Exeter Times, 1906-08-16, Page 5TSE EXEtl hit TIMES, AUGUST 1601 19u6. SHINGLE N1'e have just received a carload of British Columbia red Cedar Shingles and one of Now Brunswick Shingles and are now in a position to supply your wants in this line. Pariod oofing We are agents for this original Ready Roofing, it is meal on barns, factories, in fact any building that needs a good roof. Ask us about this roofing and get a circular. he-ROSS-Taulor Go. LW ExctcrTt - 114+3++++++++++++++++++++1+ 200 ToriS of all kinds of old sera) 1 iron rr • wanted at M. Jackson's EXETER We will pay the $ highest cash price or $ exchange fence posts $ for same. M.JACKSON &SON Main -St. Exeter. I One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. 44++++++++++++'h++++++++++4. t MEDICAL JW. BROWNIN(tl, M. D., M. C. • P. 8., Graduate Victoria Uni- m-e1ty. office and residenence. Dominion. Laboratory, Exeter. DR. A, F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PHYSI- eians and Surgeon-. Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Office Main street. Residence. east on first street north of Post Office, Exeter, Ontario. PiccaRS. Y. AND 1I. M. COWAN, 391 Telel111111Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. dilly 1528. Long distance connection. Special attention given diseases of women and surgery. Oxford or C. P. It. Street Cars to Colborne street take you almost to the door. No other city ollice. Special Hospital and other arra tgcments for patients from It distance. DENTAL DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S. D. D. 8., Honor Oradaate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects, Once in Fan - eon's block. West aide of Main ares0.'Exeter• DR. 0. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D. D. S., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. J., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto Uniyersity. OFFICE: -Over Dickson aft Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. riONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to ens on farm and village properties at lowrate. Ial••teaL ;MADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Felicitate. Main 8b Exeter. The Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance GompanU Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. Pres,: -J. A. Norms, CROMARTY P.O Vice -Pres.: -J. L. RessELL, I{USSELLDAI.E. 1'. O. DIRECTORS. W. H. YASSMORF., FARQUUAR P.O. \Vlnf, Rol*, BORNIIOLM P. O. Wm. Bitot's WINCH ELSE 1', O. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. O. AGENTS. JOhIN ESSERY, Exeter, agent for t.'sbornn and Jlieldulph. OLIVE1t HIARRIS, Munro. agent for Ilibbert. Fullarton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & STANBURY. Solicitors • Voters' List 1906 TO WNSHIP OF USBORNE Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the pen'. sons mentioned in Section Eight and Nine of "The Voters' List Act," the copies required by the said Sec- tion to bo so transmitted or deliver- ed of the list made pursuant to Bald Act, of all parsons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to bo entitled to vote in the void Municipality at Elec. tions for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Munic.ipai Elections and that said list was first [seabed up et my office), \Vhnlen, on the 31st day of July, 1906, and remains there for inspection. Electors ere oalled upon to examine the said list and if any omission or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the Raid errors corrected according to law. Dated this 31st day of July 1906. FRANCIS MOItLEY Clerk of the Iriid Municipality. Fail term opus septi 4 In deciding to ret a business edu- cation or shorthand training, it is wise to choose a school that is NveIl- known for strictly high-grade work. The ELLIOTT aidedi TORONTO, ONT. is well known as one of the best Commercial Sohools in existence. Its record this y nar has been most re- markable. one of our graduates are out of positions and the demand for them is about twenty times the supply. Write to -day for our mag- nificent oatalogue. W, 3, ELLIOTT, Principal. Our. Yonge and Alexander Streets DICKSON & CARLiNG, OUR PIANO SALES i lanrlatere Solicitors Notaries Conveyancers Oommt.