HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-07-19, Page 71
__ _ _ Soap is
ALMOST llOt'El kTsfi. better ocher Soap
The Condition of Thousands el reins but is best when used Dli e6t
Anaemic Girls.Stnf+Ofrt way. Buy
"Ahuost hopeless is the best way to Soap and follow ditteetiooe
}cur ago," sass describe the condition
Iwas Malntin aboard Sililicrossei4 ht Soal
"M health had been
of Athol, N. S. Y
S\\'ta't's. gt adually giving way until I reached u I
Many mothers think nature must have cuuditon when 1 feared 1 was sinking
tetra chronic invulidisuh. 1 was as white
1 children a street total'. L my blood apparently w y
n t1 having
buret io Bit tub ' a> a she , Gte, sa
but Juni-p t on the other -bowl regard turned to water. 1 bad no app'
the jam -put and the sugar-bowltist d the feted from headaches and dizziness, the
depositories of a1! that is most detect.' least exertion would leave me breath -
Neitheriside is quite right and `less, and it appeared that 1 was going
neither lite tvthug•i into a decline. 1 had seen Dr. Wtl-
Sugion not the prison and spoiler of i Hauls' Pink l'ills highly recommended
!ge_stion that the betted slather thinks t the newspapers, and I decided to
is; neither is ft fid better as a butter, than, give them a trial. 1t was a fortunate
r ybec0 and bread and w the 1 ay for nie when I came to this decis-
Lor y )te +ma thinks. There was a ion, as the pills have not only restored
gook printed many years ago, in which, my health. but have actually made me
the ala was told for some shipwrecked stronger than ever 1 was. before.
d 1 now
sailors who lived weeks le some have a good appetite, a 6
hogsheads of sugar and a little water, new energy, and I am satisfied that 1
wreck was all they had have
fromo the owe all this to Dr. Williams' Pink Pilus,
wreck. They boysd nut hove y ughd a which 1 cheerfully recommend to other
time as we thought they ought to ale, girls."
have had, but they lived, and were not Pale, feeble. ailingl Pink Pills quickly cured
so badly off at the end of the period as ittDs Williams'
simply because they
most persons would think they should make the new, rich, red blood which
have been. enables the system to throw off disease,
The truth is, that sugar is a food and and brings robust health and cheerful -
a necessary one; but it may easily be ness to pale anaemic sufferers. Dr.
taken in loo great amountclan hoods are Williams' Pink Pills cure bloodlessness 1
divided into Iwo great classes -the pro just as surely a� food cures hunger, and
lards (meats, eggs, and legumes), which the new blood which the pills make
contain nitrogen as their most import' braces the nerves and tones and
and element, and the sugars, starches strengthens every organ and every part
wad fats, composed chiefly of carbon. of the body. That is why these pills
strike straight at the root of such com-
mon diseases as headaches, sideaches,
Both of these are necessary --the pro
body, and the others to supply energy; and backaches, kidney trouble, Indiges-
the proteids are the iron of the boiler St Vitus
and machinery, the fats are the packing troubles from and the sugars are the fuel; all are nec-
essary to the perfect working of the hu-
man machinery.
The danger in taking sweets Is in
overdoing. The world's consumption of
sugar has increased enormously in the
last half -century, although the necessity
for muscular exertion (and therefore the
need of fuel) has, through the introduc-
tion of labo •saving machinery, decrees -
1 Atuch ties sugar has hone into
Genets Professor Gives a Startling
Professor Claparede, of the Geneva
University, Switzerland, has been mak-
ing some interesting experiments o
prove the unreliability of eye-witneS
of an event, and also to prove the great
deterioration in the powers of obaerva-
tion due to the high pressure of modern
Recently in one of his classes the
professor brought in n roan what was
masked and his body hidden by
shroud. The "unknown' stayed ten
seconds In the classroom, made some
signs and then walked out.
