HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-08-16, Page 8• STJ WART'S SETTING EADY POI FALL NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY .lust in direct fionl rhe Old Land New lahrioleumns 2 3 and 4 yards wide New Wool Rugs all sizes New Tapestry Rugs all sizes New Door and Piano Rugs New Tapestry Curtains New Dress Goods all kinds New Dress Trimmings Swell Range Yes, Early Fall Stock is all here Ready for YOU We have just placed in stock a Lovely Lot of 108 -piece Dinner Setts direct from the Pottery in England, the values will 2.) to 25 per cent below regular prices. Will you drop <t at ud see them. Bring along all Your Produce, It's just as Good as Gold, S. A. S'2'MW.A3R'T 11 On the merit of their performances alone are we willing to have them judged. Simplicity of constructloo�,, combined with a skill in manu- facture. wl")ich is the inheritance of genera- tions, make good time keepers and consequently comfortable watches to carry. Their efficiency is assured by a guarantee which enables the owner to have any constructional defect remedied free of charge by the nearest agent in any part of the world. They are not made in grades which cannot be fully guaranteed. All Kinds of Repair- Jeweler & ing done Here Mr6una Optician. GOOD CLOTHIN 1 IHirR8r,,y. AI'Gtrgl 161 1i 1906 I IF LOCALS 1 • ,411440414 --r Itey .Goin -. - -__ - Itf ed. K N holida)'in; nt the i Mrs. Holloway, of Wingl,.•ttn, is 1)o not let, all the (food Chances pass. visit ing ihcr another, Mrs. Welsh.. ou, it you aro likely to need a new • , V is s•Tot tis 'Cr'doker, of Oi taw.",Suit during the next six months, you 's t 11e "est of her aunt, Mrs, Johns, Will ite doing youself a favor by getting ! Mr. fico. ,Iloskins, of I3nantford, 1/ it. now. spending ha .liolidaya with his par. cots. '.1r. :'rank Tom, of Toledo, is ending tris vacation with his lea- nt our Special Discount of tilts There. TWENTY PER r`I;�TT, A slumber from Exeter took in the 1 1. 0. 0. 't'. excursion to Sirn:a p', $t t ttrdny, Mr. Lorne Fror, of Detroit it nt Try to fit a can into a really- 1$t“cnt 'the guest of his parents nt telae Suit, we make the Suit 1 the parsonage. to Fat the \Inn ;end to fit him t •lt T le i -Stiesuest R Monett trs. ( London. nnda ;as if it wcte his own Suit -not :file Bonthron, .a is)rrntved one. if You want to hive the reputation of be- CHARLES AND 1,OT7•IE DENNIS, ing a correct dresser ht sJS do of Arkonn, sprat n feta. dive in town the Tailoirsig for you, and gqnu (Inst week, visiting friwndq. will ever he sure of goods eta. Mrs. Edward Graham, of Goderich, terials good r'it. Special work• I and Miter ida Graham, of Cleveland manship and perfect finish. visited Mrs. C. Lindenfeld a few days I last "oek, \\••' are pleased to note by the j• W. �a*uan I Atrent! ,rd Expositor that Miss Martha (''srliinq a gradtt:atn of the Exeter i i h aR been sucresefnf in p*Qeing MetrcMeant Tailor. 1 Part Two, Rentor Teachers' F.xauth aliens,• Take Advantage WE DON'T Ej EX E T E R 'L' t M E S, AUGUST 16th 1904 Miss 51..y ltive s e i. t .- (j2116; ia; Clinton last week, :Miss Edith Liddiou-tt, of London, has •r (turned 'home after a pleasant visit with Miss Lela Gould. \I•. J. J. McKay ;sad .on of in• troit are visiting 31i-. and Alit. Dun- can 3IcKay pt the north end. 31r. and Mrs .l\-, J. St at h. ui o -e attending tlsc Bakers' convention b'- ing •held at London this wver•k, Mr. R. Crocker, of It. 1. Lovell Company Toronto, is (pending his holidays with his parents here. Mr. V. 'Hardy, of Regina, whet has bey!' ill for biome time. is visiting at the 'borne of his parents, Mr and Mrs ,L. 'lardy. 'rho summer holidays in 11ra rural districts, mitt come to an end t his week. School4 open foe t Le f ill •tel m, Monday. Mr. Thomas Ilartnoll, is the dele- tele,: from Plymouth Lodge S. 0. E. t:.o ,the Griarid I, dge in session at Olrathain 'this week. Dir. George Horton leaves for the west 'tomorrow night to work on his farm at Moulton. Leo klatch ford will "coompnay him. Mrs. S. 