+t•m eerv, Solicitors for the for Bank. Etc. Wan to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE: -MAIN STREET, EXETER. a. cianr.nfa a a. L R. DlcISON THOMAS CAMERON, CONVEY- ancer, wills drown, money to loan es real estate, also iice nsedAuct ioneer ter the twuntle. tof Buren and Perth. Charges moderate. Orders left at the Times ')ratm my residence, Farquhar will receive prompt atten Mon. MONEY TO LOAN s We have unlimited private funds for invest upon faarm or village troperty at Iowa. Interest.alas DIrKtION & CARLINOeter FARM FOR SALE A choice f.srrn of 8(I 'acres in kWh .tate ofto cultivation, titles hearse, S. MARTIN & SON 11rifi new barnv and stables fitted in For the past month have been very- satisfactory both to our- selves and our customers. This we attribute to our exceptional good values and easy terms of payments. OUR GOODS ate the finest the runt ket nfTords and our terms most liberal. Do not listen to the teen who say all manner of evil of lis hut call anti See and judge for yolircdf. Sewing Machines Our Sewing IIachint•a ate O. K. Also a fine 1 ins of Static) nt'r\' ('heap. Ltteat imp row(d style; good orphan' ; tnevor f tiling wells of water ; con- venient 10 (hurtles, school and mar. ket. Veto- cosy terms of ptyuwe•nt; i'otescssien 10 suit Lurch (cer• VILLAGE PROPERTY FCR SALE Ii 111 <ie.:c iu ail' 1t'" 01 1' Irquhar on I% hich there is erected +i large brick building toted for ?tore ',and dw.11iug, and a next brick cottage end stably will lie sold scpar,tlely or in one black. '1'11OS. CAMERON 1•\.a rgnhl r. FAltll FOR F.\LE,-'rl►tt excellent farm 11041 Lot P, Concession 10. (taharnc, containing 1011 acres. shout 15 sores bring good hush. This farm is in excellent eonitition, fir'1 clans %well, windmill, horn, etc. The farm 'Iles been seeded to grass for n number of years and was used prin- cipally for pasture. The fences are' in good condition. Apply ti) Wm.' Croery. \Vinnhelsot; itobert iterry, 1< o-kt on, Executors of est,.te of t iPP lata itobert ('reery. hww,w:•„ �..4.,, A\egetablc 1': cparaiionforAs- siniitatlng t�'. i ._li alldRegt1 it tut the iIOLt,.wtu outil3owels of Promote s.): 2 stio n,Cl)eerful- ness and Rest.Contsins neither OpIum,Morph°tte nor Mineral. NOT NAItc; OTIC. letupsaro?dlirSL'!1ZZ ITELTl J'I_i,r .feud - .dI. fere a • /i'..4.14 S:G, - Anise .krd • I!fprrnint - l)r Inwdwrr:aJ.la • IliacJ..J- (GmkiJ ai far . iifs a yraus F>m•: } Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stornach,Diarrhoea, Wornis,Com'ulsions.Feverish- ness and Loss of SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YOIIIC. 73; GXACT cOPY OF WRAPPER. CASTORI A PROMINENT MERCIIANT OF MONTREAJII Says: •�I Believe Pe-ru-na Has No Equal." For Infants and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of U For Ov Thirty Yea CASTORI 1Nr CENT•UN C.MP•NY, NIS •eaa OOT aY MOUS PEOPLE BY FANNIE M.LOTHROP er_: t1 L `sea.. Photo ty 1.,1,1ette. t.00doD SIR THOMAS LIPTON The Flerchant Prince of England The first time that Sir Thomas Lipton came to America was in 1865 as a stowaway in an old-fashioned little tramp steamer, and when the vessel neared port he was busily engaged in shoveling coal into the furnaces. Tho latest time was in 1903, when a whole nation held him in honor as a valiant and true sportsman, making his third brave but vain attempt to take a silver cup back to England. On this occasion he lived like a prince on his steamer "Erin," surrounded by his fleet of thirty-three