HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-08-23, Page 3PST DOWN LIKE RABBITS
Terrroists Inaugurate Carnival of
Murderous Attacks
eilk3UTCHEItY OF POLt(11:.
A despatch from St. Petersburg Bays:
Acting apparently tvilti a cletiitite plan
St I_ at a igiiul, the terrorists and
rc Oluliunisflt' on \\ edoe daV inaugur-
ated a carnival of murderous attacks
wilt► hoorbs and revolvers un the police
and troops Iri various cities in Poland,
echoes of which are heard from Samara.
Ufa, Yalta, Kiev and even faraway
Chita, where Acting Chief of Police
Gorpinchenko was slain almost on -lies
own doorstep. The revolutionists' cam-
paign flamed out with (special virulence
at Warsaw, where over a stove were
Slain In the streets and 'Many More were
wounded. Among the killed, according
to the latest official advices were two
sergeants of police. eight patrolmen,
three gendarmes, the soldiers, a }le -
brew merchant and a woman.
The returns are not alt in. Policemen
and soldiers were shot down like rab-
bits in the streets. 'Their assailants who
travelled in small bands, almost all es-
oaped among the terrorized) but sym-
pathetic populace. The only consider-
able capture was a band of ten men
who had invaded a vodka shop and
killed a soldier. These were bagged by
a passing patrol. Bombs were em-
ployed in an attack on the police sta-
tion of the Volsk precinct in Warsaw,
where a sergeant, two patrolmen and a
soldier were wounded.
Other Polish cities singled out by the
terrorists were Lodz, where six soldiers,
three patrolmen and the wife of a police
captain were wounded by the explosion
of bombs in the police station, and two
soldiers and two terrt,risls killed in the
streets; Radom, where a bomb was
thrown into the police station and killed
the wife and children of the police cap-
tain; Vlotsaysk, where the chief of
police was slain, and flock, where at a
given signal the policemen on all the
posts were simultaneously, attacked and
several of them wounded.
e On account of the agrarian disorders
and especially several attacks on post
trains, the railway between Samara nail
'Llatoust, )which already was carrying
guards on all its trains, \t as placed
under martial law.
A despatch from Warsaw says: There
were ninny sanguinary conflicts here on
Wednesday with revolutionists, who
have organized wholesale massacres c'f
pot, gendarmes and infantry
patrols. These conspirators shot and
killed seventeen policemen. four gen-
darmes and seven infantry patrolmen,
and wounded a snore more. Soldiers
tired a volley into a crowd. killing fif-
teen and wounding with bullets and
bayonets 130 others. The massacre is
supposed to have been planned by
revolutionists in revenge for the arrest
recently of 110 Socialist workmen in
the iron working suburb of Braga. It
was a (:ntholic holiday and no one sus-
pected that a .massacre was in prepara-
tion. The weather was beautiful, the
city was calm and thousands of people
were crowding outgoing excursion
trains. Simultaneously the attacks on
policemen began at 10 o'clock in the
morning. About 1 o'clock in the after-
noon news began to nrrive from all
parts of the city revealing the con-
certed nature of the attacks. In Ostrot•-
akaia street four men attacked a ser-
geant of police, but the latter was able
to bag three of thea), who were armed
with revolvers. in a light in 'forgot la
street revolutionists shot down two
patrolmen and a Jew ish merchant was
killed by a stray bullet.
provinces is no better. It is feared that
the Autumnal recruiting will increase
the disorders. Altogether nearly half a
million recruits will bo called to the
Owing to their fear of demonstra-
tions, the St. Petersburg authorities
have prohibited military bands from
playing the National Anthem in the
Summer gardens, restaurants and
si►uilar places there the public gath-
ers. The Cossacks who are not pai•iiei-
pating; in the manoeuvres are now pro-
ceeding to Krasnoye Selo, as they are
all required there for police )work.
Trouble Arising out of Attack by Greeks
on Bulgarians.
A despatchu from Sofia says: The
anti -Greek outbreak at Anchialos turns
out to have been more serious than was
at first believed. hive hundred houses
were burned , including all the public
buildings. 1t appears - at the primary
cause of the trouble was the conduct c,f
the Greeks, who tried to prevent a Bul-
garian meeting. The promoters of the
meeting invited the neighboring pea-
santry to attend. When they began to
arrive the Greeks received thein with
rifle shots. The peasants forthwith re-
turned to their village's to procure arms.
They returned and attacked the Greeks,
who barricaded themselves in a church,
where there was fighting all day. The
police were unable to disperse the pea-
sants and the Greeks refused to cease
their fire on account of the hostile atti-
tude of their bishop, who commanded
them. Then the troops were g,urn-
moned. The nearest of thein were dis-
tant 70 kilometres and they arrived too
late. The peasants had already set fire
to several houses. Eight charred bodies
have been found thus far.