'Merrifield, of Meaford; who teas 11he guest of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gidlcy last week. left for her home Monday morning. Mr. Drtvis Gardiner who was ap- pointed "manager sof the Exeter Can- ning (Company deft Friday for King- ston, to tnlake arrangements to move his family here. Mr. land airs. Geor{,•c. Hawkins 're turned Thursday evening from their ivetlding trip 10 New York and other points and have taken up their re- sidence 'on IJuron street, ltev. Milly,ard, of Luckrlow, for- morly 'pastor of the .Main St, church spent Saturday in town renewing ac quoinhanoc's, before going to the EARTHE OLD RELIABLE Selling Off at Very Low Prices. Women's Night Gowns Made of Beautiful Cambric nicely trimwed with Torchoa Lace and In- sertion to match, regular value 81.50 for $1.13. Women's Night Gowns Made of excellent quality Cotton Lace and Embroidery trimming worth $1,75 for $1.25 Women's Corset Covers Ilade of fine Lonsdale Cotton em- broidered and Lsce Trimmings regu- lar value 35 cents for 25 cents. White Underskirts Four only lVhite Underskirts love- ly flue cotton full flounce fine etnbroid- ery insertion around flounce worth $1 '2.' for tyl cents• Four only white underskirts of fine Cambric beautifully evade and trim- med worth $1 75 for $1.'.',!). 15c Stockings for 10c Five dozen 1Vomen's Black Cotton Stockings guaranteed fast dye sizes Si 9,9i for 10 cente per pair. Black Underskirts Two dozen Ladies' Black Sateen Un- derskirts beautiful quality full flounce shirred and frilled worth $1.35 foa $t. New Tweed Skirts Very pretty showing of new Tweed Skirts in latest styles a very fine col- lection at $5 each. New Fall Dress Goods Daily Arriving Buy Pure Pickling Spices We sell nothing but the best. All our Spices are guaranteed pure, XXX White Wine Vinegar fcr 40 cents a gallon. Bend, to as„end .:r ,,eek'n vacation.I SN ELL & ROW E Mr. John J. Knight, ticket .a..ent G .T.'11. left Monday evening on his vacation. He will take a trip to the northwest and visit his brother Fred ;at Yorkton, a portion of the time. Mrs .N. 0. Ifurdon left Monday morning for England to visit the scenes of cher childhood. Mrs. Ilur- don's mother. Mrs. Jeckell is vis- iting over there and will return with Mrs. Iiurdon. Union cervices were held Sunday by 'the +Goners.z<aGems of the Pres- byterian rind Main Street churches. In 'rise 'morning Rev. Fahr preached in 'the Presbyterian church and in the evening occupied his own pul- pit .in the Main Street +church. Mrs, Roger Cnocker and son, who h.,ve Wort visiting Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crocker, for several weeks, leave ta- marrow 'for London, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Adol phos 'Evens, and will return to Tor onto the beginning of :next week. One day fall week, while nt work the 'Elimville drain, Mr. August Guhr.athe contractor ,dredged up the horn of an elk. The horn is well preserved rind measures nearly four feet In length, card hie seven pron4s, The horn was buried in the ground about two feet. A very pretty wedding was solem- nized at riven oclock Saturday at Ilensall, when Miss ]Manche, daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs. George Petty was married to Mr. J. Lorne Scott, Accountant sof the Sovereign nat)k. Exeter. In the'ansenco ori Rcv. Doh - cry, kite ceremony was performed by Prof. Burgess, of the Western Uni- versity. London. After n wedding breakfast .was served, Mr. and Mrs. Soot t took st he enrly train for a trip to Hamilton, Toronto and other places. After their return they will reside on Ann Street. Miss ida Cottle had n runaway ac- cident Saturday morning, but beyond a few bruises and a slight shaking up was uninjured. She had 'taken her mother iand Miss Heatnan, of London, up to Kipl,en to t:ak$' the I. 0. 