boats -steamers, houseboats, anddi In - launches. cs gigs, ell boats n ies-ma barges, tugs, cruisers, steam ]at n h g g, j yg tained at his expense and manned by over two hundred men. Sir Thomas was horn in Ireland, but spent his early years In Scotland; his education was a hurried, unconventional, picked -up variety, and at fifteen, with rosy dreams. he ran away from home, smuggled himself into a steamer and came to New York. His eight dollars did not last long, and after working In the rico fields of South Carolina, driving a street car In New Orleans, can• vassing for a crayon portrait concern, stealing rides on freight cars, and mak- ing a day-by-day living as best he could, went back two years later to Glasgow, empty of purse but rich in experience. • The prodigal was received with open arms, and with £100 of his father's savings, he opened a little meat and provision store. He introduced American Ideas, worked, as he says, "twenty-five hours a day," and advertised to the limit of his Ingenuity. Ono day, seven of the leanest, gauntest, hungriest men In the kingdom paraded the town in indlan file, bearing on their backs the legend: ''We are going to Lipton's." Next day, seven of the fattest men that could be found, walked the streets proclaiming in large letters: "We have been to Lipton's." Meanwhile, the proprietor slept under the counter. This little shop In high street was the beginning of Lipton's 600 stores throughout England, his fruit farms in Kent, bakeries in Glasgow, the great - est reat -e t tea plantations in the world in Ceylon, his curing factories in Liverpool. his candy manufactory in London, his fruit trees In Georgia, and his other vast Industries, giving employment to ten thousand people, and having made for their owner a fortune of 150.000.000 and an income of 17.50 a minute. He gave f25,000 for the Jubilee Memorial dinner to the poor of Lon- don, and his check seemed little to him when his eyes filled with tears at tho sight of 310,000 poor people eating as his guests. Not till later did the world aearn that it was his gift; for the only thing he never advertises is his charity. t'n'eM1 erennlln± t., 1 t f the I :,rttunent errata t., In tM y. , r tv i r.y W. C. v t, at the !) l %ttn. •nt of Artleuntare. FOR OVER SI 1 RAILS AN OLD AND •P If,,ICT num Rieman r. --Sir- I Wlnelow'e Soothing Syrup has been nos! fi r over sixty ears by millions of mothers for the r children while teething�, with perfect eucce . it eooth(ee the child, softens the gums. allays a 1 pain cure- wind colic. and is the best reniedr 1 j toy ISlarrhrew 101441 1 Is pleasant to the twste. Sold by dungglets In every part of the world. 9!' 7ente a bottle. Its_ value 1e incalculable. fie I stirs and take Mee Wlnelow'a 800thln¢ HENNA 1,1, Mr. Nicholls, of ilrussels, was re nerving old virtu liritanyea in town last 1week. • To Cure a Cold in One Day rte,,, rake. Laxative Brom Quinine T+ e)y se . I'4errasee� box. 33c. 0.11 evirry mea los NW feat 1 � �o11ti. s. T� *nature. O.tr ha 4 1,111 buy' dcfe•steel the Exe- tel boys on Wednesday evening of last ',week by the score of 10 to 7 They went to Exeter Friday tight for the return sn11ch and had the tobi(•s •turto1 on them, the snore be- ing Nix AO three ire f Ivor of Exeter. The noir raid men of Exeter, neo expected up •tele I'r'id.ty evenl0(t to play 1 g.1mg! of 1)411 111111 1lie 11(.11e. diets of this place. Tim 4two }rinks of bowlers from here, Imade ►quite 0 creditable show. ing in the tournament at Go,lcri7h. Jtr, Shepherd and family are ramp- ing pat rho Bend. Mr, rand Mrs. .1. Wren aro spend - their vao.tion with relatives in town The 'Mis,ea Thompa,n. of Toronto, aro visiting friends in low -n. Mr. 'Mervin Itrown, of Toronto, spent last week, with his parent a. .lir. ,1. 11. McArthur, was in Tet- erboro list week, attending the Grind Lodge 1. 