HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-07-19, Page 4q: HE EXETER TIMES, JULY 19th 1906. PIPES Vo have just received a Large Shipment of PIPES, POUCHES, CIGARS, CIGAR CASES, ETC. Pipes 5c to $1. and up Pipe Repairs Always on Hand. Browning' Drug Store. Smoke GLADIATOR 10o Cigar. FOUR for 25 cents. The Exeter Times THURSDAY, JULY 19T11, 1906 \VOOIN1AM Miss White has clewed her dress - snaking shop for the holidays, :end will spend her. vac:nem with fricnde in St. Marys. Bliss Switzer ,of Toronto. and Mrs. Wesley Switzer. of the Mitchell road, spent a few day,' last week the ,.lucsts of Jonathan Shiner. Work is being rapidly pushed on the new Methodist church. The iron ornaments for th cspires, made by iW. T. Roadhouse. of Kirkton, were put in place last week, and the slat - tors finished up their work on Mon- day. .The ditching gang is here again working on the Washburn drain. Mr. E. A. Copeland is in St. Marys this week visiting friends. Ed's in. 'eared leg is improving quite rapidly and he can now bear his full weight on it. The saw mill has closed down for Rho season. It is expected a large crated will Leave next Saturday for the Mend to take in the summer school there. Mr. W. J..Boy,is having_ p big re- duction sate of every thing in stock in his store. 1Ie is offering big dis- counts and big bargains are being offered. The Woodham Orange lodge went to Seifert!' on the 12th and was suc- cessful in winningeiret prize for the best dressed lodge. There were about forty lodges present, and our lodge is to be c.oneratulated in com- ing out gthead. Mrs. .Rohn Stewart, who wos in sillamiota, all winter in attendance on bier daughter.. Mrs. Merriot, re- tnrned home Inst week. Mrs. Mer. lriott is afflicted with partial paraly- sis and elle 'vas brought to the Lone don hospital for treatment. . Mr. ellerriot casae ns far as London and 7)r. Jackr.on, of ltuniota, who also accompanied the party, canis as far pre Woodham, spending a few days at Stotvlarts. --e.— SPRAINED ITER ANKLE •'1 Blipped on an icy step and 'sprained ruy right ankle very badly (writes Miss Minnie Burgoyne of Glenwood. It swelled to tr tremen- dous size and caused intense pain. I oppiied Poison's Nerviline and got prompt relief ; the swelling swum seduced, and before long 1 was able to use my foot" For sprains swell Ings and muscular pains Nerviline is the one sure remedy .jitrong, pen- etrating. swift t odestroy train — that's Polson's Nerviline. Fifty years in use. FOR TILEJIO SEWIFE In dyer timely paper, in the August Delineator, Isabel Gordon Curtis has some remarks of interest end val- ue on the proper making of Frosne Desserts, tvitft a classification of them. Anne W. Morrison tells how to prepuce cool salads for shot days e nd A. M. G:►Ikins writes of innova- tions in salads. which will appeal to Wed appetites. Thin is the season for the enjoyment of the inviting field mushroom, and Margaret Hall in the article entitled "The Luscious Field elu'hroom." gives many tested tr'eciprs for their preparation. Toe matoc' take first place as vegeta- bles for the summer table, and sug- gestions for utilizin;t them are also given.Durine the "Dog days" one will find that the serving of fancy Iced beverages will furnish o )tippy combination of bol,h foal and drink. With this consideration in view, many selcetcd recipes nre suggested in the article entitled •'Cold Come forts," by Eleanor elerobent. My Hair is Extra Lion iii asa11111Oas..a...� Feed your (lair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Aycr's flair Vigor is the only genuine hair -food you can ba;'. It gives new life to the hair bulbs. You save what heir you have, and get more, ``fcc. And it keeps the scalp ,:lean and healthy. Th» host Rind cf a tsstitnonial — "•8s1.t tor over sixty .....kiesseeeeesseemeeeseaseessmiememseemo Tfu7eb 7.e.Ar•r0o.,r.ovIt,1tU4. Alio raanu!