Fredericton Business Men Took Poison
in Mistake for Water.
A despatch from Fredericton, N.B.,
says : Albert E. Edgecornbe and L. A.
Tibbits, of this city, were poisoned here
on Wednesday night. They had en-
tered a jewellery store and sat down to
talk with the proprietor in the back shop,
While the proprietor went out to see a
customer Mr. Edgecombe picked up a
jar which he thought contained water
and took n big drink, followed by Mr.
Tibbits. The jar really contained cyan-
ide of potassium used for cleaning sil-
ver. It took effect at once and both men
diem a little later. They were two of the
moat prominent business men in this
Ilk London Tribune's Warsaw cor-
respondent telegraphs a description cif
the pitiful scenes w•itneesed by hits after
the disturbances of \Ve•dnesdny.
"Tile hospital's surg!eens, fatigued by
their labors." he saes. "were unable to
alts nd to cases, and t\ ounds diagnosed
as falai aaare, hit to tale their Course.
"The scenes in the morgue i gue were hor-
rible. In one 1 c,eumlccl 32 citulinn
belies. all .101y i,nt1 dre`sed as they
"'Hie people hate grown csleee t: with
too ;much death. 1 was shocked to sight
young girls laugh heartily at the. ig, t
01 n waeimiur \the brainpan had been
torn off by 2► 1.4e111b.
"In one l o,pIf I1 1 ,21w n youth who,
when )a)'emo•t''1 yc.trrday \\ eilnes.
(lay). feigned death. The soldiers trod
over his) and than- !wavy boots ci u.h,'d
his lingers tie p2I1,. lout ire successfully
1't0011 the orale 201. 11e' was carried to the
m110. when it \\.ice discovered that he
olive. he ie now progressing
1:\ I:11Y i'411.111 l \1.\N KII.i.1l).
A 41• spite!' horn S1. Peter burg says:
The iriur,erotie during of the terrorists
reached its cline\ on Thursday at
' . sks stiles north-west of \\'arsilw.
1 1 . as
where. at a preconecrtcd signal. every
polieemiau 11ti the streets was killed or
w minded.
Ite•p'erl$ (rent all Over the country
floe\ the alhtelllte t,,'ili'ssness of lh,'
police 10 cope with the revolutionists.
tarn the rowdies in the capital are
having their own tray. the police seldom
daring to intertcre w.,.a then). Reports
of various outrages that have been
committed with impunity 1111 columns of
the newspaper; daily.
In I: ,,rlau,l the not les have issued
an urgent appeal to all the land owners
to organize armed bodies in self-
defence. ►arcntl} nl
1n the .south. Tiflis is Opt
the mercy of maned robbers. Teutar
bandits are waling the country aroeund
Shu'ha, faluknh, and Agdain. A mail
coach was held up nail ransnckeeai only
Ave miles (rum Agdntn. The pnsset)grrs
..are made prisoners. Their fate is 1n-
Canadian Government Makes rresenta-
lion for Lite Saving.
A despatch from New York says:
Capt. R. C. E. Prager. captain of the
Atlantic Transport Line steamship
Maine, was on Wednesday afternoon
presented with a silver cup by the Can-
adian Government in recognition of his
servicm in saving seven men from the
wrecked Nova Scotian schooner Kipling
in raid -ocean on Jan. lith last. The pre-
sentation look place on the floor of the
Maritime Exchange, and was made by
Acting British Consul -General C. Clive
Bad Blood Beta eeu Aged Farmer and
Barrett Henderson.
A Regina despatch says: With tt.is
left. jaw shot away by the discharge cf
a gun in the hands of Josiah Gilbert,
as farrier living six miles south of Pilot
Butte, Barrett Henderson, a wealthy cat-
tle dealer from Charlottetown, P. E. 1.,
slid the rnan who took the first cattle
in on the hoof to Dawson City, died on
Wednesday afternoon in Regina hospital
while undergoing un operation for his
injuries received in the horning on the
former's farm, and Gilbert is now lying
in jail charged with killing. The dead
man owned a section adjacent to that
of Gilbert, and recently bought the lat-
ter's farm. According to Gilbert's story,
ilenderson went over to the farm on
Wednesday morning after some sup-
plies, and while Gilbert was. getting his
gun out from the barn to shoot a gopher
it was accidentally discharged, shatter-
ing Ilenderson's face. The injured mart
ran two hundred yards crying that lie
had been murdered, and Gilbert ran
after hien flourishing the weapon. The
Royal Northwest Mounted Police were
quickly on the scene, but the chances
for the roan's life were slim from the
first. Great local interest attaches to
the case, as the Gilbert family is well
known, the old men, Josiah, having the
reputation of being something of a crank
and it is alleged that he bitterly repent-
ed the sale lie had made to Henderson
of the family homestead.