A few days talc r the professor asked
his els to pick out the unknown's
"That Sir. Stoptty has filially skil•p: •1
without paying his board Li11," awl
Mrs. Starwelll' Stnrta)rd, "you
"Well," replied Mr. frequently
ought to be glad. 'You've freq y
spoken to !tun as an elephant on your
"I es, he certainly behave6like an ale
pliant. Ile took his trunk with him.'
tion, neuralgia, rheumatism, one person in vin r
dance, paralysis, and the
description of a man whom they
looked at for ten seconds. Women, he
which woolen and growing girls suffer looke d are much closer observers than
sands of It has been proved in tPinkou- I
of cases that Dr. Williams' Pink I men.
cure after doctors and all other i
An old lady who was in the habit.ol
saying titter any event that she had fore
told it was ono day "sold" tty her bus -
band, who had got tired of her eternal
"1tolddryou so t' dropped into al choir, rail dthe tU hands
he droPl
and exclaimed : "Oh. my dear, what
do you think ? The old cow has goat'
and eaten the grindstone 1" "I told you
"You alwo I ays ld tlet it stand aout tlof doore s"
"Here!" roared the old lawyer to his
son, studying law with hien; "you told
me you bad read this work on Evidence
and yet the leaves are not cut." "Used
X-rays," yawned the versatile son; and
the father chuckled with delight would
s he
tnought what a lawyer the boy
Children vibe are Pale and peevish want some -
thine that will make g� ncb blood', there is
nothing to equal , Fettovbtor for this purpose.
Mothers, be sure to get a e.
s pups with ten
mask, which was placed,
others, on a table. Four students only
ot iito}although it differed nrightse the
in color and
size from the others. Ten pupils chose
different ones, and eight confessed that
they were unable to decide.
"You see," said Professor Claparede
to his class, "how urible ot is sohie'evi-
dence of an eye -witness
even in a late court and on his oath."
During further experiments the Swiss
savant come to the conclusion that correct
medicines have inited. But you must
gel the genuine pills with the full name,
Dr. Williams'Pink Pills for Pale Pee-
Willias'ie," on the wrapper around each box. \lanutaclurers' Association and I�nt-
All medicine dealers sell these pills or • • Inspector So itcport.
you can get them by mail at 50 cents tary p arta
a hos or ;ix boxes for 02.50 by address -I The fullooing extracts
uinctm-I's11As reports
"1 suppose," said the timid young
man, "when you recall what a burnt -
some man your first husband was, you
wouldn't consider me for a minute?"
"Oh, yes, I would," replied the widow,
instantly ; "but I wouldn't consider you
for a second."
Worms derange the whole system.
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator de-
ranges worms and gives rest to the
sufferer. It only costs 25 cents to try
it and be convinced.
the stomachs, not of rollicking boys an in The Dr, \\'illiams kine Co.. of the National Man In
toiling men who can use up a lot of it, I Ilrockville, Ont. and Inspector Hedrick, Sanitarl tha
s cc of Chhcug sins
d ' Med
n . tion re u e
�� p for of the City t the
sensational charges made ab
A NOBLE STOCK. canned neat tlt'•Iceta:
Our investigation of the Cannedand
Beauty Polled Meat part of the packing
Pride, Dignity and rdstM showed that the methods used make
Modern Spaniards. try
rise of preservatives unnecessary,
You may see to -day in any eitnrch I and indicated that no preservatives for
portal in Spain the edinsombre dignity oft ai lifcial coloring is now used by
of Velasquez;
immortalized in the portraits Canned Meat packer.
of Vdnsquez ; the sinister cast of coon- f•Ite meat is first partially cooked in
tensors of Philip the Second; the nose large kettles, then the fat andbone
meat packed
but of girls and young women, who are
using it to saturate their blood with un-
necessary fuel, to lond their livers with
sugar, and to spoil their complexions.
Children may, and often do, eat too
much candy; but they will not suffer
much as long as they are in the active
slate of existence, for while the) romp
they are expending a vast amount of
energy, and their little machines con-
sume a vast amount of fuel. The dang-
er is in forming a habit that 'nay be
carried on into a sedentary form of life.
-Youth's Companion.
It you are to work well, you must
sleep well, writes a correspondent. it
you are to keep your health and strength
and youth -to carry your powers of
work with you to the last -you must
sedulously pay court to your pillow. It
will commonly be found that the men
whifMuerry their years lightly are men
who 1possess the faculty of steeping at
will. 1f you have much work to do,
you must not count time spent in sleep
to be time lost. 1l is time gained. It is
an essential part of the duly of the day.