►otrr•r• of p StRSAPARILLA. i'IILS. iiere CHERRY PECUIRAL. Crediton =MD MIND DR E. J. McCUE, MEMBER ON- TARIO COLLEGE lelYSICI- wns and Surgeons. Successor to Dr. E. A. heist. Crediton. Ont. Miss Collin left Siturday morning for her lions'' iu Itrussels. The Orangemen of our tows celc- bratod the glorious twelfth at Sort. fort h. Three full busses left tow" All report a good day. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. \Voodhall, fetroil, are visiting Mr. and Mr Geo. Lawson. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. /.wicker spei Sunday wit h M r. and .Mrs. V. ltrl in Parkhill. Chis. Zwickor ttus in Londo Thursday last on business. Miss I'ectrlie Wing, who has fo the past week been vesit,ing at Mr Chas. Zsvicker's returned on Sunda to her home. Don't forget the baseball ratite 0 Friday night between the Credito Stars and the Irish Nine of Luca This promises to be the best ba gauze of the Beason. The Luce players have a reputation for bein one of the fastest teaths in Wester Ontario, while our boys have n equally good reputation. The gam will start at 5.30. Admission, lactic 5 cents and gentlemen 10 cent Grand eland free. Come everybody Mr. Christie and Mies Edna flair of Parkhill, celled on Miss Andrew on Sunday. Russell Andrews is spending a fc weeks visiting .his sister, Mrs. J. \ Boyce, of Itusseldale,. Rev. Geo. Brown, of Chealey. and Mr. Ezra A. Brown, of Woodstock, spent a few days this week the guests of Messrs. G. K. Brown and S. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown and Mr. and lire. J. Procter, of Zurich, left this week for Sebewaing and Pigeon, Mich., for a few weeks visit with friends. Linemen are this week repairing the 'telegraph lines of the Great Nortltsestern Tel. Co. Mr. Melvin Whiting, of neer Park- hill, accompanied by Mies Kestle, spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Dere. J. 11. Boltzmann. Mr. Whit- ing expects shortly to leave for the west whore ho will engage in the ministry. Miss S. Scamann, of Dashwood. spent Sunday the guest of the Mis- ses Beavers. Messrs. Walter Clark and Dan Switzer have this week finished put- ting Mown ccrnent 'calks in front of their residences. The services in the Methodist church will be withdrawn next Sun- day morning. In the evening Rev.. Mr. Andrews will take his usual work. A number from here are berry picking this week. Mr. Robert Walker and Mr. W. W. Kerr, who went west a few weeks ago on a pleasure trip. re- turned home last Friday. They re- port a pleasant trip. Flax pulling ,has been commenced in this 'section and the Indians from Munoeytown are expected here this week. The Mises Finkboiner of Dash- wood spent Sunday in town visiting f i icndee. Miss Laura Goetz, of Dastiwootl, spent a few days last week the guest Lf hiss Olivia Boltzmann. Last Sunday,was Children's Day in the Evangelical church. special mus- ic ;Ind addresses were kitten. The services were well attended, espec. Tally in the evening when the church was packed to the doors. In the morning the pastor. Rev. Mr. Bean, preached a powerful sermon, and in the afternoon appropriate addresses wore delivered by Rev. Mr. Fedt, of Dashwood, and ltev. Mr. Gis Iter, of Zurich. ]loth addresses were to the point, and the good attention given by the little folks showed their in- terest. The selections given by a male (. m l quartettecomposed c tof Rem i v q Gistiler and Bean and Messrs. A. Morlock and J. Ii. Iloltzmann were thoroughly enjoyed aid was the duett by •Rev. and Mrs. Bean. The selections given by the ladies guar. tette composed of the Misses Heist, lforlock, Brown and Iicrtzel, were a pleasant part of the program. In the evening the contata liven by about 80 of the young people was among the best that has ever leen given. The committee Arlie' j,,id charge of the program are to be congratulated on the success of the diy's program. The following was taken from the Toronto Mail and Empire of Monday and a portion of which refers to n former pastor.