Exeter Times, 1906-07-19, Page 1'Wedding Stationery
Xoung Ladies who are iotereated
do wit is proper In the matter of
fitatiower7 ler Weddiigs, should tree
tsar t(+amples, lateat type faxes. We
or have tom ready in a few hours.
Call Up Phone No. 31
If you hive any orders for print.
log ,of any kind just call us up pad
W Will be ple..std to look after your
Phone No. 32.
White Blouse Sale
Vote For the By -Laws
The Voting Will Take Place o . Saturday
August 4th.
Reasons Why You Should Vote to
Grant the Loan.
Lawn Blouses trimmed with embroider and Now $��00
lace insertion. were $1.25
A few sizes left in two extra pretty lines, one with
embroidery fronts the other tucked and
trimmed with insertion, were $1.50 Now $1.25
A Better Line with all over roidery
fronts were $2.25 Now $1.75
One only Embroidered Linen 3Blo6, use.
$3 size
0 NOW $2.50
Balance of all lines of � reelami SilkPillkBlou es, up-to-date styles,
Wash Goods
Vestings, Gingr
b st values atand 120 and 25ins. some ocenf ts Now 15c
white and Colored sold at and 15uslins t cents that o clear -at 10 cents
Dress Goods
Lustres, Roxannas, and Voiles in Navy, Brown,
Fawn and Green Shades. See our
South Window, were 60 cents, for Haif Price 30c
.411 this Season's Goods in Ladies' and Child-
ren's Hats to clear at Half Price
Your choice of any Hat on the Centre Table for 25 cts
"Gooseberries, 5 cents a quart; Red or White Currants, 3c
per pound. Bring your Cherries also, Highest Prices
paid. Spring Chicken weighing at least 21 pounds,
15 cents per pound live weight, Must be plump
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
Just received a shipment of "MARTIN"
buggies with rubber and iron tires. Call
and see them they will stand inspection.
Also have a number of good second hand
buggies for sale at a bargain.
A. Q. BOBIER, Exeter.
1--Thc establishment of a Canning
factory ,will incrtteae the value of
You wilt be able
t�o get more ow real 9tfor•you r improved pro-
perty than now.
2 -The greater part of the veasta-
bles will be grown by .farmers. who,
if they .get their money in Exeter,)
will spend it in Exeter.
3-1t will increase your taxation
about fifty cents a year on each,
$1,000 and if the increase in the valu-
ation of your property occasioned by
the establishment of u Canning
Factory isn't worth several times
that moon. the guest* of nearly ev-
ery body is wrong.
4 -For years everybody. even the
most soeptioal, has been advocating
industries, and now is our chance.
;i -Exeter crlpital will be invested
in the enterprise. You have had
enough experience patting your moe-
cY in outside concelrna, promoted by
Persons .having; a desire for fattenin_
their own pocket book, caring but
little about the success of theodi-
corns they were promoting.
Tho rectors are prominent business men
of Exeter. who have the interests of
the town at heart and aro invest-
ing their money for your , eako as
well as their own in helping alone a
good cause.
6 -It is a nucleus for other indus-
tries to ,;-,'^ and we can Have
several if lye give the encourage-
7 -We 11Ve tato best agricultural
surroundings in Canaea for such a
factory ;and expert moCi,anies, out'
side of the superintendent, aro clot
necessary to do the work. i::pr
own boys, who are now relying on
you for a living for, want of r.oine-
thing to do, cin get work. and al-
so your girls. who are anxious to
assist in providing for the necessar-
ies of life, can get work. They ayill
not then be compelled to go to
larger places to secure employment
as hnrvants in hotels and restaur-
ents, as a number have been forced
so to do.
8-Tt1e buildings the Company pro-
poses to erect are far and away
above the above tho amount of the
loan asked, so that the town will
have more than a sufficient secur-
ity for the amount of the loin.
There's s wonderful influence attached to, and surrounding the word
Money. No doubt it was the word which attracted your attention and led
Ton to commence a perusal of this ac'vertisement.