Egyptologist Says Record Began 1,147
Veers Ago.
A (:hicagn despatch says: Professor
James H. Breasted. the Egyptnklgiat of
the University of Chicago, ann6unces in
an article in the Biblical World, that
the oldest fixed dates in history is 4241
is C. in Bud year, he says, the calen-
dar w ns estntelistaed. the year begining
on w hat woul.l now be July 19. Con•
eecguently the calendar new in use was
1.117 y'2Rs old last month. The pro-
f. s u- ari iveel at these conclusions dur-
ing his long exg►lo•alion trip to the Nile
Valley. when he compared the astrono-
?Mevil dales in the old and middle king -
(bans of Egypt. Professor firensled but
1 ecently returned from Egypt.
Fred. McDougal of limint Pleasant Re-
ceives 111111et in Ilis Cheek.
:1 Brantford despatch utt h soy.`
. I red. M0_
1lneig!al. a youth of twelt0 years. acci-
dentally s!ieet himself with a role while
out hunting at Nlonnl Pleasant, near
Rrarilford, on Wednesday. Ile looked
town the 22 -calibre rifle What it dis-
charged unexpectedly. 'I'be bullet en-
tered his cheek and carne cut neer the
1.011,1e. The Incl was brought to Brant-
ford hospital, and while ilii condition
is serious it is hoped he tt all recover.
British Merchants Frequently Palm Off
Inferior Article.
A despatch from London, England,
says : A wilnctss at the Guildhall Police
Court, in giving evidence against a
prisoner charged with stealing 50 Can-
adian cheese, valued et £150, asserted
that when Canadian cheese deteriorated
in quality it would be impossible to
identify them, but when they left the
docks in perfect condition the witness
would be able to identify them apart
from the marks on the cases. He went
by the smell and taste. It was a com-
mon practice for merchants to put in-
ferior cheese into boxes with sell -
known brands. I'cople who expected to
buy Canadian cheese were anxious to
get it, but whether they got it was
another question.
Salvation Array to Send Out 25,000
A despatch from London says : Brig. -
Gen. Howell and Col. Lamb, of the Sal-
vation Arany, left England for Cana.la
on Friday, having completed arrange-
ments for lire settlement of between
2().000 and 25.000 emigrants in the
Dominion of Canada within a year. A
fleet of ten or twelve steamers will be
chartered for their transportation. The
emigrants will be scattered through
Canada in such a way as to place them
within reach of work for which they are
best suited.
Mr. Myrick's Figures Thought to 1►e
Too High.
A Winnipeg despatch says: The opin-
ion (if Mr. Myrick, the publis'eer of a
syndicate of leading American fat•rn
journals, that western Canada will
thrash 110,0110,000 bushels of wheat this
year is considered by probably the best
authorities to be an altogether sanguine
estimate. Mr. Myrick is believed to be
ten or fifteen million bushels wide of
the stark. 1f the 4,750,000 acres under
wheat yield an average of twenty bush-
els per acre the west will be happy and
prosperous. The crop is teeing harvest-
ed tinder the best of conditions, and the
bulk of the wheat will grade from No.
1 Northern to No. 1 hard.
Prices •f Gillis, Graia,
Other Dalry Prorillte
Affray in the West Which May Naive
Fatal Ending.
A Brandon despatch says: A shooting
affray that may end fatally occurred
about 3 o'clock on Thursday in a C. P.
R, boasting car nt Kernnny Junction,
When n Galician was Shot through Pie
chest by some person unknown. A
bonrding car standing at Kemnay was
occupied by a number of Galician lab-
orers. in the early hours of the morning
the victim of the shooting was aroused
and seeing some one moving about in
the car got up, with the r•('moult above
stated. A rte uggl.e tee); place, ns the
victim's face is 1itelly bruised. Ile is
in a precarious COndiinn, anal will not
cheese and Occurrences la the Land 'Haat Itel; n• Tekdraplde Briefs From Our Own and
at Home Supremo In the Commorclal Other lountrks of Recent
and Abroad, World. Ocuirrert`ce.
The Prince of \\'ales has consented CANADA.