—lirigden, a local opt ion t•ill.ige, in Lanett on county. is the scene of sompwh•it stirring in- cidents these warm days. There has been considerable feeling there in re. gard to local option, which was heightened .recently by a cesse in which ea r4ies were nileKet' to have sold intoxicants under the name of ginger beer. Now comes word th.it on 1-ue..Lsy night last n number of persons supposed to be sympathizers with the liquor interests scoured sev. era' kegs of beer from I'etrolee, opened them n s Ix' o the streets s d is- o t n d tribute(' their contents free to all who cored to drink. Disorderly scones meintainod until well into the morning, followed. At 2 e. tn. .a bonfire was storied in the main street around which t1, disturbance continued, and:it about this time the b trn of tlse Rev. John Henderson A% •I!4 firtel, tthet her f"oni lie bon fire's sparks or by an incendiary, is not clear. In any event the build- ing w is deet roved. with its contents. chiefly vehicles and harness. Tito reverend gent lcntan proceeded t hit thy to 8irnie, where he consult the County Crown Attorney on the nether. The susses Leah and ,Miry Toting are visiting at Mr. \Vin. Northcotl'A ft constitutional 11 iy. i lr. Fred Young ,pent a few days treatment through in London t his week. Mrs. John Young is visiting her The infant daughter of Mr. aril Mrs. Para Ilaiet. who has been quite sick during the past week is now irritate ing. Mrs. Chris Heist is spending a week at her home in Colbourn. The Crediton Stars on Friday ojain demonstrated that tht•y are the fast- est auLrteur players in Western On- tario The Clinton tots, who a few Years ago. came down here with scv_ eral professioltals and gave our boys I. a boating were tee opponents.. From f I the start to finish the Clinton teas! I was outplayed and never once did s. • it z, n s. v n 15 n. they 'thole tiny signs of giving our boys the lust scare. One feature of the game which was pulled off, but was not sten by elm umpire, was a triple play by 11. Young and Chas. Kerr. There was a runner at first and- second, with no one out when the bail was batted to Young. Ile grabbed it and touched second before the runner from his base got back, and got (Inc txtll over to first be. fore the runner front that baso could get back. It was ;t pretty play. end one seldom stcen''in big 11+ leagues. Tho pitching of Rau was n exceptionally goat and the support 8 given him by .tike member,' of the is I faun was gilt edzeal. The scare. J1 Crediton R. II. Clinton R, H. 0 s (1 Rau 0 1 I. E. Doherty 0 0 s. F Kerr 1 1 Armstrong 0 1 0 Brown 1 1 Bluett 1 1 d, Dr McCue 1 1 W. J. Doherty 1 0 is H Young 2 2 Shepherd 0 0 F Snell 1 1 McKenzie 1 1 w• E Fahner 1 2 Conch 41 (t \'. C Kerr 0 1 Yackie 0 1 N Beazer 1 1 King 0 1 !) l l 3 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .8 9 Crediton 0 2 1 1 3 2 0 0 x-9 Clinton 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0-3 The Clinton t(•um is composed of a gentlemnnly lot of players, and the fact was remarked many times by the audience. About 300 parsons witnessed (!he contest. Death of Iaaac Hill. A long life of usefulness and energy camp to a peaceful end Monday yfternoon July IGth, trhen Isaac Hill passed away nt the extreme old ago of 81 years. The cause of his .death was the re- sult of infirmaties of old age. The deceased was born in Cornwall, Eng- land, and when 2: years of age came to Canada with ,kis father and nine children. His mother lied died sev- eral years before. The family set- tled in Darlington on it farm. There Mr. 11111 was