0, O. E. ,o. repro n THE TIMES TO TITF ENO OF 1900 FOlt 25c. SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE. ' Pe-rn-na Is a Systemic Catarrh Remedy, Especially Valuable to the Declining Powers of the Older People. In old ago the mueous membranes bo- oome thickened and partly lose their function. This leads to partial loss of hearing, smell and taste, as well aa digestive dis- turbances. Peruar corrects all this by 113 specific operation on all the mucous membranes of the body. Ono bottle will convince any one. Once used and Poona tleeomos a life-long stand-by with old and young. Mr. Charles P. Benctsson, Truesdell, Mo., writes: "I ]cavo followed your in- struotions for the past month and am now as well as I can be at the ago of eighty- four years. I thank you for your value- bleinstructions and advice. I first used Peruna fourteen years ago when my health was so bad that 1 had no hope of staying many days, and after using it I began to pick up. It ]las helped mo ever since. 1 feel well, but will always have Peruna as my companion." - Charles F. Benctsson. Pe-ru-na Proved a Life -Saver. Mr. Louis Byrens, auctioneer, com- mission merchant and business broker, 436i Richmond street, London, Ont., wri. "Iteshad been a sufferer with what phy- sicians diagnosed as chronic catarrh. I thereby lost the necessary speaking faculties, which almost caused me to discontinue the business of auctioneer. "After spending several hundred dol- lars for various medicines and doctor 1411s without avail, your wonderful rem- edy, Peruna, was recommended to mo. "After using several bottles of this life-saver, I found relief, and I am again capable of conducting my auction sales. I wish to convince others, likewise afflicted, of the merits of your great remedy."-Louls Byrens. Nappy Results Follow Use of Peru-na. Mr. Alex McKenzie, Montreal, Ont., bo) keeper for the Jewelry and Im- porting Co. and Scribe for tho I.O.O. F., Jeanne of Aro Court No. 1650, writes: "As I have used Peruna with happy restilt6, I am glad to endorse it. My system is at times an easy subject to idtirihal colds. Especially if I am out "inelernent weather or become sud- 1diget a cold I take Peruna, and 11<ta Only s question of a day or two until Yam fully restored." -Alex McKenzie, As Wel As Can Re At the Age of Eighty-four Years. 1 - JAMES CURRIE. Mr. James Currin, a prominent merchant of Montreal, Can., tvrltes from 1890 Notre Danlo street, as follows: t "I have used your Peruna for catarrh and find it an este;'. nt remedy for coughs and colds. 1 believe 1t has no equal. My wile has used several )`,i bottles and she recommends it very highly. We keep 1t In the house coo tinually for family use and would not be without It at twice its cost." - James Currie. A Valualite Medicine for Coughs and Mr. Louis Monpoti t, 251 St. Elizabeth Ave., St. Henry, Montreal, is President of the St. John Baptist Society and a leading merchant on rho St. Lawrence Market. Ile writes as follows: "1 would consider myself very un- grateful if I did not acknowledge the great !writ of your wonderful medicine, Peruna. "I contracted a severe cold by remain- ing too long in my ice house, and be- came so afflicted with a had cough that I was obli,-ed to remain indoors for a time. "A friend brought inn a bottle of Peruna. I began taking it and imme- diately rceeived benefit front 1t. In a very short time my cold and cough were gono and I was restored to my usual health. "I attribute my speedy recovery to the use of Peruna and I have no hesita- tion in saying 1 believe Penna to bo a valuable medicine for coughs and colds, and would cheerfully recommend it." -lovas Monpetlt. Pcrl:na can bo purchased of all first class druggists at 11.00 per bottle. ( Pe-ru-na For Catarrh of the Broth Tubes. Mr. W. B. Walby, Ilotel Windsor, Ottawa, Ont., writes: "1 have been