0. F. excursion train to Sarnia and wan ;returning home when the accident occurred. The horse took fright nt something atop; :the road- side, 'and turned around upsetting the ibug y end throwing Mists Cottle into She ditch. The animal roan to- wards Kippen end was captured a mile notlh u.f stensall. The buggy was 11ot injured, 'Keep pl out 'of the paper' uv 'rhe tarp (which i he reweyaver publishers daily decor. To oblige 'often costs Don sidena hie, .1 hough tlhe party who mnkcs tthe ;request thinks the grant- ing scarcely worth saying "th:.nk You" for. A 'newspaper is a peculi- ar 1 hi ng 'in t he public's eye. The news-tr,) herer os stormed at 1se- cnuse be gets hold of one item and is 'abused because 110 (1 c5 not get anot bor. Young men and often young 'women ,as well as older per- sons. ix+rform acts which become legitimate items for publication and 1 hen mush h to the newspaper attics and !beg 'the editor not to not ici the escapade. The next dray they con- demn rhe Fame paper for not having published another hearty tout{( the a,tno'thing they were ;tuilty of, for- getting 'apparently lhcir late visit to the printing office. Y$PEP$I Are You Troubled With Indigestion, Heartburn Oft-_ _ Sour Stomach if ro YOU are 'list the person we want to meet. We,have a remedy a little better than the ordinary. No rash experiment but a Scienti- fic Certainty. This prepar, t', '• 1 .' _ hilted a great many a,.. ,.o .touht it will help YOU. Big Relief for Small Price of I 50 Cents a Bottle. t MR. LUTHER PENHALE LEFT Tuesday for Frobisher, Man. MISS BARNES, OF TORONTO, IS visiting at Mr. It. Ked�ly's Huron - dale. MRS. '1MORLOCI: AND MASS MARY are visiting Mrs. harry Buckingham. in London, NIRS. THOMAS •n. ELLIOT AND son •Eldred ,*}to were visiting in Ber- lin, have ;returned home. THE VOTERS LiSTS FOR THE township of Usborne for 1900 taro out and contain 780 voters. TIir. WHEAT THiS YEAR 18 ]'ROI pounced exceptionally good, borne of 1 it testing 62 to 66 pounds 'to Oat bushel. THE ENGLISH BOWLERS, \1'1101 ar'e Souring Canada, will be the guests of the Clinton bowlers, nest Saturday. MONDAY WAS THE LAST DAY 1 to ;snake 'appeals on the voter's lists, for 1906, and Clerk Joseph Senior, was ;handed several of them. THE SPECIAL TRAIN CONTAIN ing the 21st. Essex Regiment passed 1lrrough there Thursday night, after ti ev(ek's outing nt Godcricb. M1(. LEONARD McTAGGART, OF Exeter North, leas offered to the Exeter Oanning and Preserving Co. a free elle for the factory, 'either on Main Si rcet nt ;the north Rend of the town, or by the river. TIIE STRATFORD IIEitALI) 11A8 issued, tin connection with the Old Boys' Ile -union, n 2.1 -page Murano. ted sedition of the Old Boys', Harald. It is copiously illustnatcvl with pho-1 tos lof former end present residents( of Stratford. Mit. L. L. FOLLICK, OF ST., Af'arys, .a••ho has just returned from: a alrip jo Edmonton, spent Sunday and Monday with 'relatives here and at 'the ]lend, Miss ,stable who was; holid:uying there met urned with Waal to St. Marys, Monday evening. THE MEM1iERS OF TIIE TL61F.8j staff desire to express to Mr. 1'. II. Tartan their ap.t preciction def his kindness in pro -I renting them with a bag of.'the most+ luscious ilia/vest ripples we ever eaw,l We intended 4,aving some made in-' to pies, but they aa:.re 'asci goal to keep. MR. S. POPPLEeTONE, MLYTiI presenting 'fllytL Lrxlge I. O. 0. lr,I I'eterbor•o 'last week, made+ an ..x re at cellent showing sin the Irun for .riff- -��__ ice of (r:'n4 Warden b^.ing .(.bird in :a field of 17rtst irints. No doubt Mr. We pay the Highest Cash Pri I'oplestone, if 'he (allows 1154 name for poultry of all kinds. Live to elle presented again, will secure the rnur.l, coveted (office. ! dressed :;(rite for prices a SAMUEL STURGEON, ONI'. OP • particulars. Mention this pap the t rio of Elizabeth Bradley's as-' The Canada Poultry' & Pro(lu siilants near Kincardine last week t Co. Limitcdl Stratford Ont. w.is aoaplur(..l near Walkerton last I ' , Monday by Constable HotIgin4, of � Kincardine. The ot her two nten co„(wine•': in thr' crime Nei) and blur- MIs::. .1 %NIES WOOL) VISITED dock McLe'>,I, rote still at Inrg, friends its Detroit over Sunday. Sturgeon was identified by the