married to Miss II, Sweet, and shortly afterwards caro to Onodilon. This was many years ago when settlers were few, and forests lid to be felled to make room for fields for the raising of grain. At that time 'there was no bridge across the Aux Sauble river and the only way in which the lake could be ;reached vas to follow an Indian trail. ]Iowever, Mr. II111 and his deserving helpmeet, who visaed to her reward many years ago, 'toil- ed faithfully, and were auccessful in clearing .one of the best sections of land in the township of Stephen. Their first dwelling place wart a 'log struoturc, similar to those 'treated by t be pioneers of t heir early days. and which was afterwards replaced by a more commodious structure. The deceased is survived by eight children: William, on the homestead Isaac, Crediton: ,,T;rmes. Credi- iton ; Mrs. Jas. Clark. Crediton ; Mrs. L. Baker, neer Crediton; Mrs. Thos. McKenzie. Mrs. John Chambers, Mrs. George Chambers, Manitoba, and five brothers, David and \Villi:rm. Cleve land. James, Credifon; Edmond, Stratford, and Jonathan, Vancouver The funeral was held from his late aresidenco. Wednesday ,afternoon in - torment being in the Exeter cemc- ery and was largely attended by sorrowing relatives and friends. t Women with weakness should nev- er forget 1)r. Shoop's Night Cure. This magic -like local treatment, is used :d bed time, nil night while the system is nt rest, it is constantly building up the weakened ItIa6Ues, soothing the inflamed and sensitive surfaces and will surely clean up all catarrhal and local troubles. Sold by W. S. Howey. Dashwood Mrs. Louis t'fiffer, of Milverton, visited with her sisters and brother Peet week. She left for her home again Monday mornin:t. Mr. WillLiam ICloinstiver visited in Exeter efiesday afternoon, to meet a friend of his at the train. Quite a number of our young peo- ple Offended Crediton Children's Day. Mr. Joseph Wambold nttendcd the Exeter T:atne•s -street ohurc) picnic. Miss Ethel Kcllernt:ann is home spending her holidays with her no reran. Miss Mitild s Nibbler and .icer sis. ter, Laura. are Visiting at Mr. Jac - oh leellermann's tihis week. Mini Christina Stere and Mrs. Weld of Detroit, are visiting at Mr. Nich- olls Stire's for a few weeks. The family spent last Sunday at the ik nil. Firrnet s were busy -Is tying the list few weeks. while the town 1.00- ple are busy I.:eking I,err:es. Mist Addie W'itwer and Miss ('lira Koehler erre visiting friends in Rheumatism M one of the constitutional diseases. ft manifests itself in local adios and pains,— inflamed joints and stiff muscles,—bat it cannot be awed by local applications. LADIES' WAISTS • We have a Nice As- sortment �..! , / , in Ladies' -v). , -- Waists in •1 !; some (wen- ty-five din- ;•; fet•rit pat- terns .and in all colors trimmed • with eur- broidery 4) fronts, also ' a fall line Of Ready - to -Wear Waists in Silks, Lustres & Prints Corte and look them over, it costs nothing to see then' and we might have something you want in this line. ---�— WM. SHIUMM, DASHWOOD, ONTARIO. Page Wire Fencing We have a quantity of the above celebrated Fencing WIre in stock, which we will sell at reduced prices as long as it lasts. t. Paints \\'e have a large assortment of Hollywood and Robertson's Paints in stock. These are good paints and all ready mixed, ready for use. Harvesting Tools Wo keep a full line of these goods and can supply your wants any time. A car -load of Cement just Arrived. JONAS HARTLEIB DASHWOOD ONTARIO. Datthwood on Friday Last. A large number of the peoplo of Daeltwood spent Sunday at the Bend. Mr. Mitahael Fenn, of Parkhill is visiting friends in town. Mr. Orville Eltnes spent Sunday with his parents in Zurich' Mr. Oliver Graybeil, of Exeter is spending this holidays :it his home drew.. Mr. J. Eidt :dripped a carload of flour on ,Monday. During ttho thunder storm on Monday evening of last week the dtouse of Mr. John Kuntz on the 14th oonoession, was struck by lightning. A chimney was destroyed and some plaster knocked off in some of bice rooms. Miss A. Witzel, of Sarnia, who Isis been visiting )her sister there has returned home accompanied by her sister, who will spend a few weeks visiting in our village. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hartleib and fans. ily, of Exeter, spent Sunday ,with leis parents here. Mr. Jonas Hartleib has now a big stook of binder ;twine on hand, which he is selling at eight pries. A very pretty wedding took place on Tuesday, when Kate, diugl►ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gossman, was merriest to John Collingwootd, of Exeter. The young couple. left Wed. nesdey for their now borne in Exe- ter. Rev. Fedt performed the cere- mony. W I\CH1a.SRA The burg heti a deserted appear aria on 8:iturday, nearly everybody tiking in the outing to Grand Bend. Two busses wore necessary .to cnrry all the people who went. They evi- dently came hong! tired. net very few attended church on Sunday, and those who did attend exhibited well burned faces, this result of leaving their hats et hone. Everybody re- portett a good time et\boctting. bath- ing, etc. Mr. L. Ileovcrs, Superintendent of the Woodham Sunday school, ad- dressed the members of elunshine Sibbath school last Sunday. Mr. end Mrs. Thornton Smile are visiting at Zion. Miss Mildred Creery, of Alvirnston, and Miss Cecelia Francis, of Rich- mond street, north, London, are visiting .relatives in this vicinity.. The Kerry picker,' ore taking ad. vintage of the food weather to ,fit several piths of the luscious fruit, and sonic even Jiev0 frientls go out to gather them for breakfast be- fore -arising. Mr. .and Mrs. 'Phos. Wheeler took in the 1 211 of July at 8caforth. The Contractors ere building the cement a nt Ural e b tt•co•n• K et the earner and the ccrrtomery. The new bridge will be a decided improvement, ns the old one was in a very dilapidated condition. Word tv ua received here list week announcing the dceeth of Mrs. Thos. Ridley. nee Miss Oliva Clements, daughter of Mrs. Jane Clemente, of \Vincheleee. of Gnsyson, elenitoba. The letter did not state the ciuso of ,her death nor the slate. A few weeks ago Mra. Ridley w•..as conTin- id, ane it is supported thio took cold after 1i -eying Oh^ hospital, thus end- nK in dyer death. it was a little over a year ago (hat Mr. and Mrs. Ridley were uierried end went to the west. The dece.ere,l was 32 ye ire of erre. Iter rnotdser•and )(Un- bind .hive the deepest sympathy in tlseir bcre:svement. Miss \Vigeins, of Godorich, is et :recent spending a few flew nt the sorer of It. Robinson. sir. end Mrs. Mann. of Oshawa, re send to their house on Wednesday ,f lout seek niter spending n week kith Mi. nd Mrs. Wheeler of this ,t.... son William in Loneen. course of tbe great medicine i t Miss siullcr, of I', r khill is visit- ing for a few days eel' Mrs. W• \'. ' parill t permanently ]:err. (fl0OQ S �Sarsa a Mr. and Mrs. Ben Silber and lit- which du filerhas • sb asst: (l( g of 1 y, Mich., are violin friends and reli(ioes in the awed thousands of cases. r Ci�IS rt t ;llilte• Miss nein, Of Berlin. is viliting *� d remarkable arm n.... the _AT!a K ^J You Iter! Pea BOUQft • Iter brother. Ito v, Mr. Hein. for a M/ % a0� es a�No• eleeato; few weeks. G I. Heed �a Mass, of "IT SAiD MY LIFE" PRAISE FOR A FAMOUS MEDICINE Mrs. Willadses Tells Sow Slats Tried LC. L riaWaw's Vegetable Cespeaad jest is Time. Mrs. T. C. 1\'illadac•n, of Manning, lows, writes to Mrd. l'inkhaun • Dear Mrs. ViukLata " I can truly say that you have saved my life, and I esuuot express toy gratitude to you iu words. "Before I wrote to you, telling