Toronto, Au • 21. -Flour- New On- While Japan is formally at pence with
tario wheat 90 per cent. patents are to become patron of the Welsh ltugby
Football Union. Hart Grey has returned to Ottawa Rus•i+►, it appears from the Russian
qutsid tit 1 ex to 82.80 in buyers' sacks Field Marshall Sir George White has from Net, fuun►lland. pre's, )tial she is doing alt she 0241) ,a
outside for export. Manitoba first put b embarrass the Czar Guternuicnt. First
exits, 81.40 to $4.60; second patents, $4 been admitted to the freedom of the One hundred oleo in the Sirutheor.�►
city of l.undori, coal mines, nova Scolia, are on Strike. it is asserted that Japan is supplying; the
to $1.10, and strong bakers, $3.90 to 84, Princess Mary of Wiles has been St. (:alharin,s' water supply has been revolutionists in Itu�sia with arllis, 1)1►e1,
'1'orunto• given a bicycle, and now rides about examined and found to be pure. second, it is pretty well establistaed that
Brun-Tli� market is unchanged at ha ask$ is a Nihilist hotbed. '1't►c first
$14 to 114.50 in bulk outside. Spurts )tie grounds of Mar;boruugli House. "Old Faithful," a noted Sioux brave, charge is developed by the Novoe11Vre-
are qucted at 8111 to 818.50. Mss Simmons. superintendent cf is dead at Portage la Prairie, aged 107. cliya as follows: "It has been suspe.t-
\Vheat-New No. 2 Ontario wheat telegraphs ut l:haihaut .} os `_Oliice, has
Premier Roblin said he believes there ed for a long time that the Japanese
quoted at (i9 to 70c outside. No. 1 to lied a[tei forty years r are 12.,,)x10,000 bu6heiis of wheat in the were supplying the Russian revolution -
One applicant at the Chiswick Police western crop. fists with arras and money, but new the
Northern, Alaniloba, quoted at 79c lake Court 1.001111/ was so stout that site
ports, and Nu. 2 Northern at 76%1 laky A valuable nickel and copper mine is proofs in the case are so complete That
1•' could not enter the w•itnass :x)x.
ports. has been sold to have been discovered near there is no morn for doubt. 'I tae trail
Corn --No. 2 American yellow is quot- Mixed family bathing, which '� Pontiac on the C.P.13, of the conspiracy, however, realches far
ed at 593; to t30c to arrive, '1'urunto, allowed in the Woolwich Baths every i e Y Peterboru's by-law imposes a license back, and we will have to begin our
Oats -Old No. 2 white nominal at 36 Monday evening, is to be suspend ,storyat the outbreak of the war."
The property belonging to the various fee of $2NJ on places other ttian hotels
to 37c on trach here, and at 33 to 34e p ' Pe Y k g The Russian paper proceeds to say
}.nary Companies of London is esti where cigarettes are sold.
outside. New No. 2 while. quoted out- 1 that "the Japanese Colonel Akashi, who
aside ul '"J to alk , September delivery.
mated to be worth at least fifteen toil- The London Street Railway Company was military attache at St. Petersburg
11y.- quoted ut 58 to c oulsiale. lio!cs sterling, refuse's to take back all of the partici- before the wars went to Stockholm
But icyNo---No, 2. 2 quoted outside
59at 45 10 It iy nal generally known that Lord pants in the recent strike. when hostilities broke out, and that
46c, and No. 3 extra at 43 to 44c. Kitchener served as a volunteer under Competition between acchitecls will be city became the centre of the Japanese
the French flag in the Franco-Prussian ar:ung!ed in the preparation of plans for spy system.
COUNT I3Y PRODUCE. war of 1870. new Ottawa public buildings.
New Bibles, with composition wash -Josephine WELL PLANNED.
Beans -hand-picked selling at $1.75 to able cover, have been provided at the
Josephine' Le Barre, a four y_ar old
$1.80, and primes at 11.50 to $1.60.
Honey -Strained honey quoted at 9X Middlesextakingrho oSeathssions fur the use of time, Hamilton child, drank from a cup that
had contained lye and was killed.
to ilk; per lb., and combs at 12 per doz- '1'1►e newest warship of the Agamern_ The consolidated revenue of Canada
en. non type cost £1.500,000. Nelsons Vic- during July was $5,760,321, a gain over
Imps -13 to 16c per b.tory, armament and all, cost no more the same month of 1905 of $785.000.
Hay -Car lots No. 1 old timothy are than £100,000. The Winnipeg City Council will enter
quoted at $10.50 on track, Toronto, and The King of Spain has honored Sir an action against the Street Railway
No. 1 new at $9. Alfred Jones of Liverpool by creating Company for the electrolysis of water
Straw -$5.50 to $6 per ton. him Knight Commander of the Royal mains.