I had once an old servant who used to
say, "Well, 1 have clone my work. 1
have cleaned up, and now I'II get my
Bleeping done." Sleeping was, in her
philosophy, a thing to be done -not a
passive stale, but an active part of her
duty. And every pian should so
consider i1. Let hits sleep in his bed,
if he can. at prnper hours of the night;
it not, let him sleep at any old time,
when Nature invites him to rest nen-
self. if we do not play tricks with our-
selves, if we wofk hard without over-
working out -selves, sleep will rarely be
coy to us. As a general rule it may be
said that busy men ere better sleepers
than idlers and that mental labor con -
It -tholes more to sound sleep than bodily
fatigue. 1 tielieve that only mere novic-
e; in work arc kept awake by the
thought of it. F.xpertenced workmen
acquire a habit of shaking nil its en-
vironments when they will. 1f there be
one thing in life for which 1 am pro-
fnvndly thankful to the river of all
good gifts, it is for the faculty of sleep.
and proud bearing of a Roman ccntt'„
trimmed orf and the
ion says the Nineteenth t Century. tins, Tn air is then withdrawn with
and the cans sealed In
eleen 1 e
they Basque provinces the dignity andI vacuum pumps a
put into larges
pride of the peasantry are symmetry
in i vacuum. Next they are b large
the graceful carriage and symmetry • f' cookers, where the cooking p I o•
movement for which the Olen of that
finished. In the packing the some
ans P be
pitchers on' ducts it is necessary
coast and the girls carrying d the stenin allowed to es -
Old Gent (proposing health of happy
pair at the we ding breakfast) : "And'tls
for the bridegroom, 1 can speak
still more confidence of him, for re-
present at his christening, I
sent at the banquet given in honor of
his coming of age, I am present here e to.
day, and I trust 1 xray be spared
present at his funeral."
Always a Good Friend. - In health
and happiness we need no friends, but
when pain and prostration come we,
look: for friendly aid from sympathetic
hands. These hands can serve us no I
better then in rubbing in Dr. Thomas' l
Eclectric Oil, for when the Oil is in the'
pain is out. it has brought relief to!
thousands who without it would be in-
deed friendless.
their heads are justly celebrnled,
is no trace of awkwardness in a Span-
ish pensanl, on whose features is
stamped the pride of Ronne, who will
talk to yon with the ease and volubility
of a Spanish courtier. 1t is a noble
Though today the glory of Spain has
reopened an
cape, the vent hole being
resealed while the gods
so as
to retain the vacuum.
The entire process is quite similar to
that wed by the family cook when put-
ting up fruits and vegetables, except
that meats are sealed in tin cans \in-
t ss are
departed, and the modern Spam `sled of being pu ... o
favors a Western "bowler," and the found that the solder in
ist all► makingthe
women wear Parisian hats, the nation- cans
n die n ealtng the can and lops not
Spain persists with nil with the contents.
of p contact
al type
dignity and characteristics. Living come in
eninformed that much of the
types of \tnrillo's street urchins may be t complaint in canned meats
seen in any Spanish village. A group
huddled together in some shady retreat;
brown, chubby, curly -headed, merry
little rascals, lunching off a watermelon
picked up in the market, happy as
princes in their hempen rags and with
their meagre ntorsel. Or you may see
in side of Spain as Goya paint -
cause or
was because of the mistaken
the goods would keep perfect
tion after they had been opened. This
would be the fact it They were preserv-
ed with chemicals. but as they are only
kept in condition hecnuse of being seal-
ed in vacuum tins they spoilt just os
Office Boy : "Want to see, the guv'nor?
what name shall 1 say eVisitor : "Herr Schweitzsalsburg-
Office Boy : "Oh, 1 shan't be able to
pronounce nil that. I'm leaving at the
end of the week.
the sue
Y square, a . readily as fre9h m
bridal feast, a bull -fighters' carousal, aeats n n er the
ed it. A dance in the open sq have been opened and exposed to brawl, an elopement ; the apparel air, hut will keep indefinitely If the
can is not punctured. it is els° a well -
the sun and a tific tact that decaying meat
gaudy to day, but known scientific the types and the spirits are the same.
The brawny picador, with his wide- l generates a gas which will expl senlc+l any
package which `l, hermetically
t r Hedrick submitted
Nimrod was a mighty hunter, but
had he hunted in the "Temagani"
region he would have been a mightier
one. Nimrod hunted for glory, but
Temagamians hunt for game. Those
lndinns who made the first canoe of
birch bark long ago, were our greatest
benefactors. The children of these In-
dians know the canoe, and they know
how to use it, and if y'ou go to Tema-
gami this summer they will paddle your
canoe in their own superb way. They
will be the best guides you ever had.
