HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-07-12, Page 8STEWART'S OUR BIG BUILDING SALE. ;;ig I3uiltlin sale is it 'great success. Stock in every depart inent ie bei:l . reduced. The Julie just closed has been the best .lune we have every had, thanks to the buying public who appreciate the best values and best services in town, And now for July the Special Values, tete will place on our conn'.:'rs for July will fairly bristle. We would rather t3aclifit't' l,r,)tits than carry too inuc.h goods through the dust. and diet “1. masons all(1 carpenters while the big store is be- ing renio 1c led. T XEN'l'Y PER CEN I' DISCOUNT on all ready- made clothing still holds goof. t5 The YARD for your choice of a jet, lotof fencer Drees Goods in Tweeds and fancy effects. regular vetoes in this lot have been 10 to 01 cents. 1Vhile the big sale is on, your choice for 23 cents. the YARD for a swell lot of fancy Dews Mfaslins, plain 12 1=2C grounds with fancy Resit design, fancy embroidered effects, Lippett effects, Dresden effects. Some of our best selling lines are in the !o!, Your choice for 121 cents. the 1IN for Big Fir or Golden Nett Canned Salmon. 1212c 22 1= (:)(-: for Malt, Japan or Mixed Tea :cores :3; (etas, 10 cc ere lslg Bottle for John Bull Pickles worth 13 cents. We want any quantity of good B JTTER for which we will pay you the M'.. will pay you for your Boxes or Tubs cr exchange with you just as you wish. Highest Prices. For good fresh Eggs that will stand candling we will pay you Big Prices. Reon•naher your butter and eggs are just as good as cash. Bring them to its we it Ell use ou well. Don't forget that our Big Building Sale is a Hummer. S. A. STEWAR.T 11ARCIiAND, JEWELER cls; OPTICIAN. Spring Suitings Sey we got in some swell spring .Suitings last week. They are right up to the moment. Coats are two inches longer than last year and the Lapels are so much broader and deeper that you can't help but notice them. The Vesta ere cut with five buttons and the Prints are just a little peg toppy. They are beeuts all right for $15, $18 and $20 and no matter where you go. roil can't find ,anything that will tit ,a: !lire as they do, W.'I'SmB:t Mler(;;Mnnt Tesllor. h. Ml. Lewis, is, el. 1'., called oft fricade 111 t own Monday. Mies Florence Anderson. of Lon. don, is on on n visit. Mie Edith S'n,)ers is spending the 3veck with friends et the Rend. .tI 1' 1 grin g ofSt. � f rye, visit- ed her brother here et -or Smelly. The Nieces Miuir, of (+o{e:artel.t, rare visiting at the !tome of Mr. John Mier. , Mrs. T. M. Kay leaves to-d,•y, Thur .r r d) to visit friends in 1)etr,,.t. Miss (t:suers, of F.gnrondeille, vis- ited :her aunt, Mrs. Geo. D1cfeod. last week. Miss May Snot is ,tonic ofte spending the peel season at the mil linery trade. r M1iss May Snell sang at the offer tory at the J:Imes street church Sun day evening. Miss Mabel Leathern, of London is the guest of her grandfather Squire Lea thorn. Mr. Russell Fniyne, of Brentford, Is spending ibis ltolictlys with the parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Frayne, Miss Grace Rogers, of Listowel, is spending :a couple weeks the guest of her cousin, Miss Edna Follick. Messrs. John and 'Wee. Vale, of Detroit µerr in town n couple days of lost week renewing ncquaintan- ces. Nixie l), Johns, :,rad i1:lughter. Mfrs. Goodison, spent the former part of (he week with relatives in St. Marys. bliss Kat ill'/V11 ;tad Master Wil- fred Stewart, returned Sundry if- t er r Il A e, a I nd week's s out iiith friends at Beneathtug Miss Gertie Anderson arid. Master Osc Ir left Tu stely morning for Ht. Thomas anti Fingal. ii here they will visit for , fe w-we.;ks. Mrs. timer and two children, of bonJon, who 1,:rve spent the post month visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. A. rollick, ret el net] home on Friday last. Mill. I),vice ibµ nit', of Minnesota. has been visiting with her father, Mr. Robt. McDonald, lar the past (we weeks. M r. Do Wilk' rrived ?torr t his week and will spend so1110 time with his brother. Mr. R. Dow. Me Exeter North. and other rel.a_ tires. This is Mr. Downie's