Potatoes -New potatoes are quoted at Order of Isabella the Catholic. The Gatineau Point Council has de -
5(. to 55c per bushel in quantities. According to the report of the Tnspec- cided to keep all young people under 16
Poultry -Turkeys, fresh killed 12 to
tor of Explosives, a workman was fined off the streets after 9 p.m., by aid of the
14c; chickens, 10 to 12e per 1b. alive, £2 last year for having pockets in his curfew bell.
hens, 8 to 9c per lb. alive; ducks, alive, clothing when working in a danger Oakville carried a by-law on Friday
10 to 11c per le.building. to issue debentures for $40,000 for
Mr. Alderman Henry Good, Mayor cf waterworks and $10.(.100 for an electric
TIIE DAIRY 'MARKETS. Colchester, has intimated that he will light service.
Butter -Pound rolls are quoted at 18 present two almshouses to the borough Chief Justice Ilntt•ell. Mr. Justice Rich -
to 20c; large rolls at 17 to 18c, and in- to cournemorale his year of office. ards and Mr. Justice Happen, have neon
ferior at 15 to 16c; tugs, 17 to 18e. Over £2.000 has already been received sworn in as members of the 'Manitoba
Creiyuery prints sell at 22 to 23e, and for Lady Minto's fund for the organize- Court of Appeal.
solids at 2Ic.tion of a trained British Nursing A display of Cobalt minerals will
Eggs -Good candled stock, 17% to -Society for the European community in form part of the ores to be exhibited
18c per dozen.India. by the Canadian Governinent at the New
Cheese-Quoled at 12% tb 13c, the 1)e Beers Diamond Corporation has Zealand Exposition.
latter for twins. offered £2,500 towards the fund for the North Bay had 170 arrests in three
_ establishment of a college in South months. and Sudbury people are twit -
HOG PRODUCTS. Africa for the higher education of ting the railway metropolis of the north
natives. with being a rough place to live in.
Dressed hogs in car lots are nomA Camberwell workman. on going to Chief Government inspector Richard
al. Bacon, long clear, 12% to 12%c per live at Tonbridge, was amazed to findMcCarthy, at Winnipeg. says he does
1b. in case lots; mess pork, $21.50 to that his next-door nP,ig jibor was his not expect that the (grand Trunk Pacific
52'?; short cut, 824 10 $24.50. brother, whom he had lost sight of for can build itsline to Edmonton much be-
Iiants-l.ig;ht to medium, 15 to 16c; do, 20 years, fore the fall of 1907.
heavy, 14% to 151; rolls, 12%e:; shoal- Mr. C. Pallin, the new master cf Fire at Little Current destroyed, on
ders, 11% to 12c; backs, 17% to 18c; \volverhampton Workhouse, has Saturday, the Nixon House and sur
breakfast bacon, 15'/, to IGe. caused the motto "\Work'' to be placed rounding buildings, causing a loss of
Lard -Tierces, 11'/c; tubs, 11,';1; pails in prominent positions throughout the ever $20,000. Mrs. Powell, an old lady,
12c. Institut on, dropped dead while watching the Ile.
The Duchess of Somerset, who for 11 is announced at Victoria, B.C., that
BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. many years has been interested in the the Maclaren Timber Company, made
welfare of school children, suggests up of Ottawa and Montreal rich men.
Montreal, hen 21. -Grain -- Business the appointment of a Minister for Chil- have purchased all the timber hinds
between locall wheat exporters and their dren in the Government. that the C.P.U. recently arquirt'd in the
hampcustomers on the other side is being The head waiter at one of the big- F,equirnalt and Nanainlo railway belt.
askedered by the high freight rates being; gest London hotels, giving evidence in By the deal the railway company re -
quietfor October shipment. Oats were a case at Bow Street, said his salary ceives $3,000.0W or more than was paid
quiet and steady al the decline. No. tuns £1 a week, but his total earnings the Dunsmuir Company for the entire
2 white being quoted at 38c, No. 3 at were £8 or £10. land grant and railroad.
37c, and No. 4 at 36c per bushel, ex The Davenport Town Council has d
More. Flour -The demand for flour cided to instruct the Education Cao! GREAT BRITAIN.
shows no improvement and the market miltee to give three months' notice tel Russia may place orders for warships
is quiet and racy, but there is no actual married woman teachers to terminate
change inprices io note. Manitobain Great Britain.
g their engagements. KingEdward will be a godfather to
takers',Spring wheat, $4.50 to 84.70; strong) Westhoughton flaincashiret) has re- ,
83.90 to $4.20; Winter wheat ceived from Mr. Carnegie £250 towards Emperor Williams grandson.
potents, 14.25 to $4.35; straight toilers, the decoration of the public library, tel The Duke of Connaught was in an
83.90 to $4.10; do., in bags, );1.85 to $l.• $lie Duilditng (unci of which he pre- automobile collision in \Vales, but es -
90; extras, $1.60 to $1.70. Heed -Mani- viotrsly subscribed £3.500. caped injury.