It Is All In This
Valuer' here are r.(► much stetter and tho geode so much 'weer ;and
brighter than you ere in the habit of getting that there is only one
way of determining the money -saving result and that is by n visit to
the store. a look over the 'docks and learning the priet e. Doing this,
ouickly decides the question of WIIAT end WHERE to buy, in our fav-
or, and odds another outtomcr to This Store's rapidly jna-Nlting list.
Order Early
Don't neglect to leave your orders early for Binder
Twine. We have 'three tons of the Celebrated Plymouth
Twine for saki.. None other is quite so good. Prices
•••• w ela4. w A. ANS! A IP% War OAT _&. _ a
9 -If t he raven (and they' are re-
sponsible Wren) do not think it a
goo propoionor
d sitf t l t they
wouldnot allow their names to
connected with the affair at all. It
is not altogether a monetary mat-
Takes in the
B 1 Game
�o b
ti les me to see wan av
our townsman what hoz enuf retort-
, in' blood in .iiia to take in a good
game av baseball, aver if he hez to
►valk tin nuoilcs to sae it. Oi wuz
welkin' no Main Slit rate wan afliter-
noon av larlht wake lukin' fer some
woman who wud take a trip will me
to Crediton to see th' game iv base-
ball betwixt Crediton en Clinton.
whin Oi can ecro.:t. tee feint' Jim
Gould, who wuz lukin' fer th' same
to own. icy speeirnitt av mankind.
"Larry" die sez, sea he. ''Oinl glad
Oi met ycz ez Oi intrad gain' out
to Crediton an' wud loike yez to
to with them. Tbcy feel the town oomo along wid me, providiri, av
is in need of industfries, and the 000rse yez'II walk. Oi hcv bane
establishment of a Canning Factory nrakin' av apple barrels fer so long,
seems to bo the one most wanted, that Oi cuddcnt auk wan av the trees
and they.hive ooneented to use their in th' face, an' me religious duties
kane me arum exercisin' Sundays, so
01 thought n short walk wud do
me good. an' Oim ,pure yez ez too
thin to hap anny flesh dhrop off on
th' traysoide, so yez hell bettor cute
along wid ane."
Ez Oi wussent drain' much av many -
thing cepa killin' toitne, Oi conclud-
ed a two 31Our walk wuz what me
constitusiof► wuz in nada ay. so 01
accepted t h' invitasion an' Jim an'
me shtarted out to the place where
they play baseball an' sell limburger
earnest endeavors to• Felinity a pub-
lic clamor.
10 -Every person has an opportun-
ity of taking stock, which is only
$25 por share, and what they pay oat
In taxes they ,will more than receive
in dividends. over and above the reg-
ular rate of interest.
Do not let any one cajole you in-
to voting against tho by-la\v. It Is
to your interest, to your neighbors
interest and the interest of the town
to do so.
Why. but •reeel,tly the small vil-
lage of 131y-th. voted almost unani-
mously to loan the Stephenson Car-
riage Company 510,000 for 15 years
to oarry on the manufacture of bug-
gies, etc., in that piece, and Ilio
town of Seaforth carried n by-law
to loan money to the Willis Shoo
Company. This by-law had but few
dissenting cotes. Both these places
tied wide awake for new industries.
There has been a cry Chat the
retired farmer!) would vole to down
any priopositionthat would in any
way increase their taxation. This is
a mistake. The retired farmers are
a progressive lot of ,gentlemen and
are just as anxious for the progress
of t':e place of their adoption ne
anyone dn.; you'll find them to the
front in Gave)! Dt the by-law when
the vote is counfeal. The ieii :i1
farmers with their cxtensivo expel•--
lesoc, know how such Grope should
be raised, and they urn t)se their
vocant property in Exeter to rais-
ing stuff for the Canton's factory.
What Exeter needs is a united ef-
fort on the part of its citizens (o-
w.ards progreesivencsm. It costs sotne-
thing for a calf, but a little feed-
ing Makes it more valuable, and so
with our town. Let's feed it and
you'll find tho results will show
for themselves.