girl. MIs. It. A. CRANSTON, 01'' CItOM- A Tltl n OirT IN TTiI: \\'OOhB AND rIY is visiting this week at the rloug 11 he a;ver (sank, ':V .a ids:hs:ant ' mins,, one Ito take, nt this lime of 1he year. T11F MISSES M1AItCIHAND, WHO The young lids have toilet rurted a were visiting in Berlin, have return - very !respectable looking dam, mak- 4.1 home. ing wafer deep enouilt for �a zood MR, 'EDWIN JONES OF EXETEII swimming weal. On,t•hc dam the [M.vs I his 'told his seven acsres to lir. John have 'const rur.ted) a minkature wet • t Jatrrot t. cr-wheel, and the banks ,.,side the pool, t•+laow• b • t e' i\11tS (•. fi\ I:L1 1 Market Report.-Tbe following is the report of Exeter markets, mar - metre] up to August 15tJt, Wheat, 68 to 70 cents per bushel. Earley 38 to 40 cents per bus. Peas 58 to 60 Oats 28 to 30 Shorts, $22 a ton. Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Bran, $17 per ton :Gay, $6 to $8 per ton. Potatoes, 75c. per bag. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Clover seed, $7 to $8.50 per bus. flutter, 18 cents per pound. Eggs, 16 cents per dozen. Coil, $6.75 per ton. flogs, dressed $11.50 her cut. (togs, Iivisve. ht $7.40 per owt. UMMER WANJS FOOT -EASE A True Foot Comfort MELISSA BALM A Toilet necessity for Tan and Sunburn. Wild Strawberru Compound A Pafe end effective reme- dy for re'axed conditions of the bowels. EVERYTHING FOR PICKLING SPICES That will wake your pickles just a little nicer than your neighbors if von hay them at COLE'S DRUG STORE where you wilt always find z pure, fresh and complete st ick. Bottle and Sealing Wax, PARAFFiNE (',uth9 .a so 1 'nllgtt ICINGS .�I.I. SIZES AT :1T COLE'S DRUG STORE 1 POULTRY WANTED A bright penny will please a child but you must not think of giving a man a penny. The idea then of offering man or woman a PENNY Ba113E to draw their custom, yet that is just \\'hitt is offered when a reputed dollar article is marked 99 cents, A penny Bait is a small thing to go fishing for custom with (but how many will bite) too shall for a large fi�'hl and quite too small for US. Our motto `11 worth for $1" and we live up to it and we are not going to lower our standtl cent's worth. We give a premium in the qua4ity r goods, that's worth more than a cent's worth of chewing gum. We have just received in stock a choice Line of FALL and WINTER DRESS GOODS ranging in price 20, 40, 50, 75, $1, $1.25 and $1.50. Nobby Goods, Up-to-date in Her Ladyship Tailor-made Skirts which have no Equal in the Trade. Come early before they are picked over. CALLING BIOS. BUSINESS BANKU.NO tacil!}ate the (3(!tapatt:h oft h � ! red tape. .15 fit o.f CourervaI1 mike for sormdlf�.f,� irtrd t�llltkif� :ware. The Sovere � n DaUk o: at CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER, JOSEPIi SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN & STA NBURY, So lir re Western Real Estate me have placed on the mar- ket a nese brand of flour 78 Dundas St., London Have you :r farm t hat you want to twill Write for our terms of sel- ling property. We have the most complete method of advertising and scala; property in Oanada. Do you want to buy a farm or business property in any part of Ontariot Send for our diet. We have some ba r Gains. GRAND TRUNK SYs EM $l2FIRM IABORERSS12 TO hite Seal This is a choice Manitoba Pat- ent, fully equal to the output of the large mills, and costs only $2.40 per hundred, If you prefer Pure Manitoba ttour try "WHITE SEAL," it will please you. Repairing over, we are once more in a position to supply the needs of our customers. We Soll;it your (meting and Choppiug patronage. MANITOBA and 1 HARVEY BROS. ASSINIBOIAI GOING August 14th EXETER, ONTARIO. Merchant Millers From all motives sant h of line 1', i - CCr� onto to Sarnia, It Stratfnr'1 in- cr. ' ShorthandOr c luting 'CoronG'gust 17th From station Toronto to Sarnia h it tell tie, worn Mrs. Joh,. Jarrof is afterltspet dling u 0 ap}a+,ranee, 5)hat 41M boyo have been enjoying 'their holidays. few we,ks in Tononlo. IfClitos is ONE or' Tin,: GREAT, b11t. AND MRS. .ronN CIIAItL- est'apple producing counties, but the ton 'alk' Mrs. Mers1►a11 will leave Fri crop •1 hi. v(car is only considered fair. d')' for Ilse northwest. On the whole the quality is good. JIISS .1f•:\SIE MURRAY Rle• The'faldwin 'i. a light yield iso are turned 3101,41' spies end Tw,•,,, ) evening niter visi- y-snare. Kings and ting ref.atia•ee in tlurteesvillc. Bendavis rare Cerly plentiful; Rus- sets acre a full rrop, and I.reening. Aif18, It. E. ATIJMPI! AND F',1:f. the best crop probably of all, Snows ily of Berlin, ore the guest(+ of Mr. of *Wool riIli liry ore Fearer, as usual. and Mrs. Arnold Morehand. Ei.rly apples are a gr.r1 crop. Af MRS. MILLINER AND DAI'G11. ler a oruple of 'off" years. the Du ler (Tarn, of Toronto, are visiting chess 1s ngain very plentiful. Mrs. Milliner's sister. Mr.. ,lave THE LAWN Sultan. pl; eocisu AND CON. cert given •on Wednesday evcnina of 31104. 101N \\'lllTr: AFfF:R last week an the itrotory grounds sn^n'linu •:a couple of ple-•i. nr wei ks by Ate Ladies of the Tr; vitt :;elver- visiting in Toronto return...) home CON - oriel (hnrch tv.ae a f, ghly Rutter., \iond,,y eweninq. ful nff•,ir. :Ir. N. Dyer Burden was 11159 LIRA QUANCE, LEVI SAT- ch�Irm,,n and he expressed the hear. urlay ;morning for Landon, to as. ty thank. of the ladies of tha guild, list on Rett in; 'ready for the millin- for ( he liberal patronage' accorded le y openings. I The 1,neeri•al :[ale Qunr(etle :[RS. HARMS AND DAUGHTER, of London, gave lmveral eeleotions, of N.ipink.4, Min., who hare been eis- and eves well received. The Exeter iting air. and Mrs. James Willie, bind was present and enlivened the left Monday for their fame, Miss rereedings. Rcv;(. E. A. Pant and Collins gave addresses. Refresh- I Carrie firemen (c the [hem rr'nti '-we're erryed, and wit! remain in tine �vret for Qomc time. ' HOWEY'S Drug Store n via Stratford and all stations north I FALL, ':`ERM at the and (laud well Junction. August 22nd From Tarnnto aid stations east to Kingston inclusive and all stations north thereof, also from stations I north of Toronto and Cardwell j thereof except nor ( rt In of Toronto won W siness �e g� Ito Dundee Street, London COMMENCES 4th and loth Sept. We teach an advanced system of Shorthand and make a speciality of each pupil. Junction. Spew Arraens for Rama! Secure tickets at 0. T. It. Offices. J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Ticket Agent J. 0. McDONALD, District i'assenger Agent, Toronto iIAVE ANY OF OL'lt i(fiADElt who have taken a(troll doer t1 river towards the cemetery rnisse a geed old Iandtn trkf if you hay not my elderly friend y. ••ar eye mus have become dim, or''',►a Verba sormwfuf ( bought Ir s occupied you nearmind when drawing near God' Acre," as my younger friend Perh:ipmm 4 os person of lire oppo- j WM. C. COO, C. S, s, !Shorthand pet ANi) Typewriting site Mx gnas so wholly abvrsrbed you (it tent ions •Hoot you (volt rev north ing rise, But nevertheless not with standing, moreso ver »ow the old elm tree 'bets fallen. 115 mighty limbo, thole that rem:a%n are level with mother (.'raft and the tree which has withstood. winter's ter- rific storms for s hundred years and more fell before a strong sum 1fl(r• wind. \\'h't recollection% dnee that tree bring hark to In my of usl liow many of our folk have bilked no•'ath its (hate in "The geti.d old summer a ime" er in spring with rod in bind d oppcd the alluring hilt to the finny tribe in the deep wafer- hole at its roots. A)el Aye land how mnny'hive bathed their in the good (4.1 .1.1 v., gone by. Geed- I))e old tree grid -bye. Principal. r Thr following is a partial list of the firms engagin • our graduate stenogre- - pliers within the past few days: SV, J (lege & Co., Toronto ilarritter Vanstnne, 1Vingham Cottain Seed Co , London Marks Electric Co., Detroit. Mo,aarch Typewriter Co., Toronto C[IMff N BUSINESS ME "Affiliated with Winghatn Ilnsi- I ness College." OPENS UPI 3M. • Drop a postal for idformation to Boo. Spotton Principal