toga bran in bags, 818; shorts, 121 per A new bee disease -a kind of para- Lord Haddo, son of the Earl of Aber -
ton; Ontario bran in bags, 817.50 to $18; lysis -has discovered am�..ng bees in deen, was married to Mrs. Cockayne ct
shorts, 121; milled mouille, 41 to 125 the isle of Wight. it is estimated that London on Tuesday.
per ton, and straight grain, $28 to $29. half the bees kept in the island are now The British Government is said to
Provisions -Rowels short cut mess, dead through this disease. have framed a measure providing for a
824; half -barrens do., 112.50; clear fat flaying tested the flesh of various legislative assembly for Ireland.
backs, -barr; long cut heavy mess, $21.- animals. a Northampton gentleman Alfred Moseley's offices in London are
50, half -barrels do.. =11.25; dry salted tIeehnres that a donkey makes the most daily besloged with teachers who desire
long clear bacon, 1234 t; barrels
e; hnrrvly excellent eating of any *Millet, the to visit Canada and the United States.
Elate beef, $12 to 1313.5-); ets heavy flavor resembling that of a young tur- An expedition will leave London next
ales beef, $11.50; half -barrels do., !tG. week to search for an island off the:
25; compound lard, 9 to 9Xc. pure lard, k The Trinity House authorities am coast of Africa on which are said to 1-e
12 to 12%c; kettle rendered, 13 to 141; placing a new foghorn signal at the A jury at Lincoln's inn has decided
Nuns, 14 ; to 161; breakfast bacon, kill- Needles Lighthouse. it is a reed trum- the Mnrquls of Townsend capable of
to 17c; abattoir
Windsor bacon, , 110 fresh kill- pet worked by compressed air, and will taking care of himself, but not capable
ed abattoir dross('d kings, 110.!10 to $10.- be heard eight or ten miles froin the of managing his affairs.
75; alive, 87.50 to 117.75 per 100 lbs. Eggs lighthouse. UNITED STATES.
-Selects. 20 to 2()3;1; candlesd, 17 to
17%c. Butter -Choicest creamery, salt-
ed and unsalted. 22%e; medium grades,
21 to 22e. Cheese -Ontario, 12%c; Que-
bec, 12 to 12%e. Water Supply Declared Inadequate
How Preparations Were !Made for the
War - Itesolulionists at
A!'PI.E ('ROP :1 F.%ll 1 RI:.
Reports From Rroe•k‘ ille District nre
:\ Rro'•3 ilto ele_iadeli soy c: The ripple
creep in time-e•e•tieen is r1 conilelete fail -
1110, and n RrUcvillc man carne clown
a clay or two ago ready to buy and pack
As nsunl. After travelling ower the dis-
Iriet hr r•cturncel 1n I•etvu. shipped his
(wpm ally- bonne and mode 1 112111gmnients
to di,t11,;e of the e11)1)1 • hands ordered.
lie gives as an example one orchard.
111aa1 last your l.r.edercee) 200 barrels.
eie•h this year w ill not lei'ar sufficient
fei the family use.
(:11.11)(:1:1) 11IT11 FORGERY. KILLED RV '1I1IET (:t11.
Fite 1'ounn 11,_-n in the Cells at Man Named Roux Dragged Two Ilun-
Neepawa, %fan. Bred lards n1 Montreal.
A dosleatch from Neet.nwn, Alan.. :1 desg►ntfll freemi \1' ,$teem says : .\
says : Detectives who have been en the satd,ller 'armed lt.eeix fr1an 'Tina ;eh.
Seent of a forgery case in Eden dist. Arthabasca, war killed here on Wednls-
Irict landed five young Hien in the cells (ley night in :t street ear it." id,•11.