taking Parma for tarrh of the bronchial tubes for fah weeks, and was truly surprised to 6111 that it effected a completo cure. "I had heard good reports ottbjs 13104 icine, but had never really known br its valuable qualities until I tried it foie. myself, and found it such a fine remedy that I feel like writing you this. "You have no doubt hundreds dorsements, but no ono is mord; nor pleased to indorse it tit,, because I have found it of =CU 1> to myself." -W. B. Walby.. Pe-ru-na Contains No Ono reason why Peruna har>s raiment use in so many ho contains no narcotics of Parana is perfectly harmless', used any length of time ing a drug habit. Perrins duce temporary results. It la in its effeetie. Address Dr. S. B. Hartm of The Hartman Sanitarium O. All correspondence held jI A TRIP 'J'HROUGHTIIE WEST. I gave you oar trip up to !nay. ing Iltevclstock, as we had to remain in +the train all night on account; of Ider.tiling of .an engine and freight I train, nbout 14 miles out, otuscd by a land slide. \\'o WPIC 13 .Ind onc- 1,111 ihours late. This is a pretty pl:a �r aiow'n in the valley- with the 8110\t' r11,OU11t'14:alt n \\'.• n Quir•ed ,about .on113e tt•o coulrud nel. sets nicelyt - , t pinking it was about one mile away, with trailer :1 1'•rge :amount of snow COV(:ririg its peak and learned it was about 15 miles distant. \Ve next left fur Vancouver. 'I'11e trip along here is very ooaokcd, the told following the lines of the Fraz- er t11n1 Thompson, twith their high b inks. Yes very high, and then very aligh above our t raiii.The moun- tains along this part of our route a.re tiledvily t itnbered. Then we casae to rlb1,01 150 miles of thorn: moun- tains that have 00 timber, nothing but pond and graccl. In some sails - es t here love been Iarge I m(1811(10.4 into the river. It almost Makes the hair ,itand up on your t.cid to look ldown sit the water, when (liming some of the curves. From (lope to Vancouver the timbered mountains again starts. also the salmon fi.'bin3• You con sec from the car ',window, t'acks'o')t drying the fish and China- men out catching them. \\'e arrived c in Vancouver stout ten o'clock,tir- ed cd and glad to 401 a rest. We went to the Empire Hotel, which we oan !highly recommend. The hotel Is ,in expellent one and the pr;'ces ore Moderate. We took in some of tin: Most interesting places here. At one ',lace we had 0 bath in the salt water. This Is tolled the Kitselnna swimming belch, \Ve then went to .1 Qrurg•o lumber mill where we Saw them .cutting cedar loam five foot in diameter. We also saw some logs in the water that would measure nearly 9 feet. They- were anyway from .30 to 40 feet in length. \Ve dial 'lint :ask their capacity but were informed t11e demand is ,t0 great tlrat they cannot get env ahead, \Ve then t '%v the rise and frill of the tide which is very interesting to those who drive never sten it. There is a rise and fall of about R feet. snak- ing dry '_round or lake very -luickiy On July .28th we took the Princess Victoria for Vletor.a. This was a nice trip of nlau! 58 mules, and the wafer awing calm, tirade the trip rho floss enjoy)abl(•, W" laude( nt 5 p. inn. The landing being in front of (110 parliament buildings. The building'', are of rare beauty, built .of sol stunt. \Ve went to the liolel Victoria for six °•'lock din- ner, After (t hich we went to the George I'irk. George i'irk i. eery beutiful and was started n,)"u1 a year ago out of 104141' buvh. 11 has; 1 very fine little lake with frith-, tutu pl acres ane1 concert» every 0:lht. snaking ., dclifhlful spot for the Pity people to spend 'their evenings. Victoria is n very clean city, with the exception of the Chine'e part, where the odor is something tel. I We Ifben teak In the dry -11°7k` rd iwhere we saw- one of f he beat t+t that took part in the war with the Russians during the .101) tear. It got in safe that time, but was foun- dered r bout 900 miles from here near Alaska, It was rained and brought to Victoria and put into the drydock and sold for $50,000. We were told by a man on t he boat t hat: the low- est ;figure to fix her up Ives $86,000 milking it worth about $500,000. She us :350 feet long. rind built '.,f steel. \\'e Alien to k in another drydock whore ewe sato t he l'rincess May up for repairs. We .'Ili, saw where they were flvakinq a large' frei;h1 bolt nbout 350 feet long. Any per- son ,r11ot li,ivim; teen ;1 bolt made e.ln (hardly realize there it so mluch timber ;used, some being 60 feet long .1n(1 12x21. We then went t0 the government buildings. These are grand. You tan spend a w'iole day in [the museum containing all kinds of tlninvlls and reptiles of this part. \1'e then 1(Ok i'1 the Moron 11111 T'a.rk (where they also have animals. We there yaw it monument to Bob- bie (Burns bidding ctllieu to his Ilihh- land 'Mary. This is one thing that touches ithe heart of any 400tch- va. \Ve %notw le,vc f•ur' Seattle, Ni‘•,18n11. A. E. IIODGElt7'. 11 FATT1 N UItJ�YIt \ \" From n he experience oaf Juo. 1'.u,ko, Saskatoon, nothing MTrs. compares wi$1i Forrozone, "At times I w:is oonfine l to my bed and couldn't do any (work. I wags run down in flesh tnv'apoet ile failed, my oolen' was pal- lid. Weary )7011 cast down, it seem- ed I couldn't catoli up. Fcrrozonc strlrteel a new kind of life in nip blood, (built) me up. Ferrozone vit- alized end strengthenc.l my nerves, and pimply cured my heart andatom- eoh rains." Ferrozone is a re - builder It.twat has special virtue in fe- rnalo nilments. Sold everywhere in 50n. hexes ; 1 ry Per rot one. tlAL MIT OA=AL. Pam um The Itlnd You Ws Alma kerrt Signature of at ----anolle - 1 LLON iN6E-STAY FENCE Penn. S 7T, nelen I'.n., maim, sham passed 11,. ezi'^rlrn•nt..l a.a^a n+,.0 you get a 1Nl1o2 rime y..:. ars ntl+ft, .l, and w!•1 wast mon% Ulu. - tread CAW %:us 111 v-Ileoaavp wanted A.WIra AI doe wFENCE CO. LI D. V.'. J. iiEAMAN, agent, Exeter Twenty Minutes ' Time Enough I lo Cure the Worst Headache From Air Cause -New Reduction Method. r Mott headaches and pains yield instantly td • new Reduction Method -Dr. Shoop's Tw to Headache Cure. The cause for ;' j C Is congestion- a melting of blood to centers --w Ich elle he veins i,f• ytlhe burstin i0lnt. S thaws: eTrot and c 1 I•rlee as talc; ala be a of browses i rb t �ad noU•s t. n there's a a 1 }a•.sad l 'I'DDs a� n�1 � t� r• ~.1 ttdls. teas• I•oss_ lr* �'l:b stir 1! c• vsrfl Mw, a�ke1004. muesli m- .04%. o sth W the pro- i serf.c•ata• n ane • and d .tel tlopp 1o11 , �p M�fp • a. 1T ' a sraya-•ItY1n . sY • • PI ; an i rsrco t o ra . Ni., •`1f,---itlr-_. �, 1 •1 to ill ferny of $ >' 1 td ,...i Iva a e,ry temp) \V. S. I 1( )wEY. N•NN•NN•NNNN•+•• •••N++•N•N•••i••••N••w THE rIOI,SONS BANK (incorporated by Act of Parliament 18545) CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • - • • • $3,000,000.00 RESERVE FUND • • - • • • • • • • $3.000,000'00 18 Branches In Ontario, Quebec. Alberto itrIti•h Coltrrnbia and Manitoba EXETER /RANCH Open every (Awful 1)ay from to A. 14. 10 3 1'. •.i. except Saturday 10 S. tr. t0 1 r, ss. Fart -„oro' Salo Notew cashed r.r collected, Forme supplied On spilteatnn. i)RAFT! en an point. to the Dominion, mast Britain anc1 Un• Iced States, bought and sold at lowest rate, of ex, flange, SAVINOR DEPARTMENT Dopowites of 01.00 an:I npwnrds received. interest corn - pounded half Yearley, and added to prim. teal June lath and hccembet 310. De- poaite Receipts also issued and highest. currrnt 13140 of interest allowed, Advaricew made to farmers .tock dealers and busineos men at lowest rates and on nest favorable terms. Airoo to at Exeter for Dom. Oovernm•at, Dlekecri & Carilrg, I<r1,(.1rt,. N ID HUII•it ON,Manager. •••• ••N••NNN zj 4 1 .5' •t'