Students who camp In summer along
the Temngaml lakes are able to do two
years' work in one. Finest of fishing
and hunting. Easy of access by the
Grand Trunk Rall\vay System. For in-
formation and beautiful descriptive
publication sent free apply t
Donald, Union Station, Toronto., Ont.
"You shall endeavor to control your-
self. Your violent temper has a bad ef-
A new explanation for baldness has
been given by Lucien Jacquel, who con-
cludes that the • trouble has, in most
cases at least. a nervous origin.
He calls attention to the fact that the
condition is rnor intel-
lectual persons than touring others.
Is convinced that boldness Is of frequ-
ent urr,urrence, not only oolong these loop saws your baby s hue (otic a
who are intellectual, but also among bought a new pony was trying him out age of Dr. Lconhurdt s Hein -Hold.
those who are under
to iulense oleo- rlloea and cholera infnnlum carry off ; !fl 00, alt dealers, or The \\'ilson ['ylr
tett '.Irvin, and under mien circumstances weal
thousands of little airs during the hot on a Band ran road, when the animal , Limtltd, hens, Falls, Ont.
It may occur comparatively early. Bald -
months• A hos of Baby's Own bolted, and at lop speed down a
civilization, and _ _. bot 25 rents and there is narrow road.
it ins. In the way ahead was a native cart, CAMP BRIGGS PEACE.
rami: arty out holiday
brimmed sombrero, h►s swarthy coon 1 Sanitary inspec } I tett on your heart. se
eocehll and soil]
dine nose end raven lr, Sanitary
Whalen his (Analysis open air. Try 111e p
for all the world like a I of conditions in the l.ibhy, \tc\ellA i Ing effects of a good baseball game."
locks, looks 1 at his s•ale ' tont Hr' found "with reference•y have tried
in any more."
"Why not?"
"Three tinges I tried to kill the um-
Bottom gladiator. 1 he laci Libby p
with his finely chiselled features, might '
to general conditions, that the floor`,
have waited on Poppaea. And that I hails, stairs, tables, etc., are kept clean"
young girl in her while lace mantilla and "that the entire department -view -
and the red roses in her warm black ed from our slnndpoint- was in a sat -
►'.factory condition. All workrooms are
1)nir-such a one Goya would have de- ' • ventilation."
lighted to portray as she stands there light, and have good
with her delicate head de0anlly thrown
back. her histrais eyes aglow with mis-
chief, e Curs gracefulndpouting lino lips. gure and in the cities of Burma, where the those pursed and na-
tives have been long in contact with
^�- Europeans, says the author of "Burns,
Described," they have lost
districts old sellout court
be wARD id to will
person wbo proves that
Sunlight Soap contains any
injurious chemicals or any
forst of adulteration,
dorru. Newtad.
r wise Bv.dr+tlaglJ• at It Brings 5 Gosea.
is a perfect cleaner and will
not injure anything.
Best for all household pur-
poses, Sunlight Soap's super-
iority is most conspicuous in
the washing of clothes.
Common soaps destroy
the painted or varnished
surfaces of woodwork and
take the color out of clothes.
Even the daintiest linen
or lace, or the most delicate
colors may be safely washed
with Sunlight Soap in the
Sunlight way (follow direc-
Equally good with hard
or soft water.
Your d by the
from whom your buy Sunlight Soap dealer ew
find any cause for ccrnplaint,
Lever brothers Limited. Toronto
`.. ., Is I
t l t t 1 t' 1 1 I {.11..
�� I Ill 111
jot, I
.- - ;1d
PEDLAR'S CORRI'GATF•D IRON is made on a 31,011 R. press (the only
one. in Unlade) one corrugation at a tome, and 1s guaranteed true and
straight to size.
We carry a *00 ton stock In Oshawa, Montreal, Ottawa. Toronto and
London and can ship ordinary requirements the salve day order isret%eived.
Made in i inch, 2 inch or 2%l inch c corrugations
rru aPainted and Galvanized. altlength
to 10 feel in 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 2
This class of material is most suitable for fireproofing Barns, Factory,
Mill and. Warehouse Buildings and is water and wind proof.
tions to your \near nefishers arest o end alforn catalogues and prices.ized Nails carried in tock
Martreot, ave. °trona, Oat into, OW. latd0 Oat. um . In.YoacaorEr,B C.
767 Craig St. Ora Susses at. 11 Colborne
al CO Damian at. 76 Lombard at. 6111 Peados et.