you how I felt 1 had doctored for over two years steady and spent lots of money on medicines besides, but it all failed to help me. My monthly pe - Mods had et•atied and I suffered much pain with fainting spells, headache, backache and bearing -down pains, and I was SO week I d hardly keep around. As a last retort 1 treated to write you and try Lydia E. Pink - l'am's Vegetable Compound, and I am so thankful iisat I did, for after following your Instructions. which you sent me free of all charge, 1 became regular and in perfect health. Had it not been for you I would be in my grave to -day. "1 sincerely trust that this letter may lead every teetering woman in the country to write you for help as 1 did." When women are trouble.' with irreg- ular or painful periods, weakness, displa- cement or ulceration of an organ, that hearing -down feeling, inflammation, backache, flatulence, general debility,' indigestion or nervous prostration, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. l'inkham's Veg- etable Compound at once removes such troubles. No other female medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqua- lified endorsement. Ref use all substitutes. For twenty -eve years Mrs. Pinkhart, daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, has under her direction and since her decease, been advising sick women free of charge. Address, Lynn, Maas. NERVOUSNESS, A CALAMITY. Many Who don't realize what lies beyond, treat an attack of the "Nerves" with indifference. Other,' consider it will soon pass away. But in every ease nervousness is 0 cal- amity. Only ono remedy will cure —Ferrozonc— a nerve strengthener that acts through the blood. First) it gives you appetite—you eat plen- ty. This fills the blood with nour- ishment for the inner' nerve cells. Energy and strenebh is instilled into every part of the system. You get well—keep well — nervousness for. ever departs, because you've used Ferrozone. Price 50c. per box of fifty tebtete at all dealers. Childre.- y for FOR OVER 8IXTY 1I+;ARS AN Ot.n Ave WILL -TRIAD Itstrsnr.—Mea Winslow's Soothing 8yr•np has been used for over sixty ears by millions of mothers for their children while teething,with perfect success. It soothes the child, sotns the gums, allays all pain cures wind collo. and is the best remedy for 1�)iarrh(ea. It Is pleasant to the taste. Bold by druggists to every part of the world. 25 Gents a bottle. Its value Is Incalculable. Be sure and take Mrs %', inslow's Soothing Syrup and ask for no other kind. CltAiv--D HEN!) It keeps very dry here, and scene erops •ire suffering for rain, esper. tally J lsc root crop. The camp grounds are now filled tip—not a cottage on the whole grounds but what is filled to its ut- moat capacity, besides a number of tents. Among the latter is our old friend Robert Sanders, of Exe- ter. Two automobiles visited ,our grounds on Sundny. Ifodeens from Lucen, also Messrs. ]laird and Gibbs from Parkhill, the one from Luaan bringing in a number of passengers for the dssy. We also looked for Mr. Hobier' from Exeter to come along with his, but we looked in vain. \Vhat to the matter with his eipaehine anyway) Two grand services were .held in the camp Auditorium Sundry morn - Ing and evening, conducted by Rev. Mr. Sutcliffe in the morning and Mrs. Sutcliffe in the evening. Mr. Rich. Hamilton has gel the block work done nn Asia new (souse which is now reedy for the. carpone ters. It makes a fine house. Mr. Ii. ilosscnberry was n visitor at the Port Huron races l;tst•c k w e , and reports some good races. Most of the farmers here site finished haying, and will %t.irt at their wheal at once, which is ready to cat. We are gl:td to see Mrs. tell eroisnsl again, efter ',cine laid up for some time with a strained ankle. Mrs. M. Benetton. front St. Mary.:, Is