at \retinue on Wednesday. The name Roux was knoe kelt down by a car pro-
of Samuel Currie, Councillor for Ward eeraling nt n high rat(' of rei)ee.l. 0113
Two of Rosedale, was forged to a spu4'- tlragroat n ,li,tnnee of too hundred
sous order for pion merit for road, work, 'meds !wrote Ihr car 0401171 be brought
which haat not been performed. but es fa, rc standstill. 1Iefore his remains could
the regular municipal lural \sem used be taken iron► beneath the wheels it was
and the Councillor's name seemed gen- Jelin.' n•re eeary to raise the cnr by
uine the Clerk issued a check for pay- iteang of jacks. The motorman (haat)•
"Now in the Autumn of 190.4, when
the Russsinn freedom movement began,
Akashi connee:ted himself with the Rus-
sian Nihilists in Paris, and in Novem-
ber, 1904, an agreement was concluded,
by the terms of which an armed insur-
rection was to be created in Russia for
the beneflt of Japan.' The chief parties
ti' this agreement were "the revolution-
ist George Dekanosi, one Grusier, and
the well-known politician Konni Silia-
These omen "received money from
Akashi to buy weapons, and it was
agreed that th;' arms were to be used
by the Russian Social -Democrats, the
Grusierian revolutionists, and the Polish
and Finland Socialists." According to
they Novoye Vrenlya, there were bought
in Switzerland 25,000 guns and 3,500,-
(X10 cartridges, while Siliacus purchased
several vessels, including one in ham-
burg, which was christened John Graf-
ton. This vessel was loaded with wea-
pons, and under command of Captain
Restroom she set sail July 16. But
August 25 she ran ashore at Uleaborg,
and the mystery of her origin was the
source of no shall amount of discus-
sion. After she had been abandoned
by her crew the Ship was boarded by
the Russians, and in her hold were found
9:1 cases, containing 659 rifles, 658 bay-
onets, and 120,000 rounds of cartridges.
After Being Tested.
St. Louis, .Aug. 21-- Wheat --Cash, 7( ;
September, e63 e; December, 70%c; May,
74!‘e -
Milwaukee, Aug 21.--\hent---No. 1
Northern, 77 to 78e; No. 2 Northern. 75
is 77e; September, 711',;,r asked. ilye-
No. 1, 58 to 59e. Barley ---No. 2. 55 to
54'.e; sample. 50 10 Ste. Curti -No. 3
rash. 19' to 50%e; September, 4Ss.,,e
I)ithil t►. :1118. 21. -Where -- No. 1
Northern. 7:a c: No. 2 Northern. 74.;
September. 71' C; De ember, 7174e;
\ln1•, 76}1e.
('-VI'l' I.1: \l.1 l i K I•:'1'.
'rnreutn. \►age. 21.-1'1'41410 way f: irly
active at the \\'estern Cattle Market 10 -
day een nioelernto deliveries.
Quietness was the order in the export
11244l4' The q1101a1ionc ranged nom
$1.40 to $1.811 per ctrl.
:1 fete loads of gond butchers' s..i.1
rea.lily. The following were aluotatienc
(heele'e cattle, 84.41) to $1.G5: tne'elium
heavy bute•liers', A1:10 to $1.25: mixed
lets nnei rows, 83.50 to 84; ordinary
cows. 81.5n 10 $3.35 per cwt.
Short -1 c.'ps. feeders nmd st4eekrrs.'fin.
tinned ii► tory light demand. Shrert-
kceps. M.35 le *1.70: feeders. $1 in $4.•
25; stockers. 82.75 to $3.31 per cwt.
Sheep w•Pre firm. )while' lilniha were a
little stronger. C,ahes were steady. Tho
following we'•,' the que•tatinns:-Export
ewes. 81.25 1,, 8%.Sn: siring lnnniee s(',
Ir X1..75: hlte 1, 4. $1 t.. Q l.:►)1; eel\ee . $1.50
to $.i pi r cwt.
Hog!: dr('line.l :14k' -
Sete, Is. X16.9.1, lights anal lots. $1'..r:5 per
Mitch rows were n 1i111s lighter. Thee
A Winnipeg despatch says: A test of
the water supply for fire purposes on
Wednesday before Inspector Ilaw•e 1 f
the Canadian Fire Underwriters' AssO-
ciation resealed a serious slate of affairs.
The pressure was altogether inadequate,
and the inspe;lor intimated that a tna-
terial advance in rates might be anti-
RETTE•:R Fiil_1T•1'.1(:K1N(..
Western Expert Engaged to Gine De-
monstrations in Ontario.
An Ottnwn despaleti says: Mr. \1.
Spinel, a western expert in fruit -packing
has been engaged by the Department of
Agrieultere In gine demonstrations tee
fore the fruit -growers of Onlnrio, QHe-
be4' and the Mnritirne Provinces. 11e
hikes the place of Mr. Boles, who is
now in lite e'mple.y of n leading Ontario
exporting firm.
llu'iiclt►al Authorities Stoned - (til
(:wards Opened Fire.
A deepalch from Madrid .says : A riot
nf'urred a' Ciclam41 on llteedny Over
heal taxation. 'I ho mayor and nn
al4I01111nn were sinned And another
nktrrrnnn tone Sla13ee'i1 in the stomach.
(shit ce►nrd` opened fire on tine rioters,
w•rnlmd,mg veteral perruus.
Fourteen miners were killed by the
tail of an elevator at Kattowits,
Three negroes were taken from the
jail at Salisbury, N.C., on \\ ednesday.
and lynched.