Write your Nearest °trice.- HEAD OPTICS AND WORKS—OSHAWA, Oat
Largest makers of Sheet Metal BulId ulg Materials under the British Flag.
to Western Canada , ��
8arakkattoMwaa. os17 a ta/tea from two roll ware,reC.P.I. a1.T. a
�poai so rIi.1�+fifad Head" Metas t1us per aw
weltsIt I tall Wks stmt. Tomato. Canada.
In one of the lesser Indian Hill wars
an English detachment took an Afghan
, The Afghan was very dirty. Ac.
cordingly two privates were deputed to
strip and wash him• red the man to a
The privates dragged
stream of running water, undressed
him, plunged him in, and set upon nils
. ]tistily, with stiff brushes and large
cakes of white soap.
Well, atter a long time, one of the
privates came buck to make a report.
Ile saluted his officer and said, discon-
"It's no use. sir, It's no use."
"No use?" said the officer. "What do
you mean? Haven't you washed that
Afghan yet?"
"it's no use, sir," the private repeat-
ed. "We've washed him for hyo hours,
but it's no u -,e,"
"How do you mean It's no use?" said
the officer. angrily.
Smith : "Brown is getting to be quite
absent-minded of late, isn't he?" Grif-
"Why, sir," said the private, "after'
ruhhin' and scrubbing' him till our arms I
ached, blamed if we didn't come to an-
other suit of clothes."
The world extends the glad hand 10
the lucky mane but all it hands the
victim of tough luck is a little cold sym-
They Are Not Violent in Action. -
Some persons, when they wish to
cleanse the stomach, resort to Epsom
and other purgative silts. These are
speedy in their action, but serve no per -
ant good. Their use produces in -
fin : "\Vhy, 1 haven't noticed it. Smith; i cipient chills, and it persisted in they
"Well, he is. The other day he happened I injure the stomach. Nor do they act up -
to look in a mirror at home, and he I on the intestines in a beneficial way'.
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills answer all
purposes in this respect, and have no
it. ','hey won't let inc
nsked his wife what she was doing w
that fellow's picture in the house.'
For the Overworked. -What are the
causes of despondency and tnelancholy?
A disordered liver is one cause and a
prime one. A disordered liver means
a disordered stomach, n disordered stn -
mach means a disturbance of the nerv-
ous system. This brings the whole
body into subjection and the victim
feels sick all over. Parrnelee's Vegetable
ills are a recognized remedy
Dr. Leonhnrtit's Ilem-ROtd will Cure
any case of files.
This statement is made without any
ft is in the form of a tablet.
1t is the only pile remedy used irter-
11 is impossible to cure nn establi Ord
ase of Piles with ointments, suppust-
ories, injections or outward applian Pa.
A 11,0(X} guarantee with every pock -
Painted and
801118 of their traditional politeness; but
I's the country c
esy is still Inc custom.
An English gentlemen who had 1
Mother, an Investment of 25 cents dni w
{tarry, aged tour, while visiting his
grand -parents in the country, heard a
mule bray for the first time. "Good
ness !", exclaimed the little fellow.
"That -orate has whooping cough
LlnterM[. stubborn old ewes are erased noel
P d In 1168 t dm i by •aver'• Grate. The good w
state and relief will follow their use. 1)100g -cleansing i• cutnplsted with waa.er'asin,
He -'They say That people who marry THE \VAY TO MANAGE IT.
stein .grow to Inok alike." She -'Then "The clean fond question Is on the
you Hurst consider my refusal as final." carpet just now."
gnaw leap is flatter than otter soaps, "There ought to be some sweeping ar-
bat is best when used in the Sunlight way.
S ht Soap and follow directions.
make picnics more eojoyable by making
the pprreparattoes easier.
Frier to carry; easier to serve ; and just
right for eating as they corse from the can.
Libby's cooks have first pick of the best
meats obtainable—and they know bow
to cook thein, as well as pack them.
If you're not going to a picnic soon you
can make one tomorrow at your own table
by serving some sliced Luncheon Loaf.
It is a revelation in the blending of good
meat and good spices.