visiting Iter daughter, Mrs. \v. 11. Oliver et present. Remember the Summer Sr lion' which commences next Sunday morn. Ing. No panes have been spired to make it n grand success. ' At a l.ruslcc meeting of our pub. lie school it was decided to reno- vate the interior end also build n new fence, which will no doubt make a great improvement. That corn starch booth from the next sellers(' u is down main the ot- her day, but 1 don't think profits tali.' expanses, (people 1%111 get their eyes opera !omelimc. Dr. shcop's 'then me tie Ile nicely — when used faithfully will retch chroand ficult ases he rrtrinlcdnic ns difIneurilslecby th sickenretofores and is tiro most reliable prescription known to clean nut and completely remove every vestige of rheumatic poison from the blared. Rohl by W. 8. Howey. 11t?NSALI. Mr. JAS. Johnston, o'! near lfen- •ill, met with a serious accident on Tuesday. Ile was uulc.•tding bey in the barn and in sons' way 'inc fres carried oft .his feet by a rope at- techd to the • iy fork. In falling he struck n fork sticking in the fray which penetrated his bode. breaking two ribs and otiterw1.e belly injur- ing shim. Itis condition is grave. Thu local lodge attended the cele- bration at Seeforth on the 12th. E. 1'', Browning has been transfer- red to the Sovereign hank staff at (1 oiler ich. Mr. Myer, of Exeter, ie the new junior in tlx: Molsons. A. Ring. G. '1'. It. a,ent, returned frost spending his holidays in Chi- cago. ing Mr. ICine'a absence. The merchants think that the council tl:ould do mos. street water- ing. 11 is booming. The south Fide .had no difficulty in defeating the north side, and ono night last week the foundry boys were an easy mark for the village boys. Flax pulling has begun and the haying will be soon over. Seven dol- lars an acre will be paid this year, as there is a double orop, and out- side hell" will be needed. George Joynt has .staked off the ground for his new louse. and will use cement blocks for the cellar wall above the ground. Mr. D. Urquhirt has been so busy with building his flex mill that he h(es had to neglect his oatruill mill, and Ras a result he never had Po Introit genii on hand. This season lets been the busiest lie ever had in the mhmeal business. Ile has in- stalled the best ohopper lie could get. BE DONE 3,VIT1I CATARRII. Why callow this filthy disease to poison your system? It drssins your st renghlr, ruins digestion, pollutes the breath. makes you repulsive. The ono certain cure is "Ontarrho- zono," it cures becnuie it destroys f so cause •of the disease; cure thor- dUgthly heaauso it goes wiserever the Data nth is, cures every case because its vapor destroys the catarrh germs instantly. To get well and stay free from oatareit get C.atarrhozone and use it ; satisfaction guaranteed. E lttI:TON WANTEDIF 60,000 Pounds of WOOL —AT -- EXETER, CENTRALIA, AND CLANDEBOYI4. ELEVATORS. J. COBBLEDICft IMPORTED SUITINGS We call your atten- tion ttention to our large stock of imported Suitiiigs. The best offerings from English and Scotch mills, representing the most fashionable weav- es and fabrics. W.. JOHNS Merchant Tailor ••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 EXETER'S UP -TO -DOTE 1 FLOUR, FEED �- OROGERY Sad indeed was the death on Wed- nesday Afternoon. July 11th, of Jen- nie Edith, daughter of Archibald and Catherine McCurdy, at the home of of ,ler parents on the 13th conces- sion, at the age of 19 years, 101 months and 5 days. The deceased was in poor health for over a year the cause of her illness being .tuber- culosis of the lungs. Miss McCurdy was of a loving, kind and affection- ate disposition and much beloved by • her large circle of acquaintances, • who deeply sympathize with the family in their sad bere;,voment. The deceased was a member of Compan ion Court