Mr. .1. H. Harvey left Wednesday
for Winnipeg tend points \\'eat.
Mrs. 11, trooper end (Laughter Ruth
aro visiting friends in Brantford.
Mr. Chas. \\'est away, of Regina, is
visiting his sister, MTS. Al. Ford.
The Misses Muir, of flowarida, N.
y„ are visiting Mr. .and Mrs. John
Miss Floosie V'irkiettn, of Brant-
ford, is the guest of the \$rases Cob-
Mrs. .1, t•i. Harvey tett Wednesday
even'11g for Toronto, w here she wi11
visit friends for severe! weeks.
Mrs. Twohey end daughter of
Hamilton, are visiting Mrs. Too-
bey'ti eister, Ctrs. Wm. Menem.
}irti, \V, Bovey cendadaughter11
trice left Wcdnesia+y for the Bend
whore they will spend n week•
around with your beards all feinted
Up. It costa 15 cents for It iYIIC etafor tet cents extra your a Hikers
will be trimmed in tiny 51811)e you
may desire either 0 la Hastings' or
Willis'. Fifteen cents is cheep for
a !alit cut, and the trimming of
whink()ry will h+l
e,.1(1er be Ion cents
\Vornen with pale colorless faces
who feel weak and discouraged, will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's iron fills, which
aro made for the blood, nerves and
Mr. Harvey !Peke, Mr. i'ercy
Simpson and air. \Vial (blain left
for the Wept on Tuesday list. where
they will visit friends for tie next
t wo moat hs.
\fist' Mable Simpson, of Ailsa Craig
left for her home on Monet iy after
a pleasant vial with liar sister, Moo
Fclyn Simpson.
Mr. henry He.nsey, of Luc:1n, hoe
taken Posey Simpson's place ne bar-
Mise Orme, of i.ondon, was the,
guest of her brother, Ur. Orme, last
A annular from here ripen( Satan -
dry anfl Sunday at Grand fiend.
Mise Leona Winson, of London, is
visiting at her home here.
Nies. F. Buell and Master keit
neth, of Toronto, are visiting at
their uncle's. b!r. 3. Hepburn.
Miee Miry Hepburn and Miss 1f 1.
rel Hepburn, of Toronto. 11e epr el-
init their holidays with the former's
For Infants and Children.
We shtopped siverogaiDimes on th'
road, but only to si,t.gln.th' slave. ez
th' man of Devon wussent thTustin'
nnnybody, who made a practise ;av
We wuz offered siveral roides, but
begorra, we refused ivory wan av
tire, preferrin' to shtick to Oa' dust
than git our impty stumtnicks jolt•
cd be roidin' on n hay rack.
'Long 'bout six we wuz sit tin' on
a tinc+e tryin' to cool off, afore mak-
in Our Intr,,, Intal Crediton. whin be•
General Selling Agent. for
Canadian Pacific Railway Lands and
Canadian Northern Railway Lands.
If you intend purchasing land in the West, we can give
you the best land and the lowest prices and easiest terms
ROBT E ?I6KfiRDJrODJSh6r. Sash
We Furnish Their domes
dad we. nice siveral gintlemin Gun!!
Exeter come allikin' along. There!
wuz Harold Bissett, Walter Hard-
in' William Balkwill, George Powell,
an' siveral itbers what wuz tryin'
to cover up their faces whin they
wuz passin' us, so cz we wuddcnt
know who they wuz, en' that the
hugey they wuz rotdin' in bed shioil-
ped. But me an' Jim wussent to be
fooled, an' we ehtarted along wid
them. William wuz tellin' us that
her bottle nv whoop sbtuff hed play-
ed out an' 1 hit wus tai' raison he wuz,
welkin' an' s)nveatin'.
Annyhow we arroived in Creiiiton
an' th' first wan Jim inthrodooteed
mo to wuz Charlie Iloltzmann, wbp
hez wan av th' best Oirish &elicls
tint Oi iver saw. Begorra Inc an'
him wuz frinds lb' midnnit ee met.
lie sez "Yaw, Yaw," an' Oi sez
"'xalho. Yale)," in th' very 'tame
!anew: re.