Boolkt free. 'How to Make
Good Thep to Eat." Write
Libby, McNeill it Libby, Chicago
sod fed.d Sulu smell loot better died. It no wee
el ours la your Wen, write direct Montreal, !es 155
.aIT1aN AMaluo*N OYamNa 00.
fie.:'. increases with '.••u'.-"'...••. --
Tablets w,. --
Brocq hes noticed the curious fact that 1 security and safety in this mP
ttinee women have devoted themselves . Give an occasional Tablet to the well I in which wase y P
to intellectual pursuits and have grown I child end you will keep it well. Give , making. dashed Into the back of the
accustomed to employ their cerebral thein 10 the child if trouble comes swift -1 The pony
;entres in a more Intense manner bald- le and see the ease and comfort thie
. cart,l t rew hers. der into
vcss, which formerly
was rare a►ttnngl medicine brings. And you have the
the Aurman who was driving.
them. has progressively become mote gi►a+Hulce of a government analyst 1 Before the Englishman had an opportii-
trri ben. ttlnl this medic n I nity to expin[n his P
Furthermore, Jaquet has found In see•
neral cases of early Wildness !tint there
len degenerative inflammation of the
nerves of the scalp. He concludes (tint • bowel troubles." Scold by all medicine catty, "the cart should not have been
her functional eeellatinn of the higher I dcnlers or Dy moil at 25 cents a box Y+
medicine contains no poison-.
unexpected on -
that cos opiate. Mn. R. Mellen, )tali ax,
N says: -"Ruby's Own Tablets Aral elaught the Iturman picked himself up
wntnnhle medicine for stomach and and bowed low.
"M lord my lord," he said, apologetl-
nea•ve centrae in the struggle nil
environment al first caused an increased'
grnwlh of the hair. Subsequently. In
the evntutinn of the race or of the indi-
widual. there came a period of him -Bon-
et eatiauslion. This is held to be in ae-
v at excitation
IIP law th
re with t
Pi fir'., cremes incren'.+sl vigor of a tunc-
tin). Then of its organ: similarly excess
n' irritation (-noses functional disturb-
ance and, if continued, lesion of the or-
, Ont`\ itlK rip the Medicine
Tablets in
the house. -
OLIVE 011..
The medicinal qualities of pure olive
oil are numerous, and are be,oming bet-
ter known day by day. A teaspoonful
taken after ench meal will relieve cnn-
e:itpatinn and disp••psin. \Used with
an equal tint( of lime water i1 Is in.
valuable tor burns. Poured into the eye
11 will remove any foreign substnnre
lodged there. 11 is a sure cure for hang -
flails. Is good for chapped -anile. la er•
tortaking 1 whole
a bath, and Is beneficial for
nee In massaging a dry scalp.
t o
It you have hart{ a od
Do it now.
To -day the skies ere tater end blue,
Tomorrow clouds may come in view,
Yesterday Is not for you ;
Do it noW.
11 you lusvP a
Sing It n
Let the notes
Clear a'. song
Let every day
Sing it
song to sing,
nt gladness ring
of bird In spring,
some not'.ic bring ;
II you hese kind words 10 say.
Soy them 15051•.
Tomorrow may not come }• iir way,
Do a kinds• •s while you may,
Loved ones will not ;assess stay ;
Say them now.
here "
You eon always make 8 satisfactory
deal with an honest mon-unless yov
nre In the dishonest class.
Father and Mother Respond In Plead -
!nils and Are Reconciled.
A touching recencltiation has lnkrn
place In n house in the Ioulevani Vet -
tains, 1'nris. between a roan and his
wife who h•od long been separated. The
hu..hand hal I wnterd his wife owing 10
Buy unlit
guments to dispose of it.
"Dat was a great wedding, Sam."
"Deed it was."
"Wel!, who was the lucky man?"
"Dal's hated to say. De groom (r1ght
he was de lucky elan 1111 hesquinted
et de bride and faun' out she had wrin-
kles lak a weder map."
"Den de best man thnught he was de
lucky man till he foun' out de rabbit's
foot de groom had gibben htln was er
cat's foot."
"Lan's! Den de preacher mus' hab
been de lucky man?"
"Well he kinder puffed up det way
till abler de ceremony en den he disrobe -
bed dal the hill de groom had passed
1.iu1 as a fee was bogus."
Mabel : "Such is )oke with \!r. Gay-
aybny. We were out on the 1 nleny be-
tween the danres and he got the sleeve
M his dress coat over red paint from one
n foolish infatuation on her part, and
he had been given the custody of the
child, a little girl of seven.