first visit 'bor'e for 17 years. _t/ EXETER 'I1MES, JULY12th 1804 TO ADVtRTISIrjts, Toe copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advertisement, accepted up to nooa Wednesday of each week. TH1 It"t):\1', ,11 Le 11711. lens ••••et►••••••••••••••••••••• LOCALS •••••••• e•e,••••• THE FARMERS ARE kept busy n,'kiii }::+•. HEING (:1:0. C. MAW kF.Y 11AS STARTED to learn the 1lardwere business with \V, J. ll:,.rr►►au. Mite. BOWE1t31AN 11AS SOLI) her 1.seperty to Mr. Richard Hunter of 1'.tin►villc. IBEEF, IRON AN1; \VINE. THE beet t•orec in large SOc. bottles at Cole's Drug Store. THE MAIN STREET SUNDAY school picnic will be teal) at Grand Rend next Wednesdi3•. THE JAMES STREET SUNDAY school 'helot its annual picnic to Grand Bend, Wednesday. MILS. W. A. GREGORY, TOOK t1x organ at the Main street church last Sunday during the absence of Mrs. lllatc.t,ford, THE VOTERS' LIST FOR TIIE Municipality .of the ViJI-tge of Exe- ter. show 626 voters and 301 enti• tied t -o serve as jurors. TIIE VOTING ON THE 12Y -LAW to loan the Exeter Canning Cone, time $10,000 for 15 yr, -Ire will take piece on Saturday. August 41.h. NO1V iS THE TIME FOR SUN. burnt feces. Try Hotvcy'm Cream of Itos.es. Excellent 'o ,heal then. 25c. end L03. bottles, Honey's Drugstore, MESSRS. W. J. IIEAMAN AND W.• Ih Lovett left Monday to at- tend etre convention of Goal dealers being held in Scr.'nton, Pa.. this verk. THE WEeTERN F:IIR 1VILL BE :etc! ::t Lor..Ecln, Sept. 7th to 15th, nd the Exeter }'.air the following tonday ;Ind Tuesday. Sept. 17t and 8th. FO1?ND.—ON LAKE ROAD. NEA1I ho 18th line, nicklctl alp off buggy 'lice!. Owner coin hive came by roving property and tidying for t his dvertisernent. TIIE LADIES OF THE JAMES rteet church had a very successful V11 soo:ctl 011 J. Pedlar's • lawn, 'cdnesdriy evening of last ' week. Ire Exeter band furnished the mus• - CONSTABLE BISSETT HAS RE- oeivcd numerous complaints of berme and cows being allowed to rerun on the streets at night, end he intends put ting a stop to the puis:l:tcc, A. will ttake luishing to S \l attend the Crediton—Clinton baseball match nt Crcdieon. Fridey night. hound trip e0 cents. Automobile leave.; at 4.30 sharp. Those wishing to report at A. Q. Ilobier's office. ° IN THEIR AD THIS WEEK 1lAlt- vey Bros. announce ghat they µi11 close their )will down the Last half of thin month for repairs. They will have a full stock of flour and feed on hand orrice will be in a position to supply 'their customers as before. Bea ad in (:1118 issue. STREET C031MISSIONER Ills_ sell on :\tonday took teths of the milk delivered by the milk deelcre in town and found them as follows: L. D..y, 3.2, .1.2: .Rivers, 3.:3, 2.3. NOM/ of these tests are up to the standard, 3.5 being a fair test. The Babcock test .was used. • ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON while )german 1' crnick, son of Wm. leornick, of the 3rd concession, ITs- borne µ.is walking across the loft floor of the barn, he stepped on a loose board, precipitating hint to the floor beneath, a distance of about 18 feet. One of hie ribs was broken .end los wrist fr.,ctured JUST IRECEIVF;D, 'TUESDAY, AN. other fresh supply of Pure Paris Green. 'ye expected we had order- ed enough before but owing lo ex- tra large gc do r car t 11 this a Auto g;r we freak. Onemantolder rr chance to 1;cd it ours was too strong. What do day. say! Menem tier cul) • _;, you Howcys Drugstote, e' 'a pound, LAST SATURDAY NIGIiT GAY1, evidence that the fel-suing conlrnun- ity enjoy 1he fine wco1h•r to do tycirif- igMouldLcpkin Exeter. be counted tied curp 1" front of the different stores. Miss Amy Jolliet very pleasingly s.1ug "Ninety :and Nine." as an of- fertory et the Main street church Sunday evening. THE RREMIAINS OF .IA3fl.5 MA. hon. who died at North Drench, Mich., July 8111. arrived at 1 be Exe- ter station on th^_ train Tuesday morning. The funeral w is held from the station, interment being in the Exeter cemetery. The deceas- ed was 61 years of age and was a former resident of Kirk ton. and was a son-in-law of the late Thomas (Bowman, of Exeter, :and a brother of David M, hon, formerly of Kirkton. Olt. ANDERSON, 11'110 iIECENT- 13' suspects I of his dental practise here, has decided to loa•Ile along with his brother, Or. 11. 