_ IIc sez "1 irry, Oini plazed to meet
yez, an' Oi sez "Charlie, its loike
wettin' th' palate 'to meet yez" on
ne wint off arrum in arrum to wit-
ness t h' byes play Ilan.
Charlie an' ine wuz anxious to
help 'long a :mod thine, an' donated
to Ili collection plate at th' gale
wid nary ;t bit av disc.usston. Earth
wan av us lied tai' titoice. nn' begorr,►
we felt Joke lrayin' fele some av claim
ez wuz Il+anin' over 1 h' since, !rein'
Io Flee the 1:.1111e w:'totit IIiyi11'.
Now Cbailic ez acoualllted wad
ivery nein av tahint players, e hat
wuz on the Crediton tante, ;a►' be
Set Ile 1.1s011 we. calls 1.11int "Sill -lig"
ez bccose t hey play best whin tri
shtare ez cumin' out. "There ez
Frink N11101, wid wan av hez fin-
gers in i+hplints," sez Charlie, "an'
we'll yhtack hila up agin :annyone,
ez a baek-wlltopp^r, an' t here's young
Rau who can snake ens out wid hoz
oyes shut. '1 bough h,: can curve a
ball eorseer than aluty :tv thin In-
r�'presented, !wades several brass nod diens ft 001 Australia earl curve 0
fife and drum (bands. At thepark, shillalah, an Ch:rrlie Kerr ez a dilly
prizes were awarded for the largeet whin it oleo's to playin' first base.
lodge, the leder. coming the longest Young rat second ,base Hirer drops
distance, a11,1 lilt' oldest Orangeman. aunything, an' Kilmer kills ivery-
things that opines h
ez way. 1)oc
McCue hez em ell shkinne'l whin
pl•iyin' forninst I,1i' pitcher, ars' Fred
Kerr. Norm Weyer on' O. Brown,
o1n make army ()Infield luk loike ez
though they wuz plur,cd."
Whitt (:harlie hed !])wid n1' all
about till' g,csl points at• th' Ctr,li-
drr'ssr1pile-ere,McPheeetc delivered by Iters. R. ton piaere, lice McPheemine
H. Girkitt and liirk=, u: i c fort ti ; along an' lined us in wipin'
Metiers. White, of i)ctroit; West and th' whoite wank off th' buck shtnp
Hewitt, of Toronto, ,anti Jar. E. .1. train' to watieh thitn flingers nankin'
ba, Woodham won fa=t prize for th' hill twist ar(►nnd th' necks nv
the hest dressed lodge. 'the llitcheli thins ez wuz tiyii' to shlug it. See
baud got first for band, with hirk• era! toinaws ne cum near aloin'
ton 2nd. Lenitesboro got first for slave reel wid pissed bade, but Oi curt
the loaned turn out of members. ',Mend i1 if (*biotic an' Heck could.'/'here aux a couple av Clinton
For any case of nervousness, sl(ep- wplayers who got their socks mixed
Ics•nesti, weak stomach, indigestion, hoile th' fellow wid tit' grape
dyspepsia, try Carter's Little I♦Iver shweater wuz in our :1,11nirit:on h•••
l'ille. Relief is sure. The only nerve (settee av (h'• rotor av Iasi shirt. An -
medicine in market, other fetloe what \cue'er.t •luny fit -
tern a stupor wuz we.1rin' 1 kith -
The twelfth of July celebration :at
Soaforth, under the auspices of the
South Huron district Or.ingc Lodac9
was one of the best, rind in every
way the most successful demonstra-
tion or this kind ever held in this
disttiet. It was estimated there
were about five thousand people pre-
sent. Two trains of ten oars rieli
one from 'the east rind the other
from tato west, and nal packed. arriv•
cot in the forenoon. In addition to
this there was almost a continuous
stream of carriages front all districts
during the entire forenoon. 'Ties
was the largest crowd ever swan in
forth. The Bey !Sad football
team defeated the Seafortll scan in
the forenoon• i•:verv1hing passed off
Quietly and in 11he beet of order. The
procession, which \Sae organized at
the recreation grounds, ni•u•rhe.l up
Main street to t In Agricultural i +•irk
There were forty stands of colors
this latter prix' was von by Mr. \V,
Johnston, of Seafort h, wis► rnari'It
cv1 111 1111! proc['ssion. 114' 11.1R )leen
an Oiingcntan for 63 years, and is
Atilt hue and hearty. At (he 111;1t -
foul) King Billy White, of Mitchell,
presided. and \lay'or Broderick we1-
comcd the visitors to the town. \0-
COI,Li'G\WOO]) - liOSS\IA\
lktsh►rond, r:n '1114•s,10y, July
't1itis Kate Gosennin to Mr.