(:itosler D. Massey 0f Toronto has
donated $20.04) for a memorial organ
at Chautauqua, N. Y.
The. paying te.eer of the defunct 5111-
tt•atikee Avenue State Rank, Chicago.
committed ,Weide. on Fridny.
Hall. leader of the Snlisbury. N.C.,
lynchers, was sentenced to fifteen years
in the date Prison, on Fridny.
Two electric cars collided near Ver-
million, O., nn Tu'sdny. killing two
persons and seriously injuring about
For the first time in thirteen years the
Units) Slates (:uvorra►n•'nt his adver-
tised for silver bullion for coinage pur-
'The son of the fugilit a President of
the \tilwnuhoe Avenue State flank, (:hi-
,•nge. wilt hand mer to the receiver
his lathe'r's property, valued at $600,-
1:hnrli•s D. Sibley, editor of the Ern.
of New Beeholle. N.Y.. is in jail, with
a $25.($) libel (when pending. because
he called the inaye,r and aldermen
Another ship, a steamer, caught fire
near the Finland coast, and the subse-
quent investigation showed That it was
packed with an immense quantity of
rifles, cartridges, and so forth. And
on August 28 there were found on the
island of Kolgmar ever 700 rifles. an
immense nm(unt of revolutionary liter-
ature, and quantities o1 anununiti.en.
All of the arms found were of Swiss
manufacture." The same journal avers
that "the revolutionists of Moscow -
during the rebellion of December, 1905
-were all armed with Swiss weapons,"
and thinks that these munitions probate
ly entered by another ship which landed
safely. This vessel was fitted out "by
George Dekanosi, it sailed from Mar-
seilles to Batutn, and reached port safe-
ly. The captain of the ship was a
Dutch Nihilist."
The Japanr: o correspondent of the
Frankfurter lashing declares that Nag-
asaki before the war was it favorite re-
sort for Russians in the east, and now
that the war is over it hus become a
paradise for the Nihilists. 'Thus: --
"The Russians comes ngnin, now that
the war is over, but they are no longer
the official classes -lye now have the
Nihilists. As Vlndivestock and other
large places were pacified the number
of Russian revolitionists in Nagasaki
constantly increased, and now the col-
ony is so large that we find a Russutn
newspaper in the town, printed by Rus-
sians and in Russian type. This paper
i . called Voll (or 'F reedon1'), and at first
it appeared every other day, but now
it is a daily. The character of the paper
is well indie'ntcd by the following quo-
tation: '\\'c call upon whoever has the
material-nnrans, to help our work; we
exhort all who have a wont 10 soy for
the cause, to say it. And we call for
help front all llussinns w he fur not con-
tent tt ith the Russian Government, who
can not tolerate the horrible condition
of things in Russia to -day. Our airs
is to destroy autocracy by means of a
revolution. to give Russia a dernoerantic
republic, and Inter In bring about a So-
cialistic state of society. But we nttist
not sleep, we must not rest -the a►ito-
free, does neither.'"
The correspondent set's that "hits
Shows clearly the spirit of the floss:ia?us
in Nagasaki. And what is tfilially dear
is that they hate plenty of nloi.•y --
otherwise they could net publish a
l,aprr. Naturally the settlement is (a
thorn in the dale of e,tlicin1 Russia. but
the Jal►aneee take nothing from the Itms-
sinns Io -day, and an oflicinl we,uld girt
rough words who tried to induce the
Japanese to lake !delis against 111' \iig;-
asnki colony.
Rus;in's flnuncia! i'°-' .nn 1, 'niet In
be preeariouS.
The Japanese battleship Stiknsn has
Leen floated at Sasebo.
A severe earthquake was felt at San
13emo. Italy, on Saturday.
The Persian Government has given
the people a National Assernb'y.
Experiments have been begun with n
sub-mnrine telephone in Germany.
Grrninny is said to contemplate n
naval programme of unpreeeden?.-el
Strained ref/diens have arisen he-
lwen France And fleets y r". err the fro$
tier of Tripoli.
Goremykin. tomer Russian Premier.
has gene abroad, presumably for his
The girl : "The (tubule fuller to lel me
that the cog:1,111 4141) of the tnorrth is th•
luckiest to 1•e married on."
The e•ynie : "You were misinformed,
my child. it's ttae eighth day of the
\Ir. I.ittle•r,t "Doctor, %%lint did yotI
telt nio ‘‘11‘.. ) e ei)r special treatment for
Medico: "\\'e strike nl the con-, or
the origtin of the troll•),• '
Mr. Littleie,t 9,►u don't say so.
Well, you tt ill find the baby in the other
�. don't hit him too hard."