8. Ander- son, , of 1L' , t lac• n It, It 11'innilx'l;• The two gentlemen went out west some weeks ago and returned to Mitchell, two weeks ago end talc now staking preparations for moving their fam- ilies to their new location. They in- tend leaving in about n week. REV. COLLINS, WHO WAS AP - pointed last week by the Synod to the Rectorship of the Trivitt Mem- orial church, occupied his pulpit Sunday last. Hev cellins is n young roan, 1r' rid an ex- cellent speaker. congregation cn tl,uv'at' ('oleins us rector, rand it securing ill bo but n short time before be' gets acquainted with the people of Esc. ter, and once he ft endeered by them, he tails find t our people / nra among the most loyal in the land. Special Cut Prices THE OLD RELIABLE UN ALI,-----_ Sammer Dressa The fanning factory seems to be all the talk of the ..justnow and a good citing it is. Let ushave a can- The factory or any other industry that will improve our con- dition. S'nuc say. Oh, the cost' well we can't have these things without cost. There are those who will pour cold water on any and everything but pleased to -4y they are of the few, 7J Black Lustres 1 Colored Muslins cent quslites for 50 cents 25 cent quality for 17 cent Cream Lustres Wool Delaines :)0 Cent duality Colored Lustres 50 cent quality for 3ti cents for '39 emits 50 cont quality for '3 cents _.---.0.,••••. - Black Muslins 25 cent quality for 17 cents White Muslins White Vesting 20 cent quality for 16 cents Linen Su'ting 15 cent quality for 11 cents Don't forget we are paying the Highest Prices for cent duality for 18 cents Butter and Eggs ELL & ROWE Miss Muriel Anderson. of Mitch is visiting Miss May Gill. .hiss Ida Dinsdale, of Iiippen, visiting friends in Exeter. Miss Jessie Miller, formerly Exeter, who has been enga red milliner at Clifford, has resigned position and left last week Calgary. Attu. ell. Market Report.—The following b the report of Exeter markets, *or- is netted up to July 12th. 1• Wheat, 78 to82 cents per bus, of . Barley 42 to 45 oonts pet bus. as Peas, 60 to 65 cents per bushel. her Shorts, $20 a tan. for Flour, 82.25 per owl. O:tts, 36 to 37 cmnts per bus. Bran, $17 per ton II' ; 'lay. $6 to $8 per ton. c► I Potatoes. 75e. per bag. 1de 1 Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. 10 Clover seed, $7 to $8.50 per bus. re.( Butter, 18 ciente per pound. Eggs, 16 mute per dozen. Coal, $6.75 per ton. 'fogs. dressed, $10 a ce e. Boge, liveweight, $7.60 a cwt, 1)0 YOU LIKE JUNKET, SL or Whey! You don't know what nice desert it is till you try it m with our Junket T.►blets. Only cents .a bottle. Moiety's Drugsto \VAItI)EN SI'AC1iMAN \VAS IN Clinton last tt•eck in connection with 'louse of Refuge matters. Ile was successful in getting a nutuber of inmates, who have money or renal (s- t•tte, to turn over their property to the county for their neriiiteiiince. In each race the sum of $50 WAS set aside to insure the parties a re- spectable burial. At death, the property over and :above the cost of maintenance will be turned over to the heirs, but in case there are no heirs •to bo found, the property '•%ill revert to the County. This in in 11 accordance with the recent bill pass- 1 ed by the Ontario I:egielature, at the suggestion of Warden Spackman. Il 1 REV. E. A. F1EAit, THE NEW pastor of the Main street Mettexlist, ohurch, began his pastorate here on Sunday last. and though weary with moving and .having been under no small nervous strain for some time, lie fully .met the expectations of hie congregations. The rl►ortlin3 die- fooule,7 was not based on any p:rrtic- ul:ar passage of scripture, hut was ,rather an infortnnl address on the relations existing between pastor and people, and was full of helpful suggestions. The address ectncd to bring the coneregation rat Duce into close tounh with their pastor, who •'ssurcd them that his syntNftiy and help were always aerie:16kt for them by day or night. In Ile avenin. Mr. Fear chose ns his text—I Corinthians 8:9 --••For ye know the grow tot outl Lord Jesus Christ, that, though are was rich, yet for your "sakes 1[e be- came poor, th'1 ye through His pov- erty ntig•ht be rich." The speaker Spent but ,t moment or so in in- troducing his subject, and then not- ed:iThe riches of our Lord prior to Jiis inert rnition. 