Col1ingwoc :l, of Exeter.
SIMS -In E.oit Crediton, on Sat
.July lith, to Mr. and Mrs.
& ilnn a d lughter.
ItIi)LEV - in Grayson, M,nitoba,
Oliva Clements, wife of 1'I:os. Rid-
ley, .and formerly of \VineheI•eI,
.,ped 32 yt.trs.
\IrCI•RU\ - 111 1".bo7n". •July 1111,
.Jennie Edith, tl iught• r of Arrhi-
bi1d and C11 he.rine McCurdy, aged
Int mire, le months and :a d iys.
ill LL -in Creel:ton, July 16th. 1:..1ae
hill, aged PI ye.are.
After The Honeymoon Is Over.
Dont't worry about furnishing the house, that prob-
lem is easy settled. Come in and make your selec-
tions, we skill make your home handsome, artistic
and comfortable from cellar to attic at prices and
terms which will save you money and make yon
happy for a lifetime.
Furniture Dealers and Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario
For 3 days only
7 bars Dings tan Soap for ?Sc. 3 page McDonald Tobacco :15e.
7 bars Grand Mogul for 25e. 2 cans Best Red Salmon 23c.
Come and see our new line of
Dry Goods, just in.
Reg. 10c. Shaker Flannel for 8c.
Reg. 12c. for 1Oc.
and a full line of underwear at reduced prices.
Just Come and SEE.
Highest Prices Paid for BUTTER and EGGS.
on all China and Glass-
ware for the next thirty
days to make room for fa11 goods
Come Early if You Want Good
Charlton's Fair
in' suit, walnut 1nny rocks at :111, al
Ira AI, while th' Witcher foil on hoz Hun.
i tb, d. ►. go to multi pants, eel r... 1. s 111
I"I,n the rioter.
Th' list :iv 1h' lone dist.utre wiik- Use
yrs fruit) Exeter wuz lukin' on frum
urilay the u1.,11,1 (Mad, whit wuz rcpart•ed
John fer t h' I !dies. Ailey way they w nz
1 ski red.
'1'h' game wuz full av excoitemilll
f, ural finish to Overt, an' ivery body
wuz Kl'd an' ,11un:!ry that the gime
wuz :1 gond wan, avert 8ryuir: Lewis
bairn' tickled to the s),k'n over it.
Meter th' g,11nc wuz over Charlie
an' me prated wid reale in our oyes,
ez though we WI/2 (ruin' ),ir•e rid-
inh, nn' Oi went over to the t ivern
fer me Raub. an' talk over mittere
wid me frin.l ,lith. who wuz tryin'
to {til mono. wan 10 Zakuv twn►c'•
'Twas nadeless fer ne to worry, ez
the nutomobilly wits rant ashler ue,
nn' we erroived home in tc:.me to sec
chartist )11.trI) Meter est sh' nhir:>as.
Ds Mud Yu Han Always PMO C I6 0 T CO A T ♦ .
H• _1t1,T fall rw litntt }
Binder Twine
Reduced Prices
Plymouth twines
Gold Medal 050 feet to the pound, our special
price 1 :3c. per pound.
Silver Sheaf 000 feet to pound.
Ply. Special 500 feet to pound.
everything required for Harvesting. clay Fork
Ropes, Sling Ropes, Hay Forks,
Binding Gloves, etc