The child. deprived of her mother, of
whom and he she
ostca eful attention nd, ]
n andevel n
g to prevent
here penin awadid y. tier condition
her from pining She took no interest in
(•r'Came serines.
the toys with which her father loaded
for her
*the divorced w••.mnn, hearing of her
Utile dnughh•►'s lilt. s,. -u c ail d, with
the connivance of the nurse. in visiting
her. unknown In the father, while he
tt ns away at his other. During one .of
'Nee visits. hotwever, the father came
ur hgh! fees 10 fawith ee the his
child, wife.
'1'h•• 1+Nihl j. y of the little girt. olio
1"•gge1 that her mamma nliuht not le
Neill ntwny, Mit the re3Cnt:on( al5turle
of 110 mother. hal •u••h an effrr't that
at 1.a1 111' father mere 1 nod a r•ernn-
eiliniss, was effecter. 'ihey tire to be
tont ri.•d again ns smut as the occas
hoer 1• Bal requirements have been fnl-
of the poste ihnt was just pointed."
Maud : "And did you go near the post!"
:ng ; only youth have red it paint all
over the back of your waist."
C01111,T STOCKS -the right kind -offer Im-
pmense upportualties for large and tmmeradeiat•e
bas hen pilinua p monthsast few p
at the mines, shipments being
withhehi pending the completiontf the ocke knenw
smelter. This has resulted. in many
inntce h chore w theirerreal value. omiitIons
ires price far commencing, and groat returns, not to
naw advances n stock market. rices, are
ia,urd advanceopportunities exist
sow, b, ,the ground -floor rours
sow, bet the market Is dailybecoming
My booklet iincludinll Govt. report)
and weekly news letter furnishpret and
ftp-to-date tnformalion. They
Mines Stocks Syndicates
115 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, and Cobalt.
Three hundred times bet•
ter than sticky papa.
Bold by an Druggists and General Stens
sad by mail.
ST, CLATTR It1.ACKW 'T. Secretor'.
Reil Estate and tn.•urance sr"kers. Farm• and
city property for sale. Correspondence solicited.
No one need fear chnlera or any
summer complaint if (hay have abottle
fit Dr. J. D. KelloggDysentery
dint randy for use. ft corrects all loosui
near of the bowels promptly rind cabs-.
es n healthy nntl natural action. This
forthe young
e t
)t t1
fa n m( -divine ndnl
old. rich and poor and is rapidly be-
coming the most popular medicine Inc
cholera, dysentery, etc., in the market.
Miss Dauber "1 ran generally tell
what a person's profeseinn Is by look-
ing at his face." \1ise flushe'silting for
n portrait): "Now. isn't tont a coinci-
oinerdence? Do you know, the very first
time 1 saw your fnec 1 SPA to myself,
Tut sure that woman paints'!"
.% Indy writes: "1 was ennhled M rr• 1
mow' the rarna. root noel branch. by the
its. •.1 ltollowey'e Corn Cur.." Others
wle• have tried it have the 11ar'e et -I
tea twee.
BEARINGS, Limitad.
MMtrfaeturers ei the
enGer&ofl RotLei 8eoring
715 King It. West, Toronto
Work warded for Potter It Sohn•
slim machines. and Itrown &
Sharpe grinding machine.. Price•
Mw , Any kind o1 IIptat ntsrhine
Will to Order.
sweat rondo
tt i... le New" twee lt_M
w(,.4. sw •fid o..e. wale
Mi.. WAN • s.• l ttM.ela
p....t,.•p/•M1w stmebistremak
s •
Ostlers maims* Wei i. Iiwri.4..Y.N/ Me*
111.4 brie. ire- PM t • MOO •••t•
Wt Ant LaNnOn 0 7T A NSW asomotr
Wain► gton H.i ht.
Tu t.,,.t,tt w. rr mon«rw a fit" • %A s.4 t50,, rMitiweis s
• •.e,•w 1w • 4w••• •/ it et.1.►
0..I. 14,W..►•w• I•r► A. Jai .pm
Lots 25%12.5 Feet for 1100
ratan «nn tsotrrtt
Etat 1.... tw.4
owl swot
�1 i .�....�w mer» reae�i4w..s" .. •-s I..a
%co.., &dew .
No real need to buy the more expensive
oils if t;o )D lit'IiNER is used
and KEPT CLr.AN.
If you want a BiG LIGHT-TIIRaa on
10l1t OAS Ma IN 051—
TET a oily
Por sale by Dealer.
1� QUEEN CITY Olt Co.. Taarte.