2 — His poverty wbile on earth. :1—The results — that we might be rich. The sermon was listened to most :attentively, :and, judge's; from the re_ t a n rks d ,-•x 1 afterwards, .Fear .bas ever hl r. Y rc,,asorl to b cnc•ur- igod by t ha reception of his first day's work In Exeter. If we fere not alt lea en, hie mitlietry will prove a cd and glasses supplied. spiritual uplift to the congreeetiotl. Main street Methodist church has a number of faithful wolkcrs am' the 11254 pastor tray rest assured of their t'yinpathy and co -vow -Atoll. Bristle Bargains Brushes are always needed and we are prepared to supply the demand. We buy bristle goods in ample quantities (tw- eet from the leading manufac- turers. Our stock is complete Up. to -date and quality considered it is impossible to heat our prices, You will find it a pleas- ure to pick from our escort- tnent of the following 'Tooth Brushes 5s. --23e. Nail Brushes Sc. -50c, Bath Brushes 103.-00c. Cloth Brushes 153.-73c. Complexion Brushee Hair Brushes 25c.—$dap —AT— Cole's Drug Store. 116.1D:0A,RTEt;ypc>it ALL ToIL1:T Aari'r,Ei 4 _I+ 'BOY WANTED TO LEARN THE rn oe:'ry business. Apply to Carling Bros. 1)R. iHUTLER, OF LONDON, WILL be at the Central tea Hotel, Monday, .luly 16, 1906. eoutt a 10 on a. in., to 5 p. m., for Eye, Ear, Noes and Throat consultation. Eyes tog - ed BASE HALL In our report of' else bineball mate! b<(ser,' Cr:evilir and Exeter at Centralia July lst, we elated the genie was between Centralia and spectators from Exeter. 'flat was what teas handed into us. Soret: of the Centralia team take exception to the word "epeotutors claiming the team w:as Ore regular baseball team and not spectators. We have secur- ed the names of theme who played for Exeter and find What only four of the players belong to the, regular toinl, namely Carling, Harold I(is- selt, Sanders and Bellwood. Howe ever Centralis ,has a fast tenant and send a defy to n teem taken 'from Exeter, the best that stn be to - cured here. DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR 81'R- geon, wilt be at tho Commercial Hotel the first Friday of tech month. (lours, 9.30 a. rn. to 4.30 p. in. (Nape - ca properly fitted and dise,s^e of eye, rwr.o treated. Next vela Freely, July 6t1,. • The Dot0,r MORE: DEADLY THAN FAMIINE Neglected emeriti' steoner or later causes consumption which destroys more human beings than famine and war c.ombineel. The way "Caatrrho_ zone' cures catarrh is very very simple; it firth ki118 the germs that cause 111e irritation; then by Booth. ing away the congestion and inflam- mation it cures the diecherge, bewk_ in and g c tr coping in the throat. •'i suffered sy catarrh" writes nasal esErnest 11.fHak Hakim of Rosemont. "that i scarcely knew what it wars to be free from heed - ache and pain over the eyes. Ca- tarrlu►zone relieved me at rence end Heade a thorough cure." No other remedy cures like Oatarrhozone — try it for your next cold. BORN F'1NKRE1NFIt, — 1n Stephen, on Sunday. July 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Gro- Fink trainer, a son. DIED iIOK , • •. 11 it h� I liF: —lit rt haeha•ood, Sat. wife of Ed. rllroken hire, agedir31, years. MAIION—At Forth Branch, Mich, .Tuly 81 h, Junes, Mahon. aged 61 years. JeF'FREY.