Educational Exhibit Of I'ro'•esaes 1)r Manufsu-ture In Ni'. 111(11,1,(0) Building. The Finest t'ro..r'run►e 1N Amusements Ever Presented, Inelisling "IVANHOE" With E<rer TILTERS Brought Expressly- From EtIOlaiel. HIS PLAY MAJESTY'S ON HGRAD LAZ(REE11 A. GUARDS 4 P. M. No 1.11 -to -date Canadian Will Ali.,, This Exhibition. To A%oid The Great Oro'et Come First Week, For all information 13 (11 to Lieut. -Col- J. A. McGillivray, K. C., J. O. Orr, br''Aov.R AND SF(RPT%AT, /11Y 1137.1., TORONTO, t)NI WESTERN FAIR' The Exhibition That Made Fall Fairs Popular. An ideal occasion for a family outing. Daily ascensions of a navigable Air Ship, always under perfect control. The most wonderful invention of the age. Fireworks on a more magnificent and imposing scale, picturing the great Carnival of Venice. Many splendid educational features for the boys and girls. For information write W. J. RE ID, President, or A. M. HUNT. Secretary. LONDON sept. 7-15, 1906 oofing .. . plumbing . . • • Eavetrouging Heating .. Repairing of All Kinds We have had long experience in this branch of the business and will per- sonally superintend the work n. this department. We will endeavor to snake it Pleasant and Profitable for you to turn your trade this way. Nc-- to furnish estimates on any of the above lines. if you notice anything in tie following list you :night re'-tllire, we have PRICES that will interest you: Wire fencing; Wire gates: Glass; Lawn hose; Pure white leads (Iraniteware; Altttninurn ware; Galvanized pails; Galvanized and black iron piping; Ready roofing; Machine and cylinder oil. Remember the place.