Ivanhoe, Kirkton, and flus lodge took charge of tete funeral services on Friday, the remains be- ing interred in the Kirkton ceme- tery. The Rev. Down officiated, and the pill bearers were. Norman Wise- man. Ira Marshall, Reuben Switzer, I'orcy Doupe, Olsaries Keen. csnd Clenence Routley. Miss Iluntor, of Cleveland, is visit. ing et Mr. John Taylor's. Mr. John Taylor wos in Dclroit last week attending a .reunion of the 'Taylor family. There were oven' 60 members present from different Just received another load of ZURICH FLOUR which we will sell at $2.25 per cwt. at the Feed Store. For PURE MANITOBA call on us, we sell the best at a reasonable price. HARVEY'S STAR FLOUR always on hand ' at the same prices as at the VI mill. Large quantities of po/. - tatoes on hand, also seed potatoes at $i.00 per bag. • S. HARDY & SON I GOODS DELIVERED. parts of Canada and the United Stn- *•••••••••••••••••••••••••!°fes. The festivities lasted twoslays, pipnics being .held on each (Ley ?t Belle Isle. The leirktots lodge, L. 0. L. accom- o'nicd by.the Kirkton brass band at- tended the 12th of July celebration at Sen fort h. The brand was success, tut in winning second prize. Tho lawn tennis club has Wen or- g,snized and the .tame in being thor- oughly enjoyed by the enlhusiasM. Ince. Itacey addressed the 12th of July celebration at Comber. Miss Effie Cornish, of Monkton, is1'l' spending her -holidays with her par ) J. eats and friends in this village. , -,- Mrs. \\'m. Dymond, of Stralhroy,(I is sisiting her aunt, Mrs. J. Taylor. ,l, 4. Fall term opens Sept 4 Mrs. Francis Anderson, who has for some mouths Will been seriously III. departed from this life Tuesday morning. Funeral ori Wednesday afternoon to Mitchell. Mr. Wm. Moore disposed of his fast driver to Mr. C. Pearce. of Mitchell, on Friday last receiving therefor a good figure, $165.00. Dr. John Roger, of Nashville, N. Carl., U. 8.. is visiting friends in the neighborhood. Dr. Sibcop's Restorative brings hating relief in stomach. Kidney and heart troubles through the inside nerves. No matter dhow the nerves became impaired tier, remedy will re., build their strength, restore their vigor. Remember it docs no good to twit the Wiling organ—the ir- regular heart, rebellious ' ous At :1 om c1t divensed kidneys. They are not to blame. Go back to tiro nerves that control thorn—treat the renew—use a remedy thnt cures through the in• side nerves. Sold by W. H. Howey. ''i^.' r. /lye • r « t�G _.' 3 •a A TF OR' NT Those interested in Business College work should write for our large catalogue. This is the largest and best. Commer- cial and Shorthand School in Western Ontario. We give a practical training and assist our graduates to responsible positions. Many of the lead- ing business colleges employ our graduates as teachers. Write now for a free catalogue W. J. Elliot Principals. D. A. McLachlan.) ++++++++++++++++++++++4 4++ ARRE YOU COSTIVE? If you knew. Blow bad for health constipation is you would bo niece circlet. irregular bowels cause, ape pendicitis, jiundice, aneemia and a thousand other diseases too. Sooner or later it will bring me to n sick bed. The use of Dr. Hamilton's fills ch;inges all this quickly. They aro trade to curo constipation in one night, end alw.eya do ro. By taking a i 'r ,• Dr. 1i Ito I s m Pills 1 0 t you or sure of a keen appetite, splendid color, jov- ial spirits and sound restful sleep. Gentle in action; good for men wpm - en or ohildre,n. 25e. per box, or fire for $1.00. At all (toilers in medicine, elk ARVEST OOLS Hooks, Scythes and Snaths, Forks, Rakes, Hardware, anti everything in this line that is necessary at this tithe of the year. Granite Preserving Kettles, Roofing and Eavetroughing Always on Hand. W. MOORE, - - KiRKTON, ONT tilinttitt)Itt tettittlltt I'!Ittt u ' 1.1111111111111111