--On Thanes Road, Tocs_ clay. July pith, Olive Erini, infant daughter of Mr. and Mr., Georgie Jaffrey, ''Ar your }t(.r bowels regul:rP" {{: knows that Baily ectioa of t: e towels is aeselute:y esse: tical to - health. Then keep your liter 1,;.:ire ii 445 .1aa 5 small Laxative doses o! � we see e. AYcrl'il'y„. Cit: .Tt,�r._•_-.. iStl:.w..a4Qga1 tS,�arStlalJC. .L�.rr t'•-• .wa- _• t't til ea r..k;a.,». What About Carling -1 Bros. Store? We never had a liner stock of goods than we have to- day. Our Summer Gooks aro up-to-date, of the very best quality and the newest styles. Our goods are a guarantee that we always keep the best. We have a few of those ohoioe Waists left both in Silk and Lawn, Gloves, Hoisery, Corsets, full assortment. Highest price for produce. Butter 18e. Eggs 16c. Give us a call and we will use you right. CARL,ING BIOS. BUSINESS �--�� B.4NKtNQ The SOvtrettgii X14 I facilitate the detlpate6 df gds;ntit t p , • red tape. 444 ittiettrisi mat - irt4kr "'wet 4/ zersztrabmd t/adot�y ilat4 ' of The Soverelijn Beak of Cana*. ICREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN & STANBL1RY, Solicit° re II EMMA Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. 78 Dundas St., London leave you a term that you want to sell! Write for our terms of set- ting property. We have the most 1 complete method of atjvortisin.g and sort l•In g property in ('anada. Do you want to buy a fare, or business properly in any part of Ontario! Send for our liar. \','e have some harpies. STORM rKOTEGTJON The moat danger to Tann buildings a rad live Cockburn ,rind storms is during tic. r u,nutha. A pili.')- In THE HURON WEATHER INSURANCE Mutual t',,,,I,;.,,% a111 t ie 30❑ protct:. (ion, sod .. Iasi y costs only a kw dol- !arsa dear. Roger Northrott, I:+.t•, President, Has P. o. .1. Kellrrmzn, Esu., \'ice-I'resblent, ieshwoo.t. 1111eKCT0R., , r A rash' . ,,rectiMn• c' .irPerkins,. (�e Henry Itiw, lIr).talc; A 0. Sutillie, Itensall W. T. Silas IIn CaMlwell, r Ilt•mmll; ries. Monteith, Truunca itoad;' Battler, Zurich. Ste veer ne.are.t dirretor or write for I,articulars to K f}:LLKlt, Seerctap-, Zurich, !tellable Agents 5411141g territory should write at' it an r1 H011911,8[1801 8, HARDY, Agent at Exeter 11. General Agent, Zurich. i .WflNTEd _ Wheat aotl Bartell tlMMO The mill will be shut down the last half of Jul; undergo- ing repairs. Before closing we will put in a large stock of Flour and Feed Mid a ill he in a position to supply our elastomers with what they require. HARVEY BROS, Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO' GRAND TRUNK SYs EA'vt TIIE BURGLARS \VI10 iiltOle into 8. Ilirdy's grocery More Tue day night of last week ,anal sto severe! .articles, might now be e joying their Eberly /re/ they no stolen Borne articles from Mr. Brooke ecction foreman of the G. T. It. e Centralia. After taking; the, sou from Ilerdy''s, the young feiloe starters toward Centralia, sleeping i a barn during tee night. They bun :round ("entr:rlki all aley, and abou six o'clock Interest tdlc seine of M! Brooks, tvltaile Mrs. !frocks µns ove to the settlor' to meet lu•r husband On their :arrival home Mr. and Mrs. Brooks caw tint some of the cakeI S on the supper fettle hid been Baton end on investigation found that a watch and elurin, fie•1,g glass and t purse t •e c r missing. Brooke had 8ccn rho suspic`,uv characters around and suspicion was at case directed towards these• Mr. Brooke started in pursuit and welt Run. Davis found them ,shout a tnilc south of Centralia. They :arrested them, and the thieves owned up, tel- ling whore the stoner articles were le i n- t' t� tt t'e n , J. It I J. 1). Mie1)ONALI), Mr District I'as;cnger Agent, Toronto r Now is the time to get away from the worries of business life and spend a few weeks in the High- lands of Ontario or take a trip through the Eastern resorts to the Sea Side, which is one of the most delightful and popular trips. Tourist Tickets aro on sale daily to all resorts. .1. INIG11.1', lk'po: Ticket Agent hidden. They wore talc' n to ('red 1 iron and cerci nc School open all slimmer, Individual Iinstruction by expert Stenographer's and Bookkeepers. A situation posi- tively tive 1 to t ra n� y q to d every P r \ graduate. before Young and remove/iI toequireth for trial. The (trip taken from Mr. Hardy was left by them in Brooke+ y ltd. A nusltx'r of the .'peace were found Is 'flee clops Rave their names ae Walters and Beattie and said they h,ile,t from !;odcrieh. O.At. • T O It 2.A.. T'>, Jird YY's Rote Always LigAt Bears flu Ili/tears of ummer School SHORTIHANI) BOOKKEEPING TheWestern Business Gollegc 74 & 70 D.,ndas S;reet., London, W3